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5000 Cards in this Set

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高位高官 [こういこうかん]
(n) (person of) high rank and office (exalted station)
高緯度 [こういど]
(n) high latitudes
高遠 [こうえん]
(adj-na,n) noble
高恩 [こうおん]
(n) great benevolence or blessings
高温 [こうおん]
(n) high temperature
高温計 [こうおんけい]
(n) pyrometer
高音 [こうおん]
(n) high-pitched tone
高音 [たかね]
(n) high-pitched tone
高音部 [こうおんぶ]
(n) treble
高音部記号 [こうおんぶきごう]
(n) treble clef
高下 [こうげ]
(n,vs) rise and fall (prices)
高下駄 [たかげた]
(n) tall wooden clogs
高価 [こうか]
(adj-na,n) high price
高架 [こうか]
(n) overhead structure
高架橋 [こうかきょう]
(n) elevated bridge
高架線 [こうかせん]
(n) overhead wires
高歌 [こうか]
(n,vs) loud singing
高歌放吟 [こうかほうぎん]
(n) singing at the top of one's voice
高雅 [こうが]
(adj-na,n) refined
高角 [こうかく]
(n) high-angle
高角砲 [こうかくほう]
(n) high-angle or anti-aircraft gun
高閣 [こうかく]
(n) tall building
高学年 [こうがくねん]
(n) upper grade or classes (in schools)
高額 [こうがく]
(adj-na,n) large sum (money)
高額所得者 [こうがくしょとくしゃ]
(n) large income earner
高官 [こうかん]
(n) high official
高感度 [こうかんど]
(n) high sensitive (e.g., film, radio receiver)
高関税化 [こうかんぜいか]
(n) (high) tariff protection
高機能 [こうきのう]
(adj-na) high level (of functionality)
高機能携帯電話 [こうきのうけいたいでんわ]
(n) smart phone
高気圧 [こうきあつ]
(n) high atmospheric pressure
高貴 [こうき]
(adj-na,n) high class
高輝度 [こうきど]
(n) high luminance (used to describe bold-face text on display screen)
高宜 [こうぎ]
(n) (your) kindness or favour (favor)
高誼 [こうぎ]
(n) (your) kindness or favour (favor)
高脚蟹 [たかあしがに]
(n) giant spider crab
高級 [こうきゅう]
(adj-na,n) high class
高級車 [こうきゅうしゃ]
(n) luxury car
高級住宅地 [こうきゅうじゅうたくち]
(n) exclusive residential district
高級品 [こうきゅうひん]
(n) high-class item
高給 [こうきゅう]
(n) high salary
高距 [こうきょ]
(n) elevation (above sea level)
高教 [こうきょう]
(n) your instructions or suggestions
高金利 [こうきんり]
(n) expensive money
高金利政策 [こうきんりせいさく]
(n) dear money policy
高吟 [こうぎん]
(n,vs) loud recitation (of a poem)
高空 [こうくう]
(n) high altitude
高空 [たかぞら]
(n) high altitude
高潔 [こうけつ]
(adj-na,n) purity
高血圧 [こうけつあつ]
(n) high blood pressure
高血圧症 [こうけつあつしょう]
(n) high blood pressure (as an illness)
高見 [こうけん]
(n) watching with detachment
高見 [たかみ]
(n) (your) opinion
高原 [こうげん]
(n) tableland
高言 [こうげん]
(n,vs) boasting
高工 [こうこう]
(n) (abbr) higher technical school
高校 [こうこう]
(n) senior high school
高校生 [こうこうせい]
(n) senior high school student
高校野球 [こうこうやきゅう]
(n) high-school baseball
高高 [たかだか]
(adv) very high
高高指 [たかたかゆび]
(n) middle finger
高高度 [こうこうど]
(n) high altitude
高高度飛行 [こうこうどひこう]
(n) high-altitude flying
高座 [こうざ]
(n) platform
高菜 [たかな]
(n) leaf mustard
高裁 [こうさい]
(n) (abbr) High Court
高察 [こうさつ]
(n) superior insight
高札 [こうさつ]
(n) bulletin board
高山 [こうざん]
(n) high mountain
高山植物 [こうざんしょくぶつ]
(n) alpine plants
高山帯 [こうざんたい]
(n) alpine zone
高山蝶 [こうざんちょう]
(n) alpine butterfly
高山病 [こうざんびょう]
(n) altitude sickness
高山流水 [こうざんりゅうすい]
(n) (1) high mountains and running water
高士 [こうし]
(n) man of noble character
高姿勢 [こうしせい]
(adj-na,n) high profile
高脂血症 [こうしけっしょう]
(n) hyperlipidaemia (hyperlipidemia, hyperlipemia)
高視聴率 [こうしちょうりつ]
(n) high television ratings
高歯 [たかば]
(n) clogs with high supports
高次 [こうじ]
(n,pref) higher-order-
高次方程式 [こうじほうていしき]
(n) high-powered equation
高蒔絵 [たかまきえ]
(n) embossed gilt lacquerwork
高射特科 [こうしゃとっか]
(n) anti-aircraft artillery
高射砲 [こうしゃほう]
(n) antiaircraft gun
高手小手 [たかてこて]
(n) bound hands and arms
高周波 [こうしゅうは]
(n) high frequency
高所 [こうしょ]
(n) high altitude
高所恐怖症 [こうしょきょうふしょう]
(n) fear of heights
高所病 [こうしょびょう]
(n) altitude sickness
高尚 [こうしょう]
(adj-na,n) high
高床 [こうしょう]
(n) raised-floor (truck, etc.)
高床 [たかゆか]
(n) raised-floor (building)
高床式 [たかゆかしき]
(n) raised-floor-style (granary, truck, etc.)
高笑い [たかわらい]
(n,vs) loud laughter
高障害 [こうしょうがい]
(n) high hurdles
高上がり [たかあがり]
(n) climb high
高信頼性 [こうしんらいせい]
(n) high reliability
高進 [こうしん]
(n,vs) rising
高水準 [こうすいじゅん]
(adj-na,n) high level
高瀬 [たかせ]
(n) shallows
高瀬舟 [たかせぶね]
(n) flatboat
高性能 [こうせいのう]
(adj-na,n) high efficiency
高成長 [こうせいちょう]
(n) high rate (of growth)
高精度 [こうせいど]
(n) high precision
高声 [こうしょう]
(adj-na,n) loud or high-pitched voice
高声 [こうせい]
(adj-na,n) loud or high-pitched voice
高声 [たかごえ]
(adj-na,n) loud or high-pitched voice
高積雲 [こうせきうん]
(n) altocumulus clouds
高説 [こうせつ]
(n) your opinion
高専 [こうせん]
(n) (prewar) college
高然 [こうぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) elated
高祖 [こうそ]
(n) founder of dynasty or sect
高祖父 [こうそふ]
(n) great-great-grandfather
高祖母 [こうそぼ]
(n) great-great-grandmother
高僧 [こうそう]
(n) high priest
高層 [こうそう]
(n) upper
高層ビル [こうそうビル]
(n) skyscraper
高層雲 [こうそううん]
(n) altostratus clouds
高層建築 [こうそうけんちく]
(n) tall (high rise) building
高層建築 [こうそうげんちく]
(n) tall (high rise) building
高層天気図 [こうそうてんきず]
(n) upper-level weather chart
高燥 [こうそう]
(adj-na,n) high and dry ground
高燥地 [こうそうち]
(n) high and dry ground
高窓 [たかまど]
(n) high window
高足 [こうそく]
(n) best student
高足蟹 [たかあしがに]
(n) giant spider crab
高速 [こうそく]
(adj-na,n) (1) high speed
高速インターネット接続 [こうそくインターネットせつぞく]
(n) fast Internet connection
高速インターネット接続サービス [こうそくインターネットせつぞくサービス]
(n) high-speed Internet access service
高速ネットワーク [こうそくネットワーク]
(n) high-speed network
高速演算機構 [こうそくえんざんきこう]
(n) (gen) (comp) high-speed arithmetic unit (computer)
高速増殖炉 [こうそくぞうしょくろ]
(n) fast-breeder reactor
高速度 [こうそくど]
(n) high speed
高速度鋼 [こうそくどこう]
(n) high-speed steel
高速度撮影 [こうそくどさつえい]
(n) high-speed photography
高速度写真 [こうそくどしゃしん]
(n) high-speed photography
高速道路 [こうそくどうろ]
(n) highway
高卒 [こうそつ]
(n) high school graduate
高帯域 [こうたいいき]
(n) high bandwidth
高台 [たかだい]
(n) elevation
高大 [こうだい]
(adj-na) lofty
高炭素鋼 [こうたんそこう]
(n) high-carbon steel
高段 [こうだん]
(n) highly ranked
高談 [こうだん]
(n,vs) your lofty discourse
高値 [たかね]
(n) high price
高値引け [たかねびけ]
(n) closing higher
高知県 [こうちけん]
(n) Kouchi (Kochi) prefecture (Shikoku)
高地 [こうち]
(n) high ground
高地トレーニング [こうちトレーニング]
(n) high-altitude training
高著 [こうちょ]
(n) your literary work
高張り提灯 [たかはりぢょうちん]
(n) large paper lantern on a pole
高潮 [こうちょう]
(n,vs) surge
高潮 [たかしお]
(n,vs) surge
高潮線 [こうちょうせん]
(n) high-water mark
高調 [こうちょう]
(n,vs) high spirits
高調子 [たかちょうし]
(adj-na,n) high pitch
高跳び [たかとび]
(n,vs) high jump
高直 [こうじき]
(adj-na,n) expensive
高低 [こうてい]
(n,vs) high and low
高低 [たかひく]
(n,vs) high and low
高弟 [こうてい]
(n) best pupil
高天原 [たかまがはら]
(n) the heavens
高点 [こうてん]
(n) high score
高殿 [たかどの]
(n) stately mansion
高電圧 [こうでんあつ]
(n) high voltage
高電位 [こうでんい]
(adj-na) high-voltage
高度 [こうど]
(adj-na,n) (1) altitude
高度計 [こうどけい]
(n) altimeter
高度差 [こうどさ]
(n) height difference
高度成長 [こうどせいちょう]
(n) advanced maturity
高度成長時代 [こうどせいちょうじだい]
(n) high-growth era
高塔 [こうとう]
(n) high tower
高島田 [たかしまだ]
(n) traditional hair style
高等 [こうとう]
(adj-na,n) high class
高等科 [こうとうか]
(n) advanced course
高等学校 [こうとうがっこう]
(n) senior high school
高等官 [こうとうかん]
(n) senior official
高等教育 [こうとうきょういく]
(n) higher education
高等裁判所 [こうとうさいばんしょ]
(n) High Court
高等生物 [こうとうせいぶつ]
(n) higher forms of life
高等専門学校 [こうとうせんもんがっこう]
(n) technical college
高等動物 [こうとうどうぶつ]
(n) higher animal
高等弁務官 [こうとうべんむかん]
(n) high commissioner
高踏 [こうとう]
(n) highbrow
高踏的 [こうとうてき]
(adj-na) transcendent
高踏派 [こうとうは]
(n) transcendentalists
高騰 [こうとう]
(n,vs) sudden price jump
高堂 [こうどう]
(n) you
高徳 [こうとく]
(n) eminent virtue
高曇 [たかぐもり]
(n) overcast, with high clouds
高熱 [こうねつ]
(n,pref) (1) high fever
高年 [こうねん]
(n) old age
高年者 [こうねんしゃ]
(n) elderly person
高波 [たかなみ]
(n) high waves
高配 [こうはい]
(n) (your) good offices
高批 [こうひ]
(n) your valued criticism
高飛び [たかとび]
(n,vs) flight
高飛び込み [たかとびこみ]
(n) the high dive
高飛車 [たかびしゃ]
(adj-na,n) high-handed
高評 [こうひょう]
(n) high reputation
高品位テレビ [こうひんいテレビ]
(n) high-definition television (HDTV)
高品質 [こうひんしつ]
(n) high quality
高頻度 [こうひんど]
(n) high frequency
高風 [こうふう]
(n) noble character
高分子 [こうぶんし]
(n) macromolecule
高分子化学 [こうぶんしかがく]
(n) high polymer chemistry
高分子化合物 [こうぶんしかごうぶつ]
(n) high molecular compound
高分子吸収体 [こうぶんしきゅうしゅうたい]
(n) high polymer absorbent
高分子物質 [こうぶんしぶっしつ]
(n) (high) polymer
高峰 [こうほう]
(n) high mountain
高峰八座 [こうほうはちざ]
(n) eight lofty peaks
高望み [たかのぞみ]
(n,vs) aiming too high
高枕 [たかまくら]
(n) high pillow
高慢 [こうまん]
(adj-na) haughty
高慢さ [こうまんさ]
(n) pride
高慢ちき [こうまんちき]
(adj-na) arrogant
高密 [こうみつ]
(n) high density
高密度 [こうみつど]
(n) high density
高名 [こうみょう]
(adj-na,n) fame
高名 [こうめい]
(adj-na,n) fame
高鳴り [たかなり]
(n) ringing
高鳴る [たかなる]
(v5r) to throb
高木 [こうぼく]
(n) tall tree
高木層 [こうぼくそう]
(n) tree stratum
高目 [たかめ]
(adj-na,n) on the high side
高野山 [こうやさん]
(n) mountain in Wakayama Prefecture
高野聖 [こうやひじり]
(n) saint living at Koyasan
高野切れ [こうやぎれ]
(n) fragments from the old literary work kept at Koyasan
高野豆腐 [こうやとうふ]
(n) freeze-dried tofu
高野豆腐 [こうやどうふ]
(n) freeze-dried tofu
高野槙 [こうやまき]
(n) umbrella pine
高野連 [こうやれん]
(n) Japan High School Baseball Federation
高野連 [にほんこうこうやきゅうれんめい]
(n) Japan High School Baseball Federation
高優先 [こうゆうせん]
(n) high priority
高揚 [こうよう]
(n,vs) enhancement
高楊子 [たかようじ]
(n) leisurely, post-meal use of a toothpick
高楊枝 [たかようじ]
(n) leisurely, post-meal use of a toothpick
高欄 [こうらん]
(n) bannister
高覧 [こうらん]
(n) (your) perusal
高利 [こうり]
(n) high-interest rate
高利貸し [こうりがし]
(n) usurer
高利得アンテナ [こうりとくアンテナ]
(n) high-gain antenna
高率 [こうりつ]
(adj-na,n) high rate
高梁 [コーリャン]
(n) kaoliang
高陵土 [こうりょうど]
(n) porcelain clay
高嶺 [たかね]
(n) high peak
高嶺の花 [たかねのはな]
(n) unattainable
高麗 [こうらい]
(n) ancient Korean kingdom
高麗楽 [こまがく]
(n) old Japanese court music from the Nara period
高麗芝 [こうらいしば]
(n) Korean lawn grass
高齢 [こうれい]
(n) advanced (old) age
高齢化社会 [こうれいかしゃかい]
(n) aging society
高齢者 [こうれいしゃ]
(n) old person or people
高炉 [こうろ]
(n) blast furnace
高楼 [こうろう]
(n) lofty (high) building
高禄 [こうろく]
(n) high salary
高論 [こうろん]
(n) intelligent opinion
高論卓説 [こうろんたくせつ]
(n) an excellent opinion
高話 [たかばなし]
(n) loud speech
高坏 [たかつき]
(n) serving table
高箒 [たかぼうき]
(n) bamboo broom
高粱 [こうりゃん]
(n) kaoliang
高粱 [こうりょう]
(n) kaoliang
高邁 [こうまい]
(adj-na,n) noble
高鼾 [たかいびき]
(n) loud snoring
剛と柔 [ごうとじゅう]
(n) hardness and softness
剛の者 [ごうのもの]
(n) very strong person
剛臆 [ごうおく]
(n) bravery and cowardice
剛果 [ごうか]
(n) valor and decisiveness (valour)
剛毅 [ごうき]
(adj-na,n) fortitude
剛毅果断 [ごうきかだん]
(n,adj-na) dauntless and decisive
剛気 [ごうき]
(adj-na,n) bravery
剛球 [ごうきゅう]
(n) fast ball
剛強 [ごうきょう]
(adj-na,n) strength
剛健 [ごうけん]
(adj-na,n) vigour
剛情 [ごうじょう]
(adj-na,n) obstinacy
剛性 [ごうせい]
(n) hardness
剛体 [ごうたい]
(n) rigid body
剛胆 [ごうたん]
(adj-na,n) boldness
剛直 [ごうちょく]
(adj-na,n) integrity
剛腹 [ごうふく]
(adj-na,n) obstinacy
剛毛 [ごうもう]
(n) bristle
剛勇 [ごうゆう]
(adj-na,n) bravery
剛勇無比 [ごうゆうむひ]
(n,adj-no) unparalleled for valor
剛力 [ごうりき]
(adj-na,n) herculean strength
剛腕 [ごうわん]
(n) strong arm
剛愎 [ごうふく]
(adj-na,n) obstinacy
劫 [きょう]
(n) threat
劫 [こう]
(n) threat
劫 [ごう]
(n) threat
劫かす [おびやかす]
(v5s) to threaten
劫火 [ごうか]
(n) world-destroying conflagration
劫盗 [ごうとう]
(n) highway robber
劫罰 [ごうばつ]
(n) eternal punishment
劫掠 [きょうりゃく]
(n,vs) pillage
劫掠 [ごうりゃく]
(n,vs) pillage
劫略 [きょうりゃく]
(n,vs) pillage
劫略 [ごうりゃく]
(n,vs) pillage
号 [ごう]
(n,n-suf) (1) number
号音 [ごうおん]
(n) signal (sound)
号外 [ごうがい]
(n) newspaper extra
号館 [ごうかん]
(n) -building number
号泣 [ごうきゅう]
(n,vs) crying aloud
号室 [ごうしつ]
(n) suffix for room numbers
号車 [ごうしゃ]
(n) classifier for naming train cars
号数 [ごうすう]
(n) number or size of periodicals or pictures
号笛 [ごうてき]
(n) siren
号俸 [ごうほう]
(n) gradational salary
号砲 [ごうほう]
(n) signal gun
号令 [ごうれい]
(n,vs) order
合 [ごう]
(n) go (approx. 0.18l or 0.33m)
合い [あい]
(n,pref) joint
合いの戸 [あいのと]
(n) door between the rooms
合いの子 [あいのこ]
(n) person of mixed parentage (derogatory)
合いの手 [あいのて]
(n) interlude
合いの宿 [あいのしゅく]
(n) town situated between two post towns
合い印 [あいいん]
(n) verification seal
合い印 [あいじるし]
(n) comradeship badge
合い間 [あいま]
(n) interval
合い駒 [あいごま]
(n,vs) piece placed to block opponent's check (shogi)
合い鍵 [あいかぎ]
(n) pass key
合い言葉 [あいことば]
(n) password
合い口 [あいくち]
(n) (1) chum
合い札 [あいふだ]
(n) check
合い詞 [あいことば]
(n) password
合い乗り [あいのり]
(n,vs) riding together
合い性 [あいしょう]
(n) affinity
合い着 [あいぎ]
(n) between-season wear
合い釘 [あいくぎ]
(n) double-pointed nail
合い判 [あいばん]
(n) medium-sized paper
合い挽き [あいびき]
(n) beef and pork ground together
合い符 [あいじるし]
(n) comradeship badge
合い服 [あいふく]
(n) between-season wear
合い方 [あいかた]
(n) (musical) accompaniment
合い棒 [あいぼう]
(n) companion
合い薬 [あいぐすり]
(n) specific remedy
合う [あう]
(v5u) to fit
合かぎ [あいかぎ]
(n) pass key
合する [がっする]
(vi,vt,vs-s) to join together
合の子 [あいのこ]
(n) person of mixed parentage (derogatory)
合の手 [あいのて]
(n) interlude
合わさる [あわさる]
(v5r,vi) to get together
合わす [あわす]
(v5s) to join together
合わせ [あわせ]
(n,n-suf,pref) joint together
合わせて百個 [あわせてひゃっこ]
(n) a hundred in total
合わせる [あわせる]
(v1) to join together
合わせ技 [あわせわざ]
(n) judo combined trick
合わせ鏡 [あわせかがみ]
(n) opposite mirrors
合わせ行なう [あわせおこなう]
(v5u) to carry on together
合わせ砥 [あわせど]
(n) double whetstone
合わせ板 [あわせいた]
(n) veneer board
合わせ物 [あわせもの]
(n) something joined together
合わせ目 [あわせめ]
(n) joint
合わない答え [あわないこたえ]
(n) incorrect answer
合コン [ごうコン]
(n,vs) (abbr) joint party e.g., by students from several colleges
合意 [ごうい]
(n,vs) agreement
合意情死 [ごういじょうし]
(n) double suicide
合意心中 [ごういしんじゅう]
(n) double suicide
合一 [ごういつ]
(n,vs) unification
合印 [あいいん]
(n) verification seal
合印 [あいじるし]
(n) comradeship badge
合羽 [かっぱ]
(n) raincoat (pt: capo)
合縁奇縁 [あいえんきえん]
(n) a couple strangely but happily united
合格 [ごうかく]
(n,vs) success
合格祈願 [ごうかくきがん]
(n) prayer for school success
合格者 [ごうかくしゃ]
(n) successful applicant
合格者名 [ごうかくしゃめい]
(n) names of successful candidates
合格点 [ごうかくてん]
(n) passing mark
合格率 [ごうかくりつ]
(n) ratio of successful applicants
合鴨 [あいがも]
(n) (meat of) cross between a mallard and domestic duck
合歓 [ごうかん]
(n,vs) enjoying pleasure together
合歓 [ねむ]
(n) silk tree
合歓木 [ねむのき]
(n) silk tree
合間 [あいま]
(n) interval
合気会 [あいきかい]
(n) aikido world association
合気道 [あいきどう]
(n) (gen) (MA) aikido
合気道家 [あいきどうか]
(n) aikido practitioner
合議 [ごうぎ]
(n,vs) consultation
合議制 [ごうぎせい]
(n) parliamentary system
合議制度 [ごうぎせいど]
(n) parliamentary system
合議体 [ごうぎたい]
(n) collegiate body
合金 [ごうきん]
(n) alloy
合駒 [あいごま]
(n,vs) piece placed to block opponent's check (shogi)
合計 [ごうけい]
(n,vs) sum total
合憲 [ごうけん]
(n) constitutionality
合憲性 [ごうけんせい]
(n) constitutionality
合憲的 [ごうけんてき]
(adj-na) constitutional
合鍵 [あいかぎ]
(n) pass key
合言葉 [あいことば]
(n) password
合口 [あいくち]
(n) (1) chum
合祭 [ごうさい]
(n,vs) enshrining together
合剤 [ごうざい]
(n) medical compound
合作 [がっさく]
(n,vs) collaboration
合冊 [がっさつ]
(n,vs) collection in one volume
合冊 [ごうさつ]
(n,vs) collection in one volume
合札 [あいふだ]
(n) check
合算 [がっさん]
(n,vs) adding up
合資 [ごうし]
(n,vs) joint stocks
合資会社 [ごうしがいしゃ]
(n) limited partnership
合式 [ごうしき]
(n) formal
合州国 [がっしゅうこく]
(n) United States of America
合衆国 [がっしゅうこく]
(n) United States of America
合従 [がっしょう]
(n,vs) alliance of states against a powerful enemy
合従連衡 [がっしょうれんこう]
(n) alliance
合宿 [がっしゅく]
(n,vs) lodging together
合宿所 [がっしゅくじょ]
(n) boardinghouse
合唱 [がっしょう]
(n,vs) chorus
合唱曲 [がっしょうきょく]
(n) a chorus
合唱隊 [がっしょうたい]
(n) chorus
合唱隊員 [がっしょうたいいん]
(n) choir member
合唱隊長 [がっしょうたいちょう]
(n) choir leader
合唱団 [がっしょうだん]
(n) chorus group
合掌 [がっしょう]
(n,vs) pressing one's hands together in prayer
合掌造り [がっしょうづくり]
(n) structure with a sloping or rafter roof
合掌礼拝 [がっしょうらいはい]
(n,vs) join one's hands in prayer
合図 [あいず]
(n,vs) sign
合性 [あいしょう]
(n) affinity
合成 [ごうせい]
(n,vs) synthesis
合成音 [ごうせいおん]
(n) synthetic sound
合成化学 [ごうせいかがく]
(n) synthetic chemistry
合成化学工業 [ごうせいかがくこうぎょう]
(n) synthetic chemical industry
合成語 [ごうせいご]
(n) compound word
合成紙 [ごうせいし]
(n) synthetic paper
合成写真 [ごうせいしゃしん]
(n) composite or montage photograph
合成酒 [ごうせいしゅ]
(n) synthetic sake
合成樹脂 [ごうせいじゅし]
(n) plastics
合成洗剤 [ごうせいせんざい]
(n) synthetic detergent
合成繊維 [ごうせいせんい]
(n) synthetic fibre
合成皮革 [ごうせいひかく]
(n) synthetic leather
合成物 [ごうせいぶつ]
(n) a compound
合成宝石 [ごうせいほうせき]
(n) synthetic gems
合成力 [ごうせいりょく]
(n) resultant force
合切 [がっさい]
(n) all altogether
合切袋 [がっさいぶくろ]
(n) traveling bag
合戦 [かっせん]
(n) battle
合戦数合で [かっせんすうごうで]
(exp) after crossing swords several times
合繊 [ごうせん]
(n) (abbr) synthetic fiber
合奏 [がっそう]
(n,vs) concert
合奏団 [がっそうだん]
(n) ensemble
合奏調 [がっそうちょう]
(n) concert pitch
合憎 [あいにく]
(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) unfortunately
合体 [がったい]
(n,vs) unite
合致 [がっち]
(n,vs) agreement
合着 [あいぎ]
(n) between-season wear
合著 [がっちょ]
(n) joint authorship
合著 [ごうちょ]
(n) joint authorship
合調 [ごうちょう]
(n) tuning (music)
合釘 [あいくぎ]
(n) double-pointed nail
合点 [がってん]
(n,vs) consent
合点 [がてん]
(n,vs) consent
合点が行く [がてんがいく]
(exp) to understand
合同 [ごうどう]
(adj-na,n) combination
合同コンパ [ごうどうコンパ]
(n) joint party e.g., by students from several colleges
合同委員会 [ごうどういいんかい]
(n) joint committee
合同慰霊祭 [ごうどういれいさい]
(n) joint service for the war dead
合同会議 [ごうどうかいぎ]
(n) joint session
合同会合 [ごうどうかいごう]
(n) joint meeting
合同技術委員会 [ごうどうぎじゅついいんかい]
(n) joint technical committee
合同軍 [ごうどうぐん]
(n) combined armies
合同行為 [ごうどうこうい]
(n) (formal act of) agreement
合同事業 [ごうどうじぎょう]
(n) joint undertaking
合同労組 [ごうどうろうそ]
(n) joint labor union
合板 [ごうはん]
(n) veneer board
合板 [ごうばん]
(n) veneer board
合否 [ごうひ]
(n) success or failure
合評 [がっぴょう]
(n,vs) joint review
合服 [あいふく]
(n) between-season wear
合併 [がっぺい]
(n,vs) combination
合併 [ごうへい]
(ok) (n,vs) combination
合併会社 [がっぺいかいしゃ]
(n) combined company
合併活動 [がっぺいかつどう]
(n) merger activity
合併企業 [がっぺいきぎょう]
(n) merged company
合併症 [がっぺいしょう]
(n) complications (in an illness)
合併比率 [がっぺいひりつ]
(n) merger ratio
合壁 [がっぺき]
(n) neighbor with just a wall between
合弁 [ごうべん]
(n,adj-no) joint management
合弁会社 [ごうべんがいしゃ]
(n) joint venture or concern
合弁事業 [ごうべんじぎょう]
(n) joint venture
合抱 [ごうほう]
(n) armful
合方 [あいかた]
(n) (musical) accompaniment
合法 [ごうほう]
(adj-na,n) legal
合法化 [ごうほうか]
(n) legalization
合法性 [ごうほうせい]
(n) lawfulness
合法政府 [ごうほうせいふ]
(n) legitimate government
合法的 [ごうほうてき]
(adj-na) legal
合本 [がっぽん]
(n,vs) collection in one volume
合名会社 [ごうめいがいしゃ]
(n) unlimited company
合目的 [ごうもくてき]
(adj-na) purposive
合目的性 [ごうもくてきせい]
(n) purposive
合理 [ごうり]
(n) rational
合理化 [ごうりか]
(n,vs) rationalization
合理主義 [ごうりしゅぎ]
(n) rationalism
合理主義者 [ごうりしゅぎしゃ]
(n) pragmatist
合理性 [ごうりせい]
(n) rationality
合理的 [ごうりてき]
(adj-na) rational
合理論 [ごうりろん]
(n) rationalism
合流 [ごうりゅう]
(n,vs) confluence
合力 [ごうりき]
(n,vs) alms
合力 [ごうりょく]
(n,vs) resultant force
合氣道 [あいきどう]
(oK) (n) (gen) (MA) aikido
合祀 [ごうし]
(n,vs) enshrining together
合衾 [ごうきん]
(n,vs) sleeping together
壕 [ごう]
(n) trench
拷器 [ごうき]
(n) (arch) instruments of torture
拷問 [ごうもん]
(n,vs) torture
拷問具 [ごうもんぐ]
(n) instrument(s) of torture
拷問台 [ごうもんだい]
(n) the rack
濠 [ごう]
(n) moat
濠州 [ごうしゅう]
(n) Australia
濠洲 [ごうしゅう]
(n) Australia
濠太剌利 [おうすとらりあ]
(n) Australia (p)
豪 [ごう]
(n) fine feathers
豪い [えらい]
(adj) great
豪の者 [ごうのもの]
(n) past master
豪飲 [ごういん]
(n) drinking
豪雨 [ごうう]
(n) heavy rain
豪雨禍 [ごううか]
(n) flood devastation
豪家 [ごうか]
(n) wealthy and powerful family
豪華 [ごうか]
(adj-na,n) wonderful
豪華絢爛 [ごうかけんらん]
(n) luxurious and gorgeous
豪華船 [ごうかせん]
(n) luxury liner
豪華版 [ごうかばん]
(n) deluxe edition
豪快 [ごうかい]
(adj-na,n) hearty
豪快奔放 [ごうかいほんぽう]
(n,adj-na) big-hearted and free-spirited
豪気 [ごうき]
(adj-na,n) sturdy spirit
豪気 [ごうぎ]
(adj-na) (1) great
豪儀 [ごうぎ]
(adj-na) (1) great
豪球 [ごうきゅう]
(n) fastball
豪傑 [ごうけつ]
(n) hero
豪傑笑い [ごうけつわらい]
(n,vs) loud laugh
豪語 [ごうご]
(n,vs) boasting
豪州 [ごうしゅう]
(n) Australia
豪商 [ごうしょう]
(n) wealthy merchant
豪商層 [ごうしょうそう]
(n) wealthy merchant class
豪勢 [ごうせい]
(adj-na,n) luxury
豪盛 [ごうせい]
(adj-na,n) luxury
豪雪 [ごうせつ]
(n) tremendous snowfall
豪雪地帯 [ごうせつちたい]
(n) area of heavy snowfall
豪壮 [ごうそう]
(adj-na,n) splendour
豪爽 [ごうそう]
(adj-na,n) fine disposition
豪族 [ごうぞく]
(n) powerful family (clan)
豪胆 [ごうたん]
(adj-na,n) boldness
豪邸 [ごうてい]
(n) palatial residence
豪日 [ごうにち]
(n) Australia-Japan
豪農 [ごうのう]
(n) wealthy farmer
豪腹 [ごうふく]
(adj-na,n) obstinacy
豪物 [えらぶつ]
(n) great man
豪物 [えらもの]
(n) great man
豪放 [ごうほう]
(adj-na,n) largehearted
豪放粗野 [ごうほうそや]
(n,adj-na) bold and boorish
豪放磊落 [ごうほうらいらく]
(adj-na,n) broadminded
豪勇 [ごうゆう]
(adj-na,n) bravery
豪遊 [ごうゆう]
(n,vs) wild merrymaking
豪腕 [ごうわん]
(n) strong arm
豪奢 [ごうしゃ]
(adj-na,n) luxury
豪邁 [ごうまい]
(adj-na,n) intrepidity
轟々 [ごうごう]
(adj-na,n) thunderous
轟き [とどろき]
(n) (1) roar
轟く [とどろく]
(v5k) to roar
轟音 [ごうおん]
(n) thunderous roar
轟轟 [ごうごう]
(adj-na,n) thunderous
轟然 [ごうぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) roaring
轟沈 [ごうちん]
(n,vs) sinking a ship instantly
麹 [こうじ]
(n) malt
麹菌 [こうじきん]
(n) yeast plant
麹黴 [こうじかび]
(n) yeast plant
克つ [かつ]
(v5t) to win
克己 [こっき]
(n,vs) self denial
克己心 [こっきしん]
(n) spirit of self-denial
克己精進 [こっきしょうじん]
(n,vs) self-control and close application
克己復礼 [こっきふくれい]
(n,vs) exercising self-restraint and conforming to the rules of etiquette and formality
克復 [こくふく]
(n,vs) restoration
克服 [こくふく]
(n,vs) subjugation
克明 [こくめい]
(adj-na,n) detailed
刻 [きざ]
(n) scratch
刻 [こく]
(n) time
刻々 [こくこく]
(adv,n) moment by moment
刻々 [こっこく]
(adv,n) moment by moment
刻々に [こっこくに]
(adv) moment by moment
刻み [きざみ]
(n) shredded tobacco
刻みつける [きざみつける]
(v1) to engrave
刻みに [きざみに]
(exp) in steps of
刻み煙草 [きざみたばこ]
(n) shredded tobacco
刻み込む [きざみこむ]
(v5m) to etch (name, etc.)
