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68 Cards in this Set

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 Most common cause:


 Most common bone:


 Rural:

animal accidents and zygomatic fracture

 Urban:

nasal fracture  50% had other injuries

Mechanism of Injury`

• Blunt • Penetrating MVC Assaults GSW Falls Work/play without eye protection (eye)


Primary survey is always PRIMARY Life saving measures, THEN eyes

Primary Survey Airway Obstruction  Causes  Treatment

 Teeth-check if they have any missing(xray if you cant find them)  Tongue  Foreign objects  Hemorrhage

Impaired Ventilation
Emergent Airways

Endotracheal intubation - ORAL
Nasotracheal intubation
Cricothyrotomy (surgical or needle)-ER-landmark and speed are advantage
Tracheostomy (surgical or percutaneous)-OR-lower so slower

Hemorrhage treatment

Direct pressure
Ice-dec edema prior to surgerical repair
Fracture reduction
Ligation of arteries / veins

Maxillofacial Assessment
Palpate facial structures

Step offs
Nasal bones
Midface stability

Maxillofacial Assessment

Eye exam


Visual acuity, pupils, symmetry, EOM
Racoon eye-basilar skull fracture


Functional Disturbances r/t Facial Fractures


Nasal breathing
Facial sensation
Perception of bite relationship


•Computed Tomography w/o contrast
–Fracture, Foreign Body, Air
•Computed Tomography Angiography
–Vascular compromise
•Panorex x ray-not common in ER

Bedside testing

•Woods lamp-blacklight with magnifying glass to look in eye
–Foreign body, corneal abrasion, globe rupture
•Slit lamp exam
Seidel’s sign
•Tono pen-pressure 10-20 norm. over 20 monitor

Soft Tissue Injury

Goal: maintain function; good cosmesis


Soft Tissue Injury


Soap, water, saline – NO DETERGENT, PEROXIDE, IODINE

Soft Tissue Injury


RATS – rabies, abx, Td, soap

Soft Tissue Injury

Road rash / gunpowder

Debridement ASAP to prevent permanent “tattoo

Soft Tissue Injury


Repair before edema
Never shave

Soft Tissue Injury


Deep lacs can cause damage to parotid gland, duct or branches of facial nerve

Ear Injuries

Avulsion-shearing force-no clean edges-skin graft with plastic surgery

Nasal Fracture

•Associated injuries

•Ethmoid and frontal sinus fracture, damage to lacrimal duct, cribiform plate fracture and CSF leak (risk infection in brain), septal hematoma (block airway=emergency)

Nasal Fracture


–Stop bleeding
–Pressure, ice, packing
–Reduction of fracture

Nasal Fracture

______ is an emergency complication of a nasal fracture

septal hematoma



–Posterior nasal packing
–Pack anterior nasal passage
–Pack the antra (maxillary sinus fracture)
–Pack the arch and palate
–Wrap gauze roll around the midface to compress the facial structures and packings

Le Fort I-know

Separates lower maxilla, hard palate, and pterygoid process in a single or comminuted unit

teeth will move but nose and eyes wont move

mustache break

can be unilateral

Le Fort II-know

Separation along the nasofrontal suture, orbit floor zygomatico-maxillary suture

when pressure on teeth=teeth and nose move orbit intach

Le Fort Fracture Signs and Symptoms

Facial pain
Anesthesia/paresthesia of upper lip-facial nerve issue
Visual disturbances-pressure-tearing of nerves/muscle
Facial swelling
Periorbital / orbital swelling
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Elongation of face
Facial asymmetry

Le Fort Fracture Management PRIMARY

Airway control
Anticipate cricothyroidotomy or tracheotomy
Frequent suctioning with tonsil tip catheter
Position upright and leaning forward-promote drainage/dec swelling

Le Fort Fracture Management

Reduction of fragments and stabilization with plates and screws
Jaws may be wired
Protect airway
Reduce risk of emesis / aspiration
OG tube
HOB 30 degrees
Have wire cutters at bedside

monitor eye movement and nerves

Zygoma Fracture
1.Zygomatic arch
Signs / symptoms

Ecchymosis of malar (cheek) and periorbital areas
Palpable infraorbital rim step off
Entrapment of extraocular muscles-see with EOM movement
Scleral ecchymosis
Double vision
Anesthesia of upper lip, cheek, teeth, gums

