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76 Cards in this Set

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Nagele's Rule

Calculate due date

(first day of LMP) - 3 months +7 days + 1 year

GTPAL format

Gravidity, para: Term, Preterm, Abortions, Living children

Full term

38+ weeks


20-37 weeks


pregnancy ended before 20 weeks

Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy

breast changes



urinary frequency



Probable Signs of Pregnancy

1st trimester:

-goodell sign

-chadwich sign

-hegar sign

-+preg test

2nd trimester:

-braxton hicks contractions (16+ weeks)

-ballottlement: 16-28 wks

Positive signs of pregnancy


5-6 weeks: ultrasound visualization

6wks: HR by ultrasound

10-12 wks: hr doppler

17-19wks: hr stethoscope

19-22 weeks: movement palpated

Chadwick's Sign

Blue purple color of vaginal mucous

4th week

increased vascularity

Hegar's Sign

Softening of lower uterine segment

Results in uterine antiflexion

Goodell's Sign

softening of cervix in second month

Human Chorionic Gonadotropic (hCG)

Hormone produced by chorionic villi; biologic marker in pregnancy tests

elevated= downs

low= trisomy 18


increased pigmentation over nose and cheeks of pregnant women

"mask pregnancy"

linea nigra

line of darker pigmentation n middle of abdomen from symphysis pubis to umbilicus

Striea Gravidarum

stretch marks

Caloric intake 2nd trimester

increases of 340 cal/day

caloric intake 3rd trimester

incase of 452 cal/day

recommended weight gain 1st trimester

2.2-2.4 lbs

2nd and 3rd trimester weight gain


H&H during Pregnancy

expect a decrease --> looking for anemia

Hgb >11; lower = iron deficiency anemia

Alpha-fetoprotein test

fetal antigen: elevated levels in amniotic fluid and maternal blood associated with neural tube defects

screening recommended for all pregnant women



elevated= NTD

Ectopic Pregnancy

implantation of fertilized ovum in a site other than the endometrial lining of the uterus

lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding

referred shoulder pain

faintness, dizziness

signs of hemorrhage and shock: hypotension, tachycardia, pallor

if progesterone and hCG elevated= not ectopic

Hydatiform Mole

Abnormal development of placenta resulting in fluid filled grape clusters

Trophoblastic tissue proliferates

usually pregnancy loss or choriocarcinoma

vaginal bleeding, dark brown/bright red discharger, anemia, n/v, abdominal cramps, passing of vesicles, preeclampsia

transvaginal ultrasound and serum hCG: diffuse snowstorm pattern

Threaten Abortion

vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks


closed cervix

painless or possible cramping


Inevitable abortion

all the signs of miscarriage but hasn't finished yet

moderate to heavy bleeding

cervical dilation

tissue passage

amniotic membranes broken

incomplete abortion

fetus passes, placenta still in uterus

missed abortion

no symptoms

no bleeding or cramping

closed cervical os

no fetal cardiac activity or empty sac

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

severe n/v resulting in dehydration and malnutrition

occurs in <2% of pregnancies

dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, acidosis, weight loss, ketonuria, hepatic and renal damage


maternal perception of fetal movement that usually occurs between 16-20 weeks

first time u feel the baby move

Fundal height measurement

measurement from symphysis pubis to top of uterine funds

18-32 weeks gestation

approximates gestational age

kick count

normal: 10 kicks in 1-2 hours

Braxton-Hicks contraction

mild/intermittent painless uterine contractions that occur more frequently as pregnancy advances but not representing true labor

usually relieved by walking


increased pressure on intestines from growing uterus

decreased intestinal motility due to progesterone and constipation

Vena Cava Syndrome

Low BP from weight and pressure of uterus on vena caba--> decreases beanies blood flow to heart when supine

hypotension, fetal hypoxia

dizziness, pale and clammy

4th month or later

position on left side, semi-fowlers, wedge under hip

Gestational Diabetes

hypoglycemia: nervousness, HA, weakness, irritability, hunger, blurred vision, tingling

hyperglycemia: thirst, nausa, abdominal pain, frequent urination, flushed dry skin, fruity breath, shallow respirations, rapid pulse, vomiting, excess wt gain

ideal glucose: 70-110

50g, 1hr glucose screening

>130-140mg/dl glucose = at risk --> further testing

100g, 3hr glucose tolerance test


2 or more= abnormal=gestational diabetes


hypertensive disease usually seen in last 1-12 weeks of pregnancy, during labor, or 48 hr postpartum

increase in systolic BP or 20 or diastolic of 15 per baseline twice for 6 hrs

BP 140/90

protein urine +2

edema in hands and face

hyperreflexia, HA, conulsions, epigastric pain, visual disturbances

magnesium sulfate: CNS depressant, anticonvulsant, lowers BP

antidote= calcium gluconate

Magnesium Sulfate for Preeclampsia

toxicity: absent deep tendon reflexes, urine output <30mL/hr, respirations <12/min, decreased LOC, dysrhythmias



