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298 Cards in this Set

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In what population is ureteropelvic junction obstructions more common
"infant boys
pathogenesis of ureteropelvic junction obstruction
abnormal organization of smooth muscle w abnormal depostition of collagen
Ureteritis follicularis
accumulation of lymphocytes forming follicles with germinal centers which elevates the mucosa and can cause obstruction
ureteritis cystic
very small cysts lined by flattened urothelium that are found on the mucosa
fibroepithelial polyp
"benign, vascularized connective tissue projecting into the lumen, can impede flow"
Most common malignant tumor of the ureters
transistional carcinomas
Intrinsic obstructive lesions
Extrinsic Obstuctive lesions
ureter exands and dilates
"kidney expands
"infection due to statis of urinary flow usually ascending and unilateral
Sclerosing Retroperitoneal Fibrosis
fibrous proliferation of inflammatory process encasing retroperitoneal structures causing hydronephrosis
what is the cause and epidemiology of sclerosing retroperitoneal fibrosis
"drugs, 70% idiopathic, late to middle age associated with other inflammatory conditions"
definition of cystitis
inflammation of the bladder
Predisposing factors for cystitis
"calculi, obstruction, diabetes, instrumentation, immunodeficiency, cytotoxic drugs, radiation"
clinical features of cystitis
aka hunner ulcer"
"morbitity and pain
"due to chronic inflamm
Michaelis gutmann bodies
"laminated mineralized concretions in macrophages
polyploid cystitis
inflammation results in polyps
cystitis cystica"
nephrogenic metaplasia
"injury resulting in cuboidal metaplasia, form papillary structures looking like cancer"
Transitional cell hyperplasia
"benign or malignant
"younger age group
"larger, but similar to papillomas
Low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma
high grade papillary urothelial carcinoma
"hyperchromatic nuclei
carcinoma in situ
"malignant cells in a flat urothelium
Exophytic carcinoma
"large polyploid fungating mass
Squamous cell carcinoma (bladder)
"less common
adenocarcinoma (bladder)
"rare, dont see glands
Bladder tumors- path and epidem
"older males
mesenchymal tumors
what tumors metastasize to the bladder
"breast, melanoma, lung, kidney, stomach, stomach, pancreas, ovary"
Nerve supply for the bladder
Urinary system shares autonomic innervation with
How can you check the external urinary sphincter
"Check the anal sphincter, they share innervation paths"
Where does the L testicular vein drain
L Renal Vein
Where does the right testicular vein drain
Vena Cave
How does kidney pain present
Unrelenting pain unaffected by movement or position
Uretal Pain presents:
"severe, crescendo, radiates into testicle or labia"
Things that can increase urinary frequency
"increased fluids/diuretics
most common cause of hematuria
Blood in urine during the entire urination
"Bladder, upper tracts"
Blood in urine only in beginning
distal prostate urethra
Blood only at end of urination
prostatic urethra
definition of incontinence
involuntary loss of urine
Stress incontenance
increase in abd pressure and loss of some tone of the urinary sphincters
Urge incontinence
inability to coluntarily inhibit the detrusor
paradoxical incontinence
bladder is overfilled and the overflow is released
Most common cause of urethral discharge
Sx of bladder outlet obstruction
"slowing of stream
narrowing of the distal prepuce making it difficult to retract
condyloma acuminata
hpv viral wart
peyronie's disease
fibrous plaque on the penile shaft making it curve during erection
undescended teste
DDx for scrotal mass
how do you treat overactive bladder
Tx for enlarged prostate
A-adernergic antagonist
What organisms are normal flora of the GU tract
"none, its sterile"
"dysuria, frequency, and urgency
"same as urethritis, plus suprapubic pain, bacteria, WBC and RBC in urine"
"all the sx of cystitis, plus flank pain, fever, chills and WBC casts in urine"
Most common UTI pathogen
E. coli
Other bugs that cause UTI
"S. saprophyticus (15%)
Unusual UTI pathogens
