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32 Cards in this Set

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4 distinct patterns of behavior when pregnancy occurs
planners, acceptance of fate couples, ambivalent couples, yes no couples
joint decision making process
acceptance of fate couples
results of "russian roulet" with birth control
ambivalent couples
mixed feelings and reluctance
yes no couples
one more unresolved issue for them
pros of parenthood
can show love and affection, closer famliy ties, ffeelings of imortality, sense of accomplishment, being cared for in old age
cons of parenthood
rasing kids is expensive, difficulties finding suitable housing, source of stress, pressure to succeed as a parent
postboning parenthood: micro
women have a chance to achieve things easier without children, financial independence, can become preg later in life
postponing parenthood: macro
apprehension amoung hyoung persons about the chances their marriage will last, smaller families, necessary to return to their families of orientation due to financial instability
the inability to conceive a babgy after 12 months of unprotected sex
reasons for female infert
failure to ovulate, blockage of fallopian tube, std, pid
chelical pollutants, low sperm, test proble,
idiopathic infertility
no answer.
expectations of permance
ecnonomic security and responsibility child rearing require marriage to be permance. life long commitment
covenant marriage
bride and groom agree to be bound by covenant, which is stronger that an ordinary contract
sex ratio
men to women. in 2000 it was 95 men to 100 women. in 1910 it was 106 women.
blujmstein ans schwarts
Gender is more important determinant of the nature of couple relationships than is sexual orientation
fertility trends
lower us fertility appears to be major change when we compare current birth rates to those of teh 1950's. decline in infant mortality.
pronatalist bias
having children is taken fro granted, whereas not having children seems to need a justification
structural antinatalism
insufficiently supportive of parents and children. making gap between parents and non parents bigger. those with children will have lower incomes. there is social pressure to have kids, but other features of our society make parenthood less than automatic
children and marital happiness
couples are usually happier right before the child is born, and will fix relationship after baby is born
one child family: advangages
usually do sports, plays, talk more with their parents, more likely for better education, know childs friends
one child family: disadvantage
lack of opportunity to experience sibliing relationships, extra pressure to succeed, if they die parents feel it is their only chance to parent
level with eachother
partners need to be as kind and gentle. called leveling, expressing how one feels
avoid attacks, use i statements when you can
attacks are assualts on partners character or self exteem. do not help couples bond
avoid mixed, or double messages
don't use contradictory statements. involves both sender and receiver
choose the time and place carefully
can be worse if at the wrong riem. fight by appointment
focus anger only on specific issues
constructive fighting aims at resolving specific problems that are happening now
ask for a specific change, but be open to compromise
complaints should be ready to propose at least one solution
be willing to change yourself
accompanied by action. have to negotiate with eachother
dont try to win
must not compete in fights. can't involve winners of losers.
remember to end the argument
know how to stop fightning. bargain about whether fight should continue