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70 Cards in this Set

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Blood Dyscrasias
Occur when blood components fail to form correctly or when blood values exceed or fail to meet normal standards.
Hematopoiesis(blood formation)
Childhood: RBC's are formed in the marrow of the long bones. Adolescence: takes place in the marrow of the ribs, sternum, vertebrae, pelvis, skull, cavicle, scapulae.
Regulates the RBC production. This is produced in the liver for the fetus and the kidneys after birth.
The Lymphatic System
drains regions of the body to lymph nodes, where infectious organisms are destroyed and anitbody production is stimulated.
an enlargement of lymph nodes that indicates an infection or disease.
Largest organ of the lymphatic system. The main funtion is to bring blood into contact with the lymphocytes.
Splenomegaly(spleen enlargement)
Most commonly seen pathological condition of the spleen. Spleen enlarges during infections, congenital and acquired hemplytic anemias and liver malfunction.
Bone Marrow Aspriation
a procedure helpful in determining disorders of the blood.
Pinpoint hemmorrhagic spot
Large Petechiae (hemmorrhagic spot)
One of the bodys defense mechanisms
increased size of tonsils and adenoids is normal in preschool and school age children
Thymus Gland
important in the development of the immune response in newborns.
Immature T-Cell activity
Preterm and term infants are at greater risk for viral and bacterial infections b/c of this
most common nutritional deficiency of children in the US. Caused by insufficient of iron in the body. HIghest during infancy and adolescence. Anemia is a condtion in which there is a reduction of the size of RBC's or in the amoutn of Hemoglobin.
Iron-Deficiency Anemia
caused by severe hemorrhage, inabilty to absorb iron, excessive growth requirements, or inadequate diet. Feeding whole cows milk to infants can cause GI bleed resulting in anemia.
Highest incidence of iron deficiency anemia
occurs from nine to twenty four months.
Solid food should be increased and milk decreased
Boiled eggs, liver, leafy green veggies, cream of wheat, dried fruits,dry beans, crushed nuts, whole-grain bread & iron fortified cereal eaten out of the box.
Symptoms of Iron Deficiency anemia
pallor,irritability, anorexia, decrese in activity.
babies are over wt bc they get too much milk "milk babies"
Blood Tests for Anemia
RBC Count, Hemoglobin & hematocrit levels, determination of morphological cell changes and iron concentration. Stool can be tested for occult blood, dietary history obtained, spleen may be enlarged, slight heart murmur is heard.
Untreated Iron Deficiency anemia
progesses slowly, in severe cases heart muscles become too weak and heart failure follows. Children with long standing anemia may also show growth retardation, cognitive changes.
Treatment of iron deficiency anemia
Iron, usually furrous sulfate is given orally 2-3 times a day between meals. Vit C aids in absorption, Liquid preperations are taken through a straw to prevent discoloration of teeth. Iron dextran mixture also called IMFERON is given IM, must be injected deep in a large muscle using Z-track to minimize staining and tissue irritation.
Oral supplements
Should not be given with milk or milk products bc milk interferes with iron absorption.
Sickling (clumping)
caused by decreased blood oxygen levels may be triggered by dehydration, infection, physical or emotional stress or exposure to cold.
Hemoglobin S
The membranes of these cells are fragile, easily destroyed, their creasant shape makes it difficult for them to pass through capillaries causing a pile up of cells in the small vessels. Can lead to thrombosis and can lead to obstruction.
Sickle cell trait
occurs in about 10% of African Americans . The blood of the patient contains a mixture of normal hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S. The proportions of HS is low b/c the disease is inherited from only on parent. In the sickle cell trait the hemoglonin and RDC counts are normal. Sickle trait does not develop into sickle cell disease.
Offspring of parents with sickle cell
have 1 in 4 chance of inherting and a 2 in 4 chance of being a carrier.
Sickle cell Anemia
1-4 chance child will inherit.
Results when the abnormality is inherited by both parents. Clinical symptoms usually do not occur until the last part of the first year. may be unusual swelling of fingers and toes. are caused by enlarging bone marrow sites that impair circulation to the bone and the abnormal sickle cell shape that causes clumping, obstruction of the vessel, and ischemia to the organ that the vessel supplies.
Chronic Anemia
hemoglobin ranges from 6-9 or lower. Child is pale, tires easily and has little appetite.
sickle crisis
painful and fatal, patient will appear acutely ill. have severe abdominal pain,muscle spasms, leg pain, painful swollen joints, fever, vomiting, hematuria, convulsions, stiff neck, coma, peralisis. Children with sickle cell disease have a risk for stroke as a complication of a vasoocclusive sickle cell crisis. Sickle cell crisis recur periodically throughout childhood and tend to decrease with age.
Test for sickle cell disease
Deposit or iron into organs and tissues in the body
Christmas disease
Aka hemophilia b, a factor IX deficiency
Hemorrhage into joint cavity
Isolated bluish lesion larger than a petechia
Raised ecchymosis
doctors who specialize in the treatment of tumors
hair loss
Respite care
Come to home to relieve parents of caring for the child
hodgkin's disease
*malignancy of the lymph system, especially the lymph nodes
*radiation & chemotherapy
*painless lump along neck
*rarely seen before 5 y.o
*group of malignant diseases of the bone marrow and lymphatic system
*2 common types- (ALL) acute lymphoid leukemia and nonlymphoid (myelogenous) leukemia (AML)
*uncontrollable growth of WBCs
*most common form of childhood cancer
platelet disorders
reduction or destruction of platelets in the body interferes with the clotting mechanism; petechiae, purpura, ecchymosis, and hematoma
*disease of kings
*classic syndrome is bleeding into the joints (hemarthrosis)
*sex-linked recessive trait
*located on X-chromosome
*hemophiliae A 84% of cases
*deficiency clotting factor VIII (coagulation)
*most commonly caused by insufficient amounts of iron
*reduction in amount of cirulating hemoglobin reduces oxygen-carrying ability of blood
*S&S- pallor, irritability, anorexia, decrease in activity
Sickle cell disease
*dominant in African Americans to prevent malaria
*abnormal form of hemoglobin (hemoglobin S)
*crescent shapes, can't pass through capillaries so they pile up and "clump"
*may lead to clot
* sickle cell trait- carrier
* sickle cell anemia- recessive gene inherited from both parents
*group of hereditary blood disorders in which the patient's body cannot produce sufficient adult hemoglobin
*RBC's are abnormal in shape and size and are rapidly destroyed, results in chronic anemia
*two types- thalassemia minor- one gene is inherited
- thalassemia major( Cooley's anemia)- two genes are inherited
*massive expansion of the bone marrow in thalassemia causes changes in the contour of the child's skull and face
Pain control with ______ should not be used for childdren with sickle cell anemia
Demerol, may induce seizures
Hemophilia A results from a deficiency in coagulation, or factor ____.
Hemophilia B (Christmas disease) involves a deficiency of factor ____.
hemosiderosis is a complication of
multiple transfusions in hemolytic blood disorders
Signs of transfustion reactions include:
chills, itching, rash, fever, and headache
four priority challenges in the care of a child with leukemia are:
anemia, bleeding, infection, and fractures
Kubler-Ross stages of dying
*denial *anger *bargaining *depression *acceptance *reaching out to help others
Where might you be able to palpate lymph nodes in child?
axillary, inguinal, cervial
Thrombocytes and plasma help to do what
blood coagulate
(unlike WBCs) Produce lymphoid tissue of body
Types of sickle cell crisis
Vasoocclusive- painful, most common, obstruction of blood flow, vasospasm.