What bacteria use a hematogenous route to cause UTI
"S. aureus
Dx of community acquired UTI
"9/10: dysuria, smell will be UTI
What bacteria can be identified with nitrites in urine
E. coli
virulence factors for E. coli
"pili, biofilm, urease (elevates pH >7.9) flagella"
What UTI pathogen can produce a red pigment
novobiocin resistant"
novobiocin sensitive"
S. epidermidis
Alkaline encrusted cystitis
Corynebacterium urealyticum
3 arterial supplies to the adrenals
Aldosterone is made in the
zona glomerulosa
glucocorticoid is made
zona fasiculata
androgens are made
zona reticularis
Primary Aldosteronism
"conn syndrome
Dx primary aldosteronism
Screening for primary aldosteronism
"Na deprivation: Renin stays low but should get high from lack of Na
Tx for primary aldosteronism
ACTH dependent Cushing Disease
"Mostly pituitary pumping out ACTH
ACTH independent Cushing Syndrome
Tumor in zona fasiculata
Cushing Dx
"24 hr urine- high cortisol
Dexamethasone suppression test
"Give low dose dexameth
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
"cannot make cortisol, makes huge amounts of sex steroid instead
Test for pheo
"24 hr urine VMA
Rule of 10 for pheo
Stouffer Syndrome
"kidney cancer, extremely high LFTs"
How do you decide whether or not to image someone with GU trauma
"anyone w gross hematuria
Grade 1 kidney injury
"hematoma, enclosed within gerotas fascia"
Grade 2 kidney
"shallow laceration, doesn't pierce cortico-medullary junction"
grade 3 kidney
"deeper laceration, goes through cortico-medullary junction"
Grade 4 kidney
"Violation of the collecting system
Grade 5 kidney
shattered kidney
What is a key sign on CT for a grade 4 kidney
"Cortical rim sign
Why do you not need to intervene with grades 1-3
"all enclosed within capsule, will self resolve with bedrest"
When do you operate on renal trauma
"pt in or and retroperitoneum fills with blood, unstable pt and must do exploratory"
important imaging study for bladder trauma and what does it tell you
"cystography with voiding study
how do you treat an extraperitoneal bladder injury
"only need a catheter, will self resolve"
Anterior urethral trauma
"2dary to straddle injury
Posterior urethral trauma
"2ndary to pelvic fracture
management of distal urethral injury
"retrograde urethrogram
T1 images
Fat is bright
T2 images
Fluid is bright
How does detrusser hyperreflexia present on a cystometrogram
bladder goes off as soon as water is added
How does overactive bladder present on a cystometrogram
"small volume added, bladder contracts"
How does atonic bladder present on a cystometrogram
"bladder doesnt feel anything, doesnt contract"
How does sphincter-detrussor dysynergia present on a cystometrogram
bladder wants to push urine out but sphincter wont relax
what increases the risk of UTI
"systemic disease
presentation of a pyelo
"chills, moderate fever, flank pain, NVD, malaise"
DDx for pyelo
Causes of painless hematuria
"Renal neoplasm
Painful hematuria
What does LH stimulate
Leydig cells to secrete testosterone
what does FSH stimulate
sertoli cells to initiate spermatogenesis
maturation of sperm
consideration in performing a vasectomy
"if reversed after 5 years have 100% return of sperm
Reasons for infertility
"viral infection
Analytes for sperm
"volume, density, motility, fwd progression, morphology"
hormonal testing for fertility
"fsh, lh, prolactin, testosterone"
most common cause of male infertility
What method makes all older methods of reproductive assistance obsolete
"ICSI- intracytoplasmic sperm injection
what more serious problems can be associated with ED
"diabetes, HTN, CVD, PVD, neurologic problems"
chronic disease associated with low testosterone
first line therapeutics for ED
"PDE5 inhib
2nd line for ED
"Intraurethral, injections, combination"
how do PDE5 inhibs work
"PDE5 breaks down cGMP which, cGMP causes vasodilation, SMC relaxation, and erection
ADR of PDE5 inhibs
"blocks PDE6 in retina- colorblind
Where does most BPH arise in the prostate
periurethral zone
Why is the basal cell layer important in identifying prostate pathology
"Prostatic CA will no have a basal layer, BPH will"