刻み出す [きざみだす]
(v5s) to carve out
刻み足 [きざみあし]
(n) mincing steps
刻み値 [きざみち]
(n) increment
刻み付ける [きざみつける]
(v1) to engrave
刻み目 [きざみめ]
(n) notch
刻む [きざむ]
(v5m) to mince
刻一刻 [こくいっこく]
(adv) moment by moment
刻一刻と [こくいっこくと]
(exp) moment by moment
刻印 [こくいん]
(n,vs) carved seal
刻下 [こっか]
(n-adv,n-t) the present
刻苦 [こっく]
(n,vs) hard work
刻苦精進 [こっくしょうじん]
(n,vs) be arduous
刻苦精励 [こっくせいれい]
(n,vs) be arduous
刻苦勉励 [こっくべんれい]
(n,vs) being arduous
刻限 [こくげん]
(n) time
刻刻 [こくこく]
(adv,n) moment by moment
刻刻 [こっこく]
(adv,n) moment by moment
刻刻に [こっこくに]
(adv) moment by moment
刻字 [こくじ]
(n) carving characters
刻足 [きざみあし]
(n) mincing steps
刻薄 [こくはく]
(adj-na,n) cruel
刻本 [こくほん]
(n) wood-block book
告げる [つげる]
(v1) to inform
告げ口 [つげぐち]
(n,vs) tell-tale
告る [こくる]
(v5r) to confess (one's love)
告示 [こくじ]
(n,vs) notice
告示板 [こくじばん]
(n) bulletin board
告辞 [こくじ]
(n) farewell address
告訴 [こくそ]
(n,vs) accusation
告訴人 [こくそにん]
(n) complainant
告達 [こくたつ]
(n,vs) notification
告知 [こくち]
(n,vs) notice
告知板 [こくちばん]
(n) bulletin board
告天子 [ひばり]
(n) skylark
告白 [こくはく]
(n,vs) confession
告発 [こくはつ]
(n,vs) indictment
告発者 [こくはつしゃ]
(n) complainant
告発状 [こくはつじょう]
(n) bill of indictment
告文 [こうもん]
(n) written report to the gods
告文 [こくぶん]
(n) written report to the gods
告別 [こくべつ]
(n,vs) farewell
告別の辞 [こくべつのじ]
(n) parting (farewell) address
告別ミサ [こくべつミサ]
(n) funeral mass
告別式 [こくべつしき]
(n) funeral (service)
告諭 [こくゆ]
(n,vs) official notice
国 [くに]
(n) country
国々 [くにぐに]
(n) countries
国の栄え [くにのさかえ]
(n) prosperity of a country
国の将来を計る [くにのしょうらいをはかる]
(exp) to plan (provide) for the future of the country
国の将来を憂える [くにのしょうらいをうれえる]
(exp) to be anxious about the future of one's country
国の本 [くにのもと]
(n) national principles
国の誉れ [くにのほまれ]
(n) national glory
国を治める [くにをおさめる]
(exp) to manage a state
国を売る [くにをうる]
(exp) to betray one's country (to an enemy)
国威 [こくい]
(n) national prestige
国威発揚 [こくいはつよう]
(n) enhancing national prestige
国運 [こくうん]
(n) national fortunes or destiny
国営 [こくえい]
(n) state management
国営テレビ局 [こくえいテレビきょく]
(n) state-run television station
国営化 [こくえいか]
(n) nationalization
国営企業 [こくえいきぎょう]
(n) state-run business
国営通信 [こくえいつうしん]
(n) government news
国営農場 [こくえいのうじょう]
(n) state-run farm
国益 [こくえき]
(n) national interest
国王 [こくおう]
(n) king
国王に書を奉る [こくおうにしょをたてまつる]
(exp) to address a memorial to the King
国王陛下 [こくおうへいか]
(exp) His Majesty the King
国恩 [こくおん]
(n) one's debt to one's country
国家 [こっか]
(n) state
国家の柱石 [こっかのちゅうせき]
(n) pillar of state
国家テロ [こっかテロ]
(n) state (sponsored) terrorism
国家経済 [こっかけいざい]
(n) the national economy
国家権力 [こっかけんりょく]
(n) power of the state
国家元首夫人 [こっかげんしゅふじん]
(n) first lady
国家公安委員会 [こっかこうあんいいんかい]
(n) National Public Safety Commission
国家公安委員長 [こっかこうあんいいんちょう]
(n) Chairman of National Public Safety Commission
国家公務員 [こっかこうむいん]
(n) government official
国家公務員法 [こっかこうむいんほう]
(n) (Japanese) National Civil Service Law (1947)
国家試験 [こっかしけん]
(n) state examination
国家主義 [こっかしゅぎ]
(n) nationalism
国家主義者 [こっかしゅぎしゃ]
(n) a nationalist
国家主席 [こっかしゅせき]
(n) head of state
国家存亡 [こっかそんぼう]
(n) the fate of a nation
国家多事 [こっかたじ]
(n,adj-no) eventful times for the nation
国家体制 [こっかたいせい]
(n) national polity
国家的 [こっかてき]
(adj-na) national
国家独占 [こっかどくせん]
(n) state monopoly
国家賠償 [こっかばいしょう]
(n) state reparations
国家百年の計 [こっかひゃくねんのけい]
(n) permanent national policy
国家補償 [こっかほしょう]
(n) state reparations
国家予算 [こっかよさん]
(n) national budget
国歌 [こっか]
(n) national anthem
国花 [こっか]
(n) national flower
国華 [こっか]
(n) national pride
国会 [こっかい]
(n) (abbr) National Diet
国会議員 [こっかいぎいん]
(n) member of National Diet
国会議事堂 [こっかいぎじどう]
(n) (1) National Diet (Japanese parliament)
国会議事録 [こっかいぎじろく]
(n) Diet Record
国会図書館 [こっかいとしょかん]
(n) (1) National Diet Library
国会対策委員会 [こっかいたいさくいいんかい]
(n) committee of the National Diet
国外 [こくがい]
(n) outside the country
国外脱出 [こくがいだっしゅつ]
(n,vs) to flee abroad
国外追放 [こくがいついほう]
(n) deportation
国学 [こくがく]
(n) study of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture
国学者 [こくがくしゃ]
(n) scholar of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture
国漢 [こっかん]
(n) Japanese and Chinese literature
国旗 [こっき]
(n) national flag
国旗を掲げる [こっきをかかげる]
(exp) to hoist the national flag
国旗を奉じる [こっきをほうじる]
(exp) to hold up the national flag
国技 [こくぎ]
(n) national sport (e.g., sumo)
国技館 [こくぎかん]
(n) hall of sumo in Tokyo
国許 [くにもと]
(n) hometown
国境 [くにざかい]
(n) national or state border
国境 [こっきょう]
(n) national or state border
国境を固める [こっきょうをかためる]
(exp) to fortify the frontier
国境を侵す [こっきょうをおかす]
(exp) to violate the border
国境警備兵 [こっきょうけいびへい]
(n) border guard
国境線 [こっきょうせん]
(n) border
国境地帯 [くにざかいちたい]
(n) border zone
国教 [こっきょう]
(n) state religion
国禁 [こっきん]
(n) state prohibition
国緊隊 [こくきんたい]
(n) (abbr) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
国軍 [こくぐん]
(n) national armed forces
国慶 [こっけい]
(n) National day (of China)
国慶節 [こっけいせつ]
(n) anniversary of founding (of PRC)
国系 [こっけい]
(suf) country of origin
国憲 [こっけん]
(n) national constitution
国憲法 [こっけんぽう]
(n) national constitution
国権 [こっけん]
(n) power of the state
国元 [くにもと]
(n) hometown
国原 [くにばら]
(n) spacious country
国言葉 [くにことば]
(n) national language
国庫 [こっこ]
(n) national treasury
国庫に納まった金 [こっこにおさまったかね]
(n) money paid to the (National) Treasury
国庫債権 [こっこさいけん]
(n) treasury bond
国庫補助 [こっこほじょ]
(n) government subsidy
国語 [こくご]
(n) national language
国語学 [こくごがく]
(n) Japanese philology (linguistics)
国語辞典 [こくごじてん]
(n) Japanese-language dictionary
国語審議会 [こくごしんぎかい]
(n) Japanese Language Council
国交 [こっこう]
(n) diplomatic relations
国交を結ぶ [こっこうをむすぶ]
(exp) to enter into diplomatic relations
国光 [こっこう]
(n) national glory
国号 [こくごう]
(n) name of a country
国国 [くにぐに]
(n) countries
国債 [こくさい]
(n) national debt
国債先物 [こくさいさきもの]
(n) government bond futures
国債発行 [こくさいはっこう]
(n) government bond issuance
国際 [こくさい]
(n) international
国際カルテル [こくさいカルテル]
(n) international cartel
国際ローミング [こくさいローミング]
(n) global roaming (mobile telephone)
国際援助機関 [こくさいえんじょきかん]
(n) international aid organization (organisation)
国際化 [こくさいか]
(n,vs) internationalization
国際会議 [こくさいかいぎ]
(n) international conference
国際海事機関 [こくさいかいじきかん]
(n) International Maritime Organization (IMO) (Organisation)
国際感覚 [こくさいかんかく]
(n) cosmopolitan (international) way of thinking
国際関係 [こくさいかんけい]
(n) international relations
国際機械翻訳協会 [こくさいきかいほんやくきょうかい]
(n) International Association for Machine Translation
国際機関 [こくさいきかん]
(n) international organization
国際規格 [こくさいきかく]
(n) international standard
国際規模 [こくさいきぼ]
(n) international scale
国際競争 [こくさいきょうそう]
(n) global competition
国際競争力 [こくさいきょうそうちから]
(n) international competitiveness
国際協定 [こくさいきょうてい]
(n) international agreement
国際協力事業団 [こくさいきょうりょくじぎょうだん]
(n) Japan International Cooperation Agency (1974)
国際緊急援助隊 [こくさいきんきゅうえんじょたい]
(n) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
国際金融市場 [こくさいきんゆうしじょう]
(n) international financial market
国際空港 [こくさいくうこう]
(n) international airport
国際刑事警察機構 [こくさいけいじけいさつきこう]
(n) International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) (Organisation)
国際決済銀行 [こくさいけっさいぎんこう]
(n) Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
国際結婚 [こくさいけっこん]
(n) international marriage
国際見本市 [こくさいみほんいち]
(n) international trade fair
国際原子力機関 [こくさいげんしりょくきかん]
(n) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
国際語 [こくさいご]
(n) an international or universal language
国際交流 [こくさいこうりゅう]
(n) international exchange
国際司法裁判所 [こくさいしほうさいばんしょ]
(n) International Court of Justice (ICJ)
国際市場 [こくさいしじょう]
(n) international market
国際社会 [こくさいしゃかい]
(n) international community
国際主義 [こくさいしゅぎ]
(n) internationalism
国際収支 [こくさいしゅうし]
(n) international balance of payments
国際柔道連盟 [こくさいじゅうどうれんめい]
(n) International Judo Federation (IJF)
国際場裡 [こくさいじょうり]
(n) the international arena
国際情勢 [こくさいじょうせい]
(n) international situation
国際条約 [こくさいじょうやく]
(n) international treaty
国際色 [こくさいしょく]
(n) international character
国際親善 [こくさいしんぜん]
(n) international goodwill
国際人 [こくさいじん]
(n) international celebrity
国際政治 [こくさいせいじ]
(n) international (world) politics
国際線 [こくさいせん]
(n) international air route
国際組織 [こくさいそしき]
(n) international organization
国際相撲連盟 [こくさいすもうれんめい]
(n) International Sumo Federation
国際逮捕状 [こくさいたいほじょう]
(n) international arrest warrant
国際通貨 [こくさいつうか]
(n) an international currency
国際通貨基金 [こくさいつうかききん]
(n) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
国際的 [こくさいてき]
(adj-na) international
国際的取引き [こくさいてきとりひき]
(n) international trade
国際的貿易 [こくさいてきぼうえき]
(n) international trade
国際展開 [こくさいてんかい]
(n) international expansion
国際電気通信連合 [こくさいでんきつうしんれんごう]
(n) International Telecommunication Union
国際電信電話 [こくさいでんしんでんわ]
(n) KDD
国際電信電話諮問委員会 [こくさいでんしんでんわしもんいいんかい]
(n) International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)
国際電話 [こくさいでんわ]
(n) international phone call
国際都市 [こくさいとし]
(n) cosmopolitan city
国際犯罪 [こくさいはんざい]
(n) international crime
国際標準化機構 [こくさいひょうじゅんかきこう]
(n) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (Organisation)
国際紛争 [こくさいふんそう]
(n) international dispute
国際平和活動 [こくさいへいわかつどう]
(n) international peace activity
国際返信切手券 [こくさいへんしんきってけん]
(n) international reply-paid coupon
国際捕鯨委員会 [こくさいほげいいいんかい]
(n) International Whaling Commission (IWC)
国際放射線防護委員会 [こくさいほうしゃせんぼうごいいんかい]
(n) International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
国際放送 [こくさいほうそう]
(n) international broadcast(ing)
国際法 [こくさいほう]
(n) international laws
国際問題 [こくさいもんだい]
(n) international problem
国際陸上競技連盟 [こくさいりくじょうきょうぎれんめい]
(n) International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)
国際力学 [こくさいりきがく]
(n) dynamics of international (foreign) relations
国際連合 [こくさいれんごう]
(n) United Nations
国際連盟 [こくさいれんめい]
(n) League of Nations
国策 [こくさく]
(n) national policy
国産 [こくさん]
(n) domestic products
国産車 [こくさんしゃ]
(n) domestic auto
国産品 [こくさんひん]
(n) domestic goods
国使 [こくし]
(n) envoy
国司 [こくし]
(n) provincial governor
国史 [こくし]
(n) history of a nation
国士 [こくし]
(n) distinguished citizen
国士無双 [こくしむそう]
(n) distinguished person
国試 [こくし]
(n) state examination (e.g., medical school)
国事 [こくじ]
(n) national affairs
国事犯 [こくじはん]
(n) political offence
国侍 [くにざむらい]
(n) provincial samurai
国字 [こくじ]
(n) (1) native script
国字問題 [こくじもんだい]
(n) problems pertaining to a nation's script
国璽 [こくじ]
(n) the seal of state
国璽書 [こくじしょ]
(n) (England's) Lord Privy Seal
国自慢 [くにじまん]
(n) national or local pride
国主 [こくしゅ]
(n) king
国守 [こくしゅ]
(n) daimyo
国手 [こくしゅ]
(n) skilled physician
国書 [こくしょ]
(n) credentials
国情 [こくじょう]
(n) conditions of a country
国色無双 [こくしょくむそう]
(n,adj-no) (a woman of) unparalleled beauty
国辱 [こくじょく]
(n) national disgrace
国人 [くにびと]
(n) indigenous person
国尽くし [くにずくし]
(n) enumeration of the names of countries
国粋 [こくすい]
(n) national characteristics
国粋主義 [こくすいしゅぎ]
(n) nationalism
国粋主義者 [こくすいしゅぎしゃ]
(n) an ultranationalist
国是 [こくぜ]
(n) national policy
国勢 [こくせい]
(n) state (condition, strength) of a country
国勢調査 [こくせいちょうさ]
(n) (national) census
国政 [こくせい]
(n) political situation
国政を司る [こくせいをつかさどる]
(exp) to administer the affairs of state
国税 [こくぜい]
(n) national tax
国税局 [こくぜいきょく]
(n) revenue
国税庁 [こくぜいちょう]
(n) (Japanese) National Tax Administration Agency
国籍 [こくせき]
(n) nationality
国籍言語 [こくせきげんご]
(n) national language
国籍条項 [こくせきじょうこう]
(n) legislated ban on foreigners taking up public posts
国選弁護人 [こくせんべんごにん]
(n) court-appointed attorney
国全土 [こくぜんど]
(n) the whole nation
国礎 [こくそ]
(n) pillar of state
国喪 [こくそう]
(n) national mourning
国葬 [こくそう]
(n) national funeral
国側 [くにがわ]
(n) the State
国賊 [こくぞく]
(n) traitor
国体 [こくたい]
(n) (1) national polity
国対 [こくたい]
(n) (abbr) Committee of the National Diet
国大 [こくだい]
(n) national university
国中 [くにじゅう]
(n) all over the country
国鳥 [こくちょう]
(n) the national bird
国定 [こくてい]
(n) state-sponsored
国定公園 [こくていこうえん]
(n) quasi-national park
国鉄 [こくてつ]
(n) national railway
国典 [こくてん]
(n) a nation's laws
国電 [こくでん]
(n) national railroad
国都 [こくと]
(n) (national) capital city
国土 [こくど]
(n) realm
国土計画 [こくどけいかく]
(n) national land planning
国土交通省 [こくどこうつうしょう]
(n) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
国土地理院 [こくどちりいん]
(n) Geographical Survey Institute
国土庁 [こくどちょう]
(n) (Japanese) National Land Agency
国土庁長官 [こくどちょうちょうかん]
(n) Director General of National Land Agency
国等 [こくとう]
(suf) .. countries like
国道 [こくどう]
(n) national highway
国内 [こくない]
(n) internal
国内外 [こくないがい]
(exp) inside and outside the country
国内規格化 [こくないきかくか]
(n,vs) international standardization
国内経済 [こくないけいざい]
(n) domestic economy
国内向け [こくないむけ]
(adj-no) for domestic use
国内産業 [こくないさんぎょう]
(n) domestic industry
国内市場 [こくないしじょう]
(n) domestic market
国内事情 [こくないじじょう]
(n) internal (domestic) affairs
国内需要 [こくないじゅよう]
(n) domestic demand
国内消費税 [こくないしょうひぜい]
(n) excise tax
国内線 [こくないせん]
(n) domestic line
国内総生産 [こくないそうせいさん]
(n) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
国内法 [こくないほう]
(n) municipal (civic) law
国難 [こくなん]
(n) national crisis or disaster
国破れて [くにやぶれて]
(exp) with one's country in ruins
国費 [こくひ]
(n) national expenditures
国費留学生 [こくひりゅうがくせい]
(n) government-financed or sponsored foreign student
国表 [くにおもて]
(n) one's home
国賓 [こくひん]
(n) state guest
国富 [こくふ]
(n) national wealth
国府 [こくふ]
(n) ancient provincial offices
国府 [こくぶ]
(n) ancient provincial offices
国府 [こふ]
(n) ancient provincial offices
国父 [こくふ]
(n) father of one's country
国風 [くにぶり]
(n) (1) national customs and manners
国風 [こくふう]
(n) (1) national customs and manners
国分寺 [こくぶんじ]
(n) (Nara Era) state-supported provincial temples
国文 [こくぶん]
(n) national literature
国文科 [こくぶんか]
(n) department of Japanese literature
国文学 [こくぶんがく]
(n) Japanese literature
国文学史 [こくぶんがくし]
(n) history of Japanese literature
国文専 [こくぶんせん]
(n) major in Japanese literature
国文法 [こくぶんぽう]
(n) Japanese grammar
国柄 [くにがら]
(n) national character
国別 [くにべつ]
(n) by country
国母 [こくぼ]
(n) empress
国宝 [こくほう]
(n) national treasure
国法 [こくほう]
(n) national law
国防 [こくぼう]
(n) national defence
国防会議 [こくぼうかいぎ]
(n) (1) (Japanese) National Defense Council (1956-86) (Defence)
国防省 [こくぼうしょう]
(n) (U.S.) Department of Defense
国防色 [こくぼうしょく]
(n) khaki
国防総省 [こくぼうそうしょう]
(n) National Military Establishment
国防長官 [こくぼうちょうかん]
(n) Secretary of Defence (Defense)
国防費 [こくぼうひ]
(n) defence expenditure
国防論 [こくぼうろん]
(n) the question of national defense (defence)
国本 [こくほん]
(n) foundation of the nation
国民 [こくみん]
(n) national
国民の休日 [こくみんのきゅうじつ]
(n) National People's Day Holiday (May 4th)
国民皆兵 [こくみんかいへい]
(n) universal conscription
国民皆保険 [こくみんかいほけん]
(n) medical insurance for the whole nation
国民学校 [こくみんがっこう]
(n) elementary school (in an educational system operated in Japan between 1941 and 1947)
国民休暇村 [こくみんきゅうかむら]
(n) national vacation village
国民金融公庫 [こくみんきんゆうこうこ]
(n) People's Finance Corporation
国民軍 [こくみんぐん]
(n) national army
国民経済 [こくみんけいざい]
(n) national economy
国民健康保険 [こくみんけんこうほけん]
(n) national health insurance
国民健康保険制度 [こくみんけんこうほけんせいど]
(n) national health insurance program (programme)
国民主権 [こくみんしゅけん]
(n) sovereignty of the people
国民宿舎 [こくみんしゅくしゃ]
(n) national youth hostels
国民所得 [こくみんしょとく]
(n) national income
国民審査 [こくみんしんさ]
(n) national review (as an act of a peoples' sovereignty)
国民性 [こくみんせい]
(n) national traits or character
国民生活 [こくみんせいかつ]
(n) the life of the people
国民総支出 [こくみんそうししゅつ]
(n) gross national expenditure (GNE)
国民総生産 [こくみんそうせいさん]
(n) gross national product
国民体育大会 [こくみんたいいくたいかい]
(n) national athletic meet
国民的 [こくみんてき]
(adj-na) national
国民的基盤 [こくみんてききばん]
(exp) based on a nation's people
国民党 [こくみんとう]
(n) National Party
国民投票 [こくみんとうひょう]
(n) national referendum
国民年金 [こくみんねんきん]
(n) national pension
国民服 [こくみんふく]
(n) national uniform (such as mandated for Japanese males in 1940)
国務 [こくむ]
(n) affairs of state
国務省 [こくむしょう]
(n) State Department
国務大臣 [こくむだいじん]
(n) Minister of State
国務長官 [こくむちょうかん]
(n) Secretary of State
国名 [こくめい]
(n) country name
国有 [こくゆう]
(n) national ownership
国有化 [こくゆうか]
(n,vs) nationalization
国有企業 [こくゆうきぎょう]
(n) state-owned enterprise
国有財産 [こくゆうざいさん]
(n) national property
国有地 [こくゆうち]
(n) state-owned land
国有鉄道 [こくゆうてつどう]
(n) a national railway
国有林 [こくゆうりん]
(n) national forest
国利 [こくり]
(n) national interests
国利民福 [こくりみんぷく]
(n) national interests and the people's welfare
国立 [こくりつ]
(n) national
国立銀行 [こくりつぎんこう]
(n) a national bank
国立劇場 [こくりつげきじょう]
(n) National Theater
国立公園 [こくりつこうえん]
(n) a national park
国立図書館 [こくりつとしょかん]
(n) national library
国立大学 [こくりつだいがく]
(n) national university
国立博物館 [こくりつはくぶつかん]
(n) national museum
国立予防衛生研究所 [こくりつよぼうえいせいけんきゅうしょ]
(n) National Institute of Health
国力 [こくりょく]
(n) national power
国連 [こくれん]
(n) U.N.
