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44 Cards in this Set

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What are the three basic functions of the nervous system?
1. sensory integration
2. integration
3. motor output
What is sensory input?
A function of the nervous system involved in:
- monitoring changes inside and outside the body
- information gathering by sensory receptors about internal and external changes
What function of the nervous system is best described:

" monitors changes inside and outside the body "
sensory input
What function of the nervous system is best described:

" information gathering by sensory receptors about internal and external changes "
sensory input
What is integration?
a function of the nervous system involved in:
- processing and interpreting sensory input, usually in the brain
What function of the nervous system is best described:

" processing and interpreting sensory input, usually in the brain "
What is motor output?
- activating effector organs (muscles and glands) produces a response
In motor output, __________ are activated to produce a response
effector organs (muscles and glands)
What are effector organs?
muscles and glands
What function of the nervous system is best described:

" activating effector organs (muscles and glands) to produce a response "
motor output
The brain and the spinal cord makeup the ________ nervous system.
The ________ nervous system is the integration and command center
The __________ nervous system is the portion of the nervous system outside of the CNS.
The spinal and cranial nerves are part of the _________ system
What is the function of the spinal and cranial nerves?
They carry messages to and from the CNS
The two major divisions of the nervous system are the ___________ and the ____________
central ; peripheral
What are the two functional divisions of the peripheral nervous system?
sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent)
The sensory and motor divisions are part of the _________ nervous system
another term for sensory is ________
another term for motor is __________
" Nerve fibers carry information to central nervous system from sensory receptors throughout the body " describes what division of the peripheral nervous system?
sensory (afferent)
In sensory (afferent) divisions, nerve fibers carry information from _____________ to _____________
sensory receptors ; central nervous system
" Nerve fibers carry information from CNS to effector organs " describes what division of the peripheral nervous system?
motor (efferent)
In motor (efferent) divisions, nerve fibers carry information from __________ to _________
central nervous system; effector organs
Sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) are _______ divisions of the peripheral nervous system
The ________ is further divided into the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
motor division
What are the two components of the motor division?
somatic and autonomic
" Involved in conscious control of skeletal muscles " describes ________.
somatic nervous system
Another term for somatic is ________
Another term for voluntary is ________
Another term for involuntary is ________
Another term for autonomic is _________
" Nerve fibers regulate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands " describes __________-
autonomic (involuntary) nervous system
What are the two functional divisions of autonomic nervous system?
sympathethic and parasympathethic
The sympathethic and paraysmpathethic divisions are subsets of the _________ nervous system
What are the two principal cell types?
neurons and neuroglia
" excitable cells that transmit electrical signals " describe what term?
neurons/nerve cells
Another term for nerve cell is ________
The ________ are supporting cells that wrap around neurons
What are neuroglia?
supporting cells that wrap around neurons
Astrocytes are examples of neuroglia in the ________
Microglia are examples of neuroglia in the _________
Ependymal cells are examples of neuroglia in the ________
Oligodendrocytes are examples of neuroglia in the ________