Splenic Sequestration- blood in liver/spleen, circulatory shock, death in hours, spleenectomy

Aplastic crisis- bone marrow stops producing RBCs, transfusion

Hyperhemolytic- rare, fibrosis of spleen, rapid hemolysis
Dont use ____________ with kids with anemia
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura
Most common purpura.
Affects platelets and functions
Autoimmune reaction
Platelets coated with antiplatelet destroyed by spleen.
30% nose bleeds
Platelet count= 20,000 (norm= 150k-200k)
Decreased platelet count can cause intracranial bleeding
After admin of anti-d watch for 1 hour for s/s
art therapy
helpful dealing with younger children who have difficulty expressing themselves (drawing pictures)
behavior modification
focuses on modifying specific behaviors by means of stimulus and response conditioning
reading of stories about children in a situation similar to the child's situation
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision) (DSM-IV-TR)
resource that defines mental disorders and is used by health professionals to aid in diagnoses of specific mental health conditions
situations that disrupt family patterns can have a lasting impact on the child
family therapy
includes all family members
may involve individual, family, or group therapy
milieu therapy
refers to the physical and social environment provided for the child
play therapy
helpful dealing with younger children who have difficulty expressing themselves (playing with dolls, etc)
come to refer to the dysfunctions of the body that seem to have an emotional or a mental basis
recreation therapy
sibling rivalry
competition between siblings for the attention or love of parents, is a normal part of growth and development, but guilt on the part of the other siblings enters the picture when one sibling becomes ill