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33 Cards in this Set

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abyssal plants
flat sediment-covered areas in the ocean basin usually 3000-5000m deep
a ring-shaped chain of coral reefs from which a few low islands project about the sea surface
a unit of heat energy equivalent to the amount of energy required to change the temperature of 1g of water to 1C
the molecular transfer of heat through a medium
continental drift
the gradual movement of continents in response to sea floor spreading processes
continental shelf
the relatively smooth underwater extension of the edge of the continent that slopes gently seaward to a depth of about 200m
continental slope
the relatively steep portion of the sea bottom between the outer edge of the continental shelf and the deep ocean basin
the transfer of energy by the flow or mixing of a liquid or a gas
ratio of the mass of a substance to its volume
heat capacity
the measure of heat required to change the temperature of 1g of a substance to 1C
hydrogen bond
(h-bond) a weak bond formed by the attractive force between the charged ends of water molecules and other charged molecules or ions
a electrically charged atom or molecule formed by gaining or losing one or more electron
ionic bond
in crystalline structures, an atomic bond formed between adjacent oppositely charged ions
last glacial maximum
(LGM) the time that the last major continental glacial advance in the Northern Hemisphere reached its max extent, about 18,000 years ago
latent heat of fusion
the heat that must be extracted from a liquid to freeze it to a solid at the same temperature
latent heat of evaporation
the heat energy required to convert a liquid to a gas at the same temperature
O3 formed by the action of P light acting on atmospheric O2
the super continent that consisted of all the preset land masses prior to their breakup and drift into their present positions
photic zone
the portion of the ocean where light intensity is sufficient to accommodate plant growth
plate tectonics
the collective geologic processes that move the crustal plates of the earth and cause continental drifting and sea floor spreading
the ocean layer, usually near the bottom of the photic zone, marked by a sharp change in density
massive near-shore deposits of coral skeletal material
ridge and rise system
the interconnecting chain of sea floor mountains that trace the edges of crustal plate and the sites of new oceanic crust production
a measure of the total amount of dissolved ions in salt water
sea floor spreading
a global process of oceanic crust moving away from the ridge and rise system where it was formed
an undersea volcano
the outer edge of the continental shelf typically 100-200 m deep
surface tension
the mutal attraction of water molecules at the surface of a water mass that creates a flexible molecular skin over the water surface
a relative intensity measure of the condition caused by heat
the ocean layer usually near the bottom of the photic zone marked by a sharp change in temperature
deep areas in the ocean floor generally deeper then 6000m
the resistance of water molecules to external forces that separate them
visible light
the portion of the electromagnetic radiation to which the human eye is sensitive, usually represented in a spectrum of colors from red to violet