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105 Cards in this Set

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What are some functions of male reproductive system?
Maintenance of secondary sex characteristics and behavior
Germ cell migrate from yolk sac to________ during development.
Yolk sac to gonadal ridge
What are 5 broad categories of congenital anomalies?
1) Cystic lesions
2) Aplasia/hypoplasia/ agenesis
3) Atresia
4) Crytorchidism
5) Various malformations
What part of the Y chromosome promotes male development in the fetus?
SRY (sex-determining region) of Y chromosome
Two duct systems form during development, what must happen in a male for normal development?
Sertoli cells produce (supporting cells) Muellerian inhibiting substance which causes regression of Muellarian ducts
_______ promotes development of the Wolffian ducts in a male.
What does 5-alpha reductase do in males?
Converts testosterone to dihydro-testosterone--> acts on genital tubercle, folds and swellings
What are the 3 ways which sex is defined?
1) Phenotype
2) Chromosome
3) Gonads
What is the remnant of the gubernaculum in males? Females?
Males: scrotal ligament (ligamentum testis)
Females: Ovarian ligament & round ligament of the uterus
What duct remains in females?
Muellarian (paramesonephric)
The Wolffian duct (mesonephric duct) becomes what 3 structures?
1) Efferent ductules
2) Epididymis
3) Ductus deferens
What does the genital tubercle become in males? Females?
Males: Penis/ phallus
Females: Clitoris
What does the genital fold become in the male? Female?
Male: penile urethra
Females: Vestibule
What does the genital swelling become in males? Females?
Males: Scrotum
Females: Vulvular lips
What 3 structures do the Muellarian ducts contribute to in females?
1) Oviduct
2) Uterus
3) Cervix
What is the usual result of chromosomal sex abnormalities (XXY, XO, XXX)?
Often have underdeveloped organs rather than ambiguous phenotype
What is sex reversal?
Gonadal sex is different from chromosomal sex
In animals with sex reversal the sex-determining factor gene can be located on ____ or ______ chromosome.
X or autosomal chromosome
When are the terms hermaphrodite and pseudohermaphrodite used?
When the phenotypic sex does not match the gonadal sex (and often chromosomal sex)
Describe a male pseudohermaphrodite.
Has phenotypic features of a female (externally and/or in tubular portion of tract) but male gonads
What is a bovine freemartin?
-Example of chimera in which male cells reach female twin via placental anastomoses
-MIS so get hypoplastic female elements, ovotestis
-seminal vesicles present, +/- other Wolffian structures
What do you call an animal that has both testicular and ovarian tissue present, like happens with dogs, pigs, goats and freemartins?
You have a calf born that has gonadal material in the ovary, a segment of hypoplastic uterine body, seminal vesicles, an underdeveloped vulva and no opening from uterus to vagina.
Free martin if was a twin- hermaphrodite
True or false. The male twin in a free martin is not compatible with life.
False, female is not, male is fine; male cells get into female
What are 3 disorders that result in male pseudohermaphrodism?
1) Persistent Muellarian duct syndrome (PMDS)
-From unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism
2) Androgen insensitivity
3) 5alpha-reductase deficiency
Why do androgen receptor defects lead to male pseudohermaphrodites?
Androgens couldn't bind so didn't get promotion of Wolffian ducts
Why does a deficiency of 5alpha-reductase lead to male pseudheraphrodites?
Because it is the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, so there's a lack of masculinization
-Only proved in humans, not animals
What is a cause of female pseudohermaphrodies?
Adrenogenital syndrome-an enzyme defect that results in overproduction of adrenal androgens or via iatrogenic administration of androgenic steroids during gestation
-Fairly uncommon
What are 4 defense mechanisms of the male reproductive system?
1) Protected location
2) Flushing of secretory fluids and urine
3) Antimicrobial compounds in secretions
4) MALT relatively weak except in prepuce and accessory sex glands
It is thought that testicular tissues contain ________ that constitutively suppress the immune response to this tissue.
What are 3 portals of entry into the male reproductive system?
1) Ascending
2) Hematogenous
3) Direct penetration
What is the primary response of the male reproductive system to injury?
Hormonal inputs (excesses or deficiencies) --> hypertrophy or atrophy
-often a critical means of injury
Whether changes are _____ or ______ can sometimes give a clue as to the origin.
Unilateral or bilateral
What part of the male reproductive system is slow to develop inflammatory lesions?
The epididymis is prone to what type of response to injury?
Granuloma formation
-Happens when sperm gets out and contacts the epididymis
The seminiferous tubules are lined by _______ and _______.
Sertoli cells
Spermatogonia cells (in various stages of development)
The interstitium of the testis contains nerves, blood vessels, connective tissue elements and ______ cells.
