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34 Cards in this Set

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What is another name for the hip joint?
coxofemoral joint
What kind of joint is the hip joint?
ball and socket
What are the actions possible at the hip joint?
flexion/extension, abduction/adduction,medial/lateral rotation
What is a common feature of the shoulder joint and the hip joint?
they both have a labrum
Describe the coxofemoral joint
the femoral head is in the acetabulum
What is the path of the sciatic nerve?
from the lower lumbar the upper sacral nerve root passes through the greater sciatic notch & under the piriformis muscle
What happens when the sciatic nerve reaches the knee?
it splits into two nerves
What is the origin of the gluteus maximus?
Iliac crest, sacrum, sacraltuberous ligament
What is the insertion of the gluteus maximus?
IT band and the gluteal tuberosity
What is the action of the maximus?
;ateral rotation and extension
What is the origin of the gluteus medius?
outer ilium
What is the insertion for the gluteus medius?
greater trochanter
What is the action of the gluteus medius?
abduction, flexion/extension, medial and lateral rotation
What is the origin of the gluteus minimus?
outer ilium below the gluteus medius
What is the insertion of the gluteus minimus?
greater trochanter
What is the action of the gluteus minimus?
abduction, flexion, medial rotation
How many deep lateral rotators are there?
Name the 6 deep lateral rotators
gemellus superior
obturator internus
gemellus inferior
obturator externus
quadratus femoris
What is GoGo?
It is a mnemonic device to remember five of the deep lateral rotators
g refers too gemellus
o to obturator
What is up in and down and out refer to in reference to GoGo
location- gemellus superior-up
obturator internus-in
gemellus inferior-down
oburator externus-out
What is the other lateral rotator not mentioned in the mnemonic?
What is the origin of piriformis?
anterior sacrum
What is the insertion of piriformis?
greater trochanter
What is the action of piriformis?
abduction and to stabilize the sacrum
What is the general insertion point for the other deep lateral rotators?
greater trochanter
What is the origin of the adductors?
What is the insertion of the adductors?
linea aspera
Aside from adduction what are the other actions of the adductors?
medial rotation
Name the other adductors
adductor longus
adductor brevis
adductor magnus
What is the origin of adductor magnus?
pubis/ischial tuberosity
What is the insertion of the adductor magnus?
entire linea aspera and the adductor tubercle
What is the action of the adductor magnus?
adduction, medial rotation, extension
Where is the hiatus inferior to the adductor?
posterior leg
What runs though the hiatus that is inferior to the adductor?
femoral nerve, artery, vein