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48 Cards in this Set

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What are the five characteristics of teams?
1. Exist to achieve a shared goal
2. Members are interdependent regarding some common goal
3. Bounded and stable over time
4. Operate in a social system context
5. Members have the authority to manage their own work
What are the seven kinds of teams?
1. Departmental
2. Production/Service/Leadership
3. Self-directed
4. Advisory
5. Task force
6. Skunkworks
7. Virtual teams
What are the characteristics of a departmental team? (four)
-Employees have similar or complementary skills
-Employees located in same unit of a functional structure
-Minimal task interdependence
-Each employee works with members of other departments
What are the characteristics of a production/service/leadership team? (four)
-Employees are multiskilled
-Employees produce collectively produce a common product/service
-Production/service teams have assembly-line interdependence
-Leadership teams have tight interdependence
What are the characteristics of a self-directed team? (four)
-Employees are multiskilled
-Employees collectively produce a common product/service
-Low interdependence with other work units
-Very high autonomy
What are the characteristics of an advisory team? (three)
-Provide recommendations to decision makers
-May be temporary or permanent
-Some frequent rotation of members
What are the characteristics of a task force team? (three)
-Employees are usually multiskilled
-Assigned to solve a one-time problem or complete a project
-Separate after task completed
What are the characteristics of a skunkworks? (four)
-Employees are multiskilled
-Located away from the organization
-Initiated by an innovation champion
-Borrows people and resources from main organization by bootlegging
What are the characteristics of a virtual team? (three)
-Operate across space and time
-Linked through information technology to achieve tasks
-May be temporary task forces or permanent service teams
What are the three success factors for self-directed teams?
1. Responsible for making an entire work process
2. Have sufficient autonomy
3. Have technology-supported team dynamics
What are the three success factors for virtual teams?
1. Team members are extra-competent
2. Have flexible information technology
3. Have occasional face-to-face interaction
What are process losses?
Resources expended toward team development and maintenance rather than the task
What is social loafing?
Team members exerting less effort when working in groups than when working alone
What are the four features of team design?
1. Task characteristics
2. Team size
3. Team composition
4. Team roles
What are the five features of team processes?
1. Team development
2. Team norms
3. Team cohesiveness
4. Team trust
5. Team conflict
What are the five stages of team development?
1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing
5. Adjourning
What are the three levels of team trust?
1. Calculus-based
2. Knowledge-based
3. Identification-based
What are the three characteristics of effective goals?
1. Specific
2. Difficult
3. Shared
What are the three forms of structure?
1. Sequential
2. Pooled
3. Reciprocal
What are the three kinds of team roles?
1. Task
2. Interpersonal/Socioemotional
3. Boundary-spanning
What are the advantages and disadvantages of diversity within a team?
Advantages: Greater breadth of knowledge; more perspectives

Disadvantages: More process losses; more relationship conflict
In conflict, what is the difference between a person's position and a person's interest?
A person's position is what a person wants (requests), and a person's interest is why he or she wants it (motivations).
What are the five conflict management styles?
1. Problem Solving
2. Forcing
3. Accommodating/Yielding
4. Avoiding
5. Compromising
What are the three types of conflict?
1. Task/constructive
2. Administrative
3. Relationship/emotional
What is the fundamental attribution error?
The tendency for one person to externalize his failures and to internalize his successes, and for that person to internalize others' failures and externalize others' successes
What are four items that minimize relationship conflict?
1. Emotional intelligence
2. Cohesive team
3. Supportive team norms
4. Problem solving conflict management style
What are four structural solutions to minimize team relationship conflict?
1. Emphasizing superordinate goals
2. Find ways to understand others' differences
3. Reduce task interdependence
4. Make rules and responsibilities less ambiguous
What are four objectives of business?
1. Survival
2. Growth
3. Social responsibility
4. Profit
What are three views of what organizations are?
1. Organizations as rational systems
2. Organizations as natural systems
3. Organizations as open systems
What are three parts of organizations as rational systems?
1. An organization is like a machine.
2. An organization focuses on formal structure and technology to improve performance.
3. An organization's performance is measured by efficiency.
What are three parts of organizations as natural systems?
1. An organization is like a person.
2. An organization focuses on people and its informal structure.
3. An organization's performance is measured by effectiveness.
What are three parts of organizations as open systems?
1. An organization is like an ecosystem.
2. An organization focuses on environment and boundaries.
3. An organization's performance is measured by effectiveness.
What are the five factors of production? Which are components of countries with wealth?
1. Land
2. Labor
3. Capital
4. Entrepreneurship (wealth)
5. Knowledge (wealth)
What is the difference between standard of living and quality of life?
Standard of living is an amount of goods and services (a number), while quality of life is a general well-being of a society.
What are the five main management theories in chronological order?
1. Scientific Management Theory
2. Administrative Management Theory
3. Behavioral Management Theory
4. Management Science Theory
5. Organizational Environment Theory
Who were the main proponents of scientific management theory?
Frederick Taylor; Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
What is scientific management theory?
The study of the relationships between PEOPLE AND TASKS to redesign the work for HIGH EFFICIENCY
Who were the main proponents of administrative management theory?
Max Weber; Henri Fayol
What is administrative management theory?
The study of how to create an ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND CONTROL SYSTEM that leads to high efficiency and effectiveness
Who were the main proponents of behavioral management theory?
Mary Parker Follett; Hawthorne researchers
What is behavioral management theory?
The study of how MANAGES SHOULD BEHAVE to motivate employees and encourage them to perform at high levels
What is the human relations view in behavioral management theory?
That worker efficiency is improved when workers are being watched; group norms can influence behavior of members (Hawthorne studies)
What is management science theory?
An approach to management that uses rigorous QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES to maximize use of resources
What are the four branches of management science?
1. Quantitative management
2. Operations management
3. Total quality management
4. Management information systems
What is organizational environment theory?
An approach to management that considers forces that operate BEYOND AN ORGANIZATION'S BOUNDARIES to maximize use of resources
What is the open systems view of organizational environment theory?
The input, conversion, and output stages have great impact on the success of organizations. An organization must be able to transverse these stages to be successful.
What is the contingency theory of organizational environment theory?
The idea that what managers base decisions is contingent on the current characteristics of the external environment
What is the difference between a mechanistic structure and an organic structure?
The authority of mechanistic structures is more centralized, tasks and rules are clearly stated, and employees are closely monitored.