Leydig cells (steroid producing cells)
The epididymis has serosal and _______ tunics in addition to the epithelial lining.
Muscular tunics-to help move repro fluids along
What are 3 circulatory disturbances that can occur in the testis and epididymis?
1) Edema/hemorrhage
2) Thrombosis
3) Infarction (especially due to testicular torsion)
-Don't see these alot
How does testicular torsion present up clinical examination?
Swollen scrotal sack, more on one side than the other
What is the most common cause of male infertility?
Testicular degeneration (atrophy)
-Difficult to distinguish from hypoplasia
-Unilateral or bilateral
-Testis is smaller and flabby
-Ask if damage to teste
What predisposes the testicle to injury (degeneration)?
High metabolic activity of seminiferous epithelium
_______ regulation is a cause of testicular degeneration.
Thermal regulation
-Why testes are located outside of body
-Get small testis w/ cryptorchidism
What are 7 causes of testicular degeneration?
1) Thermal regulation
-Why scrotum=outside body
2) Nutritional deficiencies, malnutrition
3) Hormonal influences
4) Auto-immune disease
-Important in horses
5) Toxic chemicals, plants
6) Obstruction to sperm outflow
7) Localized or systemic infection
A lack of ______ hormone can cause testicular degeneration, or the presence of ______ hormone can cause testicular degeneration.
LH=trophic for cells in testes, necessary or get degeneration
Estrogen causes degeneration
How do you diagnose testicular degeneration?
Can't diagnose on gross morphologic tissue changes
-Poor semen quality is part of infertility work up w/ degeneration
-Can do testicular biopsy..
How does testicular degeneration appear grossly?
Testicles are soft, flabby (acute) or small, firm (chronic)
Cryptorchidism is common in _______ and there may be a genetic component.
What are 4 causes of testicular hypoplasia?
1) Cryptorchidism
2) Primary cytogenetic problems
e.g. Kinnefelters syndrome xxy
3) Endocrine problems
E.g. GnRH, FSH
4) Poor nutrition-zinc deficiency
Is orchitis or epididymitis more common?
-Testes are slow at getting inflammation!
2 year old polled Saanen which owner has not kidded, never observed pregnant or even bred (infertility); Owner says matilda has uncommon behavior
PE: excellent condition
Poorly developed udder
Small vulva, prominent clitoris
Blunt probe suggests narrow poorly developed vagina
Male pseudohermaphrodite
What is the most common portal of entry for epididymitis?
Ascending the tract
-But hematogenous is also an important route (Brucellosis)
What are 3 agents that commonly cause epididymitis in rams?
1) Actinobacill*
2) Histophilus*
3) Brucellosis ovis (hematogenous)
What is the most common cause of epididymitis in dogs? Another less common cause?
Opportunistic E. coli infection
-Brucellosis canis can too
_______ _______ frequently form when an animal has epididymitis and causes outflow obstruction.
Spermatic granulomas
What are 3 lesions associated with epididymitis?
1) Abscesses
2)*Spermatic granulomas
3) *Adenomyosis
What is adenomyosis?
Epithelium invades the muscular tunic--> spermatocoele--> spermatic granuloma
-Usually linked to excessive estrogen
What is autoimmune orchitis? What is a common sequel?
Inflammatory response against antigens in sperm-nothing do with an infectious agent
-Common sequel= testicular degeneration
You have a dog with generalized alopecia, what are 3 differentials?
1) Hyporthyroidism
2) Hyperadrenocorticism
3) Hyperestrogenism
-Mainly problem in small dogs
What is pseudofeminization syndrome? What are the signs?
-Pendulous prepuce
If you have an animal with generalized alopecia and you suspect hyperestrogenism, what is your next diagnostic step?
Examine the testes because source of estrogen is either from adrenal glands or can be a sertoli cell tumor, in which one teste will look normal or like a tumor and other will be atrophied
There are 4 main primary tumors of the testicles, 2 are ______ cell neoplasms and 2 are _____ cell neoplasms.
Germ cell and gonadal stromal
-Rarely a mixed tumor is found
-Some can have paraneoplastic effects
Multiple testicular neoplasms are common in _____ and testicular tumors are rare in _____.
When are testicular neoplasms more common?
In retained testes
What is the number one testicular neoplasm in the horse and number 2 in dogs?
Seminoma (germ cell tumor)
-older stallions
-Dogs w/ cryptorchidism
What is the gross appearance of a seminoma?
Organ may be enlarged
-Mass is soft, white and bulges from cut surface
Testicular neoplasms don't commonly metastasize, but which one metastasizes most often?
Sertoli cell tumors-often goes to bones
-Can invade cord and metastasize to draining nodes
Interstitial (Leydig) cell tumors are common in the _____ & ____.
