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78 Cards in this Set

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Difference of two squares formula

(a+b)(a-b) = a^2-b^2

Perfect square formula +

(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

Perfect squares formula -

(a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2

Scientific notation: 6.58 x 10^2 =?


Scientific notation: 6.5 x 10^-4 = ?


What is a quadratic expression

Has x^2 at the start. If it has 3 terms it is a trimonial

E.g ax^2 + bx +c

What are 2 methods used to factorise monic trimonials?

1. Split the middle term: 2 factors that make c and add to b

2. Grouping in pairs

How do you factorise a non-monic quadratic trimonial?

Multiply the coefficient of x with the last term (c) and continue as you would with a monic trimonial

How do you solve an equality/equation

As you normally would except if you divide or multiply by a negative number you flip the sign but don't remove the negative

E.g 2x-1 > 5


2x =6

Divide by 2

X = 3

What is method 1 to solve simultaneous equations

1. Elimination

1.number the equations

2. + or - the equation to make one variable disappear

3. Solve 1 variable

4. Substitute the value back into one of the original equations

5. Solve for next variable

6. Write solution

7. Check

What is method 2 to solving simultaneous equations

2. Substitution


Y= x +4.......1

Y= 3x - 2........2

In 1 y = x +4 so sub 1 into 2

2 becomes x+4 = 3x-2





Divide by 2


Sub back into 1 then 1 is y=3+4=7

Then x=3, y=7

Then check

What are the 3 methods to solve quadratics?

1. Factorisation

2. Completing the square

3. Quadratic formula

What is the quadratic formula

X = -b (+/-) the square root of b^2 -4ac

(all over) /2a

Probability language

1. Impossible, unlikely, even chance, likely, certain

2. If, then, given, knowing that

Theortical probably of rolling a two on a six sided die

P(2)= 1/6

Relative frequency of an event is 46/80 the experimental probability is


The experimental probability is 46/80, if we were to do the experiment 750 times, the expected number would be

46/80 X 750 =431.25


Simple interest formula


Compound interest formula

A = P(1 + R)^n

Depriciation formula

Value (v)= P(1+R)^n

Define bivariate data

2 variables with a relationship

Define univariate data

1 variable with no relationship

Five number summary

1. Lower extreme: lowest score

2. 1st quartile (Q1) : middle score of first half of scores

3. Median (Q2) :

4. 3rd quartile (Q3) : middle score of second half of scores

5. Upper extreme : highest score

Interquartile range

IQR = Q3 - Q1

A measure of spread

Shows middle 50%

Define 3 different skewness

1. Negative (tail pointing to origin)

2. Positive (tail pointing away from origin

3. Symmetrical

What is standard deviation

Average distance of scores from the mean

Symbol is sigma

Frequency histogram

1/2 column before start at end

Frequency (f) on y axis

Score (x) on x axis

Columns n a line (polygon) goes to middle of column

Define prism

A solid with a uniform cross section where the cross section is a polygon

Area of right angled triangle

A = 1/2bh

Area of parallelogram

A = bh

Base x perpendicular height

Area of trapezium

A = 1/2(a+b)h

Area of rhombus or kite

A = 1/2xy

Xy = product of diagonals

Area of circle

A = Pi r^2

Surface area of a closed cylinder

SA = 2(pi)rh + 2(pi)r^2

Surface area of a 1/2 open cylinder

SA = 2(pi)rh + (pi)r^2

Surface area of an open cylinder

SA = 2(pi)rh

Surface area of a cone

SA = (pi)r^2 + (pi)rh

(h= slant height)

Surface area of a sphere

SA = 4(pi)r^2

Surface area of a hemisphere

SA = 1/2[4(pi)r^2] + (pi)r^2

= 3(pi)r^2

Volume formula

V = Ah

Congruency (3horizontallines) proofs





Angle sum of an n sided polygon


Interior angle of a regular polygon

(n-2)180 divided by n

Exterior angle sum of convex polygon

360 degrees

Exterior angle of a regular n sided convex polygon

360 divided by n

Exterior angle of a triangle =

Sum of opposite interior angles

Similar figures scale factor

Side length of image


Matching side of original

Trapezium properties

1 pair of sides parallel

Kite properties

-2 pairs of adjacent sides equal

- diagonals cross at 90 degrees

-only one diagonal is bisected by the other

Parallelogram properties

-Opposite sides equal

-pairs of parallel sides

-adjacent angles supplementary (180)

-diagonals bisect and create congruent triangles

-if one angle is 90 all angles r 90 n it becomes a rectangle

Rhombus properties

Parallelogram with perpendicular diagonals

Rectangle properties

Paralellogram with all angles equal (90 degrees)

Square properties

Rectangle + rhombus

-equal sides and angles

Cos rule to find an angle

CosA = b^2 + c^2 - a^2



Cos rule to find a side

C^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2abCosC

Sine rule

a b c

---- = ------- = --------

SinA SinB SinC

Area of non right triangle

A = 1/2abSinC

Trig ratios of complementary angles in right angled triangles

(add up to 90)

SinA = a/c

Cos B = a/c


SinA =CosB



CosA =SinB


Exact values tan

Tan30 = root3/2

Tan45= 1

Tan60 = root3

Exact values tan x =

Sin x

Tan x = -------

Cos x

Volume vs capacity

Volume: amt of space a 3d object occupies


Capacity: amount a 3d object holds

mL, L etc

Gradient formula(m) (given 2 points)

Y2- Y1 Rise

m = ---------- ---------

X2 - X1 run

Midpoint (M) of an interval

M = (average of x values , average of y values)

M = ( x1+x2 /2 , y1+y2 /2 )

Distance between two points

D = (root everything)

(x2 -x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2

To find x or y intercept

Sub 0 into x n solve

Volume of a sphere

V= 4/3 (pi) r^3

Gradient intercept equation

Y = mx +b

X n y r random points on the line

M is gradient

B is y intercept

Point gradient form: equation for finding the equation of a line if we know the gradient and a point (x1, y1)

m = y-y1


X - x1


Y- y1 = m(x-x1)

A line parallel to another has the same.....formula

Same gradient

Formula: m1=m2

Then sub into y -y1 = m(x-x1) to solve

Perperdincular lines meet at .... And gradients.....formula:

Meet at 90 degrees

Gradients are negative reciprocal of each other


Formula: m2 = ----


Or m1, m2 =-1

Then sub into y-y1 = m (x-x1) and solve

Speed =

Speed = distance/time

Direct porportion

Y = kx

K is a constant (bigger than 0) and is gradient

K must be straight and pass thru origin

Simple parabolas formula

Y = ax^2 + c

A is the curvature

C is where the vertex minimum/maximhm point lies (0,C)

If the a in simple parabolas are + or - what happens to the parabola

Positive: concave up

Negative: concave down

Hyperbola formula


Y = ----- + c


K increases the graph gets further away from the centre

C is centre

K is + first n third

K is - 2nd n 4th

Exponential graphs


Never negative

X is + increases to right: growth

X is - decreases ro right: decay

As a increases the graph gets steeper

Circle formula with a centre (0,0)

X^2 + y^2 = r^2

Circle with centre (h,k)

(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r2