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103 Cards in this Set

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Perception of pain
--the meaning of pain and the verbal and nonverbal expressions given to pain are apparently learned from what?
interactions within the primary social group
Perception of pain

What 2 cultural groups of women believe it shameful and counterproductive to scream or show pain, and therefore avoid outward expressions when they are in pain
Asian and Amish
Expression of pain

What nervous system activity is stimulated in response to pain?

what does that increase?
-sympathetic nervous system

resulting in increase catecholamine levels (Catecholamines cause general physiological changes that prepare the body for physical activity (fight-or-flight response). Some typical effects are increases in heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and a general reaction of the sympathetic nervous system.. ex: norepinephrine and epinephrine)
Expression of pain

what happens to BP RR and HR?
Expression of pain

what adverse efffect can occur as a result of the pain intensifing?
-hyperventilation, sometimes accompanied by resp. alkalosis, can occur as pain intensifies
Expression of pain

-gastric activity (increases or decrease) and ____ are common in the active phase of labor

Expression of pain

-what happens to placental perfusion and uterine activity?
may decrease and may diminish which can prolong labor and affect fetal well-being
-the sensory quality of visceral and somatic pain has been described as
prickling, stabbing, burning, bursting, aching, heavy, pulling, throbbing, sharp, shooting, stinging, or cramping
-the emotional quality of pain has been described as
tiring, exhausting, annoying, sickening, and nauseating
Expression of pain

During labor, what do Chinese woman use to calm and cope with pain?
-Chinese women often use soft voices and calm demeanors to cope with pain to conserve energy during labor
Expression of pain

What do Mayan women use to cope with pain and enhance labor?
repeat a mantra and call out to the Lord
Factors influencing pain response

-Physiologic factors:
-in relationship to a womans menstrual periods in the past?
-history of dysmenorrheal (b/c of higher prostaglandin levels)

-back pain associated with menstruation
Factors influencing pain response
-what position results in decreased pain and increased comfort?

-what is an important factor in reducing pain and muscle tension that the mom should be allowed to do?
-upright positions

-being able to move freely to find a position of comfort is an important factor in reducing pain and muscle tension
Factors influencing pain response

-Physiologic factors:
what do endorphins and opioids do to pain?

-high endorphin levels may do what?
-endorphins and endogenous opioids reduce pain

-higher endorphin levels may increase the ability of women in labor to tolerate pain and may reduce
irritability and anxiety
Culture and Pain
-Chinese women

what is their reaction to pain?

what must a nurse consider in relationship to how they feel about pain medications?

what may they use for pain relief?
may not exhibit reactions to pain although it is acceptable to exhibit pain during birth

-they consider it impolite to accept something when it is first offered so pain interventions must
be offered more than once
-acupuncture may be used for pain relief
Expression of pain

-gastric activity (increases or decrease) and ____ are common in the active phase of labor

Expression of pain

-what happens to placental perfusion and uterine activity?
may decrease and may diminish which can prolong labor and affect fetal well-being
-the sensory quality of visceral and somatic pain has been described as
prickling, stabbing, burning, bursting, aching, heavy, pulling, throbbing, sharp, shooting, stinging, or cramping
-the emotional quality of pain has been described as
tiring, exhausting, annoying, sickening, and nauseating
Expression of pain

During labor, what do Chinese woman use to calm and cope with pain?
-Chinese women often use soft voices and calm demeanors to cope with pain to conserve energy during labor
Expression of pain

What do Mayan women use to cope with pain and enhance labor?
repeat a mantra and call out to the Lord
Factors influencing pain response

-Physiologic factors:
-in relationship to a womans menstrual periods in the past?
-history of dysmenorrheal (b/c of higher prostaglandin levels)

-back pain associated with menstruation
Factors influencing pain response
-what position results in decreased pain and increased comfort?

-what is an important factor in reducing pain and muscle tension that the mom should be allowed to do?
-upright positions

-being able to move freely to find a position of comfort is an important factor in reducing pain and muscle tension
Factors influencing pain response

-Physiologic factors:
what do endorphins and opioids do to pain?

