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100 Cards in this Set

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rational number

decimals and fractions with terminating/repeating fractions

irrational numbers

decimals and fractions that are non-terminating like pi

prime number

a number that only has multiples of 1 and itself


an integer that divides evenly into a number with no remainder

GCF - greatest common factor

the largest factor two numbers share

LCM - least common multiple

the smallest non-zero multiple two numbers share


a number times an integer. For example: 6x1=6, 6x2=12, 6x3=18 etc. So multiples of 6=6,12,18 etc.

order of operations


1. parentheses

2. exponents

3. multiplication and division -work from left to right

4. addition and subtractions -work form left to right

associative property

for problems containing only addition/multiplicationgrouping does not matterEX: a+(b+c) = b+(a+c) OR a(bc) = b(ac)

Commutative property

for problems containing only addition/multiplicationorder does not matterEX: a+b = b+a OR ab = bc

Distributive property

a(b + c) = ab + ac

Zero property

Zero property sum of any # plus 0 is itselfproduct of any # times 0 is 0no # can be divided by 0any number raised to the power of 0 is 10 divided by any number is 0

One property

any number divided by 1 = itselfany number raised to the power of 1 is itself


steps to solve a problem

natural numbers

also called the counting numbers (1, 2, 3, 4....)


probability number of outcomes that favor the event/number of possible outcomes


a ray that divides an angle into 2 congruent angles

isosceles triangle

two sides of equal length and angles opposite the equal sides are also the same (typical triangle - two bottom angles the same)

scalene triangle

no sides of equal length


same shape and size


quadrilateral (4 sides) with two pair of parallel sides-opposite sides and opposite angles are congruent-doesn't necessarily have an axis of symmetry


a particular kind of parallelogram with all four sides congurent (has two axes of sym.) (think of a kite or of a isosceles triangle reflected over line "l"


two congruent figures can occupy exactly the same place...or coincide (same thing as a slide)


same thing as a flip...flip it across the axis so that it is the same spot on the other side (like -2, 3 flips to 2, 3)


same thing as a turn, rotates into another quadrant but keeps the same distance from axes


the number inside the "square root box/sign or the radical

intersecting lines

Lines that have exactly one point in common.


The common endpoint of two rays thatform an angle.


Part of a line with one endpoint extending foreverin only one direction.

central angle

An angle with a vertex that is the center of a circle.


Any line segment through the center that connectstwo points on the circle.


A number that tells how many times the base is used as a factor


The number that is multiplied by itself whenraised to a power.


A region bounded by two radii and an arc


In a division problem, the starting number, thenumber that is to be divided.


The number by which another number is divided.


A letter, such as n, or a symbol that represents anunknown amount that can vary, or change, in anexpression or an equation.


The point at which the x-axis and they-axis intersect.


The VERTICAL axis in a graph or coordinate grid.


The HORIZONTAL axis in a graph or coordinate grid.

Coordinate Plane

Extends to include both positive and negativenumbers. It has a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis.


A symbol that is used to name part of a whole, a region or set, that is divided into equal parts.

Mixed Number

A number written with a whole number ANDa fraction.

Improper Fraction

A fraction whose numerator is greaterthan or equal to its denominator.

Simplest Form

Simplest Form A fraction in which the greatest common factorof the numerator and denominator is one.


A ratio is a relationship where for every x units of one quantity there are y units of another quantity. x:y


A rule that uses symbols to relate two or more quantities.

Expanded Form

A way to write a number that shows the place value of each digit.

Standard Form

The most common (usual) way ofwriting numbers. It usesdigits and place value.

absolute value

The distance that an integer is from zero on the number line.


The number of equal parts or objects being considered (number on top)


The total number of equal parts or objects (number on the bottom)


A generalization that you think is true

inverse relationship

operations that undo each other

nonlinear function

a function with a graph that is not a straight line

linear function

A function whose graph is a line

vertex of a solid

where three or more edges meet

edge of a solid

a line segment where two faces meet

proper fraction

a fraction in which the numerator is less than the denominator

improper fraction

A fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to its denominator.

mixed fraction

a whole number and a fraction

Algebraic Expression

A mathematical phrase that has at least one variable and one operation.


the number that is multiplied by a variable, ex 4x + 8; 4 is this type of number


is the number of square units enclosed by the figure in a plane


The sum of the lengths of the sides of a polygon

skew lines

lines that do not lie in the same plane

parallel lines

two lines that lie in the same plane and do not intersect


a line that intersects two or more lines at distinct points




Middle Number


Distance between highest and lowest scores in a set of data.


he longest side of a set square or a right triangle (opposite the right angle)

square root

a number that when multiplied by itself equals a given number


two angles whose sum is exactly 90 degrees. The two angles may or may not be adjacent. In a right triangle, the two acute angles


two angles whose sum is exactly 180 degrees. the two angles may or may not be adjacent. two intersecting lines always form two pairs of angles that will always form a straight line


is a repeating arrangement of one or more shapes that completely covers a plane with no gaps or overlaps


an arrangement of a group of things in a particular order

experimental probability

a probability based on the statistical results of an experiment

Theoretical probability

ratio of the favorable outcomes to the possible outcome of an event


the flat surfaces of a polyhedron


a three-dimensional figure made of flat surfaces that are polygons


The difference between the least and greatest values

Scatter Plot

Graph that relates two sets of data.

Frequency table

A table that lists each item in a data set with the number of times the item occurs.

Absolute value

an integer's distance from zero


the point (0,0), where the x- and y- axis of a coordinate plane intersect


possible values for the input of a relation or function

ordered pair

numbers that are used to locate points on a coordinate plane

function rule

it is the operation(s) performed on the domain value and the range value


the first number in an ordered pair


the second number in an ordered pair


find its numerical value to evaluate


a set of ordered pairs


statements that are true for any numbers

numerical expression

they contain a combination of numbers and operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

place value

The value of a digit based on its position within a number

degree (º)

a unit of measure for angles

right angle

an angle whose measure is 90º

acute angle

an angle whose measure is between 0º and 90º

obtuse angle

an angle whose measure is between 90º and 180º