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60 Cards in this Set

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Largest and deepest adductor

a. Brevis
b. Longus
c. Magnus
d. Gracilis
C. Magnus
Origin shared by Gracilis, Adductor longus, and Brevis

a. Coccyx
b. Acetabulum
c. Obturator Foramen
d. Anterior Pubis
D. Anterior Pubis
Which of the following is true of the hamstring group?

a. Includes rectus femoris, semimembranosus and tendinous
b. 2 Muslces corss the hip and knee joint
c. All 3 muscles insert to the head of the fibula
d. 3 Muscles insert into the ishcial tuberosity
B. 3 Muscles cross the hip and knee joint
Insertion of Gastrocnemius

a. Lateral epicondyle
b. Calcaneus
c. Soleal Line
d. Tibial Tuberosity
B. Calcaneus
Deepest muscle at the back of the knee responsible for unlocking the extended knee

a. Plantaris
b. Tibialis Anterior
c. Poplitieus
d. None of these
C. Popliteus
An action of soleus

a. dorsiflexion
b. Plantarflexion
c. Knee flexion
d. All of these
B. Plantarflexion
Origin of the short head of the biceps femoris muscle

a. Ischial Tuberosity
b. Head of Fibula
c. Anterior Proximal
d. All of these
D. All of these
Action of the Hamstrings

a. Flexion of hip/extension of knee
b. Lateral and medial flexed knee
c. Ext of hip/flexion of knee
d. Both B & C
D. Both B & C
Which muscle is the most superficial

a. Adductor magnus
b. Adductor Brevis
c. Adductor Longus
d. All of these fibers run parallel
C. adductor Longus
Short head of the rectus Femoris

b. Acetabulum
c. Patella
d. Greater Trochanter
B. Acetabulum
Muscle that would not perform extension of the knee

a. Vastus Medialis
b. Rectus Femoris
c. Biceps Femoris
d. Vastus Lateralis
C. Biceps Femoris
Origin and insertion of Gracilis

a. Medial proximal tibia/Anterior pubis
b. Linea Aspera/Ant Pubis
c. Anterior pubis/Medial prox tibia
d. Anterior pubis/Linea aspera
C. Anterior pubis/Medial prox tibia
Which of the following actions does sartorius assist?

a. Flexion, abduction, lateral rot of hip
b. Flexed, medial Rotation of knee
c. Extion, adduction at hip only
d. Both A & B
D. Both A & B
Action of Tibialis Anterior
a. Plantar Flexion/Eversion
b. Dorsiflexion/Eversion
c. Plantar Felxion/Inversion
d. Dorsiflexion/Inversion
D. Dorsiflexion/Inversion
An insertion of tibialis anterior

a. First cuneiform
b. 2nd metatarsal
c. Lateral condyle of tibia
d. Interosseus Membrane
A. First cuneiform
Largest and deepest adductor

a. Brevis
b. Longus
c. Magnus
d. Gracilis
C. Magnus
Origin shared by Gracilis, Adductor longus, and Brevis

a. Coccyx
b. Acetabulum
c. Obturator Foramen
d. Anterior Pubis
D. Anterior Pubis
Which of the following is true of the hamstring group?

a. Includes rectus femoris, semimembranosus and tendinous
b. 2 Muslces corss the hip and knee joint
c. All 3 muscles insert to the head of the fibula
d. 3 Muscles insert into the ishcial tuberosity
B. 3 Muscles cross the hip and knee joint
Insertion of Gastrocnemius

a. Lateral epicondyle
b. Calcaneus
c. Soleal Line
d. Tibial Tuberosity
B. Calcaneus
Deepest muscle at the back of the knee responsible for unlocking the extended knee

a. Plantaris
b. Tibialis Anterior
c. Poplitieus
d. None of these
C. Popliteus
An action of soleus

a. dorsiflexion
b. Plantarflexion
c. Knee flexion
d. All of these
B. Plantarflexion
Origin of the short head of the biceps femoris muscle

a. Ischial Tuberosity
b. Head of Fibula
c. Anterior Proximal
d. All of these
D. All of these
Action of the Hamstrings

a. Flexion of hip/extension of knee
b. Lateral and medial flexed knee
c. Ext of hip/flexion of knee
d. Both B & C
D. Both B & C
Which muscle is the most superficial

a. Adductor magnus
b. Adductor Brevis
c. Adductor Longus
d. All of these fibers run parallel
C. adductor Longus
Short head of the rectus Femoris

b. Acetabulum
c. Patella
d. Greater Trochanter
B. Acetabulum
Muscle that would not perform extension of the knee

a. Vastus Medialis
b. Rectus Femoris
c. Biceps Femoris
d. Vastus Lateralis
C. Biceps Femoris
Origin and insertion of Gracilis

a. Medial proximal tibia/Anterior pubis
b. Linea Aspera/Ant Pubis
c. Anterior pubis/Medial prox tibia
d. Anterior pubis/Linea aspera
C. Anterior pubis/Medial prox tibia
Which of the following actions does sartorius assist?

