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5000 Cards in this Set

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親族関係 [しんぞくかんけい]
(n) kinship
親代わり [おやがわり]
(n) (one acting as a) foster parent
親知らず [おやしらず]
(n) wisdom tooth
親柱 [おやばしら]
(n) main pillar
親潮 [おやしお]
(n) the Kurile Current
親鳥 [おやどり]
(n) parent bird
親展 [しんてん]
(n) confidential
親展書 [しんてんしょ]
(n) confidential letter
親電 [しんでん]
(n) telegram sent by an emperor or head of state
親等 [しんとう]
(n) degree of kinship
親日 [しんにち]
(n) pro-Japanese
親日家 [しんにちか]
(n) Japanophile
親日派 [しんにちは]
(n) pro-Japanese group
親任 [しんにん]
(n,vs) imperial appointment
親任官 [しんにんかん]
(n) official appointed by the Emperor
親任式 [しんにんしき]
(n) investing of an official appointed by the Emperor
親馬鹿 [おやばか]
(n) (over) fond parents
親藩大名 [しんぱんだいみょう]
(n) the daimyo of a feudal domain owned by a Tokugawa family branch
親筆 [しんぴつ]
(n) the handwriting of a high-ranking person
親不孝 [おやふこう]
(adj-na,n) lack of filial piety
親父 [おやじ]
(gikun) (n) one's father
親父 [しんぷ]
(n) one's father
親分 [おやぶん]
(n) boss
親分株 [おやぶんかぶ]
(n) position of boss (big-shot)
親分肌の人 [おやぶんはだのひと]
(n) bossy
親文字 [おやもじ]
(n) capital letter
親米 [しんべい]
(n) pro-American
親方 [おやかた]
(n) (1) master
親方株 [おやかたかぶ]
(n) sumo coach's name use license (licence)
親方日の丸 [おやかたひのまる]
(n) the attitude that with the state as one's boss, normal fiscal accountability can be dispensed with
親睦 [しんぼく]
(n,vs) friendship
親睦会 [しんぼくかい]
(n) informal social gathering
親密 [しんみつ]
(adj-na,n) intimacy
親密感 [しんみつかん]
(n) feeling of affinity
親無し [おやなし]
(n) parentless
親無し子 [おやなしご]
(n) parentless child
親木 [おやぎ]
(n) stock (from which a graft is taken)
親爺 [おやじ]
(gikun) (n) one's father
親爺 [しんぷ]
(n) one's father
親友 [しんゆう]
(n) close friend
親里 [おやざと]
(n) the home of one's parents
親離れ [おやばなれ]
(n,vs) independence from parents
親臨 [しんりん]
(n,vs) visit by an emperor or noble
親類 [しんるい]
(n) relation
親類縁者 [しんるいえんじゃ]
(n) one's relatives by blood and marriage (in blood and law)
親類書き [しんるいがき]
(n) written record of one's relatives
親類付き合い [しんるいづきあい]
(n) (the quality of) inter-family association
親和 [しんわ]
(n,vs) friendship
親和性 [しんわせい]
(n) affinity
親和力 [しんわりょく]
(n) (chemical) affinity
親炙 [しんしゃ]
(n,vs) coming into close contact and being influenced by
親鸞 [しんらん]
(n) Founder of the Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism (1173-1262)
診る [みる]
(v1) to examine (medical)
診察 [しんさつ]
(n,vs) medical examination
診察券 [しんさつけん]
(n) patient's registration ticket
診察室 [しんさつしつ]
(n) examining room
診察台 [しんさつだい]
(n) examination table (at a doctor's office)
診察日 [しんさつび]
(n) consultation day
診察料 [しんさつりょう]
(n) consultation or doctor's fee
診断 [しんだん]
(n,vs) diagnosis
診断学 [しんだんがく]
(n) diagnostics
診断書 [しんだんしょ]
(n) medical certificate
診断薬 [しんだんやく]
(n) diagnostic drug
診療 [しんりょう]
(n,vs) medical examination and treatment
診療支援 [しんりょうしえん]
(n) diagnostic aid (medical)
診療所 [しんりょうしょ]
(n) (medical) clinic
診療所 [しんりょうじょ]
(n) (medical) clinic
身 [み]
(n) body
身 [むくろ]
(n) (dead) body
身から出た錆 [みからでたさび]
(exp) paying for one's mistakes
身が細る [みがほそる]
(exp) to lose weight
身じろぎもしない [みじろぎもしない]
(adj) didn't stir an inch
身じろぐ [みじろぐ]
(v5g) to stir
身づくろい [みづくろい]
(n,vs) dressing oneself
身なり [みなり]
(n) personal appearance
身にしみる [みにしみる]
(v1) to sink deeply into one's mind
身に染みる [みにしみる]
(v1) to sink deeply into one's mind
身に染みる風 [みにしみるかぜ]
(n) piercing wind
身に着ける [みにつける]
(exp) to wear
身に付く [みにつく]
(exp) (1) to master
身に付ける [みにつける]
(exp) (1) to learn
身に余る栄を被る [みにあまるえいをこうむる]
(exp) to receive undeserved honor (honour)
身に沁みる [みにしみる]
(v1) to sink deeply into one's mind
身の回り [みのまわり]
(n) one's personal appearance
身の回り品 [みのまわりひん]
(n) personal effects
身の証を立てる [みのあかしをたてる]
(exp) to vindicate one's innocence
身の上 [みのうえ]
(n) one's future
身の代金 [みのしろきん]
(n) ransom
身の程 [みのほど]
(n) one's social position
身の毛 [みのけ]
(n) body hair
身ぶり [みぶり]
(n) gesture
身ぶりで示す [みぶりでしめす]
(v5s) to express by gestures
身ぶり手ぶり [みぶりてぶり]
(n) gestures
身をかがめる [みをかがめる]
(v1) to stoop
身をやつす [みをやつす]
(exp) (1) to be enthralled by
身を引く [みをひく]
(exp) to back out of
身を厭う [みをいとう]
(exp) to take good care of oneself
身を寄せる [みをよせる]
(exp) to live under another's roof
身を寄せ合う [みをよせあう]
(v5u) to go into a huddle
身を護る [みをまもる]
(exp) to defend oneself
身を殺して仁を為す [みをころしてじんをなす]
(exp) to do an act of benevolence at the sacrifice of oneself
身を持ち崩す [みをもちくずす]
(exp) to ruin oneself
身を捨てる [みをすてる]
(exp) to throw away one's life
身を守る [みをまもる]
(exp) to defend oneself
身を修める [みをおさめる]
(exp) to order one's life
身を乗り出す [みをのりだす]
(exp) to bend oneself forward (esp. in curiosity or excitement)
身を清める [みをきよめる]
(exp) to cleanse oneself
身を投じる [みをとうじる]
(v1) to throw oneself (into an activity)
身を入れる [みをいれる]
(exp) to exert oneself
身を伏せる [みをふせる]
(exp) to lie face-down
身を翻す [みをひるがえす]
(exp) to turn aside adroitly
身を立てる [みをたてる]
(exp) to make a success in life
身を窶す [みをやつす]
(exp) (1) to be enthralled by
身一つ [みひとつ]
(n) one's body alone
身過ぎ [みすぎ]
(n,vs) one's living
身奇麗 [みぎれい]
(adj-na) neat personal appearance
身寄り [みより]
(n) relative
身許 [みもと]
(n) person's identity
身共 [みども]
(n) we
身巾 [みはば]
(oK) (n) width of a garment
身近 [みぢか]
(adj-na,n) near oneself
身空 [みそら]
(n) body
身形 [みなり]
(n) dress
身軽 [みがる]
(adj-na,n) light
身欠き鰊 [みかきにしん]
(n) dried, sliced herring
身元 [みもと]
(n) person's identity
身元確認 [みもとかくにん]
(n) ID
身元不明 [みもとふめい]
(n,adj-no) (a person or body being) unidentifiable (unidentified)
身元保証 [みもとほしょう]
(n) personal reference
身構え [みがまえ]
(n) posture
身構える [みがまえる]
(v1) to put oneself on guard
身頃 [みごろ]
(n) body of a garment
身仕度 [みじたく]
(n) dress
身仕舞い [みじまい]
(n) dressing or outfitting oneself
身支度 [みじたく]
(n,vs) dressing or outfitting oneself
身持ち [みもち]
(n) conduct
身受け [みうけ]
(iK) (n,vs) ransom
身重 [みおも]
(adj-na,n) pregnant
身勝手 [みがって]
(adj-na,n) selfishness
身障者 [しんしょうしゃ]
(n) disabled person
身上 [しんしょう]
(n) a fortune
身上 [しんじょう]
(n) merit
身上持ち [しんしょうもち]
(n) good housekeeper
身上調査 [しんじょうちょうさ]
(n,vs) examine (investigate into) a person's history
身上調書 [しんじょうちょうしょ]
(n) personal information form
身丈 [みたけ]
(n) length (of clothing)
身心 [しんしん]
(n) body and mind
身心一如 [しんしんいちにょ]
(n) body and mind as one
身振り [みぶり]
(n) gesture
身振りで示す [みぶりでしめす]
(v5s) to express by gestures
身振り手振り [みぶりてぶり]
(n) gestures
身震い [みぶるい]
(n,vs) shivering
身請け [みうけ]
(n,vs) ransom
身銭 [みぜに]
(n) one's own money
身繕い [みづくろい]
(n,vs) dressing oneself
身体 [からだ]
(n) (1) body
身体 [しんたい]
(n) (1) body
身体傷害 [からだしょうがい]
(n) mayhem
身体障害者 [しんたいしょうがいしゃ]
(n) disabled person
身体髪膚 [しんたいはっぷ]
(n) entire human body
身代 [しんだい]
(n) fortune
身代り [みがわり]
(n) substitute (for)
身代わり [みがわり]
(n) substitute (for)
身代を傾ける [しんだいをかたむける]
(exp) to squander one's fortunes
身代を擦る [しんだいをする]
(exp) to lose a person's fortune
身代金 [みのしろきん]
(n) ransom
身代金要求 [みのしろきんようきゅう]
(n) ransom demand
身代限り [しんだいかぎり]
(n) going bankrupt
身知らず [みしらず]
(adj-na,n) self-conceit
身中 [しんちゅう]
(n) within one's body
身長 [しんちょう]
(n) height (of body)
身長の低い人 [しんちょうのひくいひと]
(n) short person
身投げ [みなげ]
(n,vs) drown oneself
身動き [みうごき]
(n,vs) moving about
身内 [みうち]
(n) one's whole body
身売り [みうり]
(n,vs) selling oneself (into bondage)
身罷る [みまかる]
(v5r) to pass away
身幅 [みはば]
(n) width of a garment
身分 [みぶん]
(n) social position
身分の高い人 [みぶんのたかいひと]
(n) man of high position
身分意識 [みぶんいしき]
(n) status consciousness
身分詐称 [みぶんさしょう]
(n) false personation
身分証明書 [みぶんしょうめいしょ]
(n) identification papers
身分相応 [みぶんそうおう]
(n,adj-na) appropriate to one's lot in life
身分柄 [みぶんがら]
(n) status
身柄 [みがら]
(n) one's person
身柄拘束 [みがらこうそく]
(n) (in) custody
身柄送検 [みがらそうけん]
(n,vs) turning a suspect over to the public prosecutor's office
身辺 [しんぺん]
(n) one's person
身方 [みかた]
(n,vs) friend
身命 [しんめい]
(n) one's life
身悶え [みもだえ]
(n,vs) writhing (in agony)
身籠る [みごもる]
(v5r) to become pregnant
身綺麗 [みぎれい]
(oK) (adj-na) neat personal appearance
身贔屓 [みびいき]
(n) favoritism
辛 [かのと]
(n) 8th in rank
辛 [しん]
(n) 8th in rank
辛い [からい]
(adj) (1) hot (spicy)
辛い [つらい]
(adj) painful
辛い味 [からいあじ]
(n) pungent taste
辛い目に会う [つらいめにあう]
(exp) to have a hard time of it
辛うじて [かろうじて]
(adv) barely
辛くあたる [つらくあたる]
(v5r) to treat badly
辛くも [からくも]
(adv) barely
辛く当たる [つらくあたる]
(v5r) to treat badly
辛夷 [こぶし]
(n) species of tree resembling a magnolia
辛亥 [しんがい]
(n) 48th of the sexagenary cycle
辛気 [しんき]
(adj-na,n) tedium
辛気臭い [しんきくさい]
(adj) irritating
辛苦 [しんく]
(n,vs) hardship
辛苦艱難 [しんくかんなん]
(n) trials and tribulations
辛口 [からくち]
(n,adj-no) (1) dry taste (e.g., sake, wine)
辛口の酒 [からくちのさけ]
(n) dry sake
辛酸 [しんさん]
(n) hardships
辛酸甘苦 [しんさんかんく]
(n) hardships and joys
辛子 [からし]
(n) mustard
辛勝 [しんしょう]
(n,vs) narrow victory
辛辛 [からがら]
(adv) barely
辛党 [からとう]
(n) person fond of alcohol
辛抱 [しんぼう]
(n,vs) patience
辛抱強い [しんぼうづよい]
(adj) patient
辛抱強い人 [しんぼうつよいひと]
(n) person of perseverance
辛味 [からみ]
(n) salty (hot, sharp) taste
辛目 [からめ]
(adj-na,n) (a bit) salty or spicy
辛労 [しんろう]
(n,vs) hardships
辛辣 [しんらつ]
(adj-na,n) bitter
進ずる [しんずる]
(v5r) to offer
進ぜる [しんぜる]
(v1) to offer
進み [すすみ]
(n) progress
進み出る [すすみでる]
(v1) to step forward
進む [すすむ]
(v5m,vi) to make progress
進める [すすめる]
(v1,vt) to advance
進め方 [すすめかた]
(n) format
進化 [しんか]
(n,vs) evolution
進化を遂げる [しんかをとげる]
(exp) to evolve
進化論 [しんかろん]
(n) theory of evolution
進化論者 [しんかろんしゃ]
(n) evolutionist
進学 [しんがく]
(n,vs) going on to university
進学塾 [しんがくじゅく]
(n) cramschool (for boys and girls who wish to go on to the next stage of education)
進学率 [しんがくりつ]
(n) university attendance rate
進級 [しんきゅう]
(n,vs) promotion (school)
進境 [しんきょう]
(n) progress
進軍 [しんぐん]
(n,vs) march
進軍の命令を下す [しんぐんのめいれいをくだす]
(exp) to give a marching order
進軍中 [しんぐんちゅう]
(n) on the march
進撃 [しんげき]
(n,vs) advance
進言 [しんげん]
(n,vs) proposal
進攻 [しんこう]
(n,vs) attack
進航 [しんこう]
(n,vs) sailing on
進行 [しんこう]
(n,vs) advance
進行係 [しんこうがかり]
(n) program director
進行形 [しんこうけい]
(n) progressive form
進行状況 [しんこうじょうきょう]
(n) state of progress
進行相 [しんこうそう]
(n) progressive aspect
進講 [しんこう]
(n,vs) giving a lecture in the Emperor's presence
進貢 [しんこう]
(n,vs) paying tribute
進取 [しんしゅ]
(n) enterprise
進取の精神 [しんしゅのせいしん]
(n) progressive (enterprising) spirit
進取果敢 [しんしゅかかん]
(adj-na) enterprising and daring
進出 [しんしゅつ]
(n,vs) advance
進出制限線 [しんしゅつせいげんせん]
(n) limit of advance
進上 [しんじょう]
(n,vs) giving
進水 [しんすい]
(n,vs) (ship's) launching
進水式 [しんすいしき]
(n) launching ceremony
進数 [しんすう]
(n) (number) base (e.g., 10)
進退 [しんたい]
(n,vs) movement
進退窮まる [しんたいきわまる]
(v5r) to be at a loss
進退去就 [しんたいきょしゅう]
(n) one's course of action
進退伺い [しんたいうかがい]
(n) informal (unofficial) resignation
進退問題 [しんたいもんだい]
(n) a question of whether or not someone should resign
進退両難 [しんたいりょうなん]
(n) be driven to the wall
進駐 [しんちゅう]
(n,vs) occupation
進駐軍 [しんちゅうぐん]
(n) occupying forces
進捗 [しんちょく]
(n,vs) progress
進捗状況 [しんちょくじょうきょう]
(n) state of progress
進呈 [しんてい]
(n,vs) presentation
進呈本 [しんていぼん]
(n) complimentary copy
進展 [しんてん]
(n,vs) progress
進度 [しんど]
(n) progress
進入 [しんにゅう]
(n,vs) penetration
進入灯 [しんにゅうとう]
(n) approach light
進入路 [しんにゅうろ]
(n) (aircraft's) approach
進発 [しんぱつ]
(n,vs) start
進物 [しんもつ]
(n) gift
進歩 [しんぽ]
(n,vs) progress
進歩主義 [しんぽしゅぎ]
(n) progressivism
進歩的 [しんぽてき]
(adj-na) progressive
進歩党 [しんぽとう]
(n) progressive party
進塁 [しんるい]
(n,vs) advance (to the next base)
進路 [しんろ]
(n) course
進路指導 [しんろしどう]
(n) guidance counseling
針 [はり]
(n) needle
針で刺す [はりでさす]
(v5s) to prick with a needle
針の穴 [はりのあな]
(n) eye of a needle
針の孔 [はりのあな]
(n) eye of a needle
針を含んだ言葉 [はりをふくんだことば]
(exp) stinging (scathing) words
針鰻 [はりうなぎ]
(n) elver (type of eel)
針灸 [しんきゅう]
(n) acupuncture and moxibustion
針魚 [さより]
(gikun) (n) halfbeak (fish with elongated pointed lower jaw) (Hemiramphus sajori)
針魚 [はりうお]
(n) halfbeak (fish with elongated pointed lower jaw) (Hemiramphus sajori)
針魚 [はりよ]
(n) halfbeak (fish with elongated pointed lower jaw) (Hemiramphus sajori)
針供養 [はりくよう]
(n) memorial service for old needles
針金 [はりがね]
(n) wire
針山 [はりやま]
(n) pincushion
針仕事 [はりしごと]
(n,vs) needlework
針刺し [はりさし]
(n) pincushion
針術 [しんじゅつ]
(n) acupuncture
針小棒大 [しんしょうぼうだい]
(adj-na,n) exaggeration
針状 [はりじょう]
(adj-no) needle-shaped
針千本 [はりせんぼん]
(n) porcupinefish
針鼠 [はりねずみ]
(n) hedgehog
針土竜 [はりもぐら]
(n) spiny anteater
針箱 [はりばこ]
(n) sewing box
針目 [はりめ]
(n) seam
針葉樹 [しんようじゅ]
(n) conifer
針路 [しんろ]
(n) course
針路を逸れる [しんろをそれる]
(exp) to swerve from the course
針槐 [はりえんじゅ]
(n) black locust
震い [ふるい]
(n) shaking
震い付く [ふるいつく]
(v5k) to hug
震う [ふるう]
(v5u) to shake
震え [ふるえ]
(n) shivering
震える [ふるえる]
(v1) to shiver
震え出す [ふるえだす]
(v5s) to begin to tremble
震え上がる [ふるえあがる]
(v5r) to tremble violently
震え声 [ふるえごえ]
(n) trembling or quavering voice
震わせる [ふるわせる]
(v1) to be shaking
震央 [しんおう]
(n) epicentre
震源 [しんげん]
(n) epicentre
震源地 [しんげんち]
(n) epicenter
震災 [しんさい]
(n) earthquake disaster
震災記念日 [しんさいきねんび]
(n) anniversary of the Great Kanto earthquake
震災地 [しんさいち]
(n) area of an earthquake disaster
震旦 [しんたん]
(n) ancient Indian name for China
震天動地 [しんてんどうち]
(n) earth-shaking
震度 [しんど]
(n) Japanese earthquake scale (level 1: weak to level 7: devastation)
震動 [しんどう]
(n,vs) shock
震幅 [しんぷく]
(n) seismic amplitude
震撼 [しんかん]
(n,vs) shake
震撼させる [しんかんさせる]
(v1) to shock
震盪 [しんとう]
(n,vs) shock
震駭 [しんがい]
(n,vs) terror
震駭させる [しんがいさせる]
(exp) to frighten
人 [じん]
(n) man
人 [と]
(suf) person
人 [にん]
(n) man
人 [ひと]
(n) man
人々 [にんにん]
(n) each person
人々 [ひとびと]
(n) each person
人が群れる [ひとがむれる]
(exp) to be crowded with people
人たち [ひとたち]
(n) people
人たる道に背く [ひとたるみちにそむく]
(exp) to stray from the path of righteousness
人だかり [ひとだかり]
(n,vs) crowd
人っ子 [ひとっこ]
(n) a person
人づて [ひとづて]
(n) hearsay
人で無し [ひとでなし]
(adj-na,n) brute
人となり [ひととなり]
(n) hereditary disposition
人には寛 [ひとにはかん]
(n) leniency to others
人に悪事を唆す [ひとにあくじをそそのかす]
(exp) to entice a person to do something wrong
人に会う [ひとにあう]
(exp) to meet (see) a person
人に訴える力がない [ひとにうったえるちからがない]
(adj) be of little appeal to people
人に訴える力が無い [ひとにうったえるちからがない]
(adj) be of little appeal to people
人の意を受ける [ひとのいをうける]
(exp) to comply with a person's wishes
人の意向を当たって見る [ひとのいこうをあたってみる]
(exp) to sound out a person's thoughts
人の為を思う [ひとのためをおもう]
(exp) to wish someone well
人の気に障る [ひとのきにさわる]
(exp) to hurt one's feelings
人の勤勉さを賞める [ひとのきんべんさをほめる]
(exp) to praise a person for his (her) diligence
人の金 [ひとのかね]
(n) other peoples money
人の金玉を握る [ひとのきんたまをにぎる]
(exp) to grab a person by his vulnerable spot
人の好む所となる [ひとのこのむところとなる]
(v5r) to be liked by people
人の恨みを買う [ひとのうらみをかう]
(exp) to incur a person's enmity
人の子 [ひとのこ]
(n) the Son of Man
人の手に落ちる [ひとのてにおちる]
(exp) to fall into another's hands
人の心を読む [ひとのこころをよむ]
(exp) to read a person's thoughts
人の成功を祝う [ひとのせいこうをいわう]
(exp) to congratulate a person on his (her) success
人の怠慢を責める [ひとのたいまんをせめる]
(exp) to blame (denounce) a person for his (her) negligence
人の頭に立つ [ひとのかしらにたつ]
(exp) to stand at the head of others
人の無知に乗じる [ひとのむちにじょうじる]
(exp) to abuse (take advantage of) another's ignorance
人の目を避ける [ひとのめをさける]
(exp) to avert peoples eyes
人の要求に添う [ひとのようきゅうにそう]
(exp) to meet one's demands
人の良い [ひとのいい]
(n) of good character
人の良い [ひとのよい]
(n) of good character
人らしい [ひとらしい]
(exp) like a decent person
人を陥れる [ひとをおとしいれる]
(exp) to entrap a person
人を誤る [ひとをあやまる]
(exp) to mislead a person
人を公平に扱う [ひとをこうへいにあつかう]
(exp) to deal justly with a person
人を使う [ひとをつかう]
(exp) to take a person in one's service
人を死に致す [ひとをしにいたす]
(exp) to cause the death of a person
人を退ける [ひとをしりぞける]
(exp) to keep others away
人を得る [ひとをえる]
(exp) to employ the right person
人位 [じんい]
(n) person's rank
人為 [じんい]
(n) human work
人為的 [じんいてき]
(adj-na) artificial
人為淘汰 [じんいとうた]
(n) artificial selection (in biology)
人違い [ひとちがい]
(n,vs) mistaking one person for another
人違え [ひとちがえ]
(n) mistaken identity
人一倍 [ひといちばい]
(adv,n) more than others
人一倍働く [ひといちばいはたらく]
(v5k) to work twice as hard as others
人員 [じんいん]
(n) number of persons
人員削減 [じんいんさくげん]
(n) personnel reduction
人員縮少 [じんいんしゅくしょう]
(n) personnel reduction
人員整理 [じんいんせいり]
(n,vs) workforce reduction
人員淘汰 [じんいんとうた]
(n) personnel reduction
人影 [じんえい]
(n) man's shadow
人影 [ひとかげ]
(n) man's shadow
人影を認める [ひとかげをみとめる]
(exp) to make out someone's figure
人煙 [じんえん]
(n) smoke from human habitations
人猿同祖説 [じんえんどうそせつ]
(n) monkey-ancestry theory
人屋 [ひとや]
(n) prison
人家 [じんか]
(n) house(s)
人我 [じんが]
(n) oneself and others
人懐かしい [ひとなつかしい]
(adj) lonesome for
人懐こい [ひとなつこい]
(adj) friendly
人懐っこい [ひとなつっこい]
(adj) friendly
人海戦術 [じんかいせんじゅつ]
(n) infiltration tactics
人外 [じんがい]
(n) breech of morals
人外 [にんがい]
(n) outcast
人垣 [ひとがき]
(n) crowd of people
人格 [じんかく]
(n) personality
人格化 [じんかくか]
(n,vs) impersonation
人格形成 [じんかくけいせい]
(n) character building
人格権 [じんかくけん]
(n) personal rights
人格者 [じんかくしゃ]
(n) man of character
人格主義 [じんかくしゅぎ]
(n) personalism
人慣れる [ひとなれる]
(v1) to become accustomed to people
人間 [じんかん]
(n) the world
人間 [にんげん]
(n) human being
人間の思考 [にんげんのしこう]
(n) artificial intelligence (AI)
人間の堕落 [にんげんのだらく]
(n) the fall of man
人間の肉 [にんげんのにく]
(n) human flesh
人間らしい [にんげんらしい]
(adj) human
人間ドック [にんげんドック]
(n) medical check-up
人間愛 [にんげんあい]
(n) human love
人間以上 [にんげんいじょう]
(adj-no) superhuman
人間以前 [にんげんいぜん]
(adj-no) prehuman
人間界 [にんげんかい]
(n) the world of humans
人間学 [にんげんがく]
(n) anthropology
人間環境宣言 [にんげんかんきょうせんげん]
(n) U.N. declaration on the human environment issued in Stockholm in 1972
人間関係 [にんげんかんけい]
(n) human relations
人間魚雷回天 [にんげんぎょらいかいてん]
(n) kaiten
人間業 [にんげんわざ]
(n) the work of man
人間苦 [にんげんく]
(n) human suffering
人間嫌い [にんげんぎらい]
(n) misanthropy
人間工学 [にんげんこうがく]
(n) ergonomic (engineering)
人間国宝 [にんげんこくほう]
(n) living national treasure
人間社会 [にんげんしゃかい]
(n) human society
人間手作り [にんげんてづくり]
(adj-no) man-made
人間臭い [にんげんくさい]
(n) full of human traits
人間性 [にんげんせい]
(n) humanity
人間疎外 [にんげんそがい]
(n) dehumanization
人間像 [にんげんぞう]
(n) image of (an ideal) person
人間的 [にんげんてき]
(adj-na) human
人間同士 [にんげんどうし]
(n) (1) mankind
人間爆弾 [にんげんばくだん]
(n) human bomb
人間不在 [にんげんふざい]
(n) being devoid of consideration for human beings
人間不信 [にんげんふしん]
(n) distrust of (other) human beings
人間並み [にんげんなみ]
(adj-na,n) the common run of people
人間万事塞翁が馬 [にんげんばんじさいおうがうま]
(exp) inscrutable are the ways of heaven
人間味 [にんげんみ]
(n) human kindness
人間模様 [にんげんもよう]
(n) fabric (pattern) of human relationships
人間離れ [にんげんばなれ]
(exp) unwordly
人寄せ [ひとよせ]
(n,vs) gathering of people
人気 [にんき]
(n,adj-na) popular
人気 [ひとけ]
(n) sign of life
人気がない [ひとけがない]
(adj) no sign of life
人気が無い [ひとけがない]
(adj) no sign of life
人気稼業 [にんきかぎょう]
(n) popular occupation
人気株 [にんきかぶ]
(n) a popular stock
人気作家 [にんきさっか]
(n) popular writer
人気失墜 [にんきしっつい]
(n) decline in public favor
人気者 [にんきもの]
(n) popular person
人気取り [にんきとり]
(n) bid for popularity
人気商売 [にんきしょうばい]
(n) occupations dependent on public favor (favour)
人気絶頂 [にんきぜっちょう]
(n) at the height (peak) of one's popularity
人気投票 [にんきとうひょう]
(n) popularity contest
人気抜群 [にんきばつぐん]
(n) outstandingly popularity
人気番組 [にんきばんぐみ]
(n) popular (hit) program (programme)
人気沸騰 [にんきふっとう]
(n,vs) (enjoy) tumultuous (tremendous, overwhelming) popularity
人気役者 [にんきやくしゃ]
(n) stage favorite
人脚 [ひとあし]
(n) bottom legs radical
人泣かせ [ひとなかせ]
(adj-na,n) annoyance
人魚 [にんぎょ]
(n) mermaid
人境 [じんきょう]
(n) human habitation
人君 [じんくん]
(n) sovereign
人形 [にんぎょう]
(n) doll
人形を遣う [にんぎょうをつかう]
(exp) to manipulate puppets
人形回し [にんぎょうまわし]
(n) puppet operator
人形劇 [にんぎょうげき]
(n) puppet show
人形遣い [にんぎょうつかい]
(n) puppet operator
人形遣い [にんぎょうづかい]
(n) puppet operator
人形使い [にんぎょうつかい]
(n) puppet operator
人形使い [にんぎょうづかい]
(n) puppet operator
人形師 [にんぎょうし]
(n) doll maker
人形芝居 [にんぎょうしばい]
(n) puppet show
人形浄瑠璃 [にんぎょうじょうるり]
(n) old name for the bunraku
人傑 [じんけつ]
(n) great man
人件費 [じんけんひ]
(n) (1) personnel expenses
人嫌い [ひとぎらい]
(n) one who dislikes people
人権 [じんけん]
(n) human rights
人権侵害 [じんけんしんがい]
(n) human rights violation
人権宣言 [じんけんせんげん]
(n) (France's revolutionary era) Declaration of the Rights of Man
人権団体 [じんけんだんたい]
(n) human rights organization
人権保護団体 [じんけんほごだんたい]
(n) human rights organization
人権問題 [じんけんもんだい]
(n) human rights issue
人権擁護 [じんけんようご]
(n) protection of human rights
人権蹂躙 [じんけんじゅうりん]
(n) human rights violation
人権蹂躪 [じんけんじゅうりん]
(n) human rights violation
人絹 [じんけん]
(n) rayon
人見知り [ひとみしり]
(n,vs) shyness
人減らし [ひとべらし]
(n) personnel cut
人後 [じんご]
(n) behind others
人語 [じんご]
(n) human speech
人交り [ひとまじわり]
(n) association with people
人口 [じんこう]
(n) (1) population
人口が疎である [じんこうがそである]
(exp) to be sparsely populated
人口に膾炙する [じんこうにかいしゃする]
(exp) on everyone's lip
人口学 [じんこうがく]
(n) demography
人口静態 [じんこうせいたい]
(n) static population
人口増加 [じんこうぞうか]
(n,vs) (allowing for) population increase
人口調査 [じんこうちょうさ]
(n) census
人口統計 [じんこうとうけい]
(n) population statistics
人口動態 [じんこうどうたい]
(n) population movements
人口動態統計 [じんこうどうたいとうけい]
(n) demographic statistics
人口爆発 [じんこうばくはつ]
(n) population explosion
人口密集率 [じんこうみっしゅうりつ]
(n) population density (said of a crowded area)
人口密度 [じんこうみつど]
(n) population density
人口問題 [じんこうもんだい]
(n) population problem
人口抑制 [じんこうよくせい]
(n) population control
人好き [ひとずき]
(n) attractiveness
人工 [じんこう]
(n) artificial
人工ニューラルネットワーク [じんこうニューラルネットワーク]
(n) artificial neural network
人工雨 [じんこうう]
(n) artificial rain
人工栄養 [じんこうえいよう]
(n) bottle feeding
人工栄養児 [じんこうえいようじ]
(n) bottle-fed child
人工衛星 [じんこうえいせい]
(n) man-made satellite
人工甘味料 [じんこうかんみりょう]
(n) artificial sweetener
人工気胸療法 [じんこうききょうりょうほう]
(n) artificial respiration
人工血液 [じんこうけつえき]
(n) artificial blood
人工呼吸 [じんこうこきゅう]
(n) artificial respiration
人工呼吸器 [じんこうこきゅうき]
(n) artificial respirator
人工呼吸法 [じんこうこきゅうほう]
(n) artificial respiration
人工語 [じんこうご]
(n) an artificial language
人工港 [じんこうこう]
(n) artificial harbor
人工降雨 [じんこうこうう]
(n) artificial rain
人工芝 [じんこうしば]
(n) artificial grass (lawn)
人工受精 [じんこうじゅせい]
(n) artificial insemination
人工受胎 [じんこうじゅたい]
(n) artificial insemination
人工受紛 [じんこうじゅふん]
(n) artificial fertilization (of plants)
人工心臓 [じんこうしんぞう]
(n) artificial heart
人工心肺 [じんこうしんばい]
(n) heart-lung machine
人工真珠 [じんこうしんじゅ]
(n) artificial pearls
人工生命 [じんこうせいめい]
(n) artificial life
人工雪 [じんこうゆき]
(n) artificial snow
人工臓器 [じんこうぞうき]
(n) artificial internal organ
人工知能 [じんこうちのう]
(n) AI
人工地震 [じんこうじしん]
(n) artificial earthquake
人工池 [じんこういけ]
(n) artificial pool
人工的 [じんこうてき]
(adj-na) artificial
人工透析 [じんこうとうせき]
(n) dialysis
人工頭脳 [じんこうずのう]
(n) cybernetics
人工妊娠中絶 [じんこうにんしんちゅうぜつ]
(n) abortion
人工避妊法 [じんこうひにんほう]
(n) contraception
人工雷 [じんこうらい]
(n) artificial lightning
人工流産 [じんこうりゅうざん]
(n) abortion
人工林 [じんこうりん]
(n) planted forest
人工孵化法 [じんこうふかほう]
(n) artificial incubation
人皇 [じんこう]
(n) emperor
人皇 [じんのう]
(n) emperor
人皇 [にんのう]
(n) emperor
人国記 [じんこくき]
(n) biographical notes and character sketches of prominent individuals, arranged according to place of birth or origin
人国記 [じんこっき]
(n) biographical notes and character sketches of prominent individuals, arranged according to place of birth or origin
人骨 [じんこつ]
(n) human bones
人込み [ひとごみ]
(n) crowd of people
人混み [ひとごみ]
(n) crowd
人魂 [ひとだま]
(n) disembodied soul
人差し [ひとさし]
(n) index finger
人差し指 [ひとさしゆび]
(n) index finger
人差指 [ひとさしゆび]
(n) index finger
人妻 [ひとづま]
(n) (1) married woman
人妻と寝る [ひとずまとねる]
(v5r) to sleep with another person's wife
人才 [じんさい]
(n) man of talent
人才登用 [じんざいとうよう]
(n) selection for high office
人災 [じんさい]
(n) man-made calamity
人材 [じんざい]
(n) man of talent
人材開発部 [じんざいかいはつぶ]
(n) Career Development Dept
人材銀行 [じんざいぎんこう]
(n) job bank
人材登用 [じんざいとうよう]
(n) selecting of fit (talented) persons for higher positions
人擦れ [ひとずれ]
(n,vs) sophistication
人殺し [ひとごろし]
(n) murder
人参 [にんじん]
(n) carrot
人山 [ひとやま]
(n) crowd of people
人斬り [ひときり]
(n) assassination
人使い [ひとづかい]
(n) handling one's workmen
人刺 [じんさし]
(n) human meat (for human consumption)
人士 [じんし]
(n) well-bred man
人指し指 [ひとさしゆび]
(n) index finger
人死に [ひとじに]
(n) accidental death
人事 [じんじ]
(n) personnel affairs
人事 [ひとごと]
(n) other's affairs
人事異動 [じんじいどう]
(n) personnel change
人事院 [じんじいん]
(n) National Personnel Authority
人事課 [じんじか]
(n) personnel section
人事考課 [じんじこうか]
(n) merit (ability, efficiency) rating
人事行政 [じんじぎょうせい]
(n) personnel administration
人事訴訟 [じんじそしょう]
(n) litigation related to personal status (e.g., divorce actions, etc.)
