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39 Cards in this Set

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Umbilical cord for fetal circulation has _ arteries and _ veins. What does each do?
Two arteries - carries deoxygenated blood and waste products from fetus
One vein - carries oxygenated blood and provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.
* Fetal HR first trimester is (range)? and after that is (range). MD notified if outside of these
First trimester - 160-170 bpm
After that 120-160 bpm
Describe the:
1.Ductus arteriosus
2. Ductus venosus
3. Foramen ovale
1. Connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta, bypassing the lungs.
2. Connects the umbilical vein and the inferior vena cava, bypassing the liver
3. Opening between the right and left atria of the heart by passing the lungs (Saunders page 256)
Ovulation - temperature info. and when to take temperature
Basal body temperature drops right before ovulation (0.5 degress) and then rises 1 degree after ovulation. Take temp before getting out of bed (because temp rises throughout the day)
The diaphram predisoses a woman to _ and is contraindicated if have hx of these
Contraindication oral contraceptive
2.Contraindication for condom and spermicide
A cigarette smoker 35 years or older
2. Allergy to either
Depo-Provera information:
How is it administered
side effect
IM injections every 3 months
side effects irregular menses and peripheral edema
Medication is not effect for approximatley 2 weeks use other method at that time
Reactive nonstress test is
2-3 FHR increases of 15 beats of more/min lasting for at least 15 seconds or more with fetal movement (aka 15 x 15 criteria) Nonreactive may indicate fetal hypoxia
Rhogam is given to who and at what time
All Rh negative pregnant women at 28 weeks gestation
Glucose tolerance test for pregnant women? Time periods and normal results
After drinking: 30 minutes, 1 hours, and 3 hours
First hour should be < 180
Third hour 70-120 is normal range
When are these test performed on someone who is pregnant?1. TB testing? 2. HIV testing? 3.Glucose tolerance testing?
1. After 20 weeks gestation
2. Done anytime, only with permission
3. 24-28 weeks gestation
Test done 10-12 weeks gestation for genetic disorders?
Chorionic villi sampling
GTPAL system
G - no. of pregnancies
T- carried to term
P- Preterm births
A - Abortions or miscarrages
L- Currently Living
Is administered before and after the birth of a Rh positive baby and a Rh negative preg. woman
Preeclampsia s/s
Hypertension, proteinuria, swelling of face and hands, abnormally large weight gain
Etopic pregnancy
Sudden, sustained lower left sided abdominal pain
HELLP syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur in pregnant women who have:
•H -- hemolysis (the breakdown of red blood cells)

•EL -- elevated liver enzymes

•LP -- low platelet count
Ruptured etopic pregnancy can lead to:
Shock: decreased BP, increased respirations and pulse. Also Sudden sharp stabbing pain lower quad.
Severe prelampsia could have these symptoms _ _ _ that could mean impeding _
headache, severe epigastric pain, hyperreflexia these could be sign of impending seizure
Diabetes and pregnancy: What happens to insulin needs last two trimesters?
Normally develop increased insulin resistance so that need for insulin should rise. If insulin increase doesn't occur hypoglycemia may be happening
Classic progression of preclampsia to eclampsia is __
If given magnesium sulfate check for too high a level by _
Checking patellar reflexes every hour. Other signs are depressed respirations and decreased urinary output
Success with magnesium sulfate to treat severe preeclampsia is _
Lowering of Blood Pressure
This drug is used for hypertension >160/110 for severe preeclampsia, the pregnant woman is also on mag sulfate
Drug is hydralazine (Apresoline)
1. s/s of threatened abortion
2. s/s inevitable abortion
3. s/s complete abortion
4. s/s incomplete abortion
1. spotting, mild cramps, no cervical dialation, no fetal passing
2. Similiar to above but more severe with cervical dilation
3. Fetus has passed through and anything else included
4. Some fetal parts have passed but not all
For a diabetic during the first trimester insulin needs _?
During the last two insuline needs _?
Does insulin cross the placenta? Does glucose?
Insulin does not; glucose does
(Saunders page 282)
Does the fetus produce insulin? Does it pull glucose from the mother?
Fetus produces its own insulin
Fetus pulls glucose from mom, making mom possibly hypoglycemic (Saunders page 282)
*What type of hypoglcemic agents are never prescribed during pregnancy?
For diabetic women Labor depletes _ , so careful regulation of _ and IV _ is often prescribed
glycogen; insulin: glucose
Hepatitis B facts
Breast-feeding is not contraindicated if neonate has been vaccinated
HIV mom facts
Retrovir recommend for prevention of maternal-fetal HIV transmission. Oral beginning afte 14 weeks gestation; IV during labor; syrup form to newborn for 6 weeks after birth (Saunders page 285)
Neonates born to HIV moms, will they test positive?
May test positive for up to 18 months after birth due to antibodies received from mom.
Does a infant at risk for HIV receive immunizations?
All recommended immunizations on schedule except those with live vaccine
(web says chicken pox and MMR are live)
Risk factors for DIC
SEVERE PREECLAMPSIA and dead fetus symdrome; not delivering a large baby or hemorrage after birth
Second stage of labor begins with _ and ends with _
Complete dilation of the cervix and ends with birth of neonate
WBC's during pregnancy
Normally increase in the 2nd and 3rd trimester (11,000-15,000) but can be as high as 18,000 (Saunders CD)
Stations during delivery - what part and what does positve and negative mean
Landmark with ischial spine negatives above and positives below that point
Rubella vaccine facts
Administered subcut. and may have reaction if allergic to eggs (this is from duck eggs). Avoid pregnancy for 1-3 months afterwards.Avoid immunosup. people.
Rubella fact
Do not have to stop breastfeeding if vaccine is given