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109 Cards in this Set

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What size is the uterus before pregnancy?
Pear shaped
Give dimentions and wt of uterus before pregnancy
60 grams (2 oz)
Give capacity range for the uterus during pregnancy
10ml to 5000ml (500x's more than normal!)
At how many weeks is uterus at belly button?
20 wks
At delivery where is the uterus?
xiphoid process
Purple coloration (stretch marks) which turn silver colored after delivery are called what?
Describe Colostrum
anitbody rich, yellow secretion that converts to mature milk during the first few days after delivery
The cervix secretes thick tenacious mucus and accumulates to produce a _______________
mucus plug
An increase in mucus is referred to ______________ or ____________ (pertaining to cervix)
Blue purple discoloration of the cervix is ___________
Chadwick's sign
Softening of lower uterine segment found on palpation in the second or third month of pregnancy is which sign?
Hegar's Sign
Enlarging of the uterus may put pressure on which vessels?
Vena Cava
How do you relieve pressure on the vena cava?
have woman turn to her side
What nursing intervention should be performed with a woman expierencing vena cava symdrome?
have pt turn to L) side and recheck BP in 5min (right side is also ok but L) is better)
True or False
BP is affected by positions during pregnancy.
A resp system function that is modified throughtout pregnancy is _____________:estrogen induced edema & vascular congestion of nasal tissue
nasal stuffiness
CV system changes
Physiologic anemia
--dilution of hemoglobin concentration
--increase in plasma =50%
--erythrocytes do not increase
no answer just memorize
CV system changes
iron assists with anemia
--iron may produce constipation
--need increase in fluid intake
no answer just memorize
Vascular system increases by ________% in pregnancy
Why does the vascular system increase during pregnancy?
to provide adequate perfusion for fetus via the placenta
List 3 ways to prevent venous stasis during pregnancy
--rest often with legs elevated
--do not cross legs
--if going to wear elastic stockings put them on after arising in the morning
Leg cramps are common discomfort during pregnancy, list 1 way to relieve leg cramps
--dorsiflex the foot
---do NOT massage affected leg muscle
What is nausea and vomiting associated with?
hCG secretion
Glycosuria is the inhibited absorption of minerals or gestational diabetes. Is this a variation of normal?
An increase in progesterone and melanocytes causes
pigmentation of areola, nipples, vulva, perineal area, and the linea alba Linea nigra (the line down the belly)
Chloasma of the face and neck can be a skin change during pregnancy, what is it?
The discoloring of face and neck, referred to as a mask sometimes
List 4 skin and hair changes that can occur during pregnancy
--vascular spider nevi
--slowed hair growth
--sweat glands increase secretion
List 5 Subjective signs of pregnancy
--urinary freq
--breast tenderness
--changes in pelvic organs (goodells, chadwick and Hagars sign)
--uterus enlargement
--enlargement of abdomen
--uterus scuffle
--skin pigmentation
--abdominal striae
--pregnancy tests
--palpation of outline
All of these are _____________signs of pregnancy
Name a nursing intervention if pt c/o severe lower back pain
observe posture and body mechanics
List 3 diagnostic (postive) changes of pregnancy
--fetal heart tones (17th-20th wk)
--fetal movement
--visualization of fetus by ultrasound
---vaginal bleeding, with or without discomfort
--rupture of membranes
--swelling of the fingers, puffiness of the face or around the eyes
--continuous, pounding h/a
--visual disturbances (blurred vision, dimness, spots)
--persistent or severe abdominal pain (may mean preterm labor or serious placenta abnormalities)
--chills or fever
--painful urination
--persistent vomiting
--changes in freq or strength of fetal movements
are all _________ signs of pregnancy
Why should women in their first trimester visit doc every 4wks?
--allows condition of mother & fetus to be monitored
--ensures that problems are identified early
Give an example of ambbivalence (a psychological response to pregnancy)
"I wanted to become pregnant, but I am scared about becoming a mother"
What should you do if a mother expresses concern that something is going to happen to her baby (this is under 3rd trimester but I think it would apply at any trimester)
--ask her about her concerns
--always encourage the pt to discuss feelings
--the nurse should not belittle or disregard feelings
Mimicry refers to the observation and coping behaviors of other mothers, give examples
--wearing maternity clothes before they are needed
--helps the expectant mother "feel" what it is like to be obviously prego
What is grief work?
---women experiences sadness as she realizes that she must give up certain aspects of her previous self
--she can no longer go back
Development of attachment with the baby begins in first trimester and continues throughout the neonate period is it the process of
A father will "try on" fatherly behaviors such as
coaching a little league baseball team
First trimester emotional response is
First trimester physical validation is
no obvious signs of fetal growth
First trimester role is
may begin to seek safe passage for self and fetus
____of grandparent may determine response
True or False
A grandparents response may be postive or negative
may need to negotiate grandparents role
What can you do encourage grandmother's participation in infant care?
look for advice such as "the baby is spitting up alot, what should i do"
What should you do with your toddler shortly before birth?
Spend focused time with them (Their time with mom)
__________children may believe the infant will be a new playmate
________children should be envolved in baby prep
___________may vary to be indifferent, embarrassment or wish to be highly involved
Multiparity (twins, triplets, etc) parents may need...........
help at home!
Lower socioeconomic status parents may focus on what relating to health care needs?
meeting health care needs as they occur---they focus on present needs rather than future goals
What nursing care is important in the first & second trimester?
coping with the common discomforts of pregnancy
Is childbirth class recommended for parents who have previous had children?
yes if more than 2 years has elapsed b/w last prepared child birth class, refresher course
What is the nurses role regarding nutrition during pregnancy?
ongoing nutrition edu for the mother's concerns
--how much wt will i gain
--do i need to go on a diet to lose wt
--when is the wt gain to much
--when is wt gain too little
--what is good for the baby
What decreases the risk of neural tube defects?
folic acid
What does complex carbs provide for the pregnant woman?
