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24 Cards in this Set

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What is a marketing information system?

A system where marketing information is gathered, stored, analyzed & distributed to managers in accord with their informational needs on a regular planned basis

Which are the four components of the marketing information system?

- Internal market information (marketing databases, CRM systems, website analysis. About current customers!)

- Environmental scanning

- Market intelligence (big data. About new customers!)

- Marketing research (specific marketing situation)

What are the characteristics of big data?

Volume, velocity(hastighet) and variety

Why is marketing research important?

- Helps companies to understand the needs and wants of customers

- Shows what is happening in the market place

Which are the different types of marketing research?

- Ad-hoc research vs Continous research

- Custom vs Syndicated research

- Exploratory vs descriptive vs casual research

Ad-hoc research vs continous research

Ad hoc: done once, focus on specific problem. E.g. customer satisfaction survey

Continous: same research on the same sample repeatedly, monitors changes over time

E.g. consumer panel

Custom vs Syndicated/omnibus research

Custom: done for one organixation, provides specific answers

Syndicated/omnibus: collected by firms and sold to firms

E.g. television viewership panels

Exploratory vs descriptive vs casual research

Exploratory: forms research hypothesis, e.g. depth interview with industry experts

Descriptive: develops stronger conclusions about a research problem, e.g. survey of a large representative sample of customers

Causal: establishes cause-and-effect relationships, e.g. experimentation with variables such as packaging and it's effects are monitored

Which are the different stages in the marketing research process?

1. Initial contact

2. Research brief

3. Research proposal

4. Data collection

5. Data analysis and interpretation

6. Report writing and presentation

Qualitative research

- Semi-structured

- In-depth

- Small sample

Focus groups, depth interviews, online qualitative, observation, ethnographic research

Quantitative research

- Structured study

- Preset questions

- Larger sample

- Statistical analysis

Phone surveys, face-to-face surveys, online surveys, experiments, panel research

Which are the stages of the sampling process?

1. Define the population

2. Search for sampling frame (list of the chosen population from which a sample can be selected)

3. Specify sampling method & determine sample size

4. Select the sample

Which are the different classifications of sampling methods?

Probability(sannolikhet) samples: systematic, cluster, stratified randomize (divided into groups, then random from every group), simple randomize (completely random)

Non-probability: convenience (whoever is handy), snowball(get people to recruit others they know), judgment(based on the opinion of an expert), quota(same proportions of individuals as the entire population with respect to known characteristics)

Which are the conditions to obtain a true response to a question in a questionnaire?

- Respondents must understand the question

- They must be able to provide the information

- They must be willing to provide it

Which are the stages in developing a questionnaire?

Planning stage: definition of the research problem, exploratory research --> information required, definition of population, target groups, survey method

Design stage: ordering of topics, type of question, wording and instructions layout scaling, probes and prompts, coding

Pilot stage: pilot testing, redesign --> Final questionnaire

What is market segmentation?

The identification of individuals/organizations with similar characteristics that have significant implications for the determination of marketing strategy

Which are the benefits of market segmentation?

Enhanced profitability
More effective targeting of communications
Opportunities of segment dominance
Improved customer retention
Enhanced opportunities for growth
---> better matching of customer needs

Which are the different criterias for for segmentation of organizational markets?

Organizational size


Geographic location

Choice criteria

Purchasing organisation

Which are the different criterias for segmentation of consumer markets?

Behavioral: benefits sought, purchase occasion, purchase behavior, usage, perceptions and beliefs

Psychographic: lifestyle, personality

Profile: demographic, socioeconomic, geographic

What are the criterias for successful segmentation?






Undifferiented marketing

a single marketing mix for the whole market

Differiented marketing

specific marketing mixes to appeal to all or some of the segments

Focused marketing

a single marketing mix aimed at one target(niche) market

Customized marketing

a discrete marketing mix for each customer