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42 Cards in this Set

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Theorem 4.1:
Let G be a group and a{G. If a has infinite order, then a^i=a^j IFF...
if a has finite order of n, then a^i=a^j IFF...
... i=j
... n divides i-j
Let a be an element of order n and let a^k=e. Then we know...
... n divides k
Let a be an element of order n and let k be a positive integer. Then <a^k>=...
...<a^gcd(n,k)>. And the order of a^k is n/gcd(n,k)
In a finite cyclic group, the order of an element...
...divides the order of the group
The order of a is n. Then <a^i>=<a^j> IFF...
Let the order of a be n. Then <a>=<a^j> IFF...
What is the fundamental Theorem of Cyclic groups?
(a) Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic
(b) If the order of <a> is n, then the order of any subgroup of <a> is a divisor of n
(c) For each positive divisor k of n, the group <a> has exactly one subgroup of order k, namely, <a^n/k>
If d is a positive divisor of n, the number of elements of order d in a cyclic group of order n is...
... U(d) (or the number of integers less than d that are relatively prime to d)
A permutation of a set A is a function...
...from A to A that is both one to one and onto
A permutation group of a set A is...
...a set of permutations of A that forms a group under function composition
Every permutation of a set can be written...
...as a cycle or as a product of disjoint cycles
If the pair of cycles (a1,...,aN) and (b1,...,bN) have no entries in common, then...
... ab=ba
The order of a permutation of a finite set written in disjoint cycle form is...
...the least common multiple of the lengths of the cycles
An isomorphism from a group G to a group G' is...
... a one to one mapping (or function) from G to G' that preserves the group operation
What are the 4 steps in proving a group G is isomorphic to a group G'?
(1) "Mapping"; define a function from G to G'
(2) "1-1"; Prove that the function is one to one; that is, assume X(a)=X(b) and prove a=b
(3) "Onto"; Prove that X is onto; that is, for any element in the range, find an element in the domain that maps to that element
(4) Preserves operation. Show that X(ab)=X(a)X(b) for all a and b in G
Cayley's Theorem: Every group is isomorphic...
...to a group of permutations
A binary operation is...
...a function that assigns to each ordered pair of elements of a set G an element of G
Let G be a set together with a binary operation. We say G is a group if...
...(1) The operation is associative. (ab)c=a(bc)
(2) There is an element e that is the identity
(3) For each element in G, there is an element that is an inverse
The identity in a group is...
In a group G, do the right and left cancellation laws hold?
Yes, always
For each element a in a group G, there is a unique element b such that...
...b is the inverse of a
Let G be a group. What is the order of G?
The order is the number of elements in G
The order of an element g in a group is...
...the smallest positive integer n such that g^n=e
If a subset H of a group G is itself a group under the operation of G, then...
...we say H is a subgroup of G
One-Step subgroup test: Let H be a nonempty subset of group G. If a,b are in G, then...
...H is a subgroup is ab^(-1) is always in H
Two-step subgroup test: H is a nonempty subset of G. a and b are in H. If...
...ab is in H and a^(-1) is in H, then H is a subgroup
Finite subgroup test: Let H be a nonempty finite subset of G. H is a subgroup if...
...it is closed under the operation of G
The cyclic set of any element in a group is..
...a subgroup
The center, Z(G), of a group is...
...the subset of all elements in G that commute with ALL elements of G. The center is a subgroup
The centralizer of a in G, denoted C(a), is...
...the set of all elements in G that commute with a, and is a subgroup
What are the first 4 properties of Isomorphisms acting on elements. (Let R be the isomorphism) of a group G onto G'
(1) R carries the identity of G onto the identity of G'
(2) For every integer n and every group element a, R(a^n)=R(a)^n
(3) For any elements a and b in G, a and b commute if and only if R(a) and R(b) commute
(4) G=<a> IFF G'=<R(a)>
What are the last 3 properties of Isomorphisms acting on elements. (Let R be the isomorphism) of a group G onto G'
(5) |a|=|R(a)|
(6) For a fixed int. k and fixed element b, the equ. x^k=b has the same # of sol's in G as does x^k=R(b) in G'
(7) If G is finite, then G and G' have exactly the same number of elements of every order
What are the 4 properties of isomorphisms acting on groups? (Let R be an isomorphism from G to G')
(1) R^(-1) is an isomorphism from G' onto G
(2) G is Abelian IFF G' is abelian
(3) G is cyclic IFF G' is cyclic
(4) If K is a subgroup of G, then R(K)={R(k): k<K} is a subgroup of G'
An isomorphism from G onto itself is...
...an Automorphism
Let a be in a group G. The function R(sub)a defined by R(sub)a[x]= axa^(-1) for all x in G is...
...called the inner automorphism of G induced by a
The set of automorphisms of a group and the set of inner automorphisms of a group are...
...both groups under the operation of function composition
For every positive integer n, Aut (Zn) is isomorphic to...
... U(n)
The intersection of two subgroups is...
...a subgroup itself
Lagrange's Theorem says...
...If G is a finite group and H is a subgroup of G, then |H| divides |G|. Moreover, the number of distinct left (right) cosets of H in G is |G|/|H|
In a finite group, the order of each element...
...divides the order of the group
A group of prime order...
...is cyclic
Let G be a finite group and a be in G. Then a^(|G|)=...