人事訴訟事件 [じんじそしょうじけん]
(n) litigation related to personal status (e.g., divorce actions, etc.)
人事訴訟手続き法 [じんじそしょうてつづきほう]
(n) Personal Status Actions Procedure Law (e.g., divorce actions, etc.)
人事不省 [じんじふせい]
(n) unconsciousness
人事部 [じんじぶ]
(n) personnel department
人事欄 [じんじらん]
(n) personal column
人時 [にんじ]
(n) man-hour
人質 [ひとじち]
(n) hostage
人車 [じんしゃ]
(n) (abbr) rickshaw
人爵 [じんしゃく]
(n) worldly honors
人取り [ひととり]
(n) prisoner's base (a game)
人手 [ひとで]
(n) (1) someone else's hands
人手に渡る [ひとでにわたる]
(exp) to fall into another's hands
人手を増やす [ひとでをふやす]
(exp) to add to the staff
人手を煩わす [ひとでをわずらわす]
(exp) to trouble a person
人手不足 [ひとでぶそく]
(n) shorthanded
人種 [じんしゅ]
(n) race (of people)
人種改良 [じんしゅかいりょう]
(n) racial eugenics
人種隔離 [じんしゅかくり]
(n) racial separation
人種学 [じんしゅがく]
(n) ethnology
人種差別 [じんしゅさべつ]
(n) racial discrimination
人種差別主義者 [じんしゅさべつしゅぎしゃ]
(n) racist
人種的 [じんしゅてき]
(adj-na) racial
人種問題 [じんしゅもんだい]
(n) a race problem
人受け [ひとうけ]
(n,vs) popularity
人寿 [じんじゅ]
(n) man's life span
人集り [ひとだかり]
(n,vs) crowd
人出 [ひとで]
(n) crowd
人助け [ひとだすけ]
(n) act of mercy
人称 [にんしょう]
(n) (ling) person
人称代名詞 [にんしょうだいめいし]
(n) personal pronoun
人笑い [ひとわらい]
(n) something people would laugh at
人笑え [ひとわらえ]
(adj-na,n) something people would laugh at
人笑わせ [ひとわらわせ]
(adj-na,n) ridiculous
人笑われ [ひとわらわれ]
(adj-na,n) laughingstock
人証 [じんしょう]
(n) testimony of a witness
人証 [にんしょう]
(n) testimony of a witness
人情 [にんじょう]
(n) (1) humanity
人情劇 [にんじょうげき]
(n) human-interest play
人情噺 [にんじょうばなし]
(oK) (n) love story
人情負け [にんじょうまけ]
(n) overcome by sympathy
人情風俗 [にんじょうふうぞく]
(n) manners, customs and popular sentiments
人情本 [にんじょうぼん]
(n) a novel
人情味 [にんじょうみ]
(n) human interest
人情話 [にんじょうばなし]
(n) story whose theme is warm human relationships
人食い [ひとくい]
(n) cannibalism
人食いバクテリア [ひとくいバクテリア]
(n) flesh-eating bacteria
人食い人種 [ひとくいじんしゅ]
(n) cannibals
人心 [じんしん]
(n) human nature
人心 [ひとごころ]
(n) human nature
人心安定 [じんしんあんてい]
(n) stabilizing the feelings of the people
人心一新 [じんしんいっしん]
(n,vs) complete change in public sentiment
人心刷新 [じんしんさっしん]
(n) radically change public sentiment
人心収攬 [じんしんしゅうらん]
(n) winning the hearts of the people
人心地 [ひとごこち]
(n) consciousness
人心恟々 [じんしんきょうきょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) The people being panic-stricken (in alarm)
人心恟恟 [じんしんきょうきょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) The people being panic-stricken (in alarm)
人真似 [ひとまね]
(n,vs) mimicry
人臣 [じんしん]
(n) subjects
人身 [じんしん]
(n) the human body
人身 [ひとみ]
(n) the human body
人身御供 [ひとみごくう]
(n) human sacrifice
人身攻撃 [じんしんこうげき]
(n) personal attack
人身事故 [じんしんじこ]
(n) traffic accident resulting in personal injury or death
人身売買 [じんしんばいばい]
(n) slave trade
人身保護 [じんしんほご]
(n) habeas corpus
人身保護法 [じんしんほごほう]
(n) (Japanese) Protection of Personal Liberty Law (1948)
人身保護令状 [じんしんほごれいじょう]
(n) writ of habeas corpus
人人 [にんにん]
(n) each person
人人 [ひとびと]
(n) each person
人数 [にんずう]
(n) the number of people
人数 [ひとかず]
(n) the number of people
人世 [じんせい]
(n) this world
人性 [じんせい]
(n) human nature
人生 [じんせい]
(n) (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
人生の春 [じんせいのはる]
(n) the flower (prime) of youth
人生ゲーム [じんせいゲーム]
(n) Life (the board game)
人生案内欄 [じんせいあんないらん]
(n) personal-question column
人生観 [じんせいかん]
(n) view of life
人生記録 [じんせいきろく]
(n) human document
人生航路 [じんせいこうろ]
(n) the path of one's life
人生行路 [じんせいこうろ]
(n) journey of life
人生最悪 [じんせいさいあく]
(n) worst .. of one's life
人生朝露 [じんせいちょうろ]
(exp) Man's life vanishes like a dew
人生哲学 [じんせいてつがく]
(n) philosophy of life
人生派 [じんせいは]
(n) humanists
人生模様 [じんせいもよう]
(n) facets (aspects) of (human) life
人声 [ひとごえ]
(n) human voice
人跡 [じんせき]
(n) signs of human habitation
人跡 [ひとあと]
(n) signs of human habitation
人跡未到 [じんせきみとう]
(n) unexplored
人跡未踏 [じんせきみとう]
(n) unexplored
人雪崩 [ひとなだれ]
(n) surging crowd
人選 [じんせん]
(n,vs) personnel selection
人前 [にんまえ]
(n) portion of food
人前 [ひとまえ]
(n) the public
人前で [ひとまえで]
(exp) in public
人前では [ひとまえでは]
(exp) in front of people
人前結婚式 [じんぜんけっこんしき]
(n) nonreligious wedding ceremony
人祖 [じんそ]
(n) progenitor
人相 [にんそう]
(n) physiognomy
人相学 [にんそうがく]
(n) physiognomy
人相見 [にんそうみ]
(n) physiognomist
人相書き [にんそうがき]
(n) personal description
人相占い [にんそううらない]
(n) divination by facial features
人相風体 [にんそうふうたい]
(n) someone's looks and personal appearance
人相風体 [にんそうふうてい]
(n) someone's looks and personal appearance
人騒がせ [ひとさわがせ]
(adj-na,n) person that annoys or causes trouble
人造 [じんぞう]
(n) man-made
人造絹糸 [じんぞうけんし]
(n) rayon
人造湖 [じんぞうこ]
(n) artificial lake
人造真珠 [じんぞうしんじゅ]
(n) artificial pearls
人造人間 [じんぞうにんげん]
(n) robot
人造石油 [じんぞうせきゆ]
(n) synthetic oil
人造繊維 [じんぞうせんい]
(n) synthetic fiber
人造肥料 [じんぞうひりょう]
(n) chemical fertilizer
人造米 [じんぞうまい]
(n) imitation rice
人造宝石 [じんぞうほうせき]
(n) artificial jewels
人造藍 [じんぞうあい]
(n) synthetic indigo
人足 [にんそく]
(n) coolie
人足 [ひとあし]
(n) pedestrian traffic
人体 [じんたい]
(n) human body
人体 [じんてい]
(n) personal appearance
人体 [にんてい]
(n) personal appearance
人体学 [じんたいがく]
(n) somatology
人体実験 [じんたいじっけん]
(n) testing on a living person
人体模型 [じんたいもけい]
(n) anatomical model of the human body
人待ち顔 [ひとまちがお]
(adj-na,n) look of expectation
人代名詞 [じんだいめいし]
(n) personal pronoun
人達 [ひとたち]
(n) people
人探し [ひとさがし]
(n) searching for someone
人知 [じんち]
(n) human intellect
人知れず [ひとしれず]
(adv,exp) secret
人知れぬ [ひとしれぬ]
(adj-pn,exp) secret
人知を超えた [じんちをこえた]
(exp) beyond human understanding
人地名 [じんちめい]
(n) person and place name
人智 [じんち]
(n) human intellect
人畜 [じんちく]
(n) men and animals
人畜無害 [じんちくむがい]
(adj-na) harmless to man and beast
人中 [ひとなか]
(n) society
人柱 [ひとばしら]
(n) human pillar
人通り [ひとどおり]
(n) pedestrian traffic
人定 [じんてい]
(n) confirmation of somebody's identity
人定質問 [じんていしつもん]
(n) establishing the identity of a defendant
人定尋問 [じんていじんもん]
(n) establishing the identity of a witness
人的 [じんてき]
(adj-na,n) human
人的ミス [じんてきミス]
(n) human error
人的資源 [じんてきしげん]
(n) man-power resources
人的証拠 [じんてきしょうこ]
(n) testimony of a witness
人伝 [ひとづて]
(n) hearsay
人当たり [ひとあたり]
(n) influence of one's manners
人当たりが良い [ひとあたりがよい]
(n) have sociable manners
人頭 [じんとう]
(n) (1) the number of people
人頭 [にんとう]
(n) (1) the number of people
人頭 [ひとがしら]
(n) skull (esp. weatherbeaten)
人頭税 [じんとうぜい]
(n) poll tax
人頭税 [にんとうぜい]
(n) poll tax
人道 [じんどう]
(n) humanity
人道に対する罪 [じんどうにたいするつみ]
(n) crime against humanity
人道作戦 [じんどうさくせん]
(n) humanitarian operation
人道支援 [じんどうしえん]
(n) humanitarian aid
人道主義 [じんどうしゅぎ]
(n) humanism
人道主義者 [じんどうしゅぎしゃ]
(n) a humanitarian
人道的 [じんどうてき]
(adj-na,n) humane
人道的援助 [じんどうてきえんじょ]
(n) humanitarian aide
人道犯罪 [じんどうはんざい]
(n) crime against humanity
人道蹂躙 [じんどうじゅうりん]
(n) outrage against humanity
人徳 [じんとく]
(n) natural virtue
人徳 [にんとく]
(n) natural virtue
人馴れ [ひとなれ]
(n,vs) used to people
人馴れる [ひとなれる]
(v1) to become accustomed to people
人肉 [じんにく]
(n) human flesh
人任せ [ひとまかせ]
(n) leaving (it) to others
人波 [ひとなみ]
(n) surging crowd
人波を泳ぐ [ひとなみをおよぐ]
(exp) to wade through a crowd
人馬 [じんば]
(n) men and horses
人馬一体 [じんばいったい]
(n) unity of rider and horse
人馬往来 [じんばおうらい]
(n) the passage of people and horses
人買い [ひとかい]
(n) slave traffic
人肌 [ひとはだ]
(n) the skin
人非人 [にんぴにん]
(n) brute of a man
人品 [じんぴん]
(n) personal appearance
人品骨柄 [じんぴんこつがら]
(n) personal appearance and physique
人付 [ひとづき]
(n) reputation
人付き合い [ひとづきあい]
(n) social disposition
人夫 [にんぷ]
(n) coolie
人怖じ [ひとおじ]
(n,vs) bashfulness before strangers
人膚 [ひとはだ]
(n) the skin
人払い [ひとばらい]
(n,vs) clearing out the people
人物 [じんぶつ]
(n) character
人物画 [じんぶつが]
(n) portrait painting
人物経済 [じんぶつけいざい]
(n) human engineering
人物月旦 [じんぶつげったん]
(n) character sketch
人物寸描 [じんぶつすんびょう]
(n) thumb-nail sketch
人物像 [じんぶつぞう]
(n) statue
人物評 [じんぶつひょう]
(n) personal criticism
人物本位 [じんぶつほんい]
(n,adj-no) chiefly on the basis of someone's personal character
人糞 [じんぷん]
(n) night soil
人文 [じんぶん]
(n) humanity
人文 [じんもん]
(n) humanity
人文科学 [じんぶんかがく]
(n) social sciences
人文学派 [じんぶんがくは]
(n) humanists
人文史 [じんぶんし]
(n) history of civilization
人文字 [ひともじ]
(n) arranging a group of people so as to form a character or spell out a message
人文主義 [じんぶんしゅぎ]
(n) humanism
人文地理 [じんぶんちり]
(n) descriptive geography
人文地理 [じんもんちり]
(n) descriptive geography
人聞き [ひとぎき]
(n) reputation
人柄 [ひとがら]
(adj-na,n) personality
人並 [ひとなみ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) being average (capacity, looks, standard of living)
人並み [ひとなみ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) being average (capacity, looks, standard of living)
人並みに [ひとなみに]
(adv) like others
人並み外れた [ひとなみはずれた]
(adj) uncommon
人別 [にんべつ]
(n) census-taking
人偏 [にんべん]
(n) person radical (ninben)
人望 [じんぼう]
(n) popularity
人望家 [じんぼうか]
(n) popular character
人本主義 [じんぽんしゅぎ]
(n) humanism
人毎 [ひとごと]
(adv) with each person
人脈 [じんみゃく]
(n) personal connections
人民 [じんみん]
(n) people
人民委員 [じんみんいいん]
(n) (early Soviet era) People's Commissar
人民解放軍 [じんみんかいほうぐん]
(n) People's Liberation Army
人民共和国 [じんみんきょうわこく]
(n) people's republic
人民軍 [じんみんぐん]
(n) People's Army
人民元 [じんみんげん]
(n) Chinese Yuan (currency)
人民公社 [じんみんこうしゃ]
(n) (in China) people's commune
人民裁判 [じんみんさいばん]
(n) people's trial (court)
人民社会主義共和国 [じんみんしゃかいしゅぎきょうわこく]
(n) people's socialist republic
人民主義 [じんみんしゅぎ]
(n) populism
人民所有 [じんみんしょゆう]
(n) people's ownership
人民戦線 [じんみんせんせん]
(n) popular front
人民投票 [じんみんとうひょう]
(n) plebiscite
人民民主共和国 [じんみんみんしゅきょうわこく]
(n) people's democratic republic
人名 [じんめい]
(n) person's name
人名辞書 [じんめいじしょ]
(n) biographical dictionary
人名辞典 [じんめいじてん]
(n) biographical dictionary
人名簿 [じんめいぼ]
(n) directory
人名用漢字 [じんめいようかんじ]
(n) kanji officially for use in names
人名録 [じんめいろく]
(n) directory
人命 [じんめい]
(n) (human) life
人命救助 [じんめいきゅうじょ]
(n) lifesaving
人面 [じんめん]
(n) human face
人面獣心 [じんめんじゅうしん]
(n) beast in human form
人面獣心 [にんめんじゅうしん]
(n) beast in human form
人目 [じんもく]
(n) public gaze
人目 [ひとめ]
(n) public gaze
人目に余る [ひとめにあまる]
(exp) to be too prominent
人目を掠めて [ひとめをかすめて]
(exp) on the sly
人様 [ひとさま]
(n) (pol) other people
人欲 [じんよく]
(n) human desires
人頼み [ひとだのみ]
(n) reliance on others
人頼り [ひとだより]
(n) reliance on others
人里 [ひとざと]
(n) human habitation
人里離れた [ひとざとはなれた]
(adj) lonely (place)
人立ち [ひとだち]
(n,vs) crowd of people
人力 [じんりき]
(n) human power
人力 [じんりょく]
(n) human power
人力車 [じんりきしゃ]
(n) rickshaw
人倫 [じんりん]
(n) human relations
人倫退廃 [じんりんたいはい]
(n) decline (decay, corruption) of ethical standards
人倫道徳 [じんりんどうとく]
(n) ethics and morality
人倫頽廃 [じんりんたいはい]
(n) decline (decay, corruption) of ethical standards
人類 [じんるい]
(n) mankind
人類の為に尽くす [じんるいのためにつくす]
(exp) to render a service to humanity
人類愛 [じんるいあい]
(n) humanism
人類猿 [じんるいえん]
(n) anthropoid ape
人類学 [じんるいがく]
(n) anthropology
人類学者 [じんるいがくしゃ]
(n) anthropologist
人類史 [じんるいし]
(n) human history
人恋しい [ひとこいしい]
(adj) longing for others
人攫い [ひとさらい]
(n) kidnapping
人籟 [じんらい]
(n) blowing instruments (music)
人虱 [ひとしらみ]
(n) body louse
仁 [じん]
(n) virtue
仁 [にん]
(n) kernel
仁愛 [じんあい]
(n) benevolence
仁王 [におう]
(n) the two guardian Deva kings
仁王門 [におうもん]
(n) Deva gate
仁王力 [におうりき]
(n) Herculean strength
仁義 [じんぎ]
(n) humanity and justice
仁義忠孝 [じんぎちゅうこう]
(n) humanity, justice, loyalty, and filial piety
仁義道徳 [じんぎどうとく]
(n) humanity and justice
仁義礼智信 [じんぎれいちしん]
(n) the 5 Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, and sincerity)
仁侠 [じんきょう]
(n) chivalrous spirit
仁君 [じんくん]
(n) benevolent ruler
仁兄 [じんけい]
(n) term of address for a friend
仁恵 [じんけい]
(n) graciousness
仁慈 [じんじ]
(n) kind-hearted
仁者 [じんしゃ]
(n) man of virtue
仁術 [じんじゅつ]
(n) benevolent act
仁恕 [じんじょ]
(n) benevolence
仁心 [じんしん]
(n) benevolence
仁人 [じんじん]
(n) man of virtue
仁政 [じんせい]
(n) benevolent rule
仁智 [じんち]
(n) benevolence and wisdom
仁徳 [じんとく]
(n) benevolence
仁輪加狂言 [にわかきょうげん]
(n) farce
刃 [は]
(n) edge (of a sword)
刃 [やいば]
(n) blade
刃を交える [やいばをまじえる]
(exp) to cross swords (with)
刃向かう [はむかう]
(v5u) to strike back at
刃傷 [にんじょう]
(n) bloodshed
刃傷沙汰 [にんじょうざた]
(n) bloodshed
刃針 [はばり]
(n) lancet
刃先 [はさき]
(n) edge of blade
刃渡 [はわたり]
(n) length of a (sword) blade
刃渡り [はわたり]
(n) length of a (sword) blade
刃物 [はもの]
(n) edged tool
刃物三昧 [はものざんまい]
(n,vs) (engaging in a) knife fight
刃文 [はもん]
(n) temper pattern of a sword blade
塵 [ごみ]
(n) (uk) rubbish
塵 [ちり]
(n) dust
塵屋 [ごみや]
(n) garbage man
塵界 [じんかい]
(n) this drab world
塵芥 [ごみあくた]
(n) rubbish
塵芥 [じんかい]
(n) rubbish
塵芥 [ちりあくた]
(n) rubbish
塵紙 [ちりがみ]
(n) tissue paper
塵取り [ちりとり]
(n) dustpan
塵浄水 [ちりじょうずい]
(n) ceremonious clapping and rubbing of the palms (sumo)
塵入 [ごみいれ]
(n) trashcan
塵入れ塵出し [ごみいれごみだし]
(exp) (gen) (comp) garbage in, garbage out
塵肺 [じんはい]
(n) coniosis
塵肺 [じんぱい]
(n) coniosis
塵箱 [ごみばこ]
(n) garbage can or box
塵払い [ちりばらい]
(n) duster
塵溜め [ごみため]
(n) a dump
塵埃 [じんあい]
(n) dust
塵埃 [ちりほこり]
(n) dust
壬 [じん]
(n) 9th in rank
壬 [みずのえ]
(n) 9th in rank
尋 [ひろ]
(n) fathom
尋ねる [たずねる]
(v1) to ask
尋ね求める [たずねもとめる]
(exp) to seek for
尋ね人 [たずねびと]
(n) missing person
尋ね物 [たずねもの]
(n) missing article
尋常 [じんじょう]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) common
尋常一様 [じんじょういちよう]
(adj-na,n) ordinary
尋問 [じんもん]
(n,vs) questioning
尋問調書 [じんもんちょうしょ]
(n) interrogatory
甚く [いたく]
(adv) exceedingly
甚だ [はなはだ]
(adv) very
甚だしい [はなはだしい]
(adj) extreme
甚だしい誤解 [はなはだしいごかい]
(n) serious misunderstanding
甚だ以て [はなはだもって]
(exp) exceedingly
甚だ不親切である [はなはだふしんせつである]
(exp) to be extremely unkind
甚句 [じんく]
(n) lively song
甚振る [いたぶる]
(v5r) (uk) to torment
甚大 [じんだい]
(adj-na,n) very great
甚兵衛 [じんべえ]
(n) informal summer clothes for men (short jacket and trousers)
甚平 [じんべい]
(n) informal summer clothes for men (short jacket and trousers)
甚六 [じんろく]
(n) dunce
尽かす [つかす]
(v5s) to be disgusted with
尽きない [つきない]
(adj) everlasting
尽きる [つきる]
(v1) to be used up
尽き果てる [つきはてる]
(v1) to be exhausted
尽くす [つくす]
(v5s) (1) to exhaust
尽くめ [ずくめ]
(suf) (uk) entire
尽忠 [じんちゅう]
(n) loyalty
尽忠報国 [じんちゅうほうこく]
(n) loyalty and patriotism
尽日 [じんじつ]
(n-adv,n-t) last day of the month (year)
尽未来 [じんみらい]
(n) eternally
尽未来際 [じんみらいさい]
(n-adv,n) to the end of time
尽未来際 [じんみらいざい]
(n-adv,n) to the end of time
尽力 [じんりょく]
(n,vs) efforts
尽瘁 [じんすい]
(n,vs) giving one's all to
腎炎 [じんえん]
(n) kidney inflammation
腎石 [じんせき]
(n) kidney stone
腎臓 [じんぞう]
(n) kidney
腎臓炎 [じんぞうえん]
(n) kidney inflammation
腎臓結石 [じんぞうけっせき]
(n) kidney stone
腎臓内科 [じんぞうないか]
(n) nephrology
腎臓病 [じんぞうびょう]
(n) kidney trouble or disease
腎不全 [じんふぜん]
(n) renal failure
腎盂 [じんう]
(n) renal pelvis
訊き返す [ききかえす]
(v5s) to ask in return
訊く [きく]
(v5k) to ask
訊ねる [たずねる]
(v1) to ask
訊問 [じんもん]
(n,vs) cross-examination
迅速 [じんそく]
(adj-na,n) quick
迅速果敢 [じんそくかかん]
(n,adj-na) quick and decisive
迅速果断 [じんそくかだん]
(n,adj-na) quick and decisive
迅雷 [じんらい]
(n) thunderclap
陣 [じん]
(n) battle formation
陣を張る [じんをはる]
(exp) to pitch camp
陣を敷く [じんをしく]
(exp) to encamp
陣を立て直す [じんをたてなおす]
(exp) to redeploy troops
陣羽織 [じんばおり]
(n) battle surcoat
陣営 [じんえい]
(n) camp (group of same ideological beliefs)
陣屋 [じんや]
(n) encampment
陣笠 [じんがさ]
(n) ancient soldier's straw hat
陣形 [じんけい]
(n) (military) formation
陣取り [じんとり]
(n) children's game in which the aim is to occupy the other's home base
陣取る [じんどる]
(v5r) to encamp
陣太鼓 [じんだいこ]
(n) war drum
陣地 [じんち]
(n) (military) encampment
陣中 [じんちゅう]
(n) in camp
陣中見舞 [じんちゅうみまい]
(n) visiting soldiers at the front to provide comfort
陣中見舞い [じんちゅうみまい]
(n) visiting soldiers at the front to provide comfort
陣痛 [じんつう]
(n) labour (birth) pains
陣頭 [じんとう]
(n) head of an army
陣頭指揮 [じんとうしき]
(n,vs) taking command of a corps in a battle
陣風 [じんぷう]
(n) gust
陣没 [じんぼつ]
(n,vs) death in battle
陣幕 [じんまく]
(n) camp enclosure
陣門 [じんもん]
(n) surrender to the enemy
陣容 [じんよう]
(n) battle array
陣立て [じんだて]
(n) battle formation
陣列 [じんれつ]
(n) battle formation
靭帯 [じんたい]
(n) ligament
靭皮 [じんぴ]
(n) bast
須く [すべからく]
(adv) (uk) by all means
須らく [すべからく]
(adv) (uk) by all means
須恵器 [すえき]
(n) Sue ware (type of unglazed pottery made from the middle of the Kofun era through the Heian era)
須弥山 [しゅみせん]
(n) Mt Sumeru (in Buddhism - said to be the highest mountain rising in the center of the world) (centre)
須弥壇 [しゅみだん]
(n) dais for a Buddhist image
須要 [しゅよう]
(adj-na,n) absolutely necessary
須臾 [しゅゆ]
(n) short while
須髯 [しゅぜん]
(n) beard
酢 [す]
(n) vinegar
酢の物 [すのもの]
(n) vinegared or pickled dish
酢酸 [さくさん]
(n) acetic acid
酢酸塩 [さくさんえん]
(n) acetate
酢蛸 [すだこ]
(n) (sliced and) pickled octopus
酢漬け [すづけ]
(n) pickling
酢豚 [すぶた]
(n) sweet-and-sour pork
酢味噌 [すみそ]
(n) vinegared miso
酢料理 [すりょうり]
(n) pickled dish
酢漿草 [かたばみ]
(n) wood sorrel
図 [ず]
(n,n-suf) figure (e.g., Fig 1)
図々しい [ずうずうしい]
(adj) impudent
図に乗る [ずにのる]
(exp) to push a good thing too far
図に当たる [ずにあたる]
(exp) to hit the bull's-eye
図らずも [はからずも]
(adv) unexpectedly
図る [はかる]
(v5r) to plot
図を描く [ずをかく]
(exp) to draw a diagram
図案 [ずあん]
(n) a design
図案家 [ずあんか]
(n) designer
図画 [ずが]
(n) drawing
図会 [ずえ]
(n) collection of pictures
図解 [ずかい]
(n,vs) schematic
図学 [ずがく]
(n) graphics
図鑑 [ずかん]
(n) illustrated reference book
図形 [ずけい]
(n) figure
図工 [ずこう]
(n) (abbr) drawing and manual arts
図示 [ずし]
(n,vs) illustration
図式 [ずしき]
(n) scheme
図取り [ずどり]
(n) sketching
図書 [としょ]
(n) books
図書館 [としょかん]
(n) library
図書館員 [としょかんいん]
(n) librarian
図書館学 [としょかんがく]
(n) library science
図書館長 [としょかんちょう]
(n) chief librarian
図書券 [としょけん]
(n) gift certificate for books
図書室 [としょしつ]
(n) library room
図書費 [としょひ]
(n) book budget
図書目録 [としょもくろく]
(n) book catalogue
図図しい [ずうずうしい]
(adj) impudent
図星 [ずぼし]
(n) bull's-eye
図星に当たる [ずぼしにあたる]
(exp) to hit the bull's-eye
図星を指す [ずぼしをさす]
(exp) to hit the nail on the head
図説 [ずせつ]
(n) illustration
図像 [ずぞう]
(n) icon
図像学 [ずぞうがく]
(n) iconography
図太い [ずぶとい]
(adj) bold
図体 [ずうたい]
(n) body
図抜けている [ずぬけている]
(exp) to be outstanding
図抜ける [ずぬける]
(v1) to tower above
図版 [ずはん]
(n) plate
図表 [ずひょう]
(n) chart
図柄 [ずがら]
(n) design
図法 [ずほう]
(n) drawing
図面 [ずめん]
(n) drawing
図面を引く [ずめんをひく]
(exp) to draw a plan
図録 [ずろく]
(n) illustrated book
厨 [くりや]
(n) kitchen
厨子 [ずし]
(n) miniature shrine in a temple
厨房 [ちゅうぼう]
(n) kitchen
逗留 [とうりゅう]
(n,vs) staying
逗留客 [とうりゅうきゃく]
(n) sojourner
吹かす [ふかす]
(v5s) to smoke (a cigarette)
吹きかける [ふきかける]
(v1) to blow upon
吹きこぼれる [ふきこぼれる]
(v1) to boil over
吹きつける [ふきつける]
(v1) to blow against
吹き下ろす [ふきおろす]
(v5s) to blow down upon
吹き回し [ふきまわし]
(n) the direction of the wind
吹き掛ける [ふきかける]
(v1) to blow upon
吹き寄せ [ふきよせ]
(n) medley (of food, songs, etc.)
吹き捲くる [ふきまくる]
(v5r) to blow about
吹き捲る [ふきまくる]
(v5r) to blow about
吹き荒ぶ [ふきすさぶ]
(v5b) to blow fiercely
吹き荒む [ふきすさむ]
(v5m) to blow violently
吹き荒れる [ふきあれる]
(v1) to blow violently
吹き降り [ふきぶり]
(n) driving rain
吹き込む [ふきこむ]
(v5m) to blow into
吹き散らす [ふきちらす]
(v5s) to scatter
吹き始める [ふきはじめる]
(v1) to begin to blow
吹き出す [ふきだす]
(v5s) to spout
吹き出る [ふきでる]
(v1) to blow out
吹き出物 [ふきでもの]
(n) pimple
吹き消す [ふきけす]
(v5s) to blow out (a flame)
吹き上げ [ふきあげ]
(n) place exposed to winds which blow up from below
吹き上げる [ふきあげる]
(v1) to blow up (i.e. wind)
吹き針 [ふきばり]
(n) Ninja spitting needles
吹き送る [ふきおくる]
(v5r) to waft
吹き替え [ふきかえ]
(n) dubbing
吹き着ける [ふきつける]
(v1) to blow against
吹き通す [ふきとおす]
(v5s) to blow through
吹き倒す [ふきたおす]
(v5s) to blow over
吹き曝し [ふきさらし]
(n) wind-swept
吹き抜き [ふきぬき]
(n) stairwell
吹き抜く [ふきぬく]
(v5k) to blow through
吹き抜け [ふきぬけ]
(n) stairwell
吹き抜ける [ふきぬける]
(v1) to blow through
吹き飛ばす [ふきとばす]
(v5s) to blow off
吹き飛ぶ [ふきとぶ]
(v5b,vi) to be blown off
吹き頻る [ふきしきる]
(v5r) to blow violently
吹き付け [ふきつけ]
(n) spraying
吹き付ける [ふきつける]
(v1) to blow against
吹き払う [ふきはらう]
(v5u) to blow off
吹き分ける [ふきわける]
(v1) to blow apart
吹き返す [ふきかえす]
(v5s) to blow in the opposite direction
吹き募る [ふきつのる]
(v5r) to blow harder and harder
吹き矢 [ふきや]
(n) blowgun
吹き落とす [ふきおとす]
(v5s) to blow down (fruit)
吹き流し [ふきながし]
(n) streamer
吹き溜まり [ふきだまり]
(n) drift of snow or leaves
吹き溜り [ふきだまり]
(n) drift of snow or leaves
吹く [ふく]
(v5k) (1) to blow (wind, etc)
吹っかける [ふっかける]
(v1) to blow upon
吹っ掛ける [ふっかける]
(v1) to blow upon
吹っ切れる [ふっきれる]
(v1) to break through
吹っ飛ぶ [ふっとぶ]
(v5b) to blow off
吹管 [すいかん]
(n) blowpipe
吹貫 [ふきぬき]
(n) streamer
吹貫き [ふきぬき]
(n) streamer
吹挙 [すいきょ]
(n,vs) recommendation or nomination for a post
吹出物 [ふきでもの]
(n) pimple
吹針 [ふきばり]
(n) Ninja spitting needles
吹雪 [ふぶき]
(n) snow storm
吹雪く [ふぶく]
(v5k) to blow snow violently
吹奏 [すいそう]
(n,vs) playing wind instruments
吹奏楽 [すいそうがく]
(n) wind (instrument) music
吹奏楽器 [すいそうがっき]
(n) wind instrument
吹奏楽団 [すいそうがくだん]
(n) wind instrument orchestra
吹奏者 [すいそうしゃ]
(n) player of a wind instrument
吹替え [ふきかえ]
(n) dubbing
吹替え版 [ふきかえばん]
(n) dubbed version
吹聴 [ふいちょう]
(n,vs) making public
吹付ける [ふきつける]
(v1) to blow against
吹鳴 [すいめい]
(n,vs) blowing (a whistle)
吹流し [ふきながし]
(n) streamer
垂らし込む [たらしこむ]
(v5m) to drop into, drop-by-drop
垂らす [たらす]
(v5s,vt) (1) to dribble
垂り穂 [たりほ]
(n) drooping ears (of grain)
垂れ [たれ]
(n) hanging
垂れる [たれる]
(v1,vi) (1) to hang
垂れ下がる [たれさがる]
(v5r,vi) to hang
垂れ下げる [たれさげる]
(v1,vt) to hang (a curtain)
垂れ込み [たれこみ]
(n) squealing (to authorities)
垂れ耳 [たれみみ]
(n) lop-eared
垂れ飾り [たれかざり]
(n) pendant
垂れ髪 [たれがみ]
(n) hair tied behind and hanging down
垂れ幕 [たれまく]
(n) hanging screen
垂れ目 [たれめ]
(n) drooping eyes
垂れ流し [たれながし]
(n,vs) incontinence
垂れ流す [たれながす]
(v5s) to discharge (e.g., effluent)
垂れ篭める [たれこめる]
(v1) to hang over (e.g., clouds)
垂下 [すいか]
(n,vs) being pendent
垂教 [すいきょう]
(n,vs) information
垂訓 [すいくん]
(n) instruction
垂死 [すいし]
(n) on the verge of dying
垂示 [すいし]
(n) instruction
垂耳 [たれみみ]
(n) lop-eared
垂準 [すいじゅん]
(n) plummet
垂心 [すいしん]
(n) orthocenter
垂線 [すいせん]
(n) perpendicular line
垂線の足 [すいせんのあし]
(n) foot of a perpendicular line
垂直 [すいちょく]
(adj-na,n) vertical
垂直タブ [すいちょくタブ]
(n) vertical tabulation (VT)
垂直思考 [すいちょくしこう]
(n) rigid (stereotypical) thinking that adheres to preconceived notions
垂直線 [すいちょくせん]
(n) perpendicular line
垂直統合 [すいちょくとうごう]
(n) vertical integration
垂直分業 [すいちょくぶんぎょう]
(n) vertical international specialization (specialisation)
垂髪 [すべらかし]
(n) hair tied behind and hanging down
垂髪 [たれがみ]
(n) hair tied behind and hanging down
垂範 [すいはん]
(n,vs) setting an example
垂幕 [たれまく]
(n) hanging screen
垂木 [たるき]
(n) rafter
垂楊 [すいよう]
(n) weeping willow
垂涎 [すいぜん]
(n,vs) watering at the mouth
垂涎 [ずいぜん]
(n,vs) watering at the mouth
垂涎三尺 [すいぜんさんじゃく]
(n) avid desire
垂迹 [すいじゃく]
(n) appearances of Buddha to save men
帥 [そち]
(n) (ancient) governor
帥 [そつ]
(n) (ancient) governor
帥先 [そっせん]
(n,vs) taking the initiative
推して [おして]
(exp) by conjecture (deduction)
推して知るべし [おしてしるべし]
(exp) can be easily guessed
推し計る [おしはかる]
(v5r) to guess
推し進める [おしすすめる]
(v1) to press forward
推し測る [おしはかる]
(v5r) to guess
推し量る [おしはかる]
(v5r) to guess
推す [おす]
(v5s) to infer
推移 [すいい]
(n,vs) transition
推移図 [すいいず]
(n) transition diagram
推移的 [すいいてき]
(adj-na) transitive
推挙 [すいきょ]
(n,vs) recommendation
推挙式 [すいきょしき]
(n) first ring-entering ceremony of the newly promoted grand champion, performed at Meiji shrine
推計 [すいけい]
(n,vs) estimate
推計学 [すいけいがく]
(n) stochastics
推考 [すいこう]
(n,vs) surmising
推察 [すいさつ]
(n,vs) guess
推参 [すいさん]
(adj-na,n) paying an unannounced visit
推算 [すいさん]
(n,vs) estimation
推奨 [すいしょう]
(n,vs) recommendation
推奨文献目録 [すいしょうぶんけんもくろく]
(n) selected bibliography
推奨銘柄リスト [すいしょうめいがらリスト]
(n) recommended list
推称 [すいしょう]
(n,vs) admiration
推賞 [すいしょう]
(n,vs) admiration
推進 [すいしん]
(n,vs) (1) propulsion
推進器 [すいしんき]
(n) propeller
推進機 [すいしんき]
(n) propeller
推進者 [すいしんしゃ]
(n) leader
推進母体 [すいしんぼたい]
(n) nucleus (of a project proposal, of a social movement, etc.)
