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100 Cards in this Set

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Abhor (v.)
to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest utterly; loathe; abominate; to hate.
Bigot (n.)
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion; narrow-minded person
Counterfeit (adj.)
made in imitation so as to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; unreal
Enfranchise (v.)
to set free; liberate; give the right to vote
Hamper (v.)
to hold back; hinder; to interfere
Kindle (v.)
to start (a fire); to excite; to stir up
Noxious (adj.)
harmful or injurious to health
Placid (adj.)
pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil
Remuneration (n.)
payment for work done
Talisman (n.)
a stone, ring, or other object, engraved with figures or characters supposed to possess occult powers and worn as n amulet or charm; anything whose presence exercises a remarkable or power influence on human feelings or actions
Abrasive (adj.)
rough; coarse; harsh
Bilk (v.)
to defraud; to cheat
Covert (adj.)
hidden; undercover; concealed, secret
Engender (v.)
to produce; to cause
Hangar (n.)
storage area (like garage) for a plane
Knotty (adj.)
complex; difficult to solve; intricate
Nuance (n.)
something subtle; a fine shade of meaning
Plagiarism (n.)
taking credit for someone else's writing or idea
Renown (n.)
widespread and high repute; fame
Tangent (adj.)
in immediate physical contact; touching
Abasement (n.)
humiliation; degradation
Billowing (v.)
waving; to rise or roll in or lie billows; to swell out; puff up
Cower (v.)
recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from; to crouch, as in fear or shame
Enhance (v.)
to raise to a higher degree; intensify; improve
Harangue (n.)
a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe
Labyrinth (n.)
a maze; an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit
Nullify (v.)
to render or declare legally void or inoperative; to deprive (something) of value or effectiveness
Plaintiff (n.)
a person who brings suit in a court
Replete (adj.)
abundantly supplied or provided; filled
Tangible (adj.)
capable of being touched; definite
Abrogate (v.)
to abolish by formal or official means; to put aside; put an end to
Blasphemy (n.)
speech which offends religious sentiments
Credible (adj.)
capable of being believed; worthy of belief or confidence
Enigma (n.)
puzzle; mystery; a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation
Harbinger (n.)
a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; omen; anything that foreshadoes a future event
Labyrinthine (adj.)
complicated; tortuous; highly convoluted
Nuzzle (n.)
an affectionate embrace or cuddle
Plaudit (n.)
an enthusiastic expression of approvement
Reprehensible (adj.)
shameful; deserving of reproof, rebuke, or censure
Tardy (adj.)
late; behind time
Absolution (n.)
a freeing from blame or guilt; forgiveness; pardon
Blatant (adj.)
obvious; tastelessly conspcuous
Creditable (adj.)
praiseworthy; honorable
Ensconce (v.)
establish firmly in a position; to settle securely or snugly
Hasten (v.)
accelerate; hurry; to move or act with haste
Laceration (n.)
a rough, jagged tear; a cut; the act or result of laceration
Obdurate (adj.)
stubborn; unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings
Plausible (adj.)
reasonable; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance
Reprieve (n.)
any respite or temporary relief; postponement of a sentence
Tawdry (adj.)
gaudy; show and cheap; of little value
Abstain (v.)
go without; withdraw; to refrain
Blighted (adj.)
damaged; destroyed; ruined; decatyed
Credulous (adj.)
gullible; ready to believe anything
Enshroud (v.)
cover; to shroud; to conceal
Haughtiness (n.)
arrogance; disdainfully proud; snobbish
Lachrymose (adj.)
mournful; sad; suggestive of or tending to cause
Obfuscate (v.)
to confuse; deliberately make something difficult to understand; bewilder; or stupefy
Plethora (n.)
excess; overabundance
Repudiate (v.)
shun; eschew; to reject with disapproval or condemnation
Tedium (n.)
boredom; irksomeness; tediousness
Abstemious (adj.)
characterized by abstinence; self-denying; refraining from indulging
Blithe (adj.)
free-spirited; carefree; joyous; merry
Crepuscular (adj.)
dim; indistinct
Enunciation (n.)
clear pronunciation; articulation
Headstrong (adj.)
stubborn; willful
Lackluster (adj.)
dull; monotonous; bland
Objective (adj.)
unbiased; not subjective; impartial
Pliable (adj.)
easily bent; flexible; not stubborn
Rescind (v.)
retract; repel; annul; revoke
Temper (v.)
to moderate; soften
Abstruse (adj.)
hard to understand; recondite; obscure
Blunderbuss (n.)
ancient weapon (type of gun); a clumsy person; an insensitive, blundering person
Cringe (v.)
to shrink, bend, or crouch, especially in fear or servility; cower; recoil; flinch
Envenom (v.)
to cause bitterness and bad feeling; to impregnate with venom
Hedonism (n.)
self indulgence; pleasure-seeking; happiness
Laconic (adj.)
using few words; concise; brief; to the point
Oblique (adj.)
indirect; slanting; slopping
Plumage (n.)
the entire feathery covering of a bird
Resignation (n.)
acceptance of fate; a formal statement, document, etc., stating that one gives up an office, position, etc
Tenacious (adj.)
stubborn; resolute; highly retentive; holding form to a purpose
Accolade (n.)
tribute; any award, honor, or laudatory notice; praise;
Bolster (n.)
support; prop up
Cryptic (adj.)
puzzling; enigmatic; mysterious
Ephemeral (adj.)
short-lived; transitory
Hedonist (n.)
pleasure seeker
Lamentation (n.)
expression of regret or sorrow
Obliterate (v.)
destroy; demolish; eradicate; efface
Plummet (v.)
fall suddenly and steeply
Resolution (n.)
determination; the resulting state
Tentative (adj.)
not certain; unsure; hesitant
Acquiesce (v.)
to agree to; submit or comply silently or without protest; give in to
Bombast (n.)
speech too pompous for an occasion; pretentious words
Curtail (v.)
cut short; abridge; reduce; diminish
Epicure (n.)
someone who appreciates good food and drink; connoisseur; a person dedicated to sensual enjoyment
Heed (v.)
listen to, to give attention; have regard
Lampoon (n.)
ridicule; spoof; parody; a sharp, often virulent satire directed against an individual or institution
Oblivious (adj.)
totally unaware; unconscious
Podium (n.)
raised platform
Resonant (adj.)
sounding or echoing, as sound; causing amplification or sustention of sound
Tenuous (adj.)
flimsy; not solid; thin in consistency; rare or rarefied