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19 Cards in this Set

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What is Operant Conditioning?
-a view that learning is driven by the positive or negative consequences of behavior
What is Positive Reinforcement?
-an inducement to repeat a behavior in order to receive a reward
What is Negative Reinforcement?
-an inducement to repeat a behavior to remove an adverse situation
What is Punishment?
-an aversive consequence that decreases the likelihood a particular response will recur
What is Behavior Shaping?
-breaks down a complex behavior into a series of simple component actions and reinforces learners at each successive step
What is Stimulus Generalization?
-our tendency to assign commonality to similar stimuli, our response to one stimulus becomes extended to other similar stimuli
What is Stimulus Discrimination?
-Our tendency to distinguish between similar but not identical stimuli, gives marketers the opportunity to differentiate their products
What is Cognitive Learning?
-humans are not locked into a ceaselessly repetitive stimulus-response behavior mode. Rather, we have the ability to think, analyze, associate, learn consequences, and solve problems. We may act differently in each case based on perceived circumstances
What is Rote Memory?
-verbal learning, done with repetition
What is an example of Method of loci?
-Marlboro Man

mnemonic techniques that rely upon memorized spatial relationships to establish, order and recollect memorial content
What is an example of Visual Imagery?
-paints a picture for you Ex. “you’re in good hands with AllState”
What is Left Hemisphere?
-specializes in analytical thinking, verbalization and algebraic calculations (good at Math), builds up a world from pieces, detail oriented
What is Right Hemisphere?
-specializes in interpreting and recognizing visual patterns (creative), look at the big picture
What is Vicarious Learning (Modeling of Social Learning)?
-behavior change due to observing the activity of others and the consequences of their behavior. “Show me how to do it”
What is Learning Curve (Experience Effect)?
-tasks become easier as the number of repetitions increases
What is Brand Parity?
-a belief that no significant differences exist among brands
What are Mnemonic Devices?
-auditory or visual aids that promote retention of material by indentifying it with some easily-remembered symbols
What is Sensory Memory?
-a storage system where incoming data undergo preliminary processing