推進力 [すいしんりょく]
(n) propulsive power
推薦 [すいせん]
(n,vs) recommendation
推薦者 [すいせんしゃ]
(n) referee
推薦書 [すいせんしょ]
(n) letter of recommendation
推薦状 [すいせんじょう]
(n) letter of recommendation
推測 [すいそく]
(n,vs) guess
推戴 [すいたい]
(n,vs) (being) presided over by
推断 [すいだん]
(n,vs) inference
推知 [すいち]
(n,vs) a conjecture
推定 [すいてい]
(n,vs) presumption
推定相続人 [すいていそうぞくにん]
(n) heir(s) presumptive
推定年齢 [すいていねんれい]
(n) estimated (probable) age (e.g., of victim)
推服 [すいふく]
(n,vs) admiration
推薬 [すいやく]
(n) propellant
推理 [すいり]
(n,vs) reasoning
推理小説 [すいりしょうせつ]
(n) mystery or detective novel
推量 [すいりょう]
(n,vs) guess
推力 [すいりょく]
(n) thrust
推論 [すいろん]
(n,vs) inference
推敲 [すいこう]
(n,vs) (1) revision (manuscript)
水 [がっこ]
(n) (1) water (dialect from the Tsugaru region of Aomori)
水 [みず]
(n) (1) water (cold, fresh)
水かけ論 [みずかけろん]
(n) endless argument
水かさ [みずかさ]
(n) volume of water
水がめ [みずがめ]
(n) water jug
水こし [みずこし]
(n) water filter
水しぶき [みずしぶき]
(n) sheet of spray
水たまり [みずたまり]
(n) puddle
水だしコーヒー [みずだしコーヒー]
(n) cold-brew coffee
水っぽい [みずっぽい]
(adj) watery
水で薄める [みずでうすめる]
(v1) to water down
水に映じる [みずにえいじる]
(exp) to be reflected in the water
水に浮かぶ泡 [みずにうかぶあわ]
(n) bubbles on the water
水の性 [みずのせい]
(n) properties of water
水の泡 [みずのあわ]
(exp) coming to nothing
水の面 [みずのおも]
(n) surface of the water
水の面 [みずのおもて]
(n) surface of the water
水をあける [みずをあける]
(exp) to open up a big lead (over one's opponent)
水をかける [みずをかける]
(exp) to sprinkle water on (something)
水をさす [みずをさす]
(exp) to estrange people
水を掛ける [みずをかける]
(exp) to sprinkle water on (something)
水を水蒸気に為る [みずをすいじょうきにする]
(exp) to change water into steam
水を注す [みずをさす]
(exp) to estrange people
水を通さない [みずをとおさない]
(adj) be impervious to water
水を飛ばす [みずをとばす]
(exp) to splash water
水を満たす [みずをみたす]
(exp) to fill (a glass) with water
水アル [すいアル]
(n) (abbr) aluminium hydrate
水圧 [すいあつ]
(n) water (hydraulic) pressure
水圧機 [すいあつき]
(n) hydraulic machine
水圧計 [すいあつけい]
(n) water-pressure gauge
水飴 [みずあめ]
(n) starch syrup
水位 [すいい]
(n) water level
水位計 [すいいけい]
(n) water gauge
水位標 [すいいひょう]
(n) watermark
水域 [すいいき]
(n) waters
水稲 [すいとう]
(n) wet-land rice
水引 [みずひき]
(n) decorative Japanese cord made from twisted paper
水引幕 [みずひきまく]
(n) purple curtain on the hanging roof above the sumo ring
水飲み [みずのみ]
(n) a drinking glass
水飲み百姓 [みずのみびゃくしょう]
(n) poor peasant or farmer
水運 [すいうん]
(n) water transportation
水泳 [すいえい]
(n,vs) swimming
水泳で金を取る [すいえいできんをとる]
(exp) to win the gold medal in a swimming race
水泳パンツ [すいえいパンツ]
(n) bathing suit (men's)
水泳大会 [すいえいたいかい]
(n) a swim meet
水泳着 [すいえいぎ]
(n) bathing suit
水泳帽 [すいえいぼう]
(n) swimming or bathing cap
水煙 [すいえん]
(n) mist over a body of water
水煙 [みずけむり]
(n) mist over a body of water
水屋 [みずや]
(n) purificatory font at shrines and temples
水桶 [みずおけ]
(n) (water) pail (bucket)
水温 [すいおん]
(n) water temperature
水温む [みずぬるむ]
(n) warming of water in spring
水化 [すいか]
(n,vs) hydration
水化物 [すいかぶつ]
(n) hydrate
水加減 [みずかげん]
(n) amount of water
水火 [すいか]
(n) fire and water
水禍 [すいか]
(n) flood disaster
水菓子 [みずがし]
(n) fruit
水回り [みずまわり]
(n) part of a building where water is circulated (kitchen, bathroom, etc.)
水廻り [みずまわり]
(n) part of a building where water is circulated (kitchen, bathroom, etc.)
水害 [すいがい]
(n) water damage
水害対策 [すいがいたいさく]
(n) flood control measures
水害地 [すいがいち]
(n) flood-damaged area
水涯 [すいがい]
(n) waters edge
水掛け論 [みずかけろん]
(n) endless argument
水割り [みずわり]
(n) whiskey diluted with water
水管 [すいかん]
(n) water pipe
水気 [すいき]
(n) (1) moisture
水気 [みずけ]
(n) (1) moisture
水飢饉 [みずききん]
(n) drought
水汲み [みずくみ]
(n,vs) drawing water
水球 [すいきゅう]
(n) water polo
水牛 [すいぎゅう]
(n) water buffalo
水郷 [すいごう]
(n) beautiful riverside location
水鏡 [みずかがみ]
(n) reflecting water
水玉 [みずたま]
(n) polkadot
水玉模様 [みずたまもよう]
(n) polka dots
水禽 [すいきん]
(n) waterfowl
水銀 [すいぎん]
(n) mercury
水銀温度計 [すいぎんおんどけい]
(n) mercury thermometer
水銀気圧計 [すいぎんきあつけい]
(n) mercury barometer
水銀中毒 [すいぎんちゅうどく]
(n) mercury poisoning
水銀柱 [すいぎんちゅう]
(n) column of mercury
水銀電池 [すいぎんでんち]
(n) mercury cell
水銀灯 [すいぎんとう]
(n) mercury lamp
水系 [すいけい]
(n) drainage system
水茎 [みずぐき]
(n) writing brush
水鶏 [くいな]
(n) water rail (bird) (Rallus aquaticus)
水芸 [みずげい]
(n) tricks with water
水撃 [すいげき]
(n) water hammer
水源 [すいげん]
(n) source of river
水源地 [すいげんち]
(n) the source
水口 [みずぐち]
(n) a spout
水垢 [みずあか]
(n) (mineralogical) fur
水垢離 [みずごり]
(n) cold-water ablutions
水攻め [みずぜめ]
(n,vs) inundating a castle
水耕 [すいこう]
(n) hydroponics
水耕法 [すいこうほう]
(n) hydroponics
水漉し [みずこし]
(n) water filter
水差し [みずさし]
(n) pitcher
水彩画 [すいさいが]
(n) watercolor painting
水彩画家 [すいさいがか]
(n) watercolorist
水彩絵の具 [すいさいえのぐ]
(n) watercolors
水彩絵具 [すいさいえぐ]
(n) watercolors
水栽培 [みずさいばい]
(n) hydroponics
水菜 [みずな]
(n) potherb mustard
水際 [みずぎわ]
(n) beach
水際作戦 [みずぎわさくせん]
(n) shoreline protection or operations
水際立つ [みずぎわだつ]
(v5t) to be splendid
水捌け [みずはけ]
(n) drainage
水撒き [みずまき]
(n,vs) watering
水産 [すいさん]
(n) marine products
水産加工品 [すいさんかこうひん]
(n) processed marine products
水産学 [すいさんがく]
(n) fisheries science
水産業 [すいさんぎょう]
(n) fisheries industry
水産試験所 [すいさんしけんじょ]
(n) experimental fishery station
水産大学 [すいさんだいがく]
(n) fisheries college
水産庁 [すいさんちょう]
(n) (Japanese) Fisheries Agency
水産物 [すいさんぶつ]
(n) marine products
水酸化 [すいさんか]
(n) hydration
水酸化ナトリウム [すいさんかナトリウム]
(n) sodium hydroxide
水酸化物 [すいさんかぶつ]
(n) hydroxide
水酸基 [すいさんき]
(n) hydroxyl group (radical)
水酸根 [すいさんこん]
(n) hydroxyl radical
水仕事 [みずしごと]
(n) scrubbing and washing
水子 [みずこ]
(n) newborn baby
水子 [みずご]
(n) newborn baby
水子供養 [みずごくよう]
(n) memorial service to appease an aborted foetus
水死 [すいし]
(n,vs) drowning
水資源 [みずしげん]
(n) water resources
水時計 [みずどけい]
(n) water clock
水治療法 [すいちりょうほう]
(n) hydrotherapy
水質 [すいしつ]
(n) water quality
水質汚染 [すいしつおせん]
(n) water pollution
水質汚濁 [すいしつおだく]
(n) water pollution
水質検査 [すいしつけんさ]
(n) water-quality test
水縞 [すいこう]
(n) water stripe (e.g., dried on a dish after washing)
水煮 [みずに]
(n,vs) boil in water
水車 [すいしゃ]
(n) water wheel
水車小屋 [すいしゃごや]
(n) water mill
水蛇座 [みずへびざ]
(n) (constellation) Hydrus
水腫 [すいしゅ]
(n) dropsy
水臭い [みずくさい]
(adj) stand-offish
水出しコーヒー [みずだしコーヒー]
(n) cold-brew coffee
水準 [すいじゅん]
(n) (1) water level
水準器 [すいじゅんき]
(n) leveling instrument
水準儀 [すいじゅんぎ]
(n) leveling instrument
水準測量 [すいじゅんそくりょう]
(n) leveling
水商売 [みずしょうばい]
(n) night life
水晶 [すいしょう]
(n) crystal
水晶時計 [すいしょうどけい]
(n) crystal or quartz timepiece
水晶体 [すいしょうたい]
(n) the crystalline lens (of the eye)
水上 [すいじょう]
(n) aquatic
水上 [みなかみ]
(n) headwaters
水上競技 [すいじょうきょうぎ]
(n) water sports
水上警察 [すいじょうけいさつ]
(n) Coast Guard
水上生活者 [すいじょうせいかつしゃ]
(n) person who lives on the water
水上町 [みなかみまち]
(n) town of Minakami
水上飛行機 [すいじょうひこうき]
(n) hydroplane
水蒸気 [すいじょうき]
(n) water vapour
水色 [みずいろ]
(n) light blue
水食 [すいしょく]
(n,vs) erosion
水蝕 [すいしょく]
(n,vs) erosion
水心 [みずごころ]
(n) swimming
水浸し [みずびたし]
(n) flooded out
水深 [すいしん]
(n) depth of water
水神 [すいじん]
(n) a water god
水炊き [みずたき]
(n) cooked in water (e.g., fish)
水嵩 [みずかさ]
(n) volume of water
水澄 [みずすまし]
(n) whirligig beetle
水勢 [すいせい]
(n) strength of a river current
水性 [すいせい]
(n) aqueous
水性 [みずしょう]
(n) fluidity
水性塗料 [すいせいとりょう]
(n) water-based paint
水成岩 [すいせいがん]
(n) aqueous rock
水星 [すいせい]
(n) Mercury (planet)
水棲 [すいせい]
(n,adj-no) aquatic (life)
水生 [すいせい]
(n,adj-no) aquatic (life)
水生植物 [すいせいしょくぶつ]
(n) aquatic plant
水生生物 [すいせいせいぶつ]
(n) aquatic life
水生動物 [すいせいどうぶつ]
(n) aquatic animal
水盛り [みずもり]
(n) (using a) level
水精 [すいしょう]
(n) crystal
水責め [みずぜめ]
(n,vs) water torture
水切り [みずきり]
(n,vs) (1) drainer
水仙 [すいせん]
(n) daffodil
水先 [みずさき]
(n) direction of a current
水先案内 [みずさきあんない]
(n) pilotage
水栓 [すいせん]
(n) faucet
水洗 [すいせん]
(n,vs) flushing
水洗い [みずあらい]
(n,vs) washing with water
水洗便所 [すいせんべんじょ]
(n) flush toilet
水線 [すいせん]
(n) waterline
水船 [みずぶね]
(n) water trough
水素 [すいそ]
(n) hydrogen
水素スタンド [すいそスタンド]
(n) hydrogen-filling station
水素化物 [すいそかぶつ]
(n) hydride
水素爆弾 [すいそばくだん]
(n) hydrogen bomb
水掻き [みずかき]
(n) a web(foot)
水槽 [すいそう]
(n) water tank
水争い [みずあらそい]
(n) a dispute over water rights
水草 [すいそう]
(n) water plant
水草 [みずくさ]
(n) water plant
水葬 [すいそう]
(n,vs) burial at sea
水増し [みずまし]
(n,vs) inflation (of budget, claim, etc.)
水増し株 [みずましかぶ]
(n) watered stock
水増し資産 [みずまししさん]
(n) watered assets
水増し資本 [みずまししほん]
(n) watered capital
水増し予算 [みずましよさん]
(n) budget of padded (empty) figures
水族館 [すいぞくかん]
(n) aquarium
水苔 [みずごけ]
(n) bog moss
水蜘蛛 [みずぐも]
(n) (1) type of spider that walk on water
水茶屋 [みずちゃや]
(n) (Edo-period) public teahouse
水着 [みずぎ]
(n) bathing suit
水中 [すいちゅう]
(n) underwater
水中花 [すいちゅうか]
(n) type of artificial flower which "blossoms" when placed in water
水中眼鏡 [すいちゅうめがね]
(n) swimming goggles
水中翼船 [すいちゅうよくせん]
(n) a hydrofoil
水柱 [みずばしら]
(n) waterspout
水虫 [みずむし]
(n) boat bug
水鳥 [すいちょう]
(n) waterfowl
水鳥 [みずとり]
(n) waterfowl
水鳥 [みずどり]
(n) waterfowl
水底 [すいてい]
(n) sea or river bottom
水底 [みずそこ]
(n) sea or river bottom
水底 [みなそこ]
(n) sea or river bottom
水滴 [すいてき]
(n) drop of water
水鉄砲 [みずでっぽう]
(n) water pistol
水天彷彿 [すいてんほうふつ]
(n) a view in which the sea and skyline cannot be distinguished
水田 [すいでん]
(n) (water-filled) paddy field
水痘 [すいとう]
(n) chicken pox
水筒 [すいとう]
(n) canteen
水頭症 [すいとうしょう]
(n) hydrocephalus
水道 [すいどう]
(n) water service
水道の水 [すいどうのすい]
(n) tap-water
水道の栓 [すいどうのせん]
(n) water spigot
水道屋 [すいどうや]
(n) plumber
水道管 [すいどうかん]
(n) water pipe
水道局 [すいどうきょく]
(n) water bureau or department
水道工事 [すいどうこうじ]
(n) waterworks
水道水 [すいどうすい]
(n) tap-water
水道栓 [すいどうせん]
(n) hydrant
水道料 [すいどうりょう]
(n) water rates
水道料金 [すいどうりょうきん]
(n) water rates (charges)
水遁 [すいとん]
(n) ninjutsu art of water-escape
水遁の術 [すいとんのじゅつ]
(n) ninjutsu art of water-escape
水呑み百姓 [みずのみびゃくしょう]
(n) poor peasant or farmer
水楢 [みずなら]
(n) Mongolian oak
水難 [すいなん]
(n) drowning
水入らず [みずいらず]
(n) with no outsiders present
水入らずで [みずいらずで]
(exp) privately
水入り [みずいり]
(n) break granted to sumo wrestlers engaged in a prolonged bout
水入りの相撲 [みずいりのすもう]
(n) sumo match with a break
水入り二番後撮り直し [みずいりにばんごとりなおし]
(n) rematch due to overlong (over 10 min) sumo bout
水入れ [みずいれ]
(n) water vessel
水嚢 [すいのう]
(n) filter
水芭蕉 [みずばしょう]
(n) skunk cabbage
水杯 [みずさかずき]
(n) farewell cups of water
水盃 [みずさかずき]
(n) farewell cups of water
水秤 [みずばかり]
(n) a water level
水爆 [すいばく]
(n) hydrogen bomb
水斑 [すいはん]
(n) water spot (e.g., dried on a dish after washing)
水斑 [みずぶち]
(n) water spot (e.g., dried on a dish after washing)
水飯 [すいはん]
(n) rice washed in cold water
水飯 [みずめし]
(n) rice washed in cold water
水盤 [すいばん]
(n) flower basin
水肥 [すいひ]
(n) liquid manure
水飛沫 [みずしぶき]
(n) sheet of spray
水瓶 [みずがめ]
(n) water jug
水瓶座 [みずがめざ]
(n) (constellation) Aquarius
水不足 [みずぶそく]
(n) water shortage
水夫 [すいふ]
(n) sailor
水腐れ [みずくされ]
(n) water rot (decay of crops due to excess water)
水部 [みずのぶ]
(n) water radical
水風呂 [みずぶろ]
(n) cold bath
水腹 [みずばら]
(n) waterlogged stomach
水物 [みずもの]
(n) a liquid
水分 [すいぶん]
(n) moisture
水文学 [すいもんがく]
(n) hydrology
水兵 [すいへい]
(n) (naval) sailor
水兵服 [すいへいふく]
(n) sailor's suit
水平 [すいへい]
(adj-na,adj-no) level
水平タブ [すいへいタブ]
(n) horizontal tabulation (HT)
水平応力 [すいへいおうりょく]
(n) lateral stress
水平距離 [すいへいきょり]
(n) horizontal distance
水平思考 [すいへいしこう]
(n) lateral thinking
水平軸 [すいへいじく]
(n) horizontal axis
水平線 [すいへいせん]
(n) horizon (related to sea or lakes)
水平展開 [すいへいてんかい]
(n) involvement of peer groups (Quality Assurance term)
水平動 [すいへいどう]
(n) horizontal movement
水平飛行 [すいへいひこう]
(n) level flight
水平尾翼 [すいへいびよく]
(n) tailplane
水平面 [すいへいめん]
(n) horizontal plane
水平翼 [すいへいよく]
(n) horizontal plane
水辺 [すいへん]
(n) waterside
水辺 [みずべ]
(n) waterside
水母 [くらげ]
(gikun) (n) jellyfish
水泡 [すいほう]
(n) (1) foam
水膨れ [みずぶくれ]
(n) a blister
水防 [すいぼう]
(n) flood prevention
水墨画 [すいぼくが]
(n) India-ink painting
水没 [すいぼつ]
(n,vs) submerge
水翻し [みずこぼし]
(n) slop basin
水魔 [すいま]
(n) disastrous flooding
水枕 [みずまくら]
(n) water-filled pillow
水俣病 [みなまたびょう]
(n) Minamata disease
水蜜 [すいみつ]
(n) white peach
水蜜桃 [すいみつとう]
(n) white peach
水脈 [すいみゃく]
(n) water vein
水脈占い [すいみゃくうらない]
(n) dowsing
水無月 [みなつき]
(n-adv,n) (obs) sixth month of the lunar calendar
水無月 [みなづき]
(n-adv,n) (obs) sixth month of the lunar calendar
水明 [すいめい]
(n) light shimmering on water
水面 [すいめん]
(n) water's surface
水面 [みなも]
(n) water's surface
水面 [みのも]
(n) water's surface
水面を掠める [すいめんをかすめる]
(exp) to skim over the water
水面下 [すいめんか]
(adj-no) underwater
水木 [みずき]
(n) dogwood
水目 [みずめ]
(n) Japanese cherry birch
水紋学 [すいもんがく]
(n) hydrology
水門 [すいもん]
(n) sluice gate
水薬 [すいやく]
(n) potion
水薬 [みずぐすり]
(n) potion
水油 [みずあぶら]
(n) hair oil
水遊び [みずあそび]
(n,vs) playing in water
水揚げ [みずあげ]
(n,vs) landing
水曜 [すいよう]
(n-adv,n) Wednesday
水曜日 [すいようび]
(n-adv,n) Wednesday
水様液 [すいようえき]
(n) (translucent) aqueous solution
水溶液 [すいようえき]
(n) (translucent) aqueous solution
水溶性 [すいようせい]
(n) water-soluble
水羊羹 [みずようかん]
(n) soft sweet bean jelly or paste
水羊羮 [みずようかん]
(n) soft sweet bean jelly or paste
水浴 [すいよく]
(n,vs) a bath
水浴び [みずあび]
(n,vs) bathing (swimming) in cold water
水雷 [すいらい]
(n) (sea) mine
水雷艇 [すいらいてい]
(n) torpedo boat
水利 [すいり]
(n) water supply
水利権 [すいりけん]
(n) water rights
水理学 [すいりがく]
(n) hydraulics
水陸 [すいりく]
(n) land and water
水陸両用 [すいりくりょうよう]
(adj-no) amphibious
水流 [すいりゅう]
(n) water current
水流ポンプ [すいりゅうポンプ]
(n) aspirator
水溜まり [みずたまり]
(n) puddle
水溜り [みずたまり]
(n) puddle
水量 [すいりょう]
(n) quantity or volume of water
水量計 [すいりょうけい]
(n) water gauge
水力 [すいりょく]
(n) hydraulic power
水力で電気を起こす [すいりょくででんきをおこす]
(exp) to generate electricity by hydraulic power
水力学 [すいりきがく]
(n) hydraulics
水力学 [すいりょくがく]
(n) hydraulics
水力電気 [すいりょくでんき]
(n) hydroelectricity
水力発電 [すいりょくはつでん]
(n) hydroelectric power generation
水力発電所 [すいりょくはつでんしょ]
(n) hydroelectric plant or power station
水冷 [すいれい]
(n) water cooling
水冷式 [すいれいしき]
(n,adj-no) water-cooled
水練 [すいれん]
(n) swimming (practice, practise)
水路 [すいろ]
(n) waterway
水漏れ [みずもれ]
(n,vs) (water) leak
水牢 [みずろう]
(n) (punishment by being placed in a) water-filled chamber
水洟 [みずっぱな]
(n) runny nose
水洟 [みずばな]
(n) runny nose
水滸伝 [すいこでん]
(n) The Water Margin (classic of Chinese literature)
水濾 [みずこし]
(n) water filter
水濾し [みずこし]
(n) water filter
水疱 [すいほう]
(n) a blister
水疱瘡 [みずぼうそう]
(n) chicken pox
水蟷螂 [みずかまきり]
(n) water stick
水餃子 [すいぎょうざ]
(n) boiled gyoza
水鬘 [すいかずら]
(n) Japanese honeysuckle
水黽 [あめんぼ]
(n) pond skater
炊き込み [たきこみ]
(n) (something) cooked with rice
炊き込み御飯 [たきこみごはん]
(n) rice seasoned and cooked with various ingredients
炊き込む [たきこむ]
(v5m) to cook (something) with rice
炊き出し [たきだし]
(n) emergency rice feeding
炊く [たく]
(v5k) to boil
炊ける [たける]
(v1) to be boiled
炊事 [すいじ]
(n,vs) cooking
炊事場 [すいじば]
(n) kitchen
炊出し [たきだし]
(n) emergency rice feeding
炊飯器 [すいはんき]
(n) rice cooker
炊夫 [すいふ]
(n) (male) cook
炊婦 [すいふ]
(n) (female) cook
炊爨 [すいさん]
(n,vs) cooking (rice)
睡魔 [すいま]
(n) sleepiness
睡眠 [すいみん]
(n) sleep
睡眠を妨げる [すいみんをさまたげる]
(exp) to disturb one's sleep
睡眠パターン [すいみんパターン]
(n) sleep pattern
睡眠剤 [すいみんざい]
(n) sleeping tablet
睡眠時間 [すいみんじかん]
(n) (one's) sleeping hours
睡眠周期 [すいみんしゅうき]
(n) sleep cycle
睡眠発作 [すいみんほっさ]
(n) narcolepsy
睡眠不足 [すいみんぶそく]
(n) lack of sleep
睡眠薬 [すいみんやく]
(n) sleeping pill
睡蓮 [すいれん]
(n) water lily
粋 [いき]
(adj-na,n) chic
粋 [すい]
(adj-na,n) chic
粋がる [いきがる]
(v5r) to be stylish
粋な裁き [すいなさばき]
(n) delicate judgment
粋な人 [すいなひと]
(n) man of well-cultivated tastes
粋狂 [すいきょう]
(adj-na,n) whim
粋人 [すいじん]
(n) man of the world
翠玉 [すいぎょく]
(n) emerald
翠色 [すいしょく]
(n) emerald green
翠嵐 [すいらん]
(n) the sense of being engulfed in a green, mountainous atmosphere
衰え [おとろえ]
(n) weakening
衰える [おとろえる]
(v1) to become weak
衰え果てる [おとろえはてる]
(v1) to be utterly spent or crushed
衰運 [すいうん]
(n) declining fortunes
衰躯 [すいく]
(n) emaciated body
衰残 [すいざん]
(adj-na,n) emaciated
衰死 [すいし]
(n,vs) becoming emaciated and die
衰弱 [すいじゃく]
(n,vs) weakness
衰色 [すいしょく]
(n) fading color
衰世 [すいせい]
(n) this decadent world
衰勢 [すいせい]
(n) downward tendency
衰態 [すいたい]
(n) weakening
衰替 [すいたい]
(n,vs) declining
衰退 [すいたい]
(n,vs) decline
衰兆 [すいちょう]
(n) signs of decline
衰微 [すいび]
(n,vs) decline
衰幣 [すいへい]
(n) decline
衰亡 [すいぼう]
(n,vs) ruin
衰滅 [すいめつ]
(n,vs) decline
衰耗 [すいもう]
(n,vs) weaken and decline
衰頽 [すいたい]
(n,vs) decline
遂げる [とげる]
(v1) to accomplish
遂に [ついに]
(adv) finally
遂行 [すいこう]
(n,vs) accomplishment
酔い [よい]
(n) drunkenness
酔いが回る [よいがまわる]
(exp) to get drunk
酔いしれる [よいしれる]
(v1) to be befuddled (drunk, intoxicated) (with)
酔い覚め [よいざめ]
(n) recovering from intoxication
酔い心地 [よいごこち]
(n) (pleasantly) intoxicated
酔い醒め [よいざめ]
(n) recovering from intoxication
酔い痴れる [よいしれる]
(v1) to be befuddled (drunk, intoxicated) (with)
酔い潰れる [よいつぶれる]
(v1) to drink oneself dead drunk
酔う [よう]
(v5u) to get drunk
酔っ払い [よっぱらい]
(n) drunkard
酔っ払い運転 [よっぱらいうんてん]
(n) drunk driving
酔っ払う [よっぱらう]
(v5u) to get drunk
酔漢 [すいかん]
(n) drunkard
酔眼 [すいがん]
(n) bleary or drunken eyes
酔眼朦朧 [すいがんもうろう]
(adj-t,adv-to) (with) one's eyes blurred from drinking
酔顔 [すいがん]
(n) a drunken face or expression
酔狂 [すいきょう]
(adj-na,n) whim
酔拳 [すいけん]
(n) (MA) Drunken Fist
酔生夢死 [すいせいむし]
(n) idling one's life away
酔態 [すいたい]
(n) drunkenness
酔払い [よっぱらい]
(n) drunkard
酔歩 [すいほ]
(n,vs) drunken stagger
酔歩蹣跚 [すいほまんさん]
(n) tipsy lurch
酔余 [すいよ]
(n) drunken
錐 [きり]
(n) drill
錐揉み [きりもみ]
(n,vs) (tail)spin
錘 [つむ]
(n) spindle
錘形 [つむがた]
(adj-no) spindle-shaped
錘状 [すいじょう]
(n) spindle shaped
随意 [ずいい]
(adj-na,n) voluntary
随意筋 [ずいいきん]
(n) a voluntary muscle
随一 [ずいいち]
(n) best
随員 [ずいいん]
(n) member of an entourage or retinue or party
随感 [ずいかん]
(n) occasional thoughts or impressions
随喜 [ずいき]
(n,vs) deep gratitude or happiness
随喜渇仰 [ずいきかっこう]
(n,vs) worship with adoration
随行 [ずいこう]
(n,vs) attendant
随行員 [ずいこういん]
(n) attendant
随時 [ずいじ]
(n-adv,n) at any time
随従 [ずいじゅう]
(n,vs) following the lead of
随従者 [ずいじゅうしゃ]
(n) a follower
随順 [ずいじゅん]
(n,vs) obeying meekly
随処 [ずいしょ]
(n) everywhere
随所 [ずいしょ]
(n) everywhere
随神 [かんながら]
(adv,n) as of old
随神の道 [かんながらのみち]
(n) (state) Shinto
随身 [ずいしん]
(n) an attendant
随想 [ずいそう]
(n) occasional thoughts
随想録 [ずいそうろく]
(n) essays
随伴 [ずいはん]
(n,vs) (1) attendance
随伴現象 [ずいはんげんしょう]
(n) a concomitant (an accompanying) phenomenon
随伴者 [ずいはんしゃ]
(n) attendant
随筆 [ずいひつ]
(n) essays
随筆家 [ずいひつか]
(n) essayist
随筆集 [ずいひつしゅう]
(n) collection of literary jottings (essays)
随分 [ずいぶん]
(adj-na,n-adv) extremely
瑞々しい [みずみずしい]
(adj) young and vivacious
瑞雲 [ずいうん]
(n) auspicious clouds
瑞気 [ずいき]
(n) good omen
瑞祥 [ずいしょう]
(n) auspicious sign
瑞瑞しい [みずみずしい]
(adj) young and vivacious
瑞西 [すいす]
(n) Swiss
瑞兆 [ずいちょう]
(n) auspicious sign
瑞典 [すうぇーでん]
(n) Sweden
瑞穂の国 [みずほのくに]
(n) Japan, the Land of Abundant Rice
瑞宝章 [ずいほうしょう]
(n) Order of the Sacred Treasure
髄液 [ずいえき]
(n) cerebrospinal fluid
髄虫 [ずいむし]
(n) rice borer
髄膜 [ずいまく]
(n) meninges
髄膜炎 [ずいまくえん]
(n) meningitis
崇う [あがまう]
(v5u) to look up to
崇める [あがめる]
(v1) to revere
崇敬 [すうけい]
(n,vs) reverence
崇高 [すうこう]
(adj-na,n) supreme
崇拝 [すうはい]
(n,vs) worship
崇拝者 [すうはいしゃ]
(n) worshipper
嵩 [かさ]
(n) bulk
嵩じる [こうじる]
(v5r) to grow in intensity
嵩に掛かって [かさにかかって]
(exp) highhandedly
嵩む [かさむ]
(v5m) to pile up
嵩呼 [すうこ]
(n) shouting "Long live the Emperor"
嵩高 [かさだか]
(adj-na,n) bulky
嵩高 [すうこう]
(n) lofty
嵩上げ [かさあげ]
(n,vs) raising
嵩張る [かさばる]
(v5r) to be bulky
数 [かず]
(n,n-suf) (1) figure
数 [すう]
(n,n-suf) (1) number
数々 [かずかず]
(n-adv,n) many
数える [かぞえる]
(v1) to count
数え違える [かぞえちがえる]
(v1) to miscount
数え歌 [かぞえうた]
(n) counting song
数え込む [かぞえこむ]
(v5m) to number among
数え上げる [かぞえあげる]
(v1) to count up
数え切れない [かぞえきれない]
(adj) countless
数え直す [かぞえなおす]
(v5s) to count again
数え年 [かぞえどし]
(n) old manner of reckoning one's age, newborns being considered a year old, with everyone adding one year to their age at New Year's
数え方 [かぞえかた]
(n) counting system
数え立てる [かぞえたてる]
(v1) to enumerate
数か月 [すうかげつ]
(n) several months
数か国 [すうかこく]
(n) various countries
数か所 [すうかしょ]
(n) various places
数に入れる [かずにいれる]
(v1) to count
数の子 [かずのこ]
(n) herring roe
数を揃える [かずをそろえる]
(exp) to make up the number
数カ月 [すうかげつ]
(n) several months
数カ国 [すうかこく]
(n) various countries
数カ所 [すうかしょ]
(n) various places
数キロに亘る [すうキロにわたる]
(exp) to extend over several kilometers (kilometres)
数キロの間 [すうキロのあいだ]
(n) for several kilometers
数ケ月 [すうかげつ]
(n) several months
数ケ国 [すうかこく]
(n) various countries
数ケ所 [すうかしょ]
(n) various places
数ヶ月 [すうかげつ]
(n) several months
数ヶ国 [すうかこく]
(n) various countries
数ヶ所 [すうかしょ]
(n) various places
数億円 [すうおくえん]
(n) several hundreds of millions of yen
数億年 [すうおくねん]
(n) several hundreds of million of years
数価 [すうか]
(n) valence
数箇国 [すうかこく]
(n) various countries
数箇所 [すうかしょ]
(n) various places
数回 [すうかい]
(n) few (several) times
数学 [すうがく]
(n) mathematics
数学者 [すうがくしゃ]
(n) mathematician
数学的 [すうがくてき]
(adj-na) mathematical
数学的帰納法 [すうがくてききのうほう]
(n) mathematical induction
数奇 [さっき]
(adj-na,n) checkered
数奇 [すうき]
(adj-na,n) checkered
数奇屋 [すきや]
(n) tea-ceremony arbor
数奇屋造り [すきやづくり]
(n) sukiya style of building
数寄 [すき]
(n) refined taste
数寄屋 [すきや]
(n) tea-ceremony arbor
数寄屋造り [すきやづくり]
(n) sukiya style of building
数係数 [すうけいすう]
(n) coefficient
数件 [すうけん]
(n) several items
数軒 [すうけん]
(n) several houses
数個 [すうこ]
(n) several (objects)
数行 [すうぎょう]
(n) several lines
数冊 [すうさつ]
(n) several volumes (books)
数詞 [すうし]
(n) numeral
数字 [すうじ]
(n) numeral
数字に弱い [すうじによわい]
(n) not good with figures
数時間為れば [すうじかんすれば]
(n) in a few hours
数次 [すうじ]
(n) a number of times
数次旅券 [すうじりょけん]
(n) multiple journey passport
数式 [すうしき]
(n) numerical formula
数社 [すうしゃ]
(n) several companies
数取り [かずとり]
(n,vs) counting
数珠 [じゅず]
(n) (Buddhist) rosary
数珠つなぎ [じゅずつなぎ]
(adv) linked together
数珠一連 [じゅずいちれん]
(n) a rosary
数珠玉 [じゅずだま]
(n) (botanical) Job's tears
数珠繋ぎ [じゅずつなぎ]
(adv) linked together
数種 [すうしゅ]
(adj-no) several varieties
数十 [すうじゅう]
(n) dozens
数少ない [かずすくない]
(adj) few in number
数人 [すうにん]
(n) several people
数数 [かずかず]
(n-adv,n) many
数隻 [すうせき]
(n) several (boats)
数隻の船 [すうせきのふね]
(n) several boats
数千 [すうせん]
(n) thousands
数多 [あまた]
(adj-na,adv,n) many
数多 [すうた]
(adj-na,adv,n) many
数多い [あまたい]
(adj) many
数多く [かずおおく]
(n) in great numbers
数値 [すうち]
(n) numerical value
数値解析 [すうちかいせき]
(n) numerical analysis
数値計算 [すうちけいさん]
(n) numeric operation
数値制御 [すうちせいぎょ]
(n) numerical control
数値目標 [すうちもくひょう]
(n) target value
数滴 [すうてき]
(n) several drops
数的優勢 [すうてきゆうせい]
(n) superiority in number
数度 [すうど]
(n) several times
数等 [すうとう]
(n-adv) by far
数独 [すうどく]
(n) type of number puzzle
数独 [すどく]
(ik) (n) type of number puzzle
数日 [すうじつ]
(n) few days
数日間 [すうじつかん]
(n) several day period
数日後 [すうじつご]
(n) several days later
数年 [すうねん]
(n) several years
数年間 [すうねんかん]
(n) several years
数倍 [すうばい]
(n) several times (as large, over)
数匹 [すうひき]
(n) several animals
数百 [すうひゃく]
(n) several hundreds
数百万に及ぶ [すうひゃくまんにおよぶ]
(exp) to reach (range) into the millions
数表 [すうひょう]
(n) table (of logarithms)
数表示 [すうひょうじ]
(n) numeral
数秒 [すうびょう]
(n) several seconds
数物科学 [すうぶつかがく]
(n) mathematical and physical sciences
数分後 [すうふんご]
(exp) a few minutes later
数歩 [かずぽ]
(n) several steps
数枚 [すうまい]
(n) several sheets (flat objects)
数万 [すうまん]
(n) tens of thousands
数名 [すうめい]
(n) several people
数理 [すうり]
(n) mathematics
数理言語学 [すうりげんごがく]
(n) mathematical linguistics
数理哲学 [すうりてつがく]
(n) mathematical philosophy
数理論理学 [すうりろんりがく]
(n) symbolic logic
数量 [すうりょう]
(n) quantity
数列 [すうれつ]
(n) progression
枢機 [すうき]
(n) important state matters
枢機卿 [すうききょう]
(n) Cardinal (Catholic)
枢機卿 [すうきけい]
(n) Cardinal (Catholic)
枢軸 [すうじく]
(n) axle
枢軸国 [すうじくこく]
(n) (World War II) Axis powers
枢密 [すうみつ]
(n) state secrets
枢密院 [すうみついん]
(n) (Japanese) Privy Council (abolished in 1947)
枢要 [すうよう]
(adj-na,n) importance
趨向 [すうこう]
(n,vs) tendency
趨勢 [すうせい]
(n) tendency
雛 [ひな]
(n) (1) young bird
雛 [ひよこ]
(n) (1) young bird
雛鑑別者 [ひなかんべつしゃ]
(n) chicken sexer
雛菊 [ひなぎく]
(n) daisy
雛型 [ひながた]
(n) (1) model
雛形 [ひながた]
(n) (1) model
雛祭 [ひなまつり]
(n) Girls' (dolls') Festival (March 3rd)
雛祭り [ひなまつり]
(n) Girls' (dolls') Festival (March 3rd)
雛人形 [ひなにんぎょう]
(n) doll
雛壇 [ひなだん]
(n) tiered doll stand
雛段 [すうだん]
(n) small steps
雛鳥 [ひなどり]
(n) chick
雛豆 [ひよこまめ]
(n) chickpea
雛遊び [ひなあそび]
(n) playing with dolls displayed on the Girl's Festival
雛罌粟 [ひなげし]
(n) (uk) red poppy
据えつける [すえつける]
(v1) to install
据える [すえる]
(v1) to set (table)
据え膳 [すえぜん]
(n) (1) meal set before one
据え置き [すえおき]
(n) deferment (e.g., of savings)
据え置き期間 [すえおききかん]
(n) period of deferment
据え置き貯金 [すえおきちょきん]
(n) deferred savings
据え置く [すえおく]
(v5k) to leave as it is
据え付け [すえつけ]
(n) installation
据え付ける [すえつける]
(v1) to install
据る [すわる]
(v5r) to sit
据わる [すわる]
(v5r) to sit
据膳 [すえぜん]
(n) (1) meal set before one
据置き [すえおき]
(n) deferment (e.g., of savings)
杉 [すぎ]
(n) Japanese cedar
杉花粉症 [すぎかふんしょう]
(n) cedar pollen allergy
杉垣 [すぎがき]
(n) cryptomeria hedge
杉戸 [すぎど]
(n) door made of cedar
杉菜 [すぎな]
(n) field horsetail
杉材 [すぎざい]
(n) cedar wood
杉苔 [すぎごけ]
(n) hair moss
杉箸 [すぎばし]
(n) chopsticks made of cedar
杉皮 [すぎかわ]
(n) cedar bark
杉並木 [すぎなみき]
(n) avenue of cedars (cryptomeria)
杉林 [すぎばやし]
(n) cryptomeria forest
菅笠 [すげがさ]
(n) sedge-woven (bamboo) hat
頗る [すこぶる]
(adv) extremely
頗る [そこぶる]
(adv) extremely
雀 [すずめ]
(n) sparrow (Passeriformes order)
雀の涙 [すずめのなみだ]
(n) drop in the bucket
雀の涙程の補助金 [すずめのなみだほどのほじょきん]
(n) a mere particle of subsidy
雀球 [じゃんきゅう]
(n) jankyu (combination of Japanese pinball and mahjong)
雀色 [すずめいろ]
(n) light, reddish brown
雀荘 [じゃんそう]
(n) mahjong club
雀卓 [じゃんたく]
(n) mahjong board
雀牌 [じゃんぱい]
(n) (abbr) Mah Jong tile(s)
雀斑 [そばかす]
(n) freckles
雀蜂 [すずめばち]
(n) wasp
雀躍 [じゃくやく]
(n,vs) leaping for joy
雀羅 [じゃくら]
(n) sparrow net
裾 [すそ]
(n) (trouser) cuff
裾が切れる [すそがきれる]
(exp) to get frayed at the hem
裾回し [すそまわし]
(n) lining at the bottom of a kimono
裾刈り [すそがり]
(n) trimming hair
裾除け [すそよけ]
(n) underskirt
裾分け [すそわけ]
(n) sharing (a gift)
裾模様 [すそもよう]
(n) kimono with design on the skirt
裾野 [すその]
(n) foot of a mountain
裾野産業 [すそのさんぎょう]
(n) supporting industries
澄し汁 [すましじる]
(io) (n) clear soup
澄まし屋 [すましや]
(n) a prim person
澄まし顔 [すましがお]
(n) composed expression
澄まし汁 [すましじる]
(n) clear soup
澄ます [すます]
(v5s) to clear
澄み切った [すみきった]
(adj) perfectly clear
澄み切る [すみきる]
(v5r) to be serene
澄み渡る [すみわたる]
(v5r) to be perfectly clear
澄む [すむ]
(v5m) to clear (e.g., weather)
澄んだ水 [すんだみず]
(n) limpid water
澄明 [ちょうめい]
(adj-na,n) clear and bright
摺り足 [すりあし]
(n) sliding feet
摺り鉢 [すりばち]
(n) (earthenware) mortar (for grinding)
摺り本 [すりほん]
(n) printed, unbound sheets
摺足 [すりあし]
(n) sliding feet
摺本 [しょうほん]
(n) folded book
寸 [すん]
(n) sun (approx. 3.03 cm)
寸が足りない [すんがたりない]
(adj) be too short
寸暇 [すんか]
(n) moment's leisure
寸詰まり [すんづまり]
(adj-na,n) a little short
寸劇 [すんげき]
(n) short play
寸隙 [すんげき]
(n) spare time or moments
寸言 [すんげん]
(n) pithy or short and witty remark
寸刻 [すんこく]
(n) a moment
寸志 [すんし]
(n) small present
寸止め [すんどめ]
(n) stopping just before
寸時 [すんじ]
(n) moment
寸借 [すんしゃく]
(n,vs) a small loan
寸借詐欺 [すんしゃくさぎ]
(n) petty swindling
寸進尺退 [すんしんしゃくたい]
(n,vs) one step forward, many steps backward
寸前 [すんぜん]
(n) on the verge
寸善尺魔 [すんぜんしゃくま]
(exp) in evil, there is odds
寸足らず [すんたらず]
(adj-na,n) a little too short
寸断 [すんだん]
(n,vs) cut (tear) to pieces
寸鉄 [すんてつ]
(n) short blade
寸土 [すんど]
(n) an inch of land
寸胴 [ずんどう]
(adj-na,n) a cylindrical container
寸評 [すんぴょう]
(n) brief review
寸描 [すんびょう]
(n) thumbnail (brief) sketch
寸秒 [すんびょう]
(n) a moment
寸分 [すんぶん]
(n-adv,n-t) a tiny bit
寸分たがわず [すんぶんたがわず]
(exp) accurate
寸法 [すんぽう]
(n) measurement
世 [よ]
(n) world
世々 [よよ]
(n-adv,n-t) for generations
世々限り無く [よよかぎりなく]
(n) forever and ever
世にも [よにも]
(adv) extremely
世に出る [よにでる]
(v1) to become famous
世に遅れる [よにおくれる]
(exp) to fall behind the times
世に埋もれる [よにうずもれる]
(exp) to live in obscurity
世に立つ [よにたつ]
(v5t) to become famous
世の常 [よのつね]
(adj-no,exp,n) ordinary
世の中 [よのなか]
(n) society
世の風潮 [よのふうちょう]
(exp) current of the times
世界 [せかい]
(n) the world
世界の果て [せかいのはて]
(exp) end of the world
世界チャンピオン [せかいチャンピオン]
(n) world champion
世界ボクシング協 [せかいボクシングきょう]
(n) World Boxing Association
世界遺産 [せかいいさん]
(n) World Heritage (cultural, natural, etc.)
