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5000 Cards in this Set

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調伏 [ちょうぶく]
(n,vs) curse
調法 [ちょうほう]
(adj-na,n) handy
調味 [ちょうみ]
(n,vs) seasoning
調味料 [ちょうみりょう]
(n) condiment
調薬 [ちょうやく]
(n,vs) dose
調理 [ちょうり]
(n,vs) cooking
調理器具 [ちょうりきぐ]
(n) cookware
調理師 [ちょうりし]
(n) chef
調理場 [ちょうりば]
(n) kitchen
調理人 [ちょうりにん]
(n) chef
調理台 [ちょうりだい]
(n) kitchen table or counter or working surface
調理法 [ちょうりほう]
(n) art of cooking
調律 [ちょうりつ]
(n,vs) tuning (musical)
調律師 [ちょうりつし]
(n) piano tuner
調略 [ちょうりゃく]
(n,vs) plan
調練 [ちょうれん]
(n,vs) military drill
調和 [ちょうわ]
(n,vs) harmony
諜報 [ちょうほう]
(n) secret information
諜報員 [ちょうほういん]
(n) intelligence operative
諜報機関 [ちょうほうきかん]
(n) intelligence agency
超 [ちょう]
(n,n-suf,pref) super-
超々大規模集積回路 [ちょうちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ]
(n) ULSI
超える [こえる]
(v1) to exceed
超がつく [ちょうがつく]
(adv) extremely
超す [こす]
(v5s) (1) to cross over (e.g., mountain)
超ウラン元素 [ちょうウランげんそ]
(n) transuranium element
超越 [ちょうえつ]
(n,vs) transcendental
超越関数 [ちょうえつかんすう]
(n) transcendental function
超越交代 [ちょうえつこうたい]
(n) passage of lines
超越点 [ちょうえつてん]
(n) passage point
超音速 [ちょうおんそく]
(n) supersonic speed
超音波 [ちょうおんぱ]
(n) ultrasonic waves
超音波検査 [ちょうおんぱけんさ]
(n) sonography
超音波洗浄 [ちょうおんぱせんじょう]
(n) ultrasonic cleaning
超過 [ちょうか]
(n,vs) excess
超過額 [ちょうかがく]
(n) a surplus
超過勤務 [ちょうかきんむ]
(n) overtime (work)
超過勤務手当 [ちょうかきんむてあて]
(n) overtime pay
超格子 [ちょうこうし]
(n) superlattice
超簡易 [ちょうかんい]
(n) ultra-simple
超規則 [ちょうきそく]
(n) metarule
超巨星 [ちょうきょせい]
(n) super-giant star
超勤 [ちょうきん]
(n) (abbr) overtime (work)
超現実主義 [ちょうげんじつしゅぎ]
(n) surrealism
超現実的 [ちょうげんじつてき]
(adj-na,n) surrealistic
超高速度 [ちょうこうそくど]
(n) super-high speed
超合金 [ちょうごうきん]
(n) name of toy (super-alloy, hyper-alloy)
超克 [ちょうこく]
(n,vs) overcoming
超国家主義 [ちょうこっかしゅぎ]
(n) ultranationalism
超国家的 [ちょうこっかてき]
(adj-na) ultranationalistic
超時空 [ちょうじくう]
(n) super-dimensional
超自然 [ちょうしぜん]
(adj-na,n) occult
超自然的 [ちょうしぜんてき]
(adj-na) supernatural
超重元素 [ちょうじゅうげんそ]
(n) transuranium element
超新星 [ちょうしんせい]
(n) supernova
超人 [ちょうじん]
(n) superman
超人的 [ちょうじんてき]
(adj-na) superhuman
超世俗的 [ちょうせぞくてき]
(adj-na) unworldly
超絶 [ちょうぜつ]
(n,vs) transcendence
超然 [ちょうぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) detached
超然内閣 [ちょうぜんないかく]
(n) (Meiji or Taisho era) non-partisan cabinet
超俗 [ちょうぞく]
(n) aloofness
超多段シフト [ちょうただんシフト]
(n) kanji input method
超対称理論 [ちょうたいしょうりろん]
(n) supersymmetry
超大規模集積回路 [ちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ]
(n) VLSI
超大型 [ちょうおおがた]
(n) extra-large
超大国 [ちょうたいこく]
(n) (1) superpower
超脱 [ちょうだつ]
(n,vs) transcendency
超短波 [ちょうたんぱ]
(n) ultrashort-wave
超超大規模集積回路 [ちょうちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ]
(n) ULSI
超低 [ちょうてい]
(adj-no,pref) very low (deep, cold, etc.)
超低価格 [ちょうていかかく]
(n) ultra-low cost
超低金利 [ちょうていきんり]
(n) ultra-low interest
超低金利金融政策 [ちょうていきんりきんゆうせいさく]
(n) ultra-loose monetary policy
超伝導 [ちょうでんどう]
(n) super-conductivity
超電導 [ちょうでんどう]
(n) superconductivity
超電導磁気浮上式鉄道 [ちょうでんどうじきふじょうしきてつどう]
(n) superconducting maglev train
超党派 [ちょうとうは]
(n) nonpartisan
超特急 [ちょうとっきゅう]
(n) super express
超能力 [ちょうのうりょく]
(n) ESP
超能力者 [ちょうのうりょくしゃ]
(n) person with supernatural power
超媒体 [ちょうばいたい]
(n) hypermedia
超物理学 [ちょうぶつりがく]
(n) paraphysics
超文面 [ちょうぶんめん]
(n) hypertext
超並列計算機 [ちょうへいれつけいさんき]
(n) massively parallel computer
超凡 [ちょうぼん]
(adj-na,n) extraordinary
超満員 [ちょうまんいん]
(n) overcrowded
超連結子 [ちょうれんけつし]
(n) hyperlink
超弩級 [ちょうどきゅう]
(n) superdreadnought (class of warship)
跳ね [はね]
(n) splashes
跳ねかける [はねかける]
(v1) to splash
跳ねる [はねる]
(v1,vi) (1) to jump
跳ね回る [はねまわる]
(v5r) to jump about
跳ね掛ける [はねかける]
(v1) to splash
跳ね起きる [はねおきる]
(v1) to jump up
跳ね橋 [はねばし]
(n) drawbridge
跳ね出す [はねだす]
(v5s) to spring or rush out
跳ね出る [はねでる]
(v1) to spring or rush out
跳ね除ける [はねのける]
(v1) to push aside
跳ね上がり [はねあがり]
(n) jumping
跳ね上がり者 [はねあがりもの]
(n) rash person
跳ね上がる [はねあがる]
(v5r) to jump up
跳ね太鼓 [はねだいこ]
(n) drumming at the end of the day of sumo wrestling inviting spectators to return tomorrow
跳ね馬 [はねうま]
(n) vaulting horse
跳ね飛ばす [はねとばす]
(v5s) (1) to send (something) flying
跳ね返す [はねかえす]
(v5s) to reject
跳ね返り [はねかえり]
(n) rebounding
跳ね返る [はねかえる]
(v5r) to rebound
跳び越す [とびこす]
(v5s) to leap over
跳び過ぎる [とびすぎる]
(v5r) to overjump
跳び回る [とびまわる]
(v5r) to fly about
跳び出す [とびだす]
(v5s) to leap out
跳び出る [とびでる]
(v1) to spring or rush out
跳び上がる [とびあがる]
(v5r) to spring
跳び乗る [とびのる]
(v5r) to jump upon (a moving object)
跳び虫 [とびむし]
(n) springtail (wingless insect of the order Collembola)
跳び跳ねる [とびはねる]
(v1) to jump up and down
跳び箱 [とびばこ]
(n) vaulting horse (box)
跳び板 [とびいた]
(n) springboard
跳び付く [とびつく]
(v5k) to jump at
跳ぶ [とぶ]
(v5b) to jump
跳越す [とびこす]
(v5s) to leap over
跳回る [とびまわる]
(v5r) to fly about
跳上がる [とびあがる]
(v5r) to spring
跳虫 [とびむし]
(n) springtail (wingless insect of the order Collembola)
跳馬 [ちょうば]
(n) long horse (for vaulting)
跳箱 [とびばこ]
(n) vaulting horse (box)
跳付く [とびつく]
(v5k) to jump at
跳躍 [ちょうやく]
(n,vs) jump
跳躍振動 [ちょうやくしんどう]
(n) relaxation oscillation
跳梁 [ちょうりょう]
(n,vs) jumping about
跳梁跋扈 [ちょうりょうばっこ]
(n,vs) being rampant
銚子 [ちょうし]
(n) (sake) decanter
長 [おさ]
(n,suf) chief
長 [ちょう]
(n,suf) chief
長々 [ながなが]
(adv) long
長い [ながい]
(adj) long
長いす [ながいす]
(n) couch
長い間 [ながいあいだ]
(n-t) long interval
長い茎の有る [ながいくきのある]
(exp) long-stemmed
長い事 [ながいこと]
(n-adv) for a long time
長い目 [ながいめ]
(n) long-term view
長ける [たける]
(v1) (1) to excel at
長さ [ながさ]
(n) length
長じる [ちょうじる]
(v5r) to grow
長たらしい [ながたらしい]
(adj) tedious
長ったらしい [ながったらしい]
(adj) tedious
長の [ながの]
(adj) long
長らえる [ながらえる]
(v1) to have a long life
長らく [ながらく]
(adv) long
長椅子 [ながいす]
(n) couch
長芋 [ながいも]
(n) (Chinese) yam
長引く [ながびく]
(v5k) to be prolonged
長雨 [ながあめ]
(n) long spell of rain
長唄 [ながうた]
(n) long epic song with shamisen accompaniment
長円 [ちょうえん]
(n) ellipse
長屋 [ながや]
(n) tenement or row house
長音 [ちょうおん]
(n) long vowel
長音階 [ちょうおんかい]
(n) major scale
長音符 [ちょうおんぷ]
(n) macron
長家 [ながや]
(n) tenement or row house
長歌 [ちょうか]
(n) long epic song with shamisen accompaniment
長歌 [ながうた]
(n) long epic song with shamisen accompaniment
長火鉢 [ながひばち]
(n) oblong brazier
長過ぎ [ながすぎ]
(n) too long
長過ぎる [ながすぎる]
(v1) to be too long
長角牛 [ちょうかくぎゅう]
(n) longhorn
長巻 [ながまき]
(n) polearm with sword blade
長官 [ちょうかん]
(n) secretary (government)
長患い [ながわずらい]
(n,vs) long illness
長閑 [のどか]
(adj-na) tranquil
長閑さ [のどかさ]
(n) tranquility
長期 [ちょうき]
(n-adv,n-t) long time period
長期間 [ちょうきかん]
(n,adj-no) extended period of time
長期金利 [ちょうききんり]
(n) long-term interest rate
長期計画 [ちょうきけいかく]
(n) long-range plan
長期国債 [ちょうきこくさい]
(n) long-term national bond
長期借款 [ちょうきしゃっかん]
(n) long-term loan
長期手形 [ちょうきてがた]
(n) long-term bill
長期信用銀行 [ちょうきしんようぎんこう]
(n) long-term credit bank
長期戦 [ちょうきせん]
(n) drawn-out (protracted) war or contest
長期貸付金 [ちょうきかしつけきん]
(n) long-term loans
長期低利貸付 [ちょうきていりかしつけ]
(n) soft loan
長期的 [ちょうきてき]
(adj-na) long term
長久 [ちょうきゅう]
(n) permanence
長居 [ながい]
(n,vs) long visit
長居無用 [ながいむよう]
(exp) There's no point in staying (here) any longer
長距離 [ちょうきょり]
(n) long distance
長距離依存 [ちょうきょりいぞん]
(n) long-distance dependency (dependencies)
長距離打者 [ちょうきょりだしゃ]
(n) slugger (baseball)
長距離電話 [ちょうきょりでんわ]
(n) long-distance call
長距離電話会社 [ちょうきょりでんわがいしゃ]
(n) long-distance telephone company
長距離飛行 [ちょうきょりひこう]
(n) long(-range) flight
長距離輸送 [ちょうきょりゆそう]
(n) long-distance transportation (transport, haulage)
長距離列車 [ちょうきょりれっしゃ]
(n) long-distance train
長躯 [ちょうく]
(n) tall figure
長駆 [ちょうく]
(n,vs) a long march
長靴 [ちょうか]
(n) leather boots
長靴 [ながぐつ]
(n) leather boots
長兄 [ちょうけい]
(n) eldest brother
長径 [ちょうけい]
(n) major axis
長月 [ながつき]
(n) (obs) ninth month of the lunar calendar
長剣 [ちょうけん]
(n) long sword
長広舌 [ちょうこうぜつ]
(n) long talk
長江 [ちょうこう]
(n) Yangtze River
長考 [ちょうこう]
(n,vs) lengthy consideration
長講 [ちょうこう]
(n) lengthy lecture
長講一席 [ちょうこういっせき]
(n) (make) a long talk (discourse, lecture)
長座 [ちょうざ]
(n,vs) long stay
長崎県 [ながさきけん]
(n) Nagasaki prefecture (Kyuushuu)
長四角 [ながしかく]
(n) rectangle
長子 [ちょうし]
(n) eldest child or son
長持 [ながもち]
(n,vs) (1) long-lasting
長持ち [ながもち]
(n,vs) (1) long-lasting
長時間 [ちょうじかん]
(n-adv,n-t) long period of time
長軸 [ちょうじく]
(n) major axis
長者 [ちょうじゃ]
(n) millionaire
長者番付 [ちょうじゃばんづけ]
(n) list of the richest people
長蛇 [ちょうだ]
(n) long line
長蛇の列 [ちょうだのれつ]
(n) long line
長尺 [ちょうじゃく]
(adj-no) long
長尺映画 [ちょうじゃくえいが]
(n) long film (movie)
長寿 [ちょうじゅ]
(n) longevity
長所 [ちょうしょ]
(n) (1) strong point
長薯 [ながいも]
(n) Chinese yam
長女 [ちょうじょ]
(n) eldest daughter
長上 [ちょうじょう]
(n) one's elder(s) or superior(s)
長尻 [ながじり]
(n) long stay
長身 [ちょうしん]
(n) tall figure
長身痩躯 [ちょうしんそうく]
(n) tall and lean figure
長針 [ちょうしん]
(n) long (minute) hand
長須鯨 [ながすくじら]
(n) finback (whale)
長水路 [ちょうすいろ]
(n) swimming pool lane which is longer than 50 meters
長征 [ちょうせい]
(n,vs) lengthy military expedition
長生 [ちょうせい]
(n,vs) longevity
長生き [ながいき]
(n,vs) longevity
長生きの筋 [ながいきのすじ]
(n) long-lived family
長逝 [ちょうせい]
(n,vs) death
長石 [ちょうせき]
(n) feldspar
長足 [ちょうそく]
(n) rapid progress
長足の進歩 [ちょうそくのしんぽ]
(n) rapid progress (strides)
長続き [ながつづき]
(n,vs) long-lasting
長袖 [ながそで]
(n) long sleeves
長太刀 [ながだち]
(n) large war sword
長打 [ちょうだ]
(n,vs) long hit (baseball)
長打コース [ちょうだコース]
(n) ball hit toward the gap between outfielders (baseball)
長大 [ちょうだい]
(adj-na,n) very long
長大息 [ちょうたいそく]
(n,vs) deep sigh
長嘆 [ちょうたん]
(n,vs) deep sigh
長歎 [ちょうたん]
(n,vs) deep sigh
長短 [ちょうたん]
(n) (1) length
長男 [ちょうなん]
(n) eldest son
長談義 [ながだんぎ]
(n,vs) long-winded speech
長談議 [ながだんぎ]
(n,vs) long-winded speech
長虫 [ながむし]
(n) snake
長丁場 [ながちょうば]
(n) long (stretch of) distance
長調 [ちょうちょう]
(n) major key (music)
長長 [ながなが]
(adv) long
長長しい [ながながしい]
(adj) long, drawn-out
長追い [ながおい]
(n,vs) long pursuit
長汀曲浦 [ちょうていきょくほ]
(n) long stretch of winding beach
長電話 [ながでんわ]
(n) long telephone conversation
長途 [ちょうと]
(n) long way
長刀 [ちょうとう]
(n) halberd
長刀 [なぎなた]
(n) halberd
長刀一枝 [ちょうとういっし]
(n) one long sword
長刀術 [なぎなたじゅつ]
(n) art of using a naginata (halberd)
長湯 [ながゆ]
(n,vs) long, leisurely bath
長日植物 [ちょうじつしょくぶつ]
(n) long-day plant
長葱 [ながねぎ]
(n) Japanese long green onion (Allium fistulosum)
長年 [ながねん]
(n-adv,n-t) long time
長年の夢 [ながねんのゆめ]
(n) long-cherished dream
長波 [ちょうは]
(n) long wave
長髪 [ちょうはつ]
(n) long hair
長煩い [ながわずらい]
(n,vs) protracted illness
長尾鶏 [ながおどり]
(n) long-tailed fowl
長尾鳥 [ながおどり]
(n) long-tailed fowl
長物 [ちょうぶつ]
(n) something long
長文 [ちょうぶん]
(n) long sentence or letter
長柄 [ながえ]
(n) long handle
長柄刀 [ながえがたな]
(n) long, two-handed sword
長編 [ちょうへん]
(n) long (e.g., novel, film)
長辺 [ちょうへん]
(n) long boundary
長母音 [ちょうぼいん]
(n) long vowel
長方形 [ちょうほうけい]
(n) rectangle
長方体 [ちょうほうたい]
(n) parallelepiped
長命 [ちょうめい]
(adj-na,n) long life
長鳴き [ながなき]
(n,vs) long crowing (warbling)
長目 [ながめ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) longish
長夜 [じょうや]
(n-t) long night
長夜 [ちょうや]
(n-t) long night
長野県 [ながのけん]
(n) Nagano prefecture (Chuubu area)
長幼 [ちょうよう]
(n) young and old
長粒米 [ちょうりゅうまい]
(n) long grain rice
長旅 [ながたび]
(n) long trip
長老 [ちょうろう]
(n) eldest
長老として奉る [ちょうろうとしてたてまつる]
(v5r) to kick (a person) upstairs
長老教会 [ちょうろうきょうかい]
(n) the Presbyterian Church
長話 [ながばなし]
(n,vs) long talk
頂 [いただき]
(n) (1) crown (of head)
頂き [いただき]
(n) (1) crown (of head)
頂き物 [いただきもの]
(n) (hum) (received) present
頂く [いただく]
(v5k) (hum) to receive
頂けない [いただけない]
(exp) unacceptable
頂ける [いただける]
(v1) (1) to receive (potential)
頂角 [ちょうかく]
(n) vertical angle
頂上 [ちょうじょう]
(n) top
頂上を目指す [ちょうじょうをめざす]
(exp) to set out for the summit
頂上会談 [ちょうじょうかいだん]
(n) summit conference
頂戴 [ちょうだい]
(int,vs) (1) please do for me (preceded by -te)
頂戴物 [ちょうだいもの]
(n) present
頂点 [ちょうてん]
(n) top
頂門の一針 [ちょうもんのいっしん]
(n) painful reproach (like a needle stuck in one's scalp)
鳥 [とり]
(n) bird
鳥が棲む森 [とりがすむもり]
(n) woods inhabited by birds
鳥を掴まえる [とりをつかまえる]
(exp) to catch a bird
鳥インフルエンザ [とりインフルエンザ]
(n) avian influenza
鳥威し [とりおどし]
(n) scarecrow
鳥屋 [とや]
(n) chicken coop
鳥屋 [とりや]
(n) bird dealer
鳥貝 [とりがい]
(n) a cockle
鳥兜 [とりかぶと]
(n) aconite
鳥寄せ [とりよせ]
(n) birdcall
鳥居 [とりい]
(n) torii (Shinto shrine archway)
鳥撃ち [とりうち]
(n) fowling
鳥刺し [とりさし]
(n) bird catcher
鳥取県 [とっとりけん]
(n) Tottori prefecture (Chuugoku area)
鳥獣 [ちょうじゅう]
(n) birds and wild animals
鳥獣保護区域 [ちょうじゅうほごくいき]
(n) wildlife protection area
鳥銃 [ちょうじゅう]
(n) fowling gun
鳥小屋 [とりごや]
(n) henhouse
鳥人 [ちょうじん]
(n) aviator
鳥葬 [ちょうそう]
(n) exposure of a corpse (to be eaten by birds)
鳥打ち [とりうち]
(n) fowling
鳥打ち帽 [とりうちぼう]
(n) (hunting) cap
鳥追い [とりおい]
(n) driving off birds
鳥渡 [ちょいと]
(adv,int) (1) (uk) just a minute
鳥渡 [ちょっと]
(ateji) (adv,int) (1) (uk) just a minute
鳥肉 [ちょうにく]
(n) chicken meat
鳥肉 [とりにく]
(n) chicken meat
鳥之巣 [とりのす]
(n) birds nest
鳥媒花 [ちょうばいか]
(n) ornithophilous flower (e.g., pollinated by birds)
鳥肌 [とりはだ]
(n) goose flesh
鳥網 [とりあみ]
(n) fowling net
鳥目 [とりめ]
(n) night-blindness
鳥類 [ちょうるい]
(n) birds
鳥類インフルエンザ [ちょうるいインフルエンザ]
(n) bird flu
鳥類学 [ちょうるいがく]
(n) ornithology
鳥瞰 [ちょうかん]
(n,vs) bird's-eye view
鳥瞰図 [ちょうかんず]
(n) bird's-eye view
鳥籠 [とりかご]
(n) birdcage
鳥黐 [とりもち]
(n) birdlime
勅 [ちょく]
(n) imperial decree
勅 [みことのり]
(n) imperial decree
勅意 [ちょくい]
(n) meaning or gist of a decree
勅額 [ちょくがく]
(n) imperial scroll
勅勘 [ちょっかん]
(n) the emperor's censure
勅願 [ちょくがん]
(n) imperial prayer
勅願寺 [ちょくがんじ]
(n) temple built at the order of the emperor
勅許 [ちょっきょ]
(n) imperial sanction
勅語 [ちょくご]
(n) imperial rescript
勅裁 [ちょくさい]
(n) imperial decision or sanction
勅使 [ちょくし]
(n) imperial messenger
勅旨 [ちょくし]
(n) imperial messenger
勅書 [ちょくしょ]
(n) imperial rescript
勅宣 [ちょくせん]
(n) imperial decree
勅撰 [ちょくせん]
(n) compilation for the emperor
勅撰集 [ちょくせんしゅう]
(n) imperial-commissioned poem anthology
勅選 [ちょくせん]
(n) imperial nomination
勅選集 [ちょくせんしゅう]
(n) emperor-sponsored anthology
勅題 [ちょくだい]
(n) theme of the Imperial Poetry Contest
勅答 [ちょくとう]
(n,vs) emperor's reply
勅任 [ちょくにん]
(n) imperial appointment
勅任官 [ちょくにんかん]
(n) imperial appointee
勅筆 [ちょくひつ]
(n) imperial autograph
勅命 [ちょくめい]
(n) imperial command
勅問 [ちょくもん]
(n) imperial question
勅諭 [ちょくゆ]
(n) imperial instructions
勅令 [ちょくれい]
(n) (imperial) edict
勅諚 [ちょくじょう]
(n) imperial message
捗々しい [はかばかしい]
(adj) quick
捗る [はかどる]
(v5r) to make progress
捗捗しい [はかばかしい]
(adj) quick
直 [じき]
(adj-na,adv,n) direct
直 [ちょく]
(adj-na,adv,n) direct
直 [なお]
(adj-na) straight
直 [ひた]
(n) earnestly
直々 [じきじき]
(adj-na) personal
直き [なおき]
(n) straight
直ぐ [すぐ]
(adj-na,adv,n) immediately
直ぐに [すぐに]
(adv) instantly
直ぐ側 [すぐそば]
(n) near
直ぐ様 [すぐさま]
(adv) immediately
直し [なおし]
(n) correction
直し物 [なおしもの]
(n) mending
直す [なおす]
(v5s,vt) (1) to cure
直ちに [ただちに]
(adv) at once
直と [ひたと]
(adv) close to
直に [じかに]
(adv) (uk) directly
直に [じきに]
(adv) immediately
直らない [なおらない]
(adj) beyond repair
直る [なおる]
(v5r,vi) (1) to be cured
直営 [ちょくえい]
(n,vs) direct management
直営店 [ちょくえいてん]
(n) company store
直映館 [ちょくえいかん]
(n) chain movie theaters
直円錐 [ちょくえんすい]
(n) a right circular cone
直円柱 [ちょくえんちゅう]
(n) right cylinder
直往 [ちょくおう]
(n,vs) going unhesitatingly forward
直往邁進 [ちょくおうまいしん]
(n,vs) push boldly forward
直押しに [ひたおしに]
(adv) steadily
直音 [ちょくおん]
(n) single-kana sound
直下 [ちょっか]
(n,vs) directly under
直下型地震 [ちょっかがたじしん]
(n) earthquake which hits directly above its epicenter (epicentre)
直覚 [ちょっかく]
(n,vs) intuition
直覚的に [ちょっかくてきに]
(adv) intuitively
直角 [ちょっかく]
(n) right angle
直角三角形 [ちょっかくさんかっけい]
(n) right triangle
直滑降 [ちょっかっこう]
(n) schuss
直轄 [ちょっかつ]
(n,vs) direct control
直轄植民地 [ちょっかつしょくみんち]
(n) crown colony
直轄地 [ちょっかつち]
(n) area under direct control (of the shogun)
直巻き [ちょくまき]
(n) series-wound
直感 [ちょっかん]
(n,vs) intuition
直感的 [ちょっかんてき]
(adj-na) intuitive
直観 [ちょっかん]
(n,vs) intuition
直観的 [ちょっかんてき]
(adj-na) intuitive
直諌 [ちょっかん]
(n) personal admonition
直間比率 [ちょっかんひりつ]
(n) ratio of direct to indirect taxes
直帰 [ちょっき]
(n,vs) returning home directly
直球 [ちょくきゅう]
(n) straight ball (pitch)
直球 [ちょっきゅう]
(n) straight ball (pitch)
直近 [ちょっきん]
(n) adj-no latest
直径 [ちょっけい]
(n) diameter
直系 [ちょっけい]
(n) direct descent
直系血族 [ちょっけいけつぞく]
(n) a lineal relation
直系尊属 [ちょっけいそんぞく]
(n) lineal ascendant
直系卑属 [ちょっけいひぞく]
(n) lineal descendant
直経 [ちょっけい]
(n) diameter
直撃 [ちょくげき]
(n,vs) direct hit
直撃弾 [ちょくげきだん]
(n) direct hit
直結 [ちょっけつ]
(n,vs) direct connection
直言 [ちょくげん]
(n,vs) plain speaking
直言直筆 [ちょくげんちょくひつ]
(n,vs) speak and write plainly (frankly)
直後 [ちょくご]
(n-adv,n-t) immediately following
直交 [ちょっこう]
(n,vs) orthogonal
直交座標 [ちょっこうざひょう]
(n) rectangular coordinates
直交性 [ちょっこうせい]
(n) orthogonal
直向 [ひたむき]
(adj-na) (uk) earnest
直向き [ひたむき]
(adj-na) (uk) earnest
直向きに聞く [ひたむきにきく]
(exp) to listen intently
直航 [ちょっこう]
(n,vs) direct voyage
直行 [ちょっこう]
(n,vs) through
直行便 [ちょっこうびん]
(n) direct (nonstop) flight
直参 [じきさん]
(n) immediate follower (of the shogun)
直視 [ちょくし]
(n,vs) looking someone in the eyes
直射 [ちょくしゃ]
(n,vs) direct fire
直射日光 [ちょくしゃにっこう]
(n) direct rays of the sun
直謝る [ひたあやまる]
(v5r) to apologize earnestly
直取引 [じきとりひき]
(n) spot transaction
直収 [ちょくしゅう]
(n) (abbr) dedicated line (e.g., phone service)
直出 [ちょくしゅつ]
(n,vs) shooting straight out
直焼き [じかやき]
(n) broiling over an open fire
直上 [ちょくじょう]
(n,vs) above
直情 [ちょくじょう]
(n) frankness
直情径行 [ちょくじょうけいこう]
(adj-na,n) impulsive and straightforward
直進 [ちょくしん]
(n,vs) going right on
直垂れ [ひたたれ]
(n) ancient ceremonial court robe
直税 [ちょくぜい]
(n) direct tax
直積み出し [じきつみだし]
(n) immediate shipment
直接 [ちょくせつ]
(adj-na,n-adv) direct
直接会談 [ちょくせつかいだん]
(n) direct discussion
直接回答 [ちょくせつかいとう]
(n) immediate, direct response
直接簡明 [ちょくせつかんめい]
(n) simple and plain
直接関係 [ちょくせつかんけい]
(n) direct relation
直接競争 [ちょくせつきょうそう]
(n) direct competition
直接協議 [ちょくせつきょうぎ]
(n) direct talks
直接教授法 [ちょくせつきょうじゅほう]
(n) direct method
直接行動 [ちょくせつこうどう]
(n) direct action
直接購入 [ちょくせつこうにゅう]
(n) direct purchase
直接支援 [ちょくせつしえん]
(n) direct support
直接支配 [ちょくせつしはい]
(n) immediate dominance
直接収容 [ちょくせつしゅうよう]
(n) dedicated line (e.g., phone service)
直接照準射撃 [ちょくせつしょうじゅんしゃげき]
(n) direct fire
直接照明 [ちょくせつしょうめい]
(n) direct lighting
直接尋問 [ちょくせつじんもん]
(n) direct examination
直接請求 [ちょくせつせいきゅう]
(n) direct claim to a local government
直接税 [ちょくせつぜい]
(n) direct tax
直接接触 [ちょくせつせっしょく]
(n) direct contact
直接接続 [ちょくせつせつぞく]
(n,vs) making a direct connection
直接選挙 [ちょくせつせんきょ]
(n) direct election
直接的 [ちょくせつてき]
(adj-na,n) direct
直接伝染 [ちょくせつでんせん]
(n) direct infection
直接投資 [ちょくせつとうし]
(n) direct investment
直接比較 [ちょくせつひかく]
(n) direct comparison
直接費 [ちょくせつひ]
(n) direct cost
直接法 [ちょくせつほう]
(n) direct method
直接民主制 [ちょくせつみんしゅせい]
(n) direct democracy
直接目的語 [ちょくせつもくてきご]
(n) (ling) direct object
直接労務費 [ちょくせつろうむひ]
(n) direct labor costs
直接話法 [ちょくせつわほう]
(n) direct quotation
直説法 [ちょくせつほう]
(n) direct method
直線 [ちょくせん]
(n) straight line
直線運動 [ちょくせんうんどう]
(n) linear motion
直線距離 [ちょくせんきょり]
(n) distance in a straight line
直銭形 [ちょくせんけい]
(n) rectangular figures
直前 [ちょくぜん]
(n-adv,n-t) just before
直訴 [じきそ]
(n,vs) direct appeal
直奏 [じきそう]
(n,vs) direct report to the throne
直走り [ひたばしり]
(n) running swiftly
直走路 [ちょくそうろ]
(n) straight course
直送 [ちょくそう]
(n,vs) direct delivery
直足袋 [じかたび]
(n) work tabi
直属 [ちょくぞく]
(n,vs) direct control
直達 [じきたつ]
(n,vs) direct delivery
直談 [じかだん]
(n,vs) personal account (of)
直談 [じきだん]
(n,vs) personal account (of)
直談判 [じかだんぱん]
(n,vs) direct talks
直中 [ただなか]
(n) middle
直腸 [ちょくちょう]
(n) rectum
直腸ガン [ちょくちょうガン]
(n) rectal cancer
直腸癌 [ちょくちょうがん]
(n) rectal cancer
直直 [じきじき]
(adj-na) personal
直通 [ちょくつう]
(n,vs) direct communication
直通電話 [ちょくつうでんわ]
(n) direct dialing or calling
直通列車 [ちょくつうれっしゃ]
(n) a through train
直弟子 [じきでし]
(n) personal pupil
直伝 [じきでん]
(n) direct transmission (of mysteries or skill)
直渡し [じかわたし]
(n) direct delivery
直刀 [ちょくとう]
(n) straight sword
直答 [じきとう]
(n,vs) prompt answer
直答 [ちょくとう]
(n,vs) prompt answer
直読 [ちょくどく]
(n,vs) reading (Chinese) without syntactical rearrangement into Japanese
直配 [ちょくはい]
(n,vs) direct delivery
直売 [ちょくばい]
(n,vs) selling directly
直販 [ちょくはん]
(n,adj-no) direct selling
直披 [じきひ]
(n) personal
直披 [ちょくひ]
(n) personal
直筆 [じきひつ]
(n) one's own handwriting
直筆 [ちょくひつ]
(n) writing with an upright brush
直払い [じきはらい]
(n) cash payment
直方体 [ちょくほうたい]
(n) right-angled parallelepiped
直面 [ちょくめん]
(n,vs) confrontation
直訳 [ちょくやく]
(n,vs) literal translation
直輸 [ちょくゆ]
(n) direct import (export)
直輸出 [じきゆしゅつ]
(n) direct export
直輸出 [ちょくゆしゅつ]
(n) direct export
直輸入 [じきゆにゅう]
(n) direct import
直輸入 [ちょくゆにゅう]
(n) direct import
直覧 [じきらん]
(n) respectfully looking at (something)
直立 [ちょくりつ]
(n,vs) vertical
直立猿人 [ちょくりつえんじん]
(n) a pithecanthrope
直立茎 [ちょくりつけい]
(n) erect stem
直立不動 [ちょくりつふどう]
(n) standing at attention
直流 [ちょくりゅう]
(n) direct current
直流回路 [ちょくりゅうかいろ]
(n) direct-current circuit
直列 [ちょくれつ]
(n) series (e.g., electrical)
直路 [すぐみち]
(n) straight road
直路 [ちょくろ]
(n) straight road
直話 [じきばなし]
(n,vs) one's own account (of something)
直話 [じきわ]
(n,vs) one's own account (of something)
直話 [ちょくわ]
(n,vs) one's own account (of something)
直喩 [ちょくゆ]
(n) simile
直截 [ちょくさい]
(adj-na,n) frank
直截 [ちょくせつ]
(adj-na,n) frank
直截簡明 [ちょくせつかんめい]
(n) simple and plain
直諫 [ちょっかん]
(n,vs) remonstration
朕 [ちん]
(n,adj-no) We
朕思うに [ちんおもうに]
(exp) "We, the emperor, .."