For a woman that is normal wt, what is the ave wt gain during pregnancy?
25-35 pounds
What may occur is the pregnancy wt is below 100 pounds?
--preterm labor
--low birth wt infants
Pregnancy wt above 200 lbs increases incidence in what?
--gestational diabetes
--neural tube defects
--postpartum infection
Woman who are shorter than ____inches may not need to gain as much as taller women
62 inches
True or False
Younger adolescents need to gain the upper limit for their own growth along with the fetus?
Nutritional needs __________by ________cals to meet the needs of the mother and growing fetus
What is the increase need of complex carbs for?
energy/add fiber for fullness and regularity
What is the increase in protein needs for? (need 71 grams)
support growth of mother and fetus
A deficiency in vitamin A may produce what?
fetal defects
True or False
Vitamin C is needed for cellular formation, healing and immune response
Iron is needed in increased amounts for
formation of hemoglobin
Increase water intake is needed for the __________and increase in blood volume
Breastfeeding moms need _______additional cal/day
Folic acid may decrease occurrence of NTD, list food sources of folate
---green leafy veggies
--whole grains
--dried peas and beans
Non supplemental use of nutrients may produce_______________
toxic effects on the fetus
What is PICA?
ingestion of nonfood substances such as clay, dirt, solid laundry starch
A nursing intervention is to monitor and eval of the pattern of wt gain in pregnancy, why do we do this?
to identify potential nutritional complications of pregnancy
List nursing interventions of absorption of iron
--teach moms when to take iron
--give with vit C source like OJ to increase the absorption of iron
--teach that milk or milk products decreases absorption
--never give tea with iron, it decerases absorption
List 3 factors that influence nutrition
--substance use and abuse
If a mother chooses the avoidance of milk products list other sources of calcium
--sardines w. bones
--dried fruit
--dark green leafy veggies
--bok choy
Adolescent mothers will need to gain___________pounds to allow for their growth along with the fetus
What are two questions that need to be asked in nutritional assessment?
---food preferences
--food prep common to culture
Advise smoking cessation or limit cigarette us b/c vasoconstriction does what to blood flow to fetus?
What are nursing interventions before 2nd trimester trans-abdominal ultrasound?
--tell pt to drink 1-2 quarts of water
Why is it important for the bladder to be full before a trans-abdominal ultrasound?
this provides a window through which the uterus and its contents can be viewed
What is the primary reason for evaluating AFP levels?
to determine if the fetus has NTD
Why are triple marker screenings done?
to predict chromosomal abnormalities/defects
(this is a maternal serum analysis)
Maternal diabetes is an indication for fetal diagnostic procedure. Why?
---maternal diabetes is a risk factor in pregnancy
--possible impairment of placental perfusion
What is the most accurate measurement of gestation age?
biparietal diameter via ultrasound
Non supplemental use of nutrients may produce_______________
toxic effects on the fetus
What is PICA?
ingestion of nonfood substances such as clay, dirt, solid laundry starch
A nursing intervention is to monitor and eval of the pattern of wt gain in pregnancy, why do we do this?
to identify potential nutritional complications of pregnancy
List nursing interventions of absorption of iron
--teach moms when to take iron
--give with vit C source like OJ to increase the absorption of iron
--teach that milk or milk products decreases absorption
--never give tea with iron, it decerases absorption
List 3 factors that influence nutrition
--substance use and abuse
Fetal villus tissue may be obtained as early as ________wks
What is the major advantage of chorionic villus sampling over amnio?
requries less time to obtain the results (24-48 h) compared to 2-4 wks for amnio
List condraindications for transcervical chorionic villus sampling
--maternal infection is a risk
--esp if it is an active infection in the cervix, vagina, or pelvic area such as active gential herpes
What are most parents concerned about with fetal dx testing?
safety of the fetus
What are nursing roles in dx testing?
--providing the couple with all necessary info about the procedure so the couple can make informed choice
---it is NOT to advice what to do
What is an indcaition for third trimester amnio?
to determine fetal lung maturity
What must a nurse montior after amnio?
uterine activity, there is a risk of spontaneous contractions
What does a nonstress test assess?
fetal well being & eval ability of fetal heart to accelerate r/t movement
Reactive is what?
at least 2 accelerations with or without movement within 20 min period, 15 bpm above the baseline
What is non-reactive?
does not demonstrate the required characteristics of a reactive tracing within 40 min
What is vibroacoustic stimulation test?
tones applied to fetus
stimulus is given up to 3 sec and canbe repeated at 1 min intervals for up to 3 times
What does a contraction stress test(CST) record?
the response of fetal HR to stress induced by a contraction
AFter a contraction the fetal HR should_______
--negative is no late deceleration
--positive is late decelerations follow 50% or more contraction
What 5 areas does a biophysical profile assess?
--nonstress test
--fetal breathing movements
--gross fetal movement
--fetal tone
--amniotic fluid volume
What is a normal biophysical score if amniotic fluid volume is adequate?
8-10 points
What is a modified biophysical profile?
--assess fetus only by ultrasound
--omit nonstress test
What is PUBS (percutaneous umbilical blood sampling?
--aspiration of fetal blood from cord for prenatal dx and tx
--Rh disease
--genetic studies
--dx of blood clotting factors
--severe growth restriction
--acid base status of fetus
What is a kick count?
maternal assessment of fetal movement
count fetal movements 30 min 3xday
eval if less than 4 movements in 30 min
increased vascularization produces softening of the cervix and uterus is called_____________sign
Goodell's sign