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81 Cards in this Set

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plan that is put in order for long term goals

competitive advantage

ability to out perform rivals


expansion by entering new areas of business

vertical integration backwards

a business acquiring it's suppliers

forward vertical integration

a business acquiring it's distributors


business closes and sells its assets to pay creditors


reduces scale or mix of operations


Strategic Business Limits


decrease size of operations


selling parts of business to focus on core business areas

strategic alliance

organizations join together in partnership to pursue area of mutual interest

transnational firm

tries to operate globally without a national identity

crowd sourcing

uses internet to engage customers in providing opinions and feedback on products and designs


use internet to link organizations and customers to supply chain

mission statement

describes purpose of organization

SWOT analysis

analyzes organizational strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunity and threat

core comptetency

a special strength that gives an org a competitive advantage

differentiation strategy/low cost strategy

offers unique products, different from the competition....

seeks to operate with lower costs than competitors

michael porters competitive strategy model


cost leadership-

focused differentiation

BCG matrix

analyzes business opportunities according to market growth rate and market shares


Boston consultant group


arranging people and resources to work toward a goal

organization structure

system of tasks, reporting relationships and communications linkage

organization chart

describes arrangement of work positions within an org

division of labor

means that people and groups perform different jobs...usually jobs that are suited for the employees

functional structure

official structure of the org

cross functional team

brings together members from different functional dept's

virtual org

uses info to operate at a shifting network of alliance

organizational design

process of configuring orgs to meet environmental challenges


top managers keep power to make most decisions


entrusting work to others


gives people freedom to do the job as they think best

mechanistic designs

use vertical and centralized structures; they are bureaucratic

organic designs

adaptive; decentralized and horozontal structure


employee gets some say in daily working hours


using it to work outside office

job sharing

1 job split between workers


process of insiration for people to work harder to accomplish tasks

power: reward

acheive influence by offering something of value

managerial power

position power and personal power

power: coercive

acheives influence by punishment

power: legitimate

acheives influence by formal authority

"power of position" aka president lol


personal identification


clear sense of future

leadership styles

pattern of behaviors exhibited by leader


command and control


participation but care about task and people


dont care for people or task

Fiedler leadership views

match leadership style and situational demands

Hersey-Blanchard leadership views

successful leaders do adjust their leadership styles

House leadership views


effective leader when they help workers acheive work and personal goals

substitues for leadership

work with no leader

charismatic leaders

leader-follower relationship

inpires followers in extra ordinary ways

transactional leadership

directs efforts toward tasks and rewards

transformational leadership

inspires extraordinary effort and performance

emotional intelligence (EI)

ability to manage our emotions in leadership and social relationsip

interactive leadership

good communaication, participation and deals with problems by teamwork

moral leadership

appears to others as 'good' by ethical standards

servant leadership

serving others by helping them use their talents to benifit org's benefit to society


gives ppl freedom and power to do their job


how people interperet info and environment


assigns attributs commonly associated with a group to an individual

halo effect

one attribute used to develope an impression of a person or situaion

selective perception

focuses on constancies with beliefs, needs and actions


assigns personal attributes to other individuals. assume one has the same needs, desires, and values


process of creating explanations for events

type A personality

extreme acheivement...


job burnout

physical and mental exhaustion from stress relatied to work


a predisposition to the way people act

cognitive dissonance

discomfort when attitude and behavior are inconsisten

job satifaction

the degree to which a person enjoys job and work experience

mood contagion

when one's mood is transferred to other


the desire to succeed.

organizational culture

is a sustem of shared beliefs and values guiding behavior

core values

beliefs and values shared by organziation members

symbolic leader

language and symbols and actions to establish and maintain a desired organizational culture


process of taking a new idea and putting it into practice

process innovations

result in better ways of doing things

product innovations

result in new or improved goods or services

business model innovation

result in ways for firm to make money

