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112 Cards in this Set

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Which finding in a newborn is suggestive of tracheoesophagealfistula?

a. Failure to pass meconium in 24 hours b. Choking on the first feeding c. Palpable mass in the sternal area d. Visible peristalsis across abdomen

b. Choking on the first feeding
A child is brought to the pediatric clinic because he has beenvomiting for the past 2 days. What acid-base imbalance would the nurse expectto occur from this persistent vomiting?

a. Hyperkalemia b. Hypernatremia c. Acidosis d. Alkalosis

d. Alkalosis
On the second day of hospitalization for a 3-month-old brought infor treatment for gastroenteritis, the nurse makes all of the assessmentslisted below. Which assessment finding indicates ineffectiveness of treatment?

a. Weight loss of 4 ounces b. Dry mucous membranes c. Decreased skin turgor d. Depressed fontanelle

a. Weight loss of 4 ounces
Why are rapid respirations a possible cause of dehydration?

a. They prevent the child from drinking. b. They increase circulation, thus increasing urine production. c. They cause evaporation of fluid on the mucous membranes. d. They often lead to vomiting.

c. They cause evaporation of fluid on the mucous membranes.
Which is the most appropriate intervention for a 3-month-oldinfant who has gastroesophageal reflux?

a. Position the infant in the crib on his or her abdomen, with the head elevated. b. Administer medication as ordered to stimulate the pyloric sphincter. c. Give thin rice cereal with formula before feeding solid foods. d. Place the infant in an infant seat after feedings.

a. Position the infant in the crib on his or her abdomen, with the head elevated.
The nurse is interviewing parents of an infant with pyloricstenosis. What would the nurse expect the parents to report?

a. Diarrhea b. Projectile vomiting c. Poor appetite d. Constipation

b. Projectile vomiting
A mother reports that her child has been scratching the anal areaand complaining of itching. What does the nurse suspect based on thisinformation?

a. Pinworms b. Giardiasis c. Ringworm d. Roundworm

a. Pinworms
The nurse is teaching a parent about pyrvinium (Povan). What wouldbe included in regard to potential side effects?

a. Diarrhea b. Skin rash c. Red stool d. Metallic taste

c. Red stool
What instruction will the nurse give to parents about preventing the spread and reinfection of pinworms?

a. Keep children’s nails short. b. Dress child in loose-fitting underwear. c. Clean the bathroom with bleach solution. d. Wash bed linens in cold water.

a. Keep children’s nails short
A mother reports that her 2-year-old child experiences constipationfrequently. Which food would the nurse recommend to include in the child’s diet?

a. Cooked vegetables b. Pretzels c. Whole-grain cereal d. Yogurt

c. Whole-grain cereal
What description of a child’s stool characteristic leads the nurseto suspect intussusception?

a. Currant jelly b. Black and tarry c. Green liquid d. Greasy and foul-smelling

a. Currant jelly
What is the treatment of choice for a child with intussusception?

a. A barium enema b. Immediate surgery c. IV fluids until the spasms subside d. Gastric lavage

a. A barium enema
Parents ask the nurse how their infant developed a Meckel’sdiverticulum. What condition, will the nurse explain, is present causing thisdiagnosis?

a. The yolk sac remains connected to the intestine. b. There is inflammation of the ileocecal valve. c. A pouch forms when the vitelline duct fails to disappear. d. There is a weakness in the abdominal wall.

c. A pouch forms when the vitelline duct fails to disappear
An infant is admitted to the hospital with severe isotonicdehydration. For what is this child at the highest risk?

a. Metabolic alkalosis b. Hypocalcemia c. Sepsis d. Shock

d. Shock
A child is brought to the emergency department because he ingestedan unknown quantity of acetaminophen (Tylenol). What does the nurse expect thischild to receive following gastric lavage?

a. Activated charcoal b. N-acetylcysteine c. Vitamin K d. Syrup of ipecac

b. N-acetylcysteine
The nurse is planning a parent education program about leadpoisoning prevention. What will be included regarding primary sources of leadin the community?