国連開発計画 [こくれんかいはつけいかく]
(n) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
国連環境計画 [こくれんかんきょうけいかく]
(n) United Nations Environment Programme (Program)
国連監視軍 [こくれんかんしぐん]
(n) UN observer force
国連監視検証査察委員会 [こくれんかんしけんしょうささついいんかい]
(n) UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)
国連旗 [こくれんき]
(n) the United Nations flag
国連記念日 [こくれんきねんび]
(n) United Nations Day
国連軍 [こくれんぐん]
(n) UN troops or peacekeeping force
国連憲章 [こくれんけんしょう]
(n) the UN Charter
国連事務総長 [こくれんじむそうちょう]
(n) U.N. Secretary General
国連児童基金 [こくれんじどうききん]
(n) UN International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
国連食糧農業機関 [こくれんしょくりょうのうぎょうきかん]
(n) UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (Organisation)
国連人権委員会 [こくれんじんけんいいんかい]
(n) UN Human Rights Commission
国連総会 [こくれんそうかい]
(n) United Nations General Assembly
国連大使 [こくれんたいし]
(n) UN ambassador
国連難民高等弁務官事務所 [こくれんなんみんこうとうべんむかんじむしょ]
(n) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
国連分担金 [こくれんぶんたんきん]
(n) financial contributions to the UN made by member-nations
国連平和維持軍 [こくれんへいわいじぐん]
(n) UN peacekeeping forces
国労 [こくろう]
(n) National Railway Workers Union
国論 [こくろん]
(n) public opinion
国訛 [くになまり]
(n) dialect
穀象虫 [こくぞうむし]
(n) rice weevil
穀食 [こくしょく]
(n,vs) cereal diet
穀倉 [こくそう]
(n) granary
穀倉地帯 [こくそうちたい]
(n) grain-producing region
穀潰し [ごくつぶし]
(n) good-for-nothing
穀物 [こくもつ]
(n) grain
穀粉 [こくふん]
(n) grain (rice) flour
穀粒 [こくりゅう]
(n) kernel
穀類 [こくるい]
(n) grains
酷 [こく]
(adj-na,n) (1) severe
酷い [ひどい]
(adj) (uk) cruel
酷い仕打ち [ひどいしうち]
(n) cruel treatment
酷い目に遇う [ひどいめにあう]
(exp) to have a bad time
酷い目に遭う [ひどいめにあう]
(exp) to have a bad time
酷く作った顔 [ひどくつくったかお]
(n) face with heavy makeup
酷しい [きびしい]
(adj) (1) severe
酷なやり方 [こくなやりかた]
(n) cruel deed
酷寒 [こっかん]
(n) severe (intense) cold
酷寒猛暑 [こっかんもうしょ]
(n) bitter cold and fierce heat
酷遇 [こくぐう]
(n,vs) maltreatment
酷刑 [こっけい]
(n) severe punishment
酷使 [こくし]
(n,vs) exploitation
酷似 [こくじ]
(n,vs) resemblance
酷暑 [こくしょ]
(n) intense heat
酷税 [こくぜい]
(n) heavy taxation
酷熱 [こくねつ]
(n) intense heat
酷薄 [こくはく]
(adj-na,n) cruel
酷評 [こくひょう]
(n,vs) severe criticism
酷吏 [こくり]
(n) an unsparing official
酷烈 [こくれつ]
(adj-na,n) severity
黒 [くろ]
(n) (1) black
黒々 [くろぐろ]
(adv,n) deep black
黒い [くろい]
(adj) (1) black
黒い奴 [くろいやつ]
(n) black one
黒い霧 [くろいきり]
(n) thick fog
黒い眸 [くろいひとみ]
(n) (beautiful) dark eyes
黒くする [くろくする]
(exp) to blacken
黒く染まる [くろくそまる]
(v5r) to be dyed black
黒すぐり [くろすぐり]
(n) black-currant (Ribes nigrum)
黒ずむ [くろずむ]
(v5m) to blacken
黒っぽい [くろっぽい]
(adj) dark
黒ばむ [くろばむ]
(v5m) to blacken
黒まる [くろまる]
(v5r) to blacken
黒める [くろめる]
(v1) to make something black
黒らか [くろらか]
(n) blackness
黒ん坊 [くろんぼ]
(n) (1) (derog) black person
黒ん坊 [くろんぼう]
(n) (1) (derog) black person
黒スグリ [くろスグリ]
(n) black-currant (Ribes nigrum)
黒衣 [こくい]
(n) black clothes
黒衣 [こくえ]
(n) black clothes
黒衣の宰相 [こくいのさいしょう]
(n) Buddhist priest who is a government minister
黒雲 [くろくも]
(n) dark clouds
黒雲 [こくうん]
(n) dark clouds
黒雲母 [くろうんも]
(n) biotite
黒影 [こくえい]
(n) silhouette
黒円 [くろまる]
(n) black spot
黒煙 [くろけむり]
(n) black smoke
黒煙 [こくえん]
(n) black smoke
黒縁 [くろぶち]
(n) black rim
黒鉛 [こくえん]
(n) graphite
黒海 [こっかい]
(n) Black Sea
黒樫 [くろがし]
(n) black oak
黒褐色 [こっかっしょく]
(n) blackish brown
黒鴨 [くろがも]
(n) black scoter (duck)
黒丸 [くろまる]
(n) black spot
黒眼鏡 [くろめがね]
(n) sunglasses
黒蟻 [くろあり]
(n) black ant
黒巾 [くろご]
(n) prompter
黒金 [くろがね]
(n) iron
黒金剛石 [くろこんごうせき]
(n) black diamond
黒熊 [くろくま]
(n) black bear
黒熊 [くろぐま]
(n) black bear
黒血 [くろち]
(n) venous blood
黒鍵 [こっけん]
(n) black keys
黒御影 [くろみかげ]
(n) black granite
黒光り [くろびかり]
(n,vs) black lustre
黒黒 [くろぐろ]
(adv,n) deep black
黒砂糖 [くろざとう]
(n) brown sugar
黒鷺 [くろさぎ]
(n) eastern reef heron
黒作り [くろづくり]
(n) squid chopped, salted and mixed in its own ink
黒山 [くろやま]
(n) large crowd
黒酸塊 [くろすぐり]
(n) black-currant (Ribes nigrum)
黒子 [くろこ]
(n) prompter
黒子 [くろご]
(n) prompter
黒子 [こくし]
(n) dark mole
黒子 [ほくろ]
(n) dark mole
黒死病 [こくしびょう]
(n) bubonic plague
黒字 [くろじ]
(n) balance (figure) in the black
黒字倒産 [くろじとうさん]
(n) business insolvency due to liquidity problems
黒漆 [こくしつ]
(n) black lacquer
黒蛇 [くろへび]
(n) blacksnake
黒酒 [くろき]
(n) black sake
黒松 [くろまつ]
(n) black pine
黒焼き [くろやき]
(n) charring
黒焼け [くろやけ]
(n) charring
黒焦げ [くろこげ]
(n) something burnt black
黒色 [こくしょく]
(n) black (colour, color)
黒色尉 [こくしきじょう]
(n) Old Black Joe (a noh mask)
黒色火薬 [こくしょくかやく]
(n) black powder
黒色癌 [こくしょくがん]
(n) melanocarcinoma
黒色腫 [こくしょくしゅ]
(n) melanoma
黒色人種 [こくしょくじんしゅ]
(n) black race
黒人 [こくじん]
(n) black person
黒人霊歌 [こくじんれいか]
(n) Negro spiritual
黒水引 [くろみずひき]
(n) black and white string
黒水熱 [こくすいねつ]
(n) blackwater fever
黒星 [くろぼし]
(n) black spot
黒線 [こくせん]
(n) black line
黒船 [くろふね]
(n) black ships
黒鼠 [くろねずみ]
(n) black rat
黒装束 [くろしょうぞく]
(n) black clothes
黒帯 [くろおび]
(n) black belt (judo, karate, etc.)
黒鯛 [くろだい]
(n) black sea bream
黒炭 [こくたん]
(n) bituminous coal
黒壇 [こくたん]
(n) ebony
黒檀 [こくたん]
(n) ebony
黒地 [くろじ]
(n) black ground
黒竹 [くろちく]
(n) black bamboo
黒茶 [くろちゃ]
(n) deep brown
黒潮 [くろしお]
(n) Japan Current
黒鳥 [こくちょう]
(n) black swan
黒底翳 [くろそこひ]
(n) black cataract
黒鉄 [くろがね]
(n) iron
黒点 [こくてん]
(n) black spot
黒点周期 [こくてんしゅうき]
(n) sunspot cycle
黒田売買 [くろたばいばい]
(n) dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest before seedlings are set out
黒塗り [くろぬり]
(n) blackening
黒土 [くろつち]
(n) black terracotta
黒土 [こくど]
(n) black terracotta
黒奴 [くろんぼ]
(n) (1) (derog) black person
黒奴 [くろんぼう]
(n) (1) (derog) black person
黒奴 [こくど]
(n) (1) (derog) black person
黒豆 [くろまめ]
(n) black soy bean
黒頭巾 [くろずきん]
(n) black hood
黒内障 [くろそこひ]
(n) black cataract
黒内障 [こくないしょう]
(n) black cataract
黒肉 [くろにく]
(n) black sealing ink
黒猫 [くろねこ]
(n) black cat
黒白 [くろしろ]
(n) black and white
黒白 [こくはく]
(n) black and white
黒白 [こくびゃく]
(n) black and white
黒麦 [くろむぎ]
(n) rye
黒八丈 [くろはちじょう]
(n) thick black silk from Hachijo Island
黒髪 [くろかみ]
(n) black hair
黒髪 [こくはつ]
(n) black hair
黒斑 [くろふ]
(n) (arch) black spots
黒斑 [くろぶち]
(n) (arch) black spots
黒斑 [こくはん]
(n) (arch) black spots
黒斑病 [こくはんびょう]
(n) purple spot (on a plant)
黒板 [こくばん]
(n) blackboard
黒板拭き [こくばんふき]
(n) blackboard eraser
黒番 [くろばん]
(n) black to play (in Go)
黒百合 [くろゆり]
(n) black lily
黒表 [こくひょう]
(n) black list
黒豹 [くろひょう]
(n) (black) panther
黒風 [こくふう]
(n) sky darkening dust storm
黒風白雨 [こくふうはくう]
(n) sudden rain shower in a dust storm
黒服 [くろふく]
(n) black suit
黒物家電 [くろものかでん]
(n) black goods
黒文字 [くろもじ]
(n) spicebush
黒米 [くろごめ]
(n) unpolished rice
黒穂 [くろほ]
(n) smut
黒穂 [くろぼ]
(n) smut
黒穂病 [くろほびょう]
(n) smut
黒房 [くろぶさ]
(n) black tassel hung above the northwest corner of a sumo ring
黒房すぐり [くろふさすぐり]
(n) black-currant (Ribes nigrum)
黒房スグリ [くろふさすぐり]
(n) black-currant (Ribes nigrum)
黒房酸塊 [くろふさすぐり]
(n) black-currant (Ribes nigrum)
黒幕 [くろまく]
(n) black curtain
黒鮪 [くろまぐろ]
(n) bluefin tuna (edible fish, Thunnus thynnus)
黒木 [くろき]
(n) unbarked lumber
黒目 [くろめ]
(n) black iris
黒紋付き [くろもんつき]
(n) black crested haori
黒曜岩 [こくようがん]
(n) obsidian
黒曜石 [こくようせき]
(n) obsidian
黒緑 [くろみどり]
(n) blackish green
黒枠 [くろわく]
(n) mourning borders
黒猩々 [くろしょうじょう]
(n) chimpanzee
黒猩猩 [くろしょうじょう]
(n) chimpanzee
黒痣 [くろあざ]
(n) black mole
黒繻子 [くろじゅす]
(n) black satin
黒翳 [こくえい]
(n) silhouette
黒苺 [くろいちご]
(n) blackberry
黒貂 [くろてん]
(n) sable
黒銹病 [くろさびびょう]
(n) black rust
黒鵐 [くろじ]
(n) gray bunting
黒鶫 [くろつぐみ]
(n) gray thrush
黒黴 [くろかび]
(n) black mold
獄を破る [ごくをやぶる]
(exp) to break prison
獄衣 [ごくい]
(n) prison uniform
獄屋 [ごくや]
(n) prison
獄死 [ごくし]
(n,vs) death in jail
獄舎 [ごくしゃ]
(n) prison
獄窓 [ごくそう]
(n) prison
獄卒 [ごくそつ]
(n) prison guards
獄中 [ごくちゅう]
(n) during imprisonment
獄中記 [ごくちゅうき]
(n) diary written in prison
獄中日記 [ごくちゅうにっき]
(n) prison diary
獄門 [ごくもん]
(n) prison gate
獄吏 [ごくり]
(n) jailer
漉し器 [こしき]
(n) filter
漉し紙 [こしがみ]
(n) filter paper
漉す [こす]
(v5s) to filter
腰 [こし]
(n) hip
腰かける [こしかける]
(v1) to sit (down)
腰が強い [こしがつよい]
(n) firm
腰が重い [こしがおもい]
(n) slow to act
腰の物 [こしのもの]
(n) sword worn at the waist
腰をおろす [こしをおろす]
(exp) to sit down
腰をかける [こしをかける]
(exp) to sit down
腰を下ろす [こしをおろす]
(exp) to sit down
腰を掛ける [こしをかける]
(exp) to sit down
腰を屈めて歩く [こしをかがめてあるく]
(exp) to walk with a stoop
腰を据える [こしをすえる]
(exp) to settle oneself (in a place)
腰囲 [ようい]
(n) hip measurement
腰羽目 [こしばめ]
(n) waist-high wainscoting
腰回り [こしまわり]
(n) measurement round the hips
腰垣 [こしがき]
(n) waist-high fence
腰掛 [こしかけ]
(n) seat
腰掛け [こしかけ]
(n) seat
腰掛ける [こしかける]
(v1) to sit (down)
腰掛け仕事 [こしかけしごと]
(n) temporary employment
腰掛る [こしかける]
(io) (v1) to sit (down)
腰掛仕事 [こしかけしごと]
(n) temporary employment
腰巻 [こしまき]
(n) loincloth
腰巻き [こしまき]
(n) loincloth
腰間 [ようかん]
(n) hips
腰気 [こしけ]
(n) mucous discharge from female genitals (leucorrhoea, leucorrhea)
腰巾着 [こしぎんちゃく]
(n) hanger-on
腰元 [こしもと]
(n) chamber maid
腰高 [こしだか]
(adj-na,n) overbearing
腰高障子 [こしだかしょうじ]
(n) tall-paneled sliding door
腰骨 [こしぼね]
(n) hipbone
腰砕け [こしくだけ]
(n) losing one's balance
腰弱 [こしよわ]
(adj-na,n) bad back
腰上げ [こしあげ]
(n) tuck at the waist
腰赤燕 [おおこしあかつばめ]
(n) striated swallow (Hirundo striolata)
腰赤燕 [こしあかつばめ]
(n) red-rumped swallow (Hirundo daurica)
腰折 [こしおれ]
(n) (1) (pol) bad poem
腰折れ [こしおれ]
(n) (1) (pol) bad poem
腰帯 [こしおび]
(n) waist towel
腰張り [こしばり]
(n) (1) wainscoting
腰椎 [ようつい]
(n) lumbar vertebrae
腰痛 [ようつう]
(n) pain in the hip
腰刀 [こしがたな]
(n) short sword
腰投げ [こしなげ]
(n) hip throw in judo or sumo
腰湯 [こしゆ]
(n) sitting bath
腰当て [こしあて]
(n) bustle
腰縄 [こしなわ]
(n) leash
腰抜け [こしぬけ]
(n) coward
腰板 [こしいた]
(n) wooden paneling
腰紐 [こしひも]
(n) cord tied around the waist of a kimono before an obi is tied
腰付き [こしつき]
(n) gait
腰布 [こしぬの]
(n) loincloth
腰布団 [こしぶとん]
(n) cushion worn round the waist for warmth
腰部 [ようぶ]
(n) loins
腰弁 [こしべん]
(n) lunchbox hanging from one's waist
腰弁当 [こしべんとう]
(n) lunchbox hanging from one's waist
腰揚げ [こしあげ]
(n) tuck at the waist
忽ち [たちまち]
(adv) (uk) at once
忽然 [こつぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) sudden
惚け [とぼけ]
(n) assumed innocence
惚け [ぼけ]
(n,suf) (uk) idiot
惚ける [とぼける]
(v1) (1) to play dumb
惚ける [ぼける]
(v1) (1) to grow senile
惚れる [ほれる]
(v1) to fall in love
惚れ惚れ [ほれぼれ]
(adv,n) (uk) fondly
惚れ込む [ほれこむ]
(v5m) to be charmed by
惚れ薬 [ほれぐすり]
(n) love potion
惚気 [のろけ]
(n) speaking fondly of a loved one
惚気る [のろける]
(v1) to play up
惚気話 [のろけばなし]
(n) (uk) speaking fondly of
骨 [こつ]
(n) (uk) knack
骨 [ほね]
(adj-na,n) bone
骨が折れる [ほねがおれる]
(v1) to require much effort
骨っぽい [ほねっぽい]
(adj) bony
骨っ節 [ほねっぷし]
(n) joint
骨の有る男 [ほねのあるおとこ]
(n) man of spirit
骨ばる [ほねばる]
(v5r) to be bony
骨を覚える [こつをおぼえる]
(v1) to learn the ropes
骨を折る [ほねをおる]
(exp) to make efforts
骨を埋める [ほねをうずめる]
(exp) to die in (a foreign land)
骨シンチ [ほねシンチ]
(n) bone scan (trans. abbr. of bone scintigraphy)
骨化 [こっか]
(n) ossification
骨灰 [こっかい]
(n) bone ash
骨灰 [こつばい]
(n) bone ash
骨格 [こっかく]
(n) physique
骨格筋 [こっかくきん]
(n) skeletal muscle
骨幹 [こっかん]
(n) skeleton
骨関節症 [こつかんせつしょう]
(n) osteoarthritis
骨休め [ほねやすめ]
(n,vs) relaxation
骨材 [こつざい]
(n) aggregate
骨仕事 [ほねしごと]
(n) backbreaking work
骨子 [こっし]
(n) bones
骨質 [こっしつ]
(n) bony tissue
骨拾い [こつひろい]
(n) gathering up the ashes of the deceased
骨身 [ほねみ]
(n) flesh and bones
骨髄 [こつずい]
(n) marrow
骨髄移植 [こつずいいしょく]
(n) marrow transplant
骨髄炎 [こつずいえん]
(n) (osteo)myelitis
骨髄腫 [こつずいしゅ]
(n) myeloma
骨惜しみ [ほねおしみ]
(n,vs) sparing oneself
骨接ぎ [ほねつぎ]
(n) bonesetting
骨折 [こっせつ]
(n,vs) bone fracture
骨折り [ほねおり]
(n) travail
骨折り損 [ほねおりぞん]
(n) waste of labor or energy
骨折る [ほねおる]
(v5r) to exert oneself greatly
骨粗しょう症 [こつそしょうしょう]
(n) osteoporosis
骨粗鬆症 [こつそしょうしょう]
(n) osteoporosis
骨組み [ほねぐみ]
(n) skeleton
骨組織 [こつそしき]
(n) bony tissue
骨相 [こっそう]
(n) physique
骨相学 [こっそうがく]
(n) phrenology
骨相学者 [こっそうがくしゃ]
(n) phrenologist
骨太 [ほねぶと]
(adj-na,n) big-boned
骨炭 [こったん]
(n) ashes of animal bones, used as a coloring agent (colouring)
骨張る [ほねばる]
(v5r) to be bony
骨頂 [こっちょう]
(n) height
骨壷 [こつつぼ]
(n) funerary urn
骨董 [こっとう]
(n) antique
骨董屋 [こっとうや]
(n) antique store
骨董趣味 [こっとうしゅみ]
(n) antiquarianism
骨董店 [こっとうてん]
(n) antique shop
骨董品 [こっとうひん]
(n) curio
骨董品店 [こっとうひんてん]
(n) antique store
骨軟化症 [こつなんかしょう]
(n) osteomalacia
骨肉 [こつにく]
(n) one's own flesh and blood
骨肉腫 [こつにくしゅ]
(n) osteosarcoma
骨肉相食 [こつにくそうしょく]
(n) blood feud
骨牌 [かるた]
(pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)
骨箱 [こつばこ]
(n) box in which ashes of the deceased are kept
骨抜き [ほねぬき]
(n,adj-no) (1) boned
骨盤 [こつばん]
(n) pelvis
骨盤底筋 [こばんぞこきん]
(n) pubococcygeal muscle
骨皮筋右衛門 [ほねかわすじえもん]
(exp) reduced to skin and bones
骨粉 [こっぷん]
(n) powdered bone(s)
骨柄 [こつがら]
(n) build
骨片 [こっぺん]
(n) bone fragment
骨法 [こっぽう]
(n) knack
骨膜 [こつまく]
(n) periosteum
骨膜炎 [こつまくえん]
(n) periostitis
骨密度 [こつみつど]
(n) bone density
骨無し [ほねなし]
(n) boneless
骨揚げ [こつあげ]
(n,vs) gathering up the ashes of the deceased
骨鱗 [こつりん]
(n) bony scale (of a fish)
骨骼 [こっかく]
(n) physique
狛犬 [こまいぬ]
(n) (stone) guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrine
込み [こみ]
(n,suf) including
込みで買う [こみでかう]
(exp) to buy the whole lot
込み合う [こみあう]
(v5u) to be crowded
込み上げる [こみあげる]
(v1) (1) to feel nauseous
込み入った [こみいった]
(adj) intricate
込み入る [こみいる]
(v5r) to push in
込む [こむ]
(v5m) (1) to be crowded
込める [こめる]
(v1) to include
込合う [こみあう]
(v5u) to be crowded
此の [この]
(adj-pn,int) (uk) this
此の間 [このあいだ]
(n-t,n-adv) (1) the other day
此の間 [このかん]
(n-t,n-adv) (1) the other day
此の頃 [このごろ]
(n-adv,n-t) recently
此の際 [このさい]
(n-adv) on this occasion
此の所 [このところ]
(n) lately
此の上 [このうえ]
(adv) furthermore
此の世 [このよ]
(n) this world
此の世界 [このせかい]
(n) this world
此の節 [このせつ]
(n-adv) these days
此の先 [このさき]
(n-adv) beyond this point
此の中 [このうち]
(exp) recently
此の中 [このじゅう]
(exp) recently
此の程 [このほど]
(n-adv) (1) (uk) now
此の度 [このたび]
(n-adv,n-t) this occasion
此の内 [このうち]
(exp) recently
此の辺 [このへん]
(n) this area
此の方 [このかた]
(n-adv) this person
此の方 [このほう]
(n-adv) this person
此の様 [このよう]
(adj-na) like this
此の様に [このように]
(adv) (uk) in this manner
此の儘 [このまま]
(n) as (it) is
此れ [これ]
(int,n) (uk) this
此れから [これから]
(n-t) (uk) after this
此れ許り [こればかり]
(n-t) only this much
此れ見よがしに [これみよがしに]
(adv) for show
此れ此れ [これこれ]
(n) this and that
此れ丈 [これだけ]
(exp) (uk) so many (few)
此れ程 [これほど]
(adv,n) (uk) so
此れ等 [これら]
(int) (uk) these
此れ等の [これらの]
(adj-no) (uk) these
此れ彼 [これかれ]
(n) (1) (uk) this and that
此れ迄 [これまで]
(n) (uk) hitherto
此れ迄に [これまでに]
(adv) (uk) before now
此間 [こないだ]
(n-adv,n-t) (uk) the other day
此岸 [しがん]
(n) this world (life)
此処 [ここ]
(n) (uk) here
此処ん所 [ここんとこ]
(n) this place
此処一番 [ここいちばん]
(n) the crucial moment
此処等 [ここら]
(n) hereabouts
此処彼処 [ここかしこ]
(exp) (uk) here and there
此度 [こたび]
(n-adv,n-t) this occasion
此度 [このたび]
(n-adv,n-t) this occasion
此奴 [こいつ]
(n) (uk) (col) this fellow
此奴 [こやつ]
(n) (uk) (col) this fellow
此彼 [これかれ]
(n) (1) (uk) this and that
此方 [こちら]
(n) (1) (uk) this person
此方 [こっち]
(n) (1) (uk) this person
此方 [こなた]
(n) (1) (uk) this person
頃 [けい]
(n,n-adv,n-suf) (uk) time
頃 [ころ]
(n,n-adv,n-suf) (uk) time
頃 [ごろ]
(n,n-adv,n-suf) (uk) time
頃合 [ころあい]
(n) (1) suitable time
頃合い [ころあい]
(n) (1) suitable time
頃刻 [けいこく]
(n) short period
頃日 [けいじつ]
(n-adv,n-t) recently
今 [いま]
(n-adv,n) now
今 [こん]
(n) this
今々 [いまいま]
(n) right now
今か今か [いまかいまか]
(n) eagerly waiting
今が今 [いまがいま]
(n) just now
今が今まで [いまがいままで]
(exp) till just now
今ごろ [いまごろ]
(n-adv,n-t) about this time
今し方 [いましがた]
(adv,n) moment ago
今すぐ [いますぐ]
(adv) at once
今では [いまでは]
(adv) now
今でも [いまでも]
(n) even now
今どき [いまどき]
(n-adv,n-t) present day
今に [いまに]
(adv) before long
今にも [いまにも]
(adv) at any time
今のところ [いまのところ]
(n) at present
今の所 [いまのところ]
(n) at present
今ひとつ [いまひとつ]
(adj-na,adv) (col) one more
今まで [いままで]
(adv) until now
今めかしい [いまめかしい]
(adj) fashionable
今めかす [いまめかす]
(v5s) to modernize
今もって [いまもって]
(adv) until now
今や [いまや]
(adv) now
今や遅しと [いまやおそしと]
(adv) impatiently
今わ [いまわ]
(n) one's dying moment or hour
今以て [いまもって]
(adv) still
今一 [いまいち]
(adj-na,adv) (col) one more
今一 [いまひとつ]
(adj-na,adv) (col) one more
今一つ [いまひとつ]
(adj-na,adv) (col) one more
今一度 [いまいちど]
(n) once more
今一歩 [いまいっぽ]
(n,adv) (1) one more
今夏 [こんか]
(n-adv,n-t) this summer
今回 [こんかい]
(n-adv,n-t) now
今期 [こんき]
(n-adv,n-t) the present term
今季 [こんき]
(n-adv,n-t) this season
今暁 [こんぎょう]
(n-adv,n-t) this morning (at dawn)
今月 [こんげつ]
(n-adv,n-t) this month
今月分 [こんげつぶん]
(n) (charge) for this month
今月末 [こんげつまつ]
(n) end of this month
今古 [きんこ]
(n) now and anciently
今後 [こんご]
(n-adv,n-t) from now on
今更 [いまさら]
(adv,n) now (after such a long time)
今国会 [こんこっかい]
(n) current Diet session
今頃 [いまごろ]
(n-adv,n-t) about this time
今今 [いまいま]
(n) right now
今際 [いまわ]
(n) one's dying moment or hour
今思うと [いまおもうと]
(exp) thinking back now
今時 [いまどき]
(n-adv,n-t) present day
今時分 [いまじぶん]
(n-adv,n-t) about this time
今次 [こんじ]
(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) the present time
今秋 [こんしゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) this (next, last) autumn (fall)
今週 [こんしゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) this week
今週中 [こんしゅうちゅう]
(n) all this week
今出来 [いまでき]
(n) something new
今春 [こんしゅん]
(n-adv,n-t) this spring
今宵 [こよい]
(n-adv,n-t) this evening
今少し [いますこし]
(adv) a little more
今尚 [いまなお]
(adv) still
今上 [きんじょう]
(n) the reigning emperor
今上天皇 [きんじょうてんのう]
(n) the present Emperor
今上陛下 [きんじょうへいか]
(n) the reigning emperor
今人 [こんじん]
(n) present-day people
今世界 [こんせかい]
(n) this world
今世紀 [こんせいき]
(n) this century
今是昨非 [こんぜさくひ]
(exp) complete reversal of values or ways of thinking (over time)
今生 [こんじょう]
(n) this life
今昔 [こんじゃく]
(n) past and present
今昔 [こんせき]
(n) past and present
今川焼 [いまがわやき]
(n) Japanese muffin containing bean jam, served hot
今朝 [けさ]
(n-t) this morning
今朝 [こんちょう]
(ik) (n-t) this morning
今朝方 [けさがた]
(n-t) this morning
今直ぐ [いますぐ]
(adv) at once
今程 [いまほど]
(n) recently
今度 [こんど]
(n-adv,n-t) now
今度限り [こんどかぎり]
(exp) for this once only
今冬 [こんとう]
(n-adv,n-t) this winter
今道心 [いまどうしん]
(n) neophyte
今日 [きょう]
(n-t) today
今日 [こんにち]
(n-t) today
今日は [こんにちは]
(int) hello
今日まで [きょうまで]
(exp) until today
今日まで [こんにちまで]
(exp) until today
今日昨日 [きようきのう]
(n) (1) today and yesterday
今日中 [きょうじゅう]
(n) by today
今日的 [こんにちてき]
(adj-na) modern
今日日 [きょうび]
(n-adv,n-t) nowadays
今日明日 [きょうあす]
(n) today and tomorrow
今日様 [こんにちさま]
(n) sun god
今年 [ことし]
(n-adv,n-t) this year
今年 [こんねん]
(n-adv,n-t) this year
今年度 [こんねんど]
(n-adv,n-t) this year
今般 [こんぱん]
(n-adv,n-t) now
今晩 [こんばん]
(n-adv,n-t) tonight
今晩は [こんばんは]
(exp) good evening
今風 [いまふう]
(adj-na,n) modern style
今方 [いまがた]
(adv,n) a moment ago