-high endorphin levels may do what?
-endorphins and endogenous opioids reduce pain

-higher endorphin levels may increase the ability of women in labor to tolerate pain and may reduce
irritability and anxiety
Culture and Pain
-Chinese women

what is their reaction to pain?

what must a nurse consider in relationship to how they feel about pain medications?

what may they use for pain relief?
may not exhibit reactions to pain although it is acceptable to exhibit pain during birth

-they consider it impolite to accept something when it is first offered so pain interventions must
be offered more than once
-acupuncture may be used for pain relief
Culture and Pain

Arab or middle eastern women and their respodn to pain??

what may they prefer for pain relief?
may be vocal in response to labor pain,

they may prefer medication for pain relief
Culture and Pain

-Japanese women and pain?
may request medication when pain becomes severe
Culture and Pain

-Southeast Asian women and pain?
may endure severe pain before requesting relief
Culture and Pain

Hispanic women and their response to pain?
-may be stoic until late in labor when they become vocal and request pain relief
Culture and Pain

what women may use medication or remedies made from plants
-Native American
Culture and Pain

what women may express pain openly, use of meds for pain relief varies
-African American
-more common with increased pain during labor
-mild anxiety is considered normal for a woman during labor and birth

what can excessive anxiety and fear cause?
- more catecholamine secretion which increases stimuli to the brain from the pelvis b/c of decreased blood flow and increased muscle tension, which magnifies pain

-as anxiety and fear heighten
what increases: (2)
what decreases:

which can eventually do what to the progress of labor?
muscle tension increases,

discomfort increases

effectiveness of uterine contractions decrease,

which can eventually slow the progress of labor
-Previous experience:

-childbirth for a healthy young adult woman may be her first experience w/ pain and may not have developed what?
effective pain coping strategies
-Previous experience:

-for women who had a difficult and painful previous birth experience, what may lead to an increase perception of pain
anxiety and fear from this past
-Previous experience:

-sensory pain for (multiparous of nulliparous) is greater during early labor
-Previous experience:

-during the transition phase of the 1st stage of labor and during the 2nd stage of labor (multiparous of nulliparous) woman may experience greater sensory pain?


b/c of their supple (bendable)
tissue increases the speed of fetal descent which increases pain
-Previous experience:

-the firmer tissue of nulliparous women results in a (fater or slower) descent
slower, more gradual
-Previous experience:

-affective pain is greater for (multiparous or nulliparous) woman the 1st stage of labor
nulliparous women

but decreases for both
nulliparous and multiparous women during the 2nd stage
-Previous experience:

what 2 things can magnify pain
-fatigue and sleep deprivation
-Gate control theory of pain:

-pain sensations travel along sensory nerve pathways to the brain but only a limited number of sensations, or messages, can travel through these nerve pathways at one time

so what should the nurse do?
using distraction techniques (massage, stroking, music, focal points, imagery) reduce or block the capacity of nerve pathways to transmit pain

-cognitive work (concentration on breathing and relaxation techniques) help as well
Gate control theory of pain:

if the laboring woman engages in what kind of pain, it will modify the transmission of pain?
neuromuscular and motor activity (activity within the spinal cord)

-the most helpful interventions to enhance comfort are
a caring nursing approach and supportive
continuous support begun early in labor does what?

decreases? (2)
-relieves pain,
improves outcomes,

decreases interventions (meds for pain) and complication rates (cesarean births) associated labor and enhances overall maternal

-a more positive effect is when the continuous support was provided by who?
a woman who was not part of the staff of hospital
quality of envt can help a woman cope with pain during labor

-comfortable, homelike setting
-safe and private
-light, noise, and temperature should be adjusted according to the woman’s preferences
-enough space for movement
-birth balls, comfortable chairs, tubs, showers should be readily available for pain relief
-Breathing Techniques

