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141 Cards in this Set

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What is a pelvis?
the lower portion of the continuous abdominopelvic cavity
By what structure is the greater and lesser pelvis separated?
pelvic brim or pelvic inlet
what is the linea terminalis?
iliopectineal line and sacral promontary
What makes up the pelvic outlet?
pubic symphysis ( inferior), ischiopubic rami, ischial tuberosities, sacrotuberous ligament, coccyx
what makes up the pelvic outlet anteriorly?
pubic arch
what makes up the pelvic inlet?
pubic crest (anteriorly), iliopectineal line (laterally), sacral alae and sacral promontory (posteriorly)
is the false/greater pelvis above the pelvic brim?
what are the boundaries of the false pelvis?
behind it: lumbar vertebra; on the sides: iliacus muscles, iliac fossae; in front: lower abdominal wall
The pelvic girdle articulates anteriorly at the?
pubic symphysis
the pelvic girdle articualtes posteriorly at the sacrum at ____ joints?
sacroiliac joints
what is the anatomical position of the bony pelvis?
vertical alignment of the asis and the upper margin of the pubic symphysis
what is the horizontal anatomical position of the bony pelvis?
tip of coccyx and the upper margin of the pubic symphysis
in what plane does the urogenital triangle lie?
transverse (across)
in what plane does the anal triangle lay?
coronal (vertical) plane
Name all the joints of the pelvis
sacroiliac, pubic symphysis, sacrococcygeal joint
what type of joint is the pubic symphysis?
what type of joint is the sacroiliac joint?
synovial, between the auricular surfaces of the sacrum and the iliac bones
what type of joint is the sacrococcygeal joint?
cartilaginous, bt the first body of the coccyx and the last sacral
what is the iliolumbar ligament?
ligament that connects the transverse process of L5 to the iliac crest
wat is the function of the iliolumbar ligaments?
limit rotation of the LV5 on sacrum and prevent anterior gliding of LV5 on the sacrum
what structure does the sacrotuberous ligament create?
since it connects the sacrum to the tubercle of the ischium= lesser sciatic foreman
what structure does the sacroiliac ligament create?
since it connects the sacrum to the spine of the ischium= greater sciatic foreman
what function do the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments serve?
prevent sacrum from being pushed inferiorly and pelvis rotate anteriorly
Which pelvis ( F/M) is more shallower?
what is the shape of the female pelvis?
Are ischial tuberosities inverted/everted in females or males?
what shape is the sacrum in females?
shorter, wider and flatter
what shape is the pubic arch in females?
wider and rounder
what is the goal of the pelvc diaphragm?
to separate the pelvic cavity from the perineum
What joint is subject to sprain and inflammation?
the sacroiliac
Sacroiliitis may occur in association with an injury, infection or as part of a ?
Where is pain if there is injury to the sacroiliac joint?
referred pain to the butt, posterior thigh, and groin
the presence of what increases movement of the pubic symphysis and sacroiliac joints, faciliating childbirth?
relaxin and hormones during pregnancy
Where does the piriformis muscles connects and originates?
sacrum to the greater trochanter
does the piriformis muscle exit the pelvis through the greater or lesser sciatic notch?
what are the innervations and functions of the piriformis muscle?
S1 and s2 inferior rami ( nerve to piriformis). Functions is: lateral rotator of the hip, abducts thigh
Obturator internus muscles leaves through which foreman?
lesser sciatic foreman
where does the obturator internus muscle attach?
greater trochanter
what nerve is innervates obturator internus?
L5 and s1, nerve to obturator internus
the inferior pelvic diaphragm contains which two sets of muscles?
levator ani and ischio-coccygeus
injury to the pelvic diaphragm muscles during childbirth will result in ?
loss of support of pelvic viscera: prolapse of the internal pelvic organs including UTERUS, VAGINA, URINARY BLADDER AND/OR RECTUM
From where does the tendinous arch come from?
a fascia over the obturator internus muscle
why is the tendinous arch incomplete anteriorly in females?
for passage of the urethra and of the vagina
the iliococcygeus muscles takes origin from the ?
tendinous arch to the raphe between anal canal and coccyx
the puboccoygeus muscle goes from the ? To the?