世界一 [せかいいち]
(n-adv,n-t) best in the world
世界一周 [せかいいっしゅう]
(n) round-the-world trip
世界一周旅行 [せかいいっしゅうりょこう]
(n,vs) round-the-world trip
世界観 [せかいかん]
(n) world view
世界気象機関 [せかいきしょうきかん]
(n) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (Organisation)
世界記録 [せかいきろく]
(n,vs) establishing a world record (in)
世界記録保持者 [せかいきろくほじしゃ]
(n) world record holder
世界銀行 [せかいぎんこう]
(n) World Bank
世界経済 [せかいけいざい]
(n) world (international) economy
世界経済フォーラム [せかいけいざいフォーラム]
(n) World Economic Forum
世界経済見通し [せかいけいざいみとおし]
(n) World Economic Outlook (IMF)
世界語 [せかいご]
(n) a universal language
世界交通の衝 [せかいこうつうのしょう]
(n) focus of the trade routes of the world
世界最大 [せかいさいだい]
(n) world's largest
世界史 [せかいし]
(n) world history
世界市場 [せかいいちば]
(n) global market
世界思潮 [せかいしちょう]
(n) main currents (the trend) of thinking in the world
世界主義 [せかいしゅぎ]
(n) cosmopolitanism
世界情勢 [せかいじょうせい]
(n) world situation
世界食糧計画 [せかいしょくりょうけいかく]
(n) World Food Program (WFP)
世界新 [せかいしん]
(n) new world record
世界新記録 [せかいしんきろく]
(n) new world record
世界人 [せかいじん]
(n) cosmopolitan
世界人権宣言 [せかいじんけんせんげん]
(n) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
世界制覇 [せかいせいは]
(n) domination of the world
世界政策 [せかいせいさく]
(n) world policy
世界選手権 [せかいせんしゅけん]
(n) world (an international) championship (title)
世界大戦 [せかいたいせん]
(n) the World War
世界知的所有権機関 [せかいちてきしょゆうけんきかん]
(n) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (Organisation)
世界地図 [せかいちず]
(n) world map
世界中 [せかいじゅう]
(n) around or throughout the world
世界的 [せかいてき]
(adj-na) global
世界的不況 [せかいてきふきょう]
(n) global recession
世界標準 [せかいひょうじゅん]
(n) global standards
世界不況 [せかいふきょう]
(n) world recession
世界平和 [せかいへいわ]
(n) world peace
世界保健機関 [せかいほけんきかん]
(n) World Health Organization (WHO) (Organisation)
世界貿易機関 [せかいぼうえききかん]
(n) World Trade Organization (WTO) (Organisation)
世界陸上 [せかいりくじょう]
(n) World Championships in Athletics
世界労連 [せかいろうれん]
(n) World Federation of Trade Unions
世慣れる [よなれる]
(v1) to become used to the (ways of the) world
世間 [せけん]
(n) world
世間ずれ [せけんずれ]
(n,vs) worldly wise
世間の通り [せけんのとおり]
(n) reputation
世間擦れ [せけんずれ]
(n,vs) worldly wise
世間周知 [せけんしゅうち]
(n) common knowledge
世間体 [せけんてい]
(n) appearance (in the eyes of society)
世間知らず [せけんしらず]
(adj-na,n) to ignorance of the ways of the world
世間並み [せけんなみ]
(adj-na) ordinary
世間離れ [せけんばなれ]
(n,vs) uncommon
世間話 [せけんばなし]
(n) gossip
世紀 [せいき]
(n) century
世紀末 [せいきまつ]
(n) end of a century
世局 [せいきょく]
(n) world developments
世銀 [せぎん]
(n) (abbr) World Bank
世継ぎ [よつぎ]
(n) heir
世故 [せいこ]
(n) worldly affairs
世故 [せこ]
(n) worldly affairs
世才 [せさい]
(n) worldly wisdom
世子 [せいし]
(n) heir
世事 [せじ]
(n) worldly affairs
世事に暗い [せじにくらい]
(n) know little of the world
世事に疎い [せじにうとい]
(n) inexperienced
世辞 [せじ]
(n) flattery
世捨て人 [よすてびと]
(n) hermit
世襲 [せしゅう]
(n,vs) heredity
世上 [せじょう]
(n) the world
世上万般 [せじょうばんぱん]
(n) all the worldly (mundane) matters
世情 [せじょう]
(n) the ways of the world
世人 [せじん]
(n) the people
世人を驚かす [せじんをおどろかす]
(exp) to strike terror in peoples hearts
世世 [よよ]
(n-adv,n-t) for generations
世世限り無く [よよかぎりなく]
(n) forever and ever
世相 [せそう]
(n) (1) phase of life
世俗 [せぞく]
(n) common customs
世俗化 [せぞくか]
(n,vs) secularization
世俗主義 [せぞくしゅぎ]
(n) secularism
世俗心 [せぞくしん]
(n) worldliness
世俗的 [せぞくてき]
(adj-na) worldliness
世帯 [せたい]
(n) household
世帯を張る [しょたいをはる]
(exp) to keep (set up) house
世帯主 [せたいぬし]
(n) head of the family
世帯所得 [せたいしょとく]
(n) family income
世帯数 [せたいすう]
(n) number of households
世態 [せたい]
(n) social conditions
世態人情 [せたいにんじょう]
(n) (contemporary) customs and behavior
世代 [せだい]
(n) generation
世代交代 [せだいこうたい]
(n) alternation of generations
世知 [せち]
(n) wordly wisdom
世知辛い [せちがらい]
(adj) hard (life)
世直し [よなおし]
(n,vs) world reformation
世伝 [せいでん]
(adj-no) hereditary (estates)
世渡り [よわたり]
(n,vs) making a living
世途 [せいと]
(n) the world
世道人心 [せどうじんしん]
(n) (public) morals and sentiments
世馴れる [よなれる]
(v1) to become used to the (ways of the) world
世評 [せひょう]
(n) reputation
世柄 [よがら]
(n) world conditions
世変 [せいへん]
(n) change of times
世迷言 [よまいごと]
(n) grumbling
世論 [せろん]
(n) public opinion
世論 [よろん]
(n) public opinion
世論を操る [せろんをあやつる]
(exp) to manipulate public opinion
世論操作 [よろんそうさ]
(n) manipulation of public opinion
世論調査 [せろんちょうさ]
(n) public opinion poll
世論調査 [よろんちょうさ]
(n) public opinion poll
世話 [せわ]
(n,vs) looking after
世話が焼ける [せわがやける]
(exp) to be troublesome
世話になる [せわになる]
(exp) to receive favor
世話の焼ける [せわのやける]
(exp) to be annoying
世話を焼く [せわをやく]
(exp) to bother
世話を焼ける [せわをやける]
(exp) to be able to take care of ..
世話好き [せわずき]
(adj-na,n) obliging person
世話女房 [せわにょうぼう]
(n) perfectly dedicated wife
世話焼き [せわやき]
(n) a bother
世話人 [せわにん]
(n) sponsor
世話人 [せわびと]
(n) sponsor
世話人間 [せわにんげん]
(n) person who looks after others
世話物 [せわもの]
(n) play dealing with the lives of ordinary people
世話役 [せわやく]
(n) mediator
瀬 [せ]
(n) current
瀬を下る [せをくだる]
(exp) to descend the rapids
瀬戸 [せと]
(n) strait
瀬戸引き [せとびき]
(n) enameling
瀬戸際 [せとぎわ]
(n) brink
瀬戸焼き [せとやき]
(n) ceramic ware from Seto (Aichi Prefecture)
瀬戸内海 [せとないかい]
(n) Inland Sea
瀬戸物 [せともの]
(n) earthenware
瀬戸物市 [せとものいち]
(n) ceramic market
瀬踏み [せぶみ]
(n,vs) sounding out
畝 [うね]
(n) ridge
畝 [せ]
(n) (obs) area measure ca. 100 sqm
畝ねる [うねる]
(v5r) to undulate
畝間 [うねま]
(n) furrow
畝溝 [うねみぞ]
(n) furrow ridges
畝織 [うねおり]
(n) ridged fabric
畝織り [うねおり]
(n) ribbed fabric
畝立て [うねだて]
(exp) building rice-field ridges
是 [これ]
(int,n) (uk) this
是々非々 [ぜぜひひ]
(n) free and unbiased
是か非か [ぜかひか]
(n) right or wrong
是が非でも [ぜがひでも]
(adv,exp) rightly or wrongly
是丈 [これだけ]
(exp) (uk) so many (few)
是是非非 [ぜぜひひ]
(n) free and unbiased
是是非非主義 [ぜぜひひしゅぎ]
(n) principle of being fair and just
是正 [ぜせい]
(n,vs) correction
是正措置 [ぜせいそち]
(n) corrective action (measure)
是認 [ぜにん]
(n,vs) approval
是彼 [これかれ]
(n) (1) (uk) this and that
是非 [ぜひ]
(adv,n) (1) (uk) certainly
是非とも [ぜひとも]
(adv) by all means (with sense of not taking "no" for an answer)
是非共 [ぜひとも]
(adv) by all means (with sense of not taking "no" for an answer)
是非曲直 [ぜひきょくちょく]
(n) rights and wrongs (of a case)
是非善悪 [ぜひぜんあく]
(n) rights and wrongs
是非判断 [ぜひはんだん]
(n) discrimination of right and wrong
凄 [せい]
(n) threaten
凄い [すごい]
(adj) terrible
凄くない [すごくない]
(exp) (uk) cool!
凄じい [すさまじい]
(io) (adj) terrific
凄まじい [すさまじい]
(adj) terrific
凄む [すごむ]
(v5m) to threaten
凄艶 [せいえん]
(adj-na,n) weirdly beautiful
凄惨 [せいさん]
(adj-na,n) ghostliness
凄絶 [せいぜつ]
(adj-na,n) extremely
凄文句 [すごもんく]
(n) intimidating language
凄味 [すごみ]
(n) weirdness
凄腕 [すごうで]
(n) go-getter
制 [せい]
(n,n-suf,vs) system
制する [せいする]
(vs-s) to control
制圧 [せいあつ]
(n,vs) gaining total control (of people or counties)
制海権 [せいかいけん]
(n) control of the seas
制汗剤 [せいかんざい]
(n) deodorant
制癌剤 [せいがんざい]
(n) anti-cancer (cancer-inhibiting) drug
制球 [せいきゅう]
(n) (pitcher's) control (baseball)
制球力 [せいきゅうりょく]
(n) (pitcher's) control
制禦 [せいぎょ]
(n,vs) control
制空 [せいくう]
(n) mastery of the air
制空権 [せいくうけん]
(n) mastery of the air
制憲 [せいけん]
(n,vs) establishment of a constitution
制限 [せいげん]
(n,vs) restriction
制限外の字 [せいげんがいのじ]
(n) forbidden kanji
制限漢字 [せいげんかんじ]
(n) restricted Chinese characters
制限事項 [せいげんじこう]
(n) restriction
制限時間 [せいげんじかん]
(n) time limit
制限速度 [せいげんそくど]
(n) speed limit
制御 [せいぎょ]
(n,vs) control
制御コード [せいぎょコード]
(n) control code
制御システム [せいぎょシステム]
(n) control system
制御下 [せいぎょか]
(n) under control
制御器 [せいぎょき]
(n) controller
制御機 [せいぎょき]
(n) controller
制御装置 [せいぎょそうち]
(n) controller
制御盤 [せいぎょばん]
(n) control panel
制御棒 [せいぎょぼう]
(n) control rod
制裁 [せいさい]
(n,vs) restraint
制作 [せいさく]
(n,vs) work (film, book)
制作室 [せいさくしつ]
(n) studio
制札 [せいさつ]
(n) roadside prohibition-edict boards
制酸剤 [せいさんざい]
(n) anti-acid preparation
制酸薬 [せいさんやく]
(n) gastric antacid
制止 [せいし]
(n,vs) control
制勝 [せいしょう]
(n,vs) victory
制定 [せいてい]
(n,vs) enactment
制度 [せいど]
(n) system
制動 [せいどう]
(n,vs) braking (mechanism)
制動機 [せいどうき]
(n) brake
制動手 [せいどうしゅ]
(n) brakeman
制動灯 [せいどうとう]
(n) brake light
制動放射 [せいどうほうしゃ]
(n) bremsstrahlung (physics)
制覇 [せいは]
(n,vs) conquest
制服 [せいふく]
(n) uniform
制服制帽 [せいふくせいぼう]
(n) cap and uniform
制帽 [せいぼう]
(n) regulation cap
制約 [せいやく]
(n,vs) limitation
制約条件 [せいやくじょうけん]
(n) limiting conditions
制約伝搬 [せいやくでんぱん]
(n) constraint propagation
制欲 [せいよく]
(n,vs) control of passions
制令 [せいれい]
(n,vs) regulations
制馭 [せいぎょ]
(n,vs) control
勢 [いきおい]
(adv,n) force
勢 [せい]
(n) energy
勢 [ぜい]
(n) energy
勢 [はずみ]
(n) (1) bounce
勢い [いきおい]
(adv,n) force
勢いを振るう [いきおいをふるう]
(exp) to wield power
勢い込む [いきおいこむ]
(v5m) to brace oneself
勢い付く [いきおいづく]
(v5k) to gather strength
勢い良く [いきおいよく]
(adv) vigorously
勢み [はずみ]
(n) (1) bounce
勢み車 [はずみぐるま]
(n) flywheel
勢威 [せいい]
(n) force
勢運 [せいうん]
(n) trend
勢家 [せいか]
(n) influential family
勢子 [せこ]
(n) beater (on a hunt)
勢車 [はずみぐるま]
(n) flywheel
勢揃い [せいぞろい]
(n,vs) array
勢望 [せいぼう]
(n) power and popularity
勢門 [せいもん]
(n) influential family
勢力 [せいりょく]
(n) influence
勢力下に [せいりょくかに]
(adv) under the influence of
勢力家 [せいりょくか]
(n) man of influence
勢力家 [せいりょっか]
(n) man of influence
勢力拡大 [せいりょくかくだい]
(n) expansion of one's sphere of influence
勢力関係 [せいりょくかんけい]
(n) power relations
勢力圏 [せいりょくけん]
(n) sphere of influence
勢力圏内 [せいりょくけんない]
(n) within the sphere of influence (of)
勢力伯仲 [せいりょくはくちゅう]
(n) (the two sides) being evenly-matched in influence or power
勢力範囲 [せいりょくはんい]
(n) sphere of influence
勢力分野 [せいりょくぶんや]
(n) the respective (relative) strength of political parties
勢力拮抗 [せいりょくきっこう]
(n,vs) struggle for supremacy between evenly-matched forces (parties)
姓 [せい]
(n) surname
姓が変わる [せいがかわる]
(exp) to assume a new surname
姓氏 [せいし]
(n) full name
姓名 [せいめい]
(n) full name
姓名判断 [せいめいはんだん]
(n) fortunetelling based on writing or pronunciation of one's name
姓名不詳 [せいめいふしょう]
(n,adj-no) unidentified
征く [ゆく]
(v5k) to conquer
征夷 [せいい]
(n) warring against barbarians
征夷大将軍 [せいいたいしょうぐん]
(n) commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force against the barbarians
征衣 [せいい]
(n) traveling clothes
征戦 [せいせん]
(n,vs) military expedition
征途 [せいと]
(n) (military or pleasure) expedition
征途に上る [せいとにのぼる]
(exp) to start on a journey
征討 [せいとう]
(n,vs) subjugation
征伐 [せいばつ]
(n,vs) conquest
征服 [せいふく]
(n,vs) conquest
征服者 [せいふくしゃ]
(n) conqueror
征服者に従う [せいふくしゃにしたがう]
(exp) to submit to a conqueror
征服欲 [せいふくよく]
(n) the lust for conquest
征矢 [そや]
(n) used arrow, collected from battlefield
征露丸 [せいろがん]
(n) seirogan - beechwood extract popular as a herbal treatment for diarrhoea (diarrhea), etc.
性 [さが]
(n) one's nature
性 [せい]
(n,n-suf) sex
性に合う [しょうにあう]
(exp) to be congenial
性の悪い犬 [しょうのわるいいぬ]
(n) vicious dog
性の区別 [せいのくべつ]
(n) distinction of the sexes
性の自由 [せいのじゆう]
(n) sexual freedom
性の良い [しょうのよい]
(n) of good quality
性愛 [せいあい]
(n) sexual love
性悪 [しょうわる]
(adj-na,n) ill-natured
性悪 [せいあく]
(adj-na,n) ill-natured
性悪説 [せいあくせつ]
(n) the view of human nature as fundamentally depraved
性科学 [せいかがく]
(n) sexology
性格 [せいかく]
(n) character
性格診断 [せいかくしんだん]
(n) personality assessment (analysis, determination, identification)
性格判断 [せいかくはんだん]
(n) personality assessment (analysis, determination, identification)
性格判別 [せいかくはんべつ]
(n) personality assessment (analysis, determination, identification)
性格美人 [せいかくびじん]
(n) woman with a wonderful personality
性格描写 [せいかくびょうしゃ]
(n) character portrayal
性格分析 [せいかくぶんせき]
(n) personality assessment (analysis, determination, identification)
性感 [せいかん]
(n) sexual feelings
性器 [せいき]
(n) genital
性機能不全 [せいきのうふぜん]
(n) sexual dysfunction
性急 [せいきゅう]
(adj-na,n) impatience
性教育 [せいきょういく]
(n) sex education
性交 [せいこう]
(n,vs) sexual intercourse
性向 [せいこう]
(n) affection
性行 [せいこう]
(n) character and conduct
性行為 [せいこうい]
(n) sex act
性行為感染症 [せいこういかんせんしょう]
(n) sexually transmitted diseases
性行動 [せいこうどう]
(n) sex (sexual) behavior (behaviour)
性根 [しょうこん]
(n) perseverance
性根 [しょうね]
(n) character
性差 [せいさ]
(n) sex difference
性差別 [せいさべつ]
(n) sex discrimination
性産業 [せいさんぎょう]
(n) sex industry
性質 [せいしつ]
(n) nature
性衝動 [せいしょうどう]
(n) sexual urge
性情 [せいじょう]
(n) nature
性状 [せいじょう]
(n) characteristics
性成熟 [せいせいじゅく]
(n) sexual maturation
性生活 [せいせいかつ]
(n) sex life
性染色体 [せいせんしょくたい]
(n) sex chromosome
性腺 [せいせん]
(n) sexual gland
性腺摘除 [せいせんてきじょ]
(n) castration
性善説 [せいぜんせつ]
(n) belief that human nature is fundamentally good
性体験 [せいたいけん]
(n) sexual experience
性徴 [せいちょう]
(n) sexual characteristics (biol.)
性懲り [しょうこり]
(n) persistent
性懲りも無く [しょうこりもなく]
(adv) incorrigibly
性的 [せいてき]
(adj-na,n) sex
性的逸脱 [せいてきいつだつ]
(n) sexual deviation
性的関係 [せいてきかんけい]
(n) sexual relations
性的虐待 [せいてきぎゃくたい]
(n) sexual abuse
性的衝動 [せいてきしょうどう]
(n) sex urge
性転換 [せいてんかん]
(n,vs) sex change
性転換手術 [せいてんかんしゅじゅつ]
(n) sex change surgery
性道徳 [せいどうとく]
(n) sexual morality
性能 [せいのう]
(n) ability
性能特性 [せいのうとくせい]
(n) performance characteristic
性犯罪 [せいはんざい]
(n) sex crime
性犯罪者 [せいはんざいしゃ]
(n) sex offender
性比 [せいひ]
(n) sex ratio
性表現情報 [せいひょうげんじょうほう]
(n) sexually explicit material
性病 [せいびょう]
(n) venereal disease
性分 [しょうぶん]
(n) nature
性癖 [せいへき]
(n) disposition
性別 [せいべつ]
(n) distinction by sex
性別並びに国籍 [せいべつならびにこくせき]
(n) sex and nationality
性本能 [せいほんのう]
(n) sex instinct
性遊戯 [せいゆうぎ]
(n) sex game
性慾 [せいよく]
(n) sexual desire
性欲 [せいよく]
(n) sexual desire
成し遂げる [なしとげる]
(v1) to accomplish
成す [なす]
(v5s) to perform
成り下がる [なりさがる]
(v5r) to be degraded
成り果てる [なりはてる]
(v1) to be reduced to ..
成り角 [なりかく]
(n) promoted bishop
成り金 [なりきん]
(n) an upstart
成り駒 [なりこま]
(n) promoted chessman
成り行き [なりゆき]
(n) outcome
成り行き注文 [なりゆきちゅうもん]
(n) market order
成り込む [なりこむ]
(v5m) to incorporate (shoji)
成り済まし [なりすまし]
(n) a masquerade
成り済ます [なりすます]
(v5s) to pose as
成り上がり [なりあがり]
(n) upstart
成り上がり者 [なりあがりもの]
(n) upstart
成り上がる [なりあがる]
(v5r) to rise (suddenly) in the world (to a higher position)
成り切る [なりきる]
(v5r) to turn completely into
成り代わる [なりかわる]
(v5r) to do in place of or on behalf of (someone)
成り変わる [なりかわる]
(v5r) to change
成り立ち [なりたち]
(n) the way in which something came about
成り立つ [なりたつ]
(v5t) (1) to consist of
成る [なる]
(v5r) (uk) to become
成るべく [なるべく]
(adv) as much as possible
成る丈 [なるたけ]
(adv) as much as possible
成る程 [なるほど]
(adv,exp) (uk) I see
成案 [せいあん]
(n) definite plan
成育 [せいいく]
(n,vs) growth
成員 [せいいん]
(n) member
成因 [せいいん]
(n) origin
成果 [せいか]
(n) results
成果てる [なりはてる]
(v1) to be reduced to ..