沈む [しずむ]
(v5m) to sink
沈める [しずめる]
(v1,vt) to sink
沈んだ心 [しずんだこころ]
(n) low spirits
沈下 [ちんか]
(n,vs) sinking
沈下橋 [ちんかばし]
(n) bridge designed to be underwater during a flood
沈魚落雁 [ちんぎょらくがん]
(n) the charms of a rarely beautiful woman
沈金 [ちんきん]
(n) gold-inlaid laquerware (using powdered gold in etched grooves)
沈金彫 [ちんきんぼり]
(n) gold-inlaid laquerware
沈金彫り [ちんきんぼり]
(n) gold-inlaid laquerware
沈吟 [ちんぎん]
(n,vs) hum
沈降 [ちんこう]
(n,vs) precipitate
沈降海岸 [ちんこうかいがん]
(n) submerged shoreline
沈香 [じんこう]
(n) aloe
沈砂 [ちんさ]
(n) grit
沈思 [ちんし]
(n,vs) contemplation
沈思黙考 [ちんしもっこう]
(exp) being lost in deep thought
沈酔 [ちんすい]
(n,vs) very drunk
沈静 [ちんせい]
(adj-na,n) stillness
沈積 [ちんせき]
(n,vs) sedimentation
沈潜 [ちんせん]
(n,vs) sinking into deep thought
沈滞 [ちんたい]
(n,vs) stagnation
沈着 [ちんちゃく]
(adj-na,n) composure
沈着冷静 [ちんちゃくれいせい]
(n,adj-na) calm, cool, and collected
沈丁花 [じんちょうげ]
(n) daphne (flower)
沈丁花 [ちんちょうげ]
(n) daphne (flower)
沈痛 [ちんつう]
(adj-na,n) pensive
沈殿 [ちんでん]
(n,vs) precipitation
沈澱 [ちんでん]
(n,vs) precipitation
沈澱物 [ちんでんぶつ]
(n) sediment
沈没 [ちんぼつ]
(n,vs) sinking
沈没船 [ちんぼつせん]
(n) sunken ship
沈埋工法 [ちんまいこうほう]
(n) underwater tunnel construction by sinking prefabricated box culverts
沈黙 [ちんもく]
(n,vs) silence
沈黙寡言 [ちんもくかげん]
(n,adj-na) taciturn
沈勇 [ちんゆう]
(n) composed courage
沈倫 [ちんりん]
(n,vs) sinking into obscurity
沈鬱 [ちんうつ]
(adj-na,n) melancholy
沈渣 [ちんさ]
(n) dregs
珍 [ちん]
(adj-na,n) rare
珍しい [めずらしい]
(adj) unusual
珍しがる [めずらしがる]
(v5r) to think (it) a curiosity
珍プレー [ちんプレー]
(n) unusual play (baseball)
珍奇 [ちんき]
(adj-na,n) strange
珍客 [ちんきゃく]
(n) welcome visitor
珍芸 [ちんげい]
(n) an unusual trick
珍現象 [ちんげんしょう]
(n) strange phenomenon
珍事 [ちんじ]
(n) strange or unusual occurrence
珍種 [ちんしゅ]
(n,adj-no) rare species
珍什 [ちんじゅう]
(n) rare article
珍獣 [ちんじゅう]
(n) rare (or peculiar) animal
珍重 [ちんちょう]
(n,vs) prize
珍書 [ちんしょ]
(n) rare book
珍説 [ちんせつ]
(n) novel idea
珍蔵 [ちんぞう]
(n,vs) treasuring something of value
珍談 [ちんだん]
(n) funny story
珍中の珍 [ちんちゅうのちん]
(n) rarity
珍答 [ちんとう]
(n) absurd reply
珍道具 [ちんどうぐ]
(n) gadget
珍品 [ちんぴん]
(n) curio
珍糞漢 [ちんぷんかん]
(n) babble
珍糞漢糞 [ちんぷんかんぷん]
(adj-na,exp,n) (uk) unintelligible language
珍紛漢紛 [ちんぷんかんぷん]
(adj-na,exp,n) (uk) unintelligible language
珍聞 [ちんぶん]
(n) curious or extraordinary story or piece of news
珍宝 [ちんぽう]
(n) rare treasure
珍本 [ちんぽん]
(n) rare book
珍味 [ちんみ]
(n) delicacy
珍味佳肴 [ちんみかこう]
(n) rare delicacies
珍妙 [ちんみょう]
(adj-na,n) queer
珍無類 [ちんむるい]
(adj-na,n) extraordinary
珍問 [ちんもん]
(n) irrelevant question
賃下げ [ちんさげ]
(n,vs) pay cut
賃金 [ちんぎん]
(n) wages
賃金の差 [ちんぎんのさ]
(n) wage difference
賃金格差 [ちんぎんかくさ]
(n) wage differential
賃金交渉 [ちんぎんこうしょう]
(n) salary negotiation
賃金水準 [ちんぎんすいじゅん]
(n) wage level
賃金体系 [ちんぎんたいけい]
(n) wage system
賃金凍結 [ちんぎんとうけつ]
(n) wage freeze
賃銀 [ちんぎん]
(n) wages
賃仕事 [ちんしごと]
(n) piecework
賃借 [ちんしゃく]
(n,vs) hiring
賃借り [ちんがり]
(n,vs) hiring
賃借権 [ちんしゃくけん]
(n) right to lease
賃借人 [ちんしゃくにん]
(n) hirer
賃上げ [ちんあげ]
(n,vs) wage increase
賃銭 [ちんせん]
(n) wages
賃貸 [ちんたい]
(n,vs) lease
賃貸し [ちんがし]
(n,vs) lease
賃貸価格 [ちんたいかかく]
(n) rental value
賃貸借 [ちんたいしゃく]
(n) renting
賃貸借契約 [ちんたいしゃくけいやく]
(n) rental agreement or contract
賃貸人 [ちんたいにん]
(n) lessor
賃貸料 [ちんたいりょう]
(n) rent
賃貸料金 [ちんたいりょうきん]
(n) rent
賃餅 [ちんもち]
(n) rice cakes made after the customer has paid for them
賃料 [ちんりょう]
(n) (abbr) rent
鎮まる [しずまる]
(v5r) to quieten down
鎮める [しずめる]
(v1,vt) to appease
鎮め物 [しずめもの]
(n) sacred items buried in the sumo ring during its ritual purification
鎮圧 [ちんあつ]
(n,vs) suppression
鎮火 [ちんか]
(n,vs) extinguished
鎮護 [ちんご]
(n,vs) guarding
鎮魂 [ちんこん]
(n,vs) repose of souls
鎮魂 [ちんごん]
(n,vs) repose of souls
鎮魂ミサ曲 [ちんこんミサきょく]
(n) Requiem Mass
鎮魂帰神 [ちんこんきしん]
(n) return to the divine through spiritual quietude
鎮魂曲 [ちんこんきょく]
(n) requiem
鎮魂曲歌 [ちんこんきょくか]
(n) (sung) requiem
鎮魂祭 [ちんこんさい]
(n) mass or ceremony for the repose of a soul
鎮座 [ちんざ]
(n,vs) enshrinement
鎮守 [ちんじゅ]
(n) local Shinto deity
鎮守の森 [ちんじゅのもり]
(n) grove of the village shrine
鎮守の神 [ちんじゅのかみ]
(n) local deity
鎮守の杜 [ちんじゅのもり]
(n) grove of the village shrine
鎮守府 [ちんじゅふ]
(n) (historical) army base
鎮静 [ちんせい]
(n,vs) calm
鎮静剤 [ちんせいざい]
(n) painkiller
鎮台 [ちんだい]
(n) garrison (in Meiji era)
鎮痛剤 [ちんつうざい]
(n) painkiller
鎮痛性 [ちんつうせい]
(adj-na) analgesic
鎮痛薬 [ちんつうやく]
(n) analgesic
鎮定 [ちんてい]
(n,vs) suppression
鎮撫 [ちんぶ]
(n,vs) pacification
陳こびる [ひねこびる]
(v1) to look old
陳ねこびる [ひねこびる]
(v1) to look old
陳謝 [ちんしゃ]
(n,vs) apology
陳述 [ちんじゅつ]
(n,vs) statement
陳述書 [ちんじゅつしょ]
(n) written statement
陳述副詞 [ちんじゅつふくし]
(n) declarative adverb
陳情 [ちんじょう]
(n,vs) petition
陳情合戦 [ちんじょうかっせん]
(n) competitive lobbying
陳情書 [ちんじょうしょ]
(n) petition
陳情団 [ちんじょうだん]
(n) lobby group
陳皮 [ちんぴ]
(n) citrus peel
陳腐 [ちんぷ]
(adj-na,n) stale
陳弁 [ちんべん]
(n,vs) defense (of oneself)
陳列 [ちんれつ]
(n,vs) exhibition
陳列室 [ちんれつしつ]
(n) showroom
陳列窓 [ちんれつまど]
(n) display window
陳列棚 [ちんれつだな]
(n) display case
陳列品 [ちんれつひん]
(n) exhibit
津々浦々 [つつうらうら]
(n-adv,n) all over the country
津々浦々 [つづうらうら]
(n-adv,n) all over the country
津津 [しんしん]
(adj-na,n) being full
津津浦浦 [つつうらうら]
(n-adv,n) all over the country
津津浦浦 [つづうらうら]
(n-adv,n) all over the country
津波 [つなみ]
(n) tsunami
津浪 [つなみ]
(n) tsunami
墜ちる [おちる]
(v1) (1) to fall down
墜つ [おつ]
(v5t) (1) to fall down
墜死 [ついし]
(n,vs) falling to one's death
墜落 [ついらく]
(n,vs) falling
墜落事故 [ついらくじこ]
(n) a plane crash
椎間板 [ついかんばん]
(n) intervertebral disk
椎骨 [ついこつ]
(n) vertebra(e)
椎茸 [しいたけ]
(n) wide brown shiitake mushroom
槌 [つち]
(n) hammer
追いかける [おいかける]
(v1) to chase or run after someone
追いつく [おいつく]
(v5k) to overtake
追いつ追われつ [おいつおわれつ]
(adj-no) cat-and-mouse (race)
追い羽根 [おいばね]
(n) battledore and shuttlecock game (played at the beginning of the year)
追い越し [おいこし]
(n) passing
追い越す [おいこす]
(v5s) to pass (e.g., car)
追い回す [おいまわす]
(v5s) to chase about
追い掛ける [おいかける]
(v1) to chase or run after someone
追い詰める [おいつめる]
(v1) to corner
追い求める [おいもとめる]
(v1) to pursue
追い撃ち [おいうち]
(n) final blow
追い捲くる [おいまくる]
(v5r) to disperse
追い遣る [おいやる]
(v5r) to drive away
追い込み [おいこみ]
(n) final stage
追い込む [おいこむ]
(v5m) to herd
追い散らす [おいちらす]
(v5s) to drive away
追い手 [おいて]
(n) pursuer
追い出しコンパ [おいだしコンパ]
(n) farewell party
追い出す [おいだす]
(v5s) to expel
追い上げる [おいあげる]
(v1) to gain on
追い炊き [おいだき]
(n) boiling additional rice
追い銭 [おいせん]
(n) money paid in addition
追い打ち [おいうち]
(n) final blow
追い着く [おいつく]
(v5k) to overtake
追い追い [おいおい]
(adv) gradually
追い追いに [おいおいに]
(adv) gradually
追い討ち [おいうち]
(n) final blow
追い剥ぎ [おいはぎ]
(n) highway robbery
追い迫る [おいせまる]
(v5r) to gain on someone
追い抜き [おいぬき]
(n) pursuit
追い抜く [おいぬく]
(v5k) to pass (a car)
追い肥 [おいごえ]
(n) (adding) extra fertilizer or manure (fertiliser)
追い付く [おいつく]
(v5k) to overtake
追い風 [おいかぜ]
(n) tailwind
追い風 [おいて]
(n) tailwind
追い腹 [おいばら]
(n) following one's master into death by committing seppuku
追い払い [おいばらい]
(n) supplementary payment
追い払う [おいはらう]
(v5u) to drive away
追い焚き [おいだき]
(n) reheating (e.g., bath)
追い返す [おいかえす]
(v5s) to turn away
追い落とす [おいおとす]
(v5s) to disperse
追い立て [おいたて]
(n) ejection
追い立てる [おいたてる]
(v1) to drive away
追い縋る [おいすがる]
(v5r) to be hot on a person's heels
追う [おう]
(v5u) to chase
追って [おって]
(adv,conj) later
追って書き [おってがき]
(n) postscript
追っぱらう [おっぱらう]
(v5u) to chase away
追っ掛け [おっかけ]
(n,adv) (1) the following of someone's concerts
追っ掛ける [おっかける]
(v1) to chase or run after someone
追っ手 [おって]
(n) a pursuer
追っ付け [おっつけ]
(adv) by and by
追っ払う [おっぱらう]
(v5u) to drive away or out
追憶 [ついおく]
(n,vs) recollection
追加 [ついか]
(n,vs) addition
追加注文 [ついかちゅうもん]
(n) additional order
追加予算 [ついかよさん]
(n) supplementary budget
追加料金 [ついかりょうきん]
(n) additional fees
追懐 [ついかい]
(n,vs) recollection
追刊 [ついかん]
(n,vs) additional publication
追完 [ついかん]
(n,vs) subsequent completion
追記 [ついき]
(n,vs) P.S.
追起訴 [ついきそ]
(n,vs) supplementary indictment
追及 [ついきゅう]
(n,vs) gaining on
追求 [ついきゅう]
(n,vs) investigation
追究 [ついきゅう]
(n,vs) enquiry
追撃 [ついげき]
(n,vs) pursuit
追撃機 [ついげきき]
(n) pursuit or chase plane
追撃戦 [ついげきせん]
(n) pursuit battle
追行 [ついこう]
(n,vs) pursuit
追号 [ついごう]
(n,vs) a name given to the deceased
追試 [ついし]
(n,vs) supplementary examination
追試験 [ついしけん]
(n) supplementary exam
追而書 [おってがき]
(n) postscript
追而書き [おってがき]
(n) postscript
追手 [おって]
(n) a pursuer
追従 [ついしょう]
(n,vs) flattery
追従 [ついじゅう]
(n,vs) compliance
追従外交 [ついしょうがいこう]
(n) sycophantic diplomacy
追伸 [ついしん]
(n) postscript
追申 [ついしん]
(oK) (n) postscript
追随 [ついずい]
(n,vs) follow
追跡 [ついせき]
(n,vs) pursuit
追跡者 [ついせきしゃ]
(n) pursuer
追跡調査 [ついせきちょうさ]
(n,vs) follow-up (tracing) survey
追善 [ついぜん]
(n,vs) mass for the dead
追善供養 [ついぜんくよう]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) memorial service
追善興行 [ついぜんこうぎょう]
(n) memorial performance
追訴 [ついそ]
(n,vs) supplementary suit or indictment
追想 [ついそう]
(n,vs) recollection
追送 [ついそう]
(n,vs) sending an additional part later
追送検 [ついそうけん]
(n,vs) forwarding documents regarding an additional charge to the public prosecutor
追贈 [ついぞう]
(n,vs) conferring court rank posthumously
追体験 [ついたいけん]
(n,vs) vicarious experience
追着く [おいつく]
(v5k) to overtake
追弔 [ついちょう]
(n,vs) mourning
追徴 [ついちょう]
(n,vs) supplementary charge
追徴課税 [ついちょうかぜい]
(n) additional tax
追徴金 [ついちょうきん]
(n) additional collection (funds)
追徴税 [ついちょうぜい]
(n) tax penalty
追悼 [ついとう]
(n,vs) mourning
追悼会 [ついとうかい]
(n) memorial services
追悼式 [ついとうしき]
(n) memorial services
追討 [ついとう]
(n,vs) tracking down and killing
追突 [ついとつ]
(n,vs) rear-end collision
追認 [ついにん]
(n,vs) ratification
追納 [ついのう]
(n,vs) (making an) additional payment
追白 [ついはく]
(n) P.S.
追肥 [ついひ]
(n) (adding) extra fertilizer or manure (fertiliser)
追尾 [ついび]
(n,vs) following
追付く [おいつく]
(v5k) to overtake
追風 [おいかぜ]
(n) tailwind
追風 [おいて]
(n) tailwind
追福 [ついふく]
(n,vs) (gen) (Buddh) memorial service
追複曲 [ついふくきょく]
(n) (musical) canon
追分 [おいわけ]
(n) forked road
追分節 [おいわけぶし]
(n) horse driver's song
追焚き [おいだき]
(n) reheating (e.g., bath)
追慕 [ついぼ]
(n,vs) cherishing the memory of
追放 [ついほう]
(n,vs) exile
追録 [ついろく]
(n,vs) postscript
追儺 [ついな]
(n) (ceremony of) driving out evil spirits
痛々しい [いたいたしい]
(adj) pitiful
痛い [いたい]
(adj) painful
痛い損失 [いたいそんしつ]
(n) painful loss
痛い痛い病 [いたいいたいびょう]
(n) "ouch-ouch disease", caused by cadmium poisoning from industrial wastes in Toyama Prefecture
痛い目 [いたいめ]
(n) painful experience
痛い目に遭わす [いたいめにあわす]
(exp) to make a person sweat for it
痛い目に遭わせる [いたいめにあわせる]
(exp) to make (a person) pay for (something)
痛がる [いたがる]
(v5r) to complain of pain
痛し痒し [いたしかゆし]
(exp,n) delicate or ticklish situation
痛ましい [いたましい]
(adj) pitiful
痛み [いたみ]
(n) pain
痛み止め [いたみどめ]
(n) painkiller
痛み入る [いたみいる]
(v5r) to be greatly obliged
痛み分け [いたみわけ]
(n) match declared drawn due to injury (sumo)
痛む [いたむ]
(v5m) to hurt
痛めつける [いためつける]
(v1) to rebuke
痛める [いためる]
(v1) to hurt
痛め付ける [いためつける]
(v1) to rebuke
痛飲 [つういん]
(n,vs) heavy drinking
痛快 [つうかい]
(adj-na,n) intense pleasure
痛快極まりない [つうかいきわまりない]
(adj) be extremely thrilling
痛快極まり無い [つうかいきわまりない]
(adj) be extremely thrilling
痛快無比 [つうかいむひ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) very thrilling
痛快淋漓 [つうかいりんり]
(adj-t,adv-to) very thrilling
痛覚 [つうかく]
(n) sense of pain
痛感 [つうかん]
(n,vs) feeling keenly
痛苦 [つうく]
(n) anguish
痛撃 [つうげき]
(n,vs) severe attack
痛言 [つうげん]
(n,vs) cutting remark
痛恨 [つうこん]
(n) regretful
痛手 [いたで]
(n) serious wound
痛心 [つうしん]
(n) heartache
痛惜 [つうせき]
(n,vs) deep regret
痛切 [つうせつ]
(adj-na,n) keen
痛打 [つうだ]
(n,vs) hard or crushing blow
痛嘆 [つうたん]
(n,vs) deep regret
痛痛しい [いたいたしい]
(adj) pitiful
痛点 [つうてん]
(n) pain point
痛罵 [つうば]
(n,vs) abuse
痛風 [つうふう]
(adj-na,n) gout
痛分 [いたみわけ]
(n) match declared drawn due to injury (sumo)
痛憤 [つうふん]
(n,vs) strong indignation
痛棒 [つうぼう]
(n) (1) severe attack
痛烈 [つうれつ]
(adj-na,n) severe
痛論 [つうろん]
(n,vs) vehement argument
痛哭 [つうこく]
(n,vs) lamentation
痛痒 [つうよう]
(n) concern
通 [つう]
(adj-na,n) (1) connoisseur
通い [かよい]
(n) coming and going
通い詰める [かよいつめる]
(v1) to visit frequently
通い帳 [かよいちょう]
(n) passbook
通い箱 [かよいばこ]
(n) reusable shipping carton
通い路 [かよいじ]
(n) route
通う [かよう]
(v5u) (1) to go back and forth
通し [とおし]
(n) direct
通し狂言 [とおしきょうげん]
(n) performance of an entire play
通し切符 [とおしきっぷ]
(n) through ticket
通し番号 [とおしばんごう]
(n) serial number
通し矢 [とおしや]
(n) long-range archery
通じ [つうじ]
(n) passage
通じて [つうじて]
(adv) through
通じる [つうじる]
(v1) to run to
通じ合う [つうじあう]
(v5u) to communicate with
通す [とおす]
(v5s) to let pass
通ずる [つうずる]
(vz) to run to
通せん坊 [とおせんぼう]
(n,vs) standing in the way
通にはたまらない [つうにはたまらない]
(exp) irresistable to connoisseurs
通には堪らない [つうにはたまらない]
(exp) irresistable to connoisseurs
通り [とおり]
(n-adv,n) avenue
通り [どおり]
(n-suf) (1) in accordance with ..
通りかかる [とおりかかる]
(v5r) to happen to pass by
通りが良い [とおりがよい]
(n) pass (run) well
通りすがり [とおりすがり]
(n,adj-no) on the way
通り一遍 [とおりいっぺん]
(adj-na,n) perfunctory
通り雨 [とおりあめ]
(n) shower
通り越す [とおりこす]
(v5s) to go past (a place or thing)
通り過ぎる [とおりすぎる]
(v1) to pass
通り掛かり [とおりがかり]
(n) passing (along the way)
通り掛かりの人 [とおりがかりのひと]
(n) a passer-by
通り掛かる [とおりかかる]
(v5r) to happen to pass by
通り掛け [とおりがけ]
(n) passing (along the way)
通り言葉 [とおりことば]
(n) common saying
通り合わせる [とおりあわせる]
(v1) to come across
通り相場 [とおりそうば]
(n) going price
通り道 [とおりみち]
(n) passage
通り抜ける [とおりぬける]
(v1) to cut through
通り魔 [とおりま]
(n) phantom killer
通り名 [とおりな]
(n) (1) one's common or popular name
通る [とおる]
(v5r) to pass (by)
通る声 [とおるこえ]
(n) carrying voice
通を気取る [つうをきどる]
(exp) to set up for a man about town
通院 [つういん]
(n,vs) commuting to hospital
通運 [つううん]
(n) transportation
通貨 [つうか]
(n) currency
通貨政策 [つうかせいさく]
(n) monetary policy
通貨統合 [つうかとうごう]
(n) monetary union
通過 [つうか]
(n,vs) passage through
通過駅 [つうかえき]
(n) train-doesn't-stop station
通過儀礼 [つうかぎれい]
(n) rite of passage
通過貿易 [つうかぼうえき]
(n) transit trade
通解 [つうかい]
(n,vs) explanation
通学 [つうがく]
(n,vs) commuting to school
通学生 [つうがくせい]
(n) day student
通巻 [つうかん]
(n) consecutive number of (or total) volumes
通観 [つうかん]
(n,vs) general survey
通関 [つうかん]
(n,vs) customs clearance
通気 [つうき]
(n) ventilation
通気孔 [つうきこう]
(n) vent
通暁 [つうぎょう]
(n,vs) well versed
通勤 [つうきん]
(n,vs) commuting to work
通勤の足 [つうきんのあし]
(n) facilities for commutation
通勤時間 [つうきんじかん]
(n) commuting time
通勤者 [つうきんしゃ]
(n) commuter
通勤手当 [つうきんてあて]
(n) travel allowance
通勤地獄 [つうきんじごく]
(n) commuters' hell
通勤定期 [つうきんていき]
(n) commutation ticket
通勤電車 [つうきんでんしゃ]
(n) commuter train
通勤列車 [つうきんれっしゃ]
(n) commuter train
通計 [つうけい]
(n,vs) sum
通研 [つうけん]
(n) laboratory
通語 [つうご]
(n) common speech
通交 [つうこう]
(n,vs) friendly relations
通好 [つうこう]
(n,vs) friendly relations
通航 [つうこう]
(n,vs) navigation
通行 [つうこう]
(n,vs) passage
通行止め [つうこうどめ]
(n) No Thoroughfare!
通行上 [つうこうどめ]
(n) suspension of traffic
通行人 [つうこうにん]
(n) passer by
通行税 [つうこうぜい]
(n) toll
通告 [つうこく]
(n,vs) announcement
通産省 [つうさんしょう]
(n) Ministry of International Trade and Industry
通産相 [つうさんしょう]
(n) Minister of International Trade and Industry
通算 [つうさん]
(n,vs) total
通史 [つうし]
(n) overview of history
通紙 [つうし]
(n,vs) feeding paper through a device (printer, scanner, etc.)
通詞 [つうじ]
(n) (1) translation (esp. in court)
通事 [つうじ]
(n) (1) translation (esp. in court)
通辞 [つうじ]
(n) (1) translation (esp. in court)
通釈 [つうしゃく]
(n,vs) explanation
通商 [つうしょう]
(n,vs) commerce
通商航海条約 [つうしょうこうかいじょうやく]
(n) treaty of commerce and navigation
通商産業 [つうしょうさんぎょう]
(n) Ministry of International Trade and Industry
通商産業省 [つうしょうさんぎょうしょう]
(n) Ministry of International Trade and Industry
通商産業大臣 [つうしょうさんぎょうだいじん]
(n) Minister of International Trade and Industry
通称 [つうしょう]
(n,vs) popular name
通称名 [つうしょうめい]
(n) alias
通常 [つうじょう]
(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) common
通常の場合 [つうじょうのばあい]
(n) usually
通常加入電話 [つうじょうかにゅうでんわ]
(n) fixed-line phone
通常口語 [つうじょうこうご]
(n) everyday speech
通常国会 [つうじょうこっかい]
(n) ordinary session of the Diet
通常条件下で [つうじょうじょうけんかで]
(exp) under normal conditions
通常戦争 [つうじょうせんそう]
(n) conventional war
通常戦力 [つうじょうせんりょく]
(n) conventional (military) forces
通常兵器 [つうじょうへいき]
(n) conventional weapon
通信 [つうしん]
(n,vs) correspondence
通信インフラ [つうしんインフラ]
(n) communications infrastructure
通信ケーブル [つうしんケーブル]
(n) communication cable
通信員 [つうしんいん]
(n) correspondent
通信衛星 [つうしんえいせい]
(n) communication satellite
通信会社 [つうしんがいしゃ]
(n) telco
通信基盤 [つうしんきばん]
(n) telecommunications infrastructure
通信機関 [つうしんきかん]
(n) communications or media organ
通信教育 [つうしんきょういく]
(n) correspondence education
通信圏外 [つうしんけんがい]
(n) out of the range of communication
通信工学 [つうしんこうがく]
(n) communication engineering
通信講座 [つうしんこうざ]
(n) correspondence course
通信事業 [つうしんじぎょう]
(n) communications industry
通信社 [つうしんしゃ]
(n) news agency
通信手段 [つうしんしゅだん]
(n) means of communication
通信装置 [つうしんそうち]
(n) communications equipment
通信速度 [つうしんそくど]
(n) communication speed
通信販売 [つうしんはんばい]
(n) mail order
通信費 [つうしんひ]
(n) postage
通信文 [つうしんぶん]
(n) message
通信簿 [つうしんぼ]
(n) report card
通信傍受法 [つうしんぼうじゅほう]
(n) wiretapping law
通信網 [つうしんもう]
(n) communications network
通信欄 [つうしんらん]
(n) (1) letters-to-the-editor column
通信料 [つうしんりょう]
(n) communication fee
通人 [つうじん]
(n) man of the world
通性 [つうせい]
(n) common quality
通説 [つうせつ]
(n) (obs) prevailing view
通奏 [つうそう]
(n) playing an entire composition without break
通則 [つうそく]
(n) general rule
通俗 [つうぞく]
(adj-na,n) popular
通俗化 [つうぞくか]
(n,vs) popularization
通俗小説 [つうぞくしょうせつ]
(n) popular novel
通俗的 [つうぞくてき]
(adj-na) plain and popular
通俗文学 [つうぞくぶんがく]
(n) school of popular writing
通達 [つうたつ]
(n,vs) notification
通知 [つうち]
(n,vs) notice
通知メッセージ [つうちメッセージ]
(n) information message
通知状 [つうちじょう]
(n) notice
通知表 [つうちひょう]
(n) report card
通知簿 [つうちぼ]
(n) report card (book)
通帳 [つうちょう]
(n) passbook
通牒 [つうちょう]
(n,vs) notice
通電 [つうでん]
(n,vs) the passage of electric current
通読 [つうどく]
(n,vs) reading through
通年 [つうねん]
(n) all year
通念 [つうねん]
(n) common idea
通函 [かよいばこ]
(n) reusable shipping carton
通箱 [かよいばこ]
(n) reusable shipping carton
通販 [つうはん]
(n,vs) mail order
通風 [つうふう]
(n,vs) ventilation
通風機 [つうふうき]
(n) ventilator
通風孔 [つうふうこう]
(n) vent
通分 [つうぶん]
(n,vs) reduce
通弊 [つうへい]
(n) common evil
通弁 [つうべん]
(n,vs) interpreter (in the Edo period)
通報 [つうほう]
(n,vs) report
通謀 [つうぼう]
(n,vs) collusion
通名 [とおりな]
(n) (1) one's common or popular name
通夜 [つや]
(n) all-night vigil over a body
通訳 [つうやく]
(n,vs) interpretation, i.e. oral translation
通訳官 [つうやくかん]
(n) official interpreter
通訳者 [つうやくしゃ]
(n) interpreter
通訳人 [つうやくにん]
(n) interpreter
通有 [つうゆう]
(adj-na,n) commonality
通有性 [つうゆうせい]
(n) common property or characteristic
通用 [つうよう]
(n,vs) popular use
通用期間 [つうようきかん]
(n) period of validity
通用門 [つうようもん]
(n) side gate or door
通覧 [つうらん]
(n,vs) looking over
通力 [つうりき]
(n) mysterious power
通例 [つうれい]
(adv,n) usually
通路 [つうろ]
(n) passage
通路側 [つうろがわ]
(n,adj-no) (on the) aisle
通論 [つうろん]
(n,vs) outline (of)
通話 [つうわ]
(n,vs) (1) telephone call
通話料 [つうわりょう]
(n) charge for a telephone call
塚 [つか]
(n) mound
塚を築く [つかをきずく]
(exp) to pile up a mound
塚穴 [つかあな]
(n) grave
掴まえる [つかまえる]
(v1) to catch
掴まる [つかまる]
(v5r) to hold on to
掴み [つかみ]
(n) grip
掴み掛かる [つかみかかる]
(v5r) to grab at
掴み合う [つかみあう]
(v5u) to grapple
掴み取り [つかみどり]
(n,vs) grabbing
掴み出す [つかみだす]
(v5s) to take out
掴み所 [つかみどころ]
(n) hold
掴む [つかむ]
(v5m) to seize
槻 [つき]
(n) Japanese zelkova
佃 [つくだ]
(n) cultivated rice field
佃 [てん]
(n) cultivated rice field
佃煮 [つくだに]
(n) preserved food boiled in soy
漬かる [つかる]
(v5r) (1) to be pickled
漬ける [つける]
(v1) to soak
漬け込む [つけこむ]
(v5m) to pickle a large amount
漬け菜 [つけな]
(n) pickled greens
漬け物 [つけもの]
(n) pickles
漬物 [つけもの]
(n) pickles
漬物石 [つけものいし]
(n) weight stone (placed on pickles)
辻 [つじ]
(n) street
辻々 [つじつじ]
(n) every street corner
辻強盗 [つじごうとう]
(n) highwayman
辻君 [つじぎみ]
(n) streetwalker
辻札 [つじふだ]
(n) street corner bulletin board
辻斬り [つじぎり]
(n) killing a passerby in order to test a new sword
辻社 [つじやしろ]
(n) small shrine built at a crossroads
辻説法 [つじせっぽう]
(n) street preaching
辻占 [つじうら]
(n) slip of paper with a fortune-telling message
辻待ち [つじまち]
(n,vs) vehicle waiting to be hired
辻辻 [つじつじ]
(n) every street corner
辻店 [つじみせ]
(n) street stall
辻堂 [つじどう]
(n) wayside shrine
辻風 [つじかぜ]
(n) whirlwind
辻褄 [つじつま]
(n) coherence
辻褄の合った [つじつまのあった]
(adj) coherent
辻褄の合わない [つじつまのあわない]
(adj) incoherent
蔦 [つた]
(n) ivy
蔦葛 [つたかずら]
(n) ivy and vines
蔦紅葉 [つたもみじ]
(n) maple
蔦漆 [つたうるし]
(n) poison ivy
蔦蔓 [つたかずら]
(n) ivy and vines
蔦蘿 [つたかずら]
(n) ivy and vines
綴 [つづり]
(n) (1) spelling
綴じて [とじて]
(exp) in bound form
綴じる [とじる]
(v1) to bind
綴じ蓋 [とじぶた]
(n) mended lid
綴じ込み [とじこみ]
(n) a file
綴じ込む [とじこむ]
(io) (v5m) to (keep on) file
綴じ糸 [とじいと]
(n) binding or basting thread
綴じ代 [とじしろ]
(n) binding margin
綴じ本 [とじほん]
(n) bound book
綴じ目 [とじめ]
(n) seam
綴り [つづり]
(n) (1) spelling
綴り合わせる [つづりあわせる]
(v1) to bind together
綴り字 [つづりじ]
(n) spelling
綴り方 [つづりかた]
(n) composition
綴る [つづる]
(v5r) to spell
綴れ錦 [つづれにしき]
(n) (hand-woven) brocade
綴れ織り [つづれおり]
(n) (hand-woven) tapestry
綴込む [とじこむ]
(io) (v5m) to (keep on) file
綴字 [ていじ]
(n) spelling
鍔 [つば]
(n) (1) guard on sword, polearms, etc.