-breathing techniques provide distraction by
reducing the perception of pain and helping the woman maintain control throughout contractions
-Breathing Techniques
1st stage

breathing techniques are used for what reason? (2)
promote relaxation of the abdominal muscles

increase the size of abdominal cavity (this lessens discomfort generated by friction b/w the uterus and abdominal wall
during contractions)
-Breathing Techniques
2nd stage

-breathing is used to
increase abdominal pressure and assist in expelling the fetus
-Breathing Techniques
2nd stage

-breathing can also be used to prevent
expulsion of the fetal head
-Breathing Techniques

what is the berathing technique most associated with prepared child birth and includes slow paced, modified-paced, patterned paced breathing techniques
-paced breathing
-Breathing Techniques

-slow paced breathing:
what happens with the womans breathing rate?
-how do we know when we should implement this technique?

how long should this be used?
half of the woman’s normal breathing rate is initiated

-when the woman can no longer talk or walk through contractions

-use this technique for as long as it’s effective in reducing the perception of pain & maintaining control
-Breathing Techniques

-slow paced breathing:
how many breaths per minute?
what is the sequence?
-approx 6-8 breaths per minute

-Breathing Techniques

-modified paced breathing:
how do we know when to change to this breathing pattern?
-as the contractions increase in frequency and intensity, the woman needs to change to a more complex
breathing technique which is shallower and 2x her normal rate of breathing
-Breathing Techniques

-modified paced breathing:
requires what?
why is it better than slow paced breathing?
more concentration

blocks more painful stimuli than slow paced breathing
-Breathing Techniques

-modified paced breathing:

how many breaths per minute?
what is the sequence like?
-approx 32-40 breaths per minute)
-Breathing Techniques

-modified paced breathing:

what is the data of why this is a good breathing technique?
(3 things)
-conserves energy,
-lessens fatigue,

-decrease the chance of hyperventilation
-patterned paced breathing technique:

what the most difficult time to maintain control of breathing?
during contractions is when the cervix dilates from 8-10 cm
(this phase is called the transition phase of the 1st stage of labor)
transition phase of the 1st stage of labor is suggested for what breathing technique
-patterned paced breathing technique:
-patterned paced breathing technique:

what is the breathing pattern?

what is the sequence?
-4:1 pattern

(breath, breath, breath, breath, blow (blow out a candle)
-patterned paced breathing technique:

-patterned paced breathing technique:

-watch for symptoms of respiratory (acidosis or alkalosis)
what are the s/s?
-respiratory alkalosis

-light headedness, dizziness, tingling of fingers, circumoral numbness
-patterned paced breathing technique:

-SE: hyperventilation

how can you treat that?
-respiratory alkalosis may be eliminated by having the woman breathe into a paper bag or into her cupped hands if no bag is available

(rebreathe carbon dioxide and replace bicarb)
2nd stage of labor and breathing pattern?

what pattern should she use?

what should she make sure to avoid?
-the woman should find a breathing pattern that is relaxing and feels good to her and the baby

-avoid prolonged breath holding
-when the fetal head reaches the pelvic floor, the woman may feel the urge to push

what can be used to overcome the urge to push when the cervix is not fully prepared?
by taking panting breaths or by slowly exhaling through pursed lips
effleurage is:

why is it used?
light massage, usually of abdomen, in rhythm with breathing during contractions

-used to distract the woman from contraction pain
effleurage is relief to many women during what stage of labor?
- 1st stage of labor
-counterpressure is
steady pressure applied by a support person to the sacral area with the first or heel of the hand
-helps the woman do what?
-cope with sensation of internal pressure and pain in the lower back
what is really helpful when back pain is caused by pressure of occiput against spinal nerves from the fetal head
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

what happens?
-places 2 pairs of flat electrodes on either side of the woman’s thoracic and sacral spine providing a continuous low intensity of electrical impulses
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

during contraction, the women increases the stimulation from low to high
-high intensity should be maintained for how long? why?
-high intensity should be maintained for at least 1 min to release endorphins
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

mots useful for which stage of labor and why?
-early first stage of labor

most useful for lower back pain
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