今迄 [いままで]
(adv) until now
今明日 [こんみょうにち]
(n-t) today and (or) tomorrow
今夜 [こんや]
(n-adv,n-t) this evening
今夕 [こんせき]
(n-adv,n-t) this evening
今夕 [こんゆう]
(n-adv,n-t) this evening
今様 [いまよう]
(n) modern style
今様歌 [いまよううた]
(n) Heian poetry style
困らせる [こまらせる]
(v1) to trouble with questions
困り果てる [こまりはてる]
(v1) to be greatly perplexed
困り者 [こまりもの]
(n) good-for-nothing
困り切る [こまりきる]
(v5r) to be greatly perplexed
困り抜く [こまりぬく]
(v5k) to be at one's wit's end
困る [こまる]
(v5r) to be worried
困却 [こんきゃく]
(n,vs) perplexity
困窮 [こんきゅう]
(n,vs) poverty
困窮者 [こんきゅうしゃ]
(n) the poor or needy or destitute
困苦 [こんく]
(n,vs) privation
困苦窮乏 [こんくきゅうぼう]
(n) hardships and privations
困苦欠乏 [こんくけつぼう]
(n) hardships and privations
困難 [こんなん]
(adj-na,n) difficulty
困難と闘う [こんなんとたたかう]
(v5u) to contend with difficulties
困難に陥れる [こんなんにおとしいれる]
(exp) to put (a person) in a fix
困惑 [こんわく]
(n,vs) bewilderment
困憊 [こんぱい]
(n,vs) exhaustion
坤 [こん]
(n) southwest
墾田 [こんでん]
(n) new rice field
婚姻 [こんいん]
(n,adj-no,vs) marriage
婚姻届 [こんいんとどけ]
(n) marriage registration
婚姻法 [こんいんほう]
(n) marriage laws
婚家 [こんか]
(n) the family of one's husband
婚外交渉 [こんがいこうしょう]
(n) extramarital sex
婚外性交 [こんがいせいこう]
(n) adultery
婚期 [こんき]
(n) marriageable age
婚儀 [こんぎ]
(n) wedding ceremony
婚前交渉 [こんぜんこうしょう]
(n) premarital sexual relations (intercourse)
婚約 [こんやく]
(n,vs) engagement
婚約指輪 [こんやくゆびわ]
(n) engagement ring
婚約者 [こんやくしゃ]
(n) fiance
婚礼 [こんれい]
(n) marriage ceremony
婚礼の儀 [こんれいのぎ]
(n) wedding ceremony
婚礼衣装 [こんれいいしょう]
(n) wedding clothes
恨み [うらみ]
(n) resentment
恨みっこなし [うらみっこなし]
(exp) with no hard feelings
恨みっこのないように [うらみっこのないように]
(adv) making it even
恨みっこ無し [うらみっこなし]
(exp) with no hard feelings
恨み言 [うらみごと]
(n) grudge
恨む [うらむ]
(v5m) to curse
恨めしい [うらめしい]
(adj) reproachful
恨めし気に [うらめしげに]
(adv) reproachfully
恨事 [こんじ]
(n) regrettable matter
恨布 [こぶ]
(n) konbu seaweed
恨布 [こんぶ]
(n) konbu seaweed
懇々 [こんこん]
(adj-t,adv-to) repeated
懇ろ [ねんごろ]
(adj-na,n) kind
懇ろになる [ねんごろになる]
(exp) to become intimate
懇ろに葬る [ねんごろにほうむる]
(exp) to bury with due ceremony
懇意 [こんい]
(adj-na,n) kindness
懇願 [こんがん]
(n,vs) (1) entreaty
懇懇 [こんこん]
(adj-t,adv-to) repeated
懇書 [こんしょ]
(n) your kind letter
懇情 [こんじょう]
(n) kindliness
懇親 [こんしん]
(n) friendship
懇親会 [こんしんかい]
(n) friendly reunion
懇請 [こんせい]
(n,vs) appeal
懇切 [こんせつ]
(adj-na,n) kindness
懇切丁寧 [こんせつていねい]
(n,adj-na) (an explanation, advice, etc. being) kind, careful, and thorough
懇談 [こんだん]
(n,vs) informal talk
懇談会 [こんだんかい]
(n) social gathering
懇篤 [こんとく]
(adj-na,n) cordial
懇望 [こんぼう]
(n,vs) entreaty
懇望 [こんもう]
(n,vs) entreaty
懇命 [こんめい]
(n) kind words
懇話 [こんわ]
(n,vs) friendly (familiar) chat (talk)
懇話会 [こんわかい]
(n) friendly get-together
昏々 [こんこん]
(adj-t,adv-to) fast asleep
昏々と眠っている [こんこんとねむっている]
(exp) to be in coma
昏昏 [こんこん]
(adj-t,adv-to) fast asleep
昏昏と眠っている [こんこんとねむっている]
(exp) to be in coma
昏睡 [こんすい]
(n,vs) (1) lethargy
昏睡状態 [こんすいじょうたい]
(n) lethargic state
昏倒 [こんとう]
(n,vs) swoon
昏迷 [こんめい]
(oK) (n,vs) stupefaction
昏迷状態 [こんめいじょうたい]
(n) befuddled (bewildered, confused, chaotic) state
昆虫 [こんちゅう]
(n) insect
昆虫学 [こんちゅうがく]
(n) entomology
昆虫学者 [こんちゅうがくしゃ]
(n) entomologist
昆虫採集 [こんちゅうさいしゅう]
(n) insect collecting
昆布 [こぶ]
(n) konbu seaweed
昆布 [こんぶ]
(n) konbu seaweed
昆布出し [こんぶだし]
(n) soup stock made from konbu
昆布茶 [こぶちゃ]
(n) kelp tea
昆布茶 [こんぶちゃ]
(n) kelp tea
根 [ね]
(n) root
根が付く [ねがつく]
(exp) to take (strike) root
根こそぎ [ねこそぎ]
(adv) root and branch
根ざす [ねざす]
(v5s) to come from
根っから [ねっから]
(adj-no,adv) by nature
根っこ [ねっこ]
(n) root
根っ子 [ねっこ]
(n) root
根に持つ [ねにもつ]
(exp) to hold a grudge
根の良い [こんのよい]
(n) enduring
根はおとなしい [ねはおとなしい]
(exp) be tenderhearted by nature
根は大人しい [ねはおとなしい]
(exp) be tenderhearted by nature
根ほり葉ほり [ねほりはほり]
(adv,exp) thoroughly
根も葉もない [ねもはもない]
(exp) unfounded rumor
根も葉も無い噂 [ねもはもないうわさ]
(n) groundless rumor
根を下ろす [ねをおろす]
(exp) to take root
根を詰める [こんをつめる]
(exp) to strain one's nerve
根を生じる [ねをしょうじる]
(exp) to take root
根扱ぎ [ねこぎ]
(n) uprooting
根暗 [ねくら]
(adj-na,n) dark-natured
根引き [ねびき]
(n,vs) uproot
根回し [ねまわし]
(n,vs) making necessary arrangements
根回り [ねまわり]
(n) root circumference
根冠 [こんかん]
(n) root cap
根幹 [こんかん]
(n) basis
根岸流 [ねぎしりゅう]
(n) conservative calligraphy style used to write sumo rankings
根基 [こんき]
(n) radical
根気 [こんき]
(n) (1) patience
根気仕事 [こんきしごと]
(n) laborious task
根気負け [こんきまけ]
(n,vs) be outpersevered
根拠 [こんきょ]
(n,vs) basis
根拠のない [こんきょのない]
(adj) baseless
根拠地 [こんきょち]
(n) base (of operations)
根強い [ねづよい]
(adj) firmly rooted
根掘り葉掘り [ねほりはほり]
(adv,exp) thoroughly
根茎 [こんけい]
(n) rhizome
根元 [こんげん]
(n) root
根元 [ねもと]
(n) root
根原 [こんげん]
(n) root
根源 [こんげん]
(n) root
根限り [こんかぎり]
(adv,n) with all one's might
根号 [こんごう]
(n) radical sign
根差す [ねざす]
(v5s) to root in
根菜 [こんさい]
(n) root crops
根菜類 [こんさいるい]
(n) root crops
根子 [ねっこ]
(n) root
根治 [こんじ]
(n,vs) complete (radical) cure
根治 [こんち]
(n,vs) complete (radical) cure
根城 [ねじろ]
(n) stronghold
根深い [ねぶかい]
(adj) deep-rooted
根性 [こんじょう]
(n,vs) will-power
根性のすわった [こんじょうのすわった]
(adj) fearless
根性焼き [こんじょうやき]
(n) test of courage by burning skin with cigarette
根切り [ねぎり]
(n) root cutting
根切り虫 [ねぎりむし]
(n) cutworm
根切虫 [ねきりむし]
(n) cutworm
根接ぎ [ねつぎ]
(n) root grafting
根雪 [ねゆき]
(n) lingering snow
根絶 [こんぜつ]
(n,vs) eradication
根絶やし [ねだやし]
(n) eradication
根太 [ねだ]
(n) joist
根太 [ねぶと]
(n) (skin) boil
根太板 [ねだいた]
(n) floorboard
根底 [こんてい]
(n) root
根締め [ねじめ]
(n) pound down the earth round the roots or add short branches of flowers to the base of an arrangement in ikebana
根鉢 [ねばち]
(n) root clump
根比べ [こんくらべ]
(n,vs) endurance contest
根付 [ねつけ]
(n) miniature carving attached to the end of a cord hanging from a pouch
根付く [ねづく]
(v5k) to take root
根付け [ねつけ]
(n) miniature carving attached to the end of a cord hanging from a pouch
根負け [こんまけ]
(n,vs) running out of patience with
根分け [ねわけ]
(n,vs) dividing a plant's roots for transplanting
根方 [ねかた]
(n) root
根堀り葉堀り [ねほりはほり]
(iK) (adv,exp) thoroughly
根本 [こんぽん]
(n) root
根本 [ねもと]
(n) root
根本原理 [こんぽんげんり]
(n) fundamental (basic) principles
根本主義 [こんぽんしゅぎ]
(n) fundamentalism
根本的 [こんぽんてき]
(adj-na) fundamental
根無し [ねなし]
(n) rootless
根無し草 [ねなしぐさ]
(n) duckweed
根毛 [こんもう]
(n) root hair
根粒 [こんりゅう]
(n) root nodule
根粒菌 [こんりゅうきん]
(n) root nodule bacteria
根刮ぎ [ねこそぎ]
(adv) root and branch
根柢 [こんてい]
(n) root
根瘤 [こんりゅう]
(n) root nodule
梱包 [こんぽう]
(n,vs) packing
梱包材 [こんぽうざい]
(n) packing material (boxes, insulation, shock resistance, etc.)
混々 [こんこん]
(adj-t,adv-to) copious (flowing)
混ざり物 [まざりもの]
(n) impurity
混ざる [まざる]
(v5r,vi) to be mixed
混じり [まじり]
(n,n-suf) mixed
混じり気 [まじりけ]
(n) a dash of (something)
混じり合う [まじりあう]
(v5u) to be mixed together
混じり物 [まじりもの]
(n) mixture
混じる [まじる]
(v5r,vi) to be mixed
混ぜっ返す [まぜっかえす]
(v5s) to mix in
混ぜる [まぜる]
(v1) to mix
混ぜ合せる [まぜあわせる]
(v1) to mix
混ぜ合わす [まぜあわす]
(v5s) mix together
混ぜ物 [まぜもの]
(n) mixture
混ぜ返す [まぜかえす]
(v5s) to banter
混み合う [こみあう]
(v5u) to be crowded
混む [こむ]
(v5m) (1) to be crowded
混凝土 [こんくりぜと]
(n) concrete
混血 [こんけつ]
(n,vs) mixed race
混血の人 [こんけつのひと]
(n) mixed race person
混血児 [こんけつじ]
(n) child of mixed blood or race
混交 [こんこう]
(n,vs) mixture
混交林 [こんこうりん]
(n) mixed forest
混合 [こんごう]
(n,vs) (1) mixing
混合う [こみあう]
(v5u) to be crowded
混合火薬 [こんごうかやく]
(n) explosive mixture
混合器 [こんごうき]
(n) mixer (frequency-changer)
混合機 [こんごうき]
(n) mixer
混合経済 [こんごうけいざい]
(n) mixed economy
混合語 [こんごうご]
(n) (linguistic) blending or contamination
混合酸化物燃料 [こんごうさんかぶつねんりょう]
(n) mixed plutonium and uranium oxides fuel (MOX)
混合酒 [こんごうしゅ]
(n) cocktail
混合燃料 [こんごうねんりょう]
(n) blended fuel
混合農業 [こんごうのうぎょう]
(n) mixed farming
混合物 [こんごうぶつ]
(n) mixture
混合林 [こんごうりん]
(n) mixed forest
混混 [こんこん]
(adj-t,adv-to) copious (flowing)
混載 [こんさい]
(n,vs) mixed loading
混載貨物 [こんさいかもつ]
(n) consolidated shipment
混在 [こんざい]
(n,vs) mixture
混作 [こんさく]
(n,vs) mixed cultivation
混雑 [こんざつ]
(n,vs) confusion
混雑した [こんざつした]
(adj) disorderly
混雑具合 [こんざつぐあい]
(n) the state (degree) of congestion
混種語 [こんしゅご]
(n) hybrid term combining elements drawn from different languages
混色 [こんしょく]
(n) mixed or compound color
混信 [こんしん]
(n,vs) jamming
混成 [こんせい]
(n,vs) mixed (e.g., team, chorus)
混成岩 [こんせいがん]
(n) hybrid rock
混成競技 [こんせいきょうぎ]
(n) combined competitions
混成語 [こんせいご]
(n) hybrid
混成酒 [こんせいしゅ]
(n) alcohol combined with sugar, spices, fruit, etc.
混成団 [こんせいだん]
(n) composite brigade
混成品 [こんせいひん]
(n) composite goods
混成物 [こんせいぶつ]
(n) mixture
混声 [こんせい]
(n) mixed voices
混声合唱 [こんせいがっしょう]
(n) mixed chorus
混戦 [こんせん]
(n) free-for-all fight
混線 [こんせん]
(n,vs) crossed wires or lines (of communication)
混然 [こんぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) whole
混然一体 [こんぜんいったい]
(exp) in complete harmony
混然一体となる [こんぜんいったいとなる]
(exp) to form a complete whole
混濁 [こんだく]
(n,vs) muddiness
混濁した [こんだくした]
(adj) thick
混同 [こんどう]
(n,vs) confusion
混沌 [こんとん]
(n) confusion
混沌としている [こんとんとしている]
(v1) to be chaotic
混入 [こんにゅう]
(n,vs) mixing
混入物 [こんにゅうぶつ]
(n) object which is mixed in
混分数 [こんぶんすう]
(n) (1) (gen) (math) mixed fraction
混紡 [こんぼう]
(n,vs) mixed yarn
混迷 [こんめい]
(n,vs) stupefaction
混迷状態 [こんめいじょうたい]
(n) befuddled (bewildered, confused, chaotic) state
混用 [こんよう]
(n,vs) mixing or using together
混浴 [こんよく]
(n,vs) mixed bathing
混乱 [こんらん]
(n,vs) disorder
混乱状態 [こんらんじょうたい]
(n) state of confusion
混和 [こんわ]
(n,vs) mixture
混和性 [こんわせい]
(n) miscibility
混和物 [こんわぶつ]
(n) mixture
混淆 [こんこう]
(n,vs) mixing up
痕跡 [こんせき]
(n) trace
痕跡器官 [こんせききかん]
(n) vestigial (rudimentary) organ
紺 [こん]
(n) navy blue
紺の背広 [こんのせびろ]
(n) blue business suit
紺屋 [こうや]
(n) dyer
紺屋 [こんや]
(n) dyer
紺色 [こんいろ]
(n) deep blue
紺青 [こんじょう]
(n) navy blue
紺地 [こんじ]
(n) (1) dark blue ground
紺碧 [こんぺき]
(n) deep blue
紺絣 [こんがすり]
(n) dark blue cloth with white splash patterns
艮 [ごん]
(n) northeast
艮の方角に [うしとらのほうがくに]
(adv) in the direction of northeast
艮下艮上 [ごんかごんしょう]
(n) one of the 64 trigrams
魂 [こん]
(n) soul
魂 [たま]
(n) soul
魂 [たましい]
(n) soul
魂を入れ替える [たましいをいれかえる]
(exp) to turn over a new leaf
魂迎え [たまむかえ]
(n) welcoming the spirits of the dead
魂消る [たまげる]
(v1) to be astonished
魂送り [たまおくり]
(n) sending off the spirits of the dead
魂胆 [こんたん]
(n,vs) (1) soul
魂柱 [こんちゅう]
(n) sound post (violin, etc)
魂魄 [こんぱく]
(n) soul
些々 [ささ]
(adj-t,adv-to) trifling
些か [いささか]
(adj-na,adv) a little
些さか [いささか]
(adj-na,adv) a little
些とも [ちっとも]
(adv) not at all (neg. verb)
些些 [ささ]
(adj-t,adv-to) trifling
些細 [ささい]
(adj-na,n) trivial
些事 [さじ]
(n) something small or petty
些少 [さしょう]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) trifling
些末 [さまつ]
(adj-na,n) trivial
佐 [さ]
(n) help
佐賀県 [さがけん]
(n) Saga prefecture (Kyuushuu)
佐官 [さかん]
(n) field officer
佐幕 [さばく]
(n) adherence to the shogunate
佐幕派 [さばくは]
(n) supporters of the shogun
佐様 [さよう]
(adj-na) such
叉 [また]
(n) fork (of a road)
叉手網 [さであみ]
(n) dip net
叉銃 [さじゅう]
(n,vs) stacked arms
叉焼 [チャーシュー]
(n) roasted pork fillet, often used in ramen
叉木 [またぎ]
(n) forked tree
唆し [そそのかし]
(n) instigation
唆す [そそのかす]
(v5s) to instigate
唆る [そそる]
(v5r) (uk) to excite
左 [ひだり]
(n) left hand side
左に曲がる [ひだりにまがる]
(v5r) to turn to the left
左に折れる [ひだりにおれる]
(v1) to turn to the left
左のような訳 [ひだりのようなわけ]
(exp) the reason(s) is (are) as follows
左のような理由 [ひだりのようなりゆう]
(exp) the reason(s) is (are) as follows
左の通り [さのとおり]
(n) as following
左右 [さゆう]
(n,vs) (1) left and right
左右に分かれる [さゆうにわかれる]
(exp) to part left and right
左右一対 [さゆういっつい]
(n) left-and-right pair
左右軸 [さゆうじく]
(n) lateral axis
左右相称 [さゆうそうしょう]
(n) symmetry
左右対称 [さゆうたいしょう]
(adj-no,n) bilateral symmetry
左下 [ひだりした]
(n) lower left
左回り [ひだりまわり]
(n) counterclockwise rotation
左巻き [ひだりまき]
(n) counterclockwise
左官 [さかん]
(n) plasterer
左岸 [さがん]
(n) left bank (of a river)
左寄り [ひだりより]
(n) tending to the left
左記 [さき]
(n) undermentioned (statement)
左詰め [ひだりづめ]
(n) left justified
左傾 [さけい]
(n,vs) leftist
左肩 [ひだりかた]
(n) left shoulder
左舷 [さげん]
(n) port (left side of vessel)
左顧右眄 [さこうべん]
(n,vs) looking right and left or all about
左向き [ひだりむき]
(n) turning to the left
左四つ [ひだりよつ]
(n) sumo hold in which both wrestlers obtain an underarm grip with the left hand and an over-arm grip with the right
左耳 [ひだりみみ]
(n) left ear
左手 [ひだりて]
(n) left hand
左小括弧 [ひだりしょうかっこ]
(n) opening parenthesis
左上 [ひだりうえ]
(n) left-upper
左心室 [さしんしつ]
(n) left ventricle
左心補助循環装置 [さしんほじょじゅんかんそうち]
(n) left ventricular assist device (LVAD)
左心房 [さしんぼう]
(n) left atrium
左折 [させつ]
(n,vs) turning to the left
左遷 [させん]
(n,vs) demotion
左前 [ひだりまえ]
(n) downward course
左前になる [ひだりまえになる]
(exp) to go downhill
左側 [さそく]
(n) left
左側 [ひだりがわ]
(n) left
左側通行 [ひだりがわつうこう]
(n) Keep Left
左足 [ひだりあし]
(n) left foot
左大括弧 [ひだりだいかっこ]
(n) opening (square) bracket
左大臣 [さだいじん]
(n) Minister of the Left (official in Nara and Heian periods)
左端 [さたん]
(n) left end
左端 [ひだりはし]
(n) left end
左団扇 [ひだりうちわ]
(n) ease and comfort
左中括弧 [ひだりちゅうかっこ]
(n) opening brace
左中間 [さちゅうかん]
(n) between left and center fielders (centre)
左直 [さちょく]
(n) left liner
左程 [さほど]
(adv,conj) (uk) not so
左党 [さとう]
(n) (1) drinker
左党 [ひだりとう]
(n) (1) drinker
左投げ [ひだりなげ]
(n) left-handed pitching
左脳 [さのう]
(n) left brain
左派 [さは]
(n) left wing
左派系 [さはけい]
(n) left faction
左表 [さひょう]
(n) chart at the left
左辺 [さへん]
(n) left side (of an equation)
左方 [さほう]
(n) left side
左目 [ひだりめ]
(n) left eye
左様 [さよう]
(adj-na,adv,int,n) like that
左様なら [さようなら]
(conj,int) (uk) good-bye
左様なら [さよなら]
(conj,int) (uk) good-bye
左翼 [さよく]
(n) left wing
左翼に走る [さよくにはしる]
(exp) to turn leftist
左利 [ひだりきき]
(n) left-handedness
左利き [ひだりきき]
(n) left-handedness
左腕 [さわん]
(n) (1) left arm
左腕 [ひだりうで]
(n) (1) left arm
左腕投手 [さわんとうしゅ]
(n) left-handed baseball pitcher
差 [さ]
(n,n-suf) difference
差しかける [さしかける]
(v1) to hold (umbrella) over
差しつける [さしつける]
(v1) to point (gun at)
差しつ差されつ [さしつさされつ]
(adv,n) exchanging sake cups
差しで [さしで]
(exp) face to face
差し違える [さしちがえる]
(v1) to misplace
差し引き [さしひき]
(n) deduction
差し引く [さしひく]
(v5k) to deduct
差し越える [さしこえる]
(v1) to go out of turn
差し越す [さしこす]
(v5s) to go out of turn
差し延べる [さしのべる]
(v1) (1) to hold out
差し押え [さしおさえ]
(n) seizure
差し押える [さしおさえる]
(v1) to seize
差し押え品 [さしおさえひん]
(n) seized property
差し押さえ [さしおさえ]
(n) seizure
差し押さえる [さしおさえる]
(v1) to seize
差し回す [さしまわす]
(v5s) to send (a car) around
差し掛かる [さしかかる]
(v5r) to come near to
差し掛ける [さしかける]
(v1) to hold (umbrella) over
差し掛け小屋 [さしかけごや]
(n) a lean-to
差し換える [さしかえる]
(v1) to change
差し詰め [さしずめ]
(adv) (uk) for the time being
差し許す [さしゆるす]
(v5s) to allow
差し挟む [さしはさむ]
(v5m) (1) to insert
差し響く [さしひびく]
(v5k) to influence
差し金 [さしがね]
(n) carpenter's square
差し繰る [さしくる]
(v5r) to arrange
差し固める [さしかためる]
(v1) to close or shut tight
差し交わす [さしかわす]
(v5s) to cross
差し向かい [さしむかい]
(adj) face to face
差し向ける [さしむける]
(v1) to send or direct a person to
差し控える [さしひかえる]
(v1) to be moderate
差し合い [さしあい]
(n) hindrance
差し込み [さしこみ]
(n) (1) insertion
差し込む [さしこむ]
(v5m) (1) to insert
差し支え [さしつかえ]
(n) hindrance
差し支えない [さしつかえない]
(n) (having) no objection
差し支える [さしつかえる]
(v1) to interfere
差し止め [さしとめ]
(n) prohibition
差し止める [さしとめる]
(v1) to stop
差し紙 [さしがみ]
(n) (Edo-period) summons
差し歯 [さしば]
(n) false tooth
差し手 [さして]
(n) (in sumo) slipping one's hand beneath the opponent's arm and latching on to the underside of his belt
差し出がましい [さしでがましい]
(adj) forward
差し出し人 [さしだしにん]
(n) sender
差し出し先 [さしだしさき]
(n) address
差し出す [さしだす]
(v5s) to present
差し出る [さしでる]
(v1) to go forward
差し出口 [さしでぐち]
(n) uncalled-for or impertinent remark
差し招く [さしまねく]
(v5k) to beckon (to)
差し障り [さしさわり]
(n) offence
差し障りのない [さしさわりのない]
(adj) innocuous
差し障る [さしさわる]
(v5r) to hinder
差し上げる [さしあげる]
(v1) (pol) to give
差し伸べる [さしのべる]
(v1) (1) to hold out
差し身 [さしみ]
(n) (in sumo) a quick thrust of the hand
差し水 [さしみず]
(n) adding water (to a plant)
差し前 [さしまえ]
(n) sword worn at one's side
差し足 [さしあし]
(n) stealthy steps
差し替え [さしかえ]
(n,vs) replacement
差し替える [さしかえる]
(v1) to change
差し担い [さしにない]
(n) carrying upon two persons' shoulders
差し置く [さしおく]
(v5k) to leave as is
差し潮 [さししお]
(n) rising tide
差し添え [さしぞえ]
(n) short sword
差し渡し [さしわたし]
(n) distance across
差し土 [さしつち]
(n) adding soil to a flowerbed
差し湯 [さしゆ]
(n) (addition of) hot water
差し当たって [さしあたって]
(adv) for the present
差し当たり [さしあたり]
(adv) for the time being
差し当たる [さしあたる]
(v5r) to face the situation
差し当る [さしあたる]
(v5r) to face the situation
差し入れ [さしいれ]
(n,vs) (1) insertion
差し入れる [さしいれる]
(v1) to insert
差し迫る [さしせまる]
(v5r) to be urgent or pressing
差し付ける [さしつける]
(v1) to point (gun at)
差し毛 [さしげ]
(n) hair of different color mixed into an animal's coat (colour)
差し戻す [さしもどす]
(v5s) to send back
差し薬 [さしぐすり]
(n) eye drops
差し油 [さしあぶら]
(n) (lubricating) oil
差し立てる [さしたてる]
(v1) to stand
差す [さす]
(v5s) to raise (stretch out) hands
差を付ける [さをつける]
(exp) to establish a lead
差異 [さい]
(n) difference
差違 [さい]
(n) difference
差違え [さしちがえ]
(n) overruling referee's decision of bout outcome (sumo)
差引勘定 [さしひきかんじょう]
(n) balance of an account
差益 [さえき]
(n) marginal profits
差延べる [さしのべる]
(v1) (1) to hold out
差額 [さがく]
(n) balance
差機関 [さきかん]
(n) difference engine
差金 [さきん]
(n) difference
差遣 [さけん]
(n,vs) dispatch
差向い [さしむかい]
(adj) face to face
差向かい [さしむかい]
(adj) face to face
差込む [さしこむ]
(v5m) (1) to insert
差支え [さしつかえ]
(n) hindrance
差出人 [さしだしにん]
(n) sender
差伸べる [さしのべる]
(v1) (1) to hold out
差損 [さそん]
(n) (profit sheet) loss
差等 [さとう]
(n) gradation
差動 [さどう]
(n) differential motion
差入れ [さしいれ]
(n,vs) (1) insertion
差配 [さはい]
(n,vs) agency
差配人 [さはいにん]
(n) real estate agent
差分 [さぶん]
(n) (gen) (comp) (computer) "diff"
差別 [さべつ]
(n,vs) discrimination
差別関税 [さべつかんぜい]
(n) differential duties
差別待遇 [さべつたいぐう]
(n) discriminatory treatment
差別表現 [さべつひょうげん]
(n) word, phrase, or image that is perceived as showing or suggesting discrimination or prejudice against a person or group of people
差別用語 [さべつようご]
(n) discriminatory terms
査閲 [さえつ]
(n,vs) inspection
査察 [ささつ]
(n,vs) inspection (for compliance)
査収 [さしゅう]
(n,vs) check and accept (e.g., a receipt)
査証 [さしょう]
(n,vs) visa
査定 [さてい]
(n,vs) assessment
査定価格 [さていかかく]
(n) assessed value (price)
査読 [さどく]
(n,vs) investigative reading
査問 [さもん]
(n,vs) inquiry
査問委員会 [さもんいいんかい]
(n) court of inquiry
沙丘 [さきゅう]
(n) sand dune
沙魚 [はぜ]
(n) goby
沙蚕 [ごかい]
(n) clam worm
沙汰 [さた]
(n,vs) affair
沙漠 [さばく]
(n) desert
沙門 [しゃもん]
(n) wandering Buddhist monk
沙弥 [しゃみ]
(n) Buddhist novice
沙羅 [さら]
(n) sal tree
沙羅 [しゃら]
(n) sal tree
沙羅双樹 [さらそうじゅ]
(n) sal tree
砂 [すな]
(n) sand
砂ぼこり [すなぼこり]
(n) cloud of dust (sand, etc.)