成果を収める [せいかをおさめる]
(exp) to achieve success
成果主義 [せいかしゅぎ]
(n) pay for performance
成果主義賃金体系 [せいかしゅぎちんぎんたいけい]
(n) merit-based wage system
成魚 [せいぎょ]
(n) adult fish
成業 [せいぎょう]
(n,vs) completion of one's work
成金 [なりきん]
(n) an upstart
成金趣味 [なりきんしゅみ]
(n) the ostentation (bad taste) of the nuveau riche
成銀 [なりぎん]
(n) promoted silver general (shogi)
成句 [せいく]
(n) set phrase
成空 [せいくう]
(n) come to nothingness
成型 [せいけい]
(n,vs) (1) plastic surgery
成形 [せいけい]
(n,vs) (1) plastic surgery
成桂 [なりけい]
(n) promoted knight (shogi)
成犬 [せいけん]
(n) a mature dog
成語 [せいご]
(n) set phrase
成功 [せいこう]
(n,vs) success
成功の暁には [せいこうのあかつきには]
(n) when one has succeeded
成功を望む [せいこうをのぞむ]
(exp) to hope to succeed
成功者 [せいこうしゃ]
(n) successful man
成功報酬 [せいこうほうしゅう]
(n) fee contingent upon success
成功裏に [せいこうりに]
(adv) in success
成功裡 [せいこうり]
(n) success
成功率 [せいこうりつ]
(n) success rate
成行き [なりゆき]
(n) outcome
成香 [なりきょう]
(n) promoted lance (shogi)
成婚 [せいこん]
(n) marriage
成算 [せいさん]
(n) confidence in success
成就 [じょうじゅ]
(n,vs) fulfillment
成熟 [せいじゅく]
(n,vs) maturity
成熟期 [せいじゅくき]
(n) period of maturity
成上がる [なりあがる]
(v5r) to rise (suddenly) in the world (to a higher position)
成上り [なりあがり]
(n) upstart
成人 [せいじん]
(n,vs) adult
成人の日 [せいじんのひ]
(n) Coming of Age Day (second Monday in January. Prior to 2000 was Jan 15)
成人映画 [せいじんえいが]
(n) adult movie
成人教育 [せいじんきょういく]
(n) adult education
成人指定 [せいじんしてい]
(n) rated for "adults only"
成人式 [せいじんしき]
(n) coming-of-age celebration
成人病 [せいじんびょう]
(n) adult diseases
成績 [せいせき]
(n) results
成績証明書 [せいせきしょうめいしょ]
(n) transcript of results
成績表 [せいせきひょう]
(n) report card
成績不振 [せいせきふしん]
(n) poor (academic) performance
成層火山 [せいそうかざん]
(n) stratovolcano
成層圏 [せいそうけん]
(n) stratosphere
成体 [せいたい]
(n) adult organism
成虫 [せいちゅう]
(n) imago
成長 [せいちょう]
(n,vs) growth
成長を阻む [せいちょうをはばむ]
(exp) to hinder (check) the growth of (plants)
成長過程 [せいちょうかてい]
(n) growth process
成長株 [せいちょうかぶ]
(n) growth stock
成長期 [せいちょうき]
(n) growth period
成長曲線 [せいちょうきょくせん]
(n) logistic curve
成長産業 [せいちょうさんぎょう]
(n) growth industry
成長小説 [せいちょうしょうせつ]
(n) novel of formation (education)
成長戦略 [せいちょうせんりゃく]
(n) growth strategy
成長点 [せいちょうてん]
(n) point of growth
成長率 [せいちょうりつ]
(n) growth rate
成鳥 [せいちょう]
(n) adult bird
成程 [なるほど]
(adv,exp) (uk) I see
成典 [せいてん]
(n) law code
成田離婚 [なりたりこん]
(n) Narita divorce
成年 [せいねん]
(n) majority
成年式 [せいねんしき]
(n) coming-of-age celebration
成年者 [せいねんしゃ]
(n) adult
成敗 [せいはい]
(n) success and failure
成敗 [せいばい]
(n,vs) punishment
成否 [せいひ]
(n) success or failure
成仏 [じょうぶつ]
(n,vs) enter Nirvana
成分 [せいぶん]
(n) ingredient
成文 [せいぶん]
(n) written expression
成文化 [せいぶんか]
(n,vs) codification
成文法 [せいぶんほう]
(n) written or statutory law
成文律 [せいぶんりつ]
(n) written or statutory law
成約 [せいやく]
(n,vs) conclusion of a contract
成立 [せいりつ]
(n,vs) coming into existence
成立ち [なりたち]
(n) the way in which something came about
成立つ [なりたつ]
(v5t) (1) to consist of
政 [まつりごと]
(n) rule
政を執る [まつりごとをとる]
(exp) to administer the affairs of state
政界 [せいかい]
(n) political world
政界の嵐 [せいかいのあらし]
(n) political storm
政界工作 [せいかいこうさく]
(n) currying of political favor
政界再編 [せいかいさいへん]
(n) political realignment
政界余聞 [せいかいよぶん]
(n) tidbits of political gossip
政教 [せいきょう]
(n) religion and politics
政教一致 [せいきょういっち]
(n) unity of church and state
政教分離 [せいきょうぶんり]
(n) separation of church and state
政局 [せいきょく]
(n) political situation
政経 [せいけい]
(n) politics and economics
政権 [せいけん]
(n) (political) administration
政権交代 [せいけんこうたい]
(n) regime change
政権構想 [せいけんこうそう]
(n) planning a new government
政権争い [せいけならそい]
(n) struggle for political power
政権党 [せいけんとう]
(n) political party in power
政権亡者 [せいけんもうじゃ]
(n) one who is obsessed with (getting into, holding on to) political power
政見 [せいけん]
(n) political views
政見放送 [せいけんほうそう]
(n) broadcast of political views
政綱 [せいこう]
(n) political principle, policy or platform
政策 [せいさく]
(n) political measures
政策協定 [せいさくきょうてい]
(n) policy agreement
政策決定 [せいさくけってい]
(n) policy making
政策審議 [せいさくしんぎ]
(n) policy deliberation
政策調査 [せいさくちょうさ]
(n) party policy research
政策転換 [せいさくてんかん]
(n) policy shift
政策秘書 [せいさくひしょ]
(n) policy secretary
政策不況 [せいさくふきょう]
(n) policy-induced slump
政策立案 [せいさくりつあん]
(n) policy making
政策立案者 [せいさくりつあんしゃ]
(n) policy maker
政事 [せいじ]
(n) political affairs
政治 [せいじ]
(n) politics
政治の腐敗を嘆く [せいじのふはいをなげく]
(exp) to deplore the corruption of politics
政治キャリア [せいじキャリア]
(n) political career
政治グループ [せいじグループ]
(n) political group
政治システム [せいじシステム]
(n) political system
政治パーティー [せいじパーティー]
(n) political fundraiser
政治プロセス [せいじプロセス]
(n) political process
政治意志 [せいじいし]
(n) political will
政治運動 [せいじうんどう]
(n) political campaign
政治汚職 [せいじおしょく]
(n) political corruption
政治屋 [せいじや]
(n) politician
政治家 [せいじか]
(n) politician
政治家肌 [せいじかはだ]
(n) be something of a politician
政治過程 [せいじかてい]
(n) political process
政治改革 [せいじかいかく]
(n) political reform
政治学 [せいじがく]
(n) political science
政治活動 [せいじかつどう]
(n) political activity
政治活動家 [せいじかつどうか]
(n) political activist
政治干渉 [せいじかんしょう]
(n) political intervention
政治感覚 [せいじかんかく]
(n) sense of politics
政治危機 [せいじきき]
(n) political crisis
政治機構 [せいじきこう]
(n) political structure or mechanism
政治決断 [せいじけつだん]
(n) political decision
政治決着 [せいじけっちゃく]
(n) a political settlement
政治結社 [せいじけっしゃ]
(n) a political organization
政治権力 [せいじけんりょく]
(n) political force
政治献金 [せいじけんきん]
(n,vs) political contributions
政治交渉 [せいじこうしょう]
(n) political negotiation
政治工作 [せいじこうさく]
(n) political maneuvering
政治抗争 [せいじこうそう]
(n) political strife (antagonism, conflict)
政治姿勢 [せいじしせい]
(n) political stance
政治資金 [せいじしきん]
(n) political funds
政治資金規制法 [せいじしきんきせいほう]
(n) Political Funds Control Law
政治資金調達 [せいじしきんちょうたつ]
(n) fundraising
政治自由化 [せいじじゆうか]
(n) political liberalization
政治主導 [せいじしゅどう]
(n) initiative taken by politicians (in the formulation of a policy or bill) (rather than by bureaucrats)
政治色 [せいじしょく]
(n) political coloring
政治生命 [せいじせいめい]
(n) political life
政治責任 [せいじせきにん]
(n) (one's) administrative responsibilities
政治組織 [せいじそしき]
(n) political organisation
政治体制 [せいじたいせい]
(n) political system
政治対話 [せいじたいわ]
(n) political dialogue
政治団体 [せいじだんたい]
(n) a political organization
政治的 [せいじてき]
(adj-na) political
政治的圧力 [せいじてきあつりょく]
(n) political pressure
政治的暗殺 [せいじてきあんさつ]
(n) political assassination
政治的解決 [せいじてきかいけつ]
(n) political solution
政治的危機 [せいじてききき]
(n) political crisis
政治的緊張 [せいじてききんちょう]
(n) political tension
政治的空白 [せいじてきくうはく]
(n) political vacuum
政治的指導者 [せいじてきしどうしゃ]
(n) political leader
政治的抵抗 [せいじてきていこう]
(n) political resistance
政治的賭け [せいじてきかけ]
(n) political gamble
政治的配慮 [せいじてきはいりょ]
(n) political consideration
政治的不安定 [せいじてきふあんてい]
(n) political instability
政治的武器 [せいじてきぶき]
(n) political weapon
政治的暴力 [せいじてきぼうりょく]
(n) political violence
政治哲学 [せいじてつがく]
(n) political philosophy
政治道徳 [せいじどうとく]
(n) political morality
政治犯 [せいじはん]
(n) political offense
政治評論家 [せいじひょうろんか]
(n) political commentator (journalist, columnist)
政治不信 [せいじふしん]
(n) distrust of politics
政治風土 [せいじふうど]
(n) political climate
政治亡命 [せいじぼうめい]
(n) political exile
政治暴力 [せいじぼうりょく]
(n) political violence
政治問題 [せいじもんだい]
(n) political issue (problem)
政治抑圧 [せいじよくあつ]
(n) political repression
政治理論 [せいじりろん]
(n) political theory
政治離れ [せいじばなれ]
(n) disillusionment with politics
政治力 [せいじりょく]
(n) political strength
政治力学 [せいじりきがく]
(n) political dynamics
政治倫理 [せいじりんり]
(n) political ethics
政治倫理審査会 [せいじりんりしんさかい]
(n) Deliberative Council on Political Ethics
政所 [まんどころ]
(n) (Heian or Kamakura era) government office
政商 [せいしょう]
(n) businessman with political ties
政情 [せいじょう]
(n) political situation
政情不安 [せいじょうふあん]
(n) the instability of a political situation
政審 [せいしん]
(n) (abbr) policy deliberation
政争 [せいそう]
(n) political strife
政争の渦 [せいそうのうず]
(n) whirlpool of political strife
政争の具とする [せいそうのぐとする]
(exp) to make a political issue of (something)
政体 [せいたい]
(n) constitution
政談 [せいだん]
(n) talking politics
政庁 [せいちょう]
(n) government office
政調 [せいちょう]
(n) (abbr) party policy research
政調会 [せいちょうかい]
(n) policy research committee
政調会長 [せいちょうかいちょう]
(n) chairman of (party) policy bureau
政敵 [せいてき]
(n) political opponent
政党 [せいとう]
(n) (member of) political party
政党員 [せいとういん]
(n) member of a political party
政党政治 [せいとうせいじ]
(n) party politics
政党内閣 [せいとうないかく]
(n) party cabinet
政道 [せいどう]
(n) politics
政府 [せいふ]
(n) government
政府の方針を踏まえて [せいふのほうしんをふまえて]
(exp) based on government policy
政府案 [せいふあん]
(n) government bill
政府介入 [せいふかいにゅう]
(n) government intervention
政府機関 [せいふきかん]
(n) government body (agency)
政府筋 [せいふすじ]
(n) government sources
政府軍 [せいふぐん]
(n) government troop
政府高官 [せいふこうかん]
(n) high (government) official
政府短期証券 [せいふたんきしょうけん]
(n) financing bill (FB)
政府米 [せいふまい]
(n) government-controlled rice
政府保証債 [せいふほしょうさい]
(n) government-guaranteed bond
政柄 [せいへい]
(n) political power
政変 [せいへん]
(n) coup
政務 [せいむ]
(n) government affairs
政務官 [せいむかん]
(n) parliamentary official
政務次官 [せいむじかん]
(n) parliamentary vice-minister
政略 [せいりゃく]
(n) politics
政略家 [せいりゃくか]
(n) political tactician
政略結婚 [せいりゃくけっこん]
(n) political marriage of convenience
政令 [せいれい]
(n) government ordinance
政令指定都市 [せいれいしていとし]
(n) ordinance-designated city
政労 [せいろう]
(n) (abbr) government-labour (e.g., liaison meeting)
政論 [せいろん]
(n) political argument
整う [ととのう]
(v5u) to be prepared
整え [ととのえ]
(n) preparation
整える [ととのえる]
(v1) (1) to put in order
整った [ととのった]
(adj) well-ordered
整形 [せいけい]
(n,vs) (1) orthopedics
整形外科 [せいけいげか]
(n) orthopaedic surgery
整形手術 [せいけいしゅじゅつ]
(n) orthopedic or plastic surgery
整形美人 [せいけいびじん]
(n) a plastic-surgery beauty
整経機 [せいけいき]
(n) warping machine
整合 [せいごう]
(n,vs) adjustment
整合性 [せいごうせい]
(n) integrity
整骨 [せいこつ]
(n) bonesetting
整骨師 [せいこつし]
(n) osteopath
整式 [せいしき]
(n) an integral expression
整除 [せいじょ]
(n,vs) exact division
整数 [せいすう]
(n) integer
整数比 [せいすうひ]
(n) (expressed as) the ratios of whole numbers
整数論 [せいすうろん]
(n) theory of numbers
整斉 [せいせい]
(n,adj-no) symmetrical
整然 [せいぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) orderly
整体 [せいたい]
(n) chiropractic
整体療法 [せいたいりょうほう]
(n) chiropractic treatment
整地 [せいち]
(n,vs) soil preparation
整腸 [せいちょう]
(n) medicine for internal disorders
整調 [せいちょう]
(n,vs) tune up
整頓 [せいとん]
(n,vs) orderliness
整髪 [せいはつ]
(n,vs) hairdressing
整髪剤 [せいはつざい]
(n) hairdressing
整髪料 [せいはつりょう]
(n) hairdressing fee
整版 [せいはん]
(n,vs) plate-making
整備 [せいび]
(n,vs) maintenance
整備工 [せいびこう]
(n) (car) mechanic
整備工場 [せいびこうじょう]
(n) repair shop
整風 [せいふう]
(n) rectification
整復 [せいふく]
(n,vs) reposition
整容 [せいよう]
(n,vs) straighten one's posture
整理 [せいり]
(n,vs) sorting
整理券 [せいりけん]
(n) numbered ticket
整理整頓 [せいりせいとん]
(n,vs) keeping things tidy and in order
整理淘汰 [せいりとうた]
(n,vs) reorganize an enterprise and weed out redundant workers
整理統合 [せいりとうごう]
(n) consolidation
整理番号 [せいりばんごう]
(n) reference number
整理部 [せいりぶ]
(n) copyreading department
整流 [せいりゅう]
(n,vs) rectification
整流器 [せいりゅうき]
(n) rectifier
整流子 [せいりゅうし]
(n) commutator
整列 [せいれつ]
(n,vs) standing in a row
星 [ほし]
(n) star
星印 [ほしじるし]
(n) star
星雲 [せいうん]
(n) nebula
星雲説 [せいうんせつ]
(n) the nebular hypothesis
星影 [ほしかげ]
(n) starlight
星河豚 [ほしふぐ]
(n) starry toado (poisonous fish, Arothron firmamentum)
星回り [ほしまわり]
(n) one's star
星界 [せいかい]
(n) star world (SF term)
星学 [せいがく]
(n) (obs) astronomy
星間物質 [せいかんぶっしつ]
(n) interstellar matter
星気体 [せいきたい]
(n) astral body
星空 [ほしぞら]
(n) starry sky
星屑 [ほしくず]
(n) stardust
星型 [ほしがた]
(n) star shape
星月夜 [ほしづきよ]
(n) starry night
星月夜 [ほしづくよ]
(n) starry night
星座 [せいざ]
(n) constellation
星座投影機 [せいざとうえいき]
(n) planetarium (projector)
星祭り [ほしまつり]
(n) Star Festival
星取り表 [ほしとりひょう]
(n) chart used to keep track of sumo wrestler's records during the tournament
星取表 [ほしとりひょう]
(n) chart used to keep track of sumo wrestler's records during the tournament
星宿 [せいしゅく]
(n) constellation
星条旗 [せいじょうき]
(n) Stars and Stripes
星状体 [せいじょうたい]
(n) asteroid
星食 [せいしょく]
(n) occultation
星図 [せいず]
(n) star map
星占い [ほしうらない]
(n) astrology
星霜 [せいそう]
(n) years
星辰 [せいしん]
(n) celestial bodies
星団 [せいだん]
(n) star cluster
星斗 [せいと]
(n) star
星明かり [ほしあかり]
(n) starlight
星夜 [せいや]
(n) starry night
晴らす [はらす]
(v5s) to dispel
晴れ [はれ]
(n) clear weather
晴れがましい [はれがましい]
(adj) formal
晴れがましく [はれがましく]
(adv) cheerfully
晴れた空 [はれたそら]
(n) clear (cloudless) sky
晴れて [はれて]
(exp) openly
晴れの日 [はれのひ]
(n) formal occasion
晴れやかな笑顔 [はれやかなえがお]
(n) beaming smile
晴れる [はれる]
(v1) to be sunny
晴れ間 [はれま]
(n) a break (in the rainy season)
晴れ姿 [はれすがた]
(n) appearing in one's finest clothes
晴れ上がる [はれあがる]
(v5r) to clear up
晴れ晴れ [はればれ]
(adv,n) bright
晴れ晴れしい [はればれしい]
(adj) clear
晴れ着 [はれぎ]
(n) Sunday best (clothes)
晴れ着姿 [はれぎすがた]
(n) dressed up (in fine clothes)
晴れ渡る [はれわたる]
(v5r) to clear up
晴れ舞台 [はれぶたい]
(n) gala occasion
晴一時小雨 [はれいちじこさめ]
(n) clear, with brief light rain
晴雨 [せいう]
(n) (clear or rainy) weather
晴雨計 [せいうけい]
(n) barometer
晴眼者 [せいがんしゃ]
(n) sighted person
晴後雨 [はれのちあめ]
(n) clear then rain
晴好雨奇 [せいこううき]
(n) the scenery being beautiful in both sunny and rainy weather
晴耕雨読 [せいこううどく]
(n,vs) working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather
晴着 [はれぎ]
(n) Sunday best (clothes)
晴天 [せいてん]
(n) fine weather
晴天の霹靂 [せいてんのへきれき]
(exp,n) a bolt out of the blue
晴天続き [せいてんつづき]
(n) spell of fine weather
晴天乱気流 [せいてんらんきりゅう]
(n) clear-air turbulence
晴曇 [せいどん]
(n) fine weather and cloudy
晴夜 [せいや]
(n) clear night
晴嵐 [せいらん]
(n) mountain vapor
晴朗 [せいろう]
(adj-na,n) clear
棲み分け [すみわけ]
(n) habitat isolation (biology)
棲む [すむ]
(v5m) to live
棲息 [せいそく]
(n,vs) inhabiting
栖息 [せいそく]
(n,vs) inhabiting
正 [せい]
(n) (logical) true
正々 [せいせい]
(adj-t,adv-to) accurate
正々堂々 [せいせいどうどう]
(adj-t,adv-to) fair and square
正しい [ただしい]
(adj) right
正しい言葉を遣う [ただしいことばをつかう]
(exp) to use the correct word
正しい行い [ただしいおこない]
(n) right conduct
正しい答え [ただしいこたえ]
(n) correct answer
正しく [まさしく]
(adv) surely
正す [ただす]
(v5s) to correct
正と続 [せいとぞく]
(n) first and second series
正と反 [せいとはん]
(n) thesis and antithesis
正に [まさに]
(adv) correctly
正の数 [せいのすう]
(n) positive number
正安息香酸 [せいあんそくこうさん]
(n) orthobenzoic acid
正位 [せいい]
(n) correct location
正意 [せいい]
(n) true heart
正員 [せいいん]
(n) member
正閏 [せいじゅん]
(n) normal and leap (years)
正塩 [せいえん]
(n) normal salt
正音 [せいおん]
(n) correct Chinese (on) pronunciation of a character
正価 [せいか]
(n) net price
正課 [せいか]
(n) regular curriculum
正課外 [せいかがい]
(n) extracurricular
正貨 [せいか]
(n) specie
正会員 [せいかいいん]
(n) regular member
正解 [せいかい]
(n,vs) correct
正解者 [せいかいしゃ]
(n) person who gives the right (correct) answer
正格 [せいかく]
(n) correct rules
正確 [せいかく]
(adj-na) accurate
正確さ [せいかくさ]
(n) accuracy
正確度 [せいかくど]
(n) accuracy
正確爆撃 [せいかくばくげき]
(n) pinpoint bombing
正確無比 [せいかくむひ]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) unmatched (unparalleled) accuracy
正覚 [しょうがく]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) perfect enlightenment
正覚坊 [しょうがくぼう]
(n) large sea turtle
正角定木 [せいかくじょうぎ]
(n) try square
正割 [せいかつ]
(n) secant (trig)
正眼 [せいがん]
(n) aiming at the eye (with a sword)
正気 [しょうき]
(adj-na,n) true character
正気 [せいき]
(adj-na,n) true character
正気づく [しょうきづく]
(v5k) to become conscious
正規 [せいき]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) regular
正規化 [せいきか]
(n,vs) normalization (e.g., in floating-point representation system)
正規曲線 [せいききょくせん]
(n) probability curve
正規軍 [せいきぐん]
(n) regular army
正規直交化 [せいきちょっこうか]
(n) (gen) (math) ortho-normalization
正規直交系 [せいきちょっこうけい]
(n) normalized orthogonal system
正規表現 [せいきひょうげん]
(n) (gen) (comp) (computer) regular expression
正規分布 [せいきぶんぷ]
(n) normal distribution
正規兵 [せいきへい]
(n) regulars
正義 [せいぎ]
(n) justice
正義の名に於て [せいぎのなにおいて]
(exp) in the name of justice
正義感 [せいぎかん]
(n) sense of justice
正客 [しょうきゃく]
(n) guest of honor
正客 [せいかく]
(n) guest of honor
正教 [せいきょう]
(n) orthodoxy
正教員 [せいきょういん]
(n) regular teacher
正教会 [せいきょうかい]
(n) Orthodox Church
正教師 [せいきょうし]
(n) ordained minister
正教授 [せいきょうじゅ]
(n) full professor
正業 [せいぎょう]
(n) legitimate occupation
正金 [しょうきん]
(n) specie
正金銀行 [しょうきんぎんこう]
(n) specie bank
正金取引 [しょうきんとりひき]
(n) cash transaction
正訓 [せいくん]
(n) correct kun reading
正系 [せいけい]
(n) legitimate line
正経 [せいきょう]
(n) canon of Scripture
正月 [しょうがつ]
(n) New Year
正絹 [しょうけん]
(n) pure silk
正弦 [せいげん]
(n) sine (trig)
正弦曲線 [せいげんきょくせん]
(n) sine curve
正弦波 [せいげんは]
(n) sine wave
正午 [しょうご]
(n-adv,n-t) noon
正誤 [せいご]
(n) correction
正誤表 [せいごひょう]
(n) errata
正攻法 [せいこうほう]
(n) frontal attack
正甲板 [せいかんぱん]
(n) main deck
正号 [せいごう]
(n) plus sign
正鵠 [せいこう]
(n) bull's-eye
正鵠 [せいこく]
(n) bull's-eye
正坐 [せいざ]
(n,vs) sitting correctly (Japanese-style)
正座 [しょうざ]
(n) seat of honor
正座 [せいざ]
(n,vs) sitting correctly (Japanese-style)
正妻 [せいさい]
(n) legal wife
正朔 [せいさく]
(n) beginning of the month or the year
正札 [しょうふだ]
(n) correct-price tag
正札値段 [しょうふだねだん]
(n) fixed price
正札付き [しょうふだづき]
(n) plainly marked
正三位 [しょうさんみ]
(n) senior grade of the third court rank
正三角形 [せいさんかくけい]
(n) equilateral triangle
正三角形 [せいさんかっけい]
(n) equilateral triangle
正餐 [せいさん]
(n) banquet
正使 [せいし]
(n) senior envoy
正史 [せいし]
(n) authentic history
正四面体 [せいしめんたい]
(n) regular tetrahedron
正子 [しょうし]
(n) midnight
正視 [せいし]
(n,vs) looking straight ahead
正視眼 [せいしがん]
(n) correct vision
正字 [せいじ]
(n) correct characters
正字法 [せいじほう]
(n) correct orthography
正式 [せいしき]
(adj-na,n) due form
正式メンバー [せいしきメンバー]
(n) official member
正式発表 [せいしきはっぴょう]
(n) official announcement
正室 [せいしつ]
(n) room for receiving guests
正社員 [せいしゃいん]
(n) regular (full-time) employee
正邪 [せいじゃ]
(n) right and wrong
正邪の区別 [せいじゃのくべつ]
(n) discrimination between right and wrong
正邪曲直 [せいじゃきょくちょく]
(n) right and (or) wrong
正邪善悪 [せいじゃぜんあく]
(n) right and (or) wrong
正宗 [まさむね]
(n) sword blade by Masamune
正出 [せいしゅつ]
(n,adj-no) legitimate child
正書 [せいしょ]
(n) square characters
正書法 [せいしょほう]
(n) (1) correct orthography
正常 [せいじょう]
(adj-na,n) normalcy
正常位 [せいじょうい]
(n) normal position (posture)
正常化 [せいじょうか]
(n,vs) normalization
正常終了 [せいじょうしゅうりょう]
(n) normal termination
正色 [せいしょく]
(n) primary colors
正真正銘 [しょうしんしょうめい]
(n) genuine
正数 [せいすう]
(n) positive number
正正 [せいせい]
(adj-t,adv-to) accurate
正正堂堂 [せいせいどうどう]
(adj-t,adv-to) fair and square
正西 [せいせい]
(n) due west
正切 [せいせつ]
(n) tangent (in trigonometry)
正接 [せいせつ]
(n) tangent
正相 [せいそう]
(n,adj-no) in phase
正装 [せいそう]
(n,vs) uniform
正則 [せいそく]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) correct
正則化 [せいそくか]
(n) regularisation (physics)
正続 [せいぞく]
(n) book or document and its supplement
正多角形 [せいたかくけい]
(n) (gen) (math) regular polygon
正多面体 [せいためんたい]
(n) regular polyhedron
正体 [しょうたい]
(n) natural shape
正体不明 [しょうたいふめい]
(n,adj-no) unidentifiable
正大 [せいだい]
(adj-na,n) fairness
正嫡 [せいちゃく]
(n) legal wife
正嫡 [せいてき]
(n) legal wife
正中 [せいちゅう]
(n,vs) the exact middle
正中線 [せいちゅうせん]
(n) median line
正朝 [せいちょう]
(n) legitimate dynasty
正調 [せいちょう]
(n) traditional tune
正直 [しょうじき]
(adj-na,adv,n) honesty
正直一徹 [しょうじきいってつ]
(n,adj-na) stubbornly honest
正直一遍 [しょうじきいっぺん]
(n,adj-na) honest to a fault
正直者 [しょうじきもの]
(n) honest person
正伝 [せいでん]
(n) authentic biography
正殿 [せいでん]
(n) main temple
正電気 [せいでんき]
(n) positive electric charge
正投手 [せいとうしゅ]
(n) regular pitcher
正東 [せいとう]
(n) due east
正当 [せいとう]
(adj-na,n) just
正当化 [せいとうか]
(n,vs) justification
正当性 [せいとうせい]
(n) legal
正当防衛 [せいとうぼうえい]
(n) legitimate self-defence
正答 [せいとう]
(n,vs) correct answer
正答率 [せいとうりつ]
(n) percentage of correct answers
正統 [せいとう]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) legitimate
正統信教 [せいとうしんきょう]
(n) orthodoxy
正統派 [せいとうは]
(n) orthodox school
正道 [せいどう]
(n) path of righteousness
正道 [まさみち]
(n) path of righteousness
正南 [せいなん]
(n) due south
正念場 [しょうねんば]
(n) critical moment
正反合 [せいはんごう]
(n) (in philosophy) thesis-antithesis-synthesis
正反対 [せいはんたい]
(adj-na,n) bipolar
正犯 [せいはん]
(n) principal offense
正犯者 [せいはんしゃ]
(n) principal offender
正否 [せいひ]
(n) right and wrong
正比 [せいひ]
(n) direct ratio
正比例 [せいひれい]
(n,vs) direct proportion
正賓 [せいひん]
(n) guest of honor
正符号 [せいふごう]
(n) plus sign
正負 [せいふ]
(n) positive and negative
正風 [しょうふう]
(n) right style
正副 [せいふく]
(n) original and copy
正副議長 [せいふくぎちょう]
(n) chairman and vice-chairman
正副二通 [せいふくにつう]
(n) original and duplicate
正服 [せいふく]
(n) uniform
正腹 [せいふく]
(n) legitimacy
正物 [しょうぶつ]
(n) genuine article
正文 [せいぶん]
(n) the official text
正兵 [せいへい]
(n) regular soldiers
正編 [せいへん]
(n) main part of a book
正方 [せいほう]
(n) square
正方形 [せいほうけい]
(n) square
正方行列 [せいほうぎょうれつ]
(n) square matrix
正帽 [せいぼう]
(n) cap of a uniform
正北 [せいほく]
(n) due north
正本 [しょうほん]
(n) book of registration
正本 [せいほん]
(n) text
正味 [しょうみ]
(n) net (weight)
正味重量 [しょうみじゅうりょう]
(n) net weight
正味値段 [しょうみねだん]
(n) net price
正夢 [まさゆめ]
(n) dream that comes true
正銘 [しょうめい]
(n) genuine autograph
正面 [しょうめん]
(n,pref) front
正面 [まとも]
(adj-na,n) (uk) the front
正面向き [しょうめんむき]
(n) front view
正面攻撃 [しょうめんこうげき]
(n) frontal attack
正面衝突 [しょうめんしょうとつ]
(n,vs) head-on collision
正面図 [しょうめんず]
(n) front elevation
正木 [まさき]
(n) spindle tree
正目 [まさめ]
(n) straight grain
正門 [せいもん]
(n) main gate
正油 [しょうゆ]
(iK) (n) soy sauce
正立 [せいりつ]
(adj-na) upright
正路 [せいろ]
(n) righteousness
正露丸 [せいろがん]
(n) seirogan - beechwood extract popular as a herbal treatment for diarrhoea (diarrhea), etc.