a. Increased lead content of air b. Use of aluminum cookware c. Deteriorating paint in older buildings d. Inhaling smog

c. Deteriorating paint in older buildings
A frightened mother calls the pediatrician’s office because herchild swallowed dishwashing detergent. What is the most appropriate action?

a. Induce vomiting by giving the child syrup of ipecac. b. Take the child to the local emergency department. c. Give the child activated charcoal mixed with juice. d. Give the child milk to soothe affected mucous membranes.

b. Take the child to the local emergency department
A child has been diagnosed with ascariasis (roundworm). Whichstatement made by her mother that may suggest a cause for her condition?

a. “I’ve been airing out the house on these nice breezy days.” b. “My child often goes out to the garden and pulls up a carrot to eat.” c. “She runs barefoot so much I have to wash her feet at least twice a day.” d. “We just remodeled our bathroom at home.”

b. “My child often goes out to the garden and pulls up a carrot to eat.”
What does the nurse expect the appearance of the stools of a childwith celiac disease to be?

a. Ribbon like b. Hard, constipated c. Bulky, frothy d. Loose, foul-smelling

c. Bulky, frothy
The nurse has reviewed dietary restrictions for celiac diseasewith concerned parents. Which grain will the nurse explain can be eaten withceliac disease?

a. Wheat b. Oats c. Barley d. Rice

d. Rice
A 7-month-old infant is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosisof acute gastroenteritis. What will be the nurses’s priority goal of theinfant’s care?

a. Prevent fluid and electrolyte imbalance. b. Prevent nutritional deficiency. c. Prevent skin breakdown. d. Prevent malabsorption.

a. Prevent fluid and electrolyte imbalance
The nurse is speaking to the parent of a 3-year-old child who hasmild diarrhea. What dietary modification would the nurse advise?

a. Soft foods with rice, bananas, toast, and applesauce b. Small amounts of clear fluids such as gelatin c. An oral rehydrating solution, such as Pedialyte d. Chicken soup because it is high in sodium

c. An oral rehydrating solution, such as Pedialyte
What would the nurse expect to find in a child admitted to thehospital for nonorganic failure to thrive?

a. Cry to be picked up b. Be limp like a rag doll c. Be responsive to cuddling d. Weigh in the 10th percentile for age

b. Be limp like a rag doll
Which nursing interventions will be implemented for the mother ofa 10-month-old infant with nonorganic failure to thrive?

a. Pointing out errors that the nurse observes when the mother is caring for the infant b. Discussing negative characteristics of the infant with the mother c. Having the nurse provide as much of the infant’s care as possible d. Teaching the mother about the developmental milestones to expect in the next few months

d. Teaching the mother about the developmental milestones to expect in the next few months
Which statement by a mother may indicate a cause of her son’svitamin C deficiency?

a. “We get our fruits from homemade preserves.” b. “We use milk from our own goats.” c. “We grow all our own vegetables.” d. “We’re not big meat eaters.”

a. “We get our fruits from homemade preserves.”
The nurse is instructing a mother how to administer oral nystatinsuspension prescribed to treat thrush. What will the nurse include?

a. Pour the prescribed amount into a nipple and have the infant suck the medication. b. Squirt the prescribed dose into the back of the mouth and have the infant swallow. c. Give the medication mixed with a small amount of juice in a bottle. d. Use a sterile applicator to swab the medication on the oral mucosa.

d. Use a sterile applicator to swab the medication on the oral mucosa.
Why are infants more vulnerable to fluid and electrolyteimbalances than adults?

a. They have a smaller surface area than adults in proportion to body weight. b. Water needs and losses per kilogram are lower than those for adults. c. A greater percentage of body water in infants is extracellular. d. Infants have a lower metabolic turnover of water.

c. A greater percentage of body water in infants is extracellular.
An infant is admitted to the hospital with severe dehydration.Laboratory results show pH 7.32, PaCO2 40, HCO3–21. How does the nurse interpret these values?

