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33 Cards in this Set

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Name one group that organized to protest the Stamp Act. What method of protest did they use?
The Sons of Liberty was a group that organized to protest the Stamp Act. The method of protests they used were:
1. boycotted all British goods.
2. participated in public protests.
refuse to buy
What did the Stamp Act tax? Who was affected?
It taxed all printed Materials.

ALL colonists were affected
What famous phrase is associated with the American Colonists' reaction to the Stamp Act?
"No Taxation without Representation"
Why did the British feel that they needed to tax the colonists?
To pay off the debt from the French and Indian War
What was the result of the colonists protests of the Stamp Act?
The Stamp Act was eventually repealed.
To end or remove a law
What was the British perspective on the Boston Tea Party?
The British felt it was a criminal Act.
Describe what a Patriot's (or colonist's) perspective on the Boston Tea Party would have been.
The Patriots felt it was a heroic protest against an unfair British government
Identify sources of conflict between Great Britain & Colonists.
1. Proclamation of 1763
2. The Boston Tea party
3. Colonial Boycotts
4. Stamp Act
5. "Redcoats" in the colonies
Why were the colonists upset by the "Intolerable Acts ( or Coercive Acts)?
1. Boston Harbor was closed down.
2. Viewed it as a violation of their rights
3. colonists were forced to have British troops in their homes.
Explain why the British felt the Coercive Acts were necessary after the Boston Tea Party?
Coercive Acts ( or Intolerable Acts) were passed to punish the colonists.
The Committees of Correspondence helped strengthen resistance to British Actions and Spread information around the colonies.
T or F ?
1. Spread information
2. Changed minds of neutral colonists
3. Helped educate people about what was going on.
On December 16, 1773, Samuel Adams and the Boston Sons of Liberty threw tea into the harbor. This was to protest the Tea Act. This event was called...
The Boston Tea Party
The Proclamation of 1763 limited colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains.

T or F?
True The Colonists had to stay East of the Appalachian Mountains.
What was the name of the British law that kept the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains?
The Proclamation of 1763
What advantages did Great Britain gain from the Proclamation of 1763?
1. controlled western movement, which reduced conflicts between Native Americans and colonists.

2. Britain could still control the fur trade.
The Sugar Act was meant to stop smuggling of sugar between colonies and West Indies

T or F ?
Identify and explain 3 reasons that an American colonist in 1775 may have chose to be a Loyalist.
1. Wealthy colonists- did not want things to change
2. Colonists who felt Britain would win---They wanted to be on the winning side.
3. Rural Colonists- not informed on all British actions.
Why was the Continental Congress created?
1. To represent American interests.
2. To challenge British control of the colonies
3. To discuss situation between colonies and Great Britain.
Why wouldn't Washington take the Continental Army into battle immediately?
They lacked discipline and organization.
Why was Thomas Paine's pamphlet called Common Sense" important to the Patriot cause?
The pamphlet used clear and simple language to explain the need for independence from Britain.
John Locke,, an enlightenment philosopher, had ideas that influenced what document?
The Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson owned slaves. How did this contradict what he wrote in the Declaration of Independence?
He wrote "all men are created equal" but he never released his slaves.
What enlightenment idea influenced the Continental Congress to declare independence from Britain?
Government should be a contract between people and government leaders(rulers). Governments power comes from the people.
Describe how the American victories at Ticonderoga and Bunker Hill changed the British view point on the war.
Forced Britain to raise their level of respect and recognize Americans were going to be a difficult opponent.
Describe two actions taken by the Patriots to protest the authority of the British government.
1. Colonists threw tea into the Boston Harbor (Boston Tea Party)
2. Colonists formed the Sons of Liberty.
3. Colonists formed the Continental Congress.
4. Colonists refused to pay taxes.
What is a primary source?
A source written by individuals who were actually there during that time.
What is a secondary source?
A source written later by people who were not actually there.
What are two main principles in the Declaration of Independence regarding self government and natural rights?
1. All men are created equal
2. All men have natural rights that can't be taken away.
3. Governments get their power from the people.
What group of American patriots sent letters throughout the colonies to inform people of British actions?
The Committees of Correspondence
to do the exact opposite from what you have said to be true.
a rival or person you are going up against