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135 Cards in this Set

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Which type of environment is associated with extremely large cetacean group sizes

pelagic/open ocean

What species of cetacean is well known for its life long pair bond between allied males

bottlenose dolphin

Which marine mammals' social structure is organized into matrilines, pods, clans, and communites

Killer whales (Orcas)

The effect of grouping commonly known as "safety in numbers"

"encounter dilution" effect

Mysticetes are typically solitary foragers, except for which species

Humpback whale

The type of mating system in pinnipeds that leads to extreme competition among males


Type of mating system that involves sequential pairing between one male and one female over a breeding season

serial monogamy

Selection of suitable pinniped rookery sites depends heavily on the absence of

terrestrial predators

Type of breeding habitat that lends itself towards serial monogamy strategy

pack ice

Sub-type of polygyny focuses on defending territory rather than defending females

Resource defense polygyny

This group of marine mammals often produces calls below the range of human hearing (<20 Hz)

mysticetes (baleen whales)

Whistles are high-frequency tonal sounds that are a signature of these marine mammals


Group of marine mammals that frequently use 'trills' as part of their aquatic breeding strategy

phocids (true seals)

Marine mammals that make a unique "bell" and "gong" sounds as part of their mating display behavior

walruses (Odobenids)

The aggressive "clap threat" vocalization is a key sound of this species

elephant seal

This force is the major factor preventing movement of a body in water


In this type of boundary layer flow, water separates from the surface and comes off in eddies

turbulent flow

This type of perpendicular hydrodynamic force is dependent on the shape of the body

form drag

Swimming at or near the surface results in this resistant force

wave drag

The metabolic energy required to move one unit of body weight over a unit of distance is called

cost of transport

this type of social group in Sarasota bottlenose dolphins is thought to increase mating success

male-male pair bonds

This typically happens to an elephant seal male within 1-2 years of his most successful breeding season


This physical property can be used to determine the boundaries of odontocete melons using CT scans


In elephant seals, the number of males copulating increases with increasing _____

harem size/number of females

This category of manatee vibrissae can detect hydrodynamic stimuli

postfacial body hairs

The type of social system where animals join up to form large groups when foraging and split into smaller groups when resting


This environment that tends to have 'resident' animals and smaller, fluid groups


What do social groups derive from their interactions?


This is the optimal size for killer whale group hunting harbor seals


The term that describes taking care of offspring other than your own

alloparental care

Phocids typically employ this type of pup rearing strategy

fasting strategy

Otariids use what type of pup-rearing strategy

foraging-cycle strategy

The type of habitat that is associated with very short lactation periods

pack ice

This sub-type of polygyny focuses on defending against rival males rather than defending a territory

female/harem defense

The mating strategy where males use elaborate display behaviors to attract mates


This species produces "songs" composed of repeating elements, phrases and themes

Humpback whale

This group of marine mammals are far more vocal on land than in water


On crowded pinniped rookeries, using a unique call is important for

mother/pup recognition

In pinnipeds, more frequent vocalizations and richer repertoire is associated with a higher degree of


Barking calls by adults of this species typically indicates submission


what is the ideal shape for a body moving through water


Dividing a body's length by its maximum diameter give what

fineness ratio (FR)

Shorter pelage will reduce this type of drag

friction drag

In what type of boundary layer flow does fluid flow undisturbed in parallel lines

laminar flow

what type of drag is most commonly observed in ariplane wings and marine mammal appendages

lift-induced drag

In odontocetes, the diameter of the melon can filer out what

low frequency sounds

What is the metric used to determine the strength of the social bond between two male bottlenose dolphins

Coefficient of association (COA)

On Ano Nuevo Island, up to 43% of pup mortality can be attributed to

male-male competition

According to LeBoeuf (1974) what it the age limit for elephant seals on Ano Nuevo Island

14 years

What is she anatomical structure in manatees defined by "substantial innervation, a dense connective tissue capsule and a prominent circumferential blood sinus complex"

follicle-sinus complex (FSC)

What process moves nutrient rich, deep water along the ocean basins of the word


What is typically the limiting factor for phytoplankton growth in the euphotic zone


Which marine regions typically have the most primary productivity in summer

Subpolar (high-latitude) regions

Which statement about the aerobic dive limit (ADL) is FALSE

ADL increases with higher metabolism

Which of the following is NOT an adaptation to increase ADL

Decreased amount of blood vessels in lung alveoli

What odontocete feeding strategy involves retracting the tongue like a piston, and is used by species with a reduced number of teeth

suction feeding

which type of baleen whale feeds on benthic invertebrates by sucking up and filtering out bottom sediments

Gray whale

Which baleen whale feeds by skimming the surface for zooplankton

Right whale

Which strategy will reduce heat loss in marine mammals?

having a body temperature closer to the ambient temperature.

Deep-diving marine mammals have photoreceptors that absorb light best at which wavelengths?

