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50 Cards in this Set

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the distance from a point to the vertical or y-axis, measured parallel to the horizontal or x-axis.
absolute value
the distance from 0 to x of a number x on the number line:|x|
|-3|= -(-3)=3 and|+3|=3
acute angle
an angle whose degree measure is greater than 0 but less than 90.
addictive inverse
the opposite of a number. the sum of a numver and its additive inverse is 0.
adjacent angles
two angles that have the same vertex, share one side, but do not overlap.
alternate interior angles
a pair of angles with different vertices that lie b/w two lines and on opposite sides of a transversal.
the length of the perpendicular line from a vertex to the opposite side of a figure: +
angle of depression
the angle formed by a horizontal line of vision and the line of sight when an object is viewed beneath the horizontal line of vision.
angle of elevation
the angle formed by a horizontal line of vision an d the line of sight when an object is viewed above the horizontal line of vision.

the number of unit squares that a region encloses.
associative property
the law
(a x b)x c= a x (b x c)
axis of symmetry
An object or figure which is indistinguishable from its transformed image is called mirror symmetric
base angles of an isosceles triangle
base of a power
the number that is used as the factor when a product is expressed in exponential form.
polynomial with two unlike terms.
a line, ray, or line segment that divides an angle or line segment into two parets tht have the same measure.
box-and-whisker plot
a diagram that shows how spread out data are about the medianusing five key values: the lowest score, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile, and the highest data value.
the set of points (x,y)in a plane that are the same distance r, called the radius, from a fixed point(h,k), called the center.
closure property
a set is closed under the operation if performing that operation on members of that set always produces another meber of the same set. the set of integers is closed under addition, but is not closed under division.
the number by which the variable factor in a monomial are multiplied.
-5xy2 is -5.
collinear points
points that lie on the same line
a selection of objects from a set w/o regard to order, as in choosing people from a committee to join a subcommittee
combination notation
nCr=n!/ r!(n-r)!
communicative property
the mathematical law that states that the order in which two numbers are added or multiplied does not matter.
complementary angles
two angles whose degree measures add up to 90.
compound loci
the set of points that satisfy two or more locus(軌跡)conditions.
conditional statement
a statement of the form "if statement p, then statement q," which is always true except in the single instance when p is true and q is false.
congruent figures
figures that have the same size and the same shape.
congruent triangles
two triangles for which any one of the conditions is true.
conjugare pair
the sum and difference of the same two terms, as in a+b and a-b
two statements joined by the logical connective AND.
a quantity that does not change in value.
the conditional statement formed by switching and negating both parts of another conditional.
"if p, then q" is "if not q, then not p"
the conditional statement formed by switching both parts of another conditional. the converse of "if p, then q" is "if q, then p."
coordinate plane
a plane divided into four rectangular regions, called quadrants, by a horizontal number line and a ventricular number line intersecting at their zero points, called the origin.
corresponding angles
a pair of angles consisting of one interior angle and one wxterior angle with different bertices on the same side of a transversal.
cosine ratio
in a right triangle, the ratio of the lingth of the leg that is adjacent to a given acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse.
counting principle
the fact that, if event A can occur in m ways and event B can occur in n ways, then the number of ways in which both events can occur is m times n.
cumulative frequency
the sum of all frequencies from a given data point up to and including another data point.
cumulative 次第に増加する
frequency 度数、頻度
cumulative frequency histogram
a histogram whose bar heights represent the cumulative frequencies at stated intervals.
histogram 柱状図
a unit of angle measure representing 1/360 of one complete circular rotation of a ray about its endpoint.
degree of a monomial
the sum of the exponents of the variables in the monomial.
monomial 単項式

3ax2y5 is 7
degree of polynomial
the greatest degree of the terms of polynomial.
polynomial 多項式

y=x2+5x+11 is 2
a transformation in which a figure is enlarged or reduced in size without changing its shape.
direct variation
variation in which the ratio of two bariable quantities remains the same.
two statements joined by the logival OR.
p and q is true when p is true, q is true, or p and q are aboth true.
distance formula
the formula for the distance d b/w points A(Xa, Ya) and B(Xb, Yb): d= √(Xb-Xa)2 + (Yb-Ya)2
distributivve property
the mathematical law that states that
a(b+c)= ab + ac
(b+c)a= ba + bc
a statement formed by placing an equal symbol b/w two math expressions or numbers.