鍔迫り合い [つばぜりあい]
(n) group of close competitors
椿 [つばき]
(n) camellia japonica
椿事 [ちんじ]
(n) unexpected occurrence
椿油 [つばきあぶら]
(n) camellia oil
潰える [ついえる]
(v1) to collapse
潰し値 [つぶしね]
(n) scrap value
潰し値段 [つぶしねだん]
(n) scrap value
潰す [つぶす]
(v5s) to smash
潰れる [つぶれる]
(v1) to be smashed
潰走 [かいそう]
(n,vs) rout
潰滅 [かいめつ]
(n,vs) destruction
潰乱 [かいらん]
(n,vs) corruption
潰瘍 [かいよう]
(n) ulcer
潰瘍性大腸炎 [かいようせいだいちょうえん]
(n) ulcerative colitis
坪 [つぼ]
(n) unit of land measurement
坪数 [つぼすう]
(n) floor space
坪当たり [つぼあたり]
(n) per tsubo (area)
坪量 [つぼりょう]
(n) paper weight in gsm
壷 [つぼ]
(n) tsubo jar
紬 [つむぎ]
(n) pongee
爪 [つめ]
(n) fingernail or toenail
爪で拾って箕で零す [つめでひろってみでこぼす]
(exp) penny wise and pound foolish
爪を噛む癖 [つめをかむくせ]
(exp) habit of biting one's nails
爪クラッチ [つめクラッチ]
(n) claw clutch
爪印 [つめいん]
(n) thumb print
爪音 [つまおと]
(n) clang of hoofs
爪牙 [そうが]
(n) claws and tusks
爪革 [つまかわ]
(n) protective cover on a clog
爪繰る [つまぐる]
(v5r) to finger
爪痕 [つめあと]
(n) fingernail mark
爪跡 [つめあと]
(n) fingernail mark
爪切 [つめきり]
(n) nail clippers
爪切り [つめきり]
(n) nail clippers
爪先 [つまさき]
(n) tiptoe
爪先で歩く [つまさきであるく]
(exp) to tiptoe
爪先立つ [つまさきだつ]
(v5t) to stand on tiptoes
爪弾き [つまはじき]
(n,vs) black sheep (of a family)
爪弾き [つまびき]
(n,vs) strumming
爪弾く [つまびく]
(v5k) to strum
爪皮 [つまかわ]
(n) protective cover on a clog
爪楊枝 [つまようじ]
(n) toothpick
爪立ち [つまだち]
(n,vs) standing on tiptoes
爪立つ [つまだつ]
(v5t) to stand on tiptoe
吊し [つるし]
(n) ready-made clothing
吊し上げる [つるしあげる]
(v1) (1) to hang up
吊す [つるす]
(v5s) to hang
吊り [つり]
(n) fishing
吊り屋根 [つりやね]
(n) hanging roof over the sumo ring
吊り下がる [つりさがる]
(v5r) to hang down
吊り下げる [つりさげる]
(v1) to suspend from
吊り革 [つりかわ]
(n) strap (to hang onto)
吊り革に掴まる [つりかわにつかまる]
(exp) to cling to a strap
吊り橋 [つりばし]
(n) suspension bridge
吊り手 [つりて]
(n) hanger
吊り出し [つりだし]
(n) sumo winning technique where the opponent is lifted out by his belt
吊り出す [つりだす]
(v5s) to hold (the opponent) in the arms and carry him out of the ring
吊り床 [つりどこ]
(n) hammock
吊り鐘 [つりがね]
(n) temple bell (for striking)
吊り上げる [つりあげる]
(v1) to hang up
吊り棚 [つりだな]
(n) suspended shelf
吊り天井 [つりてんじょう]
(n) suspended ceiling
吊り灯籠 [つりどうろう]
(n) hanging lantern
吊り目 [つりめ]
(n) slant or almond-shaped eyes
吊り輪 [つりわ]
(n) (gymnastic) rings
吊り籠 [つりかご]
(n) gondola
吊る [つる]
(v5r) to hang
吊るし柿 [つるしがき]
(n) persimmon (hung to dry)
吊るし上げ [つるしあげ]
(n) (1) hung up
吊るし上げる [つるしあげる]
(v1) (1) to hang up
吊るす [つるす]
(v5s) to hang
吊花 [つりばな]
(n) Korean spindletree
吊革 [つりかわ]
(n) strap (to hang onto)
吊橋 [つりばし]
(n) suspension bridge
吊上げ [つるしあげ]
(n) (1) hung up
吊足場 [つりあしば]
(n) suspended scaffolding
釣 [つり]
(io) (n) fishing
釣られる [つられる]
(v1) to be lured
釣り [つり]
(n) fishing
釣り下がる [つりさがる]
(v5r) to hang down
釣り下げる [つりさげる]
(v1) to suspend from
釣り花 [つりばな]
(n) flower placement in a hanging vessel
釣り革 [つりかわ]
(n) strap (to hang onto)
釣り竿 [つりざお]
(n) fishing rod
釣り球 [つりだま]
(n) pitch that lures a batter to swing (baseball)
釣り橋 [つりばし]
(n) suspension bridge
釣り具 [つりぐ]
(n) fishing gear
釣り合い [つりあい]
(n) balance
釣り合う [つりあう]
(v5u) to balance
釣り込まれる [つりこまれる]
(v1) to be carried away by
釣り込む [つりこむ]
(v5m) to take in
釣り師 [つりし]
(n) angler
釣り糸 [つりいと]
(n) fishing line
釣り手 [つりて]
(n) fisherman
釣り舟 [つりぶね]
(n) fishing boat
釣り出す [つりだす]
(v5s) to pull out a fish
釣り書き [つりがき]
(n) family chart and personal history (omiai)
釣り床 [つりどこ]
(n) hammock
釣り鐘 [つりがね]
(n) temple bell (for striking)
釣り鐘草 [つりがねそう]
(n) campanula
釣り鐘虫 [つりがねむし]
(n) bell animalcule (insect)
釣り上がる [つりあがる]
(v5r) to be lifted up
釣り上げる [つりあげる]
(v1) to pull in (fish)
釣り場 [つりば]
(n) fishing place
釣り針 [つりばり]
(n) fish hook
釣り船 [つりぶね]
(n) fishing boat
釣り銭 [つりせん]
(n) change (e.g., for dollar)
釣り台 [つりだい]
(n) fishing platform
釣り棚 [つりだな]
(n) suspended shelf
釣り天井 [つりてんじょう]
(n) suspended ceiling
釣り灯籠 [つりどうろう]
(n) hanging lantern
釣り道具 [つりどうぐ]
(n) fishing tackle
釣り浮き [つりうき]
(n) fishing float
釣り堀 [つりぼり]
(n) fish pond
釣り籠 [つりかご]
(n) angler's basket
釣る [つる]
(v5r) to fish
釣果 [ちょうか]
(n) a hooked fish
釣革 [つりかわ]
(n) strap (to hang onto)
釣竿 [つりざお]
(n) fishing rod
釣魚 [ちょうぎょ]
(n) fishing
釣合 [つりあい]
(n) balance
釣合い [つりあい]
(n) balance
釣糸 [つりいと]
(n) fishing line
釣鐘 [つりがね]
(n) hanging bell
釣鐘草 [つりがねそう]
(n) campanula
釣針 [つりばり]
(n) fish hook
釣船 [つりぶね]
(n) fishing boat
釣銭 [つりせん]
(n) change (e.g., for dollar)
釣道具 [つりどうぐ]
(n) fishing tackle
釣瓶 [つるべ]
(n) well bucket
釣瓶打ち [つるべうち]
(n,vs) fire in rapid succession
釣瓶落とし [つるべおとし]
(n) sinking quickly
釣堀 [つりぼり]
(n) fish pond
鶴 [つる]
(n) crane (bird) (Gruidae family)
鶴科 [つるか]
(n) Gruidae (bird family of the crane)
鶴首 [かくしゅ]
(n,vs) looking forward to
鶴首して待つ [かくしゅしてまつ]
(v5t) to wait expectantly
鶴嘴 [つるはし]
(n) (uk) pickaxe
亭午 [ていご]
(n) noon
亭主 [ていしゅ]
(n) master
亭主関白 [ていしゅかんぱく]
(n) (1) husband who rules the roost
亭亭 [ていてい]
(adj-na,n) lofty
亭亭たる大木 [ていていたるたいぼく]
(n) lofty tree
低い [ひくい]
(adj) short
低く [ひくく]
(n,vs) lowering
低まる [ひくまる]
(v5r) to lower
低める [ひくめる]
(v1) to lower
低圧 [ていあつ]
(n) low pressure
低位 [ていい]
(n) lower position
低雲 [ていうん]
(n) low-hanging clouds
低温 [ていおん]
(n) low temperature
低温殺菌 [ていおんさっきん]
(n) pasteurization
低温輸送 [ていおんゆそう]
(n) refrigerated transport
低音 [ていおん]
(n) low tone
低音部 [ていおんぶ]
(n) bass register
低音部記号 [ていおんぶきごう]
(n) bass clef
低下 [ていか]
(n,vs) fall
低価 [ていか]
(n) low price
低価格 [ていかかく]
(n) low price
低価格化 [ていかかくか]
(n) price reduction
低回 [ていかい]
(n) loitering
低回趣味 [ていかいしゅみ]
(n) disposition toward rejecting mundane affairs and enjoying nature and art
低開発国 [ていかいはつこく]
(n) backward nations
低学年 [ていがくねん]
(n) lower grades in school
低額 [ていがく]
(n) small amount
低気圧 [ていきあつ]
(adj-na,n) low (atmospheric) pressure
低丘陵 [ていきゅうりょう]
(n) low hills
低級 [ていきゅう]
(adj-na,n) low grade
低教会 [ていきょうかい]
(n) the Low Church
低金利 [ていきんり]
(n) low interest
低金利政策 [ていきんりせいさく]
(n) cheap money policy
低吟 [ていぎん]
(n,vs) hum
低空 [ていくう]
(n) low ceiling
低空飛行 [ていくうひこう]
(n) low-altitude flying
低血圧 [ていけつあつ]
(n) low blood pressure
低血圧症 [ていけつあつしょう]
(n) hypotension
低減 [ていげん]
(n,vs) decrease
低語 [ていご]
(n,vs) whispering
低山帯 [ていざんたい]
(n) mountainous zone
低姿勢 [ていしせい]
(n) (keeping a) low profile
低脂肪 [ていしぼう]
(adj-no) low-fat
低脂肪乳 [ていしぼうにゅう]
(n) low-fat milk
低資 [ていし]
(n) low-interest funds
低次元 [ていじげん]
(adj-na,n) low-level
低湿 [ていしつ]
(adj-na,n) low and damp
低周波 [ていしゅうは]
(n) low frequency waves
低順位 [ていじゅんい]
(n) low priority
低所得 [ていしょとく]
(n) low income
低唱 [ていしょう]
(n,vs) hum
低床 [ていしょう]
(n) low floor (platform, vehicle, etc.)
低障碍 [ていしょうがい]
(n) low hurdles
低水準 [ていすいじゅん]
(adj-na) substandard
低性能 [ていせいのう]
(n) low efficiency
低成長 [ていせいちょう]
(n) small (low) growth
低声 [ていせい]
(n) low voice
低層 [ていそう]
(n) low class (society)
低速 [ていそく]
(n) low gear
低俗 [ていぞく]
(adj-na,n) vulgar
低体温 [ていたいおん]
(n) hypothermia
低地 [ていち]
(n) depression
低置 [ていち]
(n) low (toilet tank)
低潮 [ていちょう]
(n) low tide
低調 [ていちょう]
(adj-na,n) inactive
低賃金 [ていちんぎん]
(n) low wages
低賃金産業 [ていちんぎんさんぎょう]
(n) low wage industry
低電位 [ていでんい]
(n) low voltage
低度 [ていど]
(n) low degree
低頭 [ていとう]
(n,vs) low bow
低頭平身 [ていとうへいしん]
(n,vs) prostrating oneself
低能 [ていのう]
(adj-na,n) low intelligence
低能児 [ていのうじ]
(n) feeble-minded child
低能者 [ていのうしゃ]
(n) imbecile
低頻度 [ていひんど]
(n) low frequency
低物価 [ていぶっか]
(n) low prices
低密 [ていみつ]
(n) low density
低迷 [ていめい]
(n,vs) hanging low (over)
低木 [ていぼく]
(n) shrub
低目 [ひくめ]
(n) low ball (baseball)
低翼 [ていよく]
(n,adj-no) low-wing
低落 [ていらく]
(n,vs) fall
低利 [ていり]
(n) low interest
低利金 [ていりきん]
(n) low-interest money
低利金融 [ていりきんゆう]
(n) low-interest credit
低利資金 [ていりしきん]
(n) low-interest funds
低利得アンテナ [ていりとくアンテナ]
(n) low-gain antenna
低率 [ていりつ]
(adj-na,n) low rate
低劣 [ていれつ]
(adj-na,n) low grade
低廉 [ていれん]
(adj-na,n) cheap
低徊 [ていかい]
(n) going about immersed or absorbed in
低徊趣味 [ていかいしゅみ]
(n) disposition toward rejecting mundane affairs and enjoying nature and art
停 [てい]
(n) stopping
停まらずに行く [とまらずにいく]
(exp) to run past
停まる [とまる]
(v5r) to stop
停める [とめる]
(v1) to stop
停音 [ていおん]
(n) (obs) rest (music)
停音符 [ていおんぷ]
(n) (obs) rest (music)
停会 [ていかい]
(n) adjournment
停学 [ていがく]
(n) suspension from school
停止 [ていし]
(n,vs) suspension
停止価格 [ていしかかく]
(n) pegged price
停止時間 [ていしじかん]
(n) stop time
停止信号 [ていししんごう]
(n) stop signal
停止線 [ていしせん]
(n) stop line
停車 [ていしゃ]
(n,vs) stopping (e.g., train)
停車時間 [ていしゃじかん]
(n) stoppage time
停車場 [ていしゃじょう]
(n) depot
停車場 [ていしゃば]
(n) depot
停職 [ていしょく]
(n) suspension from office
停戦 [ていせん]
(n,vs) armistice
停戦ライン [ていせんライン]
(n) line of control
停戦協定 [ていせんきょうてい]
(n) cease-fire deal
停戦合意 [ていせんごうい]
(n) cease-fire agreement
停船 [ていせん]
(n,vs) stopping a ship
停船場 [ていせんじょう]
(n) ferry landing
停滞 [ていたい]
(n,vs) stagnation
停滞前線 [ていたいぜんせん]
(n) stationary weather front
停電 [ていでん]
(n,vs) electricity outage
停電日 [ていでんび]
(n) no-electricity day
停頓 [ていとん]
(n,vs) deadlock
停頓状態 [ていとんじょうたい]
(n) standstill
停年 [ていねん]
(n) age limit
停年退職 [ていねんたいしょく]
(n) retirement due to age
停泊 [ていはく]
(n,vs) anchorage
停泊地 [ていはくち]
(n) anchorage (area)
停留 [ていりゅう]
(n,vs) stop
停留所 [ていりゅうじょ]
(n) bus or tram stop
偵 [てい]
(n) spy
偵察 [ていさつ]
(n,vs) scout out
偵察衛星 [ていさつえいせい]
(n) reconnaissance satellite
偵察機 [ていさつき]
(n) reconnaissance plane
偵察隊 [ていさつたい]
(n) scouting party
偵察飛行 [ていさつひこう]
(n) surveillance flight
偵察要員 [ていさつよういん]
(n) player put on starting list to be replaced by another when the opponent's pitcher is known
偵知 [ていち]
(n,vs) spying
剃 [てい]
(n) shave
剃り捨てる [そりすてる]
(v1) to cut off the hair
剃り落とす [すりおとす]
(v5s) to shave off the hair
剃り落とす [そりおとす]
(v5s) to shave off the hair
剃る [する]
(v5r) to shave
剃る [そる]
(v5r) to shave
剃上げ額 [すりあげびたい]
(n) high and broad forehead
剃刀 [かみそり]
(n) razor
剃刀研ぎ [かみそりとぎ]
(n) one who sharpens razors
剃刀触 [かみそりかぶれ]
(n) razor rash
剃刀砥 [かみそりど]
(n) razor strop
剃刀負 [かみそりまけ]
(n,vs) razor rash
剃髪 [ていはつ]
(n,vs) tonsure
剃立て [すりたて]
(exp) clean shaven
剃立て [そりたて]
(exp) clean shaven
貞はる [さだはる]
(v5r) (sl) to harp too long on a subject
貞潔 [ていけつ]
(adj-na,n) chastity
貞淑 [ていしゅく]
(adj-na,n) chastity
貞女 [ていじょ]
(n) virtuous woman
貞節 [ていせつ]
(adj-na,n) chastity
貞操 [ていそう]
(n) chastity
貞操観念 [ていそうかんねん]
(n) sense of virtue
貞操帯 [ていそうたい]
(n) chastity belt
貞操蹂躪 [ていそうじゅうりん]
(n) violation of chastity
貞婦 [ていふ]
(n) faithful or virtuous woman (wife)
貞烈 [ていれつ]
(adj-na,n) extreme faithfulness
呈する [ていする]
(vs-s) to present
呈示 [ていし]
(n,vs) exhibition
呈示 [ていじ]
(n,vs) exhibition
呈示次第 [ていじしだい]
(n-adv) at (upon) presentation
呈出 [ていしゅつ]
(n,vs) present
呈上 [ていじょう]
(n,vs) presentation
呈色 [ていしき]
(n) coloration
呈色 [ていしょく]
(n) coloration
堤 [つつみ]
(n) bank
堤を築く [つつみをきずく]
(exp) to build an embankment
堤防 [ていぼう]
(n,vs) bank
堤防を築く [ていぼうをきずく]
(exp) to construct an embankment
定か [さだか]
(adj-na,n) definite
定まった場所 [さだまったばしょ]
(n) specified place
定まらない天気 [さだまらないてんき]
(n) changeable weather
定まり [さだまり]
(n) rule
定まる [さだまる]
(v5r) to become settled
定め [さだめ]
(n) law
定めし [さだめし]
(adv) surely
定める [さだめる]
(v1) to decide
定圧 [ていあつ]
(n) constant pressure
定位 [ていい]
(n,vs) position
定位置 [ていいち]
(n) home position
定員 [ていいん]
(n) fixed number of regular personnel
定温 [ていおん]
(n) fixed temperature
定温動物 [ていおんどうぶつ]
(n) warm-blooded animal
定価 [ていか]
(n) established price
定価表 [ていかひょう]
(n) price list
定格 [ていかく]
(n) rated value (engineering)
定格荷重 [ていかくかじゅう]
(n) rated capacity
定格請負 [ていかくうけおい]
(n) lump-sum contract
定額 [ていがく]
(n) ration
定額インターネット接続 [ていがくインターネットせつぞく]
(n) flat-rate Internet access
定額貯金 [ていがくちょきん]
(n) fixed amount (postal) savings
定滑車 [ていかっしゃ]
(n) fixed pulley
定冠詞 [ていかんし]
(n) definite article
定款 [ていかん]
(n) articles of incorporation
定期 [ていき]
(n) fixed term
定期刊行物 [ていきかんこうぶつ]
(n) periodical
定期券 [ていきけん]
(n) commuter pass
定期検診 [ていきけんしん]
(n) periodic medical check-up (examination)
定期試験 [ていきしけん]
(n) regular (periodic) examination
定期取引 [ていきとりひき]
(n) futures contracts
定期昇給 [ていきしょうきゅう]
(n) regular (annual) pay raise
定期乗車券 [ていきじょうしゃけん]
(n) season ticket
定期戦 [ていきせん]
(n) regularly-scheduled game (match)
定期船 [ていきせん]
(n) (ocean) liner
定期的 [ていきてき]
(adj-na) periodic
定期便 [ていきびん]
(n) regular service
定期保険 [ていきほけん]
(n) term insurance
定期預金 [ていきよきん]
(n) fixed deposit
定規 [じょうぎ]
(n) (measuring) ruler
定規座 [じょうぎざ]
(n) (constellation) Rule
定義 [ていぎ]
(n,vs) definition
定義域 [ていぎいき]
(n) (gen) (math) domain
定休 [ていきゅう]
(n) regular holiday
定休日 [ていきゅうび]
(n) regular holiday
定業 [ていぎょう]
(n) regular employment
定型 [ていけい]
(n) fixed form
定型詩 [ていけいし]
(n) fixed form poetry
定形 [ていけい]
(n) fixed form
定形外郵便物 [ていけいがいゆうびんぶつ]
(n) non-standard-sized mail
定形動詞 [ていけいどうし]
(n) finite verb
定形郵便物 [ていけいゆうびんぶつ]
(n) standard size mail
定見 [ていけん]
(n) fixed opinion
定言 [ていげん]
(n) categorical statement
定刻 [ていこく]
(n) appointed time
定時 [ていじ]
(n) regular time
定時制 [ていじせい]
(n) part time (school system)
定式 [ていしき]
(n) formula
定式化 [ていしきか]
(n) formularization
定収入 [ていしゅうにゅう]
(n) fixed income
定住 [ていじゅう]
(n,vs) settlement
定住者 [ていじゅうしゃ]
(n) permanent resident
定住地 [ていじゅうち]
(n) permanent home
定宿 [じょうやど]
(n) one's regular inn or hotel
定常 [ていじょう]
(adj-na,n) regular
定常状態 [ていじょうじょうたい]
(n) steady state
定常波 [ていじょうは]
(n) standing (stationary) wave
定植 [ていしょく]
(n,vs) permanent planting
定職 [ていしょく]
(n) occupation (i.e. field of regular employment)
定食 [ていしょく]
(n) set meal
定数 [ていすう]
(n) constant
定数是正 [ていすうぜせい]
(n) reapportionment (of Diet seats)
定性 [ていせい]
(n) qualitative
定性分析 [ていせいぶんせき]
(n) qualitative analysis
定席 [じょうせき]
(n) one's habitual seat
定石 [じょうせき]
(n) established tactic
定跡 [じょうせき]
(n) standard move in shogi
定説 [ていせつ]
(n) established theory
定礎 [ていそ]
(n,vs) laying a cornerstone (foundation stone)
定礎式 [ていそしき]
(n) cornerstone (foundation stone) ceremony
定則 [ていそく]
(n) law
定足数 [ていそくすう]
(n) quorum
定置 [ていち]
(n,vs) fixed
定置漁業 [ていちぎょぎょう]
(n) fixed-net fishing
定置網 [ていちあみ]
(n) fixed net
定着 [ていちゃく]
(n,vs) establishing
定着液 [ていちゃくえき]
(n) (photographic) fixing solution
定着剤 [ていちゃくざい]
(n) (photographic) fixing agent
定点 [ていてん]
(n) fixed point
定点観測 [ていてんかんそく]
(n) fixed point observation
定年 [ていねん]
(n) retirement age
定年制 [ていねんせい]
(n) age-limit system
定年退職 [ていねんたいしょく]
(n) (compulsory) retirement (e.g., on reaching the age of 60)
定番 [ていばん]
(n,adj-no) standard (goods)
定比例 [ていひれい]
(n) fixed proportion
定評 [ていひょう]
(n) established opinion
定法 [じょうほう]
(n) established rule
定本 [ていほん]
(n) authentic book or manuscript
定木 [じょうぎ]
(n) ruler
定紋 [じょうもん]
(n) family crest
定訳 [ていやく]
(n) standard translation
定理 [ていり]
(n) theorem
定律 [ていりつ]
(n) fixed law
定率 [ていりつ]
(n) fixed rate
定立 [ていりつ]
(n) thesis
定量 [ていりょう]
(n) fixed quantity
定量的 [ていりょうてき]
(adj-na) quantitative
定量分析 [ていりょうぶんせき]
(n) quantitative analysis
定例 [ていれい]
(n) regularity
定例会 [ていれいかい]
(n) regular meeting
定論 [ていろん]
(n) established theory
帝 [みかど]
(n) (1) emperor (of Japan)
帝位 [ていい]
(n) the throne
帝威 [ていい]
(n) imperial majesty
帝王 [ていおう]
(n) sovereign
帝王学 [ていおうがく]
(n) study of how to be a good emperor
帝王神権説 [ていおうしんけんせつ]
(n) theory of the divine right of kings
帝王切開 [ていおうせっかい]
(n) Caesarean section
帝王切開術 [ていおうせっかいじゅつ]
(n) Caesarean section
帝冠 [ていかん]
(n) imperial crown
帝京 [ていきょう]
(n) the capital
帝業 [ていぎょう]
(n) imperial task
帝劇 [ていげき]
(n) The Imperial Theater
帝欠 [ていけつ]
(n) imperial palace gate
帝国 [ていこく]
(n) empire
帝国主義 [ていこくしゅぎ]
(n) imperialism
帝国主義的 [ていこくしゅぎてき]
(adj-na) imperialistic
帝座 [ていざ]
(n) imperial throne
帝室 [ていしつ]
(n) Imperial Family
帝制 [ていせい]
(n) imperial government
帝政 [ていせい]
(n) imperial government
帝都 [ていと]
(n) imperial capital
帝土 [ていど]
(n) imperial domain
帝道 [ていどう]
(n) the imperial way
帝徳 [ていとく]
(n) emperor's virtue
帝日 [ていじつ]
(n) lucky day
帝廟 [ていびょう]
(n) imperial mausoleum
帝命 [ていめい]
(n) imperial order
帝陵 [ていりょう]
(n) imperial mausoleum
帝闕 [ていけつ]
(oK) (n) imperial palace gate
底 [そこ]
(n) bottom
底意 [そこい]
(n) one's underlying motives or true intentions
底意地 [そこいじ]
(n) latent disposition
底意地悪い [そこいじわるい]
(adj) malicious
底引き網 [そこびきあみ]
(n) trawl (net)
底引網 [そこびきあみ]
(n) trawl (net)
底曳き網 [そこびきあみ]
(n) trawl (net)
底曳網 [そこびきあみ]
(n) trawl (net)
底荷 [そこに]
(n) ballast
底角 [ていかく]
(n) base angle
底革 [そこがわ]
(n) sole leather
底割れ [そこわれ]
(n,vs) situation where the bottom has dropped out
底気味悪い [そこきみわるい]
(adj) strange
底魚 [そこうお]
(n) bottom-dwelling fish
底堅い [そこがたい]
(adj) stable (market) after having bottomed out
底光り [そこびかり]
(n,vs) inner glow or light
底止 [ていし]
(n,vs) cessation
底上げ [そこあげ]
(n,vs) raising (the standard)
底数 [ていすう]
(n) base
底積み [そこづみ]
(n) stowage at the bottom
底打ち [そこうち]
(n) bottoming out
底値 [そこね]
(n) bottom price
底知れぬ [そこしれぬ]
(adj-pn,exp) bottomless
底土 [そこつち]
(n) subsoil
底豆 [そこまめ]
(n) blister (on the sole of the foot)
底入れ [そこいれ]
(n,vs) bottoming out (of prices)
底抜け [そこぬけ]
(adj-na,n) bottomless
底辺 [ていへん]
(n) base (geometry, society)
底本 [ていほん]
(n) original text
底無し [そこなし]
(n) bottomless
底面 [ていめん]
(n) bottom
底流 [ていりゅう]
(n,vs) bottom current
底力 [そこぢから]
(n) latent energy
底冷え [そこびえ]
(n,vs) penetrating cold
庭 [にわ]
(n) garden
庭で作った野菜 [にわでつくったやさい]
(n) vegetables grown in one's yard
庭を垣で囲う [にわをかきでかこう]
(exp) to enclose a garden with a fence
庭園 [ていえん]
(n) garden
庭下駄 [にわげた]
(n) garden clogs
庭球 [ていきゅう]
(n) tennis
庭訓 [ていきん]
(n) (arch) home education
庭仕事 [にわしごと]
(n) gardening
庭師 [にわし]
(n) gardener
庭漆 [にわうるし]
(n) tree of heaven
庭石 [にわいし]
(n) garden stone
庭先 [にわさき]
(n) in the garden
庭先相場 [にわさきそうば]
(n) spot-sale price
庭前 [ていぜん]
(n) garden
庭番 [にわばん]
(n) guard of the inner garden
庭付き [ていづき]
(n,adj-no) having a garden
庭木 [にわき]
(n) garden tree
庭木戸 [にわきど]
(n) garden gate
庭弄り [にわいじり]
(n) gardening
廷臣 [ていしん]
(n) courtier
廷丁 [ていてい]
(n) court attendant
廷内 [ていない]
(n) inside the court
廷吏 [ていり]
(n) court attendant or clerk
弟 [おと]
(n) (hum) younger brother
弟 [おとうと]
(n) (hum) younger brother
弟 [おとと]
(ik) (n) (hum) younger brother
弟 [だい]
(n) younger brother
弟 [てい]
(n) younger brother
弟々子 [おとうとでし]
(n) pupil
弟さん [おとうとさん]
(n) (hon) younger brother
弟嫁 [おとうとよめ]
(n) younger brother's wife
弟嫁 [おとよめ]
(n) younger brother's wife
弟君 [おとうとぎみ]
(n) (arch) (pol) younger brother
弟御 [おとうとご]
(n) your younger brother
弟子 [ていし]
(n) pupil
弟子 [でし]
(n) pupil
弟子入り [でしいり]
(n,vs) apprenticeship
弟小父 [おとおじ]
(n) parent's younger brother
弟息子 [おとうとむすこ]
(n) younger sons
弟息子 [おとむすこ]
(n) younger sons
弟弟子 [おとうとでし]
(n) pupil
弟姫 [おとひめ]
(n) youngest princess
弟分 [おとうとぶん]
(n) friend treated as younger brother
弟妹 [ていまい]
(n) younger brother and sister
弟娘 [おとうとむすめ]
(n) younger daughters
弟娘 [おとむすめ]
(n) younger daughters
悌順 [ていじゅん]
(n) (arch) obedience
抵抗 [ていこう]
(n,vs) electrical resistance
抵抗を試みる [ていこうをこころみる]
(exp) to offer (put up) resistance
抵抗運動 [ていこううんどう]
(n) resistance movement
抵抗器 [ていこうき]
(n) electrical resistor
抵抗体 [ていこうたい]
(n) resistive element (in circuit, etc.)
抵抗力 [ていこうりょく]
(n) (power of) resistance
抵触 [ていしょく]
(n,vs) (1) collision
抵当 [ていとう]
(n) mortgage
抵当権 [ていとうけん]
(n) mortgage
抵当貸付け [ていとうかしつけ]
(n) mortgage loan
抵当流れ [ていとうながれ]
(n) foreclosure
挺 [ちょう]
(n-t) counter for guns, inksticks, palanquins, jinrikisha
挺す [ていす]
(v5s) to volunteer (bravely)
挺する [ていする]
(vs-s) to volunteer (bravely)
挺身 [ていしん]
(n,vs) volunteer
挺身隊 [ていしんたい]
(n) volunteer corps
挺進 [ていしん]
(n,vs) go ahead of
挺進隊 [ていしんたい]
(n) group that goes ahead of the main body
提げる [さげる]
(v1) to take along
提案 [ていあん]
(n,vs) proposal
提案者 [ていあんしゃ]
(n) proponent
提起 [ていき]
(n,vs) bring suit
提議 [ていぎ]
(n,vs) proposal
提供 [ていきょう]
(n,vs) offer
提供者 [ていきょうしゃ]
(n) (blood) donor
提供側 [ていきょうがわ]
(n) sender (side of transaction)
提琴 [ていきん]
(n) variety of ancient Chinese stringed instrument
提携 [ていけい]
(n,vs) cooperation
提言 [ていげん]
(n,vs) proposal
提示 [ていじ]
(n,vs) presentation
提示部 [ていじぶ]
(n) (musical) exposition
提出 [ていしゅつ]
(n,vs) presentation
提出期限 [ていしゅつきげん]
(n) deadline
提出者 [ていしゅつしゃ]
(n) presenter
提出物 [ていしゅつぶつ]
(n) exhibit
提唱 [ていしょう]
(n,vs) advocacy
提唱者 [ていしょうしゃ]
(n) advocate
提訴 [ていそ]
(n,vs) presenting a case
提灯 [ちょうちん]
(n) paper lantern
提灯行列 [ちょうちんぎょうれつ]
(n) lantern procession
提灯持ち [ちょうちんもち]
(n) lantern bearer
提督 [ていとく]
(n) admiral
提要 [ていよう]
(n) summary
梯形 [ていけい]
(n) trapezoid
梯子 [ていし]
(n) ladder
梯子 [はしご]
(n) ladder
梯子の段 [はしごのだん]
(n) rung of a ladder
梯子をかける [はしごをかける]
(exp) to set a ladder up against
梯子を掛ける [はしごをかける]
(exp) to set a ladder up against
梯子車 [はしごしゃ]
(n) hook-and-ladder truck
梯子酒 [はしござけ]
(n) barhopping
梯子乗り [はしごのり]
(n) ladder-top stunts
梯子段 [はしごだん]
(n) step
汀 [みぎわ]
(n) water's edge
汀渚 [ていしょ]
(n) sand bar
汀線 [ていせん]
(n) shoreline
碇綱 [いかりづな]
(n) anchor cable
碇置 [ていち]
(n) anchorage
碇泊 [ていはく]
(n,vs) anchor
禎祥 [ていしょう]
(n) good omen
程 [ほど]
(n-adv,n) (1) degree
程々 [ほどほど]
(adj-na,n) (uk) moderately
程なく [ほどなく]
(adv) soon
程を過ごす [ほどをすごす]
(exp) to go too far
程遠い [ほどとおい]
(adj) far off or away
程近い [ほどちかい]
(adj) near
程経て [ほどへて]
(adv) a while later
程好い [ほどよい]
(adj) moderate
程合い [ほどあい]
(n) moderation
程程 [ほどほど]
(adj-na,n) (uk) moderately
程度 [ていど]
(n,n-adv,n-suf) degree
程度問題 [ていどもんだい]
(n) question of degree
程無く [ほどなく]
(adv) soon
程良い [ほどよい]
(adj) moderate
程良く [ほどよく]
(adv) rightly
締まった体格 [しまったたいかく]
(n) firm build
締まりのない [しまりのない]
(adj) slack
締まりの無い [しまりのない]
(adj) slack
締まり屋 [しまりや]
(n) thrifty person
締まる [しまる]
(v5r) (1) to be shut
締め [しめ]
(n) summing up
締めくくる [しめくくる]
(v5r) to bind firmly
締めつける [しめつける]
(v1) to tighten
締めて [しめて]
(adv) in all
締める [しめる]
(v1) to tie
締め括り [しめくくり]
(n) conclusion
締め括りをつける [しめくくりをつける]
(v1) to bring to a finish
締め括りをやる [しめくくりをやる]
(exp) to supervise
締め括る [しめくくる]
(v5r) to bind firmly
締め金 [しめがね]
(n) buckle
締め固める [しめかためる]
(vt) to compact
締め高 [しめだか]
(n) sum
締め込み [しめこみ]
(n) sumo wrestler's belt
締め込む [しめこむ]
(v5m) to shut in
締め殺す [しめころす]
(v5s) to strangle to death
締め鯖 [しめさば]
(n) soused (vinegared) mackerel
締め出す [しめだす]
(v5s) to shut out
締め上げる [しめあげる]
(v1) to screw up
締め切り [しめきり]
(n) closing
締め切り日 [しめきりび]
(n) time limit
締め切る [しめきる]
(v5r) to close up
締め付け [しめつけ]
(n) pressure
締め付ける [しめつける]
(v1) to tighten
締結 [ていけつ]
(n,vs) conclusion
締込 [しめこみ]
(n) sumo wrestler's belt
締込み [しめこみ]
(n) sumo wrestler's belt
締切 [しめきり]
(n) closing
締切り [しめきり]
(n) closing
締切日 [しめきりび]
(n) time limit
締付 [しめつけ]
(n) pressure
締付け [しめつけ]
(n) pressure
締盟 [ていめい]
(n) forming an alliance
締約 [ていやく]
(n,vs) conclusion of a treaty
艇庫 [ていこ]
(n) boat-house
艇首 [ていしゅ]
(n) bow (of a boat)
艇身 [ていしん]
(n) boat length
艇長 [ていちょう]
(n) skipper (of a boat)
訂正 [ていせい]
(n,vs) correction
諦め [あきらめ]
(n) resignation
諦める [あきらめる]
(v1) to give up
諦観 [ていかん]
(n,vs) clear vision
諦念 [ていねん]
(n) a heart that understands truth
蹄 [ひづめ]
(n) hoof
蹄叉 [ていさ]
(n) fourchette
蹄鉄 [ていてつ]
(n) sole
蹄鉄工 [ていてつこう]
(n) blacksmith
逓減 [ていげん]
(n,vs) successive diminution
逓降変圧器 [ていこうへんあつき]
(n) step-down transformer
逓次 [ていじ]
(n) successively
逓信 [ていしん]
(n) communications (e.g., post, tele.)
