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58 Cards in this Set

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traditional family
unit made up of two or more people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption
current definition of family
intimate group of people who live together in a committed relationship, care for one another and any children and share activities and close emotional ties
functions of family
regulation of sexual activity, procreation, economic security, emotional support, social class placement
socially approved mating relationship that people expect to be stable and enduring and is also universal
nuclear family
married parents and their biological or adopted children
extended family
parents and children as well as other kin
types of patterns of residency
patrilocal, matrilocal, neolocal
one person is married exclusively to one person
serial monogamy
marry several ppl bt one at a time
man or woman has two or more spouses
one man married to two or more women
one woman with two or more husbands
family is deteriorating
high divorce rates due to self-indulgence and concern for oneself more than others, increase in number of ppl deciding to not get married
family is changing, not deteriorating
overcome financial hardships, handle conflict and tension as children become adolescents, cope with everyday stresses
family is stronger than ever
increase in multigenerational relationships, close to grandparents, more equitable roles in the households
micro level influences of family
couple is criticized for break up of family
macro influences of family
factors such as unemployment, and unavailability of inexpensive high quality day care services
structural functionalism
study family structure, look at how the parts work together to fulfill the functions or tasks necessary for family's survival
instrumental roles
role of the husband provides food and shelter for the family
expressive roles
role of the mother provides the emotional support and nurturing qualities that sustain the family unit
criticism of structural functionalism theory
limited room for conflict, does not deal with diversity of experiences, macro perspective
conflict theory
conflict occurs between the land owners and the workers; conflict as a mechanism for social change
criticism of conflict theory
focus on social change, power is ppl's main objective; purposely critical of society
feminist theory
Examine how gender roles – expectations about how men and women should behave – shape relations between the sexes and social institutions
criticism of feminist theory
The emphasis on diversity results in overlooking commonalities; Narrow focus on issues that impact women – neglect males and other types of oppression
developmental theory
Explores changes that families experience of the life span
criticism of developmental theory
Family life cycles are artificial – processes of life are not so neatly separated; Descriptive rather than explanatory
symbolic interactionism theory
Based on the notion that society is made up of interacting individuals who communicated through shared symbols
criticism of symbolic interactionism theory
Perspective overlooks irrational aspects of behavior; Bias in who is willing to participate in this type of research – over represents white-middle class families
social exchange theory
Assumes humans are rational beings; They weigh the cost and benefits if each decision
criticism of social exchange theory
Too much emphasis on rational behavior; Limited to describing behaviors that are motivated by immediate costs and rewards
Companionate family
families built on mutual affection, sexual attraction, compatibility and personal happiness
family and gender during WWII
divorce rates increasingly slow; some wives and mothers worked during the war enjoyed independence, ended unhappy marriage
custom in which fully dressed young man and woman spent the night in bed together, separated by a wooden board.
- blending of both masculine and feminine characteristics in the same person
Language brokers
children who interpret for their immigrant parents
status; social construction category of people who share physical characteristics.
refers to a subset of ppl who share common national characteristics from other groups.
biological characteristics to which we are born
socially learned attitudes and behaviors that characterize a person of one sex based on differing social and cultural expectations.
attitude that prejudges people, usually in a negative way, who are different from us in terms or race, ethnicity, or religion
behavior that treats people unequally or unfairly.
Why immigrate?
Family ties: family members may already be living here in the U.S; Employment opportunities to send money home to families; Highly educated professionals that can not find employment in specialist their home country; Refugee status
Undocumented Immigrants
Highly stigmatized and vulnerable group; Can not seek services without fear of exposure
Transnational family
A family that maintains significant contact with two countries
measures of assimilation
Spatial Proximity
Economic Success
African American Family Demographics
Couples are more egalitarian; Greater reliance on extended kin; Ability to adapt family roles to outside pressures; More than twice as likely as whites to suffer the death of an infant
American Indian – Alaskan Native Family Demographics
High rates of joblessness compared to other racial-ethnic groups; live on designated reservations or tribal areas; Grandparents play important roles in the lives of their grandchildren
Hispanic American Family Demographics
Largest and fastest growing racial/ethnic minority group; Households larger in size; Immigrants are consistently found to have more favorable health/mortality outcomes than natives, even after controlling for SES, social, and demographic factors.
Asian American Family Demographics
Have the highest median income of any group in the U.S. ; Highest rate of intermarriage; Discipline is often guilt and shame, not physical punishment
middle eastern families
Marriage is endogamous ; Divorce is frowned upon and to be avoided at all costs;
ideology of separate spheres
Piety, purity, Submissiveness, Domesticity
gender identity
the degree to which an individual sees him or herself as feminine or masculine
Gender Roles
The characteristics, attributes, feelings, and behaviors that society expects of males and females
the study of how biology affects social behavior
Social Learning Theory
People learn attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors through social interactions
Cognitive Development Theory
Children acquire female or male values on their own by thinking, reasoning and interpreting information in their environment
Agents of Socialization
Parents, Peers, Media, Education/teacher