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135 Cards in this Set

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Novel that inspired a radio drama that became the test bed of the media's ability to instill panic
War of the Worlds
Theory that media have immediate, direct influence
powerful effects theory
His PUblic Opinion assumed powerful media effects in 1920s
Walter Lippmann
His mass communication model assumed powerful effects
Harold Lasswell
Found voters more influenced by other people than by mass media
Paul Lazarsfeld
Theory that media effects are mostly indirect
minimalist effects theory
Media effects on individuals are through opinion leaders
two-step flow
Influence friends, acquaintances
opinion leaders
Media effects on individuals come through complex interpersonal connections
multistep flow
Media attention enhances attention to people, subjects, issues
status conferral
media tells people what to think about, not what to think
articulated agenda-setting theory
Maxwell McCombs and Don Shaw
People deceive themselves into believeing they're involved when actually they're only informed
narcoticizing dysfunction
Leading cumulative effects theorist
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
Theory that media influence is gradual over time
cumulative effects theory
vocal majority intimidates others into silence
spiral of silence
One person overstimating the effect of media messages on other people
third-person effect
Scholar who devised third-person effect theory
W.P Davison
Theory that people choose media that meet their needs, interests
uses and gratifications
media provide information on what's going on
surveillance function
media help people fit into society
socialized function
media entertainment
diversion function
people choose media messages consistent with their individual views, values
consistency theory
People choose some media messages over others
selective exposure
people tend to hear what they want to or expect to hear
selective perception
Learning to fit into society
socialization perpetuates positive values
basis for imitative behavior
role modeling
Howard Sterns's agent
Don Buchwald
Who says what's in what channel, to whom, with what effect media effects everyone
media is inundatin us with information
powerful effects theory
creating TV violence index 1970s no change in the amount of televison violence
george gerbner
there are ______ violent acts each hour of prime time
"I grow on you like a fungus"
Howard Stern
Transmitted sound by radio
Guglielmo Marconic
Father of raido
Lee de Forest
Most famous person in radio
Edward R. Murrow
Radio is a
entertainment medium
1888 Hertz did what
electromagnetic waves
1901 marconic did what
Wireless radio waves
1906 DeForest did what
vacuum tube
1912 what Act was invented
Wireless ship Act 1910
1920 __________ was the first D.J
Frank Conrad
Stern and Mr. Buchald would receive bonus dose of Sirius shares if they
helped drive pre-set number of subscribers to satellite radio company
"We see things as shaped by media"
Walter Lippmann
_________ created new understanding of how mass comm influences people
Paul Lazerfeld
Voters influened by Opinion Leaders, rater than media
Two-step flow model
media tells peopele what to think about, not what to think
status conferral
people have much information that they think they are doing something about the world's problems, but they are only well-informed
narcotizing dysfunction
Elisabeth Noelle-Neuman's Spiral of Silence model
vocal majority controls by intimidating others into silence...also Cumulative effects theory...?
Fears of negative messages (and blocking or censoring them) are not necessary
third person effect
people choose meida that meets their needs and interests
uses and gratification
what's going on is
place in society
withdrawing from reality
diversion negative
We confrom to nonconformity by imitating thru role models
role modeling
_______ in the 1960s showed violence of children after watching violent movies
Bobo doll
_________ blamed Playboy for his murdering of his wife
Ted Bundy
Stern and Mr. Buchald would receive bonus dose of Sirius shares if they
helped drive pre-set number of subscribers to satellite radio company
"We see things as shaped by media"
Walter Lippmann
_________ created new understanding of how mass comm influences people
Paul Lazerfeld
Voters influened by Opinion Leaders, rater than media
Two-step flow model
Fears of negative messages (and blocking or censoring them) are not necessary
third person effect
people choose meida that meets their needs and interests
uses and gratification
"We see things as shaped by media"
Walter Lippmann
media violence sometimes contributes to real violence
Catalytic theory
democracy is endangered by media violence
societally debilitating effects
Desensitizes audience to accept violence as society
tolerance of violence
___ violent acts each hour prime time. _____ violent acts -Saturday morning
5 and 25
On TV men outnumber women
Women are _______ more liketly to be vicims than aggressors on TV
Gerbner's "Mean World" syndrome
more TV you watch, the more we perceive real world to be that of TV
Women compromise _____ of the characters on television except in daytime soap operas (____) and game shows (_____)
33%, 45.5%, 55.3%
On major network prime time programs, African Americans compromise ______ of characters
Although U.S. cnsus states: 13% of population are "poor", on network TV it is only _______
_____,______,_______, ______ and_____ define society's power structure, Their portrayals affect how we see ourselves and each other.
gender, race, class, ethnicy, age and disability
In 1967 Congress created Public Broadcasting for
Terry Gross and Fresh Air, All Things Considered, and Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor
_________ mixed fast pass programming formats: Top 40, All-News and Beautiful Music, headline service 3-minute newscasts...etc
Gordom McCendon
________- broadcasting from London rooftops in WWII
Edward R. Murrow
1926 ___ was born. ____ was 1st network and absorbed At&T, no profit in radio
1927 CBS _____________ (president for almost 50 years) advertised cigars
William Pauley
Mutual met needs of independents radio networks today was done in
ABC is
NBC and Mutual are
CBS is part of
Viacom's Infinity
American Urban is
black stations to include market 24/7 music
Federal Radio Act states: "Stations must broadcast as a "service to public interest, convenience and necessity."
cornerstone of today's broadcsting anf FCC
Invented graphophone
Chinchester Bell
Emile Berliner invented
Flast disk system- recorded on metal dic copied to thermoplastic
_________ replaced metal funnels with microphones, listening funnels with loudspeakers
Joseph maxell (bell)
_____ established th Royalty system
_________- "moon dog house" made him pinoeer Rock'n' roll -3 yerars became top DJ of New york city
Alan Freed
____ discovered Elvis in 1954
Sam Philips
____ created MTV
The Big Four are
26% Universal (French Vivendi) 25 % SONG-BMG (Japan and Germany 12% EMI *Britain) 12% Warner (U.S)
People relase violent inclinations by seeing them portrayed
cathartic effect
Jerry Williams
Influential Boston talk show host
His monitoring of the sinking of the Titanic familiarized people with radio; later NBC president
David Sarnoff
Invented FM as an alternative transmission method
Edwin Armstrong
frequency modulation
amplitude modulation
Pioneer whose work led to KDKA
Frank Conrad
First licensed commerical station
Talk shows are also called
man that founded CBS
William Paley