What bacteria are responisble for acute prostatitis
"E coli, gm neg rods, enterococci, staph"
What is the most common chronic prostatitis
Abacterial prostatitis
Granulomatous Prostatitis
"BCG therapy for bladder CA
Prostatic infarct
"common in large prostates
Prostate Calculi
"stones, looks like bird shot
Pathogenesis of BPH
"epithelial cells dont undergo apoptosis but become senescent, get net increase in cells
Most common cancer in men
Prostatic Adenocarcinoma
Best screening approach for Prostatic adenocarcinoma
PSA (baseline at 50) and DRE
Prostate CA genetics
"X linked AR gene, CAG repeats (length inversely related to risk)
Firm gritty consistency on DRE
"Prostate CA
What kind of bone metastasis comes from prostate cancer
"osteoblastic tumors, mostly im lumbar
How does prostate cancer metastasize
"periprostatic tissue, lymphatics, or hematogenous"
Microscopic appearence of prostate ca
"no basal layer
Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia
glands are benign but lined with atypical cells
Gleason grading system
"take best looking set of cells and worst looking set and rank 1-5, add up the 2 scores
what is better to look at than just simply the PSA
"density- prostate size/psa value
how does free PSA corelate to ca risk
free psa is lower in cancer pts than pts with BPH
2 types of testicular tumors
"Germ cell (seminomas/nonseminomas)
Germ cell tumor demo
"young 15-24
What do most germ cell tumors arise from
"intratubular germ cell neoplasia
Testicular cancer genetics
"Painless, very large
Morphology of seminoma
"Tan homogeneous cut surface
Seminoma Microscopically
"Sheets of uniform cells, Clear cytoplasm well defined borders
Anaplastic seminoma
"greater cellularity
Spermaticytic Seminoma
"later age group 65+
Embryonal Carcinoma
"smaller but more aggressive
Histological difference between seminoma and embryonal carcinoma
"seminoma has cKIT
endodermal sinus tumor"
Key structure in yolk sac tumor
schiller duval bodies
Schiller duval body
"endodermal sinus -like
What markers can be seen in yold sac tumors
"Very malig and aggressive
2 cell types in choriocarcinoma
"synctiotrophoblasts- large irregular eosinophillic, HCG +
teratoma with malignant transformation
"benign teratoma that has cancerous cells. can be squamous cell, adeno, sarcoma whatever"
teratoma with embryonal carcinoma
Teratocarcinoma morphology
Painless enlargement of the testes
germ cell tumor
biological markers for germ cell tumors
"HCG, AFP, Lactate dehydrogenase (tumor burden)"
leydig cell tumors
"any age, testicular swelling
Features of leydig cell tumor
"golden brown homogenous cut surface
Sertoli cell tumor
Growing N gonorrhoeae
"needs iron in media
Por proteins
form pores allow for antigenic variation
Opa protein
binding of pilin to epithelium
Clinical gonnorhea in men
clinical gonnorhea in women
Migratory arthralagia
Leading cause of purulent arthritis in adults
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
"inflammation of the lining of the liver. RUQ pain
Lab Dx of gonnorhea
"Gram neg diplos
Beta lactamase pos or neg for gonnorhea
"Positive, cannot use PCN"
Treponema Pallidum
Tests for T pallidum
Primary syphilis
"non painful erosion of surface layer with active spirochetes
2ndary syphilis
"lesions all over body
tertiary syphilis
"gummas, neuro sx"
Congenital syphilis
"organ malformations, can be fatal
Tx for syphilis
Most common bacterial STD
Chlamydia sx in women
"80% asymptomatic
Chlamydia Sx in men
"postgonococcal urethritis
tx for chlamydia
Oral herpes
"type 1
Genital herpes
local and systemic sx of herpes infection
"pain, itching, dysuria
incubation of herpes
5 days
tx for herpes
"acyclovir, famiclovir, valacyclovir
Disseminated neonatal herpes
Gold standard for herpes testing
viral culture
Tzanck smear
"herpes test
Transmission of CMV
"saliva, genital secretions
Clinical CMV
"nothing really
Congenital CMV
"bad if primary infection in utero
Transmission of HPV
"breaks in skin, STD, birth and exposure to birtch canal"
HPV course of infection
"can be subclinical and clear in 1-2 years
what HPV strains are associated with cancer
"16, 18"
what HPV causes laryngeal papillomas
"6, 11"
