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14 Cards in this Set

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Commutative Property of Addition
For any numbers A and B
a + b = b+ a
Commutative Property of Multiplacation
For any numbers a and b
a x b = b x a
Associative Property of Addition
For any numbers a b and c
a + (b+c) = (a +b) + c
Associative Property of Multiplacation
For any number a b and c
a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c
Additive Identity
For any number a
a + 0 = a 0 + a = a
Multiplacative Identity
For any numbers a
a(1) = a 1 x a = a
Multiplicative property of Zero
For any number a
a x 0 = 0 0 x a= a
Additive Inverse Property
For any numbera there is exactly one number -a such that a + (-a) = 0 and -a+ a = 0
Multiplicative Inverse Property
For any number a/b there is excatly one number b/a such that a/b x b/a = 1 and b/a x b/a= 1
Reflexive Property
For any number a = a
Symmetric Property
For any numbers a and b if
a = b and b = a
Transitive Property
For any numbers a b and c if
a = b and b =c then a = c
Substitution Property
If a = b then a may be replaced by b in any expression
Distributive Property
For any numbers a b an c
a ( b + c) = ab + ac