砂煙 [すなけむり]
(n) cloud of sand (dust, etc.)
砂下ろし [すなおろし]
(n) cleaning dirt or sand out of the digestive system
砂絵 [すなえ]
(n) sand picture
砂蟹 [すながに]
(n) sand crab
砂滑 [すなめり]
(n) black finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides)
砂肝 [すなぎも]
(n) gizzard
砂岩 [さがん]
(n) sandstone
砂丘 [さきゅう]
(n) sand dune
砂金 [さきん]
(n) gold dust
砂金 [しゃきん]
(n) gold dust
砂原 [すなはら]
(n) sandy plain
砂山 [さやま]
(n) sand hill
砂山 [すなやま]
(n) sand hill
砂蚕 [ごかい]
(n) lugworm
砂子 [すなご]
(n) sand
砂時計 [すなどけい]
(n) hourglass
砂時計ポインタ [すなどけいポインタ]
(n) hourglass pointer
砂州 [さす]
(n) reef
砂洲 [さす]
(n) reef
砂上 [さじょう]
(n) (built) on sand
砂場 [すなば]
(n) sand pit
砂塵 [さじん]
(n) cloud of sand (dust, etc.)
砂塵朦々 [さじんもうもう]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) big clouds of dust
砂塵朦朦 [さじんもうもう]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) big clouds of dust
砂塵濛々 [さじんもうもう]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) big clouds of dust
砂塵濛濛 [さじんもうもう]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) big clouds of dust
砂袋 [すなぶくろ]
(n) (1) sandbag
砂地 [すなじ]
(n) sandy soil
砂地 [すなち]
(n) sandy soil
砂鉄 [さてつ]
(n) iron sand
砂土 [さど]
(n) sand
砂糖 [さとう]
(n) sugar
砂糖の衣 [さとうのころも]
(n) icing
砂糖を水に溶かす [さとうをみずにとかす]
(exp) to dissolve sugar in water
砂糖黍 [さとうきび]
(n) sugarcane
砂糖水 [さとうみず]
(n) sugared water
砂糖大根 [さとうだいこん]
(n) (sugar) beet
砂糖漬け [さとうづけ]
(n) preserved in sugar
砂糖楓 [さとうかえで]
(n) hard maple
砂嚢 [さのう]
(n) (1) sandbag
砂嚢 [すなぶくろ]
(n) (1) sandbag
砂漠 [さばく]
(n) desert
砂被り [すなかぶり]
(n) seats closest to the sumo ring
砂浜 [すなはま]
(n) sandy beach
砂風呂 [すなぶろ]
(n) sand bath
砂防 [さぼう]
(n) erosion control
砂防林 [さぼうりん]
(n) erosion-control forest
砂遊び [すなあそび]
(n) sand pit
砂嵐 [すなあらし]
(n) sandstorm
砂利 [じゃり]
(n) gravel
砂利道 [じゃりみち]
(n) gravel path or road
砂粒 [すなつぶ]
(n) grains of sand
砂嘴 [さし]
(n) spit (geography)
砂埃 [すなぼこり]
(n) cloud of dust (sand, etc.)
砂礫 [されき]
(n) pebbles
詐って金を取る [いつわってかねをとる]
(exp) to obtain money by fraud
詐欺 [さぎ]
(n) fraud
詐欺罪 [さぎざい]
(n) (the crime of) fraud
詐欺師 [さぎし]
(n) swindler
詐取 [さしゅ]
(n,vs) exploitation
詐術 [さじゅつ]
(n) swindling
詐称 [さしょう]
(n,vs) misrepresentation
鎖 [くさり]
(n) chain
鎖鎌 [くさりがま]
(n) sickle and chain (weapon)
鎖国 [さこく]
(n,vs) national isolation
鎖国主義 [さこくしゅぎ]
(n) (national) isolationism
鎖国政策 [さこくせいさく]
(n) (national) isolationism
鎖骨 [さこつ]
(n) collarbone
鎖糸 [くさりいと]
(n) chain of yarn
鎖状 [さじょう]
(n) chainlike
鎖線 [させん]
(n) dashed (dotted) line
鎖伝動 [くさりでんどう]
(n) chain drive
鎖樋 [くさりとい]
(n) chain of ornamental cups hanging from a gutter
鎖編み [くさりあみ]
(n) chain stitch
鎖帷子 [くさりかたびら]
(n) chain mail (armor, armour)
坐 [ざ]
(n,vs) sitting down
坐り [すわり]
(n) (1) sitting
坐り込む [すわりこむ]
(v5m) to sit down (and bask)
坐る [すわる]
(v5r) to sit
坐視 [ざし]
(n,vs) remaining an idle spectator
坐礁 [ざしょう]
(n,vs) running aground
坐乗 [ざじょう]
(n,vs) going on board (a ship)
坐食の徒 [ざしょくのと]
(n) drone
坐禅 [ざぜん]
(n) (Zen) meditation
坐像 [ざぞう]
(n) sedentary statue (image)
座 [ざ]
(n,n-suf) seat
座り [すわり]
(n) (1) sitting
座り込み [すわりこみ]
(n,vs) sit-in (i.e. in protest)
座り込む [すわりこむ]
(v5m) to sit down (and bask)
座る [すわる]
(v5r) to sit
座椅子 [ざいす]
(n) small chair used while sitting on tatami
座員 [ざいん]
(n) member of a theatrical troupe
座右 [ざゆう]
(n) at one's right
座右の書 [ざゆうのしょ]
(n) one's desk-side book
座右の銘 [ざゆうのめい]
(n) desk motto
座右銘 [ざゆうめい]
(n) desk motto
座臥 [ざが]
(n-t) daily life
座蒲団 [ざぶとん]
(n) cushion (Japanese)
座技 [すわりわざ]
(n) (MA) Aikido seated defence (defense)
座興 [ざきょう]
(n) entertainment
座業 [ざぎょう]
(n) sedentary work
座金 [ざがね]
(n) metal washer
座元 [ざもと]
(n) theater proprietor
座高 [ざこう]
(n) one's sitting height
座骨 [ざこつ]
(n) hipbone
座骨神経 [ざこつしんけい]
(n) sciatic nerve
座骨神経痛 [ざこつしんけいつう]
(n) sciatica
座視 [ざし]
(n,vs) remaining an idle spectator
座主 [ざす]
(n) temple's head priest
座州 [ざす]
(n,vs) stranding
座洲 [ざす]
(n,vs) stranding
座所 [ざしょ]
(n) one's seat
座礁 [ざしょう]
(n,vs) running aground
座乗 [ざじょう]
(n,vs) going on board (a ship)
座職 [ざしょく]
(n) sedentary work
座食 [ざしょく]
(n,vs) living in idleness
座席 [ざせき]
(n) seat
座席指定券 [ざせきしていけん]
(n) reserved-seat ticket
座席番号 [ざせきばんごう]
(n) seat number
座席表 [ざせきひょう]
(n) seating chart
座禅 [ざぜん]
(n) (Zen) meditation
座像 [ざぞう]
(n) seated figure
座卓 [ざたく]
(n) low table
座談 [ざだん]
(n,vs) conversation
座談会 [ざだんかい]
(n) symposium
座中 [ざちゅう]
(n) gathering
座長 [ざちょう]
(n) chairman
座頭 [ざがしら]
(n) leader of a troupe
座頭 [ざとう]
(n) blind man or masseur
座頭鯨 [ざとうくじら]
(n) humpback whale
座標 [ざひょう]
(n) coordinate(s)
座標系 [ざひょうけい]
(n) coordinate system
座標軸 [ざひょうじく]
(n) coordinate axis
座標変換 [ざひょうへんかん]
(n) coordinate transformation
座付き [ざつき]
(n) working in the theater (theatre)
座布団 [ざぶとん]
(n) cushion (Japanese)
座布団を当てる [ざぶとんをあてる]
(exp) to sit on a cushion
座敷 [ざしき]
(n) tatami room
座敷童 [ざしきわらし]
(n) protective household deity in Touhoku
座敷牢 [ざしきろう]
(n) (Edo-period) room for confining criminals or lunatics
座薬 [ざやく]
(n) suppository
座浴 [ざよく]
(n,vs) sitz bath
座礼 [ざれい]
(n) bowing while sitting
挫く [くじく]
(v5k) to crush
挫ける [くじける]
(v1) to be crushed
挫傷 [ざしょう]
(n,vs) bruise (internal)
挫折 [ざせつ]
(n,vs) frustration
挫折感 [ざせつかん]
(n) feeling of frustration
債 [さい]
(n,n-suf) debt
債鬼 [さいき]
(n) cruel creditor
債券 [さいけん]
(n) bond
債券格付け [さいけんかくづけ]
(n) bond rating
債券発行 [さいけんはっこう]
(n) debt issuance
債権 [さいけん]
(n) credit
債権者 [さいけんしゃ]
(n) creditor
債権所有者 [さいけんしょゆうしゃ]
(n) bondholder
債権放棄 [さいけんほうき]
(n) debt waiver
債権利回り [さいけんりまわり]
(n) bond yield
債主 [さいしゅ]
(n) creditor
債務 [さいむ]
(n) debt
債務救済 [さいむきゅうさい]
(n) debt relief
債務交換 [さいむこうかん]
(n) debt swap
債務削減 [さいむさくげん]
(n) debt reduction
債務者 [さいむしゃ]
(n) debtor
債務帳消し [さいむちょうけし]
(n) debt forgiveness
債務超過 [さいむちょうか]
(n) insolvency
債務不履行 [さいむふりこう]
(n) default on a debt
債務負担 [さいむふたん]
(n) debt load
債務保証 [さいむほしょう]
(n) loan guarantee
催 [さい]
(n) hold (a meeting)
催し [もよおし]
(n) event
催し物 [もようしもの]
(n) points of interest
催し物 [もよおしもの]
(n) points of interest
催す [もよおす]
(v5s) to hold (a meeting)
催淫剤 [さいいんざい]
(n) aphrodisiac
催合う [もやう]
(v5u) (arch) to co-operate (in enterprises)
催告 [さいこく]
(n,vs) notification
催事場 [さいじじょう]
(n) event hall
催促 [さいそく]
(n,vs) request
催促状 [さいそくじょう]
(n) dun
催眠 [さいみん]
(n) hypnotism
催眠剤 [さいみんざい]
(n) sleeping medicine
催眠術 [さいみんじゅつ]
(n) hypnotism
催眠薬 [さいみんやく]
(n) sleeping medicine
催眠療法 [さいみんりょうほう]
(n) hypnotherapy
催涙 [さいるい]
(n) lachrymal
催涙ガス [さいるいガス]
(n) tear gas
催涙スプレー [さいるいスプレー]
(n) tear gas defense spray (e.g. mace, pepper)
催涙銃 [さいるいじゅう]
(n) tear-gas gun
催涙弾 [さいるいだん]
(n) tear-gas bomb
再 [さい]
(pref) re-
再々 [さいさい]
(adv,n) often
再び [ふたたび]
(adv) again
再び取る [ふたたびとる]
(v5r) to reassume
再び述べる [ふたたびのべる]
(v1) to restate
再び導入 [ふたたびどうにゅう]
(n,vs) reintroduction
再び読む [ふたたびよむ]
(v5m) to reread
再案 [さいあん]
(n) second plan
再委託 [さいいたく]
(n,vs) reconsignment (goods)
再映 [さいえい]
(n,vs) rerun
再演 [さいえん]
(n,vs) (1) another showing (of a play)
再縁 [さいえん]
(n,vs) second marriage
再下付 [さいかふ]
(n,vs) reissue
再加工 [さいかこう]
(n) reprocessing
再嫁 [さいか]
(n,vs) remarriage
再会 [さいかい]
(n,vs) another meeting
再開 [さいかい]
(n,vs) reopening
再開発 [さいかいはつ]
(n,vs) redevelopment
再確認 [さいかくにん]
(n,vs) reaffirmation
再割引 [さいわりびき]
(n) rediscount
再刊 [さいかん]
(n,vs) reprint
再感染 [さいかんせん]
(n) getting the same sickness
再帰 [さいき]
(n) recursive
再帰代名詞 [さいきだいめいし]
(n) reflexive pronoun
再帰熱 [さいきねつ]
(n) recurrent fever
再起 [さいき]
(n,vs) comeback
再起動 [さいきどう]
(n,vs) restart
再起不能 [さいきふのう]
(n) be beyond (have no hope of) recovery
再議 [さいぎ]
(n,vs) reconsideration
再挙 [さいきょ]
(n,vs) another attempt
再協議 [さいきょうぎ]
(n,vs) repeated discussion
再教育 [さいきょういく]
(n,vs) retraining
再興 [さいこう]
(n,vs) revival
再勤 [さいきん]
(n) reappointment
再禁止 [さいきんし]
(n) reimposition of an embargo
再吟味 [さいぎんみ]
(n,vs) re-examination
再軍備 [さいぐんび]
(n,vs) rearmament
再建 [さいけん]
(n,vs) rebuilding
再建 [さいこん]
(n,vs) (temple or shrine) rebuilding
再建計画 [さいけんけいかく]
(n) reorganization plan
再建築 [さいけんちく]
(n) reconstruction
再検査 [さいけんさ]
(n) re-examination
再検討 [さいけんとう]
(n,vs) re-examination
再現 [さいげん]
(n,vs) reappearance
再交付 [さいこうふ]
(n) reissue
再工事 [さいこうじ]
(n) reconstruction
再抗弁 [さいこうべん]
(n,vs) pleading
再校 [さいこう]
(n) second proof
再構成 [さいこうせい]
(n) reconstruction
再構築 [さいこうちく]
(n) reconstruction
再考 [さいこう]
(n,vs) reconsideration
再考慮 [さいこうりょ]
(n) reconsideration
再降臨 [さいこうりん]
(n) Second Advent
再告 [さいこく]
(n) renotification
再国営化 [さいこくえいか]
(n) re-nationalisation
再国有化 [さいこくゆうか]
(n) re-nationalisation
再婚 [さいこん]
(n,vs) second marriage
再再 [さいさい]
(adv,n) often
再三 [さいさん]
(adv,n) again and again
再三再四 [さいさんさいし]
(adv,n) repeatedly
再思 [さいし]
(n,vs) reconsideration
再試験 [さいしけん]
(n) re-examination
再試行 [さいしこう]
(n,vs) trying again
再試合 [さいしあい]
(n) resumption of a game
再受浸 [さいじゅしん]
(n) rebaptism by immersion
再就職支援 [さいしゅうしょくしえん]
(n) outplacement
再十両 [さいじゅうりょう]
(n) sumo wrestler re-promoted to juryo division
再従兄 [さいじゅうけい]
(n) elder second cousin
再従兄弟 [さいじゅうけいてい]
(n) second cousin
再従兄弟 [はいとこ]
(n) second cousin
再従兄弟 [はとこ]
(n) second cousin
再従兄弟 [ふたいとこ]
(n) second cousin
再従姉妹 [さいじゅうけいてい]
(n) second cousin
再従姉妹 [はいとこ]
(n) second cousin
再従姉妹 [はとこ]
(n) second cousin
再従姉妹 [ふたいとこ]
(n) second cousin
再従弟 [さいじゅうてい]
(n) younger second cousin
再出 [さいしゅつ]
(n,vs) reappearance
再出場 [さいしゅつじょう]
(n) return to tournament after temporary absence (sumo)
再出発 [さいしゅっぱつ]
(n,vs) restart
再循環 [さいじゅんかん]
(n) recycle
再処理 [さいしょり]
(n,vs) reprocessing
再勝 [さいしょう]
(n) another victory
再上映 [さいじょうえい]
(n) rerun (of a file)
再審 [さいしん]
(n,vs) review
再審査 [さいしんさ]
(n) re-examination
再浸礼 [さいしんれい]
(n) rebaptism by immersion
再尋問 [さいじんもん]
(n) re-examination
再征 [さいせい]
(n) second punitive expedition
再生 [さいせい]
(n,vs) playback
再生医療 [さいせいいりょう]
(n) regenerative medicine
再生可能エネルギー [さいせいかのうエネルギー]
(n) renewable energy
再生産 [さいせいさん]
(n,vs) reproduction
再生紙 [さいせいし]
(n) recycled paper
再生繊維 [さいせいせんい]
(n) regenerated fiber
再生装置 [さいせいそうち]
(n) playback equipment
再生速度 [さいせいそくど]
(n) (1) replay speed
再生品 [さいせいひん]
(n) reclaimed goods
再生不良性貧血 [さいせいふりょうせいひんけつ]
(n) aplastic anemia
再生法 [さいせいほう]
(n) essay-type (test)
再生利用 [さいせいりよう]
(n) recycling
再製 [さいせい]
(n,vs) remanufacture
再製品 [さいせいひん]
(n) reprocessed goods
再設 [さいせつ]
(n) re-establishment
再説 [さいせつ]
(n,vs) repeated explanation
再戦 [さいせん]
(n,vs) rematch
再洗礼 [さいせんれい]
(n) baptism by sprinkling
再選 [さいせん]
(n,vs) re-election
再選挙 [さいせんきょ]
(n) re-election
再組織 [さいそしき]
(n) reorganization
再創造 [さいそうぞう]
(n) recreation
再送 [さいそう]
(n,vs) re-sending
再測量 [さいそくりょう]
(n) resurvey
再誕 [さいたん]
(n) resurrection (of a company or school, etc.)
再注 [さいちゅう]
(n) repeat order
再注文 [さいちゅうもん]
(n) repeat order
再鋳 [さいちゅう]
(n) recasting
再調 [さいちょう]
(n,vs) reexamination
再調査 [さいちょうさ]
(n) re-examination
再調整 [さいちょうせい]
(n) readjustment
再直接尋問 [さいちょくせつじんもん]
(n) redirect examination
再定義 [さいていぎ]
(n) (gen) (math) redefinition
再提案 [さいていあん]
(n) proposing again
再訂 [さいてい]
(n,vs) second time
再訂版 [さいていはん]
(n) second revised edition
再訂版 [さいていばん]
(n) second revised edition
再転 [さいてん]
(n,vs) changing directions
再度 [さいど]
(n-adv,n-t) twice
再度確認 [さいどかくにん]
(n) double check
再度協議 [さいどきょうぎ]
(n,vs) renegotiation
再投稿 [さいとうこう]
(n,vs) redraft
再投資 [さいとうし]
(n) reinvest
再投票 [さいとうひょう]
(n) revoting
再読 [さいどく]
(n,vs) rereading
再突入 [さいとつにゅう]
(n,vs) reentry
再入学 [さいにゅうがく]
(n) readmission to a school
再入国 [さいにゅうこく]
(n) re-entry into a country
再入国許可 [さいにゅうこくきょか]
(n) immigration re-entry permit
再入国許可書 [さいにゅうこくきょかしょ]
(n) re-entry permit
再入幕 [さいにゅうまく]
(n) sumo wrestler re-promoted to makuuchi division
再任 [さいにん]
(n,vs) reappointment
再認識 [さいにんしき]
(n,vs) recognizing anew
再燃 [さいねん]
(n,vs) recurrence
再拝 [さいはい]
(int,n) worshipping again
再敗 [さいはい]
(n) second defeat
再配置 [さいはいち]
(n) rearrangement
再配布 [さいはいふ]
(n) redistribution
再配分 [さいはいぶん]
(n) redistribution
再発 [さいはつ]
(n,vs) return
再発行 [さいはっこう]
(n,vs) reissue
再発足 [さいほっそく]
(n,vs) restart
再版 [さいはん]
(n,vs) reprint(ing)
再犯 [さいはん]
(n) second offense
再犯者 [さいはんしゃ]
(n) second offender
再販 [さいはん]
(n) resale
再販価格 [さいはんかかく]
(n) resale price
再販業者 [さいはんぎょうしゃ]
(n) reseller
再販制度 [さいはんせいど]
(n) resale system
再販売 [さいはんばい]
(n) resale
再評価 [さいひょうか]
(n,vs) reassessment
再浮上 [さいふじょう]
(n,vs) resurfacing
再武装 [さいぶそう]
(n) rearmament
再封鎖 [さいふうさ]
(n,vs) reblocking
再服役 [さいふくえき]
(n) re-enlistment
再分配 [さいぶんぱい]
(n) redistribution
再変 [さいへん]
(n,vs) second change
再編 [さいへん]
(n,vs) reorganization
再編計画 [さいへんけいかく]
(n) reorganization plan
再編成 [さいへんせい]
(n,vs) reorganization
再保険 [さいほけん]
(n) reinsurance
再放送 [さいほうそう]
(n,vs) rebroadcasting
再訪 [さいほう]
(n,vs) revisit
再輸出 [さいゆしゅつ]
(n,vs) re-exportation
再輸入 [さいゆにゅう]
(n,vs) reimportation
再遊 [さいゆう]
(n,vs) revisit
再来 [さいらい]
(n,vs) return
再来月 [さらいげつ]
(n-adv,n-t) month after next
再来週 [さらいしゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) week after next
再来年 [さらいねん]
(n-adv,n-t) year after next
再利用 [さいりよう]
(n,vs) reuse
再臨 [さいりん]
(n,vs) Second Coming
再臨派 [さいりんは]
(n) Adventists
再録 [さいろく]
(n,vs) re-recording
最 [さい]
(n,pref) the most
最たる [さいたる]
(adj-t,adv-to) prime
最たるもの [さいたるもの]
(n) the most extreme
最たる物 [さいたるもの]
(n) the most extreme
最も [もっとも]
(adv) most
最も重要 [もっともじゅうよう]
(adj-na) most important
最も重要な事 [もっともじゅうようなこと]
(n) the most important thing
最愛 [さいあい]
(n,vs) beloved
最悪 [さいあく]
(adj-na,n) the worst
最右翼 [さいうよく]
(n) ultra-right
最下 [さいか]
(adj-na,n) the lowest
最下位 [さいかい]
(n) lowest rank
最下位のビット [さいかいのビット]
(n) LSB
最果て [さいはて]
(n) the farthest ends
最外 [さいがい]
(n) outer-most
最寄り [もより]
(n,adj-no) nearest
最期 [さいご]
(n-adv,n) one's last moment
最強 [さいきょう]
(n) strongest
最近 [さいきん]
(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) latest
最恵国 [さいけいこく]
(n) most favored nation
最恵国待遇 [さいけいこくたいぐう]
(n) most favored nation (MFN)
最敬礼 [さいけいれい]
(n,vs) a respectful bow
最古 [さいこ]
(n) the oldest
最後 [さいご]
(n) last
最後の晩餐 [さいごのばんさん]
(n) the Last Supper
最後まで [さいごまで]
(exp) to the end
最後通牒 [さいごつうちょう]
(n) ultimatum
最後列 [さいこうれつ]
(n) (very) back (last) row
最後列車 [さいごれっしゃ]
(n) last train
最高 [さいこう]
(adj-na,n) highest
最高価格 [さいこうかかく]
(n) highest price
最高学府 [さいこうがくふ]
(n) highest institute of education
最高機密 [さいこうきみつ]
(n) top secret
最高記録 [さいこうきろく]
(n) best (highest) record
最高級 [さいこうきゅう]
(n) highest grade
最高級品 [さいこうきゅうひん]
(n) top quality products
最高経営責任者 [さいこうけいえいせきにんしゃ]
(n) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
最高血圧 [さいこうけつあつ]
(n) systolic blood pressure
最高検 [さいこうけん]
(n) (abbr) Public Prosecutor's Office
最高検察庁 [さいこうけんさつちょう]
(n) Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office
最高裁 [さいこうさい]
(n) (abbr) Supreme Court
最高裁判所 [さいこうさいばんしょ]
(n) Supreme Court
最高財務責任者 [さいこうざいむせきにんしゃ]
(n) Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
最高指導者 [さいこうしどうしゃ]
(n) supreme leader
最高潮 [さいこうちょう]
(n) climax
最高点 [さいこうてん]
(n) highest score or grade or number of points
最高峰 [さいこうほう]
(n) highest peak
最左 [さいさ]
(n) left-most
最左翼 [さいさよく]
(n) ultra-left
最終 [さいしゅう]
(n) last
最終案 [さいしゅうあん]
(n) final program (programme, plan)
最終回 [さいしゅうかい]
(n) last time
最終結果 [さいしゅうけっか]
(n) end result
最終更新 [さいしゅうこうしん]
(exp) last-update(d)
最終章 [さいしゅうしょう]
(n) last chapter (book, etc.)
