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60 Cards in this Set

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Cylindrical coordinate system diagram

Cylindrical to rectangular coordinates

Rectangular to cylindrical

cos(2x)= ?

cos(2x) = sin^2(x) - sin^(x)
cos(2x) = 2cos^2(x) - 1

cos(2x) = 1 - 2sin^2(x)

cos(2x) = ( 1 - tan^2(x) ) / ( 1 + tan^2(x) )

Spherical coordinate system diagram

Spherical to rectangular

Rectangular to spherical

Limit of a vector function

cosh(x) = ?

sinh(x) = ?

Derivative of Vector Function

Differentiation of vector functions

Integration of vector functions

Rules of vector differentiation

Unit tangent vector: T(t)

Diagonal matrix

Vector addition and scaling

Matrix multiplication

Row and column restriction on multiplying mxn and nxp

n's must be equal. Columns of vector A must match rows of vector B.

How many rows and columns will an mxn and nxp multiplication produce?

mxp -> p rows and m columns

Row column rule for computing vectors AxB

Properties of vector multiplication

Matrix multiplication warnings

Matrix powers

(A^0)x = identity

(A^0)x = identity

Transpose of a matrix

A^T = new matrix with rows and columns switched. Columns of A^T = rows of A.

Transposed matrix examples

Properties of transposed matrices

Matrix inverse equality

Singular vs nonsingular matrices

Singular - not invertible

Nonsingular - invertible

Formula for inverse of 2x2 matrix

Linear ch.2.2 Theorem 5

Linear ch.2.2 Theorem 6

Product of nxn invertible matrices

Elementary matrices from row operation

Invertibility of elementary matrix

Row equivalency of invertible matrices

Finding A^(-1) -> (Inverse of matrix A)

Invertible matrix theorem

Invertible matrix theorem: a

Invertible matrix theorem: b

Invertible matrix theorem: c

Invertible matrix theorem: d

Invertible matrix theorem: e

Invertible matrix theorem: f

Invertible matrix theorem: g

Invertible matrix theorem: h

Invertible matrix theorem: i

Invertible matrix theorem: j

Invertible matrix theorem: k

Invertible matrix theorem: l

Invertible linear transformation

Partial derivatives of z=f(x,y)

How to do partial derivatives of z=f(x,y)

Clairaut's theorem

d/dx arctan(x)=?

Differentiability of a function of 2 variables

Chain rule for functions involving 1 independent variable.

Chain rule for functions involving 2 independent variables.

Implicit differentiation with 1 independent variable.

Implicit differentiation with 2 independent variables.