a. Metabolic acidosis b. Metabolic alkalosis c. Respiratory acidosis d. Respiratory alkalosis

a. Metabolic acidosis
Following surgery for pyloric stenosis, an infant awoke fromanesthesia hungry and crying. What is the most appropriate nursing action?

a. Delay feeding the child for 6 hours. b. Offer regular formula thinned with water. c. Give small amounts of regular formula thickened with cereal. d. Allow 1 ounce of glucose water at frequent intervals.

d. Allow 1 ounce of glucose water at frequent intervals.
The nurse is caring for an 18-pound child who has had one stool ofdiarrhea. The nurse knows that the childneeds to consume how many milliliters of oral fluid to make up for the fluidloss?

a. 18 b. 36 c. 64 d. 81

d. 81
Which statement made by a parent alerts the nurse to the need foradditional education about poison prevention?

a. “I keep the poison control center phone number easily accessible.” b. “All medication is kept out of reach in a locked cabinet.” c. “I keep a bottle of syrup of ipecac handy.” d. “Our garden is free from marigolds.”

c. “I keep a bottle of syrup of ipecac handy.”
Which assessment would the nurse report to the physicianimmediately?

a. 2-month-old with a urine output of 150 mL in 24 hours b. 3-year-old with a urine output of 650 mL in 24 hours c. 8-year-old with a urine output of over 1000 mL in 24 hours d. 14-year-old with a urine output of 800 mL in 24 hourse

a. 2-month-old with a urine output of 150 mL in 24 hours
What interventions will the nurse perform when feeding a childwith pyloric stenosis? (Select all that apply.)

a. Give a formula thinned with water. b. Burp the infant before and during feeding. c. Give the feeding slowly. d. Refeed if the infant vomits. e. Position infant on left side after feeding.

b. Burp the infant before and during feeding. c. Give the feeding slowly. d. Refeed if the infant vomits.
What assessment(s) would lead a nurse to suspect Hirschsprung’sdisease in a 1-month-old infant? (Select all that apply.)

a. Ribbon-like stools b. Fever c. Failure to thrive d. Vomiting e. Diminished peristalsis

a. Ribbon-like stools b. Fever c. Failure to thrive d. Vomiting e. Diminished peristalsis
What sign(s) indicate(s) moderate dehydration? (Select all thatapply.)

a. 10% weight loss b. Dry mucous membranes c. Normal anterior fontanel d. Increased urinary output e. Lethargy

a. 10% weight loss b. Dry mucous membranes c. Normal anterior fontanel
A child is brought into the ED with suspected appendicitis. Whatsigns and symptoms does the nurse expect to assess? (Select all that apply.)

a. Left lower quandrant pain b. Guarding c. Rebound tenderness d. Decreased C-reactive protein e. Pain on lifting thigh when supine

b. Guarding c. Rebound tenderness e. Pain on lifting thigh when supine
Parents have adopted a child with the diagnosis of kwashiorkor.What is most likely to be observed when assessing this child? (Select allthat apply.)

a. Hyperactivity b. White streak in hair c. Edematous abdomen d. Slowed growth e. Thick, oily hair

b. White streak in hair c. Edematous abdomen d. Slowed growth
The nurse, assessing anelevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) for an infant withgastroenteritis, recognizes that this confirms the _______________ process thatis part of this disease
The nurse explains that because _________________ beverages causediuresis, they are not good choices for fluid replacement in a child who isdehydrated.
The nurse explains that rickets, a deficiency disease that causesbony deformities, is caused by the inadequate supply of vitamin ______.


The nurse reminds parents of a child allergic to cow’s milk thatthey should avoid foods that list ______________ as part of their contents.
The nurse explains the medically accepted definition ofconstipation is fewer than _____ bowel movements in a 2-week period.


