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65 Cards in this Set

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client with severe preeclampsia is receiving IV magnesium sulfate. What nursing interventions are appropriate?
monitor VS q 30-60 min

notify the physician if RR<12

Keep ca++ gluconate on hand (antidote for mag sulfate)

monitor DTR q hour

monitor cardiac and renal fx

UO must be >30 cc/hr b/c mag sulfate is eliminated through kidneys
Magnesium Sulfate
is a CNS depressant and anti-convulsant

used to prevent & control seizures in preeclamptic & eclamptic clients

and treat preterm labor
what should you check before administering repeat parenteral dose of mag sulfate
check for patellar reflex (indicator of CNS depression).

RR must be >16
suppressed patellar reflex may be a sign of ________
impending respiratory arrest (s/t CNS depression)
in-vitro fertilization is used in women with __________
nonpatent, diseased, or missing fallopian tubes,

Or infertility of unknown cause
How does in-vitro fertilization work?
ova & sperm are collected and allowed to incubate

fertilized ovum is transferred into woman's uterus

woman carries pregnancy throughout gestation and gives birth
platypelloid pelvis has a ____________ shape
gynecoid pelvis has a __________ shape
normal pelvis
anthropoid pelvis has a _______ shape
android pelvis has a ________ shape
primary reason why pregnant teens are at risk of nutritional deficiency b/c
teens experience major growth spurt

pregnancy adds to these needs
Hegar's sign
at about 6th week of pregnancy, lower uterine segment becomes soft & thin
6th day postpartum, the fundus is located ________
halfway b/w symphysis pubis & umbilicus
how do you assess brachial DTR
support client's arm and ask client to let the arm go totally limp while its being held

place thumb over tendon

strike thumb with the small end of a reflex hammer

normal response: slight flexion of forearm
Folic acid is important during pregnancy b/c it is needed for
healthy cell growth and repair
how much folic acid is needed by pregnant women
at least 4 servings of folic-acid rich foods per day
foods high in folic acid
dark, green leafy vegetables


whole grain


glandular meats
clinical manifestations of vaginal infection with Candida albicans
pain, itching and a thick, white vaginal discharge
clinical manifestations of UTI
proteinuria, hematuria, edema, HTN, costovertebral angle pain
when can you use Naagele's rule to predict delivery date
need to have regular 28-day menstrual cycle
Naagele's rule
1st day of LMP + 7 days

subtract 3 months

add 1 year
supine hypotension syndrome in late pregnancy is caused by
compression of IVC & aorta by the fetus

turn client to a side-lying position
biophysical profile assesses __________
FHR, fetal breathing movements, gross fetal movements, fetal tone and amniotic fluid volume

(0-2 points for each)
a score of ______ is considered normal on a biophysical profile
8 or more

10 is perfect
biophysical profile is used to assess
amniotic fluid volume and fetal activity
best source of Ca++ is
dairy products
lactose intolerant women can get Ca++ from
dark, green, leafy vegetables, broccoli, legumes, nuts and dried fruits
Is spinach a good source of Calcium ?

but it also contains oxalates that decrease Ca++ availability
foods containing _______ increase the absorption of oral iron supplements
ascorbic acid (Vit. C)
Iron supplements should not be taken with ________
milk or dairy products

coffee/ tea
inevitable abortion
termination of pregnancy that cannot be prevented

moderate-to-severe bleeding with mild cramping and cervical dilation is noted
incomplete abortion
heavy bleeding, severe cramping, cervical dilation and passage of large clots
threatened abortion
slight-to-moderate bleeding, intermittent cramping without dilation of cervix.
septic abortion
bleeding with odor, cervical dilation and fever, cramping may or maynot be present
maternal infections like ________ are causes of spontaneous abortion
syphilis, toxoplasmosis and rubella
Main concern for clients with possible ectopic pregnancy
hypovolemic shock and controlling pain

monitor VS (esp. pulse)
priority assessments for clients with preeclampsia
monitor weight

check for edema
b-HCG is ____________ than expected in clients with ectopic pregnancy
absence of b-HCG would mean client is _______
not pregnant
high levels of b-HCG indicate _______ pregnancy
Risk factors for developing gestational diabetes include _________
obesity (>198 lbs)

chronic HTN

family hx of diabetes

previous birth of large infant (> 4000 g)

gestational diabetes in prior pregnancy
Glucose crosses the placenta but _______ does not.
why do maternal blood glucose levels increase in the 2nd half of pregnancy?
high fetal demands of glucose

insulin resistance caused by hormonal changes
diabetic pregnant client needs _______ insulin during 2nd half of pregnancy

(d/t diabetogenic effect of pregnancy)
what is gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole)
a group of several diseases -- all involve abnormal growth of cells inside a woman's uterus.

unlike cervical or endometrial cancer, GTD doesn't develop from uterus cells.

These rare, once fatal, but now highly curable tumors start in the tissue that begins to develop immediately after conception
most common S/S of gestational trophoblastic disease
elevated b-HCG levels

vaginal bleeding

larger than normal uterus for gestational age

failure to detect FHR even with sensitive instruments

excessive N/V

early development of PIH
HCG can be detected in blood as early as ________ days after conception or ________ days after LMP
6 days after conception


20 days after LMP
between ______ and ____ weeks of pregnancy, maternal pulse rate increases slowly, upto 10-15 bpm, which lasts until term
14 and 20
During pregnancy CO and blood volume ______
BP _______ in the 1st half of pregnancy and returns to baseline in the 2nd half of pregnancy
strategies for decreasing morning nausea
eat crackers before arising

eat smaller, more frequent meals

decrease fat content

consume adequate fluids in b/w meals but not with meals
normal amniotic fluid is
pale and straw colored

may contain flecks of vernix

should have watery consistency

should not have odor
amber-colored amniotic fluid suggests presence of _________
greenish amniotic fluid suggests presence of ______

suggests fetal distress
priority intervention for home care nurse visiting client with mild preeclampsia is
to monitor fetal movement

ask client to keep a record of fetal movements

bed-rest with BRP is advised

check urine for protein
prenatal client with history of heart disease should avoid ________
exposure to infections

e.g. avoid visitors with active infections
how would you perform the Heimlich maneuver on a woman with advanced stage of pregnancy
place the woman on her back

place a wedge (pillow or rolled blanket) under the right abdominal flank & hip to displace the uterus to left side of abdomen
fallopian tubes transport a mature _________ for final maturation and fertilization
Estrogen is produced in __________ during pregnancy
ovarian follicles, corpus luteum, adrenal cortex and placenta
progesterone is produced in ___________ during pregnancy
corpus luteum, adrenal glands & placenta
FSH and LH are secreted by the ________ when stimulated by GRH from the hypothalamus
anterior pituitary gland
Main purpose of placenta is to
provide an exchange of nutrients and waste products b/w mother and fetus
Main purpose of the amniotic fluid is to
cushion and protect the fetus

maintain fetus body temperature
Can nutrients, drugs, antibodies and viruses pass through the placenta?
umbilicus has _____ arteries and ____ veins
2 arteries and one vein

arteries carry deoxygenated blood (and waste products) pumped from fetus's heart

vein carries oxygenated blood and provide oxygen and nutrients to the fetus