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41 Cards in this Set

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creates the capacity for ongoing strategic change, defined as "the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others to initiate changes that will creat a viable future for the organization
strategic leadership
the generation of a novel idea or unique approach that solves a problem or crafts an opportunity
the process of taking a new idea and putting it into practice
these result in better ways of doing things
process innovations
these result in new or improved goods or services
product innovations
these result in ways for firms to make money
business model innovations
the act of discovery
the act of use
5 steps of wheel of innovation
imagining, designing, experimenting, assessing, and scaling
first step of wheel of innovation, thinking about new possibilities; making discoveries by ingenuity or communicating with others;extending existing ways
2nd step in wheel of innovation, testing ideas in concept;discussing them with peers, customers, clients, or technical experts, building initial models, prototypes or samples
3rd step of wheel of innovation, examining practicality and financial value through experiments and feasibility studies
4th step of wheel of innovation, identifying strengths and weaknesses, potential costs and benefits, and potential markets or applications; making constructive changes.
5th step of wheel of innovation, gearing up, and implementing new processes, putting to work what has been learned; commercializing new products or services
the process of turning ideas into processes or products that can increase profits through greater sales or reduced costs
commercializing innovation
in highly innovative organizations, the ___________ , ___________, ___________, ______________and _________ support innovation
corporate strategy, culture, organization structures, top management, organizations staffing
people who create new insights from internal discovery or external awareness or both
idea generators
people who serve as links between people and groups within the organization and with external sources
information gatekeepers
people who advocate and push for change and innovation, and for the adoption of specific product or process ideas
product champions
people who perform technical functions needed to keep an innovative project on track with necessary resource support
project managers
people who encourage, sponsor, and coach others to keep the innovation values, goals, and energies in place.
innovation leaders
is a change agent who tries to change the behavior of another person or social system
change leader
when the change initiatives come from senior management
top-down change
when change initiatives come from all levels in the organization
bottom-up change
responds to events as or after they occur
reactive change
is a discrepancy between a desired and actual state of affairs
performance gap
aligns the organization with anticipated future challenges
planned change
results in a major and comprehensive redirection of the organization
transformational change
bends and adjusts existing ways to improve performance by better aligning systems and practices with emerging problems and opportunities
incremental change
common organization targets for change are....
tasks, people, culture, technology, and structure
the phase during which a situation is prepared for change
the phase where a planned change actually takes palce
the phase at which change is stabilized
pursues change through formal authority, and/or the use of rewards or punishments
force-coercion strategy
pursues change through empirical data and rational argument
rational persuasion strategy
pursues change by participation in assessing change needs, values, and goals.
shared power strategy
is a comprehensive effort to improve an organization's ability to solve problems and improve performance
organization development
is a collaborative process of collecting data, using it for action planning, and evaluating the results
action research
is a structured activity that helps create change for organization development
OD intervention
Some organization wide OD interventions include...
sensitivity training, management training, role negotiation, job redesign, career planning (see page 236 for descriptions)
OD interventions to improve team effectiveness include...
team building, process consultation, intergroup team building (237 for descriptions)