Zygoma Fracture BONES

1.Zygomatic arch

Orbit Fracture

•Signs / Symptoms

Anesthesia of cheek and upper lip


–Periorbital ecchymosis
–Subconjunctival hemorrhage
–Periorbital edema
–Upward gaze
Orbital pain
Dysconjugate gaze
Subluxation of lens
Retinal detachment

Orbit Fracture DEFINITION

Fracture of one or more of the bones that comprise the orbit
“blowout”: orbit floor fracture

Orbit Fracture

–Surgical intervention after edema diminishes
–HOB elevated-dec pressure, edema, inc drainage
–Nasal decongestants-dec nose blowing
–Steroids-dec inflame

avoid what with orbit fracture

NO NOSE BLOWING / SNEEZING / vagal stimulation bc inc pressure

Mandible Fracture
•Signs / symptoms


–Gum line lacerations

–Unable to open or close mouth

Dental Trauma
Types of dental fractures

I-crack in enamel-no pain and sharp break
II-break in denton-cold and heat bother
III-fracture through pulp-painful at rest nerve tissue damaged
IV-damaged in root pain at rest

Dental Trauma


Re-implantation is possible for 2 hours
Store in saliva, saline, or milk

Dental Trauma

If any tooth is unaccounted for ---- is needed


Ocular Triage

Description of injury



Irrigate if chemical (alkaline worse)
Immobilizing or protecting an object protruding from globe

Ocular Resuscitation

Shield eye asap so wont get damage
NO pressure should be applied if globe not intact-cup over it

Ocular Assessment

Visual acuity-baseline
External features
Anterior segment-bld?
Ocular motility

Fluorescein staining-bright green=bad
Intra Occular Pressure-rupture=low
Fundoscopic exam-check retina, blding in back


Signs / Symptoms


•Blurred vision
•Blood in anterior chamber on exam
•Decreased visual acuity


Treatment varies

minimal treatment

•HOB elevation-dec pressure, inc drain
•Eye patch
•Beta blockers-topical dec pressure
•Mydriatic agents-dilate promote relax iris



Blood in the anterior chamber

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

Small blood vessels underneath the conjunctiva ruptures and bleeds

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage SIGNS

Painless, bright red flat patch on sclera
No treatment

assess for cause

Periorbital Wounds DIFINITION

Injury to eyelids and surrounding periorbital tissue

Periorbital Wounds TX look for
Look for foreign bodies and globe penetration
Close early

Globe Rupture
Penetration of globe
Signs / symptoms

*Teardrop pupil

•Deep or shallow anterior chamber
•Altered light perception
•Vitreous hemorrhage
•Pain with nausea

Globe Rupture
Penetration of globe


–Visual acuity
–Flattening of chamber
–Leaking of vitreous humor
–Decreased IOP-tono pen

Globe Rupture

Avoid eye manipulation and eye drops
Eye shield
Ophthalmology consult
Anti-emetics-prevent inc pressure

Corneal Abrasion SIGNS

Foreign body sensation
Acute onset of pain
Topical anesthesia and
Fluorescein stain and slit lamp exam
No patching

Corneal Laceration signs

Present similarly to abrasions
Seidel sign-fluorescein stain on eye bubbling of green

Foreign Body difinition

Disruption in the integrity of the corneal epithelium

Foreign Body

–Fluorescein and Woods Lamp
–CT scan

Foreign Body

–Topical anesthetic
–Topical antibiotics

Foreign Body

•May be painful
•Decreased visual acuity

Chemical Injury which worse acid or akaline

Alkaline substances penetrate deeper than acidic substances

Chemical Injury tx

Irrigate with sterile isotonic saline until tear pH 7.0

Remember max trauma

•Concurrent injuries are common
•The face is part of the head and head injuries should be considered in most situations
•Facial injuries can be very distracting – stick with ABCs

Maxillofacial Assessment


Face symmetry
Look down from eyebrows
Look up from chin
Evaluate facial nerve

Primary Survey Airway Obstruction Treatment

 Suction  Open airway  OPA(not if awake)/NPA(no nose if basilar skull fracture)  BVM

Le Fort III

Separation of midface from skull

pressure on teeth-teeth, nose, eyes move

Nasal Fracture signs/symptoms

•Swelling, deformity, bleeding, crepitus-air under nose skin

Epistaxis Sources:

anterior and posterior ethmoid or maxillary arteries