正論 [せいろん]
(n) sound (just) argument
正論理 [せいろんり]
(n) positive logic
清々 [せいせい]
(adv,n,vs) feel refreshed
清々しい [すがすがしい]
(adj) (uk) fresh
清い [きよい]
(adj) clear
清い愛 [きよいあい]
(n) pure (platonic) love
清い月影 [きよいつきかげ]
(n) beautiful moonlight
清ます [すます]
(v5s) to clear
清まる [きよまる]
(v5r) to be purified
清む [すむ]
(v5m) to clear (e.g., weather)
清め [きよめ]
(n) purification
清めの塩 [きよめのしお]
(n) salt thrown to purify the sumo ring before the bout
清める [きよめる]
(v1) to purify
清らか [きよらか]
(adj-na,n) clean
清栄 [せいえい]
(n) your health and prosperity
清音 [せいおん]
(n) (in phonetics) an unvoiced sound
清閑 [せいかん]
(adj-na,n) peaceful
清教徒 [せいきょうと]
(n) Puritan
清教徒革命 [せいきょうとかくめい]
(n) Puritan Revolution
清潔 [せいけつ]
(adj-na,n) clean
清元節 [きよもとぶし]
(n) a school of ballad drama
清国 [しんこく]
(n) China under the Manchus
清算 [せいさん]
(n,vs) liquidation
清算会社 [せいさんがいしゃ]
(n) liquidation company
清算取引 [せいさんとりひき]
(n) open account transaction
清算書 [せいさんしょ]
(n) liquidation statement or account
清算人 [せいさんにん]
(n) adjustor
清子音 [せいしいん]
(n) voiceless consonant
清酒 [せいしゅ]
(n) refined sake
清秋 [せいしゅう]
(n) clear fall (weather)
清純 [せいじゅん]
(adj-na,n) purity
清書 [せいしょ]
(n,vs) clean copy
清勝 [せいしょう]
(n) (your) good health
清祥 [せいしょう]
(n) spirit
清浄 [しょうじょう]
(adj-na,n) pure
清浄 [せいじょう]
(adj-na,n) pure
清浄潔白 [せいじょうけっぱく]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) upright and clean-handed
清浄無垢 [せいじょうむく]
(n) purity
清新 [せいしん]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) fresh
清新の気 [せいしんのき]
(n) general mood of freshness
清水 [きよみず]
(n) (1) spring water
清水 [しみず]
(n) (1) spring water
清水 [せいすい]
(n) (1) spring water
清水の舞台から飛び降りる [きよみずのぶたいからとびおりる]
(exp) to make a leap into the dark
清水器 [せいすいき]
(n) water purifier
清水寺 [きよみずでら]
(n) temple in Kyoto
清粋 [せいすい]
(n) elegance
清澄 [せいちょう]
(adj-na,n) clear
清清 [せいせい]
(adv,n,vs) feel refreshed
清清しい [すがすがしい]
(adj) (uk) fresh
清楚 [せいそ]
(adj-na,n) neat and clean
清爽 [かわらか]
(adj-na,adj-no) (1) refreshing
清爽 [せいそう]
(adj-na,adj-no) (1) refreshing
清掃 [せいそう]
(n,vs) cleaning
清掃車 [せいそうしゃ]
(n) garbage truck
清掃夫 [せいそうふ]
(n) garbage man
清濁 [せいだく]
(n) good and evil
清濁併せ呑む [せいだくあわせのむ]
(v5m) to be broad-minded enough to associate with various types of people
清濁併呑 [せいだくへいどん]
(n) being so broad-minded as to accept all sorts of things, both good and evil
清朝 [しんちょう]
(n) the Manchu Dynasty
清朝体 [せいちょうたい]
(n) typeprint which resembles brush-stroke forms of characters
清聴 [せいちょう]
(n,vs) (polite reference to another's) attention
清適 [せいてき]
(n) (another's) well-being
清貧 [せいひん]
(n) honourable poverty
清風 [せいふう]
(n) breath of fresh air
清風明月 [せいふうめいげつ]
(n) refreshing breeze and the bright moon
清福 [せいふく]
(n) happiness
清明 [せいめい]
(n) pure and clear
清遊 [せいゆう]
(n,vs) excursion
清流 [せいりゅう]
(n) clear stream
清涼 [せいりょう]
(adj-na,n) cool
清涼飲料 [せいりょういんりょう]
(n) cool drink
清涼飲料水 [せいりょういんりょうすい]
(n) soft drink
清涼剤 [せいりょうざい]
(n) refrigerant
清廉 [せいれん]
(adj-na,n) honesty
清廉潔白 [せいれんけっぱく]
(adj-na,n) being upright and cleanhanded
清冽 [せいれつ]
(adj-na,n) cool and clear
生 [うぶ]
(adj-no) innocent
生 [き]
(n,pref) pure
生 [なま]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) draft (beer)
生々しい [なまなましい]
(adj) lively
生々世々 [しょうじょうぜぜ]
(n-adv,n) eternity
生々流転 [しょうじょうるてん]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth
生々流転 [せいせいるてん]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth
生い先 [おいさき]
(n) one's future
生い茂る [おいしげる]
(v5r) to grow thickly
生い立ち [おいたち]
(n) upbringing
生う [おう]
(v5u) (1) to grow
生える [はえる]
(v1) (1) to grow
生え際 [はえぎわ]
(n) (receding) hairline
生え抜き [はえぬき]
(n,adj-no) native-born
生え変わる [はえかわる]
(v5r) to be replaced with new growth
生かす [いかす]
(v5s) to revive
生き [いき]
(n) freshness
生きがい [いきがい]
(exp) purpose in life
生きて行かれない [いきていかれない]
(exp) going on
生きて行く [いきていく]
(v5k-s) to subsist
生きとし生けるもの [いきとしいけるもの]
(exp) all living things
生きとし生ける物 [いきとしいけるもの]
(exp) all living things
生きのいい [いきのいい]
(n) very fresh (e.g., food)
生きる [いきる]
(v1) to live
生き餌 [いきえ]
(n) live bait
生き延びる [いきのびる]
(v1) to survive
生き肝 [いきぎも]
(n) liver taken from a living animal
生き血 [いきち]
(n) lifeblood
生き甲斐 [いきがい]
(n) something one lives for, very important
生き作り [いきづくり]
(n) (1) slices of fresh raw fish arranged to look lifelike
生き残り [いきのこり]
(n) survivor
生き残る [いきのこる]
(v5r) to survive
生き死に [いきしに]
(n) life and-or death
生き字引 [いきじびき]
(n) walking dictionary or encyclopedia
生き字引き [いきじびき]
(n) walking dictionary or encyclopedia
生き写し [いきうつし]
(n) lifelike
生き神 [いきがみ]
(n) living god
生き神様 [いきがみさま]
(n) living god
生き身 [いきみ]
(n) living body
生き人形 [いきにんぎょう]
(n) lifelike doll
生き生き [いきいき]
(adv,n) vividly
生き生きと [いきいきと]
(adv) vividly
生き体 [いきたい]
(n) (in sumo) still having slim chances of victory
生き胆 [いきぎも]
(n) liver taken from a living animal
生き地獄 [いきじごく]
(n) hell on earth
生き恥 [いきはじ]
(n) living in disgrace
生き長らえる [いきながらえる]
(v1) to live long
生き馬 [いきうま]
(n) living horse
生き抜く [いきぬく]
(v5k) to live through
生き腐れ [いきぐされ]
(n) (fish) appearing fresh but actually gone bad
生き仏 [いきぼとけ]
(n) saintly person
生き物 [いきもの]
(n) living thing
生き別れ [いきわかれ]
(n) lifelong separation
生き返る [いきかえる]
(v5r) to revive
生き方 [いきかた]
(n) way of life
生き埋め [いきうめ]
(n) burying alive
生き埋める [いきうめる]
(v1) to bury (somebody) alive
生き様 [いきざま]
(n) form of existence
生き霊 [いきりょう]
(n) vengeful spirit
生ける [いける]
(v1) to arrange (flowers)
生ける屍 [いけるしかばね]
(n) living corpse
生け花 [いけばな]
(n) (1) flower arrangement
生け垣 [いけがき]
(n) hedge
生け間 [いけま]
(n) compartment in a fishing boat with seawater for reviving or keeping alive fresh fish or bait
生け魚 [いけうお]
(n) live fish and shellfish (kept in a tank in a restaurant)
生け作り [いけづくり]
(n) slices of fresh raw fish arranged to look lifelike
生け捕り [いけどり]
(n) capture (alive)
生け捕る [いけどる]
(v5r) to capture alive
生け方 [いけかた]
(n) way of arranging flowers
生け簀 [いけす]
(n,vs) fish preserve
生け贄 [いけにえ]
(n) sacrifice
生ごみ [なまごみ]
(n) kitchen waste
生さぬ仲 [なさぬなか]
(n,adj-no) with no blood relation
生じる [しょうじる]
(v1) to produce
生ずる [しょうずる]
(vz) to cause
生で飲む [きでのむ]
(v5m) to drink (whisky, whiskey) straight
生で食べる [なまでたべる]
(exp) to eat raw (fresh)
生ぬるい [なまぬるい]
(adj) lukewarm
生のままで [きのままで]
(exp) straight (e.g. whiskey)
生の情報 [なまのじょうほう]
(n) firsthand information
生まれ [うまれ]
(n) birth
生まれた場所 [うまれたばしょ]
(n) birthplace
生まれつき [うまれつき]
(adv,n) by nature
生まれつく [うまれつく]
(v5k) (1) to be born
生まれながら [うまれながら]
(adj-no,adv) by nature
生まれの良い [うまれのよい]
(n) of noble birth
生まれる [うまれる]
(v1) to be born
生まれ故郷 [うまれこきょう]
(n) one's birthplace
生まれ合わせる [うまれあわせる]
(v1) to happen to be born
生まれ損い [うまれそこない]
(n) good-for-nothing
生まれ乍らの詩人 [うまれながらのしじん]
(n) born poet
生まれ付き [うまれつき]
(adv,n) by nature
生まれ付く [うまれつく]
(v5k) (1) to be born
生まれ変わり [うまれかわり]
(n) rebirth
生まれ変わる [うまれかわる]
(v5r) to be born again
生まれ落ちる [うまれおちる]
(v1) to be born
生まれ立て [うまれたて]
(n) newborn
生み [うみ]
(n) production
生みつける [うみつける]
(v1) to lay
生みの親 [うみのおや]
(exp,n) one's true parents
生み出す [うみだす]
(v5s) (1) to bring forth
生み付ける [うみつける]
(v1) to lay
生み落す [うみおとす]
(v5s) to give birth to
生み落とす [うみおとす]
(v5s) to give birth to
生む [うむ]
(v5m) to give birth
生めかしい [なまめかしい]
(adj) charming
生もの [なまもの]
(n) raw food
生やす [はやす]
(v5s) to grow
生り [なり]
(n) bearing (fruit)
生り節 [なまりぶし]
(n) boiled and half-dried bonito
生り年 [なりどし]
(n) year of large crop
生る [なる]
(v5r) to bear fruit
生れつき [うまれつき]
(adv,n) by nature
生れる [うまれる]
(v1) to be born
生れ付く [うまれつく]
(v5k) (1) to be born
生を享ける [せいをうける]
(exp) to live
生ビール [なまビール]
(n) draft beer
生ワク [なまワク]
(n) live vaccine
生意気 [なまいき]
(adj-na,n) impertinent
生易しい [なまやさしい]
(adj) simple
生育 [せいいく]
(n,vs) growth
生一本 [きいっぽん]
(adj-na,n) straight-forwardness
生飲み込み [なまのみこみ]
(n) superficial
生餌 [いきえ]
(n) live bait
生演奏 [なまえんそう]
(n) live music or performance
生温い [なまぬるい]
(adj) lukewarm
生化学 [せいかがく]
(n) biochemistry
生家 [せいか]
(n) (parents') home
生花 [いけばな]
(n) (1) flower arrangement
生花 [せいか]
(n) (1) flower arrangement
生菓子 [なまがし]
(n) fresh Japanese sweets (usually containing red bean paste)
生害 [しょうがい]
(n,vs) commit suicide
生涯 [しょうがい]
(n-adv,n-t) one's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death)
生涯学習 [しょうがいがくしゅう]
(n) lifelong study
生涯教育 [しょうがいきょういく]
(n) education for life
生垣 [いけがき]
(n) hedge
生学問 [なまがくもん]
(n) imperfect (superficial) knowledge
生活 [せいかつ]
(n,vs) living
生活に困る [せいかつにこまる]
(exp) to live in want
生活の資 [せいかつのし]
(n) means of living
生活環 [せいかつかん]
(n) life cycle
生活環境 [せいかつかんきょう]
(n) one's (living) environment
生活協同組合 [せいかつきょうどうくみあい]
(n) a cooperative
生活苦 [せいかつく]
(n) life's struggles
生活空間 [せいかつくうかん]
(n) living space
生活圏 [せいかつけん]
(n) sphere of daily existence
生活残業 [せいかつざんぎょう]
(n,vs) (working) overtime to make ends meet (to support one's lifestyle)
生活指導 [せいかつしどう]
(n) educational guidance
生活習慣病 [せいかつしゅうかんやまい]
(n) lifestyle disease
生活信条 [せいかつしんじょう]
(n) one's philosophy of life
生活水準 [せいかつすいじゅん]
(n) standard of living
生活設計 [せいかつせっけい]
(n) plan for one's life
生活難 [せいかつなん]
(n) difficulties in living
生活反応 [せいかつはんのう]
(n) vital reaction
生活費 [せいかつひ]
(n) living expenses
生活必需品 [せいかつひつじゅひん]
(n) daily (living) necessities
生活不安 [せいかつふあん]
(n) worry (uncertainty, uneasiness, insecurity) about one's life (future)
生活扶助 [せいかつふじょ]
(n) livelihood assistance
生活保護 [せいかつほご]
(n) livelihood protection
生活保護法 [せいかつほごほう]
(n) Livelihood Protection Law
生活法 [せいかつほう]
(n) art of living
生活様式 [せいかつようしき]
(n) one's lifestyle
生活力 [せいかつりょく]
(n) vitality
生噛じり [なまかじり]
(n,vs) (1) superficial knowledge
生乾き [なまがわき]
(n) half-dried
生干し [なまぼし]
(n) half-dried
生還 [せいかん]
(n,vs) returning alive
生還者 [せいかんしゃ]
(n) survivor
生気 [せいき]
(n) life
生気溌剌 [せいきはつらつ]
(adj-t,adv-to) being full of vitality
生起 [せいき]
(n,vs) take place
生魚 [せいぎょ]
(n) raw or fresh fish
生魚 [なまうお]
(n) raw or fresh fish
生魚 [なまざかな]
(n) raw or fresh fish
生協 [せいきょう]
(n) cooperative association
生蕎麦 [きそば]
(n) buckwheat noodles
生業 [せいぎょう]
(n) occupation
生業 [なりわい]
(n) occupation
生計 [せいけい]
(n) livelihood
生計を立てる [せいけいをたてる]
(exp) to make a living
生計費 [せいけいひ]
(n) living expenses
生計費指数 [せいけいひしすう]
(n) cost of living index
生欠伸 [なまあくび]
(n) slight yawn
生血 [なまち]
(n) fresh blood
生検 [せいけん]
(n) biopsy
生絹 [すずし]
(n) raw silk products
生後 [せいご]
(n) post-natal
生硬 [せいこう]
(adj-na,n) crude
生国 [しょうこく]
(n) one's native country or town
生彩 [せいさい]
(n) life
生殺し [なまごろし]
(n) half-dead
生殺与奪 [せいさつよだつ]
(n) (having) life-and-death power (over)
生産 [せいさん]
(n,vs) production
生産ライン [せいさんライン]
(n) production line
生産過剰 [せいさんかじょう]
(n) overproduction
生産額 [せいさんがく]
(n) amount of production
生産管理 [せいさんかんり]
(n) production control
生産技術 [せいさんぎじゅつ]
(n) industrial science
生産拠点 [せいさんきょてん]
(n) production base
生産計画 [せいさんけいかく]
(n) production schedule
生産高 [せいさんだか]
(n) yield
生産財 [せいさんざい]
(n) producer's goods
生産者 [せいさんしゃ]
(n) manufacturer
生産者価格 [せいさんしゃかかく]
(n) producer price
生産者物価指数 [せいさんしゃぶっかしすう]
(n) producer price index (PPI)
生産性 [せいさんせい]
(n) fecundity
生産設備 [せいさんせつび]
(n) production facility
生産組合 [せいさんくみあい]
(n) producer's association
生産地 [せいさんち]
(n) producing area
生産能力 [せいさんのうりょく]
(n) production capacity
生産能力過剰 [せいさんのうりょくかじょう]
(n) overcapacity
生産費 [せいさんひ]
(n) production costs
生産物 [せいさんぶつ]
(n) products
生産目標 [せいさんもくひょう]
(n) production target
生産量 [せいさんりょう]
(n) turnover
生産力 [せいさんりょく]
(n) productivity
生残 [せいざん]
(n) survival
生残者 [せいざんしゃ]
(n) survivor
生死 [せいし]
(n) life and death
生死にかかわる問題 [せいしにかかわるもんだい]
(n) a matter of life and death
生死の境 [せいしのさかい]
(n) between life and death
生死一如 [せいしいちにょ]
(exp) Life and death are the two faces of the same coin
生死流転 [しょうじるてん]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth
生死輪廻 [せいしりんね]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth
生糸 [きいと]
(n) raw silk thread
生紙 [きがみ]
(n) unsized paper
生字引 [いきじびき]
(n) walking dictionary or encyclopedia
生煮え [なまにえ]
(adj-na,n) (1) half-cooked
生者 [しょうじゃ]
(n) animate nature
生者必滅 [しょうじゃひつめつ]
(n) All living things must die
生酒 [きざけ]
(n) pure rice wine
生首 [なまくび]
(n) freshly severed head
生臭い [なまぐさい]
(adj) smelling of fish or blood
生臭物 [なまぐさもの]
(n) meat and fish (forbidden to monks)
生臭坊主 [なまぐさぼうず]
(n) worldly priest
生傷 [なまきず]
(n) fresh bruises or wounds
生焼け [なまやけ]
(n,adj-no) half-roasted
生醤油 [きじょうゆ]
(n) pure soy sauce
生殖 [せいしょく]
(n,vs) reproduction
生殖器 [せいしょくき]
(n) genital organ
生殖細胞 [せいしょくさいぼう]
(n) reproductive cell
生殖腺 [せいしょくせん]
(n) gonad
生殖補助技術 [せいしょくほじょぎじゅつ]
(n) assisted reproductive technology (ART)
生色 [せいしょく]
(n) healthy complexion
生新 [せいしん]
(adj-na,n) fresh
生新しい [なまあたらしい]
(adj) very fresh
生真面目 [きまじめ]
(adj-na,n) too serious
生身 [なまみ]
(n) living flesh
生水 [なまみず]
(n) unboiled water
生粋 [きっすい]
(n,adj-no) pure
生酔い [なまよい]
(n) tipsy
生成 [せいせい]
(n,vs) creation
生成り [きなり]
(n) unbleached cloth
生成文法 [せいせいぶんぽう]
(n) generative grammar
生生 [せいせい]
(adj-na,n) lively
生生しい [なまなましい]
(adj) lively
生生世世 [しょうじょうぜぜ]
(n-adv,n) eternity
生生流転 [しょうじょうるてん]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth
生生流転 [せいせいるてん]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth
生石灰 [せいせっかい]
(n) quick lime
生節 [なまぶし]
(n) half-dried bonito
生鮮 [せいせん]
(adj-na,n) fresh
生鮮食料品 [せいせんしょくりょうひん]
(n) perishable food(s)
生鮮料品 [せいせんりょうひん]
(n) perishable foods
生前 [せいぜん]
(n-adv,n-t) while alive
生憎 [あいにく]
(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) unfortunately
生息 [せいそく]
(n,vs) inhabiting
生息地 [せいそくち]
(n) habitat
生存 [せいぞん]
(n,vs) existence
生存期間 [せいぞんきかん]
(n) lifetime
生存競争 [せいぞんきょうそう]
(n) struggle for existence
生存権 [せいぞんけん]
(n) right to life
生存者 [せいぞんしゃ]
(n) survivor
生存率 [せいぞんりつ]
(n) survival rate
生唾 [なまつば]
(n) saliva (in one's mouth)
生体 [せいたい]
(n) organism
生体解剖 [せいたいかいぼう]
(n) vivisection
生体学 [せいたいがく]
(n) somatology
生体工学 [せいたいこうがく]
(n) bionics
生体反応 [せいたいはんのう]
(n) reaction of a living body
生体膜 [せいたいまく]
(n) biomembrane
生体力学 [せいたいりきがく]
(n) biomechanics
生態 [せいたい]
(n) (1) mode of life
生態学 [せいたいがく]
(n) ecology
生態系 [せいたいけい]
(n) ecosystem
生誕 [せいたん]
(n,vs) birth
生誕百年 [せいたんひゃくねん]
(n) 100th birthday anniversary
生暖かい [なまあたたかい]
(adj) lukewarm
生地 [きじ]
(n) (1) cloth
生地 [せいち]
(n) birthplace
生地獄 [いきじごく]
(n) living hell
生中継 [なまちゅうけい]
(n,vs) (on TV) "live" broadcast
生長 [せいちょう]
(n,vs) growth
生直ぐ [きすぐ]
(adj-na) to be well-behaved
生爪 [なまづめ]
(n) fingernail
生徒 [せいと]
(n) pupil
生徒を帰す [せいとをかえす]
(exp) to dismiss the pupils
生徒会 [せいとかい]
(n) student council
生徒数 [せいとすう]
(n) number of pupils
生動 [せいどう]
(n,vs) vitality
生得 [しょうとく]
(adv,n) inherent
生得 [せいとく]
(adv,n) inherent
生得権 [せいとくけん]
(n) one's birthright
生得的 [せいとくてき]
(adj-na) innate
生肉 [せいにく]
(n) raw or fresh meat
生乳 [せいにゅう]
(n) raw milk
生年 [せいねん]
(n) the year of a person's birth
生年月日 [せいねんがっぴ]
(n) birth date
生白い [なまじろい]
(adj) pale
生白い [なまっちろい]
(adj) pale
生半可 [なまはんか]
(adj-na,n) superficial
生番組 [なまばんぐみ]
(n) live program
生蕃 [せいばん]
(n) wild tribespeople
生皮 [なまかわ]
(n) rawhide
生物 [せいぶつ]
(n) living things
生物 [なまもの]
(n) raw food
生物化学兵器 [せいぶつかがくへいき]
(n) biological and chemical weapons
生物界 [せいぶつかい]
(n) life
生物学 [せいぶつがく]
(n) biology
生物学者 [せいぶつがくしゃ]
(n) biologist
生物圏 [せいぶつけん]
(n) biosphere
生物工学 [せいぶつこうがく]
(n) biotechnology
生物情報学 [せいぶつじょうほうがく]
(n) bioinformatics
生物戦 [せいぶつせん]
(n) biological warfare
生物地理学 [せいぶつちりがく]
(n) biological geography
生物濃縮 [せいぶつのうしゅく]
(n) biological concentration
生物物理学 [せいぶつぶつりがく]
(n) biophysics
生物分解 [せいぶつぶんかい]
(n) biodegradation
生物兵器 [せいぶつへいき]
(n) biological weapon
生聞き [なまぎき]
(n) being inattentive
生兵法 [なまびょうほう]
(n) crude tactics
生米 [なまごめ]
(n) uncooked rice
生壁 [なまかべ]
(n) undried wall
生別 [せいべつ]
(n,vs) lifelong separation
生返る [いきかえる]
(v5r) to revive
生返事 [なまへんじ]
(n,vs) half-hearted reply
生保 [せいほ]
(n) (abbr) life insurance
生母 [せいぼ]
(n) one's real mother
生放送 [なまほうそう]
(n,vs) live broadcast
生没年 [せいぼつねん]
(n) dates of birth and death
生娘 [きむすめ]
(n) virgin
生命 [せいめい]
(n) life
生命維持装置 [せいめいいじそうち]
(n) life-support system
生命科学 [せいめいかがく]
(n) life science
生命工学 [せいめいこうがく]
(n) biotechnology
生命線 [せいめいせん]
(n) lifeline
生命体 [せいめいたい]
(n) life-form
生命保険 [せいめいほけん]
(n) life insurance
生命保険会社 [せいめいほけんがいしゃ]
(n) life insurance company
生命力 [せいめいりょく]
(n) one's life force
生命倫理 [せいめいりんり]
(n) bioethics
生滅 [しょうめつ]
(n,vs) birth and death
生面 [せいめん]
(n) new field
生木 [なまき]
(n) live tree
生野菜 [なまやさい]
(n) fresh vegetables
生薬 [きぐすり]
(n) herbal or natural medicine
生薬 [しょうやく]
(n) crude drug
生揚げ [なまあげ]
(n) deep-fried bean curd
生来 [しょうらい]
(n-adv,n-t) naturally
生来 [せいらい]
(n-adv,n-t) naturally
生卵 [なまたまご]
(n) raw egg
生理 [せいり]
(n) physiology
生理学 [せいりがく]
(n) physiology
生理機能 [せいりきのう]
(n) physiology
生理休暇 [せいりきゅうか]
(n) menstrual leave
生理的 [せいりてき]
(adj-na) physiological
生理的食塩水 [せいりてきしょくえんすい]
(n) physiological saline solution
生理日 [せいりび]
(n) days of one's menstrual period
生理不順 [せいりふじゅん]
(n) menstrual irregularity
生類 [しょうるい]
(n) living things
生類 [せいるい]
(n) living things
生老病死 [しょうろうびょうし]
(n) the four inevitables in human life - birth, aging, sickness, and death. (Buddhism)
生蝋 [きろう]
(n) crude Japan wax
生録 [なまろく]
(n,vs) live recording
生姜 [しょうが]
(n) ginger
生姜焼き [しょうがやき]
(n) pork fried with ginger
生簀 [いけす]
(n,vs) fish preserve
生茹で [なまゆで]
(n) half-boiled
生薑 [しょうが]
(n) ginger
生麩 [なまふ]
(n) wheat starch
生齧り [なまかじり]
(n,vs) (1) superficial knowledge
盛り [さかり]
(n) summit
盛り [もり]
(n) helping
盛りが付く [さかりがつく]
(exp) to rut
盛りつける [もりつける]
(v1) to dish up
盛り花 [もりばな]
(n) flower arrangement in a built-up style
盛り菓子 [もりがし]
(n) cakes heaped in a container for a shrine offering
盛り合わせ [もりあわせ]
(n) combination platter
盛り合わせる [もりあわせる]
(v1) to heap with
盛り込む [もりこむ]
(v5m) to incorporate
盛り砂 [もりずな]
(n) ceremonial piles of sand
盛り殺す [もりころす]
(v5s) to poison to death
盛り上がり [もりあがり]
(n) climax
盛り上がる [もりあがる]
(v5r) to rouse
盛り上げる [もりあげる]
(v1) to pile up
盛り場 [さかりば]
(n) amusement quarters
盛り切り [もりきり]
(n) single helping
盛り沢山 [もりだくさん]
(adj-na,n) many, varied
盛り土 [もりつち]
(n) embankment (for road, railway, etc.)
盛り土 [もりど]
(n) embankment (for road, railway, etc.)
盛り付ける [もりつける]
(v1) to dish up
盛り返す [もりかえす]
(v5s) to rally
盛る [さかる]
(v5r) (1) to prosper
盛る [もる]
(v5r) (1) to serve (food, etc.)
盛ん [さかん]
(adj-na,n) popularity
盛んな歓迎 [さかんなかんげい]
(n) cordial reception
盛んな商売 [さかんなしょうばい]
(n) thriving business
盛んに [さかんに]
(adv) energetically
盛んになる [さかんになる]
(exp) to become popular
盛運 [せいうん]
(n) prosperity
盛宴 [せいえん]
(n) grand banquet
盛夏 [せいか]
(n) midsummer
盛会 [せいかい]
(n) successful meeting
盛観 [せいかん]
(n) grand spectacle
盛期 [せいき]
(n) prosperous period
盛儀 [せいぎ]
(n) grand ceremony
盛挙 [せいきょ]
(n) large-scale undertaking
盛況 [せいきょう]
(n) success
盛業 [せいぎょう]
(n) prosperous enterprise
盛事 [せいじ]
(n) prosperous undertaking
盛時 [せいじ]
(n) prime of life
盛者 [しょうしゃ]
(n) prosperous person
盛者 [しょうじゃ]
(n) prosperous person
盛者 [じょうしゃ]
(n) prosperous person
盛者必衰 [しょうしゃひっすい]
(exp) The prosperous must decay
盛者必衰 [しょうじゃひっすい]
(exp) The prosperous must decay
盛者必衰 [じょうしゃひっすい]
(exp) The prosperous must decay
盛者必衰 [せいじゃひっすい]
(exp) The prosperous must decay
盛暑 [せいしょ]
(n) height of summer
盛衰 [せいすい]
(n) rise and fall
盛衰興亡 [せいすいこうぼう]
(n) rise and fall
盛装 [せいそう]
(n,vs) dressed up
盛代 [せいだい]
(n) prosperous era
盛大 [せいだい]
(adj-na,n) grand
盛大にやる [せいだいにやる]
(exp) to give (parties) in grand style
盛大に趣く [せいだいにおもむく]
(exp) to grow in prosperity
盛典 [せいてん]
(n) grand ceremony
盛土 [もりつち]
(n) embankment
盛徳 [せいとく]
(n) splendid virtue
盛年 [せいねん]
(n) prime of life
盛名 [せいめい]
(n) reputation
精 [せい]
(n) spirit
精々 [せいぜい]
(adv) at the most
精いっぱい [せいいっぱい]
(n-adv) with all one's might
精が尽きる [せいがつきる]
(exp) to be exhausted
精げる [しらげる]
(v1) to polish (rice)
精を出す [せいをだす]
(exp) to work hard (diligently)
精を漏らす [せいをもらす]
(exp) to have an involuntary emission of semen
精一 [せいいつ]
(adj-na,n) purity
精一杯 [せいいっぱい]
(n-adv) with all one's might
精鋭 [せいえい]
(adj-na,n) elite
精液 [せいえき]
(n) semen
精華 [せいか]
(n) flower
精確 [せいかく]
(adj-na,n) precise
精管 [せいかん]
(n) seminal duct
精気 [せいき]
(n) (mind and) spirit
精義 [せいぎ]
(n) detailed exposition
精強 [せいきょう]
(adj-na,n) powerful
精勤 [せいきん]
(n,vs) diligence
精勤賞 [せいきんしょう]
(n) prize for diligence or good attendance
精巧 [せいこう]
(adj-na,n) elaborate
精根 [せいこん]
(n) soul
精魂 [せいこん]
(n) soul
精査 [せいさ]
(n,vs) close investigation
精彩 [せいさい]
(n) brilliance
精細 [せいさい]
(adj-na,n) detail
精算 [せいさん]
(n,vs) exact calculation
精算所 [せいさんじょ]
(n) fare adjustment office
精算書 [せいさんしょ]
(n) statement of accounts
精算人 [せいさんにん]
(n) liquidator (e.g., of a corporation)
精子 [せいし]
(n) sperm
精舎 [しょうじゃ]
(n) temple
精出す [せいだす]
(v5s) to exert oneself
精神 [せいしん]
(n) mind
精神の美 [せいしんのび]
(n) mental charm
精神安定剤 [せいしんあんていざい]
(n) tranquilizer
精神異常者 [せいしんいじょうしゃ]
(n) psychotic
精神医学 [せいしんいがく]
(n) psychiatry
精神医学者 [せいしんいがくしゃ]
(n) psychiatrist
精神一到 [せいしんいっとう]
(n) concentration of mind
精神衛生 [せいしんえいせい]
(n) mental health
精神科 [せいしんか]
(n) psychiatry
精神鑑定 [せいしんかんてい]
(n,vs) psychiatric examination
精神構造 [せいしんこうぞう]
(n) one's mental make-up (structure)
精神作用 [せいしんさよう]
(n) operation (working) of the mind
精神錯乱 [せいしんさくらん]
(n) alienation
精神主義 [せいしんしゅぎ]
(n) spiritualism
精神修養 [せいしんしゅうよう]
(n,vs) moral (spiritual) improvement
精神障害 [せいしんしょうがい]
(n) mental disorder
精神状態 [せいしんじょうたい]
(n) mental condition
精神神経用 [せいしんしんけいよう]
(adj) psychoneurologic
精神遅滞 [せいしんちたい]
(n) mental retardation
精神的 [せいしんてき]
(adj-na) mental
精神的苦痛 [せいしんてきくつう]
(n) mental anguish
精神的指導者 [せいしんてきしどうしゃ]
(n) spiritual leader
精神統一 [せいしんとういつ]
(n) concentration of mind
精神年齢 [せいしんねんれい]
(n) a person's mental age
精神薄弱 [せいしんはくじゃく]
(n) mental retardation
精神薄弱児 [せいしんはくじゃくじ]
(n) mentally-handicapped (retarded) child
精神薄弱者 [せいしんはくじゃくしゃ]
(n) feeble-minded (weak-minded) person
精神病 [せいしんびょう]
(n) mental illness
精神病院 [せいしんびょういん]
(n) mental hospital
精神風土 [せいしんふうど]
(n) the spiritual climate
精神分析 [せいしんぶんせき]
(n) psychoanalysis
精神分裂症 [せいしんぶんれつしょう]
(n) schizophrenia
精神療法 [せいしんりょうほう]
(n) psychotherapy
精神力 [せいしんりょく]
(n) emotional strength
精神労働 [せいしんろうどう]
(n) brainwork
精進 [しょうじん]
(n,vs) concentration
精進潔斎 [しょうじんけっさい]
(n,vs) purifying oneself (religiously) by abstaining from eating meat
精進日 [しょうじんび]
(n) day of abstinence
精進揚げ [しょうじんあげ]
(n) vegetable tempura
精進落ち [しょうじんおち]
(n) first meal (including meat or fish) taken after a period of abstinence
精進料理 [しょうじんりょうり]
(n) style of vegetarian cuisine
精粋 [せいすい]
(n) purity
精髄 [せいずい]
(n) essence
精精 [せいぜい]
(adv) at the most
精製 [せいせい]
(n,vs) purification
精製糖 [せいせいとう]
(n) refined sugar
精製品 [せいせいひん]
(n) refined or finished goods
精製法 [せいせいほう]
(n) refining process
精選 [せいせん]
(n,vs) careful selection
精粗 [せいそ]
(n) fineness or coarseness
精巣 [せいそう]
(n) testicle
精虫 [せいちゅう]
(n) sperm(atozoon)
精通 [せいつう]
(n,vs) acquaintance
精度 [せいど]
(n) precision
精糖 [せいとう]
(n) refined sugar
精到 [せいとう]
(adj-na,n) meticulous
精銅 [せいどう]
(n) refined copper
精読 [せいどく]
(n,vs) intensive reading
精肉 [せいにく]
(n) small goods
精肉店 [せいにくてん]
(n) meat shop
精嚢 [せいのう]
(n) seminal vesicle
精農 [せいのう]
(n) hard-working farmer or agriculturalist
精白 [せいはく]
(n,vs) refining
精白糖 [せいはくとう]
(n) refined sugar
精白米 [せいはくまい]
(n) polished rice
精白率 [せいはくりつ]
(n) degree of milling (of rice)
精薄 [せいはく]
(n) (abbr) mental retardation (pejorative)
精薄児 [せいはくじ]
(n) (abbr) mentally-handicapped (retarded) child (pejorative)
精薄者 [せいはくしゃ]
(n) (abbr) mentally-handicapped person (pejorative)
精麦 [せいばく]
(n,vs) polished barley or wheat
精粉 [せいふん]
(n) fine powder
精兵 [せいびょう]
(n) picked troops
精兵 [せいへい]
(n) picked troops
精米 [せいまい]
(n,vs) polished rice
精米所 [せいまいじょ]
(n) rice(-cleaning) mill
精密 [せいみつ]
(adj-na,n) precise
精密化学品 [せいみつかがくひん]
(n) fine chemical (high precision chemicals, typically used in pharmaceutical products)
精密科学 [せいみつかがく]
(n) the exact sciences
精密機械 [せいみつきかい]
(n) precision instrument or machine
精密機械工業 [せいみつきかいこうぎょう]
(n) precision machinery industry
精密誘導ミサイル [せいみつゆうどうミサイル]
(n) precision guided missile
精妙 [せいみょう]
(adj-na,n) exquisite
精妙巧緻 [せいみょうこうち]
(n,adj-na) exquisite and elaborate
精油 [せいゆ]
(n) refined oil
精油所 [せいゆしょ]
(n) oil refinery
精力 [せいりょく]
(n) energy
精力絶倫 [せいりょくぜつりん]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) being of unbounded energy
精励 [せいれい]
(n,vs) diligence
精励恪勤 [せいれいかっきん]
(n,vs) assiduousness
精霊 [しょうりょう]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) spirit of the deceased
精霊 [せいれい]
(n) spirit
精霊信仰 [せいれいしんこう]
(n) animism
精霊流し [しょうりょうながし]
(n) floating lanterns or offerings for the spirits of the deceased
精煉 [せいれん]
(n,vs) refining (metals)
精練 [せいれん]
(n,vs) scouring
精錬 [せいれん]
(n,vs) refining
精錬所 [せいれんしょ]
(n) refinery
精錬所 [せいれんじょ]
(n) refinery
精悍 [せいかん]
(adj-na,n) fearless
精緻 [せいち]
(adj-na,n) delicate
聖 [せい]
(pref) saint
聖の御代 [ひじりのみよ]
(n) highly-esteemed emperor's reign
聖エルモの火 [せいエルモのひ]
(n) St Elmo's fire
聖ニコラス [せいニコラス]
(n) Saint Nicholas
聖域 [せいいき]
(n) sacred precincts
聖恩 [せいおん]
(n) imperial blessings or favor (favour)
聖家族 [せいかぞく]
(n) the Holy Family
聖歌 [せいか]
(n) hymn
聖歌隊 [せいかたい]
(n) choir
聖火 [せいか]
(n) (1) sacred fire (torch)
聖火リレー [せいかリレー]
(n) Olympic torch relay
聖火台 [せいかだい]
(n) platform (structure) bearing the Olympic flame
聖教 [せいきょう]
(n) sacred teachings
聖賢 [せいけん]
(n) saints and sages
聖公会 [せいこうかい]
(n) Anglican or Episcopal Church
聖算 [せいさん]
(n) Emperor's age
聖餐 [せいさん]
(n) celebrant
聖餐式 [せいさんしき]
(n) Holy Communion
聖旨 [せいし]
(n) imperial command
聖者 [しょうじゃ]
(n) saint
聖者 [せいじゃ]
(n) saint
聖寿 [せいじゅ]
(n) age or life of the emperor
聖週 [せいしゅう]
(n) Holy Week
聖獣 [せいじゅう]
(n) sacred beast
聖書 [せいしょ]
(n) Bible
聖女 [せいじょ]
(n) saint
聖上 [せいじょう]
(n) the emperor
聖職 [せいしょく]
(n) sacred profession
聖職者 [せいしょくしゃ]
(n) clergyman
聖人 [せいじん]
(n) saint
聖人君子 [せいじんくんし]
(n) person of lofty virtue
聖人賢者 [せいじんけんじゃ]
(n) person of lofty virtue and great wisdom
聖跡 [せいせき]
(n) holy site
聖蹟 [せいせき]
(n) holy site
聖戦 [せいせん]
(n) holy war
聖槍 [せいそう]
(n) holy lance
聖像 [せいぞう]
(n) sacred image
聖体 [せいたい]
(n) the emperor's person
聖体拝領 [せいたいはいりょう]
(n) the Eucharist
聖代 [せいだい]
(n) magnificent imperial reign
聖卓 [せいたく]
(n) altar (esp. Christian)
聖誕祭 [せいたんさい]
(n) Christmas
聖壇 [せいだん]
(n) altar
聖断 [せいだん]
(n) imperial decision
聖地 [せいち]
(n) sacred place
聖地巡礼 [せいちじゅんれい]
(n) pilgrimage
聖哲 [せいてつ]
(n) wise man
聖典 [せいてん]
(n) scriptures
聖伝 [せいでん]
(n) (Catholic) tradition
聖徒 [せいと]
(n) disciple
聖堂 [せいどう]
(n) (Confucian) temple
聖徳 [せいとく]
(n) imperial virtue
聖日 [せいじつ]
(n) holy day
聖杯 [せいはい]
(n) chalice
聖廟 [せいびょう]
(n) Confucian temple
聖別 [せいべつ]
(n,vs) consecration
聖母 [せいぼ]
(n) emperor's mother
聖名祝日 [せいめいしゅくじつ]
(n) one's saint's day
聖夜 [せいや]
(n) holy night
聖油 [せいゆ]
(n) holy oil
聖霊 [せいれい]
(n) the holy ghost
聖霊降臨祭 [せいれいこうりんさい]
(n) (the feast of) Pentecost
聖路加 [せいろか]
(n) Saint Luke's (Tokyo Hospital)
聖路加病院 [せいろかびょういん]
(n) St Luke Hospital
聖櫃 [せいひつ]
(n) (1) Ark of the Covenant (Judaism)
声 [こえ]
(n) voice
声が掠れる [こえがかすれる]
(exp) to become hoarse
声をかける [こえをかける]
(v1) to greet
声を掛ける [こえをかける]
(v1) to greet
声を詰まらせて [こえをつまらせて]
(exp) in a choked voice
声を出す [こえをだす]
(exp) to speak
声を上げる [こえをあげる]
(exp) to raise one's voice
声を忍ばせて [こえをしのばせて]
(exp) in a subdued voice
声を立てる [こえをたてる]
(v1) to let out a cry
声を励ます [こえをはげます]
(exp) to raise one's voice
声域 [せいいき]
(n) range of voice
声援 [せいえん]
(n,vs) encouragement
声音 [こわね]
(n) vocal sound
声音 [せいおん]
(n) vocal sound
声価 [せいか]
(n) reputation
声楽 [せいがく]
(n) vocal music
声楽家 [せいがくか]
(n) vocalist
声掛かり [こえがかり]
(n) recommendation of an influential person
声高 [こわだか]
(adj-na,n) with a loud voice
声高に論じる [こわだかにろんじる]
(exp) to argue loudly
声色 [こわいろ]
(n) (1) tone of voice
声色 [せいしょく]
(n) voice and countenance
声帯 [せいたい]
(n) vocal cords
声帯模写 [せいたいもしゃ]
(n) vocal mimicry
声調 [せいちょう]
(n) tone (of voice)
声道 [せいどう]
(n) vocal tract
声変わり [こえがわり]
(n) change (break) of voice
声望 [せいぼう]
(n) fame
声明 [せいめい]
(n,vs) declaration
声明書 [せいめいしょ]
(n) statement
声明文 [せいめいぶん]
(n) proclamation
声紋 [せいもん]
(n) voice print
声門 [せいもん]
(n,adj-no) glottis
声優 [せいゆう]
(n) voice actor or actress (radio, animation, etc.)
