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80 Cards in this Set

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what item in the marketing exchange can satisfy each others needs?
What item is involved with enabling buyer and seller to find each other
what item in the marketing exchange can provide Value to what the other has
what item in the market exchange communicate to locate and present the offer
what lengthens the marketing exchange
intermediaries or other people in the supply channel
name 5 items that maketing applies to
In marketing applications, a single exchange applies to what kind of item
services like a wedding or one time event/use
What is a multiple exhange
When marketing products, this is when you bounce around from product to product
What kinds of business are involved in multiple exchanges
casinos and airlines
what is an ongoing exchange
a loyal exchange were people keep coming back to you
name 2 kinds applications for marketing a place
travel and incentives
name a types of Idea that a company might market
Causes: breast Cancer
Knowledge: Universities
Religion: catholic Church or Olympics for Mormons
Who is the most trusted professional service provider
Athletics is a great way to market to men. Why/
Because they are emotionally involved with their team
name 4 marketing utilities
Form Utility
Time Utility
Place Utility
Possession Utility
Describe Form Utility
quality of product is consistent
Describe Time Utility
Product is ready when you want it
Describe Place Utility
Product is where you want it
Describe possession Utility
Size, flavor and style is what you wanted
Name the Historical Marketing Eras
Production Concept
Product Concept
Selling Concept
Marketing Concept
Market Orientation Concept
Experiental Concept
Selling Concept
Explain what the Product Era
1920*-1940's how do I add more variety
Explain the marketing era
study consumer behaviour, give them what they want
Explain the marketing orientation era
based on using CRM and databases to analyze and deliver what consumers want
What is an experiental or Value-oriented market orientation?
products and consumers have relationships, people want iteraction
Which market eras are consumer driven
marketing, market orientation, experiental
which market eras are producer driven
product, production, selling
Name 2 items that get an A in marketing
Got Milk
Christopher Columbus
Independance Day Movie
Which market mix item is about value creation
Which market mix item is about value capture
Which market mix item is about value delivery
Which market mix item is about value communication
What do most people assume is the most common marketing goal
Profit maximization
When does immedite maximazation of profit occur
when there is a scare supply of product and no competition
how do you achieve long term maximization of profit
don't price gouge-- Quality of product and service must be inline with price
what is the most significant measure of market power
market share
What does market share mean
how much of a percent does a given brand have of the total market sales relative to others
name a way having a large market share positively effect you other than profit
It is a competitive advantage in the distribution or supply channel
Name 8 marketing goals
Profit maximization
largest market share
High Sales
High Preformance/quality provided
satisfaction levels
loyalty levels
social responsibility
Name two types of sales that are marketing goals
Revenue and Unit sales
explain when unit sales would be a more important marketing goal than revenue
when inventory is expensive and there is a lot of leverage in the volume of sales
what companies value innovation as a marketing goal and why
3M and rubbermaid. Because they are in a very competive industry and new products get duplicated quickly and lose market share quickly
what company uses employee satisfaction goals as part of it's marketing plan
Starbucks-happy employees create customer satisfaction
name ways a company can measure loyalty
Brand loyalty-no switching
Elaboration-most desireable
what are the factors considered in the growth options chart
current market vs new market
existing product vs new product
which is the easiest growth option for a company
current market and current product
What growth option represents market penetration
current market and current product
besides market penetration, what is the next easiest market to grow into as a company
current market, new product
list the order of growth options from easiest to hardes to consider
current market, current product
current product, new market
current market, new product
new market, new product
list ways to increase market penetration
increase consumption thru more frequency
larger sizes and multi-packs
New uses
re-get old users
get friends and family of user
list ways to grow when chosing to target a new market
Domestic markets
Foreign Markets thru
joint venture
stategic alliance
Wofe-direct investment
list ways to grow your company when choosing Product development or innovation
develop related products
develop aftermarket or components
Develop different products
what is it called when you choose to grow your company using new markets and new products
what is portfolio analysis?
looking at products to decide whether they should be kept or not based on their market growth rate and their market share
When considering portfolio analysis, to whom are you comparing your growth potential of your products
the entire category-like the tablet industry. Not just ipods or Starbucks
what percent of market growth rate is considered low
what percent of market growth rate is considered high
in Portfolio analysis, who are the dogs
low market growth rate and low relative market share
In portfolio analysis what makes a product a star
high market growth rate and high relative market share
In portfolio analysis what makes a product a cash cow
relative growth rate is low but market share is high b/c These require low capital imput to maintain.
why do companies keep dogs
because they are tied to their brand. they take little resources and sell themselves
what is a problem child in portfolio analysis. why are they difficult to maintain
low market share and high growth market. These products have lots of potential but it will take lots of money and attention to improve their position in the marketplace
Which is the fastest growing market segment in the united states
hispanic americans
what is the cardinal attitude and value of americans in terms of marketing
individualism and freedom
how does starbucks acknowledge individualism
by writing down your name and your dirnk choice and by reading it back and allowing you to have many choices
How does freedom and Individualism influence our market decisions?
we need lots of choices
we want Do It Yourself options
We crave movement (or total inactivity)
We are very materialistic-with lots of space to put stuff
We are very competitive
We are very price sensitive
We are very patriotic
We love convenience
Attitude is a great way to measure change. Use an example
1945 no mom's drive
1965 mom's drive station wagons and everyone sits together
1985 mom's drive vans with buckets in front and bench in back and everyone listens to casset tapes
2005 mom's drive SUV's everyone in own bucket listening to own media device.
What is environmental scanning. Who do you look at?
Target Market-what's your consumers behavior
Market Mix- the things we can control
Microenvironment- the industry you operate in
macroenvironment-all industries, the economy etc.
when do you do environmental scanning?
Before developing a market mix
What are the different kinds of economic correlations to sales for most businesses?
positive, negative, nuetral
name an industry positively correlated to the economy
real estate and travel industry
name an industry negatively correlated to the economy
dry cleaning
las vegas
cheap liquor.
name an industry that is nuetral to economic influences
What made the Apple computer commercial so special.
They didn't show the computer...just showed a takeoff of the movie 1984 with product name. Changed advertising on superbowl forever
why is GDP important in marketing
good way to compare one market to another or one country to another
How has GDP changed in the US recently.
In 2009 it was 46,442
In 2010 it went down to 44,800
In 2011 it went up a bit to 47,284
What kinds of Income is there
Disposable income (post tax)
Descretionary Income (after necessities paid)
list some Barriers to Entry (BTE's)
Are there economies of scale or scope
Are there intellectual property right issues
Is there a distribution lock
Are there switching costs
What is the cost of investment
how does leverage effect the micro-enviroment
the power source within the industry influences the entire channel.
ex: starbucks is in control
How do stake holders influence the microenvironment
Employees--like giving them benefits
Shareholders- influence your growth
Consumers- influence what you make--like healthy fast food
Community Activists--tuna, lumber etc
how does cost advantage affect the microenviroment
Cost advantage is how much it cost to produce a product such as in foreign countries where labor is cheaper