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31 Cards in this Set

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structure of valvular cusps: differences of AV valve and SL valve (2). Name dense and loose c.t.
AV: inner dense c.t.; SL: outer dense c.t.; dense c.t. = valve fibrosa; loose c.t. = valve spongiosa
common reason of development of valvular disease
mechanical injury (leads to fibrosis on preserved architecture), inflammation (fibrosis and visualization), degenerative (deposit of chol and Ca)
pathophysiology: describe how mitral valve stenosis and aortic valve stenosis lead to heart failure
Calcific aortic stenosis: symptoms and signs for CAS (11pts)
asymptomatic, angina, visual disturbance, congestive heart failure, synope during exertion, fatigue, palpitation, apex beat change, dyspnea, systolic ejction murmur, small amplitude pulse, systolic thrill,
Mitral annular calcification (MAC):
source of thrombi & emboli leading to stroke, infective endocarditis
Mitral valve proplapse: etiology (2) and predisposition (1)
Mitral valve: myxomatous (mucus in c.t.) in the mitral valve, anomaly of c.t., predisposition: Marfan's Syndrome
Mitral valve proplapse: Features of histology (2)
ballooning, thickened rubbery valve, mucoid material deposit on the valve
signs and complications of mitral valve prolapse (9)
usually asymptomatic, angina, palpitation, migraine headache, CHF, stroke, IE, anxiety
Aschoff bodies appears in acute state of Rheumatic fever. what is Aschoff bodies?
foci of fibrinoid degeneration surrounded by lymphocytes
Pancarditis which three?
pericarditis, myocarditis, verrucae vegetations
in infective endocarditis, ___________ vegetation is formed? what is it?
friable vegetations: destruction of underlying cardiac tissue.
complications of infective endocarditis
sepsis, sepsis emboli, abscess formation, death, destruction of the valve result in sudden hemodynamic disturbance
Libman Sacks endocarditis: predisposition
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE): autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue.
complications of hypertension at four sites:
heart: LVH, vessels: atherosclerosis, hypertrophy, fibrinoid necrosis, aneurysm formation, atherosclerosis, brain: haemorrhage, infarction and stroke, kidney: nephrosclerosis
hypertension: MULTIfactorial (3)
imbalance between renin activity & salt conc., Overactive sympathetic system (hyperkinetic), peripheral resistance
Secondary Hypertension causes (4)
endocrine diseases, kidney disease (renal artery stenosis), pheochromocytoma, adrenal adenomas
Loop diuretics: site (1) and mechanism (3)
Loop of Henle, inhibit Na-K-2Cl co-transporter, reabsorption of Ca and Mg, K+ and H+ excretion
Loop diuretics adverse effects (4)
electrolyte disturbances, hypokalemia, alkalosis, hypovolemia, hypersensitivity, skin rash
thiazide diuretics: site (1) and mechanisms (3)
act on early stage of distal convoluted tubules, inhibit Na-Cl cotransporter, stimulate Na/Ca exchanger, K+ and H+ excretion
Potassium-sparing diuretics: site (1) and mechanisms (3) (spironolactone and apiloride)
site: collecting tubule, spironolactone inhibits the effect of aldosterone (which decrease K+ and H+ excretion), apiloride blocks epithelial Na channel
statin: mechanism (2)
inhibitor of HMG CoA reductase ie. decrease syn. of chol. in liver; increase synthesis of LDL Receptors
Bile acid binding resins mechanism (4)
reabsorption of chol decrease, increase syn,; increase syn,. of LDL receptor; increase hepatic TG synthesis
digoxin mechanism 3pt
Inhibit Na/K ATPase; Sensitize baroreflex; increase vagal effect
β-stimulants (dopamine) mechanism 3pt
Activate β-receptors, increase syn. cAMP, increase Ca channel opening
Nitrates (nitroglycerin) mechanisms (2)
venodilation to lower venous return, relax smooth muscle to restore flow; final: decrease cardiac work
ivabradine mechanism mechanism (2)
decrease funny current, decrease SA node packmaker rate, decrease HR
β-blockers (propanolol) mechanism (2)
Block β receptor in heart => low HR, contractility, BP, ...
Ca channels blockers which two drugs?
dihydropyidine, verapamil
dihydropyidine mechanism (2)
Vascular effects (dihydropyidine) low Ca entry => relax coronary, spasm => store flow; Relax vessel => low BP, Cardiac work
verapamil mechanism (1)
Cardiac effects (verapamil) low Ca entry =>low contraction, Cardiac work
describe the renin-agiotensin-aldosterone system and its final effects (4+3)