Hernias are successfully repaired by the surgical operation calleda _____________.
The nurse discussed strategies with a parent to prevent arecurrence of urinary tract infection in the child. Which statement made by theparent indicates a need for further teaching?

a. “My daughter should wash and wipe the perineal area from front to back.” b. “I am only going to have my daughter wear cotton underwear.” c. “It is acceptable to take frequent bubble baths.” d. “She needs to drink lots of fluids and void frequently.”

c. “It is acceptable to take frequent bubble baths.”
When asked about correcting the hypospadias of a newborn, whatdoes the nurse explain about this condition?

a. No intervention is necessary as the defect will correct itself over time. b. Surgical repair of the hypospadias is done before 18 months of age. c. Corrective surgery is usually delayed until the preschool age. d. Repairing the defect will increase the risk of testicular cancer.

b. Surgical repair of the hypospadias is done before 18 months of age.
What is an initial sign of nephrosis that the nurse might note ina child?

a. Raspberry-like rash b. Periorbital edema c. Temperature elevation d. Abdominal pain

b. Periorbital edema
What is it important to assess in a child receiving prednisone totreat nephrotic syndrome?

a. Infection b. Urinary retention c. Easy bruising d. Hypoglycemia

a. Infection
During a physical assessment of a hospitalized 5-year-old, thenurse notes that the foreskin has been retracted and is very tight on the shaftof the penis; the nurse is unable to return it over the head of the penis. Whataction should the nurse implement?

a. Forcibly push the foreskin down over the head of the penis. b. Place a warm compress on the penis. c. Notify the charge nurse. d. Wait a few hours and try again.

c. Notify the charge nurse.
A 7-year-old child with acute glomerulonephritis has grosshematuria and has been confined to bed. What is the most appropriate nursingintervention for this child?

a. Providing activities for the child on restricted activity b. Feeding the child a protein-restricted diet c. Carefully handling edematous extremities d. Observing the child for evidence of hypotension

a. Providing activities for the child on restricted activity
Which urinary diversion procedure is the least damaging to thebody image of the adolescent?

a. Urostomy b. Ileal conduit c. Nephrostomy d. Suprapubic placement

b. Ileal conduit
The mother of a 5-year-old child taking prednisone for nephroticsyndrome tells the nurse he needs to get immunizations to enter kindergarten.What does the nurse clarify about receiving immunizations while on prednisone?

a. Can interfere with the treatment for nephrosis b. Require that the child have antibiotic coverage c. Can be given in smaller, divided doses d. Should be delayed

d. Should be delayed
Diuresis has not occurred on a child with nephrotic syndrome aftera month on corticosteroids. What protocol can the nurse encourage to bringabout diuresis?

a. Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory agent b. Furosemide (Lasix), a diuretic c. Ciprofloxacin (Cipro), an antibiotic d. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), an antisuppressant

d. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), an antisuppressant
What foods does the nurse recommend the child with acuteglomerulonephritis avoid to prevent hyperkalemia?

a. Dairy products b. Whole-grain cereals c. Organ meats d. Bananas pan

d. Bananas pan
Which physical assessment technique will the nurse omit whencaring for a 2-year-old diagnosed with Wilms’ tumor?

a. Performing range-of-motion exercises on lower extremities b. Palpating the abdomen c. Assessing for bowel sounds d. Percussing ankle and knee reflexes

b. Palpating the abdomen
Parents are speaking with the urologist about their son’sundescended testicle. Which statement by the child’s father causes the nurse todetermine he understands the information presented?

a. “An undescended testicle can reduce fertility.” b. “The testicle usually descends spontaneously during the first month of life.” c. “Surgical correction reduces the risk for testicular tumors.” d. “The optimal time to surgically correct the condition is at diagnosis.”

a. “An undescended testicle can reduce fertility.”
A parent tells the nurse that her child is scheduled for an x-rayof the bladder and urethra that is done while the child is urinating. What isthis test known as?

a. Cystometrogram b. Cystoscopy c. Voiding cystourethrogram d. Intravenous pyelogram

c. Voiding cystourethrogram
A 6-year-old child with daytime enuresis complains of dysuria andurgency. What does the nurse recognize these signs and symptoms indicate?