HPV causing warts
"6, 11, 16"
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
"Tree man
testosterone and the prostate
"5 alpha reductase changes it to DHT, which is more powerful. "
what increases Sex hormone binding globulin to testosterone
binding increased by estrogen and thyroxine
what decreases Sex hormone binding globulin to testosterone
"Androgens, GH, Insulin"
Action of androgens
"increases sperm production
main indication for androgen therapy
"testicular insuffiency
"reduces estrogen overstimulation
contraindications for androgens
"Breast cancer
Anti androgens
"treats androgen stim'd tumors
agonist but will negatively feedback the brain to stop producing androgens
"Supress synthesis of androgens
"nasal spray androgen suppressor
"reduces synthesis and hydroxylation
"5Areducase inhib
"Blocks androgen receptor
Pine bark
safe but no benefit to CV health
why are so many botanicals that dont work still on market
no major side effects
Black Cohosh
has estrogenic effects
"stims immune system but then downregulates it
what are the 2 ways the FDA can ban a product
"reports of toxic or fatal effects
"Interferes with prostaglandins
"No effects in studies
"Claimed: N/V reduction
"Some CV benefits
"Claim: CNS stimulant
Abd mass in child/infant
85% urologic origin
Most common peds abd tumor
Wilms Tumor
"dilated ureter from obstruction
when do infants get a voiding cystourethrogram
After first UTI
Most important info for urologist regarding hypospadias
"position or urethral meatus
cryptochordism infants should be refered to a urologist:
3 mo
Hydrocolpos may have obstruction of drainage at
cervical os
Foul smelling grey frothy bubbly vaginal dishcharge
Strawberry cervix
causes of bacterial vaginosis
Clue Cell
bacterial vaginosis
Whiff test
add KOH to wetmount- fish smell means bacterial vaginosis
Chandelier Sign
"while doing pelvic exam its so uncomfortable pt jumps up
Argyll Robertson Pupil
"Accommodation reflex but no light reaction
"painful, railroad track sign
Lymphogranuloma Inguinale
"Klebsiella granulomatis
what is the most important criterea for therapy of BPH
Symptom and bothersom score
International Prostatic Symptom Score
"Incomplete empying
Bother Score
"How much discomfort
Leading GU cancer in men
Biggest link to kidney cancer
Classic triad of RCC
Paraneoplastic sx of RCC
RCC cell types
"Clear cell
Tx for RCC
"Surgery (90% are malig)
2nd most common GU cancer
What is the most common cell type in bladder cancer (US only)
transitional cell
Most common cell type for bladder cancer world wide
squamous (schistosomiasis link)
Superficial bladder cancer
"will recure
Tx for muscle invasive bladder cancer
Goblet sign
"urethral cancer
Tx for ureter CA
"nephroureterctomy is gold standard
Signs and sx of testicular cancer
"painless mass
Tx for Penile cancer
"partial penectomy
When is a prostate tumor palpable
"1 cm3
How long does it take a prostate tumor to become palpable
6-8 years
Catagory I prostatitis
Acute Bacterial
Category II Prostatitis
Chonic Bacterial
What prostatitis do you avoid DRE
Cat I
Categrory III prostatitis
"Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome aka abacterial chronic prostatitis
Cat IIIa Prost
"White cells in ejaculate
Cat III b prostatitis
"non inflam
Cat IV prostitis
"asymptomatic inflammatory prostititis
Biggest risk for stone formation
previous stone hx
Most common stone type
calcium oxalate
2nd most common stone
Calcium phosphate
Magnesium levels in pt with CaOx
usually deficient
Struvite Calculi
Uric acid stone
pain of a stone
"crescendo, movement doesnt change the pain
1st study to order when suspect Kidney stone
"CT, no contrast"
Tx for renal calculi
"Observe, Pain control, Force fluids, strain pee
What do you do for your pt after stone is passed
"stone analysis
most common mass in the scrotum
Congenital Hydrocele
"communicates with peritoneal cavity, gets big when baby cries"
"smaller mass, cyst in head of epididymis, seperation from testicle"
What masses in testicle will change from standing to lying down
"varicocele, inguinal hernia"
when is hematuria significant
"always, even 3 rbc on a field is significant"