480 (Blue)

Which of the following is NOT an adaptation for hearing in odotocetes

An enlarged tympanic membrane (ear drum)

A thicker and stiffer basilar membrane is an adaptation for

hearing at higher frequencies

List the Oder-Species name of a bottlenose dolphin

Order: Cetaceans

Suborder: Odontocetes

Family: Delphinidae

Genus: Tursiops

Species: Truncatus

List identification characteristics of mysticetes

1. Baleen

2. Two blowholes

List the identification characteristics of Odontocetes

1. Echolocation

2. Asymmetrical skull

3. One blowhole

List the identification characteristics of Sea Lions

1. External pinnae

2. Can walk on land using hind flippers


1. Falcate dorsal fin

2. Echolocation

3. Conical Teeth

4. One blowhole

5. Asymmetrical Skull


1. Triangular dorsal fin

2. Echolocation

3. Spatulate Teeth

4. One Blowhole

5. Asymmetrical Skull

The anatomical adaptation that allows manatees to digest food with a high amount of cellulose

long intestine

The regions where food concentrates in the marine environment from physical forces

Convergence zones, Eddies, or Fronts

The skull adaptation of the cetacean skull that makes it longer than that of its terrestrial ancestor


The anatomical adaptation in cetacean teeth that makes all their teeth look the same

homodont dentition

The basal ancestor of modern pinnipeds


The only extant member of the Family Physteridae

sperm whale

What is the physical force responsible for ocean surface currents


What is the physical force/process responsible for thermohaline circulation

ice formation

Where do "new" nutritents come from that enter the ocean's sunlit surface layer


Region that tends to generate the LEAST primary productivity

open ocean

What are the two important processes that occur in mammalian diving reflex

1. Bradycardia: slowing of the heart rate

2. Peripheral vascoconstriction: shut down of blood vessels.

what is the process that maintains water and electrolyte balance in on organism


The kidney structure in marine mammals that is elongated, allowing them to concentrate their urine above the osmolarity of seawater

Loop of Henle

What shape of the kidney allows for marine mammals to produce large quantities of urine

Lobed (reniculated) or large

What are the structures in the skull that enable marine mammals to reduce respiratory water loss

nasal turbinates (think nose hair!)

What is the unique arrangement of blood vessels that allows them to minimize heat loss at the skin's surface

counter-current heat exchange (periarterial venous rete PAVR)

What are the 3 physical factors that determine the rate of heat loss in a given substance

1. Conductance

2. Surface Area

3. temperature gradient

What structure in the eye reflects light bact to the photoreceptors after it has passed through the retina

tapetum lucidum

What adaptation of the pinniped ear allows the auditory bulla to fill with fluid (blood) and reduce the amount of air in this space

carvernous tissure

What anatomical structure is primarily responsible for producing sound used in echolocation

Dorsal Bursa Complex (monkey lips)

In Monterey Bay, wind-driven upwelling leads to increased primary productivity and supports a large number of what organism

euphausiids (krill) ----> Blue whales

What are the two types of circular swimming patterns used by humpback whales to create bubble nets

1. Double-loop

2. upward-spiral


Right whales, bowhead whales


Beaked whales


Blue whales, Humpback whales, "Roquals"


Polar Bears


Bottlenose dolphin, Orcas






La Plata (Franciscana) dolphin


Grey Whale


Ganges/Indus River dolphin


Amazon River Dolphin


sperm whale


pygmy and dwarf sperm whale




Narwhals, beluga


True seals


Sea Otter


seals and sea lions


pygmy right whale



Why do cetaceans live in social systems

1. increased access to mates

2. Protection from predators

3. Cooperative foraging

What are the costs of social systems

1. Share resources (prey)

2. Competition for mating

3. Heirarchial group structure

4. Increased disease transmission

What is an aggregate

defined by physical proximity, not necessarily social, gregarious.

What is a group

long-term aggregate, derive benefit from interaction, social

What 2 factors determine social system formation

Environment and Reproduction

How does environment determine social system structure

1. Exposure to predation

2. Prey behavior and availability

3. Prey Schooling

4. Encounter Dilution effect

How does Reproduction determine social system structure

1. Dependency of offspring

2. Protection of offspring form predation

3. Location of feeding and breeding sites

What are the Odontocete reproduction patterns

calf interval: 2-8 years

weaning time: 0.5-10 years

mothers feed during lactation

What are the Mysticete reproduction patterns

calf-interval: 1-3 years

weaning time: 5-12 months

mothers fast during lactation period

What is a fusion social system

tendency to form large groups at night when feeding

What is a fission social system

split off into smaller groups during the daytime

What three types of social systems do Dolphins form

1. Male-male Alliances

2. Reproductive groups (fusion/fission)

3. Juvenile groups (fusion/fission)

What are the components of Sperm whale social systems

1. Small (7-11)

2. Matrilineal

3. Babysitting (drive formation)

4. Interactions with other breeding groups

5. Female bonds based on cooperative care

6. Staggered diving

What 3 types of Killer whale social groups

1. Resident (large, stable)

2. Trasnisents (small, fluid)

3. Offshore (large, fluid?)

what do matrilines in killer whale social systems consist of

1. 2-9 individuals, age 3-6

2. rarely separate

3. close proximity

What are 2+ matrilines called


what are multiple pods called


what are multiple clans called


what are the benefits of mixed species groups

1. Enhanced echolocation

2 Enhanced prey detection

Define the social system of mysicetes

1. solitary (except humpback=gregarious)

2. Promiscuous

3. feed on schooling prey

4. large

5. aggregations due to feeding and breeding habitats.

What factors structure group formations in pinnipeds

1. generally solitary

2. fish hearding, rare

3. thermoregulation

4. Predator free oceanic islands

What are the Reproduction characteristics of pinnipeds

1. Parturition/estrous cycle

2. Seasonal

3. synchronous

4. estrus soon after parturition

What type of feeding strategy do large phocids use during lactation periods

fasting strategy (short lactation)

What type of feeding strategy do small phocids and otariids use during lactation periods

Foraging strategy (longer lactation)

What are the 3 foraging groups in pinnipeds

1. mother/pups

2. adult males

3. juveniles