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61 Cards in this Set

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Chapter 5
Chapter 5
What is Marketing Research?
The systematic design, collection, interpretation and reporting of information to help marketers solve specific marketing problems or take advantage of marketing opportunities.
Marketing Research is a process for...
gathering information not currently available to decision makers.
The value of Marketing Research is measured by what? (ITS MAIN BENEFIT)
Improvements in a marketer’s ability to make decisions.
Marketing Research can help a firm in what 3 ways besides its main benefit?
1. Better understand market opportunities.
2. Find out for certain the potential for success for new products.
3. Determine the feasibility of a particular marketing strategy.
Why do marketers approach marketing research as a process with logical steps?
To maintain the control needed to obtain accurate information.
What are the 5 steps in the Marketing Research Process?
1. Locating and defining issues or problems.
2. Designing the research project.
3. Collecting data.
4. Interpreting research findings.
5. Reporting research findings.
What does step 1 focus on?
Understanding the nature of the situation.
Typically during step 1, what is the first sign of a problem?
First sign may be a departure from normal or expected results. Symptoms could be failure to meet sales goals or increasing expenses.
What does CRM stand for and what is it frequently based on?
Customer Relationship Management and it is frequently based on analysis of existing customers.
Researchers and decision makers should remain in the problem or issue definition stage (step 1) until they...
have determined precisely what they want from marketing research and how they will use it.
What is a prerequisite for the next step (step 2) in the research process?
Deciding how to refine a vague, broad, indefinite problem or issue into a precise, researchable statement.
What is Research Design (step 2)?
An overall plan for obtaining the information needed to address a research problem or issue.
What is a hypothesis?
An informed guess or assumption about a certain problem or set of circumstances.
What are the two types of research marketers may elect to conduct?
1. Exploratory Research
2. Conclusive Research
Although each has a distinct purpose, the major differences between the two types of research are...
formalization and flexibility, rather than the specific research methods used.
What is Exploratory Research?
Research conducted to gather more information about a problem or to make a tentative hypothesis more specific.
What is the main purpose of Exploratory Research?
The main purpose of exploratory research is to better understand a problem or a situation and/or to help identify additional data needs or decision alternatives.
What is Conclusive Research?
Research designed to verify insights through objective procedures and to help marketers in making decisions.
When is Conclusive Research used?
When the marketer has one or more alternatives in mind and needs assistance in the final stages of decision making.
What does conclusive research assume and what might it use?
It assumes that the problems are clearly defined. It may use statistical analysis (hypothesis testing, confidence intervals).
What are two types of Conclusive Research?
1. Descriptive Research
2. Experimental Research
What is Descriptive Research?
Research conducted to clarify the characteristics of certain phenomena to solve a particular problem.
Descriptive research range from...
general surveys of customers educations, occupations, or ages to specifics on how often teenagers consumer sports drinks or how often customers buy new pairs of athletic shoes.
What is Experimental Research?
Research that allows marketers to make “causal inferences” about relationships.
What does experimental research require? Basically what does this provide evidence of?
It requires that an independent variable be manipulated and the resulting changes in a dependent variable be measured.

It provides evidence of cause and effect.
What are the differences between Exploratory and Conclusive Research?

Generate insights
Vague data needs
Data source ill-defined
Open-ended data
Small non-random sample
Flexible data collection
Tentative inferences


Verify specific hypotheses
Clear data needs
Well-defined data sources
Structured data collection
Large, random sample
Defined data collection
Final inferences
In designing research, marketing researchers must ensure that research techniques are both...
reliable and valid.
Research is considered reliable if...
it produces almost identical results in repeated trials.
Research is considered valid if...
if the research method measures what it is supposed to measure, not something else.
For the 3rd step of the research process, what two kinds of data are available?
1. Primary Data
2. Secondary Data
What is primary data?
Data observed and recorded or collected directly from respondents.
Why is primary data collected?
It is collected to address problems that cannot be answered by secondary data alone.
What is secondary data?
Data complied both inside and outside the organization for some purpose other than the current investigation.
What are some examples of external sources of secondary data?
Dept. of Labor



Sales and Marketing Management magazine

Also includes an organizations own database, unpublished sources, and online databases.
What are methods of collecting primary data?
Define Population, Sample, and Sampling.
Population – all the units (people) of interest to researchers.

Sample – a limited number of units (people) used to represent the characteristics of the population.

Sampling – the process of selecting the sample units.
What are the two main types of sampling, and some examples of each?
Used with conclusive research

Used with exploratory research
What is the difference between Probability and Nonprobability sampling?
Probability = Every element in the population has a known chance of being selected for study.

Nonprobability = It is more subjective than probability sampling because there is no way to calculate the likelihood that a specific element of the population will be chosen.
What are some ways to gather primary data?
Personal interview
Focus group
Customer advisory boards
Shopping mall intercept
In Interpreting Findings (step 4) what is done first?
Put the data into graphs, charts, and tables.
What is Statistical Interpretation?
Analysis of what is typical and what deviates from the average.
What else is key is step 4?
The data requires careful interpretation.

Managers must understand how the results can be used to make decisions.
After interpreting the research findings (step 4), the researchers must do what for step 5 (Report Findings)
They must prepare a report on the findings that the decision makers can understand and use. Researchers must also take care to avoid bias and distortion.
What all is done in step 5 and what are some things that must be kept in mind?
Formal report (maybe PowerPoint summary)

Executive summary/recommendations first.

Consider intended audience.

Point out any limitations in the data.
What is the Marketing Information System (MIS)?
A framework for managing and structuring information gathered regularly from sources inside and outside the organization.
What is a Database?
A collection of information arranged for easy access and retrieval.
What is Single-Source Data?
Information provided by a single marketing research firm.
What is a Marketing Decision Support System (MDSS)?
Customized computer software that aids marketing managers in decision making.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
The 4 requirements to be a market?
1. Need
2. Ability
3. Willingness
4. Authority
2 Types of markets?
1. Consumer (households for consumption, no profit)
2. Business (profit, manufacturing, or daily operations)
What is a consumer market also known as? Business?
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

Business-to-Business (B2B)
5 step process when selecting target market?
1. Identify appropriate target strategy.
2. Determine which segmentation variables to use.
3. Develop market segment profiles.
4. Evaluating relevant market segments
5. Actual selection of specific target markets
Undifferentiated targeting strategy?
One strategy for an entire market, good for homogenous market.
Concentrated and Differentiated targeting strategy?
Good for heterogenous market.

Concentrated: directs marketing efforts toward a single market segment through one marketing mix.

Differentiated: Directs customized marketing efforts at 2 or more segments.
5 conditions that must exist for effective market segmentation?
1. Customers need for product should be heterogeneous.
2. The segments of the market should be identifiable and visible.
3. The total market should be divided so segments can be compared with respect to estimated sales, costs, and profits.
4. At least one segment needs to have enough profit potential to justify developing and maintaining a special marketing mix for that segment.
5. The firm must be able to reach the chosen segment with a particular marketing mix.
What are segmentation variables?
Segmentation variables are the characteristics of individuals, groups, or organizations used to divide a total market into segments. Should have to do with the consumers need for or use of the product.
Segmentation variables for consumer markets can be grouped into what 4 categories?
1. Demographic (age, gender, race, income, etc)
2. Geographic (population, climate, etc)
3. Psychographic (Personality traits, motives, lifestyle)
4. Behavioristic (volume usage, brand loyalty, expected benefits, price sensitivity)
Segmentation variables for business markets can be grouped into what 4 categories?
1. Geographic location
2. Type of organization
3. Customer size
4. Product use
Chapter 7
Chapter 7