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41 Cards in this Set

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While the scientific management approach focuses on individual productivity, the Administratic principles approach focuses on what?

the total organization

Who founded the Administrative principles approach?

henri Fayol

Who is Henri Fayol?

founded administrative principles approach

-french mining engineer who worked his way to the top of Comambault (ArcelorMittal -worlds largest steel and mining company)

-wrote a book on his methods

Who wrote: General and Industrial Management

Henri Fayolsd

What 4 parts of Fayol's Administrative principles approach are used today

Unity of Command

Division of work

Unity of direction

Scalar Chain

explain "Unity of command" in Fayol's philosophy (adm principles)

Each employee gets orders from only ONE superior

explain "Division of work" In Fayol's philosphy (adm principles)

Specialization (both managerial and technical)

produce more and better work with the same amount of effort

explain "Unity of Direction" In Fayol's philosophy (adm principles)

Similar activities grouped together under one manager

Explain "Scalar Chain" in Fayol's philosophy (adm principles)

Chain of authority extends from top to bottom and includes every employee

Which country surged ahead in management techniques in classical perspective, other countries esp japan following suit


who is the father of scientific management

Frederick Taylor

some supermarkets are using what kind of Scientific management ideas

computerized systems based on scientific management principles to schedule employees for max efficiency

Which type of Classical perspective subfield emphasizes management on a impersonal ration basis through elements such as clearly defined authority, responsibility, formal recordkeeping, separation of management and ownership

Bureaucratic organizations approach

What part of management does the Classical Perspective not address?

The social aspect

Who introduced most of the concepts about bureaucratic organizations

Max Weber

What subfield of the Classical perspective focuses on the total organization rather than the individual worker and delineates the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling

administrative principles approach


management philosophy that emphasizes the importance of understanding human behaviors, needs, attitudes in the workplace, as well as social interactions and group processes

Humanistic perspective

What are the 3 subfields in management philosophy

Human relations movement

Human resources perspective

Behavioral sciences approach

Who were the 2 early advocates for a more humanistic approach in general

Mary Parker Follett

Chester Barnard


-common subordinate goals

-empowerment vs. controlling

-often overlooked by mangagment scholars

"don't hug your blueprints"

Mary Parker follette

What Humanist had the ideas of

Informal organization


Acceptance theory of authory

Chester Barnard

Who argued that informal relationships are powerful forces that can help the organization if properly managed

Chester Barnard


theory that states that ppl have free will and can choose whether to follow management orders.

Acceptance theory of authority

what is the basic idea that the Hawthorne studies proved?

employees perform better when management treats them well


the management theory/technique that truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control.

Human Relations Movement

what study finally directed attention away from scientific management and into Human relations management?

Hawthorne studies

What happened with the Hawthorne studies

was initially the electric company conducting experiments to prove that more light = more productivity so ppl wld use more electrical

but then it pointed out the importance of other facts in production and went on to the "Relay Assembly Test Room"

What two men conducted the Relay Assembly Test Room experiemtn?

Elton Mayo

Fritz Roethlisberger

Explain Relay Assembly Test Room experiemnt

lasted 6 years, controlversal because of badly performed experiment

showed that it wasn't money but human relations that most improved output

What is the Hawthorne Effect

participants behaved differently because of the active participation of the researchers


Management theory that included worker participation, considerate leadership.

-emphasis on daily tasks

-jobs should be designed so that tasks are not perceived as dehumanizing or demeaning but instead allow workers to use their full potential

Human Resources Perspective

Who were the 2 best-known contributors to the human resources perspective?

Abraham Maslow

Douglas McGregor

What was Abraham Maslow's contribution to the Human Resources Persepctive

Maslow Hierarchy of needs

What is McGregor's Theory X?

The classical perspective assumptions about workers in managment, including the early human relations

What is McGregor, Douglas Theory Y?

Organizations can take advantage of the imagination and intellect of all their employees. and employees will have self control and contribute to goals if given the opportunity

Which of McGregor, Douglas Theories?

-Average person has inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible

-most ppl must be coerced, controlled, directed, threatened, to get them to put forth adequite effort

-Average person wants security most of all:

to be directed,

wishes to avoid responisbility and has relatively little ambition.

Which of McGregor, Douglas Theories?

-Average person does not inherently dislike work

-ppl will show self control and direction

-average person learns to accept and seek responsibilty

-ppl are generally creative, and stuff

-under modern conditions the intellectual potentialities of the average human are only partially utilized

Semco uses which of McGregor's theories?

Theory Y

What type of Humanistic approach can be seen in practically every organization?

Behavioral sciences


Method of management (humanist) uses scientific methods and draws from sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics and other disciplines to develop theories about human behavior and interaction in an organizational setting

Behavioral sciences approach

Human Relations vs. Human resources

Human relations just beginning to stress workers basic needs and being treated nicely

Human resources went farther into workers higher-level needs