声誉 [せいよ]
(n) reputation
声量 [せいりょう]
(n) (speaking) volume
製 [せい]
(n,n-suf) -made
製する [せいする]
(vs-s) to make (something)
製塩 [せいえん]
(n,vs) salt making
製塩業 [せいえんぎょう]
(n) the salt industry
製菓 [せいか]
(n) confectionery
製菓業者 [せいかぎょうしゃ]
(n) confectioner
製革 [せいかく]
(n) tanning
製革業 [せいかくぎょう]
(n) the tanning industry
製缶 [せいかん]
(n) can manufacturing
製缶工場 [せいかんこうじょう]
(n) (tin) can factory
製靴 [せいか]
(n) shoe-making
製靴業 [せいかぎょう]
(n) the shoemaking industry
製鋼 [せいこう]
(n,vs) steel manufacture
製鋼業 [せいこうぎょう]
(n) steel industry
製鋼所 [せいこうしょ]
(n) steelworks
製鋼所 [せいこうじょ]
(n) steelworks
製材 [せいざい]
(n,vs) sawing
製材業 [せいざいぎょう]
(n) lumbering (sawing) industry
製材所 [せいざいしょ]
(n) sawmill
製作 [せいさく]
(n,vs) manufacture
製作者 [せいさくしゃ]
(n) manufacturer
製作所 [せいさくしょ]
(n) works
製作所 [せいさくじょ]
(n) works
製作費 [せいさくひ]
(n) production cost
製糸 [せいし]
(n) spinning
製糸業 [せいしぎょう]
(n) the silk industry
製紙 [せいし]
(n) paper making or manufacturing
製紙業 [せいしぎょう]
(n) the paper (manufacturing) industry
製紙工場 [せいしこうじょう]
(n) paper mill (factory)
製織 [せいしょく]
(n) weaving
製図 [せいず]
(n,vs) draughtsmanship
製図家 [せいずか]
(n) cartographer
製図板 [せいずばん]
(n) drafting (draughting, drawing) board
製造 [せいぞう]
(n,vs) manufacture
製造業 [せいぞうぎょう]
(n) manufacturing industry
製造元 [せいぞうもと]
(n) manufacturer
製造工程 [せいぞうこうてい]
(n) manufacturing process
製造者 [せいぞうしゃ]
(n) manufacturer
製造所 [せいぞうしょ]
(n) factory
製造所 [せいぞうじょ]
(n) factory
製造年月日 [せいぞうねんがっぴ]
(n) date of manufacture
製造販売 [せいぞうはんばい]
(n) (1) manufacture and sales
製造番号 [せいぞうばんごう]
(n) (manufacturer's) serial number
製造品 [せいぞうひん]
(n) manufactured goods
製造物責任 [せいぞうぶつせきにん]
(n) product liability
製造物責任法 [せいぞうぶつせきにんほう]
(n) product liability law
製袋 [せいたい]
(n) bag manufacturing
製炭 [せいたん]
(n) charcoal making
製茶 [せいちゃ]
(n) tea processing
製茶業 [せいちゃぎょう]
(n) tea processing industry
製鉄 [せいてつ]
(n) iron manufacture
製鉄業 [せいてつぎょう]
(n) the iron industry
製鉄所 [せいてつしょ]
(n) ironworks
製鉄所 [せいてつじょ]
(n) ironworks
製糖 [せいとう]
(n) sugar manufacture
製糖業 [せいとうぎょう]
(n) the sugar industry
製糖所 [せいとうじょ]
(n) sugar refinery
製陶 [せいとう]
(n) porcelain manufacturing
製陶業 [せいとうぎょう]
(n) the porcelain or ceramics industry
製版 [せいはん]
(n,vs) platemaking (printing)
製版所 [せいはんじょ]
(n) platemaking shop
製販 [せいはん]
(n) (1) (abbr) manufacture and sales
製販同盟 [せいはんどうめい]
(n) producer-retailer alliance
製番 [せいばん]
(n) product number
製氷 [せいひょう]
(n,vs) ice making
製氷機 [せいひょうき]
(n) ice maker
製氷皿 [せいひょうざら]
(n) ice-making pan
製氷所 [せいひょうじょ]
(n) ice plant
製品 [せいひん]
(n) manufactured goods
製品ライン [せいひんライン]
(n) product line
製品回収 [せいひんかいしゅう]
(n) recall (of goods)
製品原価 [せいひんげんか]
(n) manufacturing cost
製品戦略 [せいひんせんりゃく]
(n) product strategy
製粉 [せいふん]
(n,vs) milling
製粉機 [せいふんき]
(n) milling machine
製粉業 [せいふんぎょう]
(n) the flour(-milling) industry
製粉所 [せいふんしょ]
(n) flour mill
製粉所 [せいふんじょ]
(n) flour mill
製法 [せいほう]
(n) manufacturing method
製本 [せいほん]
(n,vs) book making (binding, publishing)
製本屋 [せいほんや]
(n) bookbinder
製麻 [せいま]
(n) flax (hemp) spinning
製麺 [せいめん]
(n) noodle making
製薬 [せいやく]
(n) pharmacy
製薬会社 [せいやくがいしゃ]
(n) pharmaceutical (drug) company
製油 [せいゆ]
(n,vs) oil refining
製油所 [せいゆじょ]
(n) oil refinery
製錬 [せいれん]
(n,vs) smelting
西 [にし]
(n) west
西の方 [にしのほう]
(n) western direction
西アフリカ [にしアフリカ]
(n) West Africa
西ドイツ [にしドイツ]
(n) West Germany
西ヨーロッパ [にしヨーロッパ]
(n) Western Europe
西域 [せいいき]
(n) western regions of China
西瓜 [すいか]
(n) watermelon
西瓜割り [すいかわり]
(n) watermelon splitting (game)
西欧 [せいおう]
(n) Western Europe
西欧化 [せいおうか]
(n) westernization
西欧諸国 [せいおうしょこく]
(n) West European countries
西欧文明 [せいおうぶんめい]
(n) Western civilization
西下 [さいか]
(n,vs) going west
西回り [にしまわり]
(n) west circuit
西海岸 [にしかいがん]
(n) west coast
西岸 [せいがん]
(n) west coast
西寄り [にしより]
(exp) westerly
西紀 [せいき]
(n) Christian era
西経 [せいけい]
(n) west longitude
西語 [せいご]
(n) Spanish language
西口 [にしぐち]
(n) west entrance
西向き [にしむき]
(n) facing west
西貢 [さいごん]
(n) Saigon
西郊 [せいこう]
(n) (rare) western suburb
西高東低 [せいこうとうてい]
(n) high barometric pressure to the west, low pressure to the east
西戎 [せいじゅう]
(n) barbarians to the west (from Chinese)
西陣 [にしじん]
(n) district in Kyoto
西陣織り [にしじんおり]
(n) Nishijin silk fabrics
西漸 [せいぜん]
(n,vs) westward advance
西側 [にしがわ]
(n) west side
西側諸国 [にしがわしょこく]
(n) Western countries
西哲 [せいてつ]
(n) western philosopher
西土 [せいど]
(n) western lands (China, India, etc.)
西独 [せいどく]
(n) West Germany
西南 [せいなん]
(n) south-west
西南 [にしみなみ]
(n) south-west
西南の役 [せいなんのえき]
(n) the Satsuma Rebellion
西南西 [せいなんせい]
(n) west-southwest
西日 [にしび]
(n) westering sun
西日本 [にしにっぽん]
(n) western Japan
西日本 [にしにほん]
(n) western Japan
西半球 [にしはんきゅう]
(n) the Occident
西班牙 [すぺいん]
(n) Spain
西表山猫 [いりおもてやまねこ]
(n) Iriomote wildcat
西武 [せいぶ]
(n) (1) Seibu (conglomerate: stores, railway, etc.)
西部 [せいぶ]
(n) the west
西部劇 [せいぶげき]
(n) western (film genre)
西風 [せいふう]
(n) west wind
西風 [にしかぜ]
(n) west wind
西方 [さいほう]
(n) western direction
西方 [せいほう]
(n) western direction
西方浄土 [さいほうじょうど]
(n) Buddhist paradise
西北 [せいほく]
(n) north-west
西北西 [せいほくせい]
(n) west-northwest
西本願寺 [にしほんがんじ]
(n) temple in Kyoto
西明かり [にしあかり]
(n) twilight
西遊 [さいゆう]
(n,vs) westward trip
西遊 [せいゆう]
(n,vs) westward trip
西遊記 [さいゆうき]
(n) Monkey
西遊記 [せいゆうき]
(n) Monkey
西洋 [せいよう]
(n) the west
西洋すぐり [せいようすぐり]
(n) (European) gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa L.)
西洋化 [せいようか]
(n) westernization
西洋画 [せいようが]
(n) western painting
西洋碁 [せいようご]
(n) checkers
西洋酸塊 [せいようすぐり]
(n) (European) gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa L.)
西洋史 [せいようし]
(n) history of the Western world
西洋紙 [せいようし]
(n) (western) paper
西洋式 [せいようしき]
(n) western style or fashion
西洋将棋 [せいようしょうぎ]
(n) chess
西洋松露 [せいようしょうろ]
(n) (European) truffle
西洋榛 [せいようはしばみ]
(n) hazel
西洋人 [せいようじん]
(n) Western people
西洋葱 [せいようねぎ]
(n) (1) leek (edible plant, Allium porrum)
西洋風 [せいようふう]
(n) western style
西洋文明 [せいようぶんめい]
(n) Western civilization
西暦 [せいれき]
(n) Christian Era
西和 [せいわ]
(exp) Spanish-Japanese
誠 [まこと]
(adv,n) truth
誠しやかに [まことしやかに]
(adv) as if it were true
誠に [まことに]
(adv) indeed
誠を尽くす [まことをつくす]
(exp) to do with sincerity
誠意 [せいい]
(n-adv,n) sincerity
誠実 [せいじつ]
(adj-na,n) sincere
誠心 [せいしん]
(n) sincerity
誠心誠意 [せいしんせいい]
(adv,n) in all sincerity
誠忠 [せいちゅう]
(adj-na,n) loyalty
誓い [ちかい]
(n) oath
誓いを立てている [ちかいをたてている]
(exp) to be under a vow
誓い交わす [ちかいかわす]
(v5s) to vow to each other
誓う [ちかう]
(v5u) to swear
誓って [ちかって]
(adv) surely
誓願 [せいがん]
(n,vs) oath
誓言 [せいげん]
(n,vs) attestation
誓紙 [せいし]
(n) written oath
誓詞 [せいし]
(n) vow
誓文 [せいもん]
(n) written oath
誓文払い [せいもんばらい]
(n) bargain sale
誓約 [せいやく]
(n,vs) written vow
誓約書 [せいやくしょ]
(n) written oath
請い [こい]
(n) request
請う [こう]
(v5u-s) to ask
請け [うけ]
(n) (1) popularity
請ける [うける]
(v1) to receive
請け合う [うけあう]
(v5u) to assure
請け出す [うけだす]
(v5s) to redeem
請け書 [うけしょ]
(n) written acknowledgement
請け人 [うけにん]
(n) guarantor
請け売り [うけうり]
(n) retailing
請け判 [うけはん]
(n) seal of surety
請け負い [うけおい]
(n) contract (for work)
請け負う [うけおう]
(v5u) to contract
請け戻し [うけもどし]
(n) redemption
請じ入れる [しょうじいれる]
(v1) to invite or usher in
請謁 [せいえつ]
(n,vs) beseeching
請暇 [せいか]
(n) vacation request
請願 [せいがん]
(n,vs) petition
請願権 [せいがんけん]
(n) right to petition (the government)
請願者 [せいがんしゃ]
(n) petitioner
請願書 [せいがんしょ]
(n) (a written) petition
請求 [せいきゅう]
(n,vs) claim
請求額 [せいきゅうがく]
(n) amount billed or claimed
請求権 [せいきゅうけん]
(n) claim rights
請求書 [せいきゅうしょ]
(n) bill
請訓 [せいくん]
(n,vs) request for instructions
請合う [うけあう]
(v5u) to assure
請託 [せいたく]
(n,vs) solicitation
請負 [うけおい]
(n) contract (for work)
請負業 [うけおいぎょう]
(n) the contracting business
請負業者 [うけおいぎょうしゃ]
(n) independent contractor
請負工事 [うけおいこうじ]
(n) contract work
請負仕事 [うけおいしごと]
(n) contract work
請負師 [うけおいし]
(n) contractor
請負人 [うけおいにん]
(n) contractor
請負制度 [うけおいせいど]
(n) contract system
逝く [いく]
(v5k-s) to die
逝く [ゆく]
(v5k-s) to die
逝去 [せいきょ]
(n,vs) death
醒ます [さます]
(v5s) (1) to awaken
醒める [さめる]
(v1) to awake (wake up)
青 [あお]
(n) blue
青々 [あおあお]
(adv,n) verdant
青あざ [あおあざ]
(n) bruise
青い [あおい]
(adj) blue
青い果実 [あおいかじつ]
(n) unripe (green) fruit
青い花 [あおいはな]
(n) spiderwort (alias)
青い旗 [あおいはた]
(n) blue flag
青い鳥 [あおいとり]
(n) bluebird (Sialia spp.)
青かび [あおかび]
(n) blue mold
青ざめる [あおざめる]
(v1) to become pale
青だも [あおだも]
(n) chinese flowering ash
青雲 [せいうん]
(n) blue sky
青雲の志 [せいうんのこころざし]
(n) high (lofty) ambition
青化物 [せいかぶつ]
(n) cyanide
青果 [せいか]
(n) fruit(s) and vegetables
青果市場 [せいかいちば]
(n) vegetable and fruit market
青果物 [せいかぶつ]
(n) fruit and vegetables
青花 [あおばな]
(n) spiderwort (alias)
青花 [せいか]
(n) ceramics with a blue pattern on a white background
青華 [せいか]
(n) ceramics with a blue pattern on a white background
青海亀 [あおうみがめ]
(n) green sea turtle
青海原 [あおうなばら]
(n) the blue sea
青海苔 [あおのり]
(n) green laver
青貝 [あおがい]
(n) limpet
青蛙 [あおがえる]
(n) green (tree) frog
青瓦台 [せいがだい]
(n) the Blue House (South Korea's presidential palace)
青玉 [せいぎょく]
(n) sapphire
青桐 [あおぎり]
(n) sultan's parasol tree
青筋 [あおすじ]
(n) vein (esp. in head)
青空 [あおぞら]
(n) blue sky
青空教室 [あおぞらきょうしつ]
(n) open-air classes
青空市場 [あおぞらいちば]
(n) free market
青空市場 [あおぞらしじょう]
(n) free market
青空駐車 [あおぞらちゅうしゃ]
(n) parking on the street
青懸巣 [あおかけす]
(n) blue jay
青枯れ病 [あおがれびょう]
(n) bacterial wilt
青光り [あおびかり]
(n,vs) bluish sheen
青梗菜 [ちんげんさい]
(n) qinggengcai (spinach-like green vegetable originating in China)
青梗菜 [チンゲンサイ]
(n) qinggengcai (spinach-like green vegetable originating in China)
青黒い [あおぐろい]
(adj) dark blue
青菜 [あおな]
(n) greens
青鷺 [あおさぎ]
(n) variety of heron
青鮫 [あおざめ]
(n) blue or mako shark
青山 [せいざん]
(n) (1) blue or green mountain
青酸 [せいさん]
(n) hydrocyanic (prussic) acid
青酸カリ [せいさんカリ]
(n) (abbr) potassium cyanide
青酸カリウム [せいさんカリウム]
(n) potassium cyanide
青酸中毒 [せいさんちゅうどく]
(n) cyanide poisoning
青史 [せいし]
(n) (written) history
青紫蘇 [あおじそ]
(n) (uk) green beefsteak plant
青磁 [あおじ]
(n) celadon porcelain
青磁 [せいじ]
(n) celadon porcelain
青写真 [あおじゃしん]
(n) blueprint
青臭い [あおくさい]
(adj) inexperienced
青春 [せいしゅん]
(n,adj-no) youth
青春期 [せいしゅんき]
(adj-na) puberty
青春群像 [せいしゅんぐんぞう]
(n) youthful crowd
青春時代 [せいしゅんじだい]
(n) one's youth
青書 [せいしょ]
(n) government-issued report
青女 [あおおんな]
(n) young girl unused to the ways of the world
青少年 [せいしょうねん]
(n) youth
青少年犯罪 [せいしょうねんはんざい]
(n) youth crime
青松 [せいしょう]
(n) green pine
青畳 [あおだたみ]
(n) new mat
青色 [あおいろ]
(n) blue
青色 [せいしょく]
(n) blue
青色症 [せいしょくしょう]
(n) cyanosis
青色申告 [あおいろしんこく]
(n) blue (tax) return
青信号 [あおしんごう]
(n) green light
青森県 [あおもりけん]
(n) Aomori prefecture (Touhoku area)
青図 [あおず]
(n) blueprint
青青 [あおあお]
(adv,n) verdant
青組 [あおぐみ]
(n) blue class
青草 [あおくさ]
(n) green grass
青息 [あおいき]
(n) anxious or pained sigh
青息吐息 [あおいきといき]
(n) deep distress
青大将 [あおだいしょう]
(n) common harmless snake
青地 [あおじ]
(n) blue cloth or ground
青竹 [あおだけ]
(n) green bamboo
青虫 [あおむし]
(n) caterpillar
青天 [せいてん]
(n) blue sky
青天のへきれき [せいてんのへきれき]
(exp,n) a bolt out of the blue
青天の霹靂 [せいてんのへきれき]
(exp,n) a bolt out of the blue
青天井 [あおてんじょう]
(n) blue sky
青天井予算 [あおてんじょうよさん]
(n) limitless budget
青天白日 [せいてんはくじつ]
(adj-na,n) being cleared of all the charge (brought against one)
青田 [あおた]
(n) green paddy
青田買い [あおたがい]
(n) recruiting of students
青田売買 [あおたばいばい]
(n) dealing in unharvested rice crop
青電話 [あおでんわ]
(n) (arch) blue telephone
青砥 [あおと]
(n) medium-grade millstone
青豆 [あおまめ]
(n) variety of soy bean
青銅 [せいどう]
(n) bronze
青銅器 [せいどうき]
(n) bronze ware
青銅器時代 [せいどうきじだい]
(n) Bronze Age
青銅色 [せいどうしょく]
(adj-na) bronze
青内障 [あおそこひ]
(n) glaucoma
青二才 [あおにさい]
(n) green (immature) youth
青年 [せいねん]
(n) youth
青年の家 [せいねんのいえ]
(n) training and accommodation institution for young men
青年会 [せいねんかい]
(n) young persons' association
青年期 [せいねんき]
(n) adolescence
青年時代 [せいねんじだい]
(n) (one's) youth
青年団 [せいねんだん]
(n) young persons' association
青年輩 [せいねんはい]
(n) young people
青馬 [あおうま]
(n) dark-colored horse with a lustrous coat (coloured)
青梅 [あおうめ]
(n) unripe plum
青蝿 [あおばえ]
(n) bluebottle fly
青白 [あおじろ]
(n,adj-no) (1) blue and white
青白い [あおじろい]
(adj) (1) pale
青白きインテリ [あおじろきインテリ]
(n) armchair intellectual
青瓢箪 [あおびょうたん]
(n) green calabash
青票 [せいひょう]
(n) blue ballot (representing an opposition vote)
青浮草 [あおうきくさ]
(n) duckweed
青膚 [あおはだ]
(n) macropoda holly
青物 [あおもの]
(n) (1) vegetables
青物屋 [あおものや]
(n) vegetable shop
青物市場 [あおものいちば]
(n) vegetable market
青粉 [あおこ]
(n) water bloom
青粉毒 [あおこどく]
(n) poisonous algae bloom (often green in color) (colour)
青房 [あおぶさ]
(n) green tassel hung above the northeast corner of a sumo ring
青膨れ [あおぶくれ]
(adj-na,n) dropsical (blue-green) swelling
青味 [あおみ]
(n) blueness
青味泥 [あおみどろ]
(n) spirogyra
青木 [あおき]
(n) (1) Japanese laurel
青柳 [あおやぎ]
(n) trough shell
青葉 [あおば]
(n) fresh leaves
青嵐 [あおあらし]
(n) wind blowing through verdure
青嵐 [せいらん]
(n) wind blowing through verdure
青藍 [せいらん]
(n) indigo blue
青藍色 [せいらんしょく]
(adj-na) livid
青立ち [あおだち]
(n) failing to ripen or blossom
青楼 [せいろう]
(n) (Edo-period) brothel
青痣 [あおあざ]
(n) bruise
青萍 [あおうきくさ]
(n) duckweed
青褪める [あおざめる]
(v1) to become pale
青豌豆 [あおえんどう]
(n) green peas
青黴 [あおかび]
(n) blue mold
静か [しずか]
(adj-na) quiet
静けさ [しずけさ]
(n) stillness
静と動 [せいとどう]
(n) stillness and motion
静ひつ [せいひつ]
(adj-na,n) peacefulness
静まり返る [しずまりかえる]
(v5r) to fall silent
静まる [しずまる]
(v5r) to quieten down
静める [しずめる]
(v1,vt) to appease
静圧比 [せいあつひ]
(n) static pressure ratio
静岡県 [しずおかけん]
(n) Shizuoka prefecture (Chuubu area)
静穏 [せいおん]
(adj-na,n) serene
静観 [せいかん]
(n,vs) watchful waiting
静座 [せいざ]
(n,vs) sitting quietly
静思 [せいし]
(n,vs) meditation
静止 [せいし]
(n,vs) stillness
静止衛星 [せいしえいせい]
(n) satellite in geosynchronous orbit
静止画 [せいしが]
(n) still image
静止画放送 [せいしがほうそう]
(n) broadcasting of still pictures
静止軌道 [せいしきどう]
(n) geostationary orbit
静止状態 [せいしじょうたい]
(n) (in) a state of rest
静止土圧係数 [せいしどあつけいすう]
(n) coefficient of earth pressure at rest
静寂 [しじま]
(adj-na,n) silence
静寂 [せいじゃく]
(adj-na,n) silence
静粛 [せいしゅく]
(adj-na,n) silent
静心 [しずごころ]
(n) placid temperament
静水圧 [せいすいあつ]
(n) hydrostatic pressure
静静 [しずしず]
(adv) quietly
静態 [せいたい]
(n) static
静態総計 [せいたいそうけい]
(n) static statistics
静注 [じょうちゅう]
(n) (abbr) intravenous injection
静聴 [せいちょう]
(n,vs) listening quietly
静的 [せいてき]
(adj-na,n) static
静電気 [せいでんき]
(n) static electricity
静電気防止 [せいでんきぼうし]
(n) anti-static (elec)
静電容量 [せいでんようりょう]
(n) capacitance
静物 [せいぶつ]
(n) still life
静物画 [せいぶつが]
(n) still-life picture
静脈 [じょうみゃく]
(n) vein
静脈炎 [じょうみゃくえん]
(n) phlebitis
静脈血 [じょうみゃくけつ]
(n) venous blood
静脈注射 [じょうみゃくちゅうしゃ]
(n) intravenous injection
静脈瘤 [じょうみゃくりゅう]
(n) a varix
静夜 [せいや]
(n) quiet night
静養 [せいよう]
(n,vs) (convalescent) rest
静力学 [せいりきがく]
(n) statics
静謐 [せいひつ]
(adj-na,n) peacefulness
斉える [ととのえる]
(v1) (1) to put in order
斉しい [ひとしい]
(adj) equal
斉一 [せいいつ]
(n) equality
斉家 [せいか]
(n) governing one's family
斉射 [せいしゃ]
(n,vs) volley
斉唱 [せいしょう]
(n,vs) singing or chanting in unison
斉備 [せいび]
(n) complete equipment
斉列 [せいれつ]
(n) array
税を納める [ぜいをおさめる]
(exp) to pay a tax
税引き [ぜいびき]
(n) tax excluded
税引き前収益 [ぜいびきせんしゅうえき]
(n) pretax profit
税引き前損失 [ぜいびきせんそんしつ]
(n) pretax loss
税引前当期利益 [ぜいびきまえとうきりえき]
(n) income before taxes
税額 [ぜいがく]
(n) amount of tax
税関 [ぜいかん]
(n) customs house
税関申告書 [ぜいかんしんこくしょ]
(n) customs declaration
税関長 [ぜいかんちょう]
(n) chief customs inspector
税関吏 [ぜいかんり]
(n) customs officer
税金 [ぜいきん]
(n) tax
税金をかける [ぜいきんをかける]
(exp) to place a tax on
税金を掛ける [ぜいきんをかける]
(exp) to place a tax on
税金還付 [ぜいきんかんぷ]
(n) tax refund
税金申告 [ぜいきんしんこく]
(n) tax return
税金泥棒 [ぜいきんどろぼう]
(n) person living off other people's taxes
税金避難地 [ぜいきんひなんち]
(n) a tax haven
税源 [ぜいげん]
(n) a tax source
税込 [ぜいこみ]
(n) tax included (e.g., price)
税込み [ぜいこみ]
(n) tax included (e.g., price)
税込価格 [ぜいこみかかく]
(n) pre-tax price
税支払い免除 [ぜいしはらいめんじょ]
(n) tax relief
税収 [ぜいしゅう]
(n) tax yields
税収入 [ぜいしゅうにゅう]
(n) tax revenue(s)
税制 [ぜいせい]
(n) tax system
税制改革 [ぜいせいかいかく]
(n) tax reform
税制中立 [ぜいせいちゅうりつ]
(n) revenue neutrality
税制調査会 [ぜいせいちょうさかい]
(n) Select Committee on the Taxation System
税制度 [ぜいせいど]
(n) tax system
税制優遇措置 [ぜいせいゆうぐうそち]
(n) tax break
税調 [ぜいちょう]
(n) Tax Commission
税別 [ぜいべつ]
(n) tax not included (in price)
税別価格 [ぜいべつかかく]
(n) price without tax included
税法 [ぜいほう]
(n) taxation law
税務 [ぜいむ]
(n) taxation business
税務官 [ぜいむかん]
(n) a tax official
税務署 [ぜいむしょ]
(n) tax office
税務調査 [ぜいむちょうさ]
(n) tax inquiry
税目 [ぜいもく]
(n) items of taxation
税吏 [ぜいり]
(n) tax collector
税理士 [ぜいりし]
(n) tax counsellor
税率 [ぜいりつ]
(n) tariff
脆い [もろい]
(adj) brittle
脆弱 [ぜいじゃく]
(adj-na,n) frail
脆弱性 [ぜいじゃくせい]
(n) vulnerability
脆性 [ぜいせい]
(n) brittleness
隻 [せき]
(n) counter for ships
隻影 [せきえい]
(n) a glimpse of an object's outlines
隻眼 [せきがん]
(n) eye (for pictures, etc.)
隻句 [せっく]
(n) a few words
隻語 [せきご]
(n) just a few words
隻手 [せきしゅ]
(n) one arm
席 [せき]
(n) seat
席に着く [せきにつく]
(exp) to sit on a seat
席を外している [せきをはずしている]
(exp) to be not at one's desk
席を取って置く [せきをとっておく]
(exp) to book (take) a seat
席を譲って上げる [せきをゆずってあげる]
(exp) to offer a seat to someone
席を設ける [せきをもうける]
(exp) to give a banquet
席画 [せきが]
(n) impromptu drawing composed at a gathering
席巻 [せっけん]
(n,vs) sweeping conquest
席捲 [せっけん]
(n,vs) sweeping conquest
席次 [せきじ]
(n) order of seats
席順 [せきじゅん]
(n) seating order
席上 [せきじょう]
(n-adv,n-t) at the meeting
席料 [せきりょう]
(n) cover charge
惜しい [おしい]
(adj) (1) regrettable
惜しくも [おしくも]
(n) to one's regret (chagrin)
惜しげ [おしげ]
(n) frugality
惜しげもなく [おしげもなく]
(adv) freely
惜しまない [おしまない]
(adj) without sparing (effort, funds, etc.)
惜しみなく [おしみなく]
(adv) without stint
惜しみ無く [おしみなく]
(adv) without stint
惜しむ [おしむ]
(v5m) (1) to be frugal
惜しむべき [おしむべき]
(exp) lamentable
惜し気 [おしげ]
(adj-na,n) regret
惜し気無く [おしげなく]
(adv) generously
惜春 [せきしゅん]
(n) lamenting the passing of spring
惜敗 [せきはい]
(n,vs) regrettable defeat
惜別 [せきべつ]
(n) regret or reluctance to part
斥く [しりぞく]
(v5k,vi) (1) to retreat
斥ける [しりぞける]
(v1,vt) to repel
斥候 [せっこう]
(n,vs) scout
斥候隊 [せっこうたい]
(n) reconnoitering party
斥候兵 [せっこうへい]
(n) reconnoitering party
斥力 [せきりょく]
(n) repulsion
昔 [むかし]
(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) olden days
昔々 [むかしむかし]
(n-t) long ago
昔とった杵柄 [むかしとったきねづか]
(exp) skill learned in one's former days
昔の事 [むかしのこと]
(n) old things
昔を懐かしむ [むかしをなつかしむ]
(exp) to view the past with nostalgia
昔を顧みる [むかしをかえりみる]
(v1) to look back upon the past
昔を偲ばせる品 [むかしをしのばせるしな]
(exp) things reminiscent of bygone days
昔を想う [むかしをおもう]
(exp) to recall the old days
昔気質 [むかしかたぎ]
(adj-na,n) the old-fashioned spirit
昔語り [むかしがたり]
(n) old story
昔時 [せきじ]
(n-adv,n-t) old times
昔式 [むかししき]
(n) old fashioned
昔取った杵柄 [むかしとったきねづか]
(exp) skill learned in one's former days
昔昔 [むかしむかし]
(n-t) long ago
昔馴染み [むかしなじみ]
(n) old friend
昔日 [せきじつ]
(n) old days
昔年 [せきねん]
(n) old times
昔風 [むかしふう]
(adj-na,n) old fashioned
昔話 [むかしばなし]
(n) folklore
析出 [せきしゅつ]
(n,vs) separating (chem.)
石 [いし]
(n) stone
石 [こく]
(n) volume measure (approx. 180l, 5 bushels, 10 cub. ft.)