-Risk to mom or fetus?
no risks for mom or fetus
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

may be effectice why?
- because of the placebo effect

(confidence that the TENS stimulate release of endorphins thus alleviatng discomfort)
Acupressure and Acupuncture

used to: (2)
-relieve pain and discomfort

-may also be given to reduce nausea when an opioid is used
Acupressure and Acupuncture

acupressure is thought to increase the levels of:
endorphin levels which help with discomfort
-pressure is applied with the hell of the hand, fist, or pad of thumbs and fingers
-tennis balls can also be used

-acupressure points are found on the neck, shoulders, wrist, lower back, hips, below kneecaps, ankles,
nails on small toes, and soles of feet

when is pressure applied?
-pressure is applied with contractions initially and then continuously as labor progresses to the end of
the first stage of labor
-what are they given for?
relieve anxiety and induce sleep
-may be given to a woman in what stage of labor?
experiencing prolonged latent phase of labor
-barbiturates such as (Seconal) can cause undesirable SE such as: (2)
(respiratory and vasomotor depression)
When are Benzodiazepines useful?

what do they help with?
what do they reduce?
what do they increase?
when given with an opioid analgesic

- pain relief
-reduce n/v,
increased sedation
Timing of administration

chain of command to get the woman meds?
-the nurse notifies the doctor that the woman is in need of pharmacologic measures to relief her discomfort
Timing of administration

-pharmacologic measures for pain relief are not usually implemented until labor has advanced to what phase?
the active phase of the 1st stage of labor and the cervix is dilated approx 4-5cm
visceral pain
-what stage of labor is this felt?

caused by: Cervical changes, lower uterine segment distention, and uterine ischemia
WHERE is this pain felt?
1st stage

- lower abdomen
Referred pain
-originiates where?

-radiates to?
Originates in uterus,

radiates to abdominal wall, lumbosacral area, iliac crests, gluteal area, and down thighs,
Viseral somatic or referred pain

what is contraction pain?
referred pain
Somatic pain
-what stage is this felt?

-what does it feel like?
Second stage of labor

Intense, sharp, burning, well localized
Culture and pain

______ quiet and still, they don’t breath faster or tense up
Hmong pts
Breathing techniques
-1st stage (relax or push) -breath fast or slow?
-2nd stage (relax or push) -breath fast or slow?
1st stage to relax, breath as slow as possible

2nd stage to push ,panting
Application of heat/cold
Culture may dictate -

______ patients, don’t’ want anything cold. They don’t’ want ice water, they want hot water. No ice backs on bottom, plain pads.
Hypnosis - when is it started?

Biofeedback- what is this about?
what do you cause your body to do?
Hypnosis -people start it usually prior to

Biofeedback-really being able to know your body.

Your causing your body to respond to what you want it to do. “im going to relax”
Nonpharmacologic Management of Discomfort

Aromatherapy – can do what
Aromatherapy –can make people happy and help them relax
Nonpharmacologic Management of Discomfort

Intradermal water block
-what is it
sterile water injection in the lower back, stings for 20-30 seconds and then they get good lower back relief, lasts for awhile and you may have to do it again
-Relaxes and potentiates what effects
opioid analgesic

increase or decrease N/V
Dilaudid, Demerol, Fentanyl
are examples of?
Opioid agonist analgesics
Dilaudid, Demerol, Fentanyl
-pain relief compared to an epidural?

what does it cause?
Less pain relief than epidural

Causes respiratory depression
Dilaudid, Demerol, Fentanyl
(Opioid agonist analgesics)

do not administer when? (2)

after 7 cm dilation,
2 hours prior to delivery

-fetal exposure CNS depression
Stadol, Nubain –given IV

what class are they??
Opioid agonist-antagonist analgesics
Stadol, Nubain –given IV

analgesia or anesthesia?
Stadol, Nubain –given IV

why are they given?
Analgesia without respiratory depression
What do you not want to use in women who are opiod dependent, they will experience immediate withdrawal
Stadol, Nubain –given IV