a. Urinary tract infection b. Nephrotic syndrome c. Acute glomerulonephritis d. Vesicoureteral reflux

a. Urinary tract infection
What is an appropriate intervention for the edematous child withreduced mobility related to nephrotic syndrome?

a. Reach the child to minimize body movements. b. Change the child’s position frequently. c. Keep the head of the child’s bed flat. d. Keep edematous areas moist and covered.

b. Change the child’s position frequently.
Which statement made by a parent of a child with nephroticsyndrome indicates an understanding of discharge teaching?

a. “I will make sure he gets his measles vaccine as soon as he gets home.” b. “He can stop taking his medication next week.” c. “I should check his urine for protein when he goes to the bathroom.” d. “He should eat a low-protein diet for the next few weeks.”

c. “I should check his urine for protein when he goes to the bathroom.”
A 5-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital with acuteglomerulonephritis. In taking the child’s history, what does the nurserecognize as the probable cause?

a. Recovery from German measles 2 months ago b. Dysuria since the previous night c. A history of allergy d. A sore throat 2 weeks ago

d. A sore throat 2 weeks ago
The nurse is explaining to a 17-year-old female the actions toprevent urinary tract infection. Which is the best beverage for the nurse torecommend to keep urine acidic?

a. Milk b. Grape juice c. Apple juice d. Orange juice

c. Apple juice
The 6-year-old scheduled for an orchiopexy shyly asks the nurse,“What are they going to do to me ‘down there’?” What is the nurse’s bestresponse?

a. “They are going to fix you up ‘down there’.” b. “They will move your testicle from your abdomen to your scrotum.” c. “What do you think your doctor is going to do?” d. “You shouldn’t worry. Your doctor knows exactly what to do.”

c. “What do you think your doctor is going to do?”
What will the nurse caution the parents of a child who has had anephrectomy that he will have to avoid?

a. Contact sports b. Horseback riding c. Alcohol d. Diuretic medications

a. Contact sports
The parents of a newborn are concerned that their son’s scrotum isenlarged and swollen on one side. What is the nurse’s best response?

a. “It is very common in the newborn that one gonad is larger than the other.” b. “Birth trauma caused bruising to the scrotum. It will reduce in size in a few days.” c. “It is a collection of fluid that will most likely correct itself in a year.” d. “The doctor will drain this collection of blood before your baby is discharged.”

c. “It is a collection of fluid that will most likely correct itself in a year.”
The nurse is providing information to parents of a child born withbilateral cryptorchidism. What information is accurate to include?

a. This is the most common form. b. Fertility will be unaffected. c. Surgical intervention is not recommended. d. An inguinal hernia may be present.

d. An inguinal hernia may be present
An adolescent male is admitted to the ED with severe acute scrotalpain. When documenting medical history the nurse notes cryptorchidism at birth.What diagnosis does the nurse expect?

a. Urinary tract infection b. Nephrosis c. Torsion d. Phimosis

c. Torsion
A 7-year-old child has a BUN of 25 mg/dL. What is the nurse awarethis lab value might indicate? (Select all that apply.)

a. Dehydration b. Renal disease c. Need for steroid therapy d. Diabetes e. Pituitary malfunction t

a. Dehydration b. Renal disease c. Need for steroid therapy
What will the nurse caring for a newborn with exstrophy of thebladder include in the care? (Select all that apply.)

a. Diaper infant tightly. b. Protect skin around bladder. c. Position infant on back. d. Prepare for surgical closure. e. Cover exposed bladder with shield.

b. Protect skin around bladder. c. Position infant on back. d. Prepare for surgical closure. e. Cover exposed bladder with shield.
The nurse caring for a child with nephrotic syndrome is alert towhich classic symptoms of this disorder? (Select all that apply.)

a. Proteinuria b. Grossly bloody urine c. Hyperalbuminemia d. Fatigue e. Generalized edema

a. Proteinuria b. Grossly bloody urine d. Fatigue e. Generalized edema
The nurse is aware that genitourinary surgery is especiallystressful for preschool children. What factor(s) lend to this stress? (Selectall that apply.)