pubis to the vagina/prostate, anorectal junction to the perineal body
the puborectalis muscle is part of the ? From pubis junction of anus to rectum
external anal sphincter
which muscle forms a anorectal flexure?
left and right puborectis
which muscle is used for maintaining fecal incontinence?
which muscle attaches to the pubovaginalis/puboprostaticus ?
what is the functionof the levator ani muscles in the female?
resists increase intrapelvic pressure during straining and coughing, important sphincter action on the anorectal junction ( also serves as a sphincter of the vagina)
what is the nerve supply of the levator ani?
nerve to levator ani (perineal branches of S4)
what is the origination and terminaton fo the ischio-coccygeus muscle?
ischial spine to the sacrum and coccyx
what muscle is covered anteriorly by the sacrospinous ligament?
what is the function of the coccygeus muscle?
assisting the levator ani in supporting the pelvic viscera
what is the nerve supply of the coccygeus muscle?
s4 and s5
the pelvic fascia is continuous with?
endoabdominal fascia
pelvic fascia may be divided into two fasciaƒwhat r they?
parietal pelvic fascia that lines the muscle of the walls and floor of the pelvis+ visceral pelvic fascia ( directly ensheathing pelvic organs)
what are the two pouches in the female formed by the pelvis fascia?
rectouterine pouch and the vesicouterine pouch
which ligament in the females provides the most passive support for the uterus?
transverse cervical ligament
what is another name for the mackendoft ligament?
transverse cervical ligament
where does the uterine artery travel in relationship to the transverse cervical ligament?
above the ureter
which artery is the direct continuation of the inferior mesenteric?
superior rectal
list the arteries of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery?
umbilical, obturator, uterine, vaginal/inferior vesical, middle rectal, internal pudenal, inferior gluteal
list the arteries of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery?
superior gluteal, lateral sacral, and iliolumbar
what is the main drainage of the pelvis?
interal iliac vein
at what level does the interal iliac vein merges to join the common iliac artery?
pelvic veins: which two other veins are used for drainage in the pelvis?
inferior mesenteric vein and the vertebral venous plexus
which venous drainage provides a pathway for pelvic cancer to metastasize to the spinal cord and brain?
vertebral venous plexu
lymph drainage from the pelvis is primarily to the ?
external and internal iliac nodes'; common iliac nodes
which plecus provides somatic innervation? And what roots form the lumbar?
sacral plexus ( l4-l5/s1-s4)
which plexus provides visceral innervation?
which sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are in the hypogastric plexus?
sympathetic: sacral splanchnic. PARA: pelvic splanchnic
the sympathetic chain of the pelvis is associated with the pelvic plexus?
sacral spinal nerves
The pelvic splanchnic nerves primarily carry ____________ to the _____________ plexus.
" Preganglionic parasympathetics--inferior hypogastric
the pelvic splanchnic nerves provide parasympathetic innervation to the ? Smooth muscle
non vascularized
the pelvic splanchnic nerves provide sympathetic innervation to the? Muscle
Vascularized smooth muscle
Sacrospinal ligament"
sacrospinal ligament: Together with the sacrotuberous ligament, it converts the greater and lesser sciatic notches into greater and lesser sciatic foramina. However, it is not near the perineum--it is more important as a landmark that creates the greater and lesser sciatic foramina which helps to organize the structures exiting the pelvis.
perineal body
deep artery of the penis/clitoris
The part of the male reproductive tract which carries only semen within the prostate gland is the:
Ejaculatory duct
An intrahepatic blockage of the portal venous outflow may cause intestinal blood to drain via portal-systemic anastomoses into the:
middle rectal artery
The perineum is bounded by all of the following skeletal elements except:
" spine of ischium
into what does the internal rectal vein drain into?
internal pudendal
what crosses the ureter superiorly in males?
ductus deferens
what crosses the ureter superiorly in females?
uterine artery
What Autonomic fibers innervate the ureters?
Pressure from a filling bladder and detrusor muscle contraction will inhibit or allow for reflux of urine into the ureter?
Passage of a kidney stone produces what time of pain?
loin to groin
The urinary bladder receives the right and left ureters at the angles of what smooth walled organ?