逓送 [ていそう]
(n,vs) forwarding
逓増 [ていぞう]
(n,vs) gradual increase
逓伝 [ていでん]
(n,vs) relay
逓倍 [ていばい]
(n,vs) multiplication (e.g., of frequencies)
逓倍器 [ていばいき]
(n) multiplier (e.g., frequency)
邸 [やしき]
(n) mansion
邸宅 [ていたく]
(n) mansion
邸内 [ていない]
(n) grounds
鄭重 [ていちょう]
(adj-na,n) polite
鄭声 [ていせい]
(n) (decadent) music of the state of Zheng
鄭箋 [ていせん]
(n) commentary on the Book of Odes by Zheng Xuan
釘 [くぎ]
(n) nail
釘で留まっている [くぎでとまっている]
(exp) to be fastened with a nail
釘を差す [くぎをさす]
(exp) to give a warning
釘隠し [くぎかくし]
(n) object which conceals the head of a nail
釘頭 [ていとう]
(n) nailhead
釘抜き [くぎぬき]
(n) pincers
釘付け [くぎづけ]
(n,vs) nailing down or shut
鼎 [かなえ]
(n) three-legged kettle
鼎の軽重を問う [かなえのけいちょうをとう]
(exp) to call one's ability into question
鼎革 [ていかく]
(n) change of dynasty
鼎坐 [ていざ]
(n,vs) sitting in a triangle
鼎座 [ていざ]
(n,vs) sitting in a triangle
鼎談 [ていだん]
(n,vs) tripartite (three man) talk
鼎談会 [ていだんかい]
(n) three-man talk
鼎立 [ていりつ]
(n,vs) triangular position
鼎立戦 [ていりつせん]
(n) three-way contest
泥 [どろ]
(n) mud
泥に塗れる [どろにまみれる]
(exp) to be covered with mud
泥の像 [でいのぞう]
(n) mud image
泥の木 [どろのき]
(n) Japanese aspen
泥の様に寝る [どろのようにねる]
(v1) (col) to sleep like a log
泥を被る [どろをかぶる]
(exp) to be covered with mud
泥んこ [どろんこ]
(n) morass of mud
泥レス [どろレス]
(n) mud wrestling
泥火山 [でいかざん]
(n) mud volcano
泥海 [どろうみ]
(n) muddy sea
泥絵の具 [どろえのぐ]
(n) powdered paints or pigments
泥岩 [でいがん]
(n) mudstone
泥靴 [どろぐつ]
(n) muddy shoes or boots
泥仕合 [どろじあい]
(n) mudslinging
泥試合 [どろじあい]
(n) mudslinging
泥臭い [どろくさい]
(adj) smelling of mud or earth
泥舟 [どろぶね]
(n) (1) boat to transport mud
泥除け [どろよけ]
(n) fender
泥沼 [どろぬま]
(n) bog
泥状 [でいじょう]
(adj-na,n) muddy
泥水 [でいすい]
(n) (1) muddy water
泥水 [どろみず]
(n) (1) muddy water
泥水稼業 [どろみずかぎょう]
(n) making a living in the red-light district
泥酔 [でいすい]
(n,vs) dead drunk
泥船 [どろぶね]
(n) (1) boat to transport mud
泥足 [どろあし]
(n) muddy feet
泥炭 [でいたん]
(n) peat
泥炭地 [でいたんち]
(n) peat bog
泥地 [でいち]
(n) mud
泥地 [どろち]
(n) mud
泥中 [でいちゅう]
(n) in the mud or mire
泥跳ね [どろはね]
(n) splash of mud
泥塗れ [どろまみれ]
(adj-na,n) muddy
泥土 [でいど]
(n) mud
泥道 [どろみち]
(n) muddy road
泥縄 [どろなわ]
(n) braiding the rope only after the thief is caught
泥縄式 [どろなわしき]
(n) last minute
泥板岩 [でいばんがん]
(n) shale
泥坊 [どろぼう]
(n,vs) thief
泥棒 [どろぼう]
(n,vs) thief
泥棒を捕らえる [どろぼうをとらえる]
(exp) to arrest a thief
泥棒稼業 [どろぼうかぎょう]
(n) professional thievery
泥棒根性 [どろぼうこんじょう]
(n) underhand character
泥流 [でいりゅう]
(n) (volcanic) mud flow
泥濘 [でいねい]
(n) (uk) quagmire
泥濘 [ぬかるみ]
(n) (uk) quagmire
泥濘む [ぬかるむ]
(v5m) to be muddy
泥濘る [ぬかる]
(v5r) to be muddy
泥鰌 [どじょう]
(n) loach
摘まみ [つまみ]
(n) (uk) pinch (of salt, etc)
摘まみ出す [つまみだす]
(v5s) to pick out
摘まみ上げる [つまみあげる]
(v1) to take a pinch of something (e.g., salt)
摘まみ食い [つまみぐい]
(n,vs) (1) eating with one's fingers
摘まむ [つまむ]
(v5m) to pinch
摘み取る [つまみとる]
(v5r) to pluck
摘み取る [つみとる]
(v5r) to pluck
摘み食い [つまみぐい]
(n,vs) (1) eating with one's fingers
摘み洗い [つまみあらい]
(n) washing only the soiled part (of a garment)
摘み草 [つみくさ]
(n) picking herbs and wildflowers
摘み捻子 [つまみねじ]
(n) (uk) thumbscrew
摘み物 [つまみもの]
(n) drinking snack
摘む [つまむ]
(v5m) to pinch
摘む [つむ]
(v5m) to pluck
摘果 [てきか]
(n,vs) thinning out superfluous fruit
摘芽 [てきが]
(n,vs) thinning out buds
摘記 [てっき]
(n,vs) summarization
摘取 [てきしゅ]
(n,vs) picking
摘出 [てきしゅつ]
(n,vs) picking out
摘心 [てきしん]
(n,vs) thinning (buds and branches)
摘芯 [てきしん]
(n,vs) thinning (buds and branches)
摘発 [てきはつ]
(n,vs) exposing
摘要 [てきよう]
(n) summary
摘録 [てきろく]
(n,vs) summary
敵 [あだ]
(n) (1) foe
敵 [かたき]
(n) (1) foe
敵 [てき]
(n) (1) enemy
敵う [かなう]
(v5u) to match
敵と戦う [てきとたたかう]
(v5u) to fight one's enemy
敵に掛かる [てきにかかる]
(exp) to assail the enemy
敵に付く [てきにつく]
(exp) to take the side of the enemy
敵に捕らわれる [てきにとらわれる]
(exp) to be caught by the enemy
敵の堅を破る [てきのけんをやぶる]
(exp) to break the strong defenses of the enemy (defence)
敵の攻撃を退ける [てきのこうげきをしりぞける]
(exp) to beat off an attack by the enemy
敵の勢 [てきのぜい]
(n) enemys strength (forces)
敵わない [かなわない]
(exp) (1) no match for
敵を威す [てきをおどす]
(exp) to threaten the enemy
敵を討つ [てきをうつ]
(exp) to quell the enemy
敵を破る [てきをやぶる]
(exp) to defeat one's enemy
敵を斃す [てきをたおす]
(exp) to kill one's enemy (opponent)
敵意 [てきい]
(n) hostility
敵営 [てきえい]
(n) enemy camp
敵影 [てきえい]
(n) signs of the enemy
敵王 [てきおう]
(n) opponents king (in shogi)
敵艦 [てきかん]
(n) enemy ship
敵艦を沈める [てきかんをしずめる]
(exp) to sink an enemy ship
敵艦隊 [てきかんたい]
(n) enemy fleet
敵機 [てっき]
(n) enemy plane
敵軍 [てきぐん]
(n) enemy army
敵国 [てきこく]
(n) enemy nation
敵国 [てっこく]
(n) enemy nation
敵視 [てきし]
(n,vs) looking on (somebody) as hostile
敵失 [てきしつ]
(n) error made by the enemy or opposing team
敵手 [てきしゅ]
(n) rival
敵襲 [てきしゅう]
(n) enemy attack or raid
敵情 [てきじょう]
(n) enemy movements
敵状 [てきじょう]
(n) enemy movements
敵陣 [てきじん]
(n) enemy camp or line
敵勢 [てきせい]
(n) enemy's strength or fighting power
敵勢 [てきぜい]
(n) enemy's strength or fighting power
敵性 [てきせい]
(n) inimical character
敵性国家 [てきせいこっか]
(n) hostile nation
敵前 [てきぜん]
(n) in the presence of the enemy
敵前逃亡 [てきぜんとうぼう]
(n) deserting under enemy fire
敵側 [てきがわ]
(n) enemy side
敵対 [てきたい]
(n,vs) hostility
敵対関係 [てきたいかんけい]
(n) antagonism
敵対的企業買収 [てきたいてききぎょうばいしゅう]
(n) hostile buyout
敵対的買収 [てきたいてきばいしゅう]
(n) hostile takeover
敵弾 [てきだん]
(n) enemy bullet
敵地 [てきち]
(n) enemy territory
敵中 [てきちゅう]
(n) in the midst of the enemy
敵討ち [かたきうち]
(n) vengeance
敵同士 [てきどうし]
(n) mutual enemies
敵飛 [てきひ]
(n) opponents hisha
敵部隊 [てきぶたい]
(n) enemy forces
敵兵 [てきへい]
(n) enemy (soldier)
敵歩 [てきふ]
(n) opponents pawn
敵方 [てきがた]
(n) hostile party
敵本主義 [てきほんしゅぎ]
(n) diversionary tactics
敵役 [かたきやく]
(n) role of the villain
敵役 [てきやく]
(n) role of the villain
敵塁 [てきるい]
(n) enemy fortress
敵愾心 [てきがいしん]
(n) hostility
滴 [しずく]
(n,vs) drop (of water)
滴り [したたり]
(n) dripping
滴り落ちる [したたりおちる]
(v5r) to trickle down
滴る [したたる]
(v5r) to drip
滴下 [てきか]
(n,vs) drip
滴水 [てきすい]
(n) water dripping
滴定量 [てきていりょう]
(n) titer
滴滴 [てきてき]
(adj-na,n) dripping
的 [てき]
(adj-na,suf) -like
的 [まと]
(n) mark
的に達しない [まとにたっしない]
(exp) falling short of the mark
的を逸れる [まとをそれる]
(exp) to miss the target
的を当てる [まとをあてる]
(exp) to hit the mark
的屋 [てきや]
(n) racketeer
的外れ [まとはずれ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) out of focus
的確 [てきかく]
(adj-na,n) precise
的確 [てっかく]
(adj-na,n) precise
的中 [てきちゅう]
(n,vs) strike home
的中率 [てきちゅうりつ]
(n) hitting ratio
笛 [ふえ]
(n) flute
笛吹 [ふえふき]
(n) flute player
笛吹き [ふえふき]
(n) flute player
適う [かなう]
(v5u) to be suited
適する [てきする]
(vs-s) to fit
適わない [かなわない]
(adj) be beyond one's power
適応 [てきおう]
(n,vs) adaptation
適応症 [てきおうしょう]
(n) diseases for which a particular medicine is indicated
適応障害 [てきおうしょうがい]
(n) maladjustment
適応性 [てきおうせい]
(n) adaptability
適温 [てきおん]
(n) suitable or moderate temperature
適格 [てきかく]
(n) eligible
適格 [てっかく]
(n) eligible
適格者 [てきかくしゃ]
(n) qualified or eligible person
適確 [てきかく]
(adj-na,n) precise
適確 [てっかく]
(adj-na,n) precise
適宜 [てきぎ]
(adj-na,n-adv) suitability
適業 [てきぎょう]
(n) suitable occupation
適合 [てきごう]
(n,vs) conform
適材 [てきざい]
(n) man fit for the post
適材適所 [てきざいてきしょ]
(exp,n) the right person in the right place
適作 [てきさく]
(n) suitable crop
適時 [てきじ]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) timely
適時打 [てきじだ]
(n) timely hit
適者 [てきしゃ]
(n) suitable person
適者生存 [てきしゃせいぞん]
(n) survival of the fittest
適潤 [てきじゅん]
(n,adj-no) suitably damp
適所 [てきしょ]
(n) the right place
適職 [てきしょく]
(n) suitable occupation
適性 [てきせい]
(n) aptitude
適性検査 [てきせいけんさ]
(n) aptitude test
適正 [てきせい]
(adj-na,n) reasonable
適正価格 [てきせいかかく]
(n) fair or reasonable price
適正利潤 [てきせいりじゅん]
(n) reasonable profit
適切 [てきせつ]
(adj-na,n) pertinent
適地 [てきち]
(n) suitable place
適中 [てきちゅう]
(n,vs) strike home
適度 [てきど]
(adj-na,n) moderate
適当 [てきとう]
(adj-na) (1) suitable
適任 [てきにん]
(adj-na,n) competence
適任者 [てきにんしゃ]
(n) suitable person
適否 [てきひ]
(n) propriety
適評 [てきひょう]
(n) apt criticism
適不適 [てきふてき]
(n) suitability
適法 [てきほう]
(adj-na,n) legality
適法行為 [てきほうこうい]
(n) legal (lawful) act
適役 [てきやく]
(n) suitable post or role
適薬 [てきやく]
(n) specific medicine or remedy
適訳 [てきやく]
(n) proper or suitable translation
適用 [てきよう]
(n,vs) applying
適用業務 [てきようぎょうむ]
(n) application
適用性 [てきようせい]
(n) applicability
適量 [てきりょう]
(n) proper quantity
適例 [てきれい]
(n) exemplification
適齢 [てきれい]
(n) suitable age
適齢期 [てきれいき]
(n) marriageable age
鏑矢 [かぶらや]
(n) arrow to which is attached a turnip-shaped whistle made of hollowed-out wood or deer horn
溺らす [おぼらす]
(v5s) (1) to drown
溺れる [おぼれる]
(v1) (1) to be drowned
溺れ込む [おぼれこむ]
(v5m) to drown
溺れ死に [おぼれじに]
(n) death by drowning
溺れ死ぬ [おぼれじぬ]
(v5n) to die by drowning
溺れ損なう [おぼれそこなう]
(v5u) to come near being drowned
溺愛 [できあい]
(n,vs) doting
溺死 [できし]
(n,vs) death by drowning
溺死者 [できししゃ]
(n) drowned person
溺死体 [できしたい]
(n) drowned body
溺水 [できすい]
(n) drowning
哲学 [てつがく]
(n) philosophy
哲学史要 [てつがくしよう]
(n) Concise History of Philosophy
哲学者 [てつがくしゃ]
(n) philosopher
哲学書 [てつがくしょ]
(n) philosophy book
哲学的 [てつがくてき]
(adj-na) philosophical
哲人 [てつじん]
(n) wise man
哲理 [てつり]
(n) philosophic principles
徹す [とおす]
(v5s) to let pass
徹する [てっする]
(vs-s) to sink in
徹甲弾 [てっこうだん]
(n) armor piercing ammunition
徹宵 [てっしょう]
(n,vs) all night
徹底 [てってい]
(n,vs) thoroughness
徹底究明 [てっていきゅうめい]
(n) thorough investigation
徹底抗戦 [てっていこうせん]
(n) do-or-die resistance
徹底的 [てっていてき]
(adj-na,n) thoroughness
徹頭徹尾 [てっとうてつび]
(adv) thoroughly
徹夜 [てつや]
(n,vs) all night
撤回 [てっかい]
(n,vs) withdrawal
撤去 [てっきょ]
(n,vs) withdrawal
撤収 [てっしゅう]
(n,vs) withdrawal
撤退 [てったい]
(n,vs) evacuation
撤頭徹尾 [てっとうてつび]
(iK) (adv) thoroughly
撤廃 [てっぱい]
(n,vs) through and through
撤兵 [てっぺい]
(n,vs) withdrawal of troops
轍 [わだち]
(n) rut
轍叉 [てっさ]
(n) railway frog
鉄 [てつ]
(n) iron
鉄かぶと [てつかぶと]
(n) steel helmet
鉄のカーテン [てつのカーテン]
(n) iron curtain
鉄の固まり [てつのかたまり]
(n) iron ingot
鉄亜鈴 [てつあれい]
(n) (iron) dumbbells
鉄火 [てっか]
(adj-na,n) red-hot iron
鉄火巻 [てっかまき]
(n) vinegared rice and sliced raw tuna wrapped in seaweed
鉄火場 [てっかば]
(n) gambling room
鉄火味噌 [てっかみそ]
(n) miso, fried soybeans and vegetables seasoned with sake and sugar
鉄火丼 [てっかどんぶり]
(n) vinegared rice topped with sliced raw tuna
鉄格子 [てつごうし]
(n,adj-no) (1) (iron) grill, lattice or bars
鉄兜 [てつかぶと]
(n) steel helmet
鉄管 [てっかん]
(n) iron pipe
鉄器 [てっき]
(n) ironware
鉄器時代 [てっきじだい]
(n) Iron Age
鉄橋 [てっきょう]
(n) railway bridge
鉄琴 [てっきん]
(n) glockenspiel
鉄筋 [てっきん]
(n) rebar
鉄筋コンクリート [てっきんコンクリート]
(n) iron reinforced concrete
鉄屑 [てつくず]
(n) scrap iron
鉄血 [てっけつ]
(n) blood and iron
鉄拳 [てっけん]
(n) fist
鉄拳制裁 [てっけんせいさい]
(n) (punishment by) striking with fists
鉄工 [てっこう]
(n) ironworking
鉄工所 [てっこうじょ]
(n) ironworks
鉄鉱 [てっこう]
(n) iron ore
鉄鉱石 [てっこうせき]
(n) iron ore
鉄鋼 [てっこう]
(n) iron and steel
鉄鋼業 [てっこうぎょう]
(n) the steel industry
鉄骨 [てっこつ]
(n) steel frame
鉄骨工事 [てっこつこうじ]
(n) steel frame-work
鉄鎖 [てっさ]
(n) iron chain
鉄剤 [てつざい]
(n) (medicinal) iron preparations
鉄材 [てつざい]
(n) iron material
鉄柵 [てっさく]
(n) iron railing or fence
鉄索 [てっさく]
(n) cable
鉄傘 [てっさん]
(n) steel or iron dome
鉄山 [てつざん]
(n) iron mine
鉄渋 [かなしぶ]
(n) aqueous iron rust
鉄床 [かなとこ]
(n) anvil
鉄条網 [てつじょうもう]
(n) (barbed) wire entanglements
鉄色 [てついろ]
(n) reddish-black
鉄心 [てっしん]
(n) iron core
鉄人 [てつじん]
(n) strong man
鉄製 [てっせい]
(n) made from iron
鉄石 [てっせき]
(n) iron and stone
鉄石心 [てっせきしん]
(n) iron will
鉄扇 [てっせん]
(n) iron-ribbed fan
鉄染色 [てつせんしょく]
(n) iron staining
鉄線 [てっせん]
(n) iron (steel) wire
鉄窓 [てっそう]
(n) iron or steel-grilled (prison) window
鉄則 [てっそく]
(n) ironclad regulation
鉄柱 [てっちゅう]
(n) iron pole
鉄槌 [てっつい]
(n) (1) (iron) hammer
鉄鎚 [かなづち]
(n) (1) (iron) hammer
鉄鎚 [てっつい]
(n) (1) (iron) hammer
鉄塔 [てっとう]
(n) pylon
鉄道 [てつどう]
(n) railroad
鉄道会社 [てつどうがいしゃ]
(n) railroad corporation
鉄道公安官 [てつどうこうあんかん]
(n) railroad security officer
鉄道事故 [てつどうじこ]
(n) railroad accident
鉄道線路 [てつどうせんろ]
(n) railroad track
鉄道馬車 [てつどうばしゃ]
(n) horse-drawn streetcar
鉄道便 [てつどうびん]
(n) rail transport
鉄道網 [てつどうもう]
(n) railroad system or network
鉄道輸送 [てつどうゆそう]
(n) rail transport (transportation, transit)
鉄鉢 [てっぱち]
(n) mendicant priests begging bowl
鉄板 [てっぱん]
(n) (1) iron plate
鉄板焼き [てっぱんやき]
(n) type of Japanese cooking
鉄扉 [てっぴ]
(n) iron door
鉄菱 [てつびし]
(n) caltrop
鉄筆 [てっぴつ]
(n) stylus
鉄瓶 [てつびん]
(n) iron kettle
鉄敷き [かなしき]
(n) anvil
鉄分 [てつぶん]
(n) iron
鉄粉 [てっぷん]
(n) iron powder
鉄壁 [てっぺき]
(n) iron wall
鉄片 [てっぺん]
(n) iron scraps
鉄砲 [てっぽう]
(n) (1) gun
鉄砲玉 [てっぽうだま]
(n) gunshot
鉄砲座 [てっぽうざ]
(n) gunmakers guild
鉄砲水 [てっぽうみず]
(n) flash flood
鉄砲弾 [てっぽうだま]
(n) gunshot
鉄砲百合 [てっぽうゆり]
(n) Easter lily
鉄帽 [てつぼう]
(n) helmet
鉄棒 [かなぼう]
(n) iron rod
鉄棒 [てつぼう]
(n) iron rod
鉄棒引き [かなぼうひき]
(n) (1) a gossip
鉄面皮 [てつめんぴ]
(adj-na,n) impudence
鉄路 [てつろ]
(n) railroad
鉄腕 [てつわん]
(n) strong arm
鉄梃 [かなてこ]
(n) crowbar
鉄炮 [てっぽう]
(n) wooden pole that sumo wrestlers strike in practice (practise)
鉄炮押し [てっぽうおし]
(n) pushing against the wooden pole in practice (sumo) (practise)
典 [てん]
(n) ceremony
典 [のり]
(n) rule
典雅 [てんが]
(adj-na,n) grace
典拠 [てんきょ]
(n) authority
典型 [てんけい]
(n,adj-no) type
典型的 [てんけいてき]
(adj-na) typical
典故 [てんこ]
(n) authentic precedent
典獄 [てんごく]
(n) warden
典侍 [てんじ]
(n) maid of honor
典籍 [てんせき]
(n) books
典則 [てんそく]
(n) regulations
典範 [てんぱん]
(n) model
典物 [てんぶつ]
(n) pawned article
典薬 [てんやく]
(n) court physician
典礼 [てんれい]
(n) ceremony
典麗 [てんれい]
(adj-na,n) graceful
填まり込む [はまりこむ]
(v5m) (1) to get stuck in
填まる [はまる]
(oK) (v5r) to get into
填める [うずめる]
(v1) to bury (e.g., one's face in hands)
填める [はめる]
(oK) (v1) (1) (col) to get in
填り込む [はまりこむ]
(v5m) (1) to get stuck in
填る [はまる]
(io) (oK) (v5r) to get into
填隙 [てんげき]
(n) caulking
填補 [てんぽ]
(n,vs) supplementation
天 [あまつ]
(n) heavenly
天 [てん]
(n) heaven
天から降りる [てんからおりる]
(exp) to fall from heaven (the sky)
天が下 [あまがした]
(n) the whole country
天が下 [あめがした]
(n) the whole country
天つゆ [てんつゆ]
(n) sauce for tempura
天つ日嗣 [あまつひつぎ]
(n) imperial throne
天と地 [てんとち]
(n) heaven and earth
天の一角 [てんのいっかく]
(n) point of heaven
天の羽衣 [あまのはごろも]
(n) angel's feathered robe
天の下 [あめのした]
(n) the whole country
天の河 [あまのかわ]
(n) Milky Way
天の河 [あまのがわ]
(n) Milky Way
天の岩戸 [あまのいわと]
(n) Gate of the Celestial Rock Cave
天の原 [あまのはら]
(n) the sky
天の使い [てんのつかい]
(n) angel
天の邪鬼 [あまのじゃく]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) perverseness
天の助け [てんのたすけ]
(n) godsend
天の川 [あまのかわ]
(n) Milky Way
天の川 [あまのがわ]
(n) Milky Way
天ぷら [てんぷら]
(pt:) (n) tempura (pt: tempero, temporas)
天を摩する [てんをまする]
(exp) to soar high (building, etc)
天位 [てんい]
(n) imperial throne
天威 [てんい]
(n) imperial authority
天意 [てんい]
(n) divine will
天為 [てんい]
(n) providential
天衣 [てんい]
(n) heavenly garment
天衣無縫 [てんいむほう]
(adj-na,n) perfect beauty with no trace of artifice
天井 [てんじょう]
(n) ceiling
天井桟敷 [てんじょうさじき]
(n) gallery
天井扇 [てんじょうせん]
(n) ceiling fan
天井値 [てんじょうね]
(n) ceiling price
天井知らず [てんじょうしらず]
(n) skyrocketing (prices)
天井灯 [てんじょうとう]
(n) ceiling light
天井抜け [てんじょうぬけ]
(n) skyrocketing (prices)
天井板 [てんじょういた]
(n) ceiling boards
天井裏 [てんじょううら]
(n) above the ceiling
天井棧敷 [てんじょうさじき]
(oK) (n) gallery
天引き [てんびき]
(n,vs) lending money and taking advance interest
天瓜粉 [てんかふん]
(n) talcum powder
天運 [てんうん]
(n) destiny
天雲 [あまぐも]
(n) clouds in the sky
天王山 [てんのうざん]
(n) Tennozan Hill
天王星 [てんのうせい]
(n) Uranus (planet)
天恩 [てんおん]
(n) blessings of heaven
天下 [てんか]
(n) the world
天下の景 [てんかのけい]
(n) superlative view
天下の勝 [てんかのしょう]
(n) beautiful scenery
天下り [あまくだり]
(n,vs) retiring high-ranking government officials taking a lucrative job in a private or semi-private corporation
天下る [あまくだる]
(v5r) to descend from heaven
天下一 [てんかいち]
(n) unique thing
天下一品 [てんかいっぴん]
(n) best article under heaven
天下御免 [てんかごめん]
(n) licensed
天下国家 [てんかこっか]
(n) the world and the nation
天下取り [てんかとり]
(n) rule over the whole country
天下周知 [てんかしゅうち]
(n) common knowledge
天下晴れて [てんかはれて]
(adv) right and proper
天下多事 [てんかたじ]
(n,adj-no) eventful times for the nation (world)
天下太平 [てんかたいへい]
(exp) peaceful and tranquil (uneventful)
天下泰平 [てんかたいへい]
(exp) peaceful and tranquil (uneventful)
天下第一 [てんかだいいち]
(n,adj-no) the best in the land
天下統一 [てんかとういつ]
(n,vs) unification of the whole country
天下分け目 [てんかわけめ]
(n) fateful
天下万民 [てんかばんみん]
(n) the whole nation
天下無双 [てんかむそう]
(adj-na,n) peerless
天下無双 [てんかむてき]
(adj-no) peerless
天下無敵 [てんかむてき]
(adj-no) peerless
天下無比 [てんかむてき]
(adj-no) peerless
天下無比 [てんかむひ]
(n) peerless
天下無類 [てんかむるい]
(n,adj-no) peerless (unparalleled, matchless, unequaled) in the country
天河 [てんが]
(n) the Milky Way
天火 [てんか]
(n) fire caused by lightning
天火 [てんぴ]
(n) oven
天花 [てんか]
(n) snow
天花粉 [てんかふん]
(n) talcum powder
天外 [てんがい]
(n) beyond the heavens
天外地角 [てんがいちかく]
(n) two places being far apart
天涯 [てんがい]
(n) horizon
天涯孤独 [てんがいこどく]
(n) a person without a single relative
天涯比隣 [てんがいひりん]
(n) a great distance does not detract from the feeling (relationship) of endearment
天涯万里 [てんがいばんり]
(n,adj-no) very far away
天蓋 [てんがい]
(n) canopy
天漢 [てんかん]
(n) Milky Way
天眼 [てんがん]
(n) clairvoyant
天眼鏡 [てんがんきょう]
(n) magnifying glass
天眼通 [てんがんつう]
(n) clairvoyance
天顔 [てんがん]
(n) emperor's countenance
天機 [てんき]
(n) profound secret
天気 [てんき]
(n) weather
天気の崩れ [てんきのくずれ]
(n) break (change for the worse) in the weather
天気運 [てんきうん]
(n) weather conditions
天気屋 [てんきや]
(n) moody person
天気概況 [てんきがいきょう]
(n) general weather conditions
天気具合 [てんきぐあい]
(n) weather conditions
天気次第 [てんきしだい]
(n) being dependent on what the weather is like
天気図 [てんきず]
(n) weather map
天気相談所 [てんきそうだんしょ]
(n) weather bureau
天気相談所 [てんきそうだんじょ]
(n) weather bureau
天気都合 [てんきつごう]
(n) weather conditions
天気模様 [てんきもよう]
(n) weather conditions
天気予報 [てんきよほう]
(n) weather forecast
天宮図 [てんきゅうず]
(n) horoscope
天泣 [てんきゅう]
(n) rain from a cloudless sky
天球 [てんきゅう]
(n) celestial sphere
天球儀 [てんきゅうぎ]
(n) celestial globe
天球図 [てんきゅうず]
(n) horoscope
天牛 [かみきりむし]
(n) long-horned beetle
天業 [てんぎょう]
(n) emperor's work
天極 [てんきょく]
(n) celestial poles
天金 [てんきん]
(n) gilt top (book)
天狗 [てんぐ]
(n) long-nosed goblin
天狗茸 [てんぐたけ]
(n) death cup (mushroom)
天狗風 [てんぐかぜ]
(n) sudden gust
天狗話 [てんぐばなし]
(n) boastful story
天空 [てんくう]
(n) sky
天空海闊 [てんくうかいかつ]
(n) the open sky and the serene sea
天空海濶 [てんくうかいかつ]
(n) the open sky and the serene sea
天軍 [てんぐん]
(n) heavenly hosts
天刑 [てんけい]
(n) divine punishment
天刑病 [てんけいびょう]
(n) leprosy
天啓 [てんけい]
(n) (divine) revelation
天恵 [てんけい]
(n) Heaven's blessing
天警 [てんけい]
(n) heaven-sent warning
天険 [てんけん]
(n) natural defences
天険に拠る [てんけんによる]
(exp) to hold a mountain fortress
天減 [てんびき]
(n,vs) lending money and taking advance interest
天候 [てんこう]
(n) weather
天候不順 [てんこうふじゅん]
(n) unseasonable weather
天后 [てんこう]
(n) queen of heaven
天工 [てんこう]
(n) work of nature
天皇 [すめらぎ]
(n) Emperor of Japan
天皇 [すめろぎ]
(n) Emperor of Japan
天皇 [てんのう]
(n) Emperor of Japan
天皇家 [てんのうけ]
(n) the Imperial Family
天皇旗 [てんのうき]
(n) Imperial Standard
天皇機関説 [てんのうきかんせつ]
(n) theory of the Emperor as an organ of government
天皇賜杯 [てんのうしはい]
(n) Emperor's Cup
天皇崇拝 [てんのうすうはい]
(n) emperor worship
天皇制 [てんのうせい]
(n) the Emperor System
天皇誕生日 [てんのうたんじょうび]
(n) Emperor's Birthday Holiday (Dec 23rd) (Emperor Shouwa's was April 29th)
天皇杯 [てんのうはい]
(n) Emperor's trophy
天皇陛下 [てんのうへいか]
(n) His Majesty the Emperor
天降り [あまくだり]
(n,vs) command to an inferior
天降る [あまくだる]
(v5r) to descend from heaven
天国 [てんごく]
(n) paradise
天才 [てんさい]
(n) genius
天才児 [てんさいじ]
(n) child prodigy
天才肌 [てんさいはだ]
(n) genius
天災 [てんさい]
(n) natural calamity
天災地変 [てんさいちへん]
(n) natural disaster
天際 [てんさい]
(n) horizon
天産 [てんさん]
(n) natural products
天産物 [てんさんぶつ]
(n) natural products
天蚕 [てんさん]
(n) wild silkworm
天蚕糸 [てぐす]
(n) silkworm gut
天使 [てんし]
(n) angel
天使のような少女 [てんしのようなしょうじょ]
(exp) angel of a girl
天使の様な少女 [てんしのようなしょうじょ]
(exp) angel of a girl
天子 [てんし]
(n) the emperor
天子の座 [てんしのざ]
(n) throne
天糸瓜 [へちま]
(gikun) (n) (1) sponge gourd
天資 [てんし]
(n) nature
天資英邁 [てんしえいまい]
(n) highly gifted
天賜 [てんし]
(n) heavenly gift
天爾遠波 [てにをは]
(n) postpositions
天爾乎波 [てにをは]
(n) postpositions
天竺 [てんじく]
(n) (obs) India
天竺葵 [てんじくあおい]
(n) geranium
天竺牡丹 [てんじくぼたん]
(n) dahlia
天竺鼠 [てんじくねずみ]
(n) guinea pig
天竺浪人 [てんじくろうにん]
(n) wandering lordless samurai
天軸 [てんじく]
(n) celestial axis
天質 [てんしつ]
(n) natural talents
天爵 [てんしゃく]
(n) true merit
天主 [てんしゅ]
(n) Lord of Heaven
天主教 [てんしゅきょう]
(n) (Roman) Catholicism
天守 [てんしゅ]
(n) castle tower
天守閣 [てんしゅかく]
(n) castle tower
天手古舞 [てんてこまい]
(n,vs) whirl of business
天手古舞い [てんてこまい]
(n,vs) whirl of business
天寿 [てんじゅ]
(n) natural span of life
天授 [てんじゅ]
(n) natural gifts
天重 [てんじゅう]
(n) box lunch with tempura
天助 [てんじょ]
(n) divine aid
天女 [てんにょ]
(n) heavenly nymph
天照皇大神 [あまてらすおおみかみ]
(n) Sun Goddess
天照皇大神 [てんしょうこうだいじん]
(n) Sun Goddess
天照大神 [あまてらすおおみかみ]
(n) Sun Goddess
天象 [てんしょう]
(n) weather
天象儀 [てんしょうぎ]
(n) planetarium
天上 [てんじょう]
(n,vs) the heavens
天上界 [てんじょうかい]
(n) celestial world
天上川 [てんじょうがわ]
(n) river raised above the surrounding land
天上天下 [てんじょうてんげ]
(n-adv, n) the whole world
天壌 [てんじょう]
(n) heaven and earth
天壌無窮 [てんじょうむきゅう]
(n) as eternal as heaven and earth
天職 [てんしょく]
(n) vocation
天色 [てんしょく]
(n) weather
天心 [てんしん]
(n) zenith
天真 [てんしん]
(adj-na,n) naivete
天真流露 [てんしんりゅうろ]
(n) manifestation (revelation) of one's natural sincerity (naivete)
天真爛漫 [てんしんらんまん]
(adj-na,n) naivete
天神 [あまつかみ]
(n) heavenly gods
天神 [てんじん]
(n) heavenly gods
天神地祇 [てんしんちぎ]
(n) gods of heaven and earth
天神地祇 [てんじんちぎ]
(n) gods of heaven and earth
天神地祗 [てんじんちぎ]
(n) the gods of heaven and earth
天神髭 [てんしんひげ]
(n) goatee
天人 [てんじん]
(n) nature and man
天人 [てんにん]
(n) nature and man
天水 [てんすい]
(n) rain water
天水桶 [てんすいおけ]
(n) rain barrel
天性 [てんせい]
(n-adv,n-t) nature
天成 [てんせい]
(n) (product of) nature
天成の美 [てんせいのび]
(n) natural beauty
天晴れ [あっぱれ]
(adj-na,int) splendid
天生 [てんせい]
(n) naturally occurring
天声 [てんせい]
(n) heavenly voice
天然 [てんねん]
(n) nature
天然に [てんねんに]
(adv) naturally
天然ぼけ [てんねんぼけ]
(n) natural airhead
天然ガス [てんねんガス]
(n) natural gas
天然ボケ [てんねんボケ]
(n) natural airhead
天然塩 [てんねんえん]
(n) natural salt
天然果汁 [てんねんかじゅう]
(n) natural fruit juice
天然記念物 [てんねんきねんぶつ]
(n) natural monument
天然港 [てんねんこう]
(n) natural harbor
天然惚け [てんねんぼけ]
(n) natural airhead
天然資源 [てんねんしげん]
(n) natural resources
天然資源保護論者 [てんねんしげんほごろんしゃ]
(n) conservationist
天然硝子 [てんねんがらす]
(n) natural glass
天然硝子 [てんねんしょうし]
(n) natural glass
天然色 [てんねんしょく]
(n) natural colour
天然色写真 [てんねんしょくしゃしん]
(n) color photo
天然痘 [てんねんとう]
(n) smallpox
天祖 [てんそ]
(n) the ancestral Sun Goddess
天窓 [てんまど]
(n) skylight
天草 [てんぐさ]
(n) agar-agar
天則 [てんそく]
(n) natural law
天測 [てんそく]
(n) astronomical observation
天孫 [てんそん]
(n) descendant of a god
天孫降臨 [てんそんこうりん]
(n) the descent to earth of the grandson of the sun goddess
天体 [てんたい]
(n) heavenly body
天体学 [てんたいがく]
(n) uranography
天体観測 [てんたいかんそく]
(n) astronomical observation
天体写真 [てんたいしゃしん]
(n) photograph of an astral body
天体写真術 [てんたいしゃしんじゅつ]
(n) astrophotography
天体図 [てんたいず]
(n) star map
天体崇拝 [てんたいすうはい]
(n) star worship
天体物理学 [てんたいぶつりがく]
(n) astro-physics
天体分光術 [てんたいぶんこうじゅつ]
(n) astronomical spectroscopy
天体望遠鏡 [てんたいぼうえんきょう]
(n) astronomical telescope
天体力学 [てんたいりきがく]
(n) celestial mechanics
天袋 [てんぶくろ]
(n) storage space above closet
天台 [てんだい]
(n) Buddhist sect (fr. 8th C)
天台宗 [てんだいしゅう]
(n) Tendai sect (of Buddhism)
天地 [あめつち]
(n) heaven and earth
天地 [てんち]
(n) heaven and earth
天地を創る [てんちをつくる]
(exp) to create the heavens and the earth
天地晦冥 [てんちかいめい]
(exp) The world is covered in darkness
天地開闢 [てんちかいびゃく]
(n) creation of heaven and earth
天地玄黄 [てんちげんこう]
(exp) Heaven is black and earth is yellow
天地神明 [てんちしんめい]
(n) the gods of heaven and earth
天地人 [てんちじん]
(n) heaven and earth and man
天地創造 [てんちそうぞう]
(n) creation
天地長久 [てんちちょうきゅう]