a. They may perceive the treatment as punishment. b. They are especially prone to separation anxiety. c. They are sexually curious and developmentally fixated on their genitals. d. They have a fear of castration. e. They fear death.

a. They may perceive the treatment as punishment. b. They are especially prone to separation anxiety. c. They are sexually curious and developmentally fixated on their genitals. d. They have a fear of castration.
What special considerations are related to long-term prednisonetherapy in preschoolers? (Select all that apply.)

a. Delayed immunization b. Hypertension c. Enlargement of the sex organs d. Alteration in nutrition e. Increased risk for infection

a. Delayed immunization e. Increased risk for infection
The nurse explains that the device that measures the pressure andvolume of the urine stream is called the _________________.
The nurse uses a diagram toshow how the _______________, the working unit of the kidney, filters andregulates fluids
When a child’s ureterbecomes completely obstructed from scarring, the nurse explains that urinarydiversion may be necessary to prevent the reflux back into the renal pelvisfrom causing ____________________.
The strong urge to void,often despite the inability to do so, is known as _______________.
The nurse is measuringouput on an infant on the pediatric unit. When weighing the diaper andsubtracting the weight of the dry diaper, the nurse records 30 grams anddocuments this as _________ mL


________________ is a narrowing of the preputial opening of the foreskin, which preventsthe foreskin from being retracted over the penis
A nurse is planning to teach a family about Tay-Sachs disease.What will the nurse relay about the pattern of inheritance for inborn errors ofmetabolism?

a. They are usually autosomal recessive. b. They are usually autosomal dominant. c. They are usually X-linked recessive. d. They are usually multifactorial.

a. They are usually autosomal recessive
What occurs as a result of an inadequate secretion of insulin?

a. Protein synthesis is increased. b. Increased fat breakdown leads to ketonemia. c. Serum glucose levels are markedly decreased. d. More rapid conversion and storage of carbohydrates to glucose occurs.

b. Increased fat breakdown leads to ketonemia
On what understanding does the nurse plan the care of a child witha new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus?

a. There is an absolute deficiency of insulin. b. Insufficient quantities of insulin are produced by the pancreas. c. Oral hypoglycemic agents can control it. d. Insulin deficiency is caused by another disease affecting the pancreas.

a. There is an absolute deficiency of insulin.
A child receives a combination of regular and NPH insulin at 8:00AM. At 8:45 AM the breakfast trays have not yet arrived from the kitchen. Whatis the best action by the nurse?

a. Notify the charge nurse. b. Give the patient a snack of graham crackers and milk. c. Ambulate the patient in the hall for a short time. d. Give the patient more insulin according to the sliding scale.

b. Give the patient a snack of graham crackers and milk.
Although the child with type 1 diabetes had her prescribed insulinat 7:30 AM, the child is complaining of hunger and thirst and is drowsy at10:30 AM. What should the nurse do first?

a. Walk the patient in the hall for 10 minutes. b. Allow the patient a short nap. c. Give her a cup of orange juice. d. Test her blood with a glucometer and give insulin according to the sliding scale.

c. Give her a cup of orange juice.
Which comment made by a school-age child indicates that he needsmore teaching about diabetes mellitus and exercise?

a. “I carry a piece of hard candy with me in case I start to feel shaky.” b. “I make sure I have emergency money when I have soccer practice or a game.” c. “Sometimes I skip my breakfast when I have a game in the morning.” d. “I play in soccer games that are scheduled after dinner.”

c. “Sometimes I skip my breakfast when I have a game in the morning.”
Which statement made by a 7-year-old child with type 1 diabetesmellitus indicates a need for more teaching?

a. “My pancreas is sick and needs insulin until it is well.” b. “I will need to take my insulin every day.” c. “I need to keep a piece of candy in my pocket in case I start to feel shaky.” d. “My mom has to give me insulin shots twice a day.”

a. “My pancreas is sick and needs insulin until it is well.”
Which general dietary measure should the nurse include in ateaching plan for the child with type 1 diabetes mellitus?

