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54 Cards in this Set

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The term percent % means
% means one hundreths
% is the same as a ...

denominator is 100
numerator is that part

EX 4% = 4 / 100
what is the power of nines and what is it used for?

also, what does fdr stand for?
burn areas of the body

powers of nine relates to the body in parts that = 100 %

fdr stands for:
fractions /
decimals .
ratios :
what does B S A mean
body surface area

different in children than adults b/c proportions are different.
intravenous solutions are ordered in what?
percentage strengths

EX 1000 mL/cc 5% dextrose&water
1,000 mL IV of 5% dextrose & water contains ? grams of dextrose?
1,000 mL = 1,000 grams

1,000 X .05 = 50 grams dextrose
250 mL IV of 10% dextrose contains ? grams of dextrose?
250 X .1 = 25 grams dextrose
To change percentages to:


drop the % sign and ...
place the number over 100 and reduce to lowest terms
change 8% to a fraction
8% = 8/100 = 4/50 = 2/25
change 1/4% to a fraction

1/4/100 = 1/4 X 1/100 = 1/400
1% = what fraction ?
2% = what fraction ?
2/100 = 1/50
50% = what fraction ?
50/100 = 5/10 = 1/2
80% = what fraction?
80/100 = 8/10 = 4/5
3% = what fraction?
to change a % to a decimal, drop the % sign, and move the deimal ... ?
move the decimal point two places to the left (add zeroes as needed)
25% = what in a decimal?
25 and move the decimal two over to the left = 0.25
1.4% = what in a decimal?
1.4 and move the decimal two over to 0.014
75% = what in a decimal?

another way, 75/100 = 3/4

4√3.00 = 0.75
10% change to a decimal
10 % = .1
35% = what as a decimal?
35% = 0.35
1/4% is what as a decimal?

1/4% to a decimal =

4√1.000 = .25%

.25% = 0.0025
To change a % to a ratio ... ?
to change the % to a ratio

change it to a fraction, reduce to smalles terms,

place numerator as 1st term & denominator as 2nd term

use a colon to seperate the 2

EX 10% = (fraction) 10/100

10/100 = 1/10 = 1:10
what is 25% as a ratio?
25 / 100 = 1/4 = 1:4
what is 11% as a ratio?
11% as a ratio = 11/100

75% is what as a ratio?
75/100 = 3/4 = 3:4
4.5% is what as a ratio?
4.5/100 = 4.5 : 100 = 9 : 200
2/5% is what as a ratio?
2/5 / 100 = 2/5 ∙ 1/100 =

2/500 = 1/250 = 1:250
how do you change a fraction to a % ?
multiply the fraction by 100
reduce it
add % sign

EX 3/4 to % = 3/4 ∙ 100/1 =
300/4 = 75/1 = 75%
change 5 1/2 to a percent
5 1/2 = 5∙2=10+1=11 so 11/2

11/2 ∙ 100/1 = 1,100/2 = 550/1

= 550%
change 2/5 from a fraction to a %
2/5 ∙ 100/1 = 200/5 = 40%
change 11/4 from a fraction to a %
11/4 ∙ 100/1 = 1100/4 = 275%
1/2 change this fraction to a percentage
1/2 ∙ 100/1 = 100/2 = 50%
7/10 change to a %
7/10 ∙ 100/1 = 700/10 = 70%
instead of changing fractions to a %, change a DECIMAL to a %

to change a decimal to a %, move the decimal point ...
two places to the right (multiply), add zeroes if necessary, and add % sign

Ex ▲ 0.45 to %

= 45%
change 2.35 to a %
2.35 to a %

To change a ratio to a %

1)change the ratio to a fraction

2) proceed w/ steps to change a fraction to %
EX 1:4

1) ▲ 1:4 to a fraction=1/4

2) 1/4 ∙ 100/1 = 100/4=50/2=25%
change 1:25 to a %
1:25 = 1/25

1/25 ∙ 100/1 = 100/25 = 4%
change 3:4 to a fraction
3:4 = 3/4

3/4 ∙ 100/1 = 300/4= 150/2=75%
change 1:10 to a %
1:10 = 1/10

1/10 ∙ 100/1 = 100/10 = 10%
change the ratio 1:100 to a %
1:100 = 1/100

1/100 ∙ 100/1 = 100/100 = 1%
Determine the % of a quanity!

Nurses need to determine a given % or part of a quanity!

when determining a given % of a number, do 2 things ... ?
1) change the % to a decimal or fraction

( ▲ % to . or / )

2) multiply the decimal or fraction by the number

( X . or / by the # )

Ex a patient says he drank 25% of his 8 oz. cup of tea. Determine what amount 25% is of 8 oz.s !

1) 25% = .25
2) .25 X 8 = 2 oz.s

Therefore, 25% of 8 oz.s=2 oz.
what is 40% of 90 ?
40% = .4

.4 X 90 = 36 and that's it!
Determine the % one number is of another !

Ex. 12 is what % of 60?
1) make it a fraction


2) 60√12.00 = 0.2 & 0.2 = 20%

Therefore 12 is 20% of 60 OR

20% of 60 = 12
what is 60% of 30
1) 60% = .6

2) .6 X 30 = 18.0
what is 20% of 75?
20% = .2

.2 ∙ 75 = 15.0
2 is what % of 200?

razzle dazzle here
2/200 = 1/100

100√1.000 = .01

.01 move dec over 2 = 1%
50 is what % of 500?
50/500= 5/50= 1/10

10√1.000 = .1 = 10%
40 is what % of 1,000?
40/1000 = 4/100 = 2/50 = 1/25

25√1.000 = .04 = 4%
whats the difference between a ratio and a proportion?
ratio is used to indicate a relationship b/t 2 numbers are seperated by a colon :

a proportion is an EQUATION of 2 ratios of equal value

Ex 3:4 = 6:8 these can be seperated by an equal sign =
or another colon sign ::

3:4 :: 6:8

These proportions can be written like fractions

Ex 3/4 = 6/8

read it as 3 is to 4 equals 6 is to 8 or

3 is to 4 as 6 is to 8 or

three fourths equals six eighths
what do means and extremes mean in a proportion?
means are the middle terms
extremes are the end terms


25 & 10 = means
5 & 50 = extremes
means always equal what in a proportion?
means always equals the extremes in a correct proportion


5(extreme) 10(mean)
---------- = -----------
25(mean) 50(extreme)
so the product of the means equals the product of the extremes AND if 3 of these numbers are known...
you can figure the 4th number, call it solve for X

Ex 12:9 = 8:X
12X = 72
X = 72/12
X = 6
This concept goes into fractions, decimals, etc.

Ex 25:5 = 1.5:X

remember this!!! X completes the exact equvialent!
1/5 : 1 = 1/2 : x


1/2 x 1 = 1/5 x X

1/2 = 1/5X

x = 1/2 ÷ 1/5

x = 5/2 = 2 1/2 or 2.5

to prove, plug x back into equation 1/2 = 1/2