Dog & bull
How do interstitial (Leydig) cell tumors appear grossly?
Sharply demarcated, firm, round and often yellow to red
Sometimes Interstitial cell tumors are productive tumors, what can they produce?
Androgens or estrogens
What is the most common testicular neoplasm of dogs?
Interstitial (Leydig) cell tumor
What are the 4 testicular neoplasms?
1) Seminoma
2) Interstitial (Leydig) cell tumor
3) Sertoli cell tumor
4) Teratoma
Dogs are at an increased risk for Sertoli cell tumors if they they are ________.
But common in descended testes too
What is the gross appearance of a sertoli cell tumor?
Firm, white, with fibrous tissue trabeculae
What is the most common cause of feminization?
Sertoli cell tumors
-Produces estrogen
Sertoli cell tumors can also affect ______, ______ gland, and ______ gland.
Bone marrow
Prostate gland
Thyroid gland
What forms a teratoma?
From primordial germ cell so can differentiate into multiple mature cell types (at least 2 of 3 germ layers must be present)
-Look for bone, cartilage, hair in testicle
What are 2 germ cell tumors of the testicle?
What are 2 gonadal stromal cell tumors of the testicle?
Sertoli cell tumors
Leydig cell tumors
Are teratomas malignant or benign?
Usually benign, but if not is termed a teratocarcinoma
Teratomas are most common in ________.
Equine crytorchids
What are 2 "common" circulatory disturbances of the spermatic cord and tunica vaginalis?
Cord torsion
What are 2 lesions of the spermatic cord and tunica vaginalis that can develop as a sequelae to castration?
1) Infection
2) Scirrous cord (too much granulation tissue)
The peritoneum communicates with the tunica vaginalis, what are the potential consequences?
Can get processes getting into scrotal sack through vaginal ring opening, can get implants of metastatic disease get to scrotal sack through ring
What is a lesion of the male accessory sex glands that can cause infertility in bulls and less commonly in rams and boars?
Seminal vasculitis
-From bacteria, brucella & mycoplasma spp.
The prostate gland is a trouble spot in ____.
The prostate gland is derived from the urogenital sinus and responds to both _____ and _____.
Estrogen and androgens
-Comes off Wolffian duct
What usually causes prostatitis?
Ascending bacterial infections
What are the clinical signs of prostate problems?
-Trouble urinating
-Straining to defacate (common)
-Bladder infections & general inflammation of UT--> bloody discharge from penis, occasionally hematuria
Prostatic cysts can be congenital, but most are acquired due to__________.
Obstruction of glandular outflow
-Secondary to metaplasia, hyerplasia, inflammation
What are 3 disorders of growth of the prostate?
1) Benign prostatic hyperplasia
2) Metaplasia of ductal tissue or urethra with excess *estrogen
3) Adenocarcinoma
How are prostatic adenocarcinomas diagnosed?
On gland asymmetry, loss of normal architecture, invasive growth
-May metastasize to local nodes, bones or other organs
What is the term for the inability to protrude the penis? What's it sequel to?
-Sequel to inflammation or masses
What do you call it when the penis can't retract? What's it sequel to?
-Inflammation, vascular anomaly
What is phallitis?
Inflammation of penis-don't use often
What is balanitis?
Inflammation of the glands penis
What is posthitis?
Inflammation of prepuce
What is more common than balanitis, posthitis or phallitis?
Balanoposthitis and phalloposthitis
What are 3 rare congenital defects of the penis and prepuce?
1) Persistent frenulum
-tag of tissue that's supposed to release from penis, if doesn't breka down causes fertility problems bc male can't get an erection
2) Deviated penis
3) Hypospadia
-Opening on ventral aspect, urethra tends not to be intact
What are 3 causes of balanoposthitis?
1) Herpesvirus
2) Habronema spp.
-Larvae are deposited by penis by insects and causes inflammation
3) Trauma! urethral rupture, hair ring etc w/ secondary inflammation
-Others: ovine ulcerative posthitis and pigs prone to prosthitis due to preputial diverticulum
*What is the number one tumor of the penis and prepuce of horses?
Squamous cell carcinoma
-Think UV may play a role..
-Papillomavirus involved..
What tumor of the penis/prepuce is seen in younger bulls? Etiology?
Etiology: virus, theoretically veneral transmission
Pigs & horses can get _____ neoplasms on the penis & prepuce.
What neoplasm of the penis and prepuce can develop in dogs? Etiology?
Transmissible veneral tumor
-Animals seem to have an abnormal number of chromosomes
What are 4 lesions of the spermatic cord and tunica vaginalis?
1) Inflammation
2) Fluid accumulation
3) Metastases
4) Herniation