(exp) Heaven and earth are eternal
天地万物 [てんちばんぶつ]
(n) the whole creation
天地無用 [てんちむよう]
(n) this side up
天地鳴動 [てんちめいどう]
(n,vs) rumbling and shaking of the earth
天地有情 [てんちうじょう]
(n) the sentient world
天柱 [てんちゅう]
(n) pillars supporting heaven
天朝 [てんちょう]
(n) (pol) imperial court
天聴 [てんちょう]
(n) emperor's knowledge
天長節 [てんちょうせつ]
(n) Emperor's Birthday
天長地久 [てんちょうちきゅう]
(n) coeval with heaven and earth
天頂 [てんちょう]
(n) zenith
天頂儀 [てんちょうぎ]
(n) zenith telescope
天頂距離 [てんちょうきょり]
(n) the zenith distance
天頂点 [てんちょうてん]
(n) zenith
天津 [てんしん]
(zh:) (n) Tientsin
天津乙女 [あまつおとめ]
(n) celestial maiden
天津御姉 [あまつみこ]
(n) emperor
天津御祖 [あまつみおや]
(n) imperial ancestor
天津神 [あまつかみ]
(n) heavenly gods
天津日嗣 [あまつひつぎ]
(n) imperial throne
天帝 [てんてい]
(n) Lord
天帝星 [てんていせい]
(n) (obsc) Polaris
天底 [てんてい]
(n) nadir
天敵 [てんてき]
(n) natural enemy
天敵関係 [てんてきかんけい]
(n) relationship of being natural enemies
天動説 [てんどうせつ]
(n) Ptolemaic theory
天堂 [てんどう]
(n) heaven
天童 [てんどう]
(n) cherub
天道 [てんとう]
(n) Providence
天道 [てんどう]
(n) Providence
天道乾 [てんとうぼし]
(adj-no) sun-dried
天道干し [てんとうぼし]
(adj-no) sun-dried
天道虫 [てんとうむし]
(n) ladybug
天道様 [てんとうさま]
(n) the sun
天日 [てんじつ]
(n) the sun
天日 [てんぴ]
(n) the sun
天日塩 [てんじつえん]
(n) sun-dried salt
天日塩 [てんぴしお]
(n) sun-dried salt
天日瓦 [てんじつがわら]
(n) sun-dried brick
天日法 [てんぴほう]
(n) solar-evaporation process (in salt making)
天馬 [てんば]
(n) flying horse
天馬空を行く [てんばくうをいく]
(exp) to advance unobstructed
天杯 [てんぱい]
(n) emperor's gift cup
天盃 [てんぱい]
(n) emperor's gift cup
天秤 [てんびん]
(n) (balance) scales
天秤にかける [てんびんにかける]
(exp,v1) to compare and contrast two alternatives
天秤に掛ける [てんびんにかける]
(exp,v1) to compare and contrast two alternatives
天秤座 [てんびんざ]
(n) (constellation) Libra
天秤棒 [てんびんぼう]
(n) shoulder carrying pole
天罰 [てんばつ]
(n) divine punishment
天罰覿面 [てんばつてきめん]
(n) the certainty of divine punishment
天婦羅 [てんぷら]
(pt:) (n) tempura (pt: tempero, temporas)
天府 [てんぷ]
(n) fertile land
天父 [てんぷ]
(n) Heavenly Father
天賦 [てんぷ]
(n) natural talent
天賦人権 [てんぷじんけん]
(n) natural rights of man
天福 [てんぷく]
(n) heavenly blessing
天分 [てんぶん]
(n) one's nature
天文 [てんもん]
(n) astronomy
天文家 [てんもんか]
(n) astronomer
天文学 [てんもんがく]
(n) astronomy
天文学者 [てんもんがくしゃ]
(n) astronomer
天文学的 [てんもんがくてき]
(adj-na) astronomical
天文航法 [てんもんこうほう]
(n) celestial navigation
天文台 [てんもんだい]
(n) astronomical observatory
天聞 [てんぶん]
(n) emperor's knowledge
天兵 [てんぺい]
(n) the Imperial Army
天平 [てんびん]
(n) (balance) scales
天変 [てんぺん]
(n) natural calamity
天変地異 [てんぺんちい]
(n) natural disaster
天辺 [てっぺん]
(n) top
天辺に [てっぺんに]
(adv) high up in the sky
天遍 [てんぺん]
(n) natural calamity
天魔 [てんま]
(n) demon
天幕 [てんまく]
(n) curtain
天幕製造人 [てんまくせいぞうにん]
(n) tentmaker
天幕造り [てんまくづくり]
(n) tentmaker
天命 [てんめい]
(n) God's will
天明 [てんめい]
(n) dawn
天面 [てんめん]
(n) upper surface
天網 [てんもう]
(n) heaven's vengeance
天網恢々 [てんもうかいかい]
(exp) heaven's vengeance is slow but sure
天網恢恢 [てんもうかいかい]
(exp) heaven's vengeance is slow but sure
天網恢恢疎にして漏らさず [てんもうかいかいそにしてもらさず]
(exp) Heaven's net has large meshes, but nothing escapes
天目山 [てんもくざん]
(n) line between victory and defeat
天佑 [てんゆう]
(n) divine aid
天佑神助 [てんゆうしんじょ]
(n) divine grace
天祐 [てんゆう]
(n) divine aid
天与 [てんよ]
(n) godsend
天与の資 [てにょのし]
(n) natural endowment (ability)
天来 [てんらい]
(n,adj-no) heavenly
天雷 [てんらい]
(n) thunder
天覧 [てんらん]
(n) imperial inspection
天覧試合 [てんらんじあい]
(n) game held with the Emperor in attendance
天覧相撲 [てんらんずもう]
(n) sumo wrestling performed in imperial presence
天理 [てんり]
(n) natural laws
天理教 [てんりきょう]
(n) the Tenri sect
天理人情 [てんりにんじょう]
(n) the laws of nature and humanity
天理人道 [てんりじんどう]
(n) the laws of nature and humanity
天龍川 [てんりゅうかわ]
(n) river in Shizuoka Prefecture
天領 [てんりょう]
(n) imperial fief
天路歴程 [てんろれきてい]
(n) Pilgrim's Progress
天狼星 [てんろうせい]
(n) the Dog Star
天丼 [てんどん]
(n) bowl of rice and fried fish
天嶮 [てんけん]
(n) natural defence
天稟 [てんぴん]
(n) natural talents
天籟 [てんらい]
(n) sound of wind
天翔る [あまがける]
(v5r) to soar
天誅 [てんちゅう]
(n) heaven's (well-deserved) punishment
天譴 [てんけん]
(n) divine punishment
天鵝絨 [びろうど]
(n) velvet
天鵞絨 [びろうどう]
(n) velvet
天麩羅 [てんぷら]
(pt:) (n) tempura (pt: tempero, temporas)
展開 [てんかい]
(n,vs) develop
展開図 [てんかいず]
(n) (in mathematics) a development
展観 [てんかん]
(n,vs) exhibit
展示 [てんじ]
(n,vs) exhibition
展示会 [てんじかい]
(n) exhibition
展示場 [てんじじょう]
(n) exhibition hall (room, area)
展示即売会 [てんじそくばいかい]
(n) exhibition and sale (of paintings)
展示品 [てんじひん]
(n) exhibit
展示物 [てんじぶつ]
(n) display items
展性 [てんせい]
(n) malleability
展墓 [てんぼ]
(n) visiting a grave
展望 [てんぼう]
(n,vs) view
展望車 [てんぼうしゃ]
(n) observation car
展望絶佳 [てんぼうぜっか]
(n,adj-na) scenic beauty
展望台 [てんぼうだい]
(n) viewing platform
展望塔 [てんぼうとう]
(n) conning tower
展覧 [てんらん]
(n,vs) exhibition
展覧会 [てんらんかい]
(n) exhibition
展覧会に出す [てんらんかいにだす]
(exp) to send to an exhibition
展覧会場 [てんらんかいじょう]
(n) show-room
店 [てん]
(n,n-suf) store
店 [みせ]
(n,n-suf) store
店の上がり [みせのあがり]
(n) income from a shop
店を開く [みせをひらく]
(exp) to open a business
店員 [てんいん]
(n) shop assistant
店屋 [みせや]
(n) store
店屋物 [てんやもの]
(n) take-out (food)
店卸 [たなおろし]
(n,vs) taking inventory
店卸し [たなおろし]
(n,vs) stocktaking
店開き [みせびらき]
(n,vs) opening a store
店構え [みせがまえ]
(n) store's appearance
店晒し [たなざらし]
(n) (sl) shopworn goods
店仕舞 [みせじまい]
(n,vs) close up shop
店仕舞い [みせじまい]
(n,vs) close up shop
店子 [たなこ]
(n) tenant
店借り [たながり]
(n,vs) tenancy
店主 [てんしゅ]
(n) shopkeeper
店主敬白 [てんしゅけいはく]
(exp) Store owner, at your service
店是 [てんぜ]
(n) shop policy
店請け [たなうけ]
(n) tenant's surety
店先 [みせさき]
(n) store front
店長 [てんちょう]
(n) shop manager
店賃 [たなちん]
(n) house rent
店頭 [てんとう]
(n) shop front
店頭株 [てんとうかぶ]
(n) over-the-counter stock (financial)
店頭株市場 [てんとうかぶいちば]
(n) over-the-counter market
店頭債券 [てんとうさいけん]
(n) over-the-counter bond (financial)
店頭取引 [てんとうとりひき]
(n) over-the-counter transaction (financial)
店頭販売 [てんとうはんばい]
(n) over-the-counter sales
店内 [てんない]
(n) store interior
店番 [みせばん]
(n,vs) store tending
店舗 [てんぽ]
(n) shop
店鋪 [てんぽ]
(n) shop
添い臥し [そいぶし]
(n,vs) sleeping together
添い寝 [そいね]
(n) sleeping together
添い遂げる [そいとげる]
(v1) to remain married for life
添う [そう]
(v5u) to accompany
添える [そえる]
(v1,vt) to add to
添え書き [そえがき]
(n) accompanying note
添え状 [そえじょう]
(n) accompanying note
添え乳 [そえぢ]
(n) breast-feeding
添え物 [そえもの]
(n) addition
添え木 [そえぎ]
(n) splint
添加 [てんか]
(n,vs) addition
添加剤 [てんかざい]
(n) addition agent
添加物 [てんかぶつ]
(n) addition
添加物 [てんかもの]
(n) addition
添景 [てんけい]
(n) persons or animals added to a picture
添削 [てんさく]
(n,vs) correction
添字 [そえじ]
(n) subscript
添書 [てんしょ]
(n) accompanying note or letter
添乗 [てんじょう]
(n,vs) accompanying
添乗員 [てんじょういん]
(n) tour conductor
添水 [そうず]
(n) water-filled bamboo tube in Japanese garden which clacks against a stone when emptied
添付 [てんぷ]
(n,vs) attachment
添付ファイル [てんぷファイル]
(n) attached file
添付書類 [てんぷしょるい]
(n) attached papers
添附 [てんぷ]
(n,vs) attachment
纏い付く [まといつく]
(v5k) to entwine
纏う [まとう]
(v5u) to put on
纏まり [まとまり]
(n) conclusion
纏まる [まとまる]
(v5r) to be collected
纏め [まとめ]
(n) settlement
纏める [まとめる]
(v1,vt) to put in order
纏め役 [まとめやく]
(n) mediator
纏わり付く [まつわりつく]
(v5k) to coil about
纏わり付く [まとわりつく]
(v5k) to coil about
纏わる [まつわる]
(v5r) about
纏足 [てんそく]
(n) foot-binding
纏頭 [てんとう]
(n) a tip
纏綿 [てんめん]
(n) entanglement
甜菜 [てんさい]
(n) sugar beet
甜茶 [てんちゃ]
(n) Chinese blackberry (Rubus suavissimus)
貼りつける [はりつける]
(v1) to attach to a flat surface with glue
貼り合わせる [はりあわせる]
(v1) to paste together
貼り札 [はりふだ]
(n,vs) poster
貼り紙 [はりがみ]
(n) sticker
貼り出す [はりだす]
(v5s) to post (a notice on a board)
貼り付く [はりつく]
(v5k) to cling (to)
貼り付ける [はりつける]
(v1) to attach to a flat surface with glue
貼る [はる]
(v5r) to stick
貼付 [ちょうふ]
(n,vs) pasting
貼付 [てんぷ]
(n,vs) pasting
貼付く [はりつく]
(v5k) to cling (to)
貼付け [はりつけ]
(n) (comp) (computer file) paste
転々 [てんてん]
(adj-na,adv,n) rolling about
転がす [ころがす]
(v5s,vt) to roll
転がり込む [ころがりこむ]
(v5m) to roll in
転がり落ちる [ころがりおちる]
(v1) to tumble down
転がる [ころがる]
(v5r) to roll
転ける [こける]
(v1) to fall
転げる [ころげる]
(v1) to roll over
転げ回る [ころげまわる]
(v5r) to roll about
転げ込む [ころげこむ]
(v5m) to roll or tumble into
転げ落ちる [ころげおちる]
(v1) to fall off
転じる [てんじる]
(v1) to turn
転ずる [てんずる]
(vz) to turn
転た寝 [うたたね]
(n,vs) dozing
転び [ころび]
(n) (1) turning around
転び寝 [ころびね]
(n) dozing
転ぶ [ころぶ]
(v5b) to fall down
転ぶ [まろぶ]
(v5b) to fall down
転ぷく [てんぷく]
(n,vs) (1) capsizing
転位 [てんい]
(n,vs) transposition
転移 [てんい]
(n,vs) change
転移性 [てんいせい]
(n) displacement
転音 [てんおん]
(n) euphonic change of pronunciation
転化 [てんか]
(n,vs) change
転化糖 [てんかとう]
(n) invert sugar
転嫁 [てんか]
(n,vs) second marriage
転科 [てんか]
(n,vs) changing one's academic course
転回 [てんかい]
(n,vs) revolution
転学 [てんがく]
(n,vs) transferring from one college (or one department) to another
転換 [てんかん]
(n,vs) convert
転換期 [てんかんき]
(n) turning point
転換社債 [てんかんしゃさい]
(n) convertible (corporate) bond
転換炉 [てんかんろ]
(n) a converter reactor
転機 [てんき]
(n) turning point
転記 [てんき]
(n,vs) posting (of notes, notices, etc.)
転義 [てんぎ]
(n) figurative meaning
転居 [てんきょ]
(n,vs) moving
転居先 [てんきょさき]
(n) one's new address
転居通知 [てんきょつうち]
(n) change of address notice (announcement)
転業 [てんぎょう]
(n,vs) change of occupation
転勤 [てんきん]
(n,vs) transfer
転向 [てんこう]
(n,vs) conversion
転校 [てんこう]
(n,vs) change schools
転校生 [てんこうせい]
(n) exchange student
転載 [てんさい]
(n,vs) reprinting
転写 [てんしゃ]
(n,vs) transcribe
転写捺染 [てんしゃなっせん]
(n) transfer print
転借 [てんしゃく]
(n,vs) subtenancy
転住 [てんじゅう]
(n,vs) changing residence
転出 [てんしゅつ]
(n,vs) moving-out
転出証明 [てんしゅつしょうめい]
(n) change of address certificate
転職 [てんしょく]
(n,vs) change of occupation
転職斡旋 [てんしょくあっせん]
(n) outplacement
転寝 [うたたね]
(n,vs) dozing
転寝 [ごろね]
(n,vs) dozing
転身 [てんしん]
(n,vs) (job) turnover
転進 [てんしん]
(n,vs) changing course or direction
転針 [てんしん]
(n,vs) changing course or direction
転成 [てんせい]
(n,vs) transformation
転生 [てんしょう]
(n,vs) (gen) (Buddh) transmigration of souls
転生 [てんせい]
(n,vs) (gen) (Buddh) transmigration of souls
転生輪廻 [てんしょうりんね]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth
転石苔を生ぜず [てんせきこけをしょうぜず]
(exp) a rolling stone gathers no moss
転籍 [てんせき]
(n,vs) transfer of residence or registration
転戦 [てんせん]
(n,vs) fighting in numerous battles
転送 [てんそう]
(n,vs) transfer
転送先 [てんそうさき]
(n) forwarding address
転送速度 [てんそうそくど]
(n) (gen) (comp) transfer speed
転送電話 [てんそうでんわ]
(n) (telephone) call forwarding
転属 [てんぞく]
(n,vs) changing assignments
転貸 [てんたい]
(n,vs) subleasing
転貸借 [てんたいしゃく]
(n,vs) subletting and subleasing
転宅 [てんたく]
(n,vs) changing residence
転地 [てんち]
(n,vs) a change of air or scenery
転地療養 [てんちりょうよう]
(n) seeking to improve one's health with a change of climate
転置行列 [てんちぎょうれつ]
(n) (gen) (math) transverse matrix
転注 [てんちゅう]
(n) applying an extended meaning to a kanji
転調 [てんちょう]
(n,vs) changing key (during piece)
転轍 [てんてつ]
(n,vs) switching or shunting (of a rail car)
転轍機 [てんてつき]
(n) (railroad) switch
転轍手 [てんてつしゅ]
(n) a switchman
転転 [てんてん]
(adj-na,adv,n) rolling about
転倒 [てんとう]
(n,vs) tumbling
転入 [てんにゅう]
(n,vs) move in (to a new house)
転入生 [てんにゅうせい]
(n) transfer student
転入届 [てんにゅうとどけ]
(n) notification of moving in
転任 [てんにん]
(n,vs) change of post
転任先 [てんにんさき]
(n) one's new post
転売 [てんばい]
(n,vs) resale
転覆 [てんぷく]
(n,vs) (1) capsizing
転変 [てんぺん]
(n,vs) mutation
転補 [てんぽ]
(n,vs) changing (governmental) posts
転用 [てんよう]
(n,vs) diversion
転落 [てんらく]
(n,vs) fall
転炉 [てんろ]
(n) converter (used in refining)
転路器 [てんろき]
(n) (railroad) switch
転訛 [てんか]
(n,vs) (linguistic) corruption
顛倒 [てんとう]
(n,vs) tumbling
顛覆 [てんぷく]
(n,vs) (1) capsizing
顛末 [てんまつ]
(n) circumstance
顛落 [てんらく]
(n,vs) fall
点 [てん]
(n,n-suf) spot
点々 [てんてん]
(adv,n) here and there
点が辛い [てんがからい]
(n) be severe in marking
点が良い [てんがよい]
(n) have good marks
点く [つく]
(v5k) (1) to catch fire
点ける [つける]
(v1) (uk) to turn on
点じる [てんじる]
(v1) to drop
点す [さす]
(v5s) to light (a fire)
点す [とぼす]
(v5s) to light
点す [ともす]
(v5s) to light
点ずる [てんずる]
(vz) to drop
点て込む [たてこむ]
(v5m) to be crowded
点と線 [てんとせん]
(n) points and lines
点の打ち所がない [てんのうちどころがない]
(adj) be above reproach
点の打ち所が無い [てんのうちどころがない]
(adj) be above reproach
点る [とぼる]
(v5r) to burn
点る [ともる]
(v5r) to burn
点を打つ [てんをうつ]
(exp) to mark with a dot (point)
点火 [てんか]
(n,vs) ignition
点火器 [てんかき]
(n) igniter
点火系 [てんかけい]
(n) ignition system
点火栓 [てんかせん]
(n) spark plug
点火薬 [てんかやく]
(n) priming powders
点画 [てんかく]
(n) the strokes of a character
点画 [てんが]
(n) stippling
点眼 [てんがん]
(n,vs) dropping medicine in the eyes
点眼器 [てんがんき]
(n) eye dropper
点眼水 [てんがんすい]
(n) eye lotion
点眼薬 [てんがんやく]
(n) eye drops
点景 [てんけい]
(n) persons or animals added to a picture
点穴 [てんけつ]
(n) pressure points (e.g for application of moxa)
点検 [てんけん]
(n,vs) inspection
点検済み [てんけんずみ]
(n) checked up
点検商法 [てんけんしょうほう]
(n) an unscrupulous business practice of making sales by posing as an inspector and declaring the need for replacing items
点呼 [てんこ]
(n,vs) roll-call
点光 [てんこう]
(n) spotlight
点光源 [てんこうげん]
(n) positional light source
点差 [てんさ]
(n) point spread
点在 [てんざい]
(n,vs) dotted with
点字 [てんじ]
(n) Braille
点字ブロック [てんじブロック]
(n) bumpy tiles set in public areas to mark the path for the blind
点示 [てんじ]
(n) pointing out
点者 [てんじゃ]
(n) critic of haiku poetry
点取り [てんとり]
(n) competition for school marks
点取り虫 [てんとりむし]
(n) derisive term for a diligent student
点心 [てんしん]
(n) Zen monk's snack
点心 [てんじん]
(n) Zen monk's snack
点水 [てんすい]
(n) water jug
点数 [てんすう]
(n) marks
点数を稼ぐ [てんすうをかせぐ]
(exp) to score points with (a person)
点数制 [てんすうせい]
(n) point rationing system
点数切符 [てんすうきっぷ]
(n) ration-point coupon
点線 [てんせん]
(n) dotted line
点前 [たてまえ]
(n) (1) procedures in tea ceremony
点前 [てまえ]
(n) (1) procedures in tea ceremony
点茶 [てんちゃ]
(n) boiling tea (for a tea ceremony)
点着 [てんちゃく]
(n) spot application
点綴 [てんてい]
(n,vs) a line (of mountains, islands, houses, etc.)
点綴 [てんてつ]
(n,vs) a line (of mountains, islands, houses, etc.)
点滴 [てんてき]
(n,vs) (1) raindrops
点滴器 [てんてきき]
(n) dropper
点滴穿石 [てんてきせんせき]
(exp) constant dripping wears away the stone
点滴注射 [てんてきちゅうしゃ]
(n) intravenous drip infusion
点点 [てんてん]
(adv,n) here and there
点灯 [てんとう]
(n,vs) lighting
点頭 [てんとう]
(n,vs) nodding
点播 [てんぱ]
(n,vs) sowing spaced seeds
点鼻薬 [てんびやく]
(n) nose drops
点描 [てんびょう]
(n,vs) dotting
点滅 [てんめつ]
(n,vs) switching on and off
点滅器 [てんめつき]
(n) electric switch
点薬 [てんやく]
(n,vs) applying eye drops
点訳 [てんやく]
(n,vs) translating into Braille
点睛 [てんせい]
(n) adding eyes and other finishing touches to an animal painting
伝 [つて]
(n) intermediary
伝 [てん]
(n) legend
伝いに [づたいに]
(suf) along (the wall)
伝う [つたう]
(v5u) to go along
伝え [つたえ]
(n) legend
伝える [つたえる]
(v1) to convey
伝え聞く [つたえきく]
(v5k) to learn by hearsay
伝え話 [つたえばなし]
(n) legend
伝って登る [つたってのぼる]
(v5r) to shin up
伝わる [つたわる]
(v5r) to be handed down
伝音器 [でんおんき]
(n) megaphone
伝家 [でんか]
(n) heirloom
伝奇 [でんき]
(n) romance (fiction)
伝奇小説 [でんきしょうせつ]
(n) romance (fiction)
伝奇的 [でんきてき]
(adj-na) legendary
伝記 [でんき]
(n) biography
伝記作者 [でんきさくしゃ]
(n) biographer
伝記物 [でんきもの]
(n) biographical writings
伝記文学 [でんきぶんがく]
(n) biographical literature
伝言 [つてごと]
(n,vs) verbal message
伝言 [でんごん]
(n,vs) verbal message
伝言板 [でんごんばん]
(n) message board
伝手 [つて]
(n) introducer
伝受 [でんじゅ]
(n,vs) initiation (into the arts)
伝授 [でんじゅ]
(n,vs) initiation
伝習 [でんしゅう]
(n,vs) learning
伝書鳩 [でんしょばと]
(n) carrier pigeon
伝唱 [でんしょう]
(n,vs) tradition
伝承 [でんしょう]
(n,vs) transmission
伝承叙事詩 [でんしょうじょじし]
(n) oral epic
伝承文学 [でんしょうぶんがく]
(n) oral literature
伝世 [でんせい]
(n,vs) transmission from generation to generation
伝声管 [でんせいかん]
(n) speaking tube
伝声器 [でんせいき]
(n) speaking tube
伝説 [でんせつ]
(n) tradition
伝染 [でんせん]
(n,vs) contagion
伝染を防ぐ [でんせんをふせぐ]
(exp) to prevent infection
伝染性 [でんせんせい]
(n) contagiousness
伝染毒 [でんせんどく]
(n) virus
伝染病 [でんせんびょう]
(n) infectious disease
伝線 [でんせん]
(n,vs) run (in a stocking)
伝奏 [でんそう]
(n,vs) delivering a message to the emperor
伝送 [でんそう]
(n,vs) transmission
伝送エラー [でんそうエラー]
(n) transmission error
伝送ブロック終結 [でんそうブロックしゅうけつ]
(n) end of transmission block (ETB)
伝送終了 [でんそうしゅうりょう]
(n) end of transmission (EOT)
伝送制御拡張 [でんそうせいぎょかくちょう]
(n) datalink escape (DLE)
伝送先 [でんそうさき]
(n) destination (of transmission)
伝送速度 [でんそうそくど]
(n) baud rate
伝送路 [でんそうろ]
(n) line
伝達 [でんたつ]
(n,vs) transmission (e.g., news)
伝達関数 [でんたつかんすう]
(n) transfer function
伝達特性 [でんたつとくせい]
(n) transfer characteristic
伝単 [でんたん]
(n) leaflet
伝統 [でんとう]
(n) tradition
伝統主義 [でんとうしゅぎ]
(n) traditionalism
伝統主義者 [でんとうしゅぎしゃ]
(n) a traditionalist
伝統的 [でんとうてき]
(adj-na) traditional
伝動 [でんどう]
(n,vs) transmission (of motive power)
伝導 [でんどう]
(n,vs) conduction
伝導性 [でんどうせい]
(n) conductivity
伝導体 [でんどうたい]
(n) conductor
伝導度 [でんどうど]
(n) conductivity
伝導率 [でんどうりつ]
(n) conductivity
伝道 [でんどう]
(n,vs) proselytizing
伝道師 [でんどうし]
(n) evangelist
伝道者 [でんどうしゃ]
(n) evangelist
伝道集会 [でんどうしゅうかい]
(n) evangelistic meeting
伝道船 [でんどうせん]
(n) missionary boat
伝播 [でんぱ]
(n,vs) transmission
伝馬 [てんま]
(n) post horse
伝馬船 [てんません]
(n) large sculling boat
伝搬 [でんぱん]
(n,vs) transmission
伝票 [でんぴょう]
(n) chit
伝聞 [でんぶん]
(n,vs) hearsay
伝法 [でんぼう]
(adj-na,n) teaching Buddhism
伝法 [でんぽう]
(adj-na,n) teaching Buddhism
伝法肌 [でんぼうはだ]
(n) rough-and-tumble
伝来 [でんらい]
(n,adj-no) ancestral
伝令 [でんれい]
(n) messenger
伝令者 [でんれいしゃ]
(n) herald
伝誦 [でんしょう]
(n,vs) tradition
殿 [しんがり]
(n) (1) rear
殿 [との]
(n) feudal lord
殿 [どの]
(n) (pol) person
殿宇 [でんう]
(n) shrine building
殿下 [でんか]
(n) Your Highness
殿閣 [でんかく]
(n) palace
殿軍 [でんぐん]
(n) rear guard
殿原 [とのばら]
(n) the nobility
殿御 [とのご]
(n) gentlemen
殿舎 [でんしゃ]
(n) palace
殿上 [てんじょう]
(n) the court
殿上の間 [てんじょうのま]
(n) palace floor
殿上人 [てんじょうびと]
(n) courtier
殿達 [とのたち]
(n) the nobility
殿中 [でんちゅう]
(n) in the palace
殿堂 [でんどう]
(n) palace
殿方 [とのがた]
(n) gentlemen
殿様 [とのさま]
(n) feudal lord
殿様育ち [とのさまそだち]
(n) brought up in luxury
殿様蛙 [とのさまがえる]
(n) bullfrog
殿様芸 [とのさまげい]
(n) dilettantism
殿様仕事 [とのさましごと]
(n) amateur work (in art)
殿様商売 [とのさましょうばい]
(n) amateurish (dilettantish) business
殿様商法 [とのさましょうほう]
(n) amateurish (dilettantish) way of doing business
殿様風 [とのさまふう]
(n) lordly air
澱 [おり]
(n) dregs
澱 [よど]
(n) pool (in river)
澱 [よどみ]
(n) (1) stagnation
澱み [よどみ]
(n) (1) stagnation
澱む [よどむ]
(v5m) to stagnate
澱粉 [でんぷん]
(n) starch
澱粉質 [でんぷんしつ]
(n,adj-no) starchiness
田 [た]
(n) rice field
田の神 [たのかみ]
(n) deity of rice fields and harvests
田ぼ [たんぼ]
(n) paddy field
田を打つ [たをうつ]
(exp) to till (plow, plough) a rice paddy
田んぼ [たんぼ]
(n) paddy field
田雲雀 [たひばり]
(n) water pipit
田園 [でんえん]
(n) country
田園詩 [でんえんし]
(n) pastoral poem
田園詩人 [でんえんしじん]
(n) pastoral poet
田園都市 [でんえんとし]
(n) rural or garden city
田園都市開発 [でんえんとしかいはつ]
(n) garden-town development
田園風景 [でんえんふうけい]
(n) rural landscape
田家 [でんか]
(n) rural cottage
田楽 [でんがく]
(n) (1) ritual music and dancing in shrines and temples
田楽刺し [でんがくざし]
(n) skewering
田作 [ごまめ]
(n) dried young anchovies (or sardines)
田作 [でんさく]
(n) rice-field tilling
田作り [たづくり]
(n) small dried sardines or anchovies (gomame) cooked almost to dryness in soy sauce and sugar
田舎 [いなか]
(gikun) (n) rural
田舎っ兵衛 [いなかっぺえ]
(n) country bumpkin
田舎育ち [いなかそだち]
(n) country bred
田舎家 [いなかや]
(n) farm house
田舎回り [いなかまわり]
(n,vs) (theatrical) provincial tour
田舎気質 [いなかかたぎ]
(n) rusticity
田舎侍 [いなかざむらい]
(n) country samurai
田舎芝居 [いなかしばい]
(n) provincial theatrical performance
田舎者 [いなかもの]
(n) clown
田舎大尽 [いなかだいじん]
(n) provincial (country) millionaire
田舎道 [いなかみち]
(n) country road
田舎風 [いなかふう]
(adj-na,n) rustic
田舎娘 [いなかむすめ]
(n) country girl
田舎訛り [いなかなまり]
(n) provincial accent
田植え [たうえ]
(n) rice planting
田植え歌 [たうえうた]
(n) rice-planting song
田紳 [でんしん]
(n) country gentleman
田畝 [たんぼ]
(n) paddy field
田畝 [でんぽ]
(n) paddy field
田租 [でんそ]
(n) farm tariff
田打ち [たうち]
(n) tilling a paddyfield
田地 [でんじ]
(n) farmland
田地 [でんち]
(n) farmland
田虫 [たむし]
(n) ringworm
田虫葉 [たむしば]
(n) anise magnolia
田畑 [たはた]
(n) fields (of rice and other crops)
田畑 [たはたけ]
(n) fields (of rice and other crops)
田畑 [でんぱた]
(n) fields (of rice and other crops)
田畠 [たはた]
(n) fields (of rice and other crops)
田畠 [たはたけ]
(n) fields (of rice and other crops)
田畠 [でんぱた]
(n) fields (of rice and other crops)
田夫 [でんぷ]
(n) peasant
田夫野人 [でんぷやじん]
(n) rustic
田圃 [たんぼ]
(n) paddy field
田圃 [でんぽ]
(n) paddy field
田野 [でんや]
(n) cultivated fields
田螺 [たにし]
(n) pond snail
田鵑 [ほととぎす]
(n) cuckoo
田麩 [でんぶ]
(n) mashed and seasoned fish
電圧 [でんあつ]
(n) voltage
電圧計 [でんあつけい]
(n) voltmeter
電位 [でんい]
(n) potential (electric)
電位差 [でんいさ]
(n) (electric) potential difference
電位差計 [でんいさけい]
(n) potentiometer
電化 [でんか]
(n,vs) electrification
電化製品 [でんかせいひん]
(n) electric(al) appliances
電荷 [でんか]
(n) charge
電荷結合素子 [でんかけつごうそし]
(n) Charge-Coupled Device
電解 [でんかい]
(adj-na,n,vs) electrolysis
電解コンデンサー [でんかいコンデンサー]
(n) electrolytic capacitor
電解液 [でんかいえき]
(n) electrolyte
電解質 [でんかいしつ]
(n) electrolyte
電解槽 [でんかいそう]
(n) electrolytic cell
電界 [でんかい]
(n) electric field
電界放出 [でんかいほうしゅつ]
(n) field emission (electric)
電器 [でんき]
(n) electric (goods)
電機 [でんき]
(n) electrical machinery
電機子 [でんきし]
(n) armature
電気 [でんき]
(n) electricity
電気で動く [でんきでうごく]
(v5k) to run by electricity
電気の球 [でんきのたま]
(n) electric (light) bulb
電気を帯びる [でんきをおびる]
(exp) to be charged with electricity
電気カーペット [でんきカーペット]
(n) electrically heated carpet (trans: electric carpet)
電気ショート [でんきショート]
(n) electrical short circuit
電気ショック [でんきショック]
(n) electronic shocks
電気スタンド [でんきスタンド]
(n) desk lamp (trans: electric stand)
電気ストーブ [でんきストーブ]
(n) electric heater
電気椅子 [でんきいす]
(n) electric chair
電気陰性度 [でんきいんせいど]
(n) electronegativity
電気屋 [でんきや]
(n) (1) electric appliance store
電気化学 [でんきかがく]
(n) electrochemistry
電気会社 [でんきがいしゃ]
(n) electric company
電気回路 [でんきかいろ]
(n) electric circuit
電気街 [でんきがい]
(n) Electric Town (Akihabara)
電気釜 [でんきがま]
(n) electric rice-cooker
電気器具 [でんききぐ]
(n) electrical appliance
電気機関車 [でんききかんしゃ]
(n) electric locomotive
電気機器 [でんききき]
(n) electronic goods
電気技術者 [でんきぎじゅつしゃ]
(n) electrical engineer
電気系統 [でんきけいとう]
(n) electrical system
電気工 [でんきこう]
(n) electrician
電気工学 [でんきこうがく]
(n) electrical engineering
電気時計 [でんきどけい]
(n) electric clock
電気自動車 [でんきじどうしゃ]
(n) electric automobile
電気信号 [でんきしんごう]
(n) electrical signal
電気製品 [でんきせいひん]
(n) electronic goods
電気洗濯機 [でんきせんたくき]
(n) electric washing machine
電気掃除機 [でんきそうじき]
(n) electric vacuum cleaner
電気装置 [でんきそうち]
(n) electrical device
電気代 [でんきだい]
(n) electric utility expense
電気通信大学 [でんきつうしんだいがく]
(n) University of Electro-Communications
電気剃刀 [でんきかみそり]
(n) electric razor
電気抵抗 [でんきていこう]
(n) electric resistance
電気的筋肉刺激 [でんきてききんにくしげき]
(n) electric muscle stimulation (EMS)
電気伝導 [でんきでんどう]
(n) electrical conduction
電気電子 [でんきでんし]
(n) electrical and electronic
電気分解 [でんきぶんかい]
(n,vs) electrolysis
電気毛布 [でんきもうふ]
(n) electric blanket
電気容量 [でんきようりょう]
(n) capacitance
電気溶接 [でんきようせつ]
(n) electric welding
電気料金 [でんきりょうきん]
(n) electricity charges
電気量 [でんきりょう]
(n) amount of electric
電気冷蔵庫 [でんきれいぞうこ]
(n) electric refrigerator
電気炉 [でんきろ]
(n) electric furnace
電球 [でんきゅう]
(n) light bulb
電極 [でんきょく]
(n) electrode
電極電位 [でんきょくでんい]
(n) electrode potential
電喰 [でんしょく]
(iK) (n) electrolytic corrosion
電撃 [でんげき]
(n) electric shock
電撃作戦 [でんげきさくせん]
(n) blitzkrieg tactics
電顕 [でんけん]
(exp,n) electron microscope
電源 [でんげん]
(n) source of electricity
電源を切る [でんげんをきる]
(exp) to turn off power
電源を入れる [でんげんをいれる]
(v1) to turn on power
電源開発 [でんげんかいはつ]
(n) electric power resource development
電源供給 [でんげんきょうきゅう]
(n) power supply
電光 [でんこう]
(n) lightning
電光ニュース [でんこうニュース]
(n) illuminated sign spelling out news items
電光一閃 [でんこういっせん]
(n) flash of lightning
電光掲示板 [でんこうけいじばん]
(n) electric scoreboard
電光石火 [でんこうせっか]
(n) lightning speed
電光朝露 [でんこうちょうろ]
(n) fleeting
電効 [でんこう]
(n) electronic?
