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59 Cards in this Set

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the branch of medicine that treats the male and diseases specific to the male sex
a condition in which the body of the uterus is bent sharply forward at the junction with the cervix
a condition in which the entire uterus is tipped far foward
absence of sperm
bicornuate uterus
a uterus that has two fundal horns; it may have an accompanying septum
biologic gender
a person's chromosomal sexual designation of being male (XY) or female (XX)
the introduction of an endoscope through the posterior vaginal wall to view the pelvic organs
a pouching of the bladder into the anterior vaginal wall
pain on sexual intercourse
erectile dysfunction
impotence; the inability to achieve erection in order to complete a sex act
gender identity
the inner sense of being male or female, which may be the same as or different from biologic gender
gender role
the behavior a person conveys about being male or female
a sex gland; an ovary in the female; a testis in the male
the study of the female reproductive organs and female disorders
enlargement of the breasts; excess development of male breast tissue; a transient occurrence in normal adolescence
examination of the abdominal cavity and organs by insertion of a surgical instrument through the anterior abdominal wall
the first menstrual period
the cessation of ovarian function
an abnormally heavy menstrual flow
bleeding between menstrual periods
an immature ovum
premature ejaculation
deposition of sperm before vaginal penetration or the full enjoyment of the sexual partner
a herniation of the rectum into the posterior vaginal wall
a condition in which the body is bent sharply back just above the cervix
a condition in which the entire uterus is tipped backward
breast development changes at puberty
a person of one sex whose perceived identity is of the opposite sex
a person who engages in the practice of dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex for sexual gratification
painful, involuntary spasms of the vagina
the practice of obtaining sexual pleasure by looking at the nude body of another
pubic and axillary hair that occur during puberty
Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
First Phase - Proliferative
Second Phase - Secretory
Third Phase - Ischemic
Fourth Phase - Menses
How much blood and iron is lost in a typical menstrual flow?
30-80 mL blood and 11 mg iron
painful menstruation
Fern test
discharged cervical mucus is placed on a glass slide and allowed to dry. Arborization or ferning (formation of fernlike patterns) shows that estrogen levels are high and is visible just before ovulation. When progesterone levels are dominate, as it is just after ovulation, a fern pattern is no longer discernible.
When are high levels of estrogen present in the body, with regards to the menstrual cycle?
just before ovulation
Spinnbarkeit test
Stretchability test of cervical mucus. At the height of estrogen secretion cervical is tin, water, and can be stretched into long strands. By implication this shows that ovulation is about to occur.
term used to denote the period during which menopausal changes occur
the time of life following the final menses
Age range and average age of menopause
age range: 40-55
average age: 51.3
Hormone replacement therapy is no longer routinely prescribed extensively to decrease menopause symptoms . Possible adverse effects of HR include:
-endometrial cancer
-breast cancer
What are some adverse side effects of menopause?
"hot flashes", vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, urinary incontinence from lack of bladder support. (due to the atrophy of ovaries and resulting decrease in estrogen production)
What can women do to help with vaginal dryness after menopause?
1. Use a lubricating jelly prior to sexual relations.
2. Application of estrogen cream
3. Insertion of a vaginal ring that dispenses low-dose estrogen
What can women do to prevent osteoporosis?
1. Ingest 1200 mg calcium daily, and
2. Ingest 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D daily, and
3. Begin a program of weight-bearing exercises such as walking or low-impact aerobics
4. Calcitonin may be prescribed as a nasal spray
5. Drugs that aid bone reabsorption such as Evista or Fosamex
When would sexual relations in a pregnant couple be contraindicated?
If the women has had previous miscarriages or if vaginal bleeding is present.
autoerotic asphyxia
the practice of causing oxygen deficiency during masturbation with the goal of producing a feeling of extreme sexual excitement
inflicting pain to achieve sexual satisfaction
receive pain to achieve sexual satisfaction
two types of sexual harassment
quid pro quo (an equal exchange) and hostile work environment
disorders involving sexual functioning can be primary or secondary, aka ...
lifelong - primary, or
acquired - secondary
psychogenic origin
produced by psychic rather than organic factors
biogenic origin
produced by biologic processes
a serotonergic antidepressant prescribed to alleviate premature ejaculation
PSAS - persistant sexual arousal syndome
excessive and unrelenting sexual arousal in the absence of desire. may be triggered by meds, psychological factors, or herbal remedies such as Ginkgo biloba
dyspareunia can occur because of...
endometriosis, vestibulitis, vaginall infection, or hormonal changes
abnormal placement of endometrial tissue
inflammation of the vestibule
menstrual cycle
periodic uterine bleeding in response to cyclic hormones
Stages of the sexual response cycle
1. Excitement
2. Plateau
3. Orgasm
4. Resolution