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20 Cards in this Set

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Define Questionnaire.
Formal framework consisting of a set of questions/scales designed to gather primary data.
Define Questionnaire Construction.
Taking a set of question/scale measurements and formating them into a complete questionnaire.
Name the 7 Steps in Questionnaire Design.
1) Confirm research objectives

2) Select appropriate data collection method

3) Develop questions and scaling

4) Determine layout and evaluate questionnaire

5) Obtain initial client approval

6) Pretest, revise, and finalize questionnaire

7) Implement survey
Name the 3 Categories of Questions.
1) Unstructured questions

2) Structured questions

3) Bad Questions
Define Unstructured Questions.
Open-ended questions where respondents answer in their own words.
Define Structured Questions.
Closed-ended questions where respondents choose their answer from a set of possible responses.
Define Sensitive Questions.
Questions on sensitive topics that respondents are likely to respond to incorrectly.
Define Bad Questions.
Any questions that prevents or distorts the communication between the respondent and the researcher.
Unanswerable, leading/loading, double-barrel questions.
Define Leading/Loaded Questions.
Respondent is directed to a response that would not usually be given if all possible responses were provided.
Define Double-Barrel Questions.
Asks the respondent to address more that one issue at one time.
Define Skip Questions.
Used if the next question(s) should be responded to only by respondents who meet a certain requirement.
Define Introductory Section.
Gives the respondent an overview of the research.
Define Screening Questions.
Used in most questionnaires to identify qualified respondents and prevent unqualified respondents from being used.
Define Research Question Section.
Second section of the questionnaire that focuses on the research questions.
Define Response Order Bias.
Happens when the order of the questions or close ended responses influences the answers given.
Name the 6 Guidelines for Evaluating the Adequacy of Questions.
1) Use simple words

2) Avoid qualifying phrases

3) Ensure response categories
are mutually exclusive

4) Ensure question and scale statements are meaningful to the respondents

5) Avoid arranging response categories in a manner that may bias responses

6) Do not double-barrel questions or response items
Define Cover Letter.
Separate written document given to prospective respondents to make them want to complete and turn the questionnaire in.
What are the 5 ways that a Cover Letter is used?
1) Initial Contacting Device

2) Encourage Participation

3) Provide Study Information

4) Communicate Study’s

5) Improve Response Rates
Define Supervisor Instruction Form.
Outline for training people how to do the interviewing process.
Define Interviewer Instructions.
Used to train interviewers.