電工 [でんこう]
(n) electrician
電算 [でんさん]
(n) (abbr) electronic computation
電算 [でんそろ]
(n) electronic calculator combined with a soroban
電算機 [でんさんき]
(n) electronic computer
電子 [でんし]
(n) (1) electron
電子データ交換 [でんしデータこうかん]
(n) electronic data interchange (EDI)
電子データ処理 [でんしデータしょり]
(n) electronic data processing (EDP)
電子ブック [でんしブック]
(n) Electronic Book
電子ブルー [でんしブルー]
(n) electric blue (colour, color)
電子メール [でんしメール]
(n) email
電子メールアカウント [でんしメールアカウント]
(n) e-mail account
電子メールアドレス [でんしメールアドレス]
(n) (gen) (comp) e-mail address
電子メールウイルス [でんしメールウイルス]
(n) e-mail virus
電子メールサーバー [でんしメールサーバー]
(n) e-mail server
電子メイル [でんしメイル]
(n) email
電子メディア [でんしメディア]
(n) electronic media
電子レンジ [でんしレンジ]
(n) microwave oven
電子音 [でんしおん]
(n) electronic sound
電子音楽 [でんしおんがく]
(n) electronic music
電子化 [でんしか]
(n) convert to electronics (electronic form)
電子回路 [でんしかいろ]
(n) electronic circuit
電子殻 [でんしかく]
(n) electron shell
電子管 [でんしかん]
(n) electron tube
電子機器 [でんしきき]
(n) electronics
電子計算機 [でんしけいさんき]
(n) computer
電子決済 [でんしけっさい]
(n) electronic payment
電子顕微鏡 [でんしけんびきょう]
(n) electron microscope
電子工学 [でんしこうがく]
(n) electronic engineering
電子工学者 [でんしこうがくしゃ]
(n) electronics engineer
電子工業会 [でんしこうぎょうかい]
(n) Electronic Industries Association
電子財布 [でんしさいふ]
(n) e-wallet
電子支払い [でんししはらい]
(n) electronic payment
電子資金振替 [でんししきんふりかえ]
(n) electronic fund transfer
電子辞書 [でんしじしょ]
(n) electronic dictionary
電子銃 [でんしじゅう]
(n) electron gun
電子出版 [でんししゅっぱん]
(n) electronic publishing
電子署名 [でんししょめい]
(n) e-signature
電子商取引 [でんししょうとりひき]
(n) e-commerce
電子線 [でんしせん]
(n) electron beam
電子素子 [でんしそし]
(n) (electronic) element
電子送稿システム [でんしそうこうシステム]
(n) EDI system
電子頭脳 [でんしずのう]
(n) electronic brain
電子納税申告 [でんしのうぜいしんこく]
(n) electronic tax filing
電子番組ガイド [でんしばんぐみガイド]
(n) electronic program guide (EPG) (programme)
電子密度 [でんしみつど]
(n) electron density
電子郵便 [でんしゆうびん]
(n) electronic mail
電磁 [でんじ]
(n) electromagnetic (physics)
電磁気 [でんじき]
(n) electromagnetism
電磁気学 [でんじきがく]
(n) electrodynamics
電磁場 [でんじば]
(n) electromagnetic field
電磁石 [でんじしゃく]
(n) electromagnet
電磁調理器 [でんじちょうりき]
(n) electromagnetic cooker
電磁波 [でんじは]
(n) electromagnetic waves
電磁弁 [でんじべん]
(n) electromagnetic valve
電車 [でんしゃ]
(n) electric train
電車に乗る [でんしゃにのる]
(exp) to take a train
電車賃 [でんしゃちん]
(n) train fare
電車道相撲 [でんしゃみちすもう]
(n) railroading the opponent straight out of the ring (sumo)
電場 [でんじょう]
(n) electric field
電場 [でんば]
(n) electric field
電飾 [でんしょく]
(n) decorative illumination
電食 [でんしょく]
(n) electrolytic corrosion
電信 [でんしん]
(n) telegraph
電信為替 [でんしんかわせ]
(n) telegraphic transfer
電信機 [でんしんき]
(n) a telegraph
電信局 [でんしんきょく]
(n) telegraph office
電信送金 [でんしんそうきん]
(n) wire transfer
電信柱 [でんしんばしら]
(n) telephone pole
電請 [でんせい]
(n,vs) wire (one's government) for instructions
電線 [でんせん]
(n) electric line
電線を架ける [でんせんをかける]
(exp) to lay a wire
電総研 [でんそうけん]
(n) (abbr) ETL
電送 [でんそう]
(n,vs) facsimile transmission
電送写真 [でんそうしゃしん]
(n) phototelegram
電卓 [でんたく]
(n) calculator
電探 [でんたん]
(n) (abbr) radar
電断 [でんだん]
(n) (abbr) interruption of power
電池 [でんち]
(n) battery
電蓄 [でんちく]
(n) (abbr) electric gramophone
電着 [でんちゃく]
(n,vs) electrodeposition
電柱 [でんちゅう]
(n) telephone pole
電鋳 [でんちゅう]
(n) electroforming
電通大 [でんつうだい]
(n) (abbr) University of Electro-Communications
電停 [でんてい]
(n) tram stop
電鉄 [でんてつ]
(n) electric railway
電鉄会社 [でんてつがいしゃ]
(n) (electric) railroad company
電電公社 [でんでんこうしゃ]
(n) Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (defunct)
電灯 [でんとう]
(n) electric light
電灯を点ける [でんとうをつける]
(exp) to turn (switch) on an electric lamp
電燈 [でんとう]
(n) electric light
電動 [でんどう]
(n) electric
電動機 [でんどうき]
(n) electric motor
電動歯ブラシ [でんどうはブラシ]
(n) electric toothbrush
電動式 [でんどうしき]
(n) electrically operated
電動発動機 [でんどうはつどうき]
(n) electric motor
電熱 [でんねつ]
(n) electric heat
電熱器 [でんねつき]
(n) electrothermic equipment
電脳 [でんのう]
(n) electronic brain
電波 [でんぱ]
(n) electro-magnetic wave
電波管理 [でんぱかんり]
(n) radio wave regulation
電波星 [でんぱせい]
(n) radio star
電波探知器 [でんぱたんちき]
(n) radar
電波探知機 [でんぱたんちき]
(n) radar
電波天文学 [でんぱてんもんがく]
(n) radio astronomy
電波法 [でんぱほう]
(n) the Radio Law
電波望遠鏡 [でんぱぼうえんきょう]
(n) radio telescope
電番 [でんばん]
(n) telephone number
電文 [でんぶん]
(n) telegram
電報 [でんぽう]
(n) telegram
電報を打つ [でんぽうをうつ]
(exp) to send a telegram
電報局 [でんぽうきょく]
(n) telegraph office
電報料 [でんぽうりょう]
(n) telegram charge
電命 [でんめい]
(n) telegraphed instructions
電離 [でんり]
(n,vs) ionization
電離層 [でんりそう]
(n) ionosphere
電略 [でんりゃく]
(n) abbreviation used in a telegram
電流 [でんりゅう]
(n) electric current
電流計 [でんりゅうけい]
(n) amperometer
電力 [でんりょく]
(n) electric power
電力会社 [でんりょくがいしゃ]
(n) (electric) power company
電力危機 [でんりょくきき]
(n) power crisis
電力供給 [でんりょくきょうきゅう]
(n) power supply
電力計 [でんりょくけい]
(n) wattmeter
電力債 [でんりょくさい]
(n) electric company bond
電力需要 [でんりょくじゅよう]
(n) demand for (electric) power
電力小売り [でんりょくこうり]
(n) power retailing
電力不足 [でんりょくふそく]
(n) electricity shortage
電力輸送 [でんりょくゆそう]
(n) electric power transmission
電鈴 [でんれい]
(n) electric bell
電路 [でんろ]
(n) electrical circuit
電話 [でんわ]
(n,vs) telephone
電話が掛かって来る [でんわがかかってくる]
(exp) to get a phone call
電話をかける [でんわをかける]
(exp) to telephone
電話を引く [でんわをひく]
(exp) to install a telephone
電話を掛ける [でんわをかける]
(exp) to telephone
電話を切る [でんわをきる]
(exp) to hang up the receiver (of a telephone)
電話ボックス [でんわボックス]
(n) telephone booth
電話会社 [でんわがいしゃ]
(n) telecommunications company
電話回線 [でんわかいせん]
(n) telephone line
電話機 [でんわき]
(n) telephone instrument
電話局 [でんわきょく]
(n) telephone company
電話交換局 [でんわこうかんきょく]
(n) telephone switching station
電話口 [でんわぐち]
(n) telephone receiver or mouthpiece
電話室 [でんわしつ]
(n) telephone booth (indoor)
電話世論調査 [でんわせろんちょうさ]
(n) telephone poll
電話線 [でんわせん]
(n) telephone line
電話中 [でんわちゅう]
(n) during a telephone call
電話帳 [でんわちょう]
(n) telephone book
電話調査 [でんわちょうさ]
(n) telephone survey
電話番号 [でんわばんごう]
(n) telephone number
電話番号を控える [でんわばんごうをひかえる]
(exp) to jot down a phone number
電話付き [でんわつき]
(n) with a telephone
電話網 [でんわもう]
(n) telephone network
電話料 [でんわりょう]
(n) telephone charge
兎 [うさぎ]
(n) rabbit
兎にも角にも [とにもかくにも]
(adv) anyhow
兎に角 [とにかく]
(ateji) (adv) (uk) anyhow
兎の毛 [うのけ]
(n) just a hair
兎も角 [ともかく]
(adv) (uk) anyhow
兎も角も [ともかくも]
(adv) (uk) anyhow
兎も有れ [ともあれ]
(adv) anyhow
兎や角 [とやかく]
(adv) (uk) anyhow
兎や角言う [とやかくいう]
(v5u) to say all kinds of things
兎角 [とかく]
(adv,n) anyhow
兎欠 [いぐち]
(n) harelip
兎欠 [とけつ]
(n) harelip
兎結び [うさぎむすび]
(n) loop knot
兎口 [みつくち]
(n) harelip
兎耳 [うさぎみみ]
(n) long ears
兎狩り [うさぎがり]
(n) rabbit hunting
兎小屋 [うさぎごや]
(n) rabbit hutch
兎唇 [いぐち]
(n) harelip
兎唇 [としん]
(n) harelip
兎跳び [うさぎとび]
(n) hopping forward from a squatting position
兎肉 [とにく]
(n) rabbit meat
兎馬 [うさぎうま]
(n) donkey
兎網 [うさぎあみ]
(n) rabbit-catching net
兎脣 [いぐち]
(n) harelip
兎脣 [としん]
(n) harelip
兎脣 [みつくち]
(n) harelip
吐き下し [はきくだし]
(n,vs) vomit and diarrhea or excreta (diarrhoea)
吐き気 [はきけ]
(n) nausea
吐き捨てる [はきすてる]
(v1) to spit out
吐き出す [はきだす]
(v5s) to vomit
吐く [つく]
(v5k) (1) to breathe
吐く [はく]
(v5k) (1) to breathe
吐血 [とけつ]
(n,vs) vomiting of blood
吐剤 [とざい]
(n) an emetic
吐出 [としゅつ]
(n,vs) vomit
吐息 [といき]
(n) sigh
吐乳 [とにゅう]
(n,vs) (baby) vomiting up milk
吐露 [とろ]
(n,vs) express one's mind
吐瀉 [としゃ]
(n,vs) vomit and diarrhea or excreta (diarrhoea)
吐瀉物 [としゃぶつ]
(n) vomit and excreta
塗す [まぶす]
(v5s) to cover (smear, sprinkle) (with)
塗りたくる [ぬりたくる]
(v5r) to bedaub (with paint)
塗りつける [ぬりつける]
(v1) to daub
塗りつぶし [ぬりつぶし]
(n) blotting out
塗り隠す [ぬりかくす]
(v5s) to cover with paint
塗り下駄 [ぬりげた]
(n) lacquered geta
塗り絵 [ぬりえ]
(n) picture for coloring in (colouring)
塗り込む [ぬりこむ]
(v5m) to paint over heavily
塗り込める [ぬりこめる]
(v1) to seal up
塗り替える [ぬりかえる]
(v1) to repaint
塗り潰す [ぬりつぶす]
(v5s) to paint out
塗り箸 [ぬりばし]
(n) lacquered chopsticks
塗り付ける [ぬりつける]
(v1) to daub
塗り物 [ぬりもの]
(n) lacquerware
塗り分ける [ぬりわける]
(v1) to paint in different colors (for different purposes) (colours)
塗り壁 [ぬりかべ]
(n) plaster or mortar-covered wall
塗り薬 [ぬりぐすり]
(n) liniment
塗り立て [ぬりたて]
(n) freshly painted
塗り立てる [ぬりたてる]
(v1) to paint beautifully
塗る [ぬる]
(v5r) to paint
塗れ [まみれ]
(n,suf) stain
塗れる [まみれる]
(v1) to be smeared
塗工 [とこう]
(n) painter
塗擦 [とさつ]
(n,vs) rubbing an ointment into the skin
塗擦剤 [とさつざい]
(n) liniment
塗装 [とそう]
(n,vs) coating
塗炭 [とたん]
(n) misery
塗炭の苦しみ [とたんのくるしみ]
(exp,n) misery
塗布 [とふ]
(n,vs) application (of ointment)
塗布剤 [とふざい]
(n) liniment
塗物 [ぬりもの]
(n) lacquerware
塗壁 [ぬりかべ]
(n) plaster or mortar-covered wall
塗抹 [とまつ]
(n,vs) smear
塗立て [ぬりたて]
(n) freshly painted
塗料 [とりょう]
(n) paints
妬く [やく]
(v5k) to be jealous of
妬ましい [ねたましい]
(adj) jealous
妬み [ねたみ]
(n) jealousy
妬む [ねたむ]
(v5m) to be jealous
妬心 [としん]
(n) jealousy
屠る [ほふる]
(v5r) to slaughter
屠殺 [とさつ]
(n,vs) slaughter
屠殺場 [とさつじょう]
(n) abattoir
屠所 [としょ]
(n) slaughterhouse
屠場 [とじょう]
(n) slaughterhouse
屠蘇 [とそ]
(n) spiced sake (served at New Year's)
屠蘇機嫌 [とそきげん]
(n,adj-no) feeling a little drunk with the New Year's sake
屠蘇気分 [とそきぶん]
(n) festive New Year's mood
屠蘇散 [とそさん]
(n) spices used in toso (spiced sake)
徒 [あだ]
(adj-na,n) vain
徒 [と]
(n) party
徒し心 [あだしごころ]
(n) fickle heart
徒に [いたずらに]
(adv) in vain
徒や疎か [あだやおろそか]
(n,adj-na) making light of
徒らに [いたずらに]
(adv) in vain
徒花 [あだばな]
(n) (1) non-fruit-bearing flower
徒競走 [ときょうそう]
(n) foot race
徒刑 [とけい]
(n) penal servitude
徒広い [だだっぴろい]
(adj) very (excessively) spacious
徒行 [とこう]
(n,vs) walking
徒桜 [あだざくら]
(n) ephemeral (easily scattered) cherry blossom
徒死 [とし]
(n,vs) dying in vain
徒爾 [とじ]
(adj-na,n) uselessness
徒者 [ただもの]
(n) ordinary person
徒手 [としゅ]
(n) being empty-handed
徒手空拳 [としゅくうけん]
(n) empty-handed
徒手体操 [としゅたいそう]
(n) free-standing exercises
徒渉 [としょう]
(n,vs) wade across
徒食 [としょく]
(n,vs) idle life
徒然 [つれづれ]
(adj-na,adv,n) tedium
徒然 [とぜん]
(adj-na,adv,n) tedium
徒疎か [あだおろそか]
(n,adj-na) making light of
徒弟 [とてい]
(n) apprentice
徒弟制度 [とていせいど]
(n) an apprentice system
徒党 [ととう]
(n,vs) conspirators
徒輩 [とはい]
(n) set
徒費 [とひ]
(n,vs) waste
徒歩 [とほ]
(n) walking
徒歩競走 [とほきょうそう]
(n) a footrace
徒名 [あだな]
(n) rumor of a romance (rumour)
徒労 [とろう]
(n) fruitless effort
斗 [と]
(n) (a measure of volume) 18 litres
斗 [ます]
(n) (1) measure
斗酒 [としゅ]
(n) kegs of sake
斗南 [となん]
(n) (arch) the whole world
杜宇 [ほととぎす]
(n) cuckoo
杜氏 [とうじ]
(n) chief brewer at a sake brewery (after name of sake's alleged inventor)
杜若 [かきつばた]
(n) iris
杜絶 [とぜつ]
(n,vs) stoppage
杜撰 [ずさん]
(adj-na,n) (uk) careless
杜撰脱漏 [ずさんだつろう]
(n) careless (slipshod) and with many omissions
杜父魚 [かまきり]
(n) (uk) (praying) mantis
杜漏 [ずろう]
(adj-na,n) careless
杜鵑 [ほととぎす]
(n) cuckoo
渡し [わたし]
(n) ferry (crossing)
渡し込み [わたしこみ]
(n) trick of throwing opponent by pushing his chest while holding his thigh
渡し守 [わたしもり]
(n) ferryman
渡し舟 [わたしぶね]
(n) ferryboat
渡し場 [わたしば]
(n) ferrying landing
渡し船 [わたしぶね]
(n) ferry
渡し銭 [わたしせん]
(n) ferriage
渡し賃 [わたしちん]
(n) ferriage
渡す [わたす]
(v5s) to pass over
渡り [わたり]
(n) ferry
渡り合う [わたりあう]
(v5u) to argue
渡り者 [わたりもの]
(n) wanderer
渡り初め [わたりぞめ]
(n) bridge-opening ceremony
渡り鳥 [わたりどり]
(n) migratory bird
渡り板 [わたりいた]
(n) gangplank
渡り歩く [わたりあるく]
(v5k) to wander from place to place
渡り奉公 [わたりぼうこう]
(n) working as a servant for a series of masters
渡り廊下 [わたりろうか]
(n) passage
渡る [わたる]
(v5r) to cross over
渡英 [とえい]
(n,vs) going to Britain
渡欧 [とおう]
(n,vs) going to Europe
渡河 [とか]
(n,vs) river crossing
渡海 [とかい]
(n,vs) crossing the sea
渡蟹 [わたりがに]
(n) swimming crab
渡御 [とぎょ]
(n,vs) transferral of a sacred object from its place of enshrinement
渡航 [とこう]
(n,vs) voyage
渡航者 [とこうしゃ]
(n) passenger
渡渉 [としょう]
(n,vs) fording
渡世 [とせい]
(n) livelihood
渡世人 [とせいにん]
(n) gambler
渡船 [とせん]
(n) a ferry
渡船場 [とせんじょう]
(n) ferry landing
渡船場 [とせんば]
(n) ferry landing
渡仏 [とふつ]
(n,vs) going to France
渡米 [とべい]
(n,vs) going to U.S.A.
渡洋 [とよう]
(n,vs) transoceanic
渡来 [とらい]
(n,vs) visit
渡来人 [とらいじん]
(n) people from overseas, especially from China and Korea, who settled in early Japan and introduced Continental culture to the Japanese
登り [のぼり]
(n) (1) ascent
登り下り [のぼりおり]
(n,vs) rising and falling
登り下り [のぼりくだり]
(n,vs) rising and falling
登り詰める [のぼりつめる]
(v1) to go to the top
登り口 [のぼりぐち]
(n) starting point (for a mountain ascent)
登る [のぼる]
(v5r) (1) to rise
登院 [とういん]
(n,vs) attendance at the House (Diet)
登下校 [とうげこう]
(n) path to and from school
登科 [とうか]
(n) passing the civil service examination
登記 [とうき]
(n,vs) registry
登記所 [とうきしょ]
(n) registry office
登記番号欄 [とうきばんごうらん]
(n) registry number column
登記簿 [とうきぼ]
(n) register
登記料 [とうきりょう]
(n) registration fee
登極 [とうきょく]
(n,vs) (Imperial) accession
登舷礼 [とうげんれい]
(n) ceremonial assembling of a ship's crew on deck
登校 [とうこう]
(n,vs) attendance (at school)
登校拒否 [とうこうきょひ]
(n) truancy
登高 [とうこう]
(n,vs) climbing up
登載 [とうさい]
(n,vs) register
登坂 [とはん]
(n,vs) climbing a slope (hill)
登坂車線 [とはんしゃせん]
(n) (climbing) lane for slower traffic
登山 [とざん]
(n,vs) mountain climbing
登山家 [とざんか]
(n) mountain climber
登山客 [とざんきゃく]
(n) mountain climber
登山靴 [とざんぐつ]
(n) (mountain-)climbing boots
登山口 [とざんぐち]
(n) place where an ascent to a mountain is made
登山者 [とざんしゃ]
(n) mountain climber
登山隊 [とざんたい]
(n) climbing expedition
登山鉄道 [とざんてつどう]
(n) mountain railway
登山電車 [とざんでんしゃ]
(n) mountain railway
登山道 [とざんどう]
(n) mountain trail
登山帽 [とざんぼう]
(n) climber's hat
登城 [とじょう]
(n,vs) attendance at a castle
登場 [とうじょう]
(n,vs) (1) entry (on stage)
登場人物 [とうじょうじんぶつ]
(n) the characters (in a play or novel)
登仙 [とうせん]
(n,vs) becoming a saint
登第 [とうだい]
(n,vs) passing the examination
登壇 [とうだん]
(n,vs) going on a platform
登庁 [とうちょう]
(n,vs) attending a government office
登頂 [とうちょう]
(n,vs) climbing to the summit
登板 [とうばん]
(n,vs) taking the plate
登庸 [とうよう]
(n,vs) appointment
登用 [とうよう]
(n,vs) appointment
登竜門 [とうりゅうもん]
(n) gateway to success
登臨 [とうりん]
(n,vs) climbing to a high spot
登楼 [とうろう]
(n,vs) going up a tower
登録 [とうろく]
(n,vs) registration
登録済 [とうろくずみ]
(n) registered
登録済み [とうろくずみ]
(n) registered
登録者 [とうろくしゃ]
(n) registrant
登録商標 [とうろくしょうひょう]
(n) registered trademark
登録証 [とうろくしょう]
(n) registration book or card
登録番号 [とうろくばんごう]
(n) registration number
登録簿 [とうろくぼ]
(n) directory
登録料 [とうろくりょう]
(n) registration fee
登攀 [とうはん]
(n,vs) climbing
賭 [かけ]
(n) betting
賭け [かけ]
(n) betting
賭ける [かける]
(v1) to wager
賭け屋 [かけや]
(n) bookmaker
賭け金 [かけきん]
(n) stakes
賭け碁 [かけご]
(n) playing go for stakes
賭け事 [かけごと]
(n) betting
賭する [とする]
(vs-s) stake
賭事 [かけごと]
(n) betting
賭場 [とば]
(n) gambling den
賭博 [とばく]
(n,vs) gambling
賭博師 [とばくし]
(n) gambler
賭博場 [とばくじょう]
(n) gambling house
途 [と]
(n) way
途次 [とじ]
(n-adv,n-t) on one's way
途上 [とじょう]
(n-adv,n-t) en route
途上国 [とじょうこく]
(n) developing country
途切れる [とぎれる]
(v1) to pause
途切れ途切れ [とぎれとぎれ]
(adj-na,adj-no,adv) broken
途絶 [とぜつ]
(n,vs) stoppage
途絶える [とだえる]
(v1) to stop
途端 [とたん]
(n) just (now, at the moment, etc.)
途端に [とたんに]
(adv) just as
途中 [つちゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) on the way
途中 [とちゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) on the way
途中下車 [とちゅうげしゃ]
(n,vs) stopover
途中休場 [とちゅうきゅうじょう]
(n) quitting the tournament in progress due mostly to injury (sumo)
途中計時 [とちゅうけいじ]
(n) one's time at a certain point (at various points) of a race
途中降機 [とちゅうこうき]
(n) stopover
途轍もない [とてつもない]
(adj) (uk) extravagant
途轍も無い [とてつもない]
(adj) (uk) extravagant
途方 [とほう]
(n) way
途方に暮れる [とほうにくれる]
(exp) be at a loss
途方もない [とほうもない]
(adj) extraordinary
都 [と]
(n,adj-no) metropolitan
都 [みやこ]
(n) capital
都て [かつて]
(adv,adj-no) (1) once
都育ち [みやこそだち]
(n) city-bred
都営 [とえい]
(n) operated by the metropolitan government
都下 [とか]
(n) in the capital
都雅 [とが]
(adj-na,n) graceful
都会 [とかい]
(n) city
都会に移す [とかいにうつす]
(exp) to move (an object or person) to the city
都会を離れる [とかいをはなれる]
(exp) to leave town
都会人 [とかいじん]
(n) city dweller
都議 [とぎ]
(n) Metropolitan assemblyman
都議会 [とぎかい]
(n) the Tokyo Assembly
都議選 [とぎせん]
(n) Tokyo Assembly elections
都銀 [とぎん]
(n) (abbr) city bank
都合 [つごう]
(adv,n) circumstances
都合次第 [つごうしだい]
(n) depending on the (one's) situation (circumstances)
都市 [とし]
(n) town
都市ガス [としガス]
(n) town gas
都市化 [としか]
(n,vs) urbanization
都市銀行 [としぎんこう]
(n) city bank
都市計画 [としけいかく]
(n) town planning
都市交通 [としこうつう]
(n) urban transport
都市国家 [としこっか]
(n) a city-state
都市再開発 [としさいかいはつ]
(n) urban redevelopment
都市再生 [としさいせい]
(n) urban regeneration
都市対抗野球 [としたいこうやきゅう]
(n) National Intercity Nonpro Baseball Championship Series
都市部 [としぶ]
(n) urban areas
都心 [としん]
(n) heart (of city)
都人 [とじん]
(n) townsfolk
都政 [とせい]
(n) the metropolitan government (of Tokyo)
都庁 [とちょう]
(n) Tokyo Government Office
都鳥 [みやこどり]
(n) an oystercatcher
都電 [とでん]
(n) Metropolitan Electric Railway
都度 [つど]
(n) each (every) time
都道府県 [とどうふけん]
(n) administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to, Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures
都督 [ととく]
(n) governor-general
都内 [とない]
(n) metropolitan area
都入り [みやこいり]
(n) arriving in the capital
都風 [みやこふう]
(n) city style
都忘 [みやこわすれ]
(n) China aster
都民 [とみん]
(n) city populace
都民会館 [とみんかいかん]
(n) Tokyo meeting hall
都邑 [とゆう]
(n) city
都落ち [みやこおち]
(n) leaving (fleeing) the capital
都立 [とりつ]
(n) metro
都立高校 [とりつこうこう]
(n) metropolitan high school
都立大 [とりつだい]
(n) (abbr) Tokyo Metropolitan University
都連 [とれん]
(n) (Tokyo) party chapter
都鄙 [とひ]
(n) town and country
鍍金 [ときん]
(n,vs) (1) gilt
鍍金 [めっき]
(n,vs) (1) gilt
砥の粉 [とのこ]
(n) polishing powder
砥石 [といし]
(n) whetstone
努めて [つとめて]
(adv,exp) make an effort!
努める [つとめる]
(v1) (1) to serve
努力 [どりょく]
(n,vs) great effort
努力も虚しく [どりょくもむなしく]
(n) after efforts in vain
努力も空しく [どりょくもむなしく]
(n) after efforts in vain
努力家 [どりょくか]
(n) hard worker
努力賞 [どりょくしょう]
(n) prize awarded for a person's effort
努力奮励 [どりょくふんれい]
(n,vs) making strenuous efforts
度 [たび]
(n) times (three times, each time, etc.)
度 [たんび]
(n) times (three times, each time, etc.)
度 [ど]
(n,n-suf) (1) degree (angle, temperature, scale,
度々 [たびたび]
(adv) often
度が過ぎる [どがすぎる]
(v1) to go too far
度し難い [どしがたい]
(adj) beyond help
度の強い眼鏡 [どのつよいめがね]
(n) powerful spectacles
度を越した [どをこした]
(exp) extravagant
度を越す [どをこす]
(exp) to go too far
度を過ごす [どをすごす]
(exp) to go too far
度を失う [どをうしなう]
(exp) to lose one's presence of mind
度を重ねる [どをかさねる]
(exp) to repeat
度を超した [どをこした]
(exp) extravagant
度外れ [どはずれ]
(n) extraordinary
度外視 [どがいし]
(n,vs) taking no account of
度肝 [どぎも]
(n) guts
度肝を抜く [どぎもをぬく]
(exp) to knock or scare (someone) out of his or her wits
度胸 [どきょう]
(n) courage
度胸試し [どきょうだめし]
(n) putting one's courage to the test
度胸千両 [どきょうせんりょう]
(n) being bold
度合 [どあい]
(n) degree
度合い [どあい]
(n) degree
度重なる [たびかさなる]
(v5r) to repeat
度数 [どすう]
(n) frequency
度数分布 [どすうぶんぷ]
(n) frequency distribution
度数分布図 [どすうぶんぷず]
(n) histogram
度盛り [どもり]
(n) gradation
度胆 [どぎも]
(n) guts
度胆を抜く [どぎもをぬく]
(exp) to knock or scare (someone) out of his or her wits
度度 [たびたび]
(adv) often
度忘れ [どわすれ]
(n,vs) lapse of memory
度毎 [たびごと]
(adv) each time
度量 [どりょう]
(n) length and capacity
度量の広さ [どりょうのひろさ]
(n) broad-mindedness
度量衡 [どりょうこう]
(n) weights and measures
土 [つち]
(n) earth
土に帰る [つちにかえる]
(exp) to die
土に埋める [つちにうめる]
(exp) to bury in the ground
土のう [どのう]
(n) sandbag
土を均す [つちをならす]
(exp) to level the ground
土を固める [つちをかためる]
(exp) to harden earth into a mass
土を被せる [つちをかぶせる]
(exp) to cover with earth
土煙 [つちけむり]
(n) a cloud of dust
土下座 [どげざ]
(n,vs) kneeling down on the ground
土塊 [つちくれ]
(n) lump of earth
土塊 [どかい]
(n) lump of earth
土釜 [どがま]
(n) earthen rice cooker
土管 [どかん]
(n) earthen pipe
土間 [どま]
(n) dirt floor
土器 [かわらけ]
(n) (1) earthenware
土器 [どき]
(n) (1) earthenware
土寄せ [つちよせ]
(n,vs) piling up or covering with earth
土気色 [つちけいろ]
(n) earth (color, colour)
土橋 [どばし]
(n) an earthen bridge
土偶 [どぐう]
(n) earthen (clay) figure
土蛍 [つちぼたる]
(n) glowworm
土建屋 [どけんや]
(n) general (civil engineering and construction) contractor
土建業 [どけんぎょう]
(n) the (civil engineering and) construction industry
土語 [どご]
(n) native tongue
土侯 [どこう]
(n) a local ruler
土工 [どこう]
(n) earthwork(s)
土豪 [どごう]
(n) local clan
土国 [どこく]
(n) Turkey (p)
土根性 [どこんじょう]
(n) disposition
土左衛門 [どざえもん]
(n) drowned body of a person (after sumo wrestler Narusegawa Dozaemon)
土砂 [どしゃ]
(n) earth and sand
土砂降り [どしゃぶり]
(n) downpour
土砂崩れ [どしゃくずれ]
(n) landslide
土産 [どさん]
(n) product of the land
土産 [みやげ]
(n) present
土産物屋 [みやげものや]
(n) souvenir store
土産話 [みやげばなし]
(n) tales of one's travels
土止め [どどめ]
(n) retaining wall
土質 [どしつ]
(n) soil
土手 [どて]
(n) embankment
土手っ腹 [どてっぱら]
(n) guts
土臭い [つちくさい]
(adj) smelling of earth
土焼き [つちやき]
(n) unglazed earthenware
土壌 [どじょう]
(n) soil
土壌汚染 [どじょうおせん]
(n) soil pollution
土色 [つちいろ]
(n) earth (color, colour)
土真ん中 [どまんなか]
(n) right in the center (centre)
土神 [つちがみ]
(n) earthgod
土神 [どじん]
(n) earthgod
土人 [どじん]
(n) natives
土性骨 [どしょうぼね]
(n) one's innate character
土星 [どせい]
(n) Saturn (planet)
土製 [どせい]
(n) clay
土石 [どせき]
(n) earth and stones
土石流 [どせきりゅう]
(n) avalanche of earth and rocks
土葬 [どそう]
(n,vs) burial
土蔵 [どぞう]
(n) storehouse with thick (earthen) walls
土足 [どそく]
(n) shoes
土俗 [どぞく]
(n) local customs
土俗学 [どぞくがく]
(n) (obs) ethnography
土台 [どだい]
(adv,n) foundation
土台石 [どだいいし]
(n) cornerstone
土団子 [つちだんご]
(n) (1) mud pie
土壇場 [どたんば]
(n) last moment
土地 [とち]
(n) plot of land
土地の人 [とちのひと]
(n) locals
土地改革 [とちかいかく]
(n) land reform
土地改良 [とちかいりょう]
(n) land improvement
土地勘 [とちかん]
(n) (1) familiarity with the land
土地鑑 [とちかん]
(n) (1) familiarity with the land
土地収用 [とちしゅうよう]
(n) land expropriation
土地柄 [とちがら]
(n) local colour
土地利用 [とちりよう]
(n) land use
土着 [どちゃく]
(n,adj-no) aboriginal
土着民 [どちゃくみん]
(n) natives
土中 [どちゅう]
(n) (in the) earth
土踏まず [つちふまず]
(n) the arch of the foot
土豚 [つちぶた]
(n) aardvark (Orycteropus)
土鍋 [どなべ]
(n) earthenware pot
土日 [どにち]
(n) weekend
土嚢 [どのう]
(n) sandbag
土鳩 [どばと]
(n) domesticated pigeon
土匪 [どひ]
(n) local rebels
土筆 [つくし]
(n) horsetail
土百姓 [どびゃくしょう]
(n) (pejorative term for a) dirt-poor farmer
土俵 [どひょう]
(n) arena
土俵廻し [どひょうまわし]
(n) sumo wrestler's belt used in a bout
土俵開き [どひょうびらき]
(n) opening ceremony for the new ring in a sumo stable
土俵祭り [どひょうまつり]
(n) ceremony to purify the ring before the start of sumo tournament
土俵際 [どひょうぎわ]
(n) the edge of a sumo ring
土俵人生 [どひょうじんせい]
(n) sumo wrestler's active career
土俵入り [どひょういり]
(n) entrance procession of sumo wrestlers into the ring
土俵溜まり [どひょうだまり]
(n) waiting place for sumo wrestler beside the ring
土瓶 [どびん]
(n) earthenware teapot
土瓶敷き [どびんしき]
(n) tea cloth
土付かず [つちつかず]
(n) clean record
土塀 [どべい]
(n) mud wall
土壁 [つちかべ]
(n) mud wall
土崩瓦解 [どほうがかい]
(n,vs) complete collapse
土方 [どかた]
(n) construction laborer
土民 [どみん]
(n) a native
土木 [どぼく]
(n) public works
土木工学 [どぼくこうがく]
(n) civil engineering
土木工学者 [どぼくこうがくしゃ]
(n) civil engineer
土木工事 [どぼくこうじ]
(n) public works
土曜 [どよう]
(n-adv,n) Saturday
土曜日 [どようび]
(n-adv,n) Saturday
土用 [どよう]
(n) midsummer
土用干し [どようぼし]
(n) summer airing (of clothes)
土用休み [どようやすみ]
(n) summer vacation
土用波 [どようなみ]
(n) high waves which rise during the dog days of summer
土窯 [どがま]
(n) earthen kiln
土留め [どどめ]
(n) retaining (wall)
土竜 [もぐら]
(gikun) (n) mole
土龍 [もぐら]
(oK) (gikun) (n) mole
土塁 [どるい]
(n) earthen walls (of fortification)
土類金属 [どるいきんぞく]
(n) earth metal
土鈴 [どれい]
(n) earthenware (ceramic) bell
土牢 [つちろう]
(n) dungeon
土埃 [つちぼこり]
(n) dust
土讚本線 [どさんほんせん]
(n) Dosan Main Line (Kochi-Kagawa Railway)
土饅頭 [どまんじゅう]
(n) burial mound
奴 [やっこ]
(n) servant
奴 [やつ]
(n) (1) (uk) (vulg) fellow
奴さん [やっこさん]
(n) guy
奴凧 [やっこだこ]
(n) kite shaped like a footman
奴等 [やつら]
(n) they
奴豆腐 [やっこどうふ]
(n) cold tofu cut into cubes
奴輩 [どはい]
(n) guys
奴輩 [やつばら]
(n) guys
奴隷 [どれい]
(n) slave
奴隷解放 [どれいかいほう]
(n) emancipation of slaves
奴隷根性 [どれいこんじょう]
(n) servile character (disposition)
奴隷制度 [どれいせいど]
(n) slavery
奴隷労働 [どれいろうどう]
(n) slave labor
奴婢 [どひ]
(n) servant
奴婢 [ぬひ]
(n) servant
怒った顔 [おこったかお]
(n) angry face (countenance)
怒らす [いからす]
(v5s) to anger someone
怒らせる [いからせる]
(v1) (1) to anger someone
怒らせる [おこらせる]
(v1) (1) to anger someone
怒り [いかり]
(n) anger
怒りっぽい [おこりっぽい]
(adj) hot-tempered
怒りん坊 [おこりんぼう]
(n) short-tempered or irritable person
怒り狂う [いかりくるう]
(v5u) to be in a fit (of anger)
怒り肩 [いかりがた]
(n) square shoulders
怒り出す [いかりだす]
(v5s) to break out
怒り出す [おこりだす]
(v5s) to fly into a rage
怒り上戸 [おこりじょうご]
(n) quarrelsome drinker
怒る [いかる]
(v5r) (1) to get angry
怒る [おこる]
(v5r) (1) to get angry
怒気 [どき]
(n) anger
怒号 [どごう]
(n,vs) angry roar
怒声 [どせい]
(n) angry voice
怒張 [どちょう]
(n,vs) overswelling (of a blood vessel)
怒涛 [どとう]
(n) raging billows (waves)
怒髪衝天 [どはつしょうてん]
(n) being in a towering rage
怒髪天 [どはつてん]
(n) furious
怒髪天を突く [どはつてんをつく]
(exp) to boil with rage
怒鳴りつける [どなりつける]
(v1) to shout at
怒鳴り込む [どなりこむ]
(v5m) to storm in with a yell
怒鳴り出す [どなりだす]
(v5s) to start shouting
怒鳴り付ける [どなりつける]
(v1) to shout at
怒鳴り立てる [どなりたてる]
(v1) to stand and shout
怒鳴る [どなる]
(v5r) to shout
怒面 [どめん]
(n) angry face
怒濤 [どとう]
(n) surging waves
倒ける [こける]
(oK) (v1) to fall
倒さ [さかさ]
(n) inverted
倒さま [さかさま]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) inversion
倒しま [さかしま]
(n) reverse
倒す [たおす]
(v5s,vt) to throw down
倒れ [たおれ]
(n) (1) bad debt
倒れる [たおれる]
(v1,vi) to collapse
倒れ掛かる [たおれかかる]
(v5r) to be weighed down by debt
倒れ込む [たおれこむ]
(v5m) to collapse into
倒れ伏す [たおれふす]
(v5s) to fall down
倒影 [とうえい]
(n) reflection
倒壊 [とうかい]
(n,vs) destruction
倒閣 [とうかく]
(n,vs) overthrow of government
倒句 [とうく]
(n) reading Chinese in the Japanese order
倒懸 [とうけん]
(n) hanging (someone) upside down
倒語 [とうご]
(n) inverted word
倒錯 [とうさく]
(n,vs) perversion
倒錯者 [とうさくしゃ]
(n) pervert
倒産 [とうさん]
(n,vs) (corporate) bankruptcy
倒産企業 [とうさんきぎょう]
(n) bankrupt company
倒死 [とうし]
(n) dying by the wayside
倒事 [さかさまごと]
(n) wrong order
倒叙 [とうじょ]
(n) reverse chronological order
倒像 [とうぞう]
(n) inverted image
倒置 [とうち]
(n,vs) turning upside down
倒置法 [とうちほう]
(n) inversion of the word order in a sentence
倒潰 [とうかい]
(n,vs) destruction
倒伏 [とうふく]
(n,vs) falling down
倒幕 [とうばく]
(n,vs) overthrow of the shogunate
倒木 [とうぼく]
(n) fallen tree
倒様 [さかさま]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) inversion
倒立 [とうりつ]
(n,vs) handstand
党 [とう]
(n,n-suf) (1) party (political)
党員 [とういん]
(n) party member
党員集会 [とういんしゅうかい]
(n) caucus
党紀 [とうき]
(n) party discipline
党規 [とうき]
(n) party rules or regulations
党議 [とうぎ]
(n) a party council
党議拘束 [とうぎこうそく]
(n) compulsory adherence to a party decision
党首 [とうしゅ]
(n) party leader
党首脳 [とうしゅのう]
(n) party leaders
党人 [とうじん]
(n) a party man
党是 [とうぜ]
(n) a party platform
党勢 [とうせい]
(n) strength of a party
党勢を伸す [とうせいをのす]
(exp) to extend the strength of a party
党籍 [とうせき]
(n) party register
党争 [とうそう]
(n) faction
党則 [とうそく]
(n) party rules or regulations
党大会 [とうたいかい]
(n) (political) party convention
党内 [とうない]
(n) party-internal
党内派閥 [とうないはばつ]
(n) intra-party faction
党派 [とうは]
(n) faction
党派根性 [とうはこんじょう]
(n) partisan spirit (prejudice)
党派心 [とうはしん]
(n) factionalism
党閥 [とうばつ]
(n) (party) faction or clique
党弊 [とうへい]
(n) party evils
党務 [とうむ]
(n) party business
党利 [とうり]
(n) party interests
党利党略 [とうりとうりゃく]
(n) party (political) interests
党略 [とうりゃく]
(n) party politics (tactics)
冬 [ふゆ]
(n-adv,n-t) winter
冬めく [ふゆめく]
(v5k) to become wintry
冬を過ごす [ふゆをすごす]
(exp) to go through the winter
冬瓜 [とうがん]
(n) a wax gourd
冬越し [ふゆごし]
(n) wintering
冬期 [とうき]
(n-adv,n-t) winter
冬期休暇 [とうききゅうか]
(n) winter vacation (holidays)
冬季 [とうき]
(n-adv,n-t) (season of) winter
冬季オリンピック [とうきオリンピック]
(n) Winter Olympics
冬休み [ふゆやすみ]
(n) winter vacation
冬空 [ふゆぞら]
(n) winter sky
冬枯れ [ふゆがれ]
(n,vs) wintry desolation
冬向き [ふゆむき]
(n,adj-no) for winter use
冬作 [ふゆさく]
(n) winter crops
冬作物 [ふゆさくもつ]
(n) winter crops
冬山 [ふゆやま]
(n) winter mountaineering
冬支度 [ふゆじたく]
(n,vs) preparations for winter
冬至 [とうじ]
(n) winter solstice
冬至線 [とうじせん]
(n) the Tropic of Capricorn
冬将軍 [ふゆしょうぐん]
(n) General Winter
冬場 [ふゆば]
(n) the winter season
冬着 [ふゆぎ]
(n) winter clothing
冬鳥 [ふゆどり]
(n) winter bird (resident)
冬日 [ふゆび]
(n) the winter sun
冬服 [ふゆふく]
(n) winter clothing
冬物 [ふゆもの]
(n) winter clothing
冬眠 [とうみん]
(n,vs) hibernation
冬毛 [ふゆげ]
(n) winter fur
冬木立 [ふゆこだち]
(n) barren trees in winter
冬篭り [ふゆごもり]
(n,vs) hibernation
冬籠り [ふゆごもり]
(n,vs) hibernation
凍 [とう]
(n) being frozen over
凍える [こごえる]
(v1) to freeze
凍え死に [こごえじに]
(n,vs) death from cold
凍え死ぬ [こごえしぬ]
(v5n) to freeze to death
凍え死ぬ [こごえじぬ]
(v5n) to freeze to death
凍え付く [こごえつく]
(v5k) to freeze to
凍てつく [いてつく]
(v5k,vi) to freeze
凍てる [いてる]
(v1) to freeze
凍て付く [いてつく]
(v5k,vi) to freeze
凍みる [しみる]
(v1) to freeze
凍み付く [しみつく]
(v5k) to freeze to
凍らす [こおらす]
(v5s,vt) to freeze
凍りつく [こおりつく]
(v5k) to freeze to
凍り付く [こおりつく]
(v5k) to freeze to
凍る [こおる]
(v5r) to freeze
凍雨 [とうう]
(n) winter rain
凍害 [とうがい]
(n) frost damage
凍寒 [とうかん]
(n) frost
凍結 [とうけつ]
(n,vs) frozen
凍結器 [とうけつき]
(n) freezer
凍結資産 [とうけつしさん]
(n) frozen assets
凍結防止剤 [とうけつぼうしざい]
(n) (automotive) antifreeze
凍原 [とうげん]
(n) tundra
凍死 [とうし]
(n,vs) death from cold
凍死者 [とうししゃ]
(n) person frozen to death
凍傷 [とうしょう]
(n) frostbite
凍傷者 [とうしょうしゃ]
(n) case of frostbite
凍石 [とうせき]
(n) soapstone
凍土 [とうど]
(n) frozen soil
凍豆腐 [こおりどうふ]
(n) (1) frozen tofu
凍豆腐 [しみどうふ]
(n) (1) frozen tofu
凍肉 [とうにく]
(n) frozen meat
凍瘡 [とうそう]
(n) chilblains
凍餒 [とうたい]
(n) privation
凍餒 [とうだい]
(n) privation
刀 [かたな]
(n) sword
刀 [とう]
(n) sword
刀の手前 [かたなのてまえ]
(n) samurai's face
刀を差す [かたなをさす]
(exp) to wear a sword
刀を打つ [かたなをうつ]
(exp) to temper (forge) a sword
刀を帯びる [とうをおびる]
(exp) to wear a sword
刀下 [とうか]
(n) under the sword
刀架 [とうか]
(n) sword rack
刀掛け [かたなかけ]
(n) sword rack
刀圭 [とうけい]
(n) doctor
刀圭家 [とうけいか]
(n) doctor
刀剣 [とうけん]
(n) swords
刀剣商 [とうけんしょう]
(n) sword dealer
刀懸け [かたなかけ]
(n) sword rack
刀工 [とうこう]
(n) swordsmith
刀痕 [とうこん]
(n) sword scar
刀持ち [かたなもち]
(n) swordbearer
刀自 [とうじ]
(n) lady
刀自 [とじ]
(n) lady
刀術 [とうじゅつ]
(n) (gen) (MA) fencing
刀傷 [とうしょう]
(n) sword cut
刀匠 [とうしょう]
(n) swordsmith
刀身 [とうしん]
(n) sword blade
刀刃 [とうじん]
(n) sword blade
刀鍛冶 [かたなかじ]
(n) swordsmith
刀背 [とうはい]
(n) back of a sword
刀背 [みね]
(n) back of a sword
刀背打ち [みねうち]
(n) striking with the back of the sword
刀筆の吏 [とうひつのり]
(n) minor official
刀礼 [とうれい]
(n) sword salute
刀疵 [かたなきず]
(n) sword wound
唐 [とう]
(n) T'ang-Dynasty (China 618-907)
唐衣 [からころも]
(n) ancient Chinese clothes
唐臼 [からうす]
(n) mortar
唐音 [とういん]
(n) T'ang reading of Chinese characters
唐音 [とうおん]
(n) T'ang reading of Chinese characters
唐歌 [からうた]
(n) Chinese poem
唐茄子 [とうなす]
(n) squash
唐黍 [とうきび]
(n) Indian millet
唐錦 [からにしき]
(n) Chinese brocade
唐金 [からかね]
(n) bronze
唐戸 [からど]
(n) hinged door
唐胡麻 [とうごま]
(n) castor oil bean
唐紅 [からくれない]
(n) crimson
唐傘 [からかさ]
(n) paper umbrella
唐子 [からこ]
(n) boy or doll dressed in ancient Chinese clothes
唐獅子 [からしし]
(n) (artistic portrait of a) lion
唐獅子 [からじし]
(n) (artistic portrait of a) lion
唐糸 [からいと]
(n) China-made thread or yarn
唐紙 [からかみ]
(n) printed paper
唐詩 [とうし]
(n) poetry of the T'ang period
唐手 [からて]
(n) karate
唐薯 [からいも]
(n) sweet potato
唐鋤 [からすき]
(n) plow
唐松 [からまつ]
(n) larch (tree)
唐辛子 [とうがらし]
(n) red pepper
唐人 [からびと]
(n) a Chinese
唐人 [とうじん]
(n) a Chinese
唐人の寝言 [とうじんのねごと]
(n) gibberish
唐草 [からくさ]
(n) arabesque
唐草模様 [からくさもよう]
(n) arabesque
唐朝 [とうちょう]
(n) T'ang Dynasty
唐津焼き [からつやき]
(n) earthenware
唐土 [とうど]
(n) China
唐突 [とうとつ]
(adj-na,n) abrupt
唐突千万 [とうとつせんばん]
(n,adj-na) very sudden
唐破風 [からはふ]
(n) Chinese cusped gable
唐楓 [とうかえで]
(n) trident maple
唐物 [からもの]
(n) imported goods
唐物 [とうぶつ]
(n) imported goods
唐物 [とうもつ]
(n) imported goods
唐変木 [とうへんぼく]
(n) oaf
唐墨 [からすみ]
(n) dried mullet roe
唐本 [とうほん]
(n) books from China
唐門 [からもん]
(n) Chinese-style gate
唐揚 [からあげ]
(n,vs) fried (e.g., potatoes, chicken)
唐揚げ [からあげ]
(n,vs) fried (e.g., potatoes, chicken)
唐様 [からよう]
(n) Chinese design
唐檜 [とうひ]
(n) spruce tree
唐棹 [からさお]
(n) flail (for threshing grain)
唐棹 [からざお]
(n) flail (for threshing grain)
唐櫃 [からびつ]
(n) six-legged Chinese-style chest
塔 [とう]
(n,n-suf) tower
塔婆 [とうば]
(n) stupa
島 [しま]
(n) island
島々 [しまじま]
(n) islands
島じま [しまじま]
(n) islands
島の制約 [しまのせいやく]
(n) island constraint
島育ち [しまそだち]
(n) brought up on an island
島陰 [しまかげ]
(n) the other side of the island
島影 [しまかげ]
(n) silhouette of island
島国 [しまぐに]
(n) island country (i.e. Japan)
島国 [とうごく]
(n) island country (i.e. Japan)
島国根性 [しまぐにこんじょう]
(n) insularism
島根 [しまね]
(n) island country
島根県 [しまねけん]
(n) Shimane prefecture (Chuugoku area)
島山 [しまやま]
(n) island mountain
島司 [とうし]
(n) island governor
島主 [とうしゅ]
(n) island chief
島守 [しまもり]
(n) island chief
島守 [とうしゅ]
(n) island chief
島巡り [しまめぐり]
(n) island tour
島人 [とうじん]
(n) islanders
島台 [しまだい]
(n) ornament representing the Isle of Eternal Youth
島中 [とうちゅう]
(n) all over the island
島庁 [とうちょう]
(n) island government office
島帝国 [とうていこく]
(n) island empire
島伝い [しまづたい]
(n) from island to island
島島 [しまじま]
(n) islands
島内 [とうない]
(n) on the island
島破り [しまやぶり]
(n,vs) escaping from an island exile
島風 [しまかぜ]
(n) island wind
島民 [とうみん]
(n) islanders
島流し [しまながし]
(n,vs) exile
島嶼 [とうしょ]
(n) islands
悼む [いたむ]
(v5m) to grieve over
悼辞 [とうじ]
(n) funeral address
投げ [なげ]
(n) a throw
投げかける [なげかける]
(v1) to throw at
投げつける [なげつける]
(v1) to throw at
投げる [なげる]
(v1) (1) to throw
投げ下ろす [なげおろす]
(v5s) to dump (a load of something)
投げ荷 [なげに]
(n) jetsam
投げ掛ける [なげかける]
(v1) to throw at
投げ技 [なげわざ]
(n) throw or throwing technique (sumo, judo)
投げ業 [なげわざ]
(n) throw or throwing technique (sumo, judo)
投げ遣り [なげやり]
(adj-na,n) negligence
投げ込む [なげこむ]
(v5m) to throw into
投げ捨てる [なげすてる]
(v1) to throw away
投げ首 [なげくび]
(n) being at a loss
投げ出す [なげだす]
(v5s) to throw down
投げ上げる [なげあげる]
(v1) to throw up (in the air)
投げ槍 [なげやり]
(n) a javelin
投げ倒す [なげたおす]
(v5s) to throw a person down
投げ縄 [なげなわ]
(n) a lasso
投げ入れ [なげいれ]
(n) free-style flower arranging
投げ入れる [なげいれる]
(v1) to throw into
投げ売り [なげうり]
(n) bargain (sacrifice) sale
投げ売り品 [なげうりひん]
(n) distressed goods
投げ飛ばす [なげとばす]
(v5s) to fling (away)
投げ付ける [なげつける]
(v1) to throw at
投げ物 [なげもの]
(n) sacrifice goods
投げ文 [なげぶみ]
(n) (love) letter tossed into a home
投げ返す [なげかえす]
(v5s) to throw back
投げ与える [なげあたえる]
(v1) to give by tossing or throwing
投げ落とす [なげおとす]
(v5s) to throw down
投じる [とうじる]
(v1) to throw
投に優る [とうにまさる]
(exp) to surpass in pitching strength
投影 [とうえい]
(n,vs) projection
投影機 [とうえいき]
(n) a projector
投影図 [とうえいず]
(n) a projection drawing
投影図法 [とうえいずほう]
(n) (method of) projection
投影法 [とうえいほう]
(n) projective technique
投下 [とうか]
(n,vs) throwing down
投下ろす [なげおろす]
(v5s) to dump (a load of something)
投下資本 [とうかしほん]
(n) invested capital
投開票 [とうかいひょう]
(n) general election
投棄 [とうき]
(n,vs) abandonment
投機 [とうき]
(n) speculation
投機師 [とうきし]
(n) adventurer
投機心 [とうきしん]
(n) a speculative spirit
投機的 [とうきてき]
(adj-na) speculative
投機熱 [とうきねつ]
(n) speculation fever
投技 [なげわざ]
(n) throw or throwing technique (sumo, judo)
投球 [とうきゅう]
(n,vs) pitching
投球動作 [とうきゅうどうさ]
(n) windup
投光器 [とうこうき]
(n) floodlight
投光照明 [とうこうしょうめい]
(n) floodlighting
投光照明器 [とうこうしょうめいき]
(n) floodlight
投稿 [とうこう]
(n,vs) contribution
投稿者 [とうこうしゃ]
(n) contributor (of written material)
投稿欄 [とうこうらん]
(n) reader's column
投降 [とうこう]
(n,vs) surrender
投降者 [とうこうしゃ]
(n) surrenderer
投合 [とうごう]
(n,vs) agreement
投獄 [とうごく]
(n,vs) imprisonment
投資 [とうし]
(n,vs) investment
投資家 [とうしか]
(n) investor
投資計画 [とうしけいかく]
(n) investment plan
投資資金 [とうししきん]
(n) investment capital
投資信託 [とうししんたく]
(n) investment trust
投資損失 [とうしそんしつ]
(n) investment loss
投資有価証券 [とうしゆうかしょうけん]
(n) investments in securities
投射 [とうしゃ]
(n,vs) projection
投射角 [とうしゃかく]
(n) angle of projection or incidence
投射原理 [とうしゃげんり]
(n) projection principle
投捨てる [なげすてる]
(v1) to throw away
投手 [とうしゅ]
(n) (baseball) pitcher
投手陣 [とうしゅじん]
(n) pitching staff
投手戦 [とうしゅせん]
(n) pitching duel
投手板 [とうしゅばん]
(n) pitchers plate
投手力 [とうしゅりょく]
(n) pitching strength (of a team)
投宿 [とうしゅく]
(n,vs) lodging
投宿者 [とうしゅくしゃ]
(n) hotel guest
投書 [とうしょ]
(n,vs) letter to the editor
投書家 [とうしょか]
(n) (literary) contributor
投書箱 [とうしょばこ]
(n) suggestion box
投書欄 [とうしょらん]
(n) letters to the editor section
投信 [とうしん]
(n) (abbr) investment trust
投身 [とうしん]
(n,vs) suicide by jumping into a river (base of a waterfall, from a high place)
投石 [とうせき]
(n,vs) stone throwing
投石機 [とうせきき]
(n) a catapult
投打 [とうだ]
(n) pitching and batting
投入 [とうにゅう]
(n,vs) (1) throw (e.g., something into somewhere)
投函 [とうかん]
(n,vs) mailing
投飛 [とうひ]
(n) pitchers fly
投票 [とうひょう]
(n,vs) voting
投票区 [とうひょうく]
(n) polling or voting district
投票結果 [とうひょうけっか]
(n) results of a vote
投票権 [とうひょうけん]
(n) voting right
投票者 [とうひょうしゃ]
(n) voter
投票所 [とうひょうしょ]
(n) polling place
投票所 [とうひょうじょ]
(n) polling place
投票数 [とうひょうすう]
(n) votes cast
投票制度 [とうひょうせいど]
(n) voting system
投票総数 [とうひょうそうすう]
(n) total number of votes cast
投票締め切り [とうひょうしめきり]
(n) poll closing
投票日 [とうひょうび]
(n) election day
投票箱 [とうひょうばこ]
(n) ballot box
投票用紙 [とうひょうようし]
(n) a ballot
投票率 [とうひょうりつ]
(n) (polling) turnout
投錨 [とうびょう]
(n,vs) dropping anchor
投付ける [なげつける]
(v1) to throw at
投物 [なげもの]
(n) sacrifice goods
投網 [とあみ]
(n) a casting net
投薬 [とうやく]
(n,vs) medication
投薬量 [とうやくりょう]
(n) dosage
投融資 [とうゆうし]
(n) investment and lending
投与 [とうよ]
(n,vs) prescribing medicine
投与量 [とうよりょう]
(n) dose
投了 [とうりょう]
(n,vs) resignation
投擲 [とうてき]
(n,vs) throwing
投擲競技 [とうてききょうぎ]
(n) a throwing event
搭載 [とうさい]
(n,vs) loading on board
搭乗 [とうじょう]
(n,vs) embarkation
搭乗案内 [とうじょうあんない]
(n) boarding announcement
搭乗員 [とうじょういん]
(n) crew member
搭乗橋 [とうじょうきょう]
(n) gangway
搭乗券 [とうじょうけん]
(n) boarding passes
搭乗者 [とうじょうしゃ]
(n) passenger
東 [あずま]
(n) east
東 [ひがし]
(n) east
東の宮 [はるのみや]
(n) crown prince
東アジア [ひがしアジア]
(n) East Asia
東アフリカ [ひがしアフリカ]
(n) East Africa
東インド [ひがしインド]
(n) East Indies
東チモール [ひがしチモール]
(n) (p) East Timor
東ヨーロッパ [ひがしヨーロッパ]
(n) Eastern Europe
東亜 [とうあ]
(n) East Asia
東亜諸国 [とうあしょこく]
(n) East-Asian countries
東亜諸民族 [とうあしょみんぞく]
(n) East-Asian peoples
東夷 [あずまえびす]
(n) (in Japanese history) crude warrior from the eastern parts of the country
東夷 [とうい]
(n) (in Japanese history) crude warrior from the eastern parts of the country
東夷西戎 [とういせいじゅう]
(n) barbarians to the east and to the west (from the perspective of old China)
東印度 [ひがしいんど]
(n) East Indies
東印度会社 [ひがしいんどがいしゃ]
(n) East India Company
東雲 [しののめ]
(n) daybreak
東横線 [とうよこせん]
(n) Toyoko Line (between Tokyo and Yokohama)
東欧 [とうおう]
(n) Eastern Europe
東欧諸国 [とうおうしょこく]
(n) Eastern European countries
東屋 [あずまや]
(n) arbor
東下り [あずまくだり]
(n) travelling east from Kyoto (in ancient times) (traveling)
東歌 [とうか]
(n) the old Kanto-area folk songs
東海 [とうかい]
(n) region south of Tokyo on Pacific Ocean side of Japan
東海岸 [ひがしかいがん]
(n) east coast
東海地方 [とうかいちほう]
(n) Eastern-Sea Area
東海道 [とうかいどう]
(n) Tokaido (name of Edo-Kyoto highway)
東海道筋の町 [とうかいどうすじのまち]
(n) towns on the Tokaido
東海道五十三次 [とうかいどうごじゅうさんつぎ]
(n) fifty-three stages on the Tokaido (Edo-Kyoto highway in Edo-period Japan)
東海道線 [とうかいどうせん]
(n) Tokaido Line
東岸 [とうがん]
(n) eastern coast
東岸沿いに [とうがんぞいに]
(adv) along the east coast
東寄り [ひがしより]
(n) easterly (wind)
東宮 [とうぐう]
(n) crown prince
東宮御所 [とうぐうごしょ]
(n) Crown Prince's Palace
東宮職 [とうぐうしょく]
(n) Imperial Household Agency employee assigned to the household of the Crown Prince
東京 [とうきょう]
(n) Tokyo (current capital of Japan)
東京海洋大学 [とうきょうかいようだいがく]
(n) Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
東京株式市場 [とうきょうかぶしきしじょう]
(n) Tokyo Stock Exchange
東京行き [とうきょういき]
(n) Tokyo-bound
東京女子大学 [とうきょうじょしだいがく]
(n) Tokyo Woman's Christian University
東京証券取引所 [とうきょうしょうけんとりひきじょ]
(n) Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
東京大学 [とうきょうだいがく]
(n) Tokyo University
東京着 [とうきょうちゃく]
(n) arriving in Tokyo
東京都 [とうきょうと]
(n) Tokyo Metropolitan area
東京都政 [とうきょうとせい]
(n) government of Tokyo Metropolis
東京都立大学 [とうきょうとりつだいがく]
(n) Tokyo Metropolitan University
東京発 [とうきょうはつ]
(n) departing Tokyo
東京湾 [とうきょうわん]
(n) Tokyo Bay
東軍 [とうぐん]
(n) the eastern army
東経 [とうけい]
(n) east longitude
東口 [ひがしぐち]
(n) east entrance
東向き [ひがしむき]
(n) facing east
東工大 [とうこうだい]
(n) Tokyo Institute of Technology
東航 [とうこう]
(n) sailing east
東行 [とうこう]
(n,vs) eastbound
東郊 [とうこう]
(n) eastern suburbs
東国 [とうごく]
(n) eastern country
東芝 [とうしば]
(n) Toshiba (company)
東署 [ひがししょ]
(n) Eastern department
東照宮 [とうしょうぐう]
(n) Toshogu Shrine
東証 [とうしょう]
(n) (abbr) Tokyo Stock Exchange
東証株価指数 [とうしょうかぶかしすう]
(n) Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX)
東証第一部 [とうしょうだいいちぶ]
(n) First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
東上 [とうじょう]
(n,vs) going to Tokyo
東進 [とうしん]
(n,vs) proceeding east
東征 [とうせい]
(n,vs) eastern expedition
東清 [とうしん]
(n) Eastern China
東西 [とうざい]
(n) (1) East and West
東西屋 [とうざいや]
(n) town crier
東西古今 [とうざいここん]
(n,n-adv) all times and places
東西南北 [とうざいなんぼく]
(n) east, west, south and north
東遷 [とうせん]
(n,vs) moving (the capital) east
東漸 [とうぜん]
(n,vs) eastward advance
東側 [とうそく]
(n) east side
東側 [ひがしがわ]
(n) east side
東大 [とうだい]
(n) (abbr) Tokyo University
東大寺 [とうだいじ]
(n) Todaiji Temple
東端 [とうたん]
(n) east end
東男 [あずまおとこ]
(n) man from East Japan
東天 [とうてん]
(n) the eastern sky
東天紅 [とうてんこう]
(n) (birds) crowing or warbling in the morning
東都 [とうと]
(n) the Eastern Capital (now Tokyo)
東独 [とうどく]
(n) East Germany
東南 [とうなん]
(n) south-east
東南 [ひがしみなみ]
(n) south-east
東南アジア [とうなんアジア]
(n) Southeast Asia
東南アジア諸国連合 [とうなんアジアしょこくれんごう]
(n) Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
東南アジア条約機構 [とうなんアジアじょうやくきこう]
(n) SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)
東南亜 [とうなんあ]
(n) Southeast Asia
東南東 [とうなんとう]
(n) east-southeast
東半 [とうはん]
(n) the eastern half
東半球 [ひがしはんきゅう]
(n) Eastern Hemisphere
東部 [とうぶ]
(n) eastern part
東風 [こち]
(n) east wind
東風 [こちかぜ]
(n) east wind
東風 [とうふう]
(n) east wind
東風 [ひがしかぜ]
(n) east wind
東壁 [とうへき]
(n) east face (e.g. of a building)
東宝 [とうほう]
(n) Toho (Japanese film studio)
東方 [とうほう]
(n) (1) eastern direction
東方 [ひがしがた]
(n) (1) eastern direction
東方拡大 [とうほうかくだい]
(n) eastward expansion
東方教会 [とうほうきょうかい]
(n) The Eastern Church
東邦 [とうほう]
(n) Oriental country
東北 [とうほく]
(n) (1) north-east
東北 [ひがしきた]
(n) (1) north-east
東北人 [とうほくじん]
(n) Northeastener
東北大 [とうほくだい]
(n) (abbr) Touhoku University
東北東 [とうほくとう]
(n) east-northeast
東奔西走 [とうほんせいそう]
(n,vs) busy oneself about (something)
東毎 [とうまい]
(n) (abbr) name of a newspaper publisher
東名高速道路 [とうめいこうそくどうろ]
(n) Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway
東面 [とうめん]
(n,vs) facing the east
東門 [とうもん]
(n) eastern gate
東洋 [とうよう]
(n) Orient
東洋医学 [とうよういがく]
(n) Oriental medicine
東洋学 [とうようがく]
(n) Orientalism
東洋史 [とうようみ]
(n) Oriental history
東洋主義 [とうようしゅぎ]
(n) the Orient for the Orientals
東洋人 [とうようじん]
(n) Asian people
東洋段通 [とうようだんつう]
(n) Oriental rug
東洋通 [とうようつう]
(n) Orientalist
東洋風 [とうようふう]
(adj-no) Oriental
東亞 [とうあ]
(oK) (n) East Asia
桃 [もも]
(n) peach
桃 [モモ]
(n) peach
桃の花の香り [もものはなのかおり]
(n) fragrance of peach blossom
桃の節句 [もものせっく]
(n) puppet festival (March 3rd)
桃園 [ももぞの]
(n) peach orchard
桃花 [とうか]
(n) (rare) peach blossom
桃割れ [ももわれ]
(n) hairstyle of Meiji and Taisho era, featuring a bun resembling a halved peach
桃源 [とうげん]
(n) Shangri-La
桃源境 [とうげんきょう]
(iK) (n) Arcady
桃源郷 [とうげんきょう]
(n) Arcady
桃紅柳緑 [とうこうりゅうりょく]
(n) beautiful scenery of spring
桃山時代 [ももやまじだい]
(n) Momoyama period (1583-1602 CE)
桃色 [ももいろ]
(n) pink (colour, color)
桃色遊戯 [ももいろゆうぎ]
(n) sex play
桃色鸚哥 [ももいろいんこ]
(n) galah
桃李 [とうり]
(n) (1) person of one's recommendation
棟 [とう]
(n,n-suf) place
棟 [むね]
(n) ridge (of roof)
棟割長屋 [むねわりながや]
(n) terraced or partitioned housing structure
棟瓦 [むながわら]
(n) ridge tile
棟札 [むなふだ]
(n) sign staked to a building's ridgepole at construction time stating the building's donor, builder, date, reason for construction, etc.
棟札 [むねふだ]
(n) sign staked to a building's ridgepole at construction time stating the building's donor, builder, date, reason for construction, etc.
棟上げ [むねあげ]
(n) ridgepole-raising
棟上げ式 [むねあげしき]
(n) framework raising ceremony
棟木 [むなぎ]
(n) ridgepole
棟梁 [とうりょう]
(n) chief support
盗っ人 [ぬすっと]
(n) thief
盗み [ぬすみ]
(n) stealing
盗み見る [ぬすみみる]
(v1) to steal a glance
盗み取る [ぬすみとる]
(v5r) to steal
盗み出す [ぬすみだす]
(v5s) to steal (from a person)
盗み食い [ぬすみぐい]
(n) sneaking a bite
盗み足 [ぬすみあし]
(n) stealthy steps
盗み読み [ぬすみよみ]
(n,vs) reading surreptitiously
盗み聞き [ぬすみぎき]
(n,vs) eavesdropping
盗む [ぬすむ]
(v5m) to steal
盗る [とる]
(v5r) to take (nuance of stealing)
盗汗 [とうかん]
(n) sweating while sleeping
盗汗 [ねあせ]
(n) sweating while sleeping
盗掘 [とうくつ]
(n,vs) illegal digging
盗作 [とうさく]
(n,vs) plagiarism
盗撮 [とうさつ]
(n,vs) peeping
盗取 [ぬすみとり]
(n,vs) theft
盗心 [とうしん]
(n) propensity to steal
盗人 [ぬすっと]
(n) thief
盗人 [ぬすびと]
(n) thief
盗人根性 [ぬすっとこんじょう]
(n) thievish nature (character)
盗人根性 [ぬすびとこんじょう]
(n) thievish nature (character)
盗人上戸 [ぬすっとじょうご]
(n) (1) person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well
盗人上戸 [ぬすびとじょうご]
(n) (1) person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well
盗賊 [とうぞく]
(n) thief
盗聴 [とうちょう]
(n,vs) interception (email)
盗聴器 [とうちょうき]
(n) listening device
盗電 [とうでん]
(n,vs) stealing electricity
盗難 [とうなん]
(n) theft
盗難保険 [とうなんほけん]
(n) insurance against theft
盗難防止 [とうなんぼうし]
(exp) burglar-proof
盗伐 [とうばつ]
(n,vs) secretly felling trees
盗犯 [とうはん]
(n) burglary
盗品 [とうひん]
(n) stolen goods
盗品故買 [とうひんこばい]
(n) dealing in stolen goods
盗癖 [とうへき]
(n) kleptomania
盗用 [とうよう]
(n,vs) embezzlement
盗塁 [とうるい]
(n,vs) (1) theft
淘汰 [とうた]
(n,vs) (natural) selection
湯 [ゆ]
(n) hot water
湯に漬かる [ゆにつかる]
(exp) to have a dip in the bath tub
湯の花 [ゆのはな]
(n) hot-springs mineral deposits (resembling flowers)
湯ぶね [ゆぶね]
(n) bathtub
湯引く [ゆびく]
(v5k) to parboil
湯飲み [ゆのみ]
(n) teacup
湯煙 [ゆけむり]
(n) steam
湯屋 [ゆや]
(n) public bathhouse
湯桶読み [ゆとうよみ]
(n) mixed kun-on reading (cf. juubakoyomi)
湯加減 [ゆかげん]
(n) water temperature
湯花 [ゆばな]
(n) hot-springs mineral deposits (resembling flowers)
湯巻き [ゆまき]
(n) loincloth
湯気 [ゆげ]
(n) steam
湯玉 [ゆだま]
(n) bubbles in boiling water
湯元 [ゆもと]
(n) source of a hot spring
湯口 [ゆぐち]
(n) hot-water tap
湯垢 [ゆあか]
(n) scale
湯治 [とうじ]
(n,vs) hot-spring cure
湯治場 [とうじば]
(n) health resort
湯煮 [ゆに]
(n,vs) boil
湯女 [ゆな]
(n) women who assist bathers at hot-springs resorts
湯上がり [ゆあがり]
(n,adj-no) after (taking) a bath
湯水 [ゆみず]
(n) hot and cold water
湯煎 [ゆせん]
(n) warming something by immersion in hot water
湯船 [ゆぶね]
(n) bathtub
湯銭 [ゆせん]
(n) fee for public bath
湯掻く [ゆがく]
(v5k) to parboil
湯槽 [ゆぶね]
(n) bathtub
湯中り [ゆあたり]
(n,vs) dizziness caused by prolonged hot bath
湯通し [ゆどおし]
(n,vs) moisten with steam
湯殿 [ゆどの]
(n) bathroom
湯湯婆 [ゆたんぽ]
(n) hot-water bottle
湯豆腐 [ゆどうふ]
(n) boiled tofu
湯呑み [ゆのみ]
(n) teacup
湯疲れ [ゆづかれ]
(n,vs) weariness caused by prolonged hot bath
湯沸かし [ゆわかし]
(n) teakettle
湯沸かし器 [ゆわかしき]
(n) water-heater
湯沸し [ゆわかし]
(n) teakettle
湯文字 [ゆもじ]
(n) loincloth
湯葉 [ゆば]
(n) sheet of dried tofu
湯浴み [ゆあみ]
(n,vs) (taking a) bath
湯冷まし [ゆざまし]
(n) boiled water which has cooled
湯冷め [ゆざめ]
(n,vs) feeling chilly after taking a bath
湯灌 [ゆかん]
(n,vs) washing a corpse for burial
湯熨 [ゆのし]
(n,vs) steam ironing
湯熨をかける [ゆのしをかける]
(v1) to iron with a wet cloth
灯 [とう]
(n) (1) light
灯 [ともしび]
(n) (1) light
灯 [ひ]
(n) (1) light
灯し火 [ともしび]
(n) (1) light
灯す [さす]
(v5s) to light (a fire)
灯す [ともす]
(v5s) to light
灯り [あかり]
(n) a light
灯る [ともる]
(v5r) to burn
灯を付ける [ひをつける]
(exp) to turn on the light
灯影 [とうえい]
(n) flicker of light
灯影 [ほかげ]
(n) firelight
灯下 [とうか]
(n) by the lamp
灯火 [とうか]
(n) (1) light
灯火 [ともしび]
(n) (1) light
灯火管制 [とうかかんせい]
(n) blackout
灯光 [とうこう]
(n) lamplight
灯心 [とうしん]
(n) (lamp) wick
灯台 [とうだい]
(n) lighthouse
灯台もと暗し [とうだいもとくらし]
(exp) can't see the forest for the trees
灯台下暗し [とうだいもとくらし]
(exp) can't see the forest for the trees
灯台守 [とうだいもり]
(n) lighthouse keeper
灯明 [とうみょう]
(n) light offered to a god
灯油 [とうゆ]
(n) lamp oil
灯籠 [とうろう]
(n) lantern
灯籠流し [とうろうながし]
(n) ceremony in which paper lanterns are floated down a river
当たらずとも遠からず [あたらずともとおからず]
(exp) near the mark
当たり [あたり]
(n-adv,n) hit
当たりを取る [あたりをとる]
(exp) to make a hit
当たりを付ける [あたりをつける]
(exp) to give it a try
当たり屋 [あたりや]
(n) lucky person
当たり外れ [あたりはずれ]
(n) hit or miss
当たり狂言 [あたりきょうげん]
(n) a hit play
当たり芸 [あたりげい]
(n) successful performance
当たり散らす [あたりちらす]
(v5s) to find fault with everybody
当たり障り [あたりさわり]
(n) obstacle
当たり障りのない [あたりさわりのない]
(adj) harmless and inoffensive
当たり障りの無い [あたりさわりのない]
(adj) harmless and inoffensive
当たり前 [あたりまえ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) usual
当たり年 [あたりどし]
(n) good or lucky year
当たり役 [あたりやく]
(n) successful role
当たり籤 [あたりくじ]
(n) winning ticket
当たる [あたる]
(v5r) to be hit
当って [あって]
(n) object
当て [あて]
(n) object
当てが外れる [あてがはずれる]
(exp) to be disappointed
当てこすり [あてこすり]
(n) snide remark
当てずっぽう [あてずっぽう]
(n) conjecture
当てっこ [あてっこ]
(n,vs) guessing
当てつける [あてつける]
(v1) to insinuate
当てにする [あてにする]
(exp) to count on
当てのない [あてのない]
(adj) aimless
当てはまる [あてはまる]
(v5r) to apply (a rule)
当てはめる [あてはめる]
(v1,vt) to apply
当ても無く [あてもなく]
(adv) at random
当てられる [あてられる]
(v1) (1) to be affected by (e.g., heat)
当てる [あてる]
(v1) (1) to hit
当て外れ [あてはずれ]
(n,adj-na) disappointment
当て込む [あてこむ]
(v5m) to count on
当て擦り [あてこすり]
(n) snide remark
当て擦る [あてこする]
(v5r) to insinuate
当て事 [あてごと]
(n) hopes
当て字 [あてじ]
(n) phonetic-equivalent character
当て所 [あてど]
(n) aim
当て身 [あてみ]
(n) strike
当て推量 [あてずいりょう]
(n) conjecture
当て逃げ [あてにげ]
(n,vs) hit-and-run accident causing property damage
当て馬 [あてうま]
(n) stallion brought close to a mare to test her readiness to mate
当て付け [あてつけ]
(n) insinuation
当て付ける [あてつける]
(v1) to insinuate
当て物 [あてもの]
(n) guessing
当て嵌まる [あてはまる]
(v5r) to apply (a rule)
当て嵌める [あてはめる]
(v1,vt) to apply
当の [とうの]
(adj-pn,pref) the .. in question
当の本人 [とうのほんにん]
(n) the person himself
当り [あたり]
(n-adv,n) hit
当り前 [あたりまえ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) usual
当を得る [とうをうる]
(exp) to be in order
当意即妙 [とういそくみょう]
(adj-na,n) ready wit
当為 [とうい]
(n) needing to be done
当営業所 [とうえいぎょうしょ]
(n) our (the present) business office
当駅 [とうえき]
(n) this (railway) station
当家 [とうけ]
(n) this or your family
当会 [とうかい]
(n) present society
当該 [とうがい]
(adj-pn,n) appropriate (authorities)
当該官庁 [とうがいかんちょう]
(n) proper authorities
当該人物 [とうがいじんぶつ]
(n) the appropriate person
当確 [とうかく]
(n) (abbr) projected to win
当期 [とうき]
(n-adv,n-t) current term (period)
当期利益 [とうきりえき]
(n) net income
当機 [とうき]
(n) this plane
当業者 [とうぎょうしゃ]
(n) person skilled (in the art of doing something)
当局 [とうきょく]
(n) authorities
当局者 [とうきょくしゃ]
(n) authority (person)
当月 [とうげつ]
(n-adv,n-t) this month
当限 [とうぎり]
(n) current month delivery
当校 [とうこう]
(n) this school
当行 [とうこう]
(n) our bank
当今 [とうこん]
(n-adv,n-t) nowadays
当座 [とうざ]
(n,adj-no) for some time
当座資産 [とうざしさん]
(n) liquid assets
当座逃れ [とざのがれ]
(n) temporary expedient
当座預金 [とうざよきん]
(n) current (checking, cheque) account
当座預金口座 [とうざよきんこうざ]
(n) checking account
当座凌ぎ [とうざしのぎ]
(n) makeshift
当歳 [とうさい]
(n-adv,n-t) year of birth
当歳駒 [とうさいごま]
(n) yearling
当歳馬 [とうさいば]
(n) yearling
当事 [とうじ]
(n) matter under concern
当事国 [とうじこく]
(n) countries concerned (involved)
当事者 [とうじしゃ]
(n) person concerned
当事者能力 [とうじしゃのうりょく]
(n) admissibility of a party (to a suit)
当字 [あてじ]
(n) phonetic-equivalent character
当時 [とうじ]
(n-adv,n-t) at that time
当社 [とうしゃ]
(n) (this) shrine
当主 [とうしゅ]
(n) (present) head of a family
当初 [とうしょ]
(n-adv,n-t) at first
当所 [とうしょ]
(n) this place
当職 [とうしょく]
(n) this duty or job
当人 [とうにん]
(n) the one concerned
当世 [とうせい]
(n-adv,n-t) present-day
当世気質 [とうせいかたぎ]
(n) the way of the world in our time
当世向き [とうせいむき]
(n) trendy
当世風 [とうせいふう]
(n,adj-no) latest (fashion, hairstyle, etc)
当世風に言うと [とうせいふうにいうと]
(exp) as we would say nowadays
当世流に言う [とうせいりゅうにいう]
(exp) to put (it) in contemporary terms
当節 [とうせつ]
(n-adv,n-t) nowadays
当選 [とうせん]
(n,vs) being elected
当選圏内 [とうせんけんない]
(n) (having a) good chance of being elected (winning) (in an election)
当選者 [とうせんしゃ]
(n) successful candidate
当然 [とうぜん]
(adj-na,adj-no) natural
当代 [とうだい]
(n-adv,n-t) the present age
当代随一 [とうだいずいいち]
(n,adj-no) the greatest of the day
当代第一 [とうだいだいいち]
(n,adj-no) the greatest of the day
当代無双 [とうだいむそう]
(n,adj-no) being unsurpassed (unparalleled) at present
当代無比 [どうだいむひ]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) being unsurpassed (unparalleled) at present
当地 [とうち]
(n) this place (locality)
当直 [とうちょく]
(n,vs) on duty
当直員 [とうちょくいん]
(n) person on duty
当店 [とうてん]
(n) this store
当日 [とうじつ]
(n-adv,n-t) appointed day
当年 [とうねん]
(n-adv,n-t) the present year
当板 [あていた]
(n) laths of wood (trucking)
当番 [とうばん]
(n) being on duty
当否 [とうひ]
(n) propriety
当分 [とうぶん]
(n-adv) for the present
当方 [とうほう]
(n) us
当方負担 [とうほうふたん]
(n) (at) our expense
当面 [とうめん]
(adj-no,n-adv,n-t,vs) (1) urgent
当夜 [とうや]
(n-adv,n-t) that night
当用 [とうよう]
(n) daily use
当用漢字 [とうようかんじ]
(n) daily-use kanji
当用買い [とうようがい]
(n) spot purchase
当落 [とうらく]
(n) election results
当量 [とうりょう]
(n) equivalent
当路 [とうろ]
(n) the authorities
当惑 [とうわく]
(n,vs) bewilderment
当惑気味 [とうわくぎみ]
(n,adj-na,adj-no) being somewhat puzzled
当籤 [とうせん]
(n,vs) winning a prize
当籤者 [とうせんしゃ]
(n) prizewinner
痘痕 [あばた]
(n) pockmark
痘痕 [とうこん]
(n) pockmark
痘痕面 [あばたずら]
(n) pockmarked face
痘痕面 [あばたづら]
(n) pockmarked face
痘苗 [とうびょう]
(n) vaccine
痘瘡 [とうそう]
(n) smallpox
祷り [いのり]
(n) prayer
等 [とう]
(n,n-suf,prt) (uk) et cetera
等 [など]
(n,n-suf,prt) (uk) et cetera
等 [ら]
(suf) and others
等々 [とうとう]
(n-adv) and so on
等々 [などなど]
(exp) etcetera, etcetera
等しい [ひとしい]
(adj) equal
等しく [ひとしく]
(adv) equally
等を分ける [とうをわける]
(exp) to grade
等ポテンシャル面 [とうポテンシャルめん]
(n) equipotential surface
等圧式 [とうあつしき]
(n) isobar
等圧線 [とうあつせん]
(n) isobar
等位 [とうい]
(n) rank
等位構造 [とういこうぞう]
(n) coordinate structure
等温 [とうおん]
(n) isothermal
等温式 [とうおんしき]
(n) isotherm
等温線 [とうおんせん]
(n) isotherm
等価 [とうか]
(adj-na,n) equivalence
等外 [とうがい]
(n) also-ran
等角 [とうかく]
(n) equal angles
等閑 [とうかん]
(adj-na,n,vs) neglect
等閑 [なおざり]
(adj-na,n,vs) neglect
等級 [とうきゅう]
(n) grade
等距離 [とうきょり]
(n) equidistant
等語線 [とうごせん]
(n) (in linguistics) an isogloss
等高線 [とうこうせん]
(n) contour (line)
等高線地図 [とうこうせんちず]
(n) topographic map
等号 [とうごう]
(n) equal sign
等差 [とうさ]
(n) (equal) difference
等差級数 [とうさきゅうすう]
(n) arithmetic series
等差数列 [とうさすうれつ]
(n) arithmetic progression
等時性 [とうじせい]
(n) isochronous
等式 [とうしき]
(n) (gen) (math) equality
等質 [とうしつ]
(adj-na,n) same nature or quality
等深線 [とうしんせん]
(n) isobath
等親 [とうしん]
(n) degree of kinship
等身 [とうしん]
(n) body proportions
等身大 [とうしんだい]
(n) life-size(d)
等速 [とうそく]
(n) uniform velocity
等値 [とうち]
(n) equal value
等張 [とうちょう]
(n,adj-no) isotonic
等等 [とうとう]
(n-adv) and so on
等等 [などなど]
(exp) etcetera, etcetera
等比 [とうひ]
(n) equal ratio
等比級数 [とうひきゅうすう]
(n) geometric series
等比数列 [とうひすうれつ]
(n) geometric progression
等幅 [とうはば]
(adj) fixed-width (e.g., font)
等幅フォント [とうはばフォント]
(n) fixed-width font
等分 [とうぶん]
(n,vs) division into equal parts
等辺 [とうへん]
(n) equal sides
等辺三角形 [とうへんさんかくけい]
(n) isosceles triangle
等辺三角形 [とうへんさんかっけい]
(n) isosceles triangle
等方 [とうほう]
(n) isotropic
等方的 [とうほうてき]
(adj-na) isotropic
等量 [とうりょう]
(n) equal amount
答 [こたえ]
(n) answer
答え [こたえ]
(n) answer
答える [こたえる]
(v1) to answer
答えを渋る [こたえをしぶる]
(exp) to be reluctant to answer
答え難い質問 [こたえにくいしつもん]
(n) awkward (difficult) question
答案 [とうあん]
(n) examination paper
答辞 [とうじ]
(n) formal reply
答申 [とうしん]
(n,vs) report
答申書 [とうしんしょ]
(n) a report (of one's findings)
答弁 [とうべん]
(n,vs) response
答弁者 [とうべんしゃ]
(n) respondent
答弁書 [とうべんしょ]
(n) written response
答礼 [とうれい]
(n,vs) return call or visit
筒 [つつ]
(n) pipe
筒井 [つつい]
(n) round well
筒井筒 [つついづつ]
(n) well curb of a round well
筒音 [つつおと]
(n) the sound of gunfire
筒形 [つつがた]
(n) tube-shaped
筒状 [とうじょう]
(n) cylindrical
筒切り [つつぎり]
(n) round slices
筒先 [つつさき]
(n) nozzle
筒袖 [つつそで]
(n) tight sleeve (of a kimono or dress)
筒鳥 [つつどり]
(n) Oriental cuckoo
筒抜け [つつぬけ]
(n) passing or going directly through (to)
糖 [とう]
(n,n-suf) sugar
糖衣 [とうい]
(n) sugar coating
糖衣錠 [とういじょう]
(n) sugar-coated pill
糖化 [とうか]
(n,vs) conversion to sugar
糖菓 [とうか]
(n) sweets
糖質 [とうしつ]
(n) sugariness
糖度 [とうど]
(n) sugar content
糖尿病 [とうにょうびょう]
(n) diabetes
糖分 [とうぶん]
(n) amount of sugar
糖蜜 [とうみつ]
(n) molasses
糖類 [とうるい]
(n) saccharides
統べる [すべる]
(v1) to control
統べ合わせる [すべあわせる]
(v1) to bring together
統一 [とういつ]
(n,vs) unity
統一見解 [とういつけんかい]
(n) collective view (opinion)
統一戦線 [とういつせんせん]
(n) united front
統一地方選挙 [とういつちほうせんきょ]
(n) nationwide local elections
統一的 [とういつてき]
(adj-na) united
統覚 [とうかく]
(n) apperception
統括 [とうかつ]
(n,vs) unification
統括組織 [とうかつそしき]
(n) umbrella organization
統括部長 [とうかつぶちょう]
(n) executive manager
統括本部 [とうかつほんぶ]
(n) general headquarters
統轄 [とうかつ]
(n,vs) control
統轄者 [とうかつしゃ]
(n) supervisor
統監 [とうかん]
(n,vs) supervision
統計 [とうけい]
(n,vs) statistics
統計学 [とうけいがく]
(n) (the study of) statistics
統計的 [とうけいてき]
(adj-na) statistical
統計年鑑 [とうけいねんかん]
(n) statistical yearbook
統計表 [とうけいひょう]
(n) statistical table or chart
統計力学 [とうけいりきがく]
(n) statistical mechanics
統御 [とうぎょ]
(n,vs) control
統語学 [とうごがく]
(n) study of syntax
統語指標 [とうごしひょう]
(n) syntactic index
統語的な整合性 [とうごてきなせいごうせい]
(n) well-formedness
統語範疇 [とうごはんちゅう]
(n) syntactic category
統語論 [とうごろん]
(n) syntax
統合 [とうごう]
(n,vs) integration
統合化 [とうごうか]
(n) integration
統合計画 [とうごうけいかく]
(n) integration plan
統合参謀本部 [とうごうさんぼうほんぶ]
(n) Joint Chiefs of Staff
統合失調症 [とうごうしっちょうしょう]
(n) schizophrenia
統合幕僚会議 [とうごうばくりょうかいぎ]
(n) Joint Staff Council
統治 [とうじ]
(n,vs) rule
統治 [とうち]
(n,vs) rule
統治権 [とうちけん]
(n) sovereignty
統治者 [とうちしゃ]
(n) the ruler
統帥 [とうすい]
(n,vs) supreme command
統帥権 [とうすいけん]
(n) supreme command authority
統制 [とうせい]
(n,vs) regulation
統制経済 [とうせいけいざい]
(n) controlled economy
統制線 [とうせいせん]
(n) phase line
統制品 [とうせいひん]
(n) controlled or regulated item
統廃合 [とうはいごう]
(n,vs) reorganization (e.g., of a company)
統幕 [とうばく]
(n) general staff headquarters
統率 [とうそつ]
(n,vs) command
統率者 [とうそつしゃ]
(n) leader
統率束縛理論 [とうそつそくばくりろん]
(n) government-binding theory
統率理論 [とうそつりろん]
(n) government theory
統率力 [とうそつりょく]
(n) leadership
統率力 [とうりつりょく]
(n) leadership
統領 [とうりょう]
(n,vs) chief
到る [いたる]
(v5r) to attain
到達 [とうたつ]
(n,vs) reaching
到着 [とうちゃく]
(n,vs) arrival
到着駅 [とうちゃくえき]
(n) station of arrival
到着時刻 [とうちゃくじこく]
(n) arrival time
到着次第 [とうちゃくしだい]
(n-adv) upon arrival of an item (items)
到底 [とうてい]
(adv) (cannot) possibly
到頭 [とうとう]
(adv) (uk) finally
到来 [とうらい]
(n,vs) arrival
到来物 [とうらいもの]
(n) present
蕩々 [とうとう]
(adj-t,adv-to) vast
蕩ける [とろける]
(v1) to be enchanted with
蕩児 [とうじ]
(n) libertine
蕩尽 [とうじん]
(n,vs) squandering
蕩蕩 [とうとう]
(adj-t,adv-to) vast
藤 [ふじ]
(n) wisteria
藤原氏の出 [ふじわらしのしゅつ]
(n) of Fujiwara descent
藤袴 [ふじばかま]
(n) boneset
藤氏 [とうし]
(n) Fujiwara family
藤色 [ふじいろ]
(n) light purple
藤棚 [ふじだな]
(n) wisteria trellis (arbor, arbour)
藤本 [とうほん]
(n) climbing trees
藤蔓 [ふじづる]
(n) wisteria vine
討ち果す [うちはたす]
(v5s) to slay
討ち果たす [うちはたす]
(v5s) to slay
討ち止める [うちとめる]
(v1) to kill
討ち死に [うちじに]
(n,vs) die in battle
討ち取る [うちとる]
(v5r) (1) to arrest
討ち入り [うちいり]
(n) a raid
討ち入る [うちいる]
(v5r) to break into (a house to kill the master)
討ち滅ぼす [うちほろぼす]
(v5s) to destroy
討っ手 [うって]
(n) pursue and attack (a criminal)
討つ [うつ]
(v5t) to attack
討議 [とうぎ]
(n,vs) debate
討究 [とうきゅう]
(n,vs) investigation
討止める [うちとめる]
(v1) to kill
討死 [うちじに]
(n,vs) die in battle
討取る [うちとる]
(v5r) (1) to arrest
討尋 [とうじん]
(n) (rare) minute investigation
討伐 [とうばつ]
(n,vs) subjugation
討伐軍 [とうばつぐん]
(n) a punitive force
討匪 [とうひ]
(n) suppression of bandits
討幕 [とうばく]
(n,vs) attacking the shogunate
討論 [とうろん]
(n,vs) debate
討論会 [とうろんかい]
(n) debate
討論者 [とうろんしゃ]
(n) debater
謄写 [とうしゃ]
(n,vs) copy
謄写器 [とうしゃき]
(n) copier
謄写版 [とうしゃばん]
(n) mimeograph
謄本 [とうほん]
(n) exemplar
豆 [まめ]
(n,pref) (1) beans
豆の筋を取る [まめのすじをとる]
(exp) to string peas
豆まき [まめまき]
(n,vs) scattering parched beans (to drive out evil spirits)
豆科 [まめか]
(n) pulse family
豆殻 [まめがら]
(n) bean husk
豆絞り [まめしぼり]
(n) spotted pattern
豆撒き [まめまき]
(n) bean-scattering (ceremony)
豆蔵 [まめぞう]
(n) loquacious man
豆台風 [まめたいふう]
(n) small typhoon
豆炭 [まめたん]
(n) (oval) charcoal briquette
豆知識 [まめちしき]
(n) trivia
豆鉄砲 [まめでっぽう]
(n) peashooter
豆電球 [まめでんきゅう]
(n) miniature light bulb
豆乳 [とうにゅう]
(n) soy milk
豆粕 [まめかす]
(n) bean cake
豆板 [まめいた]
(n) candied bean slab
豆板銀 [まめいたぎん]
(n) name of an Edo-period coin
豆板醤 [とうばんじゃん]
(n) spice used in Chinese cooking made from red pepper and broad bean
豆腐 [とうふ]
(n) tofu
豆腐の角に頭をぶつけて死ね [とうふのかどにあたまをぶつけてしね]
(exp) take a long walk off a short pier
豆腐一丁 [とうふいっちょう]
(n) one cake of bean curd
豆腐屋 [とうふや]
(n) tofu seller (maker)
豆本 [まめほん]
(n) miniature book
豆粒 [まめつぶ]
(n) speck
豆料 [まめりょう]
(n) legume
豆類 [まめるい]
(n) pulse (edible seeds of various leguminous crops)
豆瓣醤 [とうばんじゃん]
(iK) (n) spice used in Chinese cooking made from red pepper and broad bean
踏まえる [ふまえる]
(v1) to be based on
踏みつける [ふみつける]
(v1) to trample down
踏みならす [ふみならす]
(v5s) to stamp one's feet
踏みにじる [ふみにじる]
(v5r) to trample underfoot
踏み違える [ふみちがえる]
(v1) to misstep
踏み越える [ふみこえる]
(v1) to step over or across
踏み絵 [ふみえ]
(n) tablet bearing Christian images, on which Edo-period authorities forced suspected Christians to trample
踏み外す [ふみはずす]
(v5s) to miss one's footing
踏み堪える [ふみこたえる]
(v1) to stand firm
踏み均す [ふみならす]
(v5s) to trample flat
踏み固める [ふみかためる]
(v1) to tread down
踏み荒す [ふみあらす]
(v5s) to trample down
踏み荒らす [ふみあらす]
(v5s) to trample down
踏み込み [ふみこみ]
(n) stepping into
踏み込む [ふみこむ]
(v5m) to step into (someone else's territory)
踏み止まる [ふみとどまる]
(v5r) to stay on
踏み車 [ふみぐるま]
(n) treadmill
踏み出す [ふみだす]
(v5s) to step forward
踏み消す [ふみけす]
(v5s) to stamp out (a fire)
踏み場 [ふみば]
(n) place to stand
踏み石 [ふみいし]
(n) stepping stone
踏み切り [ふみきり]
(n) railway crossing
踏み切る [ふみきる]
(v5r) to make a bold start
踏み台 [ふみだい]
(n) (1) footstool
踏み台に乗る [ふみだいにのる]
(exp) to step on a footstool
踏み段 [ふみだん]
(n) a step
踏み潰す [ふみつぶす]
(v5s) to trample
踏み締める [ふみしめる]
(v1) to step firmly
踏み倒す [ふみたおす]
(v5s) to trample down
踏み入れる [ふみいれる]
(v1) to walk in on
踏み破る [ふみやぶる]
(v5r) to walk across
踏み抜く [ふみぬく]
(v5k) to tread (a nail) into the sole of one's foot
踏み板 [ふみいた]
(n) pedal
踏み俵 [ふみだわら]
(n) bales forming the steps to climb onto the ring
踏み付ける [ふみつける]
(v1) to trample down
踏み分ける [ふみわける]
(v1) to push through (i.e. a crowd, vegetation, etc.)
踏み迷う [ふみまよう]
(v5u) to lose one's way
踏み鳴らす [ふみならす]
(v5s) to stamp one's feet
踏み拉く [ふみしだく]
(v5k) to trample
踏み躙る [ふみにじる]
(v5r) to trample underfoot
踏む [ふむ]
(v5m) to step on
踏んだり蹴ったり [ふんだりけったり]
(exp) it never rains but it pours
踏ん張る [ふんばる]
(v5r) to brace one's legs
踏ん反り返る [ふんぞりかえる]
(v5r) to lie on one's back with legs outstretched
踏荒らす [ふみあらす]
(v5s) to trample down
踏査 [とうさ]
(n,vs) survey
踏車 [ふみぐるま]
(n) treadmill
踏襲 [とうしゅう]
(n,vs) following (e.g., suit)
踏切 [ふみきり]
(n) railway crossing
踏切り [ふみきり]
(n) railway crossing
踏切番 [ふみきりばん]
(n) gatekeeper
踏台 [ふみだい]
(n) (1) footstool
踏破 [とうは]
(n,vs) crushing underfoot
逃がす [にがす]
(v5s) to let loose
逃げ [にげ]
(n) escape
逃げおおせる [にげおおせる]
(v1) to escape
逃げる [にげる]
(v1) to escape
逃げ隠れる [にげかくれる]
(v1) to run away and hide
逃げ延びる [にげのびる]
(v1) to make good one's escape
逃げ果せる [にげおおせる]
(v1) to escape
逃げ回る [にげまわる]
(v5r) to run from place to place
逃げ帰る [にげかえる]
(v5r) to scurr or run home
逃げ去る [にげさる]
(v5r) to take flight
逃げ後れる [にげおくれる]
(v1) to fail to escape
逃げ口 [にげぐち]
(n) way of escape
逃げ口上 [にげこうじょう]
(n) evasive answer
逃げ腰 [にげごし]
(n) preparing to flee
逃げ込む [にげこむ]
(v5m) to take refuge in
逃げ支度 [にげじたく]
(n) preparing to flee
逃げ失せる [にげうせる]
(v1) to escape
逃げ出す [にげだす]
(v5s) to run away
逃げ場 [にげば]
(n) refuge
逃げ水 [にげみず]
(n) mirage
逃げ切る [にげきる]
(v5r) to get away
逃げ走る [にげはしる]
(v5r) to flee
逃げ足 [にげあし]
(n) running away
逃げ道 [にげみち]
(n) way out
逃げ馬 [にげうま]
(n) front-runner
逃げ落ちる [にげおちる]
(v1) to escape safely
逃げ路 [にげみち]
(iK) (n) way out
逃げ惑う [にげまどう]
(v5u) to run about trying to escape
逃す [のがす]
(v5s) to let loose
逃れる [のがれる]
(v1) to escape
逃れ出る [のがれでる]
(v1) to scuttle off
逃腰 [にげごし]
(n) preparing to flee
逃散 [ちょうさん]
(n) fleeing in all directions
逃散 [とうさん]
(n) fleeing in all directions
逃走 [とうそう]
(n,vs) flight
逃道 [にげみち]
(n) way out
逃避 [とうひ]
(n,vs) escape
逃避行 [とうひこう]
(n) flight
逃避的 [とうひてき]
(adj-na) evasive
逃亡 [とうぼう]
(n,vs) escape
逃亡者 [とうぼうしゃ]
(n) runaway
逃亡生活 [とうぼうせいかつ]
(n) life on the run
透いた枝 [すいたえだ]
(n) thinned branches
透かさず [すかさず]
(adv) without a moments delay
透かし [すかし]
(n) watermark (in a stamp, banknote, etc.)
透かし絵 [すかしえ]
(n) (artistic) transparency
透かし彫り [すかしぼり]
(n) fretwork
透かす [すかす]
(v5s) to look through
透き [すき]
(n) (1) chance or opportunity
透き間 [すきま]
(n) crevice
透き見 [すきみ]
(n) peeping
透き通る [すきとおる]
(v5r) to be(come) transparent
透く [すく]
(v5k) to be transparent
透けて写る [すけてうつる]
(v5r) to be seen through
透ける [すける]
(v1) to be transparent
透けるブラウス [すけるブラウス]
(n) sheer blouse
透す [とおす]
(v5s) to let pass
透り [とおり]
(n) penetration (as of light)
透る声 [とおるこえ]
(n) carrying voice
透過 [とうか]
(adj-na,n,vs) penetration
透過モード [とうかモード]
(n) transparent mode
透過性 [とうかせい]
(n) transparency
透過率 [とうかりつ]
(n) transmittance
透察 [とうさつ]
(n,vs) insight
透視 [とうし]
(n,vs) seeing through
透視画法 [とうしがほう]
(n) (the artistic technique of) perspective
透視図 [とうしず]
(n) transparent view
透視図法 [とうしずほう]
(n) hidden line drawing
透視度 [とうしど]
(n) horizontal transparency
透視力 [とうしりょく]
(n) clairvoyant powers
透磁性 [とうじせい]
(n) magnetic permeability
透磁率 [とうじりつ]
(n) magnetic permeability
透写 [とうしゃ]
(n,vs) tracing
透写紙 [とうしゃし]
(n) tracing paper
透水性 [とうすいせい]
(n) permeability
透析 [とうせき]
(n,vs) (chem.) dialysis
透析療法 [とうせきりょうほう]
(n) dialysis
透徹 [とうてつ]
(n,vs) penetration
透徹した [とうてつした]
(adj) clear
透明 [とうめい]
(adj-na,n) transparency
透明人間 [とうめいにんげん]
(n) invisible man
透明性 [とうめいせい]
(n) transparency
透明性の原理 [とうめいせいのげんり]
(n) transparency principle
透明体 [とうめいたい]
(n) a transparent body
透明度 [とうめいど]
(n) transparency
鐙 [あぶみ]
(n) stirrup
陶の人形 [とうのにんぎょう]
(n) ceramic figurine
陶器 [とうき]
(n) pottery
陶器商 [とうきしょう]
(n) crockery dealer
陶芸 [とうげい]
(n) ceramic art
陶芸家 [とうげいか]
(n) potter
陶工 [とうこう]
(n) potter
陶磁 [とうじ]
(n) clay
陶磁器 [とうじき]
(n) ceramics and porcelain
陶磁器店 [とうじきてん]
(n) ceramic stores
陶酔 [とうすい]
(n,vs) intoxication
陶酔境 [とうすいきょう]
(n) become intoxicated (by liquor or music) or enraptured
陶製 [とうせい]
(n) ceramics
陶然 [とうぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) intoxicated (by liquor or music)
陶土 [とうど]
(n) potter's clay
陶冶 [とうや]
(n,vs) training
頭 [あたま]
(n) (1) head
頭 [かしら]
(n) (1) head
頭 [かぶり]
(n) (1) head
頭 [こうべ]
(n) (1) head
頭 [ず]
(n) (1) head
頭 [とう]
(n) counter for large animals
頭から [あたまから]
(adv) from the beginning
頭がおかしい [あたまがおかしい]
(exp) insane
頭が悪い [あたまがわるい]
(n) slow
頭が可笑しい [あたまがおかしい]
(exp) insane
頭が固い [あたまがかたい]
(n) thickheaded
頭が高い [ずがたかい]
(n) be haughty
頭が痛い [あたまがいたい]
(n) having a headache
頭が変 [あたまがへん]
(adj-na) crazy
頭が変になる [あたまがへんになる]
(exp) to go crazy
頭ごなし [あたまごなし]
(adv) unsparingly
頭つきをする [ずつきをする]
(exp) to butt heads
頭でっかち [あたまでっかち]
(adj-no) top-heavy
頭に入れる [あたまにいれる]
(exp) to keep in mind
頭に来る [あたまにくる]
(exp) to get mad
頭の鋭い男 [あたまのするどいおとこ]
(n) man of keen intelligence
頭の冴え [あたまのさえ]
(n) bright intelligence
頭の良い子 [あたまのいいこ]
(n) bright (intelligent) child
頭を下げる [あたまをさげる]
(exp) to bow one's head
頭を刈る [あたまをかる]
(exp) to cut one's hair
頭を振る [かぶりをふる]
(exp) to shake one's head (in denial)
頭を垂れる [こうべをたれる]
(exp) to hang one's head
頭を痛める [あたまをいためる]
(v1) to be concerned about
頭を悩ます [あたまをなやます]
(exp) to rack one's brains
頭を付ける [あたまをつける]
(exp) to stop the opponent by pressing the head into his chest (sumo)
頭を冷やす [あたまをひやす]
(exp) to cool down one's anger
頭囲 [とうい]
(n) head measurement
頭隠して尻隠さず [あたまかくしてしりかくさず]
(exp) don't cover your head and leave your bottom exposed
頭韻 [とういん]
(n) alliteration
頭蓋 [ずがい]
(n) cranium
頭蓋骨 [ずがいこつ]
(n) skull
頭蓋骨 [とうがいこつ]
(n) skull
頭角 [とうかく]
(n) distinguishing oneself
頭角を表わす [とうかくをあらわす]
(exp) to distinguish oneself
頭割り [あたまわり]
(n) sharing
頭株 [あたまかぶ]
(n) chief
頭寒足熱 [ずかんそくねつ]
(n) keeping the head cool and feet warm
頭記 [とうき]
(n) abovementioned item
頭巾 [ずきん]
(n) hood
頭金 [あたまきん]
(n) down payment
頭遣い [かしらつかい]
(n) puppeteer for the head
頭垢 [ふけ]
(n) dandruff
頭骨 [かしらぼね]
(n) skull
頭骨 [ずこつ]
(n) skull
頭骨 [とうこつ]
(n) skull
頭字 [かしらじ]
(n) first letter(s)
頭字語 [とうじご]
(n) acronym
頭取 [とうどり]
(n) (bank) president
頭重 [ずおも]
(n) heavy-headed
頭書 [とうしょ]
(n) above-mentioned (matter)
頭書き [かしらがき]
(n) heading
頭上 [ずじょう]
(n) overhead
頭数 [あたまかず]
(n) number of persons
頭数 [とうすう]
(n) number of persons
頭声 [とうせい]
(n) head voice (singing)
頭足類 [とうそくるい]
(n) cephalopod
頭打ち [あたまうち]
(n) reaching a peak
頭打ち [ずうち]
(n) reaching a peak
頭陀袋 [ずだぶくろ]
(n) sack
頭注 [とうちゅう]
(n) headnote
頭註 [とうちゅう]
(n) headnote
頭頂 [とうちょう]
(n) top of the head
頭頂骨 [とうちょうこつ]
(n) the parietal bone
頭頂部 [とうちょうぶ]
(n) calvaria