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82 Cards in this Set

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what the employer is giving to the employee including pay, benefits


what the employee gives to the company including time, loyalty, labor


ability to get along with others


the number of goals in which you focus on

negative emotionality

optimist or pessimist


introvert or extrovert


rigid or open-minded

locus of control

the degree at which an individual believes that behavior has a direct impact on theconsequences of that behavior

internal locus of control

blaming yourself

external locus of control

blaming other people

cognitive dissidence

how you see the future


response to stimilus

stages of stress

1. alarm

2. resistance

3. exhaustion

type "a" personality

competitive, devoted to work, strong sense of time urgency

type "b" personality

less competitive, laid back, procrastinators

causes of stress

1. task

2. physical

3. role

3. interpersonal

consequences of stress

1. behavioral

2. psychological

3. medical

4. poor work quality

5. burn out


always absent

performance behavior

not doing quality work

human relations

employer cares about employees

maslow: physiological

breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion

maslow: safety

security of body, employment, resources, morality, the family, health, property

maslow: belonging

friendship, family, sexual intimacy

maslow: esteem

self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others

maslow: self-actualization

morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts

expectancy theory

how much you really want something and how likely you are to get it

expectancy theory performance

a result of individual effort, ability, and environmental forces

equity theory

determine whether they are being treated equally in the workplace

reinforcement theory

what you do is your responsiblity

positive reinforcement

doing something well and getting recognition in order to push you to do it again

negative reinforcement

punishing for wrong actions




avoiding the bad consequence by doing the right thing


how much work you can do independently


giving employees power to make their own decisions

job sharing

2 or more people share a job


ability to affect the behavior of others

legitimate power

having complete control

reward power

ability to give or withhold rewards

coercive power

the action of forcing people to do stuff

referent power

wanting to be like someone else

expert power

having the skills


to have a certain aurora that attracts people to you

employee centered leader

someone who is concerned about their employees


1. autocratic / authoritative

2. democratic

3. laissez-fair

situational approaches to leadership

believes that the most effective form of leader behavior is when the situation is favorable or lessfavorable

path goal theory: directive managers

tells workers in advance what is expected of them

path goal theory: supportive managers

approachable / friendlier

path goal theory: participative managers

consult their workers (work together)

path goal theory: achievement oriented

goal setters

vroom decision tree theory

the kinds of situations determines the degree of group participation

leader / member exchange approach

having different relationships with different workers (favoritism)

substitution for leadership

leader doesn't have to be there to accomplish goals

charismatic leadership

to have a certain aurora that attracts people to you

vroom decision tree theory: 1st step

asses of evaluate time sensitivity


the use of words


not clear

why is conflict good?

it encourages competition

functional group

generally with the same demographic / profession

interest group

formed by the workers themselves

task group

put together for a narrow purpose

cross-functional group

different demographic / professions

self-managed group

no boss

delphi group

communicate electronically

forming stage

meeting everyone for the first time

storming stage

your true characteristics show

norming stage

everyone has a role in the group

performing stage

getting work done

adjournment stage

the group breaks up


standard of behavior


to evaluate / monitor work


day-to-day business


pre-product development


during the product development process


the outcome of the product

financial resources



plan of action according to how you use your money

communication process

1. sender

2. encode

3. decode / audience

4. feedback


disruption is the sending of a message

traditional scientific theory

economical / environment

total quality management

a description of the culture, attitude and organization of a company that strives to provide customers with products and services that satisfy their needs

information technology

the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information