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34 Cards in this Set

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Dynamic character

a fictional character who undergoes a significant change in outlook, belief, or attitude


In writing the process of correcting grammatical problems and surface errors in things like capitalization, spelling, and punctuation; in filmmaking, deciding which shots to use a how to arrange the shots that have been kept


In writing, the stressing of central ideas or words through placement, repetition, or other methods

End rhyme

Rhyming words at the ends of two or more lines


A quotation provided at the beginning of a written text that may not be directly related to the writing but nonetheless conveys important ideas

Escape fiction

Fiction intended chiefly to entertain, providing little or no insight and usually emphasizing plot and action


The short piece of non-fictional writing in which an author presents a viewpoint on a subject in a personal way


The effect created by sounds that are melodious and pleasing to the ear


The part of a work of fiction that conveys information to an audience


intended to inform, explain, or instruct

Expressive writing

Informal, often experimental writing that explores reflects on, and expresses ideas and feelings

Extended metaphor

An explicit comparison that's carried throughout a text and is based on several similarities between two things

External conflicts

Conflicts between characters and forces outside of themselvesother people, society, nature, and even the supernatural

Eye-level shot

A photograph of a person shot with the camera positioned at the level of the subject's eyes


A piece of information that has been verified as true by objective criteria


The gradual change from a dark, blank screen to a bright one as a picture appears


The gradual change from a picture to a dark, blank screen

Falling action

That part of the tragedy in which the fortunes of the protagonist are in decline


Literature created principally by the imagination

Figurative language

Language that goes beyond its literal meaning, using figures of speech such as metaphors and similes to achieve special effects

Figures of speech

Expressions in which words are used in unusual ways to create special effects

First-person point of view

The type of narration in which a character tells his or her own story using the words I and we


A scene, inserted into a story, depicting events that occurred before the story began

Flat character

A character in a work of fiction who has only one or two traits developed


The basic unit of rhythm in poetry, usually consisting of two or three syllables that are stressed or unstressed in a consistent order


The dropping of hints that indicate events that are to come, thereby preparing readers to accept the outcome of a story


A variety of literary, audio, visual, or multimedia genresfor example, poems, letters, journal writing, narratives, dialogues, comics, photos, videos, or PowerPoint shows


Characterized by strict observance of forms and correctness; the opposite of casual or conversational

Formal essay

A short work of nonfiction that is factual and serious and that deals with material or subjects in a formal and relatively objective manner

Found poem

A poem "found" in a non-poetic source such as prose, advertising, a speech, or an essay by rearranging the words so as to resemble a free verse poem

Free-flow writing

Freewriting; personal writing designed to encourage the free expression of feelings and to generate ideas, whereby people write whatever enters their minds on a topic as the thoughts occur

Free-verse poetry

Poetry that has no particular length, structure, rhythm, or rhyme pattern


A form of literaturefor example, the novel, the short story, or poetry

Glittering generalities

Words like great, unique, wonderful, modern, elegant, and tremendousthat sound impressive but mean very little