a. Flexion, abduction, lateral rot of hip
b. Flexed, medial Rotation of knee
c. Extion, adduction at hip only
d. Both A & B
D. Both A & B
Action of Tibialis Anterior
a. Plantar Flexion/Eversion
b. Dorsiflexion/Eversion
c. Plantar Felxion/Inversion
d. Dorsiflexion/Inversion
D. Dorsiflexion/Inversion
An insertion of tibialis anterior

a. First cuneiform
b. 2nd metatarsal
c. Lateral condyle of tibia
d. Interosseus Membrane
A. First cuneiform
The insertion of Latissimus Dorsi

a. Spiral Groove
b. Bicipital groove
c. Thoracolumbar aponeruosis
d. Sacrum
B. Bicipital Groove
Which of the following muscles aids Latissimus Dorsi in Extension, Medial Rotation, and adduction of the humerus

a. Trapezious
b. Rhomboids
c. Teres Major
d. Teres Minor
C. Teres Major
The origins of the trapezious muscle

a. Lateral clavicle, scapula, root of spine of scapula
b. C7-T5 spinous process, root of spine of scapula, medial clavicle, coracoid process
c. External Occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, C7-T12 sp
d. Supraspinous fossa, infraspinous axillary border of scapula
C. External Occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, C7-T12 sp
The muscle involved in stabilizing the clavicle

a. Serratus Anterior
b. Subclavius
c. Deltoids
d. Both A&B
B. Subclavious
The middle deltoid can perform abduction of the humerus to what degree

a. 180
b. 50
c. 90
d. 120
C. 120
Which of the following is an attachment of the trapesious

a. Temporal bone
b. Thoracolumbar aponeurosis
c. Clavicle
d. Last 4 ribs
C. Clavicle
The insertion of pectoralis minor

a. Acromion
b. Coracoid Process
c. Clavicle
d. None of these
B. Coracoid Process
These 2 muscles can perform horizontal adduction of the humerus

a. Anterior deltoid and pec major
b. Anterior deltoid and pec minor
c. Clavicle
d. Rhomboids
A. Anterior deltoid and pec major
The muscle of the rotator cuff that performs lateral rotation and extension of the humerus

a. supraspinatus
b. infraspinatus
c. teres minor
d. both a & c
D. Teres minor
Which of the following is not an attachment of Latissimus Dorsi

a. Sacrum
b. T6-T12 spinous processes
c. Lower 3-4 ribs
d. Acromion
D. Acromion
The only muscle of the rotator cuff that has an origin on the anterior portion of the scapula *

a. supraspinatus
b. infraspinatus
c. teres minor
d. subscapularis
D. Subscapularis
The origin of teres minor

a. Inferior angles of scapula
b. Upper auxillary border of scapula
c. Supraspinous fossa
d. Sacrum and iliac crest
B. Upper auxillary border of scapula
All of the deltoid muscles insert onto which bony landmark of the humerus

a. Bicipital groove
b. Deltoid tuberosity
c. Lesser tubercle
d. Greater tubercle
B. Deltoid Tuberosity
Which of the following muscles can perform extension, horizontal abduction, abduction, and lateral rotation of the humerus

a. Trapezious
b. Levator scapula
c. Latissimus Dorsi
d. Posterior Deltoid
D. Posterior Deltoid
Which of the following muscles originates at the
lateral acromion

a. infraspinatus
b. Levator Scapula
c. Latissimus Dorsi
d. Middle Deltoid
D. Middle Deltoid
The muscle of the rotator cuff that inserts on the lesser tubercle of the humerus

a. supraspinatus
b. infraspinatus
c. teres minor
d. subscapularis
D. Subscapularis
17. The muscle can be found anterior to the trapezious but posterior to the SCM and can be palpated when the shoulders are shrugged
a. Rhomboids
b. levator scapula
c. Scalenes
d. Deltoids
B. Levator Scapula
Which of the following is not an action of the trapezious muscle

a. Elevation
b. retraction
c. Medial rotation
d. Depression
C. Medial Rotation
Which is an attachment of the rhomboids

a. C1-C5 spinous process
b. Spine of scapula
c. Vertebral border of scapula btw the superior angle and the root of the spine of the scapula
d. Vertebral border of the scapula btw the root of the spine of the scapula and the inferior angle
D. Vertebral border of the scapula btw the root of the spine of the scapula and the inferior angle
This muscle stabilizes the scapula against the chest wall

a. Pectoralis Major
b. Serratus Anterior
c. Levator Scapula
d. Subclavius
C. Levator Scapula
Which of the following muscles has the same origin as the short head of the biceps?

a. triceps brachii
b. coracobrachialis
c. brachilias
d. brachioradialis
B. Coracobrachialis
Which of the following would be an attachment for the biceps brachii muscle?

a. infraglenoid tubercle
b. above spiral groove
c. coranoid process
d. radial tuberosity
D. Radial Tuberosity
Which of the following would be an attachment for the biceps brachii muscle

a. middle shaft of humerus
b. acromion
c. supraglenoid tubercle
d. stylid process of radius
C. Supraglenoid tubercle
What is an action of brachialis
a. Extension of elbow and shoulder
b. flexion of elbow & shoulder
c. Flexion of elbow only
d. extension of elbow
C. Flexion of elbow only
Which of the following muscles originates from the lateral supracondylar
Ridge of the humerus

a. brachioradialis
b. triceps brachii
c. supinator
d. brachialis
A. Brachioradialis
Which of the following muscles can perform supination of the forearm

a. supinator
b. brachialis
c. biceps brachii
d. both A& C
D. Both A & C
The insertion of brachialis

a. coronoid process
b. ulnar tuberosity
c. both a & b
d. distant surface of the humerus
C. Both a & b
What is an insertion of the triceps brachii muscle

a. above and below spiral groove
b. infraglenoid tubercle
c. olecranon process
d. olecranon fossa
C. Olecranon Process
Which of the following would be an action of anconeous

a. Flexion of elbow
b. extension of shoulder
c. extension of elbow
d. supination of forearm
C. Extension of the elbow
What is an origin for pronator teres

a. lateral epicondyle
b. medial epicondyle
c. coracoid process
d. all of these are correct
B. Medial Epicondyle