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23 Cards in this Set

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Pregnancy is divided into ___ trimesters; ___ weeks each.
3; 13
The only signs that can determine pregnancy with 100% accuracy
Positive signs
The most obvious presumptive sign of pregnancy
Amenorrhea (though not a RELIABLE sign by itself)
Least reliable indicators of pregnancy
Presumptive changes
Presumptive signs (9)
Breast tenderness
Urinary frequency
Hyperpigmentation of the skin
Fetal movements
Uterine enlargement
Breast enlargement
Objective (Probable) Signs
Braxton Hicks Contractions
(+) pregnancy test
Abdominal enlargement
Goodell's Sign
Chadwick's Sign
Haegar's Sign
Braxton Hicks Contractions
*Spontaneous, irregular, and painless contractions; *Start in the 1st Trimester - throughout pregnancy;
*Especially noticable in the last month, when they function to thin out or efface the cervix before birth
Examiner pushes against the woman's cervix during a pelvic examination and feels a rebound from the floating fetus.
Goodell's Sign
Softening of the cervix
Chadwick's Sign
Bluish-purple coloration of the vaginal mucosa and cervix
Hegar's Sign
Softening of the lower uterine segment or isthmus during the first 6 to 8 weeks; results in exaggerated uterine anteflexion, contributing to urinary frequency
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
Glycoprotein that serves as the earliest biochemical marker for pregnancy.
hCG doubling time
Differentiates between normal and abnormal pregnancies
high hCG indicates
molar pregnancy or multiple gestational pregnancies
low hCG indicates
ectopic pregnancy
Positive Signs (within 2 weeks of missed period)
Ultrasound verification of embryo/fetus
Fetal movement felt by an experienced clinician
Auscultation of fetal heart tones vis Doppler
Stimulates Uterine Growth
Uterine Growth is
a result of both hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the myometrial cells
80-90% of blood flow goes to the
diameter of the main uterine artery
doubles with pregnancy
*lower portion of the uterus.
*does not undergo hypertrophy and becomes increasingly thinner.
the uterus remains in the pelvic cavity for the first...
3 months; after which it progressively ascends into the abdomen; adding to urinary frequency
in last trimester, gravid uterus can
fall back against the inferior vena cava causing reduced venous return & decreased cardiac output and blood pressure.