HA, epigastric pain, hyperrelexia, hemoconcentrations

Cervical insufficiency

painless premature dilation of the cervix causing late miscarriage

pelvic pressure, urge to push

pink or red stained vaginal discharge

possible contraction

Cerclage: stitch to keep closed


surgical management of cervical insufficiency-- use of sutures to keep a premature dilating cervix closed

preterm labor

labor occurring between 20-36 weeks gestation

Contractions AND cervical change

persistent lower bacache

pressure in pelvis

uterine cramping

mucous or small blood vaginal discharge

effacement: cervical dilation and thinning

regular uterine contractions

fetal fibronectin cultures

Nifedipie: inhibit contractions

Mg sulfate

Indomethacin: block prostaglandin production to prevent labor

Fetal Fibronectin Test

protein found in vaginal secretions when fetal membrane is lost; strong predictor of birth in the next 2 weeks

negative result: preterm unlikely

Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM)

spontaneous rupture of amniotic sac and leakage 1 hr or more before labor at any gestational age

gush of fluid

temp elevation

increased HR/FHR

foul smelling fluid

abdominal tenderness

prolapsed umbilical cord

nitrazine paper test: turns blue from amniotic fluid

Ferning test: dried amniotic fluid will have fern pattern

Placenta Previa

placenta covering the cervix b/c improperly implanted in lower uterine segment

painless bright red bleeding

uterus soft

fundal heigh greater than expected

decreased urinary output


Kleihauer-Betke Test

leopold maneuvers

c-section required

Placental Abruption

premature separation of placenta from uterine wall

dark red vaginal bleeding

sudden onset intese abdomen pain

irritable or hard uterus

hypertonicity contractions

rigid, firm abdomen

FHR decelerations


Couvelair: blue uterus

give corticosteroids and o2

Non-stress Test

evaluation of intact fetal CNS during 3rd trimester

ruling out risk for fetal death in clients who have DM

done before giving induction meds

28-32 weeks

Reactive Non-Stress Test

FHR is normal baseline rate with moderate variability

32+ weeks: 2 FHR accelerations, 15 sec long, 15 beats higher than baseline over 20 min

28-31 weeks: 10 sec 10 beats 20 min

fetal movement--> FHR acceleration--> adequate oxygenation--> normal autonomic NS fxing

Contraction Stress Test

nipple stimulated

oxytocin if nipple fails

used in high risk pregnancies

analysis of FHR response to contractions

3 contractions within 10 min period of 40-60 sec each

positive test=bad: FHR went down with contraction bc lack of o2

Biophysical profile

NST and ultrasound assessment to visualize physical and physiological characteristics of fetus and observe for fetal response to stimuli

reactive NST

30 sec fetal breathing

3 fetal movements

fetal extension and flexion

amniotic fluid pocket

8-10= low risk of chronic fetal asphyxia

Fetal HR Baseline


Fetal Bradycardia


causes: late fetal asphyxia, maternal hypotension, prolonged umbilical cord compression

assist to side lying, o2

Fetal Tachycardia


causes: maternal fever, early fetal hype, drugs

administer antipyretics and o2

Moderate FHR Variability

FHR baseline variability is fluctuations in FHR baseline that are irregular in frequency and amplitude

FHR= 6-25/min

Decreased FHR Variability


decrease or loss of irregular fluctuations in baseline of FHR

Increased FHR variability


caused by fetal movement

positive indicator of fetal well being

indicate reactive non-stress test

Early Decelerations in FHR

slowing of hr with start of contraction with return to baseline at end of contraction

indication of increased pressure on fetal head

Variable decelerations in FHR

slowing less than 100beats/min, variable in duration, intensity, and timing

sign of umbilical cord compression

if persistent despite positioning --> indication of fetal hypoxia

Late Decelerations

slowing of FHR after contraction has started with return to baseline after contraction has ended

indication of fetal hypoxia

due to uteroplacental insufficiency-- results in decreased blood flow that impedes oxygen transfer o uterus

omnious sign: prompt attention

place on left side


more than 5 uterine contractions in 10 min, averaged over 30 min

a cause of late decelerations


for variable decelerations

attempt to resolve variable decelerations by inserting sterile saline solution back into uterus to cushion cord and relieve umbilical cord compression

used when amniotic fluid is low

Recommended Weight Gain



Prenatal Care

identify existing risk factors and other deviations from normal

first: within first trimester usually 6-8 weeks

every 4 weeks: weeks 16-28

every 2 weeks: weeks 29-36

every week: 36 to birth

Danger Signs

vaginal bleeding

uterine contractions or pain

swelling of fingers, face eyes


continuous pounding headache

chills or fever

painful urination

Call Dr if - preterm labor

uterine contractions q10min or less for 1hr or more

vaginal bleeding

odorous vaginal discharge

fluid leaking from vagina


total number of pregnancies, including current one


number of pregnancies resulting in birth after age of viability (20 weeks)


never been pregnant


pregnant for first time


two or more pregnancies


woman who has not completed a pregnancy with fetus beyond 20 weeks gestation


completed one pregnancy with fetus who has reched 20 weeks gestation


number of pregnancies ended before 20 weeks


Preterm Birth

20-37 weeks

term birth

38-42 weeks