a. Control intake of carbohydrates and consume fewer calories. b. Focus on complex carbohydrates and eat foods high in fiber. c. Obtain most calories from proteins and fats. d. Eat a diet low in fat and low in complex carbohydrates.

b. Focus on complex carbohydrates and eat foods high in fiber
A child with diabetes is brought to the emergency department. Heis flushed and drowsy, and his skin is dry. His father states that the childhas been feeling progressively worse since the morning. What is this child mostlikely experiencing?

a. Somogyi phenomenon b. Dawn syndrome c. Ketoacidosis d. Water intoxication

c. Ketoacidosis
A mother reports that her 4-month-old infant is lethargic, sleeps18 hours a day, and snores. The nurse recognizes these signs are characteristicof what?

a. Hypothyroidism b. Hyperthyroidism c. Type 1 diabetes mellitus d. Tay-Sachs disease

a. Hypothyroidism
What is an important consideration for the school-age child takingDDAVP for diabetes insipidus?

a. Observe for signs of water deprivation. b. Restrict his physical education program. c. Arrange for the child to use the bathroom when needed. d. Limit fluid intake other than during the lunch period.

c. Arrange for the child to use the bathroom when needed.
Which laboratory result indicates good metabolic control for achild with type 1 diabetes mellitus?

a. Glycosylated hemoglobin value of 8% b. Fasting blood glucose level less than 140 mg/dL c. Glucose tolerance test result of 190 mg/dL d. No glucose or ketones present in the urine

a. Glycosylated hemoglobin value of 8%
What condition does the nurse suspect when a child with type 1diabetes mellitus has hyperglycemia, diaphoresis, and headaches in the morning?

a. Dawn phenomenon b. Somogyi phenomenon c. Honeymoon effect d. Ketoacidosis

b. Somogyi phenomenon
What would be the most appropriate nursing response to a woman whosays, “My sister had a child with Tay-Sachs disease, and I want to know if I couldhave a child with this condition”?

a. “The disease is rare. It is unlikely that you would have a child with Tay-Sachs disease.” b. “A screening test can be done to determine if you are a carrier of the gene.” c. “The gene for Tay-Sachs disease is transmitted by the father.” d. “The cause of Tay-Sachs disease is thought to be an autoimmune response to a virus.”

b. “A screening test can be done to determine if you are a carrier of the gene.”
What statement by a parent leads the nurse to determine a parentis administering levothyroxine (Synthroid) correctly?

a. “I stopped giving the medication because my daughter was losing her hair.” b. “I am using a different brand now because it costs less money.” c. “I don’t give the medication on the weekends.” d. “I give the medication at 8:00 AM every day.”

d. “I give the medication at 8:00 AM every day.”
After a closed head injury, the unconscious 10-year-old childbegins to excrete copious amounts of pale urine with an attendant drop in bloodpressure (BP). Based on these symptoms, what does the nurse suspect hasdeveloped?

a. Diabetes insipidus b. Diabetes mellitus c. Hypothyroidism d. Hyperthyroidism

a. Diabetes insipidus
The nurse is teaching the parents of a child with diabetesinsipidus about water intoxication. Thenurse would tell the parents to be alert for what symptom?

a. Polyuria b. Cough c. Weight loss d. Lethargy

d. Lethargy
The parents of a child newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus tellthe nurse, “Our son’s body is resistant to insulin.” With what does the nurserecognize this description is consistent?

a. Type 1, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus b. Type 2, non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus c. Maturity-onset diabetes of youth d. Drug-induced diabetes

b. Type 2, non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
What does the nurse instruct a 12-year-old to do when teaching howto administer insulin?

a. Make sure injection sites are 6 inches apart. b. Select an injection site that was recently exercised. c. Inject the needle at a 90-degree angle. d. Give the injection deep into the muscle.

c. Inject the needle at a 90-degree angle.
The nurse discussed treatment of hypoglycemia with an adolescent.Which statement by the adolescent leads the nurse to determine the patientunderstood the instructions?