The base ( fundus) of urinary bladder is related to the ?
seminal vesicles or the uterus of the vagina
the apex of urinary bladder connects to the?
medial umbilical ligament
which part of the urinary bladder surrounds urethra/attached to the prostate?
which ligaments attaches bladder to the organs from the pubic bone?
pubovesical in the females, puboprostatic ligaments (males)
Which artery suppies anterosuperior portion of the urinary bladder?
superior vesical arteries (branch of the UMBILICAL ARTERY)
Which artery supplies fundus and neck of the bladder?
inferior vesical artery or vaginal artery in females
vesical venous plexus is continuous with the ?
prostatic venous plexus
the ductus deferens, fundus of the bladder, prostates, seminal vesicles and penis are drained by which plexous?
vesical venous plexus
Vesical venous plexus is drained into the?
internal iliac veins
in addition to draining into the internal iliac veins, the vesicle venous plexus may also drain into?
sacral veins into the vertebral venous plexus
what are the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations of the urinary bladder?
t11-l2; s2-s4 (pelvic splanchnic)
where is the internal urethral sphincter?
neck of the bladder
upon sympathetic innervation, Is there contraction or stimulation that inhibits bladder emptying?
The preprostatic part of the urethra is surrounded by the?
internal urethral sphincter
where is the membranous part of the male urethra?
deep perineal pouch
in what part of the male urethra is the external anal sphincter located
what is the tough outer surface of the testes?
tunica albuginea
which structure forms the round ligament and the ovarian ligament of the uterus and the testes in males?
what is the arterial supply of the testes?
testicular artery at the level of L2
on the right side where does the testicular vein drain? The left?
right drains into the IVC, left drains into the left renal vein
at what level does the pampiniform plexus of veins becomes the testicular vein?
deep inguinal ring
define varicocoele
defective valves results in elongation and dilation of the pampiniform plexus; bag of warms
a persistent _____ results in accumulation of serious fluid or blood
persistant processis vaginalis
where would a spermatocoele occur?
near the head of the epididymis
what is lymphatic drainage of the testes?
lateral nodes..
tumor metastasis is towards the? In testicular cancer
abdominal cavity
what is the nerve supply of the testes?
sympathetic fibers run with testicular artety from the renal or aortic sym. Plexuses.
where is the sperm stored in the epididymis?
which male structure passes through the inguinal canal?
ductus deferens
what is the arterial supply of the ductus deferens?
artery to the ductus deferens from the superior vesical artery
what is produced after a vesectomy?
seminal fluid and prostatic fluid, no sperm
where are the seminal vesicles found?
bt fundas of the bladder and the rectum
the ejaculatory duct separates what two zones of the prostate?
middle lobe and the posterior lobe
where exactly does the ejaculatory duct open in the seminal vesicles?
seminal colliculus near the PROSTATIC UTRICLE
what are prostatic sinuses for?
where the prostatic fluid enters into the urethra to mix with sperm
what is the point of the prostate juices?
bathes sperm in basic fluid
which lobes are around the ejaculatory duct?
inferoposterior and inferolateral; superiormedial <---peripheral zone
which lobe is lateral to the urethra?
anteromedial ( central zone)
which zone does BPH occur?
middle lobe by the urethra / central zon
which zone does prostate cancer occur?
posterior lobe
why is prostate cancer bad?
Metastasis to the vertebrae, brain and spinal cord is common due to numerous connection of the prostatic venous plexus to the vertebral venous plexus
what is the lymphatic drainage of the prostate?
internal iliac nodes
which nerves may be injured in removal of prostate?
cavernous nerves --> supply erectile bodies and promote erection
at what level is the rectum continous superiorly with the rectum?
the external anal sphincter is innervated by?
inferior rectal nerves --S4
the superior rectal artery is a branch of what artery?
inferior mesenteric
the inferior rectal artery is a branch of?
internal pudenda a.a
into what vein does the superior rectal vein drain into?
inferior mesenteric
is the superior rectal vei portal or caval venous system?
the middle rectal vein drains into the? Portal or caval?
internal iliac vein; caval
the inferior rectal vein drains into the? Portal or caval?
internal pudendal artery --> iVC--> caval