石けん [せっけん]
(n) soap
石けん皿 [せっけんざら]
(n) soap-dish
石ころ [いしころ]
(n) stone
石を拾う [いしをひろう]
(exp) to pick up a stone
石井聰互 [いしいそうご]
(n) Japanese film director
石臼 [いしうす]
(n) stone mortar
石英 [せきえい]
(n) quartz
石屋 [いしや]
(n) stone dealer
石化 [せっか]
(n,vs) mineralization
石火 [せっか]
(n) flint fire
石火矢 [いしびや]
(n) ancient type of cannon
石塊 [いしくれ]
(n) stone
石塊 [いしころ]
(n) stone
石塊 [せっかい]
(n) stone
石灰 [いしばい]
(n) lime
石灰 [せっかい]
(n) lime
石灰岩 [せっかいがん]
(n) limestone
石灰水 [せっかいすい]
(n) limewater
石灰石 [せっかいせき]
(n) limestone
石灰洞 [せっかいどう]
(n) limestone cave
石灰乳 [せっかいにゅう]
(n) milk of lime
石灰肥料 [せっかいひりょう]
(n) lime or calcium fertilizer
石蟹 [いしがに]
(n) stone crab
石垣 [いしがき]
(n) stone wall
石棺 [せっかん]
(n) sarcophagus
石器 [せっき]
(n) stone implement
石器時代 [せっきじだい]
(n) Stone Age
石亀 [いしがめ]
(n) var. of turtle (clemmys japonica)
石弓 [いしゆみ]
(n) crossbow
石橋 [いしばし]
(n) stone bridge
石橋 [せっきょう]
(n) stone bridge
石鹸 [せっけん]
(n) soap
石鹸の泡 [せっけんのあわ]
(n) soapsuds
石鹸工場 [せっけんこうじょう]
(n) soap works
石鹸皿 [せっけんざら]
(n) soap-dish
石鹸水 [せっけんすい]
(n) soapy water
石鹸置き [せっけんおき]
(n) soap dish or box
石鹸入れ [せっけんいれ]
(n) soap dish or box
石鹸箱 [せっけんばこ]
(n) soap dish or box
石工 [いしく]
(n) mason
石工 [せっこう]
(n) mason
石膏 [せっこう]
(n) plaster
石膏像 [せっこうぞう]
(n) plaster figure (bust)
石高 [こくだか]
(n) (crop) yield
石合戦 [いしがっせん]
(n) a stone-throwing fight
石刻 [せっこく]
(n) stone carving or engraving
石刻文 [せっこくぶん]
(n) stone inscription
石細工 [いしざいく]
(n) masonry
石材 [せきざい]
(n) (building) stone
石材商 [せきざいしょう]
(n) a stone dealer
石山 [いしやま]
(n) a stony mountain
石子詰め [いしこづめ]
(n) burying alive beneath stones
石持 [いしもち]
(n) Blue drum (fish)
石室 [いしむろ]
(n) stone hut
石蹴り [いしけり]
(n) hopscotch
石女 [うまずめ]
(n) barren (sterile) woman
石焼き [いしやき]
(n) baking by means of hot stones or pebbles
石焼き芋 [いしやきいも]
(n) sweet potatoes baked in hot stones or pebbles
石畳 [いしだたみ]
(n) stone paving
石神 [いしがみ]
(n) stone which is worshipped
石神 [しゃくじん]
(n) stone which is worshipped
石摺り [いしずり]
(n) print from stone
石切り [いしきり]
(n) stone-cutting
石切り場 [いしきりば]
(n) a quarry
石川県 [いしかわけん]
(n) Ishikawa prefecture (Hokuriku area)
石組み [いしぐみ]
(n) arrangement of stones in a garden
石像 [せきぞう]
(n) stone statue
石造 [せきぞう]
(n,adj-no) stone-built
石造り [いしづくり]
(n) (made of) stone
石鯛 [いしだい]
(n) a parrot fish
石炭 [せきたん]
(n) coal
石炭の層 [せきたんのそう]
(n) coal seam
石炭殻 [せきたんがら]
(n) coal cinders
石炭紀 [せきたんき]
(n) the Carboniferous Period
石炭酸 [せきたんさん]
(n) phenol
石炭層 [せきたんそう]
(n) a coal bed
石段 [いしだん]
(n) (flight of) stone steps
石竹 [せきちく]
(n) a pink (the flower)
石竹色 [せきちくいろ]
(n) light pink (color, colour)
石柱 [せきちゅう]
(n) stone pillar
石亭 [せきてい]
(n) The Sekitei (name of an inn)
石庭 [せきてい]
(n) rock garden
石塔 [せきとう]
(n) stone monument or pagoda
石灯籠 [いしどうろう]
(n) stone lantern
石頭 [いしあたま]
(n) inflexible person
石突き [いしづき]
(n) shoe
石南花 [しゃくなげ]
(n) rhododendron
石楠花 [しゃくなげ]
(n) rhododendron
石斑魚 [うぐい]
(gikun) (n) dace
石板 [せきばん]
(n) a slate
石版 [せきばん]
(n) a lithograph
石版画 [せきばんが]
(n) lithograph
石盤 [せきばん]
(n) a slate
石碑 [せきひ]
(n) stone monument
石筆 [せきひつ]
(n) a slate pencil
石敷 [いしじき]
(n) stone paving
石斧 [せきふ]
(n) stone axe
石部金吉 [いしべきんきち]
(n) man of incorruptible character
石蕗 [つわぶき]
(n) Japanese silver leaf (plant)
石仏 [いしぼとけ]
(n) stone Buddhist image
石仏 [せきぶつ]
(n) stone Buddhist image
石粉 [いしこ]
(n) stone or feldspar or limestone dust or powder
石文 [いしぶみ]
(n) stone monument bearing an inscription
石塀 [いしべい]
(n) stone wall
石壁 [いしかべ]
(n) (1) stone wall
石壁 [せきへき]
(n) (1) stone wall
石墨 [せきぼく]
(n) graphite
石綿 [いしわた]
(n) asbestos
石綿 [せきめん]
(n) asbestos
石木 [いしき]
(n) stone tree
石油 [せきゆ]
(n) oil
石油ショック [せきゆショック]
(n) oil shock
石油ブーム [せきゆブーム]
(n) oil boom
石油王 [せきゆおう]
(n) oil magnate
石油化学 [せきゆかがく]
(n) petrochemistry
石油危機 [せきゆきき]
(n) oil crisis
石油公団 [せきゆこうだん]
(n) Japan National Oil Corporation
石油精製 [せきゆせいせい]
(n) oil refining
石油探査 [せきゆたんさ]
(n) oil exploration
石油備蓄 [せきゆびちく]
(n) oil reserve
石油輸出国機構 [せきゆゆしゅつこくきこう]
(n) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Organisation)
石牢 [いしろう]
(n) jail (gaol) made by placing bars across a cave entrance
石蝋 [せきろう]
(n) paraffin
石榴 [ざくろ]
(n) pomegranate
石榴ブーム [ざくろブーム]
(n) popularity of pomegranates, which contain phytoestrogens
石榴石 [ざくろいし]
(n) garnet
石槨 [せっかく]
(n) stone burial chamber
石筍 [せきじゅん]
(n) stalagmite
石蓴 [あおさ]
(gikun) (n) type of green algae
石鏃 [せきぞく]
(n) a flint arrowhead
積 [せき]
(n) (gen) (math) product
積み下ろす [つみおろす]
(v5s) to unload
積み荷 [つみに]
(n) load
積み過ぎる [つみすぎる]
(v1) to overload
積み降ろし [つみおろし]
(n) loading and unloading
積み込み [つみこみ]
(n) loading
積み込み値段 [つみこみねだん]
(n) free on board price
積み込む [つみこむ]
(v5m) to load (with goods, cargo)
積み残し [つみのこし]
(n) left-off cargo
積み残す [つみのこす]
(v5s) to leave off cargo
積み重なる [つみかさなる]
(v5r,vi) to accumulate
積み重ね [つみかさね]
(n) pile
積み重ねる [つみかさねる]
(v1,vt) to be piled up
積み出し [つみだし]
(n) shipment
積み出し人 [つみだしにん]
(n) shipper
積み出す [つみだす]
(v5s) to send off
積み上げ [つみあげ]
(n) pile up
積み上げる [つみあげる]
(v1) to pile up
積み送り [つみおくり]
(n) shipment
積み替え [つみかえ]
(n) transshipment
積み替える [つみかえる]
(v1) to transship
積み直す [つみなおす]
(v5s) to reload
積み肥 [つみごえ]
(n) compost
積み木 [つみき]
(n) (toy) building blocks
積み立て [つみたて]
(n) savings
積み立てる [つみたてる]
(v1) to accumulate
積む [つむ]
(v5m) to pile up
積もり [つもり]
(n) (1) (uk) intention
積もり書き [つもりがき]
(n) written estimate
積もる [つもる]
(v5r) to pile up
積り書 [つもりがき]
(n) written estimate
積り書き [つもりがき]
(n) written estimate
積ん読 [つんどく]
(n) buying books and not reading them
積悪 [せきあく]
(n) many sins
積雲 [せきうん]
(n) cumulus clouds
積荷 [つみに]
(n) load
積極 [せっきょく]
(n) positive
積極果敢 [せっきょくかかん]
(n,adj-na) aggressive
積極財政 [せっきょくざいせい]
(n) expansionary fiscal policy
積極策 [せっきょくさく]
(n) positive plan
積極性 [せっきょくせい]
(n) assertiveness
積極的 [せっきょくてき]
(adj-na) positive
積載 [せきさい]
(n,vs) lading
積載能力 [せきさいのうりょく]
(n) carrying (loading) capacity (power)
積載量 [せきさいりょう]
(n) loading capacity
積算 [せきさん]
(n,vs) addition
積算電力計 [せきさんでんりょくけい]
(n) watt-hour meter
積算法 [せきさんほう]
(n) integration
積雪 [せきせつ]
(n) fallen snow
積雪量 [せきせつりょう]
(n) snowfall
積善 [せきぜん]
(n) accumulation of good deeds
積層 [せきそう]
(n) laminating
積層乾電池 [せきそうかんでんち]
(n) layered dry cell (battery)
積年 [せきねん]
(n) (many) years
積分 [せきぶん]
(n) integral
積分学 [せきぶんがく]
(n) integral calculus
積分方程式 [せきぶんほうていしき]
(n) integral equation
積分法 [せきぶんほう]
(n) integration
積弊 [せきへい]
(n) deep-rooted evil
積木 [つみき]
(n) (toy) building blocks
積乱雲 [せきらんうん]
(n) cumulonimbus cloud
積率 [せきりつ]
(n) moment (statistics)
積立金 [つみたてきん]
(n) deposit
籍 [せき]
(n) one's family register
籍をおく [せきをおく]
(exp) to become a member
籍を入れる [せきをいれる]
(exp) to have a name entered in the family register
脊黄青鸚哥 [せきせいいんこ]
(n) budgerigar
脊索 [せきさく]
(n) rudimentary spinal chord
脊索動物 [せきさくどうぶつ]
(n) animal with notochord
脊髄 [せきずい]
(n) spinal cord
脊髄炎 [せきずいえん]
(n) myelitis
脊髄神経 [せきずいしんけい]
(n) spinal nerves
脊髄反射 [せきずいはんしゃ]
(n) spinal reflex
脊柱 [せきちゅう]
(n) spinal column
脊椎 [せきつい]
(n) spine
脊椎動物 [せきついどうぶつ]
(n) vertebrate
脊椎破壊 [せきついはかい]
(n) spina bifida
脊梁 [せきりょう]
(n) backbone
責っ付く [せっつく]
(v5k) (uk) to pester someone (e.g., to buy something)
責め [せめ]
(n) persecution
責めつける [せめつける]
(v1) to heap blame upon
責める [せめる]
(v1) to condemn
責め苛む [せめさいなむ]
(v5m) to torture
責め苦 [せめく]
(n) torture
責め道具 [せめどうぐ]
(n) instruments of torture
責め馬 [せめうま]
(n) breaking in a horse
責め付ける [せめつける]
(v1) to heap blame upon
責め立てる [せめたてる]
(v1) to torture severely
責を果たす [せきをはたす]
(exp) to fulfill one's responsibility
責任 [せきにん]
(n) duty
責任を取る [せきにんをとる]
(exp) to take responsibility for
責任を担う [せきにんをになう]
(exp) to shoulder responsibility
責任を逃れる [せきにんをのがれる]
(exp) to shirk one's responsibility
責任を避ける [せきにんをさける]
(exp) to shirk a responsibility
責任回避 [せきにんかいひ]
(n,vs) avoidance of responsibility
責任感 [せきにんかん]
(n) sense of responsibility
責任者 [せきにんしゃ]
(n) responsible party
責任転嫁 [せきにんてんか]
(n) shift the responsibility (for something) on to (someone)
責任範囲 [せきにんはんい]
(n) responsible area
責任分担 [せきにんぶんたん]
(n) sharing of responsibilities
責任問題 [せきにんもんだい]
(n) a question (an issue) of where responsibility (liability) lies
責付く [せっつく]
(v5k) (uk) to pester someone (e.g., to buy something)
責務 [せきむ]
(n) duty
赤 [あか]
(n) (1) red
赤々 [あかあか]
(adv) bright red
赤々と [あかあかと]
(adv) brilliantly
赤い [あかい]
(adj) red
赤い羽根 [あかいはね]
(n) red feather
赤えい [あかえい]
(n) stingray
赤が勝っている [あかがかっている]
(exp) to be predominated by red
赤すぐり [あかすぐり]
(n) red-currant (Ribes rubrum)
赤ちゃん [あかちゃん]
(n) baby
赤ちょうちん [あかちょうちん]
(n) (1) (gen) (food) red paper restaurant lantern
赤っ恥 [あかっぱじ]
(n) shame
赤の他人 [あかのたにん]
(n) complete stranger
赤みがかった [あかみがかった]
(adj) rufous or reddish (esp. for ornithology)
赤らむ [あからむ]
(v5m) to become red
赤らめる [あからめる]
(v1) to blush
赤らんだ [あからんだ]
(n) florid
赤ら顔 [あからがお]
(n) red faced
赤ん坊 [あかんぼう]
(n) baby
赤スグリ [あかスグリ]
(n) red-currant (Ribes rubrum)
赤チン [あかチン]
(n) mercurochrome
赤プリ [あかプリ]
(n) (abbr) Akasaka Prince Hotel
赤ランプ [あかランプ]
(n) red light
赤レンガ [あかレンガ]
(n,adj-no) red brick
赤ワイン [あかワイン]
(n) red wine
赤鰯 [あかいわし]
(n) pickled or dried sardines
赤烏帽子 [あかえぼし]
(exp) (1) a red-colored eboshi, headgear worn by Japanese men prior to and during the Edo period, which was ordinarily black in color
赤荻 [せきてき]
(n) late Edo-period pejorative for Russians
赤化 [せっか]
(n,vs) Sovietize
赤禍 [せっか]
(n) the Red Peril
赤茄子 [あかなす]
(n) tomato
赤海亀 [あかうみがめ]
(n) loggerhead turtle
赤貝 [あかがい]
(n) (gen) (food) ark shell (used as neta)
赤外 [せきがい]
(adj-na) infrared
赤外線 [せきがいせん]
(n) infra-red rays
赤外線写真 [せきがいせんしゃしん]
(n) infrared photography
赤外線通信 [せきがいせんつうしん]
(n) infrared data communication
赤外発散 [せきがいはっさん]
(n) infrared divergence (physics)
赤蛙 [あかがえる]
(n) brown frog
赤樫 [あかがし]
(n) evergreen oak
赤褐色 [せっかっしょく]
(n) reddish brown
赤旗 [あかはた]
(n) Red Flag
赤魚鯛 [あこうだい]
(n) Matsubara's red rockfish (Sebastes matsubarae)
赤金 [あかがね]
(n) copper
赤靴 [あかぐつ]
(n) salt-water fish
赤軍 [せきぐん]
(n) Red Army
赤経 [せっけい]
(n) right ascension
赤血球 [せっけっきゅう]
(n) red blood cell
赤血球生成促進因子 [せっけっきゅうせいせいそくしんいんし]
(n) erythropoietin (EPO)
赤血球沈降速度 [せっけっきゅうちんこうそくど]
(n) erythrocyte sedimentation rate
赤口 [しゃっく]
(n) unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious
赤口 [しゃっこう]
(n) unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious
赤口 [じゃっく]
(n) unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious
赤口 [じゃっこう]
(n) unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious
赤口 [せきぐち]
(n) unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious
赤黒い [あかぐろい]
(adj) dark red
赤砂糖 [あかざとう]
(n) brown sugar
赤札 [あかふだ]
(n) goods sold
赤錆 [あかさび]
(n) rust
赤酸塊 [あかすぐり]
(n) red-currant (Ribes rubrum)
赤四手 [あかしで]
(n) hornbeam
赤子 [あかご]
(n) baby
赤子 [せきし]
(n) (arch) imperial children
赤紙 [あかがみ]
(n) draft papers
赤紫 [あかむらさき]
(n) purplish red
赤字 [あかじ]
(n) deficit
赤字国債 [あかじこくさい]
(n) deficit-covering (government) bond
赤字財政 [あかじざいせい]
(n) deficit financing
赤手 [せきしゅ]
(n) bare handed
赤手空拳 [せきしゅくうけん]
(n) barehanded
赤狩り [あかかり]
(n) communist hunting
赤狩り [あかがり]
(n) communist hunting
赤十字 [せきじゅうじ]
(n) Red Cross
赤十字国際委員会 [せきじゅうじこくさいいいんかい]
(n) International Committee of the Red Cross
赤十字社 [せきじゅうじしゃ]
(n) the Red Cross
赤十字条約 [せきじゅうじじょうやく]
(n) Red Cross Convention
赤十字附 [せきじゅうじふ]
(n) school attached to the Japan Red Cross Society
赤出し [あかだし]
(n) (gen) (food) soup made with red miso paste
赤松 [あかまつ]
(n) red pine tree
赤色 [あかいろ]
(adj-na,n) red
赤色 [せきしょく]
(adj-na,n) red
赤信号 [あかしんごう]
(n) red light (traffic)
赤信号皆で渡れば怖くない [あかしんごうみんなでわたればこわくない]
(exp) "If everyone crosses against the red light, then there's nothing to be afraid of"
赤心 [せきしん]
(n) sincerity
赤新聞 [あかしんぶん]
(n) scandal sheet
赤身 [あかみ]
(n) (1) lean meat
赤誠 [せきせい]
(n) sincerity
赤赤 [あかあか]
(adv) bright red
赤赤と [あかあかと]
(adv) brilliantly
赤赤と起こった火 [あかあかとおこったひ]
(n) blazing fire
赤切符 [あかぎっぷ]
(n) third-class ticket
赤線 [あかせん]
(n) red-light district
赤組 [あかぐみ]
(n) red team
赤鯛 [あかたい]
(n) red snapper
赤啄木鳥 [あかげら]
(n) great spotted woodpecker
赤地 [あかじ]
(n) red cloth
赤恥 [あかはじ]
(n) shame
赤茶ける [あかちゃける]
(v1) to turn reddish-brown
赤虫 [あかむし]
(n) bloodworm
赤潮 [あかしお]
(n) red tide
赤鳥赤腹 [あかこっこ]
(gikun) (n) Japanese bird of the Turdidae family with black head and tail and reddish orange body (Turdus celaenops) (sometimes mistaken to be a flycatcher)
赤沈 [せきちん]
(n) blood sedimentation rate
赤提灯 [あかちょうちん]
(n) (1) (gen) (food) red paper restaurant lantern
赤鉄鉱 [せきてっこう]
(n) hematite
赤電車 [あかでんしゃ]
(n) last train
赤電話 [あかでんわ]
(n) (arch) red telephone
赤土 [あかつち]
(n) red clay
赤棟蛇 [やまかがし]
(n) variety of poisonous snake
赤頭巾 [あかずきん]
(n) Little Red Riding Hood
赤道 [せきどう]
(n) equator
赤道気団 [せきどうきだん]
(n) equatorial air mass
赤道儀 [せきどうぎ]
(n) equatorial telescope
赤道祭 [せきどうさい]
(n) ceremony to celebrate crossing the equator
赤銅 [しゃくどう]
(n) gold-copper alloy
赤銅色 [しゃくどういろ]
(n) brown
赤肉 [あかにく]
(n) (1) red meat
赤熱 [せきねつ]
(n,vs) red hot
赤剥け [あかむけ]
(n) scraped skin
赤肌 [あかはだ]
(n) grazed skin
赤飯 [せきはん]
(n) red rice (beans and mochi) for auspicious occasions
赤鼻 [あかはな]
(n) red nose
赤貧 [せきひん]
(n) extreme poverty
赤膚 [あかはだ]
(n) grazed skin
赤葡萄酒 [あかぶどうしゅ]
(n) red wine
赤蕪 [あかかぶ]
(n) red turnip
赤腹 [あかはら]
(n) Japanese brown thrush
赤帽 [あかぼう]
(n) redcap
赤房 [あかぶさ]
(n) red tassel hung above the southeast corner of a sumo ring
赤本 [あかほん]
(n) pulp fiction
赤味 [あかみ]
(n) a tinge of red
赤味が差している [あかみがさしている]
(exp) to be tinged red
赤味を帯びた [あかみをおびた]
(adj) tinged with red
赤味噌 [あかみそ]
(n) (gen) (food) dark-brown miso paste
赤面 [あかつら]
(n) red face
赤面 [せきめん]
(n,vs) blush
赤面恐怖症 [せきめんきょうふしょう]
(n) erythrophobia
赤毛 [あかげ]
(n) redhead
赤毛猿 [あかげざる]
(n) rhesus monkey
赤毛布 [あかげっと]
(n) red blanket
赤目 [あかめ]
(n) (1) bloodshot eyes
赤門 [あかもん]
(n) red gate
赤裸 [あかはだか]
(adj-na,n) (1) stark naked
赤裸 [せきら]
(adj-na,n) (1) stark naked
赤裸々 [せきらら]
(adj-na,n) (1) nakedness
赤裸裸 [せきらら]
(adj-na,n) (1) nakedness
赤痢 [せきり]
(n) dysentery
赤痢菌 [せきりきん]
(n) dysentery bacillus
赤立羽蝶 [あかたてはちょう]
(n) red admiral (butterfly)
赤燐 [せきりん]
(n) red phosphorus
赤煉瓦 [あかれんが]
(n,adj-no) red brick
赤狼 [あかおおかみ]
(n) red wolf (American carnivore, Canis rufus)
赤翡翠 [あかしょうびん]
(n) large reddish brown Asian kingfisher
赤蜻蛉 [あかとんぼ]
(n) red dragonfly
跡 [あと]
(n) (1) trace
跡を絶たない [あとをたたない]
(exp) (there) be no end to
跡を絶つ [あとをたつ]
(exp) to wipe out
跡形 [あとかた]
(n) trace
跡形も無く [あとかたもなく]
(adv) without leaving any trace
跡継ぎ [あとつぎ]
(n) heir
跡始末 [あとしまつ]
(n,vs) settlement (of affairs)
跡取り [あととり]
(n) heir
跡切れる [とぎれる]
(v1) to pause
跡地 [あとち]
(n) site (of a demolished building)
跡付ける [あとづける]
(v1) to trace
跡片付け [あとかたづけ]
(n,vs) tidying up
跡目 [あとめ]
(n) headship of a family
跡目相続 [あとめそうぞく]
(n) successorship
碩学 [せきがく]
(n) great scholar
碩儒 [せきじゅ]
(n) (Confucian) scholar
切 [さい]
(n) cut
切 [せつ]
(adj-na,n) eager
切々 [せつせつ]
(adj-na,n) politeness
切っての [きっての]
(exp) the most . . . of all
切っ掛け [きっかけ]
(n) chance
切っ掛けに [きっかけに]
(exp) (uk) with ... as a start
切っ先 [きっさき]
(n) point of a sword
切ない [せつない]
(adj) painful
切に [せつに]
(adv) eagerly
切に勧める [せつにすすめる]
(exp) to urge strongly
切らす [きらす]
(v5s) to be out of
切らず [きらず]
(n) residue left after making tofu
切らない [きらない]
(adj) not through
切ら無い [きらない]
(adj) not through
切り [きり]
(n,suf,prt) limits
切りがない [きりがない]
(exp) (uk) to be endless (innumerable)
切りが無い [きりがない]
(exp) (uk) to be endless (innumerable)
切りが良い [きりがいい]
(exp) to be a good place to leave off
切りっ端 [きりっぱし]
(n) scraps
切りつける [きりつける]
(v1) to cut at
切りのない [きりのない]
(adj) endless
切りの無い [きりのない]
(adj) endless
切り羽 [きりは]
(n) (1) coal face
切り下げ [きりさげ]
(n) devaluation of currency
切り下げる [きりさげる]
(v1) to cut down
切り下ろす [きりおろす]
(v5s) to slash downward
切り火 [きりび]
(n) Shinto fire-purification ceremony
切り花 [きりばな]
(n) cut flowers
切り苛む [きりさいなむ]
(v5m) to cut to pieces
切り過ぎる [きりすぎる]
(v1) to overcut
切り解く [きりほどく]
(v5k) to cut open a tied bundle
切り回す [きりまわす]
(v5s) to run around killing
切り開き [きりひらき]
(n) clearing (land)
切り開く [きりひらく]
(v5k) to clear (land)
切り外す [きりはずす]
(v5s) to miss in attempting to kill
切り拡げる [きりひろげる]
(v1) to cut and enlarge
切り掛かる [きりかかる]
(v5r) to begin to cut
切り割る [きりわる]
(v5r) to cut in two
切り株 [きりかぶ]
(n) stump
切り干し [きりぼし]
(n) dried daikon strips
切り換え [きりかえ]
(n) exchange
切り換える [きりかえる]
(v1) to change
切り換え時 [きりかえとき]
(n) response time
切り換え時 [きりかえどき]
(n) response time
切り岸 [きりぎし]
(n) steep bank
切り起こす [きりおこす]
(v5s) to open up waste land for cultivation
切り詰め [きりつめ]
(n) retrenchment
切り詰める [きりつめる]
(v1) to shorten
切り去る [きりさる]
(v5r) to cut off
切り狂言 [きりきょうげん]
(n) last act
切り屑 [きりくず]
(n) scraps
切り継ぎ [きりつぎ]
(n,vs) cutting and patching
切り結ぶ [きりむすぶ]
(v5b) to cross swords with
切り捲る [きりまくる]
(v5r) to attack and scatter
切り戸 [きりど]
(n) low gate
切り枯らす [きりからす]
(v5s) to destroy
切り口 [きりくち]
(n) cut end
切り口上 [きりこうじょう]
(n) stiff formality
切り杭 [きりくい]
(n) stump
切り合い [きりあい]
(n) crossing swords
切り合う [きりあう]
(v5u) to fight with swords
切り刻む [きりきざむ]
(v5m) to hew
切り込み [きりこみ]
(n) a cut
切り込み隊 [きりこみたい]
(n) shock corps
切り込み炭 [きりこみたん]
(n) run-of-the-mine coal
切り込む [きりこむ]
(v5m) to cut into
切り妻 [きりづま]
(n) gable
切り妻屋根 [きりづまやね]
(n) a gabled roof
切り細裂く [きりこまざく]
(v5k) to cut up small
切り札 [きりふだ]
(n) trump card
切り殺す [きりころす]
(v5s) to slay
切り散らす [きりちらす]
(v5s) to cut down all
切り子 [きりこ]
(n) facet
切り子ガラス [きりこガラス]
(n) cut glass
切り枝 [きりえだ]
(n) slips (to plant)
切り死に [きりじに]
(n,vs) fighting to the death (with swords)
切り紙 [きりかみ]
(n) cut paper
切り紙 [きりがみ]
(n) cut paper
切り紙細工 [きりがみざいく]
(n) paper cutouts
切り捨て [きりすて]
(n) (historical) using people of low rank as sword fodder
切り捨てる [きりすてる]
(v1) to truncate
切り取り [きりとり]
(n) cutting
切り取り強盗 [きりとりごうとう]
(n) violent robbery
切り取り線 [きりとりせん]
(n) line to cut something off along
切り取る [きりとる]
(v5r) to cut off
切り手 [きりて]
(n) cutter
切り出し [きりだし]
(n) (1) pointed knife
切り出す [きりいだす]
(v5s) to quarry
切り出す [きりだす]
(v5s) to quarry
切り除ける [きりのける]
(v1) to cut off
切り傷 [きりきず]
(n) cut
切り上げ [きりあげ]
(n) end
切り上げる [きりあげる]
(v1) (1) to close
切り場 [きりば]
(n) coal face
切り身 [きりみ]
(n) cut
切り据える [きりすえる]
(v1) to cut down an enemy
切り整える [きりととのえる]
(v1) to cut and prepare (stones)
切り盛り [きりもり]
(n) management
切り石 [きりいし]
(n) hewn stone
切り接ぎ [きりつぎ]
(n) grafting
切り組む [きりくむ]
(v5m) to piece together
切り創 [きりきず]
(n) cut
切り窓 [きりまど]
(n) windows cut out of a wall
切り揃える [きりそろえる]
(v1) to cut and even up
切り替え [きりかえ]
(n) exchange
切り替える [きりかえる]
(v1) to change
切り替え時 [きりかえとき]
(n) response time
切り替え時 [きりかえどき]
(n) response time
切り替わる [きりかわる]
(v5r) to change completely
切り炭 [きりずみ]
(n) cut-up charcoal
切り端 [きりはし]
(n) scraps
切り暖簾 [きりのれん]
(n) short split entrance curtain
切り張り [きりばり]
(n,vs) cut and paste
切り調える [きりととのえる]
(v1) to trim (hedges)
切り直す [きりなおす]
(v5s) to correct cutting
切り賃 [きりちん]
(n) brokerage
切り通し [きりどおし]
(n) (railway) cutting
切り通す [きりとおす]
(v5s) to cut through (with a road, tunnel, or canal)
切り釘 [きりくぎ]
(n) brad
切り貼り [きりばり]
(n,vs) cut and paste
切り倒す [きりたおす]
(v5s) to cut down
切り得 [きりどく]
(n) no retribution for a samurai killing a commoner
切り縄 [きりなわ]
(n) piece of rope cut for a certain purpose
切り入る [きりいる]
(v5r) to cut into
切り入れる [きりいれる]
(v1) to cut and insert
切り破る [きりやぶる]
(v5r) to cut to pieces
切り売り [きりうり]
(n) selling by the piece
切り売り主義 [きりうりしゅぎ]
(n) prostitution
切り畑 [きりはた]
(n) hillside farm
切り畑 [きりばたけ]
(n) hillside farm
切り髪 [きりがみ]
(n) bobbed hair
切り抜き [きりぬき]
(n) scraps
切り抜き帖 [きりぬきちょう]
(n) scrapbook
切り抜き帳 [きりぬきちょう]
(n) scrapbook
切り抜く [きりぬく]
(v5k) to cut out
切り抜ける [きりぬける]
(v1) to cut one's way through
切り付ける [きりつける]
(v1) to cut at
切り伏せる [きりふせる]
(v1) to slay
切り払う [きりはらう]
(v5u) to clear away
切り分かつ [きりわかつ]
(v5t) to cut up
切り分ける [きりわける]
(v1) to cut up
切り粉 [きりこ]
(n) chips or shavings left after cutting wood or metal with a saw, etc.
切り幣 [きりぬさ]
(n) paper and sacred sakaki branches cut and mixed with rice to scatter before the gods
切り変える [きりかえる]
(v1) to change
切り返し [きりかえし]
(n) railway switchback
切り返す [きりかえす]
(v5s) to slash or strike back
切り崩す [きりくずす]
(v5s) (1) to level (earth)
切り放す [きりはなす]
(v5s) to cut loose
切り放つ [きりはなつ]
(v5t) to cut loose
切り方 [きりかた]
(n) way of cutting
切り無し [きりなし]
(adj) always
切り目 [きりめ]
(n) a cut
切り戻す [きりもどす]
(n) switch-back (reversal of redundancy switching following repair)
切り落す [きりおとす]
(io) (v5s) to cut down
切り落とす [きりおとす]
(v5s) to cut down
切り離す [きりはなす]
(v5s) to detach
切り離れる [きりはなれる]
(v1) to cut off and separate
切り立った [きりたった]
(adj) steep
切り立つ [きりたつ]
(v5t) to rise perpendicularly
切り立て [きりたて]
(exp) freshly cut
切り立てる [きりたてる]
(v1) to cut
切り裂く [きりさく]
(v5k) to cut off
切り疵 [きりきず]
(n) cut
切り籠 [きりこ]
(n) facet
切る [きる]
(suf,v5r) to cut
切れ [きれ]
(n) cloth
切れが悪い [きれがわるい]
(n) thick
切れた縄 [きれたなわ]
(n) broken rope
切れっ端 [きれっぱし]
(n) scraps
切れない [きれない]
(adj,suf) being too many or much
切れの帽子 [きれのぼうし]
(n) cloth hat
切れる [きれる]
(v1) (1) to cut well
切れるナイフ [きれるナイフ]
(n) sharp knife
切れる男 [きれるおとこ]
(n) able (competent) man
切れ屋 [きれや]
(n) dry-goods store
切れ間 [きれま]
(n) interval
切れ屑 [きれくず]
(n) cloth scraps
切れ口 [きれくち]
(n) cut end
切れ込み [きれこみ]
(n) cut
切れ込む [きれこむ]
(v5m) to cut into
切れ痔 [きれじ]
(n) bleeding hemorrhoids
切れ者 [きれもの]
(n) sharp and able person
切れ手 [きれて]
(n) man of ability
切れ切れ [きれぎれ]
(adj-na,n) pieces
切れ端 [きれはし]
(n) scraps
切れ地 [きれじ]
(n) cloth
切れ物 [きれもの]
(n) edged tool
切れ味 [きれあじ]
(n) sharpness (of a sword)
切れ無い [きれない]
(adj,suf) being too many or much
切れ目 [きれめ]
(n) break
切愛 [せつあい]
(n,vs) deep love
切羽 [きりは]
(n) (1) coal face
切羽詰まって [せっぱつまって]
(exp) under the pressure of necessity
切羽詰まる [せっぱつまる]
(v5r) to be at one's wit's end
切開 [せっかい]
(n,vs) clearing (land)
切開手術 [せっかいしゅじゅつ]
(n) surgical operation
切掛 [きっかけ]
(n) chance
切株 [きりかぶ]
(n) stump
切換 [きりかえ]
(n) exchange
切換える [きりかえる]
(v1) to change
切諌 [せっかん]
(n) admonition
切願 [せつがん]
(n,vs) entreaty
切欠く [きりかく]
(v5k) to (cut a) notch (in)
切言 [せつげん]
(n,vs) urging
切妻 [きりずま]
(n) gable
切妻 [きりづま]
(n) gable
切削 [せっさく]
(n,vs) cutting
切札 [きりふだ]
(n) trump card
切子 [きりこ]
(n) facet
切子ガラス [きりこガラス]
(n) cut glass
切支丹 [きりしたん]
(n) (early) Japanese Christianity
切歯 [せっし]
(n,vs) gnashing of teeth
切歯扼腕 [せっしやくわん]
(n,vs) being enraged (indignant, impatient)
切実 [せつじつ]
(adj-na,n) compelling
切実に [せつじつに]
(adv) strongly
切捨てる [きりすてる]
(io) (v1) to truncate
切者 [きれもの]
(n) sharp and able person
切取り [きりとり]
(n) cutting
切手 [きって]
(n) stamp (postage)
切手 [きれて]
(n) man of ability
切手を溜める [きってをためる]
(exp) to collect stamps
切手蒐集 [きってしゅうしゅう]
(n) philately
切手集め [きってあつめ]
(n) stamp collecting
切除 [せつじょ]
(n,vs) cut off
切傷 [きりきず]
(n) cut
切上げ [きりあげ]
(n) end
切上げる [きりあげる]
(v1) (1) to close
切情 [せつじょう]
(n) ardent love
切身 [きりみ]
(n) cut
切切 [せつせつ]
(adj-na,n) politeness
切線 [せっせん]
(n) tangent (in trigonometry)
切替 [きりかえ]
(n) exchange
切替 [せったい]
(n) exchange
切替え [きりかえ]
(n) exchange
切替える [きりかえる]
(v1) to change
切断 [せつだん]
(n,vs) cutting
切断患者 [せつだんかんじゃ]
(n) amputee
切断機 [せつだんき]
(n) cutter
切断図 [せつだんず]
(n) sectional drawing
切断面 [せつだんめん]
(n) section (in drawing)
切地 [きれじ]
(n) cloth
切通 [きりどおし]
(io) (n) (railway) cutting
切貼り [きりばり]
(n,vs) cut and paste
切入 [せつにゅう]
(n) OFF-ON (marking on switches)
切迫 [せっぱく]
(n,vs) pressure
切迫した [せっぱくした]
(adj) pressing
切迫感 [せっぱくかん]
(n) sense of urgency
切抜き [きりぬき]
(n) scraps
切符 [きっぷ]
(n) ticket
切符を改める [きっぷをあらためる]
(exp) to examine tickets
切符を切る [きっぷをきる]
(exp) to rip off a coupon
切符切り [きっぷきり]
(n) ticket punch
切符売り [きっぷうり]
(n) ticket seller
切符売り場 [きっぷうりば]
(n) ticket window
切符売場 [きっぷうりば]
(n) ticket window
切腹 [せっぷく]
(n,vs) seppuku
切物 [きれもの]
(n) edged tool
切分法 [せつぶんほう]
(n) syncopation
切片 [せっぺん]
(n) segment
切望 [せつぼう]
(n,vs) longing for
切味 [きれあじ]
(n) sharpness (of a sword)
切無し [きりなし]
(adj) always
切目 [きれめ]
(n) break
切戻 [せつらい]
(n) switch-back (reversal of redundancy switching following repair)
切要 [せつよう]
(adj-na,n) essential
切論 [せつろん]
(n,vs) persistent argument
切磋 [せっさ]
(n,vs) polishing (stones)
切磋琢磨 [せっさたくま]
(n,vs) cultivate one's character by studying hard
切籠 [きりこ]
(n) facet
拙い [つたない]
(adj) clumsy
拙い文章 [つたないぶんしょう]
(n) poor writing
拙悪 [せつあく]
(adj-na,n) poor (tasting)
拙技 [せつぎ]
(n) poor skill
拙稿 [せっこう]
(n) (hum) humble reference to one's own manuscript
拙作 [せっさく]
(n) (hum) poor work
拙策 [せっさく]
(n) poor policy or plan
拙者 [せっしゃ]
(n) (hum) (obs) I
拙守 [せっしゅ]
(n) poor defense
拙速 [せっそく]
(adj-na,n) hasty
拙速主義 [せっそくしゅぎ]
(n) slap-dash methods
拙宅 [せったく]
(n) (hum) humble reference to one's home
拙著 [せっちょ]
(n) (hum) my production
拙筆 [せっぴつ]
(n) (hum) poor handwriting
拙文 [せつぶん]
(n) poor writing
拙劣 [せつれつ]
(adj-na,n) clumsy
接ぎ合わせる [はぎあわせる]
(v1) to join or patch together
接ぎ足す [つぎたす]
(v5s) to extend
接ぎ穂 [つぎほ]
(n) (1) graft (e.g., onto a root stock)
接ぎ木 [つぎき]
(n) grafting
接ぎ目 [はぎめ]
(n) seam
接ぐ [つぐ]
(v5g) (1) to join
接する [せっする]
(vs-s) (1) to come in contact with
接岸 [せつがん]
(n,vs) coming alongside a pier or quay
接客 [せっきゃく]
(n,vs) reception
接客業 [せっきゃくぎょう]
(n) serving customers
接客業務 [せっきゃくぎょうむ]
(n) customer relations
接客態度 [せっきゃくたいど]
(n) service
接客婦 [せっきゃくふ]
(n) hostess
接近 [せっきん]
(n,vs) getting closer
接近経路 [せっきんけいろ]
(n) avenue of approach
接近戦 [せっきんせん]
(n) close combat
接遇 [せつぐう]
(n,vs) reception
接見 [せっけん]
(n,vs) interview
接合 [せつごう]
(n,vs) union
接合剤 [せつごうざい]
(n) adhesive
接合子 [せつごうし]
(n) zygote
接骨 [せっこつ]
(n,vs) bonesetting
接骨医 [せっこつい]
(n) osteopath
接骨木 [せっこつぼく]
(n) red-berried elder tree
接骨木 [にわとこ]
(n) red-berried elder tree
接辞 [せつじ]
(n) prefixes and suffixes
接写 [せっしゃ]
(n,vs) close-up photography
接種 [せっしゅ]
(n,vs) inoculation
接受 [せつじゅ]
(n,vs) receive
接受国 [せつじゅこく]
(n) recipient country
接収 [せっしゅう]
(n,vs) confiscation
接触 [せっしょく]
(n,vs) touch
接触感染 [せっしょくかんせん]
(n) infection through contact
接触事故 [せっしょくじこ]
(n) minor collision
接触線 [せっしょくせん]
(n) line of contact
接触伝染 [せっしょくでんせん]
(n) contagion
接戦 [せっせん]
(n,vs) close combat
接栓 [せっせん]
(n) connector
接線 [せっせん]
(n) tangent (in trigonometry)
接続 [せつぞく]
(n,vs) (1) connection
接続駅 [せつぞくえき]
(n) junction
接続語 [せつぞくご]
(n) (ling) conjunction or particle
接続口 [せつぞくぐち]
(n) connection
接続詞 [せつぞくし]
(n) (ling) conjunction
接続助詞 [せつぞくじょし]
(n) conjunctive particle
接続性 [せつぞくせい]
(n) connectivity
接続料 [せつぞくりょう]
(n) connection fee
接待 [せったい]
(n,vs) (1) reception
接待ゴルフ [せったいゴルフ]
(n) mixing business and golf
接待係 [せったいがかり]
(n) receptionist
接待費 [せったいひ]
(n) entertainment expenses
接断 [せつだん]
(n) disconnection
接地 [せっち]
(n,vs) (1) ground (elec)
接着 [せっちゃく]
(n,vs) fastening with glue
接着剤 [せっちゃくざい]
(n) adhesive
接着力 [せっちゃくりょく]
(n) bond strength
接敵移動 [せってきいどう]
(n) movement to contact
接点 [せってん]
(n) (1) tangent point
接頭 [せっとう]
(n) prefix
接頭語 [せっとうご]
(n) prefix
接頭辞 [せっとうじ]
(n) prefix
接伴 [せっぱん]
(n,vs) entertain
接尾 [せつび]
(n) suffix
接尾語 [せつびご]
(n) suffix
接尾詞 [せつびし]
(n) suffix
接尾辞 [せつびじ]
(n) suffix
接吻 [せっぷん]
(n,vs) kiss
接穂 [つぎほ]
(n) (1) graft (e.g., onto a root stock)
摂る [とる]
(v5r) to take something into the body
摂家 [せっけ]
(n) (line of) regents and advisers (advisors)
摂関 [せっかん]
(n) regents and advisers (advisors)
摂関家 [せっかんけ]
(n) line of regents and advisers (advisors)
摂護腺 [せつごせん]
(n) prostate gland
摂氏 [せっし]
(n) Centigrade
摂氏20度 [せっしにじゅうど]
(n) 20 o Celsius
摂取 [せっしゅ]
(n,vs) (1) intake
摂食 [せっしょく]
(n,vs) feeding
摂食障害 [せっしょくしょうがい]
(n) eating disorder
摂政 [せっしょう]
(n) regent
摂生 [せっせい]
(n,vs) hygiene
摂動 [せつどう]
(n) perturbation (physics)
摂動論 [せつどうろん]
(n) perturbation theory (physics)
摂理 [せつり]
(n,vs) (divine) Providence
折 [おり]
(n-adv,n-t) chance
折々 [おりおり]
(adv,n) occasionally
折から [おりから]
(exp,n-t) just then
折しも [おりしも]
(adv) at that (very) moment
折も折 [おりもおり]
(adv,exp) at that very moment
折り [おり]
(n) (1) small wooden box (e.g., for packing food)
折りしも [おりしも]
(adv) at that (very) moment
折りに触れて [おりにふれて]
(adv) occasionally
折り悪く [おりわるく]
(adv) unfortunately
折り悪しく [おりあしく]
(adv) unfortunately
折り鞄 [おりかばん]
(n) briefcase
折り詰め [おりづめ]
(n) food packed in a wooden box
折り曲げる [おりまげる]
(v1) to bend
折り襟 [おりえり]
(n) turned-down collar
折り句 [おりく]
(n) acrostic poetry
折り戸 [おりど]
(n) folding door