a. “When my blood glucose is low or if I begin to feel hungry and weak, I will eat six LifeSavers.” b. “When my blood glucose is low or if I begin to feel hungry and weak, I will give myself Lispro insulin.” c. “When my blood glucose is low or if I begin to feel hungry and weak, I will have a slice of cheese.” d. “When my blood glucose is low or if I begin to feel hungry and weak, I will drink a diet soda.”

a. “When my blood glucose is low or if I begin to feel hungry and weak, I will eat six LifeSavers.”
Why does the nurse instruct an 11-year-old diabetic child to usethe side of the finger for blood testing?

a. It has fewer capillaries. b. It is easier to puncture. c. It is less likely to become infected. d. It has fewer nerve endings.

d. It has fewer nerve endings.
What is the function of an insulin pump?

a. Releases insulin as blood glucose rises b. Provides continuous infusion of insulin c. Decreases need for painful glucose monitoring d. Delivers a prescribed amount of insulin twice a day

b. Provides continuous infusion of insulin
The nurse is preparing to administer a long-acting insulin. Whichinsulin is considered long acting?

a. Lispro b. Aspart c. Glargine d. Regular

c. Glargine
When discussing possible causes of diabetes in children, the nursementions chromosomal defects. Which chromosomes are associated with diabetes?(Select all that apply.)

a. 6 b. 7 c. 12 d. 20 e. 21

a. 6 b. 7 c. 12 d. 20
Which food sources are high in soluble fiber? (Select all thatapply.)

a. Raw fruits b. Cooked vegetables c. Beans d. Lean meat e. Bran cereal

a. Raw fruits c. Beans e. Bran cereal
What does the nurse remind the adolescent with diabetes thatsoluble fiber in the diet can reduce? (Select all that apply.)

a. Blood glucose b. Serum cholesterol c. Incidence of infections d. Absorption of sugar e. Insulin requirements

a. Blood glucose b. Serum cholesterol d. Absorption of sugar e. Insulin requirements
Which process(es) does the nurse explain the endocrine system isprimarily responsible for controlling? (Select all that apply.)

a. Maturation b. Reproduction c. Stress response d. Sexual identity e. Growth

a. Maturation b. Reproduction c. Stress responseve e. Growth
The home health nurse is monitoring an 8-month-old child with hypothyroidismtaking levothyroxine (Synthroid). Which symptoms does the nurse recognizeas signs of overdose? (Select allthat apply.)

a. Tachycardia b. Irritability c. Vomiting d. Weight gain e. Diaphoresis

a. Tachycardia b. Irritability e. Diaphoresis
What makes keeping diabetes in control in an adolescent difficult?(Select all that apply.)

a. Hormonal changes b. Developmental conflicts c. Preference for fast food d. Growth spurts e. Knowledge of disease

a. Hormonal changes b. Developmental conflicts c. Preference for fast food d. Growth spurts
A child with diabetes mellitus is observed to have cold symptoms.What signs and symptoms will alert parents of the possibility of ketoacidosis? (Selectall that apply.)

a. Chest congestion b. Ear pain c. Fruity breath d. Hyperactivity e. Nausea

c. Fruity breath e. Nausea
The nurse is discussing insulin shock with parents of a childrecently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. What will the nurse respond when theparents ask why children are more prone to insulin reactions? (Select allthat apply.)

a. “The condition is more unstable in children.” b. “Parents are often noncompliant.” c. “The activities are irregular.” d. “They are still growing.” e. “Sleep patterns are not established.”

a. “The condition is more unstable in children.” c. “The activities are irregular.” d. “They are still growing.”
The nurse reminds theparents of a diabetic with an insulin pump that the tubing of the pump shouldbe changed aseptically every ______ hours


The nurse explains that thediagnosis of diabetes is made when the fasting blood glucose level is _______mg/dL on two separate occasions, and the history is positive for indication ofthe disease.


The nurse assessing a glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)test is aware that this test can evaluate average glucose levels over a periodof _____ to _____ months.


Long-acting types of insulin are seldom given to children becauseof the danger of ___________________ during sleep.