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82 Cards in this Set

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row equivalence
sequence of simple row operations that make one matrix into other
row equivalence and augmented matrices
if two augmented matrices are row equivalent, then two systems have same solution set
what makes something in echelon form?
zeros are at the bottom of the matrix, not at the top
each leading entry of a row is to the right of the one above it
all entries in a column below a leading entry are zeros
RREF classification?
leading entry must be 1
leading entry is the only nonzero number in that column
what is a leading entry?
leftmost nonzero entry
pivot position properties vs. pivot properties
in RREF, pivot positions are fixed no matter what multi or add you do

pivot is the actual number in the column, can be many different numbers
basic variables
variables corresponding to pivot columns
general solution/parametric descriptions form
x3 is free

thus, it gives explicit descriptions of all solutions
parametric description
whenever a solution set has free variables/consistent, it has many parametric descriptions
how to write basic variables in general solution?
write basic variables in terms of free variables
a list of numbers, a one column matrix
[w2] = w

what are w1 and w2?
ordered pairs
vectors = vectors iff
corresponding entries are equal
7 4
4 does not equal 7
n= how many rows
R is real numbers that appear as entries in the vectors
2x1 column matric
3x1 column matrix
zero vector
a vector whose entries are all zero, represent one single point
q: determine whether b is a linear combo of a1 a2
x1a1 +x2a2 = b

so row reduce the augmented matrix to see if it is consistent. if consistent, than b is a linear combo of a1a2
the span of {v1...vp} is the set
of all vectors linear combinations
q: is b is in the span{v1..vp}
is b a linear combination??

thus x1v1 +x2v2 = b?
geometrically defining span
the line/plane with all the possible linear combinations
zero vector & span
0 vector must be always be in span
A is an m*n matrix with all the vectors
X representes weights
B is the product of A and X, assuming x is in R^n
vector equation
x1a1 +x2a2 +x3a3 =b
matrix equation
[a1 a2 a3][x1]
statements that are logically equivalent
for each b in R^m the equation AX=B has a solution
each B in R^m is a linear combo of colums of A
the columns of A span R^m
A has a pivot position in every row
homogenous system
trivial solution
when x=0 is a solution
non trivial solution
for AX=0, nonzero vector x that satisfies the equation
AX=0 will only have a nontrivial solution if and only if the equation has at least one free variable
how to write solution set for homogeneous systems
x=[], then pull out x1 or x3 so you have

how to describe solution set for a homogeneous equation
span {v1..vp}
how to write a solution to AX=B in parametric vector form
x2[] +x3[] = x
vector additon
definition of translation geometrically
moves vector x in a parallel direction by adding p
if a set contains a zero vector
linearly dependent
linear independence
no free variables

columns of matrix A are linearly independent

if Ax=0 has only the trivial solution

SETS OF ONE/TWO VECTORS: if a set containing one vector is not a zero vector

rows>columns don't mean shit
linearly dependence
free variables that don't give solutions that are all zeros

an indexed set S={v1...vp} is linearly dependent iff at least one vector in S is a linear combo of others

if v1 is a multiple of v2, sets are linearly dependent

if a set contains a 0 vector

if columns > rows (more variables than equations, so there must be a free variable)
T:R^n to R^m
transformation, function, mapping

assigns to each vector x in R^n a vector t(x) in R^m
R^n in transformations
domain of T
R^m in transformations
image of x
for x in R^n, the vector T(x) in R^m
the set of all images T(x) is called range

set off all linear combinations of columns of A because T(x) = Ax
matrix transformations
T(x) behaves like Ax
Find T(u) the image of u under the transformation
Compute T(u) which is Au
Find an x in R^2 whose image under T is b
Solve T(x)=b for x, or solve Ax= b
Is there more than one x whose image under T is b?
Is the system unique or not unique?
Determine if c is in the range of the trans T
Is T(x)=c consistent?
shear transformation
produces parallelogram
A transformation is linear if
T(u+v) = Tu + Tv
T(cu) = cT(u)
matrix transformations =
linear transformation
horizontal contraction/dialation
k is in upper left
vertical contraction/dialation
k is in lower right (diagonal to horizontal contraction)
horizontal shear
k is in the upper right hand
vertical shear
k is in the lower left hand
T maps if and only if columns
existence question
span R^m or every vector in R^m is line

no zero row in REF of A
one to one
uniqueness question

pivot in each column
has a unique solution or none at all
not onto
existence question
when there is no solution
not one to one
uniqueness question
more than one solution
scalar multiple
rA is a scalar multiple of A when r is a scalar
if AB = BA
AB= AC, B does not equal C
transpose of A is:
n*m matrix when A is m*n
denoted by ^T
(A^T)^T =
B^T * A^T
invertible matrix A and C theorem
both must be square and when you multiply them together, it equals I
singular matrix
matrix that is not invertible
nonsingular matrix
invertible matrix
ad-bc is...
test for invertibility
ad-bc != 0
If A is an invertible n*n matrix for each b in R^n
the equation Ax=b has a unique solution

x= (A^-1)b
b=b (true!)
invertible matrix is row equivalent to an identity matrix how?
by watching the row reduction of A to I
a square matrix A is invertible iff A is row equivalent to an identity matrix or after you perform elementary row operations that reduce A to In
memorize statement
A is row
equivalent to the n*n identity matrix
A has
n pivot positions
The equation Ax=0
has only the trivial solution
The columns
of A form a linearly independent set
The linear transformation x |--> Ax
is one to one
The equation Ax=b
has at least one solution for each b in R^n
The columns
of A span R^n
The linear transformation x |--> Ax
maps R^n onto R^n
A^T is
an invertible matrix
There is an n*n matrix D such that