最終段階 [さいしゅうだんかい]
(n) final stage
最終的 [さいしゅうてき]
(adj-na) finally
最終日 [さいしゅうび]
(n) last day
最終兵器 [さいしゅうへいき]
(n) the ultimate weapon
最終編成 [さいしゅうへんせい]
(n) final form
最終弁論 [さいしゅうべんろん]
(n) closing argument
最終目的 [さいしゅうもくてき]
(n) ultimate goal
最重点 [さいじゅうてん]
(n) very important point
最初 [さいしょ]
(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beginning
最初の皿 [さいしょのさら]
(n) first course
最小 [さいしょう]
(n) smallest
最小化 [さいしょうか]
(n) minimization
最小限 [さいしょうげん]
(n) minimum
最小限度 [さいしょうげんど]
(n) minimum
最小自乗法 [さいしょうじじょうほう]
(n) least-squares method
最小値 [さいしょうち]
(n) minimum value
最小二乗法 [さいしょうにじょうほう]
(n) least-squares method
最少 [さいしょう]
(n) smallest
最上 [さいじょう]
(adj-na,n) best
最上 [もがみ]
(adj-na,n) best
最上位のビット [さいじょういのビット]
(n) MSB
最上階 [さいじょうかい]
(n) top floor
最上級 [さいじょうきゅう]
(n) highest grade
最上級生 [さいじょうきゅうせい]
(n) senior (e.g., at school)
最新 [さいしん]
(n,adj-no) latest
最新式 [さいしんしき]
(n) latest style
最盛期 [さいせいき]
(n) golden age
最先端 [さいせんたん]
(n,adj-no) (1) leading edge
最前 [さいぜん]
(n) foremost
最前戦 [さいぜんせん]
(n) front
最前線 [さいぜんせん]
(n) foremost line
最前列 [さいぜんれつ]
(n) front row
最善 [さいぜん]
(n) the very best
最善の策 [さいぜんのさく]
(n) the best policy (measure)
最善を尽くす [さいぜんをつくす]
(exp) to do one's best
最早 [もはや]
(adv) already
最速 [さいそく]
(adj-no) fastest
最多 [さいた]
(n) the most
最多数 [さいたすう]
(n) largest number
最大 [さいだい]
(n) greatest
最大化 [さいだいか]
(n) maximization
最大限 [さいだいげん]
(n) maximum
最大限度 [さいだいげんど]
(n) maximum
最大公約数 [さいだいこうやくすう]
(n) greatest common divisor
最大値 [さいだいち]
(n) global maximum
最短 [さいたん]
(n) shortest
最短距離 [さいたんきょり]
(n) shortest distance (to)
最中 [さいちゅう]
(n-adv,n) in the middle of
最中 [さなか]
(n-adv,n) in the middle of
最中 [もなか]
(n) wafer cake filled with bean jam
最長 [さいちょう]
(n) the longest
最長不倒距離 [さいちょうふとうきょり]
(n) day's longest successful jump
最賃法 [さいちんほう]
(n) Minimum Wages Act
最低 [さいてい]
(adj-na,adv,n) (1) least
最低温度計 [さいていおんどけい]
(n) a minimum thermometer
最低血圧 [さいていけつあつ]
(n) diastolic blood pressure
最低限 [さいていげん]
(n) minimum
最低生活費 [さいていせいかつひ]
(n) minimum cost of living
最低賃金 [さいていちんぎん]
(n) minimum wage
最低賃金制 [さいていちんぎんせい]
(n) minimum wage system
最適 [さいてき]
(adj-na,n) optimum
最適化 [さいてきか]
(n) optimization
最適任者 [さいてきにんしゃ]
(n,adj-no) best qualified person
最南 [さいなん]
(n,adj-no) southernmost
最年少 [さいねんしょう]
(adj-no) youngest
最年長 [さいねんちょう]
(adj-no) eldest
最北端 [さいほくたん]
(n) northernmost tip (of country)
最優遇 [さいゆうぐう]
(n) most favourable treatment
最優秀選手 [さいゆうしゅうせんしゅ]
(n) MVP
最良 [さいりょう]
(adj-na,n) the best
哉 [かな]
(n) how!
哉 [さい]
(n) how!
哉 [や]
(n) question mark
塞がる [ふさがる]
(v5r,vi) to be plugged up
塞き止める [せきとめる]
(v1) to dam up
塞ぎ込む [ふさぎこむ]
(v5m) to mope
塞く [せく]
(v5k) to dam (up) (stream)
塞ぐ [ふさぐ]
(v5g,vt) to stop up
塞源 [そくげん]
(n,vs) blockage of a source
塞栓 [そくせん]
(n) embolus
塞栓症 [そくせんしょう]
(n) embolism
妻 [つま]
(n) (hum) wife
妻の座 [つまのざ]
(n) status of wifehood
妻戸 [つまど]
(n) (pair of) wooden doors in the interior of a home
妻子 [さいし]
(n) wife and children
妻子を携える [さいしをたずさえる]
(exp) to be accompanied by one's family
妻子持ち [さいしもち]
(n) man with wife and kid(s)
妻子眷属 [さいしけんぞく]
(n) one's wife, children, and other relations
妻室 [さいしつ]
(n) wife
妻女 [さいじょ]
(n) one's wife
妻妾 [さいしょう]
(n) one's wife and mistress(es)
妻帯 [さいたい]
(n,vs) marriage
妻帯者 [さいたいしゃ]
(n) a married man
宰相 [さいしょう]
(n) Prime Minister
宰相の器 [さいしょうのき]
(n) person qualified for prime minister
宰領 [さいりょう]
(n,vs) supervision
彩なす [あやなす]
(n) richly variegated in color or pattern
彩り [いろどり]
(n,vs) coloring
彩る [いろどる]
(v5r) to colour
彩雲 [さいうん]
(n) glowing clouds
彩画 [さいが]
(n) colored picture
彩管 [さいかん]
(n) artist's brush
彩色 [さいしき]
(n,vs) colouring
彩色 [さいしょく]
(n,vs) colouring
彩色画 [さいしきが]
(n) colour picture or painting
彩色画 [さいしょくが]
(n) colour picture or painting
彩層 [さいそう]
(n) (solar) chromosphere
彩度 [さいど]
(n) chroma
才 [さい]
(n) ability
才覚 [さいかく]
(n) ready wit
才学 [さいがく]
(n) talent and education
才幹 [さいかん]
(n) ability
才器 [さいき]
(n) talent
才気 [さいき]
(n) wisdom
才気縦横 [さいきじゅうおう]
(n) great wisdom
才気溌剌 [さいきはつらつ]
(adj-t,adv-to) resourceful and quick-witted
才気煥発 [さいきかんぱつ]
(adj-na,n) quick-witted
才芸 [さいげい]
(n) talent and accomplishments
才子 [さいし]
(n) talented man
才子佳人 [さいしかじん]
(n) talented man and a beautiful woman
才子多病 [さいしたびょう]
(exp) Talented people tend to be of delicate constitution
才女 [さいじょ]
(n) talented woman
才色 [さいしょく]
(n) wit and beauty
才色兼備 [さいしょくけんび]
(n) (a woman) being gifted with both intelligence and beauty
才人 [さいじん]
(n) talented person
才藻 [さいそう]
(n) poetic talent
才走る [さいばしる]
(v5r) to be clever
才弾ける [さいはじける]
(v1) to be presumptuous
才知 [さいち]
(n) wit and intelligence
才知縦横 [さいちじゅうおう]
(n,adj-na) resourceful and quick-witted
才智 [さいち]
(n) wit and intelligence
才槌 [さいづち]
(n) small wooden mallet
才槌頭 [さいづちあたま]
(n) head like a hammer
才徳 [さいとく]
(n) intelligence and virtue
才噸 [さいとん]
(n) measured ton
才能 [さいのう]
(n) talent
才能が貧しい [さいのうがまずしい]
(exp) poor in ability
才能を伸ばす [さいのうをのばす]
(exp) to develop one's ability
才筆 [さいひつ]
(n) literary talent
才媛 [さいえん]
(n) literary woman
才物 [さいぶつ]
(n) talented person
才分 [さいぶん]
(n) disposition
才未満 [さいみまん]
(n) under .. years of age
才名 [さいめい]
(n) fame
才略 [さいりゃく]
(n) wise planning
才略の有る [さいりゃくのある]
(adj) resourceful
才量 [さいりょう]
(n) measurement
才力 [さいりょく]
(n) ability
才腕 [さいわん]
(n) skill
採り上げる [とりあげる]
(v1) to accept
採り入れる [とりいれる]
(v1) (1) to harvest
採る [とる]
(v5r) (1) to adopt (measure, proposal)
採掘 [さいくつ]
(n,vs) mining
採掘権 [さいくつけん]
(n) mining rights
採決 [さいけつ]
(n,vs) vote
採血 [さいけつ]
(n,vs) drawing blood
採光 [さいこう]
(n,vs) lighting
採鉱 [さいこう]
(n,vs) mining
採算 [さいさん]
(n) profit
採算割れ [さいさんわれ]
(n) below the break-even point
採算株 [さいさんかぶ]
(n) investment stocks
採算性 [さいさんせい]
(n) profitability
採取 [さいしゅ]
(n,vs) picking
採集 [さいしゅう]
(n,vs) collecting
採寸 [さいすん]
(n,vs) taking measurements
採石 [さいせき]
(n,vs) quarrying
採石場 [さいせきじょう]
(n) quarry
採択 [さいたく]
(n,vs) adoption
採炭 [さいたん]
(n,vs) coal mining
採炭所 [さいたんじょ]
(n) coal mine
採点 [さいてん]
(n,vs) marking
採点者 [さいてんしゃ]
(n) marker
採点表 [さいてんひょう]
(n) list of marks
採番 [さいばん]
(n,vs) data index
採否 [さいひ]
(n) adoption or rejection
採譜 [さいふ]
(n,vs) writing melody on music paper
採綿器 [さいめんき]
(n) cotton picker (machine)
採油 [さいゆ]
(n,vs) get oil
採油権 [さいゆけん]
(n) oil concession
採用 [さいよう]
(n,vs) use
採用試験 [さいようしけん]
(n) employment examination
採録 [さいろく]
(n,vs) recording
栽 [さい]
(n) planting
栽培 [さいばい]
(n,vs) cultivation
栽培種 [さいばいしゅ]
(n) agricultural species
栽培所 [さいばいじょ]
(n) plantation
歳 [さい]
(suf) -years-old
歳々 [さいさい]
(adv,n) annual
歳々年々 [さいさいねんねん]
(adv,n) annually
歳の市 [としのいち]
(n) year-end market
歳の瀬 [としのせ]
(n) year's end
歳を取る [としをとる]
(exp) to grow old
歳計 [さいけい]
(n) annual account
歳月 [さいげつ]
(n-t) time
歳月 [としつき]
(n-t) time
歳歳 [さいさい]
(adv,n) annual
歳歳年年 [さいさいねんねん]
(adv,n) annually
歳時記 [さいじき]
(n) almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)
歳次 [さいじ]
(n) year
歳出 [さいしゅつ]
(n) annual expenditure
歳星 [さいせい]
(n) Jupiter
歳代 [さいだい]
(suf) decade (of age)
歳旦 [さいたん]
(n) New Year's Day
歳入 [さいにゅう]
(n) annual revenue or income
歳入歳出 [さいにゅうさいしゅつ]
(n) annual income and expenditure
歳晩 [さいばん]
(n) year's end
歳費 [さいひ]
(n) annual expenditure
歳暮 [せいぼ]
(n) end of the year
歳末 [さいまつ]
(n) year end
済 [すみ]
(n) arranged
済し崩し [なしくずし]
(n) pay back in installments
済ます [すます]
(v5s) (1) to finish
済ませる [すませる]
(v1) to be finished
済まない [すまない]
(adj,exp) sorry (phrase)
済み [すみ]
(n) arranged
済みません [すみません]
(exp) (uk) sorry
済む [すむ]
(v5m) to finish
済度 [さいど]
(n,vs) (gen) (Buddh) redemption
済民 [さいみん]
(n) relieving the sufferings of the people
災い [わざわい]
(n) calamity
災いする [わざわいする]
(v5r) to be the ruin of (a person)
災いを招く [わざわいをまねく]
(exp) to bring calamity upon oneself
災禍 [さいか]
(n) accident
災害 [さいがい]
(n) calamity
災害救助 [さいがいきゅうじょ]
(n) disaster relief
災害対策 [さいがいたいさく]
(n) disaster prevention measures
災害地 [さいがいち]
(n) disaster-stricken area
災害保険 [さいがいほけん]
(n) disaster insurance
災難 [さいなん]
(n) calamity
災難に遭う [さいなんにあう]
(exp) to meet with misfortune
災厄 [さいやく]
(n) calamity
采配 [さいはい]
(n) baton (of command)
采配を振る [さいはいをふる]
(exp) to lead
犀 [さい]
(n) rhinoceros
犀利 [さいり]
(adj-na,n) sharp
砕く [くだく]
(v5k,vt) to break
砕け [くだけ]
(n) familiar (informal) (speech style)
砕けた態度 [くだけたたいど]
(n) friendly attitude
砕けた文章 [くだけたぶんしょう]
(n) plain (informal) writing
砕ける [くだける]
(v1,vi) to break
砕け散る [くだけちる]
(v5r) to be smashed up
砕岩機 [さいがんき]
(n) rock crusher
砕鉱 [さいこう]
(n,vs) crushing ore
砕石 [さいせき]
(n,vs) broken stone
砕氷 [さいひょう]
(n,vs) ice breaking
砕氷船 [さいひょうせん]
(n) ice breaker
砕片 [さいへん]
(n) debris
砦 [とりで]
(n) fortress
砦を築く [とりでをきずく]
(exp) to construct a fort
砦を落とす [とりでをおとす]
(exp) to capture a fort
祭 [まつり]
(n) festival
祭り [まつり]
(n) festival
祭り込む [まつりこむ]
(v5m) to place an obnoxious person in an out-of-the-way post to be rid of him or her
祭り上げる [まつりあげる]
(v1) to set up (in high position)
祭る [まつる]
(v5r) to deify
祭官 [さいかん]
(n) official who arranges festival and rites
祭器 [さいき]
(n) equipment used in rituals
祭儀 [さいぎ]
(n) rites
祭具 [さいぐ]
(n) equipment used in rituals
祭司 [さいし]
(n) priest
祭事 [さいじ]
(n) festival
祭式 [さいしき]
(n) rites
祭主 [さいしゅ]
(n) (head) priest
祭上げる [まつりあげる]
(v1) to set up (in high position)
祭場 [さいじょう]
(n) ceremony site
祭神 [さいしん]
(n) enshrined deity
祭神 [さいじん]
(n) enshrined deity
祭政 [さいせい]
(n) church and state
祭政一致 [さいせいいっち]
(n) unity of church and state
祭政分離 [さいせいぶんり]
(n) separation of church and state
祭騒ぎ [まつりさわぎ]
(n) festivities
祭壇 [さいだん]
(n) altar
祭壇座 [さいだんざ]
(n) (constellation) Ara
祭典 [さいてん]
(n) festival
祭殿 [さいでん]
(n) shrine
祭日 [さいじつ]
(n) national holiday
祭服 [さいふく]
(n) vestments worn by priests and attendants during a festival
祭文 [さいぶん]
(n) address to the gods
祭文 [さいもん]
(n) address to the gods
祭礼 [さいれい]
(n) (religious) festival
祭祀 [さいし]
(n) ritual
祭祀料 [さいしりょう]
(n) donation made at a ritual
斎 [いみ]
(n) religious purification
斎 [とき]
(n) meals exchanged by parishioners and priests
斎く [いつく]
(v5k) to worship
斎み垣 [いみがき]
(n) shrine fence
斎み日 [いみび]
(n) unlucky day
斎む [いむ]
(v5m) to avoid
斎戒 [さいかい]
(n,vs) purification
斎戒もく浴 [さいかいもくよく]
(n,vs) purification
斎戒沐浴 [さいかいもくよく]
(n,vs) purification
斎垣 [いがき]
(n) fence around a shrine
斎宮 [さいぐう]
(n) the ancient imperial princesses serving at the Ise shrine
斎主 [さいしゅ]
(n) master of religious ceremonies
斎場 [さいじょう]
(n) funeral hall
斎日 [さいじつ]
(n) fast day
斎部 [いみべ]
(n) ancient Shinto priestly family
斎部 [いんべ]
(n) ancient Shinto priestly family
斎服 [さいふく]
(n) priestly vestments
細々 [こまごま]
(adv,n) in detail
細々 [ほそぼそ]
(adv) very narrow
細々した [こまごました]
(adj) sundry
細々と [こまごまと]
(exp) in detail
細い [ほそい]
(adj) thin
細い糸 [ほそいいと]
(n) fine thread
細い字 [ほそいじ]
(n) slender character
細か [こまか]
(adj-na,n) small
細かい [こまかい]
(adj) (1) small
細かいお金 [こまかいおかね]
(n) small change
細かい金 [こまかいかね]
(n) small change
細かい指示 [こまかいしじ]
(n) detailed instructions
細かく [こまかく]
(adv) minutely
細める [ほそめる]
(v1) to make narrow
細やか [こまやか]
(adj-na,n) friendly
細やか [ささやか]
(adj-na) meagre
細る [ほそる]
(v5r) to get thin
細引 [ほそびき]
(n) hempen cord
細引き [ほそびき]
(n) hempen cord
細雨 [さいう]
(n) drizzle
細魚 [さより]
(gikun) (n) halfbeak (fish with elongated pointed lower jaw) (Hemiramphus sajori)
細菌 [さいきん]
(n) bacillus
細菌学 [さいきんがく]
(n) bacteriology
細菌兵器 [さいきんへいき]
(n) bacteriological weapon
細謹 [さいきん]
(n) slight flaw
細君 [さいくん]
(n) (one's) wife
細見 [さいけん]
(n,vs) (visual) scrutiny
細孔 [さいこう]
(n) pore
細工 [さいく]
(n,vs) work
細工師 [さいくし]
(n) craftsman
細腰 [さいよう]
(n) slender hips
細腰 [ほそごし]
(n) slender hips
細細 [こまごま]
(adv,n) in detail
細細 [ほそぼそ]
(adv) very narrow
細細した [こまごました]
(adj) sundry
細細と [こまごまと]
(exp) in detail
細作り [ほそづくり]
(adj-na,n) thinly made
細作りの人 [ほそずくりのひと]
(n) slender person
細糸 [さいし]
(n) filament
細事 [さいじ]
(n) trifle
細字 [さいじ]
(n) small type or handwriting
細字 [ほそじ]
(n) small type or handwriting
細書き [ほそがき]
(n) fine writing
細心 [さいしん]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) careful
細身 [ほそみ]
(n) narrow
細切り [こまぎり]
(n) something chopped or slices finely
細切れ [こまぎれ]
(n) small pieces
細説 [さいせつ]
(n,vs) detailed explanation
細雪 [ささめゆき]
(n) light snow fall
細則 [さいそく]
(n) by-laws
細帯 [ほそおび]
(n) narrow sash or obi
細大 [さいだい]
(n) great and small
細長い [ほそながい]
(adj) long and narrow
細動脈 [さいどうみゃく]
(n) arteriole
細道 [ほそみち]
(n) narrow path or lane
細波 [さざなみ]
(n) (uk) ripple (on water)
細微 [さいび]
(adj-na,n) minute
細筆 [さいひつ]
(n,vs) fine brush or pencil
細部 [さいぶ]
(n) details
細分 [さいぶん]
(n,vs) divide into small portions
細別 [さいべつ]
(n,vs) subdivision
細片 [さいへん]
(n) crumbling
細胞 [さいぼう]
(n) cell (biology)
細胞遺伝学 [さいぼういでんがく]
(n) cytogenetics
細胞核 [さいぼうかく]
(n) nucleus (cell, biology)
細胞学 [さいぼうがく]
(n) cytology
細胞質 [さいぼうしつ]
(n) cytoplasm
細胞質遺伝 [さいぼうしついでん]
(n) cytoplasmic heredity
細胞培養 [さいぼうばいよう]
(n) cell culture
細胞分裂 [さいぼうぶんれつ]
(n) cell division
細胞壁 [さいぼうへき]
(n) cell wall
細胞膜 [さいぼうまく]
(n) cellular membrane
細胞融合 [さいぼうゆうごう]
(n) cell fusion
細密 [さいみつ]
(adj-na,n) detailed knowledge
細密画 [さいみつが]
(n) miniature
細民 [さいみん]
(n) the poor
細面 [ほそおもて]
(n) slender face
細目 [さいもく]
(n) particulars
細目 [ほそめ]
(adj-na,n) narrow eyes
細螺 [きさご]
(n) periwinkle
細螺 [きしゃご]
(n) periwinkle
細流 [さいりゅう]
(n) streamlet
細粒分 [さいりゅうぶん]
(n) fine particle fraction
細論 [さいろん]
(n,vs) detailed discussion
細腕 [ほそうで]
(n) thin arm
細緻 [さいち]
(adj-na,n) minute
菜 [な]
(n) greens
菜っ葉 [なっぱ]
(n) rape leaves
菜っ葉服 [なっぱふく]
(n) (light blue) overalls
菜の花 [なのはな]
(n) rape blossoms
菜を漬ける [なをつける]
(exp) to pickle greens
菜園 [さいえん]
(n) vegetable garden
菜種 [なたね]
(n) rapeseed
菜種殻 [なたねがら]
(n) rapeseed hulls
菜種梅雨 [なたねづゆ]
(n) long spell of rain in early spring
菜種油 [なたねあぶら]
(n) rapeseed oil
菜食 [さいしょく]
(n,vs) vegetable diet
菜食主義 [さいしょくしゅぎ]
(n) vegetarianism
菜食主義者 [さいしょくしゅぎしゃ]
(n) vegetarian
菜漬け [なづけ]
(n) pickled vegetables
菜箸 [さいばし]
(n) cooking or serving chopsticks
裁 [さい]
(n-suf) judge
裁き [さばき]
(n) judgment
裁きの庭 [さばきのにわ]
(n) law court
裁く [さばく]
(v5k) to judge
裁ち [たち]
(n) cutting
裁ちかける [たちかける]
(v1) to begin to cut
裁ち掛ける [たちかける]
(v1) to begin to cut
裁ち割る [たちわる]
(v5r) to cut open
裁ち屑 [たちくず]
(n) cuttings
裁ち出す [たちだす]
(v5s) to cut out (a dress) from cloth
裁ち上がり [たちあがり]
(n) (tailor's) cutting
裁ち切る [たちきる]
(v5r) to cut (cloth)
裁ち板 [たちいた]
(n) tailor's cutting board
裁ち物 [たちもの]
(n) cutting (cloth or paper)
裁ち庖丁 [たちぼうちょう]
(n) tailor's knife
裁ち方 [たちかた]
(n) cutting
裁ち縫い [たちぬい]
(n) cutting and sewing
裁ち縫う [たちぬう]
(v5u) to cut and sew
裁つ [たつ]
(v5t) to cut (cloth)
裁可 [さいか]
(n,vs) sanction
裁許 [さいきょ]
(n,vs) sanction
裁決 [さいけつ]
(n,vs) decision
裁決書 [さいけつしょ]
(n) written verdict
裁断 [さいだん]
(n,vs) (1) judgement
裁断機 [さいだんき]
(n) cutting machine (cloth)
裁断師 [さいだんし]
(n) (tailor's) cutter
裁定 [さいてい]
(n,vs) decision
裁定 [せいてい]
(n,vs) decision
裁判 [さいばん]
(n,vs) trial
裁判員 [さいばんいん]
(n) lay judge (2005 reforms)
裁判官 [さいばんかん]
(n) judge
裁判官忌避 [さいばんかんきひ]
(n) challenging a judge
裁判権 [さいばんけん]
(n) jurisdiction
裁判沙汰 [さいばんざた]
(n) law suit
裁判所 [さいばんしょ]
(n) court
裁判所命令 [さいばんしょめいれい]
(n) court injunction
裁判上 [さいばんじょう]
(adj-na) judicial
裁判人 [さいばんにん]
(n) judge
裁判長 [さいばんちょう]
(n) presiding judge
裁縫 [さいほう]
(n,vs) sewing
裁縫師 [さいほうし]
(n) tailor
裁量 [さいりょう]
(n,vs) admeasure
裁量所得 [さいりょうしょとく]
(n) discretionary income
裁量労働 [さいりょうろうどう]
(n) discretionary work (labour, labor)
裁量労働制 [さいりょうろうどうせい]
(n) flexible work hours
載す [のす]
(v5s) to place on (something)
載せる [のせる]
(v1) to place on (something)
載っける [のっける]
(v1) to place (something) on (something)
載る [のる]
(v5r) (1) to spread (paints)
載荷 [さいか]
(n,vs) loading
載貨吃水 [さいかきっすい]
(n) ship's draft
載貨吃水線 [さいかきっすいせん]
(n) Plimsoll mark
載貨屯数 [さいかとんすう]
(n) deadweight tonnage
載積 [さいせき]
(n,vs) carrying
載炭 [さいたん]
(n) coaling
載録 [さいろく]
(n,vs) recording
際 [きわ]
(n) edge
際 [さい]
(n-adv,n) on the occasion of
際して [さいして]
(exp) (phrase) when
際する [さいする]
(vs-s) to arrive
際どい [きわどい]
(adj) dangerous
際に [さいに]
(adv) in case of
際会 [さいかい]
(n,vs) meeting
際涯 [さいがい]
(n) limits
際限 [さいげん]
(n) limits
際限なく [さいげんなく]
(adv) ad infinitum
際限なく続く [さいげんなくつづく]
(exp) to continue without end
際疾い [きわどい]
(adj) dangerous
際物 [きわもの]
(n) seasonal articles
際立つ [きわだつ]
(v5t) to be prominent
剤 [ざい]
(n-suf) medicine
在りし日 [ありしひ]
(n-t) (1) days of yore
在り処 [ありか]
(n) location
在り所 [ありか]
(n) location
在り付く [ありつく]
(v5k) to get
在り方 [ありかた]
(n) the way something ought to be
在り来たり [ありきたり]
(adj-no) common
在る [ある]
(v5r-i) (1) (uk) to live
在位 [ざいい]
(n,vs) reign (i.e of a ruler)
在英 [ざいえい]
(n) in Britain
在家 [ざいけ]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) layman or laity
在荷 [ざいか]
(n,vs) stock
在外 [ざいがい]
(n) overseas
在外研究員 [ざいがいけんきゅういん]
(n) research student (worker) abroad
在外公館 [ざいがいこうかん]
(n) diplomatic mission
在外資産 [ざいがいしさん]
(n) foreign assets
在外投票 [ざいがいとうひょう]
(n) overseas ballot
在外邦人 [ざいがいほうじん]
(n) Japanese nationals resident abroad
在学 [ざいがく]
(n,vs) (enrolled) in school
在学証明書 [ざいがくしょうめいしょ]
(n) certificate of student status
在学生 [ざいがくせい]
(n) enrolled or registered student
在官 [ざいかん]
(n,vs) holding office
在監の長 [ざいかんのおさ]
(n) prison warden
在監者 [ざいかんしゃ]
(n) prisoner
在韓米軍 [ざいかんべいぐん]
(n) U.S. troops stationed in (South) Korean
在京 [ざいきょう]
(n,vs) being in Tokyo
在京中 [ざいきょうちゅう]
(n) (while) in the capital or in Tokyo
在郷 [ざいきょう]
(n,vs) hometown
在郷 [ざいごう]
(n,vs) hometown
在郷軍人 [ざいごうぐんじん]
(n) ex-soldier
在郷軍人会 [ざいごうぐんじんかい]
(n) association of veterans
在郷軍人病 [ざいごうぐんじんびょう]
(n) Legionnaires' disease
在郷者 [ざいごうしゃ]
(n) rustic
在勤 [ざいきん]
(n,vs) (while) working in or at or for
在庫 [ざいこ]
(n) stockpile
在庫管理 [ざいこかんり]
(n) inventory control
在庫資金 [ざいこしきん]
(n) stock fund
在庫調整 [ざいこちょうせい]
(n) inventory (stock) adjustment
在庫品 [ざいこひん]
(n) inventory
在校 [ざいこう]
(n,vs) being in school
在校生 [ざいこうせい]
(n) enrolled student
在室 [ざいしつ]
(n,vs) in a or one's room
在住 [ざいじゅう]
(n,vs) resident
在住者 [ざいじゅうしゃ]
(n) a resident
在所 [ざいしょ]
(n,vs) whereabouts
在職 [ざいしょく]
(n,vs) being in office
在世 [ざいせい]
(n,vs) being alive
在世中 [ざいせいちゅう]
(n) during one's lifetime
在籍 [ざいせき]
(n,vs) enrollment
在籍専従者 [ざいせきせんじゅうしゃ]
(n) full-time trade union official
在俗 [ざいぞく]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) layman or laity
在宅 [ざいたく]
(n,vs) being in
在宅勤務 [ざいたくきんむ]
(n) working at home
在中 [ざいちゅう]
(n,vs) (contained) within
在天 [ざいてん]
(n,vs) in heaven
在東京 [ざいとうきょう]
(n) situated in Tokyo
在日 [ざいにち]
(n,vs) in Japan
在日米軍 [ざいにちべいぐん]
(n) US Forces, Japan
在日米陸軍 [ざいにちべいりくぐん]
(n) US Army, Japan
在任 [ざいにん]
(n,vs) being in office
在任中 [ざいにんちゅう]
(n) (while) holding a post or being in office
在米 [ざいべい]
(n,vs) being in the USA
在米中 [ざいべいちゅう]
(n) while resident in America
在米邦人 [ざいべいほうじん]
(n) Japanese living in America
在方 [ざいかた]
(n) rural area
在野 [ざいや]
(n,adj-no) out of office (power)
在役 [ざいえき]
(n,vs) in prison
在来 [ざいらい]
(n,adj-no) pre-existing
在来種 [ざいらいしゅ]
(n) native species
在来線 [ざいらいせん]
(n) an older railroad line
在留 [ざいりゅう]
(n,vs) stay
在留外国人 [ざいりゅうがいこくじん]
(n) foreign residents
在留期間更新許可 [ざいりゅうきかんこうしんきょか]
(n) extension of visa permit
在留資格認定証明書 [ざいりゅうしかくにんていしょうめいしょ]
(n) Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status
在留邦人 [ざいりゅうほうじん]
(n) Japanese residing abroad
在留民 [ざいりゅうみん]
(n) residents
材器 [ざいき]
(n) ability
材質 [ざいしつ]
(n) material properties
材木 [ざいもく]
(n) lumber
材木屋 [ざいもくや]
(n) lumber dealer
材木商 [ざいもくしょう]
(n) lumber dealer
材料 [ざいりょう]
(n) ingredients
材料費 [ざいりょうひ]
(n) cost of materials
罪 [つみ]
(adj-na,n) crime
罪する [つみする]
(vs-s) to charge
罪な事 [つみなこと]
(n) trick
罪に陥る [つみにおちいる]
(exp) to slide into sin
罪のない [つみのない]
(adj) guiltless
罪の無い [つみのない]
(adj) guiltless
罪を着せる [つみをきせる]
(exp) to pin a crime on
罪を着る [つみをきる]
(exp) to take (another's guilt) on oneself
罪を犯す [つみをおかす]
(exp) to commit a crime
罪悪 [ざいあく]
(n) crime
罪悪感 [ざいあくかん]
(n) feelings of guilt
罪科 [ざいか]
(n) offense
罪過 [ざいか]
(n) offence
罪業 [ざいごう]
(n) sin
罪作り [つみつくり]
(adj-na,n) sinfulness
罪障 [ざいしょう]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) sins (which prevent entry into bliss)
罪障消滅 [ざいしょうしょうめつ]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) expiation of sins
罪状 [ざいじょう]
(n) charges
罪状糾明 [ざいじょうきゅうめい]
(n) closely examining (questioning) the concrete circumstances of a crime
罪状明白 [ざいじょうめいはく]
(n,adj-na) be proven guilty of a crime
罪深い [つみぶかい]
(adj) sinful
罪人 [ざいにん]
(n) criminal
罪人 [つみびと]
(n) sinner
罪人を流す [ざいにんをながす]
(exp) to exile a criminal
罪責 [ざいせき]
(n) responsibility or liability for a crime
罪跡 [ざいせき]
(n) evidence of a crime
罪名 [ざいめい]
(n) name of a crime
罪滅ぼし [つみほろぼし]
(n,vs) atonement
財 [ざい]
(n,n-suf) fortune
財を成す [ざいをなす]
(exp) to build a fortune
財貨 [ざいか]
(n) commodity
財界 [ざいかい]
(n) financial world
財界人 [ざいかいじん]
(n) financier
財形 [ざいけい]
(n) (abbr) asset formation
財形貯蓄 [ざいけいちょちく]
(n) property accumulation savings
財経 [ざいけい]
(n) politics and economics
財源 [ざいげん]
(n) source of funds
財産 [ざいさん]
(n) property
財産が殖える [ざいさんがふえる]
(exp) to become rich
財産家 [ざいさんか]
(n) wealthy individual
財産権 [ざいさんけん]
(n) property rights
財産税 [ざいさんぜい]
(n) property tax
財産相続 [ざいさんそうぞく]
(n) succession to or inheritance of property
財産分与 [ざいさんぶんよ]
(n) distribution of property
財産目録 [ざいさんもくろく]
(n) inventory of property
財政 [ざいせい]
(n) economy
財政々策 [ざいせいせいさく]
(n) fiscal policy
財政の面 [ざいせいのめん]
(n) the financial aspect
財政安定 [ざいせいあんてい]
(n) economic stability
財政改革 [ざいせいかいかく]
(n) economic reform
財政学 [ざいせいがく]
(n) (the study of public) finance
財政危機 [ざいせいきき]
(n) economic crisis
財政均衡計画 [ざいせいきんこうけいかく]
(n) balanced budget plan
財政構造 [ざいせいこうぞう]
(n) fiscal structure
財政黒字 [ざいせいくろじ]
(n) budget surplus
財政再建 [ざいせいさいけん]
(n) finance reform
財政支援 [ざいせいしえん]
(n) economic support
財政支出 [ざいせいししゅつ]
(n) government spending
財政収支 [ざいせいしゅうし]
(n) fiscal balance
財政状態 [ざいせいじょうたい]
(n) financial condition
財政政策 [ざいせいせいさく]
(n) fiscal policy
財政赤字 [ざいせいあかじ]
(n) budget deficit
財政調整基金 [ざいせいちょうせいききん]
(n) financial adjustment monies
財政投融資 [ざいせいとうゆうし]
(n) treasury investment and loan
財政難 [ざいせいなん]
(n) economic difficulties
財政破綻 [ざいせいはたん]
(n) economic collapse
財政問題 [ざいせいもんだい]
(n) economic problem
財政力 [ざいせいりょく]
(n) economic power
財団 [ざいだん]
(n) foundation
財団法人 [ざいだんほうじん]
(n) (juridical) foundation
財閥 [ざいばつ]
(n) zaibatsu
財布 [さいふ]
(n) purse
財布を出す [さいふをだす]
(exp) to draw (take) out one's purse (handbag)
財物 [ざいぶつ]
(n) property
財宝 [ざいほう]
(n) treasure
財務 [ざいむ]
(n) financial affairs
財務トランザクション [ざいむトランザクション]
(n) financial transaction
財務格付け [ざいむかくづけ]
(n) financial strength ratings
財務官 [ざいむかん]
(n) finance official
財務管理 [ざいむかんり]
(n) financial management
財務諸表 [ざいむしょひょう]
(n) financial statements
財務省 [ざいむしょう]
(n) Ministry of Finance
財務体質 [ざいむたいしつ]
(n) financial structure
財務報告書 [ざいむほうこくしょ]
(n) financial reports
財務力格付け [ざいむちからかくづけ]
(n) financial strength ratings
財力 [ざいりょく]
(n) assets
冴 [ご]
(n) being clear
冴えた色 [さえたいろ]
(n) bright color
冴えた夜 [さえたよる]
(n) crisp and cold night
冴える [さえる]
(v1) to be clear
冴え輝く [さえかがやく]
(v5k) to shine clearly
冴え行く [さえゆく]
(v5k-s) to clear gradually
冴え冴えした [さえざえした]
(adj) cheerful (look)
冴え冴えした顔 [さえざえしたかお]
(n) cheerful look
冴え渡る [さえわたる]
(v5r) to get cold
冴え返る [さえかえる]
(v5r) to be very clear
冴寒 [ごかん]
(n) (rare) extreme cold
坂 [さか]
(n) slope
坂の下 [さかのした]
(n) foot of a slope
坂を下りる [さかをおりる]
(exp) to go downhill
坂道 [さかみち]
(n) hill road
阪神 [はんしん]
(n) Osaka-Kobe
阪神大震災 [はんしんだいしんさい]
(n) Great Hanshin Earthquake (Jan 1995)
阪大 [はんだい]
(n) (abbr) Osaka University
榊 [さかき]
(n) sakaki tree (sacred Shinto tree)
肴 [さかな]
(n) snack served with drinks
咲う [わらう]
(v5u) to laugh
咲かせる [さかせる]
(v1,vt) to make bloom
咲き溢れる [さきこぼれる]
(v1) to bloom all over
咲き誇る [さきほこる]
(v5r) to be in fullness of bloom
咲き残る [さきのこる]
(v5r) to bloom late
咲き出す [さきだす]
(v5s) to begin to bloom
咲き初める [さきそめる]
(v1) to begin to blossom
咲き揃う [さきそろう]
(v5u) to be in full bloom
咲き渡る [さきわたる]
(v5r) to bloom over a wide area
咲き匂う [さきにおう]
(v5u) to be in full bloom
咲き分け [さきわけ]
(n) variegated flowering
咲き乱れる [さきみだれる]
(v1) to bloom in profusion
咲く [さく]
(v5k) to bloom
崎 [さき]
(n) small peninsula
崎 [みさき]
(n) cape (on coast)
崎崖 [きがい]
(n) steepness of a mountain
崎陽 [きよう]
(n) (arch) Nagasaki
埼玉県 [さいたまけん]
(n) Saitama prefecture (Kantou area)
埼玉勢 [さいたまぜい]
(n) the Saitama group
埼銀 [さいぎん]
(n) Saitama Bank
鷺草 [さぎそう]
(n) fringed orchid
作 [さく]
(n,n-suf) a work
作が悪い [さくがわるい]
(n) have a poor crop
作り [つくり]
(n) (1) construction
作り換える [つくりかえる]
(iK) (v1) to remake
作り顔 [つくりがお]
(n) affected look
作り機嫌 [つくりきげん]
(n) feigning good feeling
作り泣き [つくりなき]
(n) make-believe crying
作り言 [つくりごと]
(n) fabrication
作り事 [つくりごと]
(n) fabrication
作り手 [つくりて]
(n) maker
作り酒屋 [つくりざかや]
(n) sake brewer
作り出す [つくりだす]
(v5s) (1) to manufacture
作り笑い [つくりわらい]
(n,vs) forced laugh
作り上げる [つくりあげる]
(v1) to make up
作り身 [つくりみ]
(n) sliced raw fish
作り声 [つくりごえ]
(n) feigned voice
作り損じる [つくりそんじる]
(v1) to fail in making
作り損なう [つくりそこなう]
(v5u) to fail in making
作り損なう [つくりぞこなう]
(v5u) to fail in making
作り替える [つくりかえる]
(v1) to remake
作り直す [つくりなおす]
(v5s) to remake
作り眉 [つくりまゆ]
(n) painted eyebrows
作り病 [つくりやまい]
(n) feigned illness
作り付け [つくりつけ]
(n) fixed
作り物 [つくりもの]
(n) artificial product
作り返す [つくりかえす]
(v5s) to remake
作り方 [つくりかた]
(n) way of making
作り名 [つくりな]
(n) alias
作り盲 [つくりめくら]
(n) feigned blindness
作り木 [つくりぎ]
(n) well-trimmed tree
作り立てる [つくりたてる]
(v1) to adorn
作り話 [つくりばなし]
(n) fiction
作る [つくる]
(v5r) to make
作意 [さくい]
(n) idea
作為 [さくい]
(n,vs) (1) artificiality
作為的 [さくいてき]
(adj-na) intentional
作為犯 [さくいはん]
(n) crime of commission
作家 [さっか]
(n) author
作家として鳴らす [さっかとしてならす]
(v5s) to be very popular as a writer
作歌 [さっか]
(n,vs) writing songs or poems
作画 [さくが]
(n,vs) drawing pictures
作況 [さっきょう]
(n) crops
作況指数 [さっきょうしすう]
(n) rice-crop index
作興 [さっこう]
(n,vs) promoting
作業 [さぎょう]
(n,vs) work
作業グループ [さぎょうグループ]
(n) working group
作業衣 [さぎょうい]
(n) work clothes
作業員 [さぎょういん]
(n) worker
作業仮説 [さぎょうかせつ]
(n) working hypothesis
作業時間 [さぎょうじかん]
(n) working hours
作業場 [さぎょうば]
(n) works
作業班 [さぎょうはん]
(n) work party
作業費 [さぎょうひ]
(n) operational expense
作業部会 [さぎょうぶかい]
(n) working group
作業部会案 [さぎょうぶかいあん]
(n) working draft
作業服 [さぎょうふく]
(n) work clothes
作業用 [さぎょうよう]
(n) for work
作業要員 [さぎょうよういん]
(n) work force
作業療法 [さぎょうりょうほう]
(n) occupational therapy
作業領域 [さぎょうりょういき]
(n) workspace
作曲 [さっきょく]
(n,vs) composition
作曲家 [さっきょくか]
(n) composer
作曲者 [さっきょくしゃ]
(n) composer
作劇 [さくげき]
(n,vs) playwriting
作劇術 [さくげきじゅつ]
(n) dramaturgy
作詞 [さくし]
(n,vs) song making
作詞家 [さくしか]
(n) lyric writer
作詞者 [さくししゃ]
(n) lyric writer
作詩 [さくし]
(n,vs) versification
作詩法 [さくしほう]
(n) versification
作者 [さくしゃ]
(n) author
作者不知 [さくしゃしらず]
(n) anonymous
作者未詳 [さくしゃみしょう]
(n) anonymous
作場 [さくば]
(n) farm
作図 [さくず]
(n,vs) drawing (figures)
作成 [さくせい]
(n,vs) frame
作成技術 [さくせいぎじゅつ]
(n) implementation technique
作成者 [さくせいしゃ]
(n) implementor
作製 [さくせい]
(n,vs) manufacture
作戦 [さくせん]
(n) military or naval operations
作戦オーバーレー [さくせんオーバーレー]
(n) operation overlay
作戦計画 [さくせんけいかく]
(n) campaign plan
作戦上 [さくせんじょう]
(adj-no) operational
作戦地域 [さくせんちいき]
(n) area of operation
作戦命令 [さくせんめいれい]
(n) operation order
作男 [さくおとこ]
(n) farm hand
作中人物 [さくちゅうじんぶつ]
(n) characters (in a novel)
作土 [さくど]
(n) surface soil
作当たり [さくあたり]
(n) good crop
作動 [さどう]
(n,vs) operation
作病 [さくびょう]
(n) feigned illness
作品 [さくひん]
(n) work
作品を腐す [さくひんをくさす]
(exp) to speak ill of a person's work
作付 [さくつけ]
(n,vs) planting
作付 [さくづけ]
(n,vs) planting
作付け [さくつけ]
(n,vs) planting
作付け [さくづけ]
(n,vs) planting
作付面積 [さくづけめんせき]
(n) planted area
作譜 [さくふ]
(n) log (i.e. work-file)
作風 [さくふう]
(n) literary style
作物 [さくぶつ]
(n) literary work
作物 [さくもつ]
(n) produce (e.g., agricultural)
作文 [さくぶん]
(n,vs) composition
作文の題 [さくぶんのだい]
(n) subject of a composition
作柄 [さくがら]
(n) crop conditions
作法 [さほう]
(n) manners
作務衣 [さむえ]
(n) monk's working (non-spiritual) clothes
作用 [さよう]
(n,vs) action
作用積分 [さようせきぶん]
(n) action integral (physics)
作用点 [さようてん]
(n) point of action (e.g., of a lever)
作例 [さくれい]
(n) model of writing
削 [さく]
(n) plane
削ぐ [そぐ]
(v5g) (1) to chip
削げる [そげる]
(v1) to split
削り屑 [けずりくず]
(n) shavings
削り取る [けずりとる]
(v5r) to shave off
削り節 [けずりぶし]
(n) flaked bonito
削り落とす [けずりおとす]
(v5s) to scrape off
削る [けずる]
(v5r) (1) to shave (wood or leather)
削る [はつる]
(v5r) (1) to cut down little by little
削れる [けずれる]
(v1) to be shaved or planed
削井 [さくせい]
(n,vs) well drilling
削岩機 [さくがんき]
(n) rock drill
削減 [さくげん]
(n,vs) cut
削除 [さくじょ]
(n,vs) elimination
削氷機 [さくひょうき]
(n) ice-shaving machine
削片 [さくへん]
(n) splinter
削摩 [さくま]
(n) denudation
搾め糟 [しめかす]
(n) oil cake
搾り [しぼり]
(n) squeezing
搾り取る [しぼりとる]
(v5r) to exploit
搾り上げる [しぼりあげる]
(v1) (1) to squeeze (to the utmost)
搾り滓 [しぼりかす]
(n) strained lees (draff)
搾る [しぼる]
(v5r) to press
搾取 [さくしゅ]
(n,vs) exploitation
搾取工場 [さくしゅこうじょう]
(n) sweatshop
搾乳 [さくにゅう]
(n,vs) milking (a cow)
搾油 [さくゆ]
(n,vs) oil expression (extraction)
搾滓 [しめかす]
(n) oil cake
昨 [さく]
(pref) last (year)
昨夏 [さくか]
(n) last summer
昨夏 [さっか]
(n) last summer
昨暁 [さくぎょう]
(n-t) early yesterday morning
昨今 [さっこん]
(n-adv,n-t) nowadays
昨紙 [さくし]
(n) yesterdays paper
昨秋 [さくしゅう]
(n-adv,n-t) autumn of last year
昨週 [さくしゅう]
(n) last week
昨春 [さくしゅん]
(n-adv,n-t) last spring
昨朝 [さくちょう]
(n-adv,n-t) yesterday morning
昨冬 [さくとう]
(n-adv,n-t) last winter
昨日 [きのう]
(n-adv,n-t) yesterday
昨日 [さくじつ]
(n-adv,n-t) yesterday
昨日今日 [きのうきょう]
(n) (1) yesterday and today
昨年 [さくねん]
(n-adv,n-t) last year
昨年夏 [さくねんなつ]
(n) summer of last year
昨年度 [さくねんど]
(n-adv) previous fiscal year
昨年度の卒 [さくねんどのそつ]
(n) graduated last year
昨年来 [さくねんらい]
(n-adv) since last year
昨晩 [さくばん]
(n-adv,n-t) last night
昨非今是 [さくひこんぜ]
(n) complete reversal of values or ways of thinking
昨夜 [さくや]
(n-adv,n-t) last night
昨夜 [ゆうべ]
(n-adv,n-t) last night
昨夕 [さくゆう]
(n-adv,n-t) yesterday evening
朔風 [さくふう]
(n) north wind
柵 [さく]
(n) fence
窄まる [すぼまる]
(v5r) to get narrower
窄む [すぼむ]
(v5m) to get narrower
窄む [つぼむ]
(v5m) to close
窄める [すぼめる]
(v1) to make narrower
窄める [つぼめる]
(v1) to make narrower
策 [さく]
(n,n-suf) plan
策を講ずる [さくをこうずる]
(exp) to take (adopt) measures
策を施す [さくをほどこす]
(exp) to take measures
策応 [さくおう]
(n,vs) in collusion with
策源地 [さくげんち]
(n) strategic base
策士 [さくし]
(n) intriguer
策戦 [さくせん]
(n) military or naval operations
策定 [さくてい]
(n,vs) decision
策動 [さくどう]
(n,vs) maneuverings
策謀 [さくぼう]
(n,vs) strategy
策略 [さくりゃく]
(n) scheme
策励 [さくれい]
(n,vs) urging
索 [さく]
(n) rope
索引 [さくいん]
(n) index
索具 [さくぐ]
(n) rigging
索条 [さくじょう]
(n) cable
索条鉄道 [さくじょうてつどう]
(n) cable railway
索然 [さくぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) dry
索敵 [さくてき]
(n,vs) searching for the enemy
索道 [さくどう]
(n) overhead freight-carrying cable
索漠 [さくばく]
(adj-t,adv-to) dreary
索莫 [さくばく]
(adj-t,adv-to) dreary
索麺 [そうめん]
(n) fine white noodles
索寞 [さくばく]
(adj-t,adv-to) dreary
錯イオン [さくイオン]
(n) complex ion
錯覚 [さっかく]
(n,vs) optical illusion
錯角 [さっかく]
(n) alternate interior angles
錯簡 [さっかん]
(n) pages (in a book) out of order due to an error in binding
錯誤 [さくご]
(n) mistake
錯雑 [さくざつ]
(n) complication
錯字症 [さくじしょう]
(n) paragraphia
錯綜 [さくそう]
(n,vs) complication
錯乱 [さくらん]
(n,vs) confusion
錯乱状態 [さくらんじょうたい]
(n) state of (mental) confusion (agitation)
桜 [さくら]
(n) (1) cherry blossom
桜んぼう [さくらんぼう]
(n) (edible) cherry
桜ん坊 [さくらんぼう]
(n) (edible) cherry
桜花 [おうか]
(n) cherry blossom
桜花 [さくらばな]
(n) cherry blossom
桜花爛漫 [おうからんまん]
(n) riot of cherry blossoms
桜貝 [さくらがい]
(n) carpenters tellin
桜祭 [さくらまつり]
(n) cherry blossom festival
桜祭り [さくらまつり]
(n) cherry blossom festival
桜紙 [さくらがみ]
(n) soft, thin paper
桜狩り [さくらがり]
(n) looking for or at cherry blossoms
桜色 [さくらいろ]
(n) cherry blossom (colour, color)
桜前線 [さくらぜんせん]
(n) cherry blossom front
桜草 [さくらそう]
(n) primrose
桜漬け [さくらづけ]
(n) pickled cherry blossoms
桜桃 [おうとう]
(n) (edible) cherry
桜桃 [さくらんぼう]
(n) (edible) cherry
桜湯 [さくらゆ]
(n) drink made of boiled water poured over preserved cherry leaves and blossoms
桜肉 [さくらにく]
(n) horse meat
桜飯 [さくらめし]
(n) rice boiled with soy sauce and sake
桜餅 [さくらもち]
(n) rice cake with bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf
鮭 [さけ]
(n) salmon (edible fish, Salmo salar)
鮭 [しゃけ]
(n) salmon (edible fish, Salmo salar)
鮭漁 [さけりょう]
(n) salmon fishing
鮭茶づけ [さけちゃづけ]
(n) chadzuke with salmon powder
鮭茶漬け [さけちゃづけ]
(n) chadzuke with salmon powder
笹 [ささ]
(n) bamboo grass
笹原 [ささはら]
(n) field of bamboo grass
笹舟 [ささぶね]
(n) toy bamboo-leaf boat
匙 [さじ]
(n) spoon
匙を投げる [さじをなげる]
(exp) to give up (something as hopeless)
匙加減 [さじかげん]
(n) prescription
冊 [さつ]
(n) (1) volume
冊子 [さっし]
(n) book
冊子 [そうし]
(n) copy-book
冊数 [さっすう]
(n) number of books
冊立 [さくりつ]
(n,vs) imperial investiture
刷り [すり]
(n) printing
刷り違い [すりちがい]
(n) misprint
刷り込み [すりこみ]
(n) imprinting
刷り込む [すりこむ]
(v5m) to insert (an illustration)
刷り出す [すりだす]
(v5s) to print
刷り上がる [すりあがる]
(v5r) to be off the press
刷り上げる [すりあげる]
(v1) to finish printing
刷り損なう [すりそこなう]
(v5u) to misprint
刷り直す [すりなおす]
(v5s) to reprint (book)
刷り物 [すりもの]
(n) printed matter
刷り本 [すりほん]
(n) printed book
刷り立て [すりたて]
(exp) just off the press
刷る [する]
(v5r) to print
刷子 [さっし]
(n) brush
刷子 [はけ]
(n) brush
刷新 [さっしん]
(n,vs) reform
刷数 [さつすう]
(n) number (of books) printed
刷毛 [はけ]
(n) paint brush
刷毛先 [はけさき]
(n) brush tip
刷毛目 [はけめ]
(n) brush marks
察 [さつ]
(n) (col) police
察し [さっし]
(n) consideration
察する [さっする]
(vs-s) to guess
察知 [さっち]
(n,vs) sense
撮み出す [つまみだす]
(v5s) to pick out
撮み食い [つまみぐい]
(n,vs) (1) eating with one's fingers
撮み洗い [つまみあらい]
(n) washing only the soiled part (of a garment)
撮み捻子 [つまみねじ]
(n) (uk) thumbscrew
撮み物 [つまみもの]
(n) relish
撮む [つまむ]
(v5m) to pinch
撮り直し [とりなおし]
(n) a retaken photograph
撮り直す [とりなおす]
(v5s,vt) to retake (a photograph)
撮る [とる]
(v5r) to take (a photo)
撮影 [さつえい]
(n,vs) photographing
撮影機 [さつえいき]
(n) motion picture camera
撮影者 [さつえいしゃ]
(n) photographer
撮影所 [さつえいじょ]
(n) film studio
撮影隊 [さつえいたい]
(n) film unit
撮像管 [さつぞうかん]
(n) image pick up tube
撮土 [さつど]
(n) small area
撮要 [さつよう]
(n) outline
擦った揉んだ [すったもんだ]
(adv,n,vs) confused
擦りつける [こすりつける]
(v1) (1) to rub against
擦りつける [すりつける]
(v1) (1) to rub against
擦りつける [なすりつける]
(v1) to blame another
擦りガラス [すりガラス]
(n) ground glass
擦り寄る [すりよる]
(v5r) to draw close to
擦り減らす [すりへらす]
(v5s) to wear away
擦り減る [すりへる]
(v5r) to be worn down
擦り込む [すりこむ]
(v5m) to rub in
擦り傷 [かすりきず]
(n) scratch
擦り傷 [すりきず]
(n,vs) scratch
擦り切る [すりきる]
(v5r) to cut by rubbing
擦り切れる [すりきれる]
(v1) to wear out
擦り替える [すりかえる]
(v1) to substitute
擦り剥く [すりむく]
(v5k) to skin (one's knee)
擦り剥ける [すりむける]
(v1) to abrade
擦り抜ける [すりぬける]
(v1) to slip through
擦り付ける [こすりつける]
(v1) (1) to rub against
擦り付ける [すりつける]
(v1) (1) to rub against
擦り付ける [なすりつける]
(v1) to blame another
擦り落とす [こすりおとす]
(v5s) to scrape off
擦り疵 [すりきず]
(n,vs) marring caused by rubbing
擦る [かする]
(v5r) to touch lightly
擦る [こする]
(v5r) to rub
擦る [する]
(v5r) to rub
擦れっ枯らし [すれっからし]
(n) shameless person
擦れて薄くなる [すれてうすくなる]
(v5r) to wear thin
擦れる [すれる]
(v1) to rub
擦れ違い [すれちがい]
(n) chance encounter
擦れ違う [すれちがう]
(v5u) to pass by one another
擦れ合う [すれあう]
(v5u) to rub against
擦れ擦れ [すれすれ]
(adj-na,n) on the verge of
擦過傷 [さっかしょう]
(n) abrasion
擦傷 [すりきず]
(n,vs) scratch
擦疵 [すりきず]
(n,vs) marring caused by rubbing
札 [さつ]
(n,n-suf) note
札 [ふだ]
(n) (1) token
札を付ける [ふだをつける]
(exp) to label
札を崩す [さつをくずす]
(exp) to change a note
札止め [ふだどめ]
(n) full house
札所 [ふだしょ]
(n) temple which issues amulets
札束 [さつたば]
(n) roll of banknotes
札入れ [さついれ]
(n) wallet
札付き [ふだつき]
(n) tagged
殺 [さつ]
(n) kill
殺がれた耳 [そがれたみみ]
(n) mutilated ear
殺ぐ [そぐ]
(v5g) (1) to chip
殺げる [そげる]
(v1) to split
殺し [ころし]
(n) a murder
殺し屋 [ころしや]
(n) professional killer
殺し文句 [ころしもんく]
(exp,n) killing (i.e. loving) words
殺す [ころす]
(v5s) to kill
殺る [やる]
(v5r) to do someone in
殺意 [さつい]
(n) intent to kill
殺害 [さつがい]
(n,vs) killing
殺害を企てる [さつがいをくわだてる]
(exp) to make an attempt on a person's life
殺害事件 [さつがいじけん]
(n) murder case
殺害者 [さつがいしゃ]
(n) murderer
殺気 [さっき]
(n) thirst for blood
殺気立つ [さっきだつ]
(v5t) to be seething (with anger)
殺菌 [さっきん]
(n,vs) sterilization
殺菌剤 [さっきんざい]
(n) disinfectant
殺菌力 [さっきんりょく]
(n) sterilizing or germicidal properties
殺傷 [さっしょう]
(n,vs) kill and wound
殺真菌薬 [さつしんきんやく]
(n) fungicide
殺人 [さつじん]
(n) murder
殺人鬼 [さつじんき]
(n) devilish homicide
殺人狂 [さつじんきょう]
(n) homicidal maniac
殺人現場 [さつじんげんば]
(n) murder scene
殺人罪 [さつじんざい]
(n) (the crime of) murder
殺人罪に問われて [さつじんざいにとわれて]
(exp) on a charge of murder
殺人事件 [さつじんじけん]
(n) murder case
殺人者 [さつじんしゃ]
(n) killer
殺人的 [さつじんてき]
(adj-na) murderous (workload, etc)
殺人犯 [さつじんはん]
(n) murderer
殺人未遂 [さつじんみすい]
(n) attempted murder
殺陣 [たて]
(n) sword battle
殺陣師 [たてし]
(n) man who teaches actors or actresses how to use swords
殺生 [せっしょう]
(adj-na,n) killing
殺生禁断 [せっしょうきんだん]
(n) prohibition against hunting and fishing
殺鼠剤 [さっそざい]
(n) rat poison
殺虫 [さっちゅう]
(n,vs) killing insects or pests
殺虫剤 [さっちゅうざい]
(n) insecticide
殺到 [さっとう]
(n,vs) rush
殺伐 [さつばつ]
(adj-na,n) bloodthirsty
殺風景 [さっぷうけい]
(adj-na,n) tasteless
殺戮 [さつりく]
(n,vs) (uk) slaughter
薩長 [さっちょう]
(n) Satsuma and Choshu
薩摩の守 [さつまのかみ]
(n) traveling while deliberately not paying a fare (travelling)
薩摩芋 [さつまいも]
(n) sweet potato
薩摩焼 [さつまやき]
(n) Satsuma porcelain
薩摩閥 [さつまばつ]
(n) Satsuma clan
薩摩揚げ [さつまあげ]
(n) deep-fried ball of fish paste
雑 [ざつ]
(adj-na,n) rough
雑える [まじえる]
(v1) (1) to mix
雑ざる [まざる]
(v5r,vi) to be mixed
雑じる [まじる]
(v5r,vi) to be mixed
雑ぜる [まぜる]
(v1) to mix
雑の部 [ざつのぶ]
(n) miscellany
雑音 [ざつおん]
(n) noise (jarring, grating)
雑歌 [ぞうか]
(n) miscellaneous poems
雑貨 [ざっか]
(n) miscellaneous goods
雑貨商 [ざっかしょう]
(n) general store
雑貨店 [ざっかてん]
(n) general (variety) store (shop)
雑学 [ざつがく]
(n) miscellaneous knowledge
雑株 [ざつかぶ]
(n) assorted stocks
雑感 [ざっかん]
(n) miscellaneous impressions
雑記 [ざっき]
(n) miscellaneous notes
雑記帳 [ざっきちょう]
(n) notebook
雑居 [ざっきょ]
(n,vs) sharing living quarters
雑居ビル [ざっきょビル]
(n) building containing a number of businesses and shops
雑居地 [ざっきょち]
(n) mixed residential quarter
雑魚 [ざこ]
(n) small fish
雑魚 [じゃこ]
(n) small fish
雑魚寝 [ざこね]
(n,vs) sleeping together in a huddle
雑曲 [ざっきょく]
(n) popular song
雑巾 [ぞうきん]
(n) house-cloth
雑巾を絞る [ぞうきんをしぼる]
(exp) to wring a floorcloth
雑巾を刺す [ぞうきんをさす]
(exp) to quilt a dustcloth
雑巾掛け [ぞうきんかけ]
(n) mopping the floor
雑菌 [ざっきん]
(n) microorganisms
雑沓 [ざっとう]
(n,vs) congestion
雑件 [ざっけん]
(n) assorted matters
雑言 [ぞうごん]
(n) foul language
雑穀 [ざっこく]
(n) assorted grains
雑婚 [ざっこん]
(n) communal marriage
雑砕 [ちゃぷすい]
(n) chop suey
雑砕 [チャプスイ]
(n) chop suey
雑作 [ぞうさ]
(n,vs) trouble
雑纂 [ざっさん]
(n) miscellaneous collection
雑誌 [ざっし]
(n) journal
雑誌に挟む [ざっしにはさむ]
(exp) to place in a magazine
雑事 [ざつじ]
(n) miscellaneous matters
雑煮 [ぞうに]
(n) New Year dish
雑種 [ざっしゅ]
(n) hybrid
雑収入 [ざっしゅうにゅう]
(n) miscellaneous income
雑収入 [ざつしゅうにゅう]
(n) miscellaneous income
雑所得 [ざつしょとく]
(n) miscellaneous (sundry) incomes
雑書 [ざっしょ]
(n) assorted books
雑色 [ざっしき]
(n) assorted colors
雑色 [ざっしょく]
(n) assorted colors
雑色 [ぞうしき]
(n) assorted colors
雑食 [ざっしょく]
(n,vs) omnivorous
雑人 [ぞうにん]
(n) low-call people
雑炊 [ぞうすい]
(n) hodgepodge
雑税 [ざつぜい]
(n) miscellaneous taxes
雑然 [ざつぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) disorderliness
雑然とした [ざつぜんとした]
(adj) disorderly
雑草 [ざっそう]
(n) weed
雑則 [ざっそく]
(n) miscellaneous rules
雑損 [ざっそん]
(n) miscellaneous losses
雑多 [ざった]
(adj-na,n) miscellaneous
雑談 [ざつだん]
(n,vs) chatting
雑踏 [ざっとう]
(n,vs) congestion
雑念 [ざつねん]
(n) idle thoughts
雑嚢 [ざつのう]
(n) duffel bag
雑俳 [ざっぱい]
(n) playful literature originating from haiku
雑駁 [ざっぱく]
(adj-na,n) confusion
雑費 [ざっぴ]
(n) miscellaneous expenses
雑品 [ざっぴん]
(n) sundries
雑物 [ざつぶつ]
(n) miscellaneous things
雑文 [ざつぶん]
(n) literary miscellany
雑文家 [ざつぶんか]
(n) miscellanist
雑兵 [ぞうひょう]
(n) small fry
雑報 [ざっぽう]
(n) miscellaneous
雑報欄 [ざっぽうらん]
(n) general news column
雑務 [ざつむ]
(n) routine tasks or duties
雑木 [ざつぼく]
(n) various kinds of small trees
雑木 [ぞうき]
(n) various kinds of small trees
雑木 [ぞうぼく]
(n) various kinds of small trees
雑木林 [ぞうきばやし]
(n) grove of mixed trees
雑木林 [ぞうぼくりん]
(n) grove of mixed trees
雑役 [ざつえき]
(n) chore
雑役夫 [ざつえきふ]
(n) handyman
雑役婦 [ざつえきふ]
(n) cleaning lady
雑用 [ざつよう]
(n) odd jobs
雑録 [ざつろく]
(n) miscellaneous records
雑話 [ざつわ]
(n,vs) chitchat
皐月 [さつき]
(n) (obs) fifth month of the lunar calendar
鯖 [さば]
(n) mackerel
鯖を読む [さばをよむ]
(exp) to manipulate figures to one's advantage
捌き [さばき]
(n) judgment
捌く [さばく]
(v5k) to handle
捌け [はけ]
(n) drainage
捌ける [さばける]
(v1) to be in order
捌ける [はける]
(v1) to be in order
捌け口 [さばけぐち]
(n) market
捌け口 [はけぐち]
(n) market
錆 [さび]
(n) rust
錆び [さび]
(n) rust
錆びる [さびる]
(v1,vi) to rust
錆び付く [さびつく]
(v5k) to rust together
錆止め [さびどめ]
(n) rust-proofing
錆付く [さびつく]
(v5k) to rust together
鮫 [さめ]
(n) shark
鮫肌 [さめはだ]
(n) fishskin
鮫皮 [さめがわ]
(n) sharkskin
鮫膚 [さめはだ]
(n) fishskin
皿 [さら]
(n) plate
皿回し [さらまわし]
(n) plate-spinning trick
皿洗い [さらあらい]
(n) washing-up
皿洗い機 [さらあらいき]
(n) dish-washer (machine)
皿秤 [さらばかり]
(n) balance
晒 [さらし]
(n) bleaching
晒し [さらし]
(n) bleaching
晒し飴 [さらしあめ]
(n) sweet rice jelly
晒し者 [さらしもの]
(n) pilloried criminal exposed to public view
晒し首 [さらしくび]
(n) gibbeted head
晒し粉 [さらしこ]
(n) bleaching powder
晒し木綿 [さらしもめん]
(n) bleached cotton cloth
晒す [さらす]
(v5s) (1) to expose (to the air, to the public, to danger, etc.)
晒者 [さらしもの]
(n) pilloried criminal exposed to public view
晒木綿 [さらしもめん]
(n) bleached cotton cloth
三 [さん]
(num) three
三 [み]
(num) three
三々九度 [さんさんくど]
(n) three-times-three exchange of nuptial cups
三々五々 [さんさんごご]
(adv) in groups of twos and threes
三が日 [さんがにち]
(n) first three days of the new year
三つ [みっつ]
(n) three
三つどもえの戦い [みつどもえのたたかい]
(n) playoff for the tournament win in sumo with three wrestlers participating
三つどもえの争い [みつどもえあらそい]
(n) three-cornered battle
三つ角 [みつかど]
(n) three corners
三つ股 [みつまた]
(n) forked stick
三つ口 [みつくち]
(n) harelip
三つ叉 [みつまた]
(n,adj-no) three-pronged (fork)
三つ子 [みつご]
(n) (1) three-year-old
三つ指 [みつゆび]
(n) bowing while pressing three fingers of each hand on floor
三つ身 [みつみ]
(n) baby clothes
三つ折 [みつおり]
(n) threefold
三つ折り [みつおり]
(n) threefold
三つ組 [みつぐみ]
(n) set of three
三つ揃い [みつぞろい]
(n) three-piece suit
三つ巴 [みつどもえ]
(n) (1) 3 fat-comma shapes arranged to form a circle
三つ巴の戦い [みつどもえのたたかい]
(n) playoff for the tournament win in sumo with three wrestlers participating
三つ巴の争い [みつどもえあらそい]
(n) three-cornered battle
三つ巴戦 [みつどもえせん]
(n) playoff for the tournament win in sumo with three wrestlers participating
三つ半 [みつばん]
(n) three-stroke alarm
三つ編み [みつあみ]
(n) braided cord
三つ又 [みつまた]
(n,adj-no) three-pronged (fork)
三つ紋 [みつもん]
(n) triple family crest
三つ葉 [みつば]
(n) honeywort
三悪趣 [さんあくしゅ]
(n) the world of hungry spirits and the world of animals
三悪道 [さんあくどう]
(n) the world of hungry spirits and the world of animals
三位 [さんい]
(n) the third rank
三位 [さんみ]
(n) the third rank
三位一体 [さんみいったい]
(n) the Trinity
三囲 [みつい]
(n) Mitsui (company)
三尉 [さんい]
(n) second lieutenant (JSDF)
三育 [さんいく]
(n) education of the head and hand and heart
三羽烏 [さんばがらす]
(n) trio
三浦折り [みうらおり]
(n) Miura map fold
三越 [みつこし]
(n) Mitsukoshi (department store)
三猿 [さんえん]
(n) three wise monkeys who see and hear and speak no evil
三猿 [みざる]
(ik) (n) three wise monkeys who see and hear and speak no evil
三猿主義 [さんえんしゅぎ]
(n) the principle (philosophy) of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
三下 [さんした]
(n) underling
三下り半 [みくだりはん]
(n) letter of divorce
三下奴 [さんしたやっこ]
(n) petty underling
三下半 [みくだりはん]
(n) letter of divorce
三夏 [さんか]
(n) three summer months
三箇日 [さんがにち]
(n) January 1st to 3rd
三回 [さんかい]
(n) three times
三回忌 [さんかいき]
(n) second anniversary of a death
三界 [さんがい]
(n) past, present and future existences
三界流転 [さんがいるてん]
(n) endless cycle of rebirth through the three worlds of past, present, and future existences (Buddhist)
三階 [さんがい]
(n) third floor
三角 [さんかく]
(n) triangle
三角関係 [さんかくかんけい]
(n) love triangle
三角関数 [さんかくかんすう]
(n) trigonometric function
三角旗 [さんかくき]
(n) triangular pennant
三角巾 [さんかくきん]
(n) triangle bandage
三角琴 [さんかくごと]
(n) trigon (a musical instrument)
三角筋 [さんかくきん]
(n) deltoid (muscle)
三角形 [さんかくけい]
(n,adj-no) triangle
三角形 [さんかっけい]
(n,adj-no) triangle
三角系異常 [さんかくけいいじょう]
(n) (gen) (math) triangle anomaly
三角座 [さんかくざ]
(n) (constellation) Triangle
三角州 [さんかくす]
(n) delta
三角洲 [さんかくす]
(n) delta
三角錐 [さんかくすい]
(n) triangular pyramid
三角測量 [さんかくそくりょう]
(n) triangulation
三角柱 [さんかくちゅう]
(n) triangular prism
三角定規 [さんかくじょうぎ]
(n) triangles (used in mechanical drawing)
三角点 [さんかくてん]
(n) triangulation point
三角闘争 [さんかくとうそう]
(n) three-cornered fight
三角波 [さんかくなみ]
(n) choppy sea
三角波 [さんかくは]
(n) choppy sea
三角函数 [さんかくかんすう]
(n) trigonometrical function
三角帆 [さんかくほ]
(n) jib sail
三角比 [さんかくひ]
(n) trigonometric ratio
三角法 [さんかくほう]
(n) trigonometry
三角帽 [さんかくぼう]
(n) three-cornered hat
三角貿易 [さんかくぼうえき]
(n) trilateral trade
三角翼 [さんかくよく]
(n) delta wing
三角竜 [さんかくりゅう]
(n) (obsc) triceratops (dinosaur)
三角槭 [さんかくかえで]
(n) trident maple (tree) (Acer buergerianum)
三割自治 [さんわりじち]
(n) the "thirty-percent autonomy" of local governments
三冠王 [さんかんおう]
(n) winner of triple crown (baseball)
三冠馬 [さんかんば]
(n) winner of Japan's three main horse races
三寒四温 [さんかんしおん]
(n) alternation of three cold and four warm days
三環系抗うつ剤 [さんかんけいこううつざい]
(n) tricyclic antidepressant
三環系抗うつ薬 [さんかんけいこううつやく]
(n) tricyclic antidepressant
三竿 [さんかん]
(n) broad daylight
三韓 [さんかん]
(n) (obs) Korea
三岐代表 [さんぎだいひょう]
(n) representative of Gifu and Mie prefectures
三脚 [さんきゃく]
(n,adj-no) tripod
三脚椅子 [さんきゃくいす]
(n) a three-legged stool
三脚架 [さんきゃくか]
(n) tripodal frame
三球三振 [さんきゅうさんしん]
(n) fanned on three pitches
三級 [さんきゅう]
(adj-na) third grade
三教 [さんきょう]
(n) Shinto and Buddhism and Confucianism
三業 [さんぎょう]
(n) business consisting of restaurant, brothel and geisha service
三業 [さんごう]
(n) business consisting of restaurant, brothel and geisha service
三業地 [さんぎょうち]
(n) licensed red-light quarters
三曲 [さんきょく]
(n) instrumental trio
三軍 [さんぐん]
(n) great army
三景 [さんけい]
(n) three famous beauty spots
三軽 [さんけい]
(n) three famous beauty spots
三桁 [みけた]
(n) three-digit number
三月 [さんがつ]
(n-adv) March
三月 [みつき]
(n) three months
三月の節句 [さんがつのせっく]
(n) Girls' (dolls') Festival (March 3rd)
三権 [さんけん]
(n) the three powers of government (legislative, executive and judicial)
三権分立 [さんけんぶんりつ]
(n) separation of powers (legislative, executive and judicial)
三原色 [さんげんしょく]
(n) three primary colors
三弦 [さんげん]
(n) three-stringed instrument
三絃 [さんげん]
(n) three-stringed instrument
三言 [みこと]
(n) three words
三股 [さんまた]
(n) forked stick
三顧の礼 [さんこのれい]
(n) special confidence (in someone)
三更 [さんこう]
(n) midnight
三校 [さんこう]
(n) third proof
三校終了 [さんこうしゅうりょう]
(n) third and final proof
三行広告 [さんぎょうこうこく]
(n) three-line classified advertisement
三行広告欄 [さんぎょうこうこくらん]
(n) classified ads
三行半 [さんぎょうはん]
(n) 3 lines and a half
三行半 [みくだりはん]
(n) letter of divorce
三項演算子 [さんこうえんざんし]
(n) ternary operator
三号雑誌 [さんごうざっし]
(n) short-lived magazine
三国 [さんごく]
(n) three countries
三国一 [さんごくいち]
(n) unparalleled in Japan and China and India (unparallelled)
三国志 [さんごくし]
(n) Annals of the Three Kingdoms
三国人 [さんこくじん]
(n) (1) national of a third country
三国人 [さんごくじん]
(n) (1) national of a third country
三国同盟 [さんごくどうめい]
(n) triple alliance
三佐 [さんさ]
(n) major (JSDF)
三叉 [さんさ]
(n,adj-no) three-pronged (fork)
三叉 [みつまた]
(n,adj-no) three-pronged (fork)
三叉神経 [さんさしんけい]
(n) trigeminal nerve
三叉神経痛 [さんさしんけいつう]
(n) trigeminal neuralgia
三叉路 [さんさろ]
(n) three-forked road
三差路 [さんさろ]
(n) three-forked road
三才 [さんさい]
(n) the three powers: heaven, earth and man
三災 [さんさい]
(n) the three calamities: fire, flood and storm
三三九度 [さんさんくど]
(n) three-times-three exchange of nuptial cups
三三五五 [さんさんごご]
(adv) in groups of twos and threes
三士 [さんし]
(n) recruit (JSDF)
三思 [さんし]
(n,vs) deep reflection
三指鴎 [みつゆびかもめ]
(n) black-legged kittiwake
三死 [さんし]
(n) three outs
三時 [さんじ]
(n-adv) 3 o'clock snack
三次 [さんじ]
(n) three times
三次元 [さんじげん]
(n) three dimensions
三軸 [さんじく]
(n) triaxial
三軸圧縮試験 [さんじくあっしゅくしけん]
(n) triaxial compression test
三軸圧縮試験機 [さんじくあっしゅくしけんき]
(n) triaxial compression apparatus
三軸試験 [さんじくしけん]
(n) triaxial test
三軸室 [さんじくしつ]
(n) triaxial cell
三七日 [さんしちにち]
(n) 21st day after death
三七日 [みなぬか]
(n) 21st day after death
三七日 [みなのか]
(n) 21st day after death
三舎を避ける [さんしゃをさける]
(exp) to be outshone
三者 [さんしゃ]
(n) three persons
三者会談 [さんしゃかいだん]
(n) three-cornered conversation
三者三様 [さんしゃさんよう]
(n) each of the three being different from the other two
三者対立 [さんしゃたいりつ]
(n) three-cornered competition
三者鼎立 [さんしゃていりつ]
(n) three parties (forces) opposing one another
三者凡退 [さんしゃぼんたい]
(n) out in 1-2-3 order (baseball)
三尺 [さんじゃく]
(n) 3 Japanese feet
三尺の秋水 [さんじゃくのしゅうすい]
(n) sharpened sword
三尺の童子 [さんじゃくのどうじ]
(n) mere child
三尺帯 [さんじゃくおび]
(n) waistband
三手楓 [みつでかえで]
(n) ivy-leaved maple
三種 [さんしゅ]
(n) three kinds
三種の神器 [さんしゅのじんぎ]
(n) the Three Sacred Treasures (Mirror, Sword and Jewels)
三秋 [さんしゅう]
(n) three autumn months
三秋の思い [さんしゅうのおもい]
(n) longing for loved ones
三十 [さんじゅう]
(num) thirty
三十戸 [さんじっこ]
(n) thirty houses
三十三所 [さんじゅうさんしょ]
(n) the Thirty-three temple Pilgrimage
三十二分音符 [さんじゅうにぶおんぷ]
(n) 32nd note
三十日 [さんじゅうにち]
(n) 30th
三十日 [つごもり]
(n) last day of month
三十日 [みそか]
(n) last day of month
三十年戦争 [さんじゅうねんせんそう]
(n) the Thirty Years' War
三十八度線 [さんじゅうはちどせん]
(n) the Thirty-eighth Parallel
三十路 [みそじ]
(n) age thirty
三十六計 [さんじゅうろっけい]
(n) the 36 (ancient Chinese military) strategies (of which the last resort was said to be beating a retreat)
三重 [さんじゅう]
(n) triple
三重冠 [さんじゅうかん]
(n) (papal) triple tiara
三重苦 [さんじゅうく]
(n) triple handicap
三重結び [さんじゅうむすび]
(n) magnus hitch
三重県 [みえけん]
(n) Mie prefecture (Kinki area)
三重殺 [さんじゅうさつ]
(n) triple play
三重唱 [さんじゅうしょう]
(n) vocal trio
三重焦点 [さんじゅうしょうてん]
(n) trifocal
三重奏 [さんじゅうそう]
(n) instrumental trio
三重盗 [さんじゅうとう]
(n) triple steal (baseball)
三重宝冠 [さんじゅうほうかん]
(n) (papal) triple tiara
三春 [さんしゅん]
(n) three spring months
三助 [さんすけ]
(n) male bathhouse attendant
三女 [さんじょ]
(n) third daughter
三唱 [さんしょう]
(n,vs) 3 cheers
三省 [さんせい]
(n,vs) frequent reflection (meditation)
三省堂 [さんせいどう]
(n) Sanseido (publisher)
三賞 [さんしょう]
(n) three special awards for sumo wrestlers at the end of a tournament
三乗 [さんじょう]
(n,vs) (gen) (math) cube
三乗根 [さんじょうこん]
(n) cube root
三畳紀 [さんじょうき]
(n) Triassic (geol.)
三色 [さんしょく]
(n) three colours
三色印刷法 [さんしょくいんさつほう]
(n) three-color process
三色旗 [さんしょくき]
(n) tricolour flag
三色旗 [さんしょっき]
(n) tricolour flag
三色版 [さんしょくばん]
(n) three-color printing (red and yellow and blue)
三色菫 [さんしきすみれ]
(n) pansy
三色菫 [さんしょくすみれ]
(n) pansy
三食 [さんしょく]
(n) three meals (a day)
三食賄い付き [さんしょくまかないつき]
(adj-no) with three meals served
三伸 [さんしん]
(n) second postscript
三振 [さんしん]
(n,vs) strike out (baseball)
三親等 [さんしんとう]
(n) kinsman of the third degree (of consanguinity)
三人 [さんにん]
(n) three people
三人寄れば文殊の知恵 [さんにんよればもんじゅのちえ]
(exp) two heads are better than one
三人殺し [さんにんころし]
(n) triple murder
三人称 [さんにんしょう]
(n) (ling) third person
三人組 [さんにんぐみ]
(n) trio
三寸 [さんずん]
(n,adj-no) eloquent
三寸の舌 [さんずんのした]
(n) eloquent tongue
三世 [さんせい]
(n) children of nisei
三世 [さんぜ]
(n) past and present and future existences
三世因果 [さんぜいんが]
(n) retribution spanning the threes temporal worlds (the present, the past, and the future)
三世相 [さんぜそう]
(n) the Book of Divination
三仙叉 [さんせんさ]
(n) (MA) trident dagger
三千 [さんぜん]
(n) 3000
三千世界 [さんぜんせかい]
(n) the whole world
三選 [さんせん]
(n) third-term election
三組 [さんくみ]
(n) set of three
三組 [みくみ]
(n) set of three
三曹 [さんそう]
(n) sergeant (JSDF)
三相 [さんそう]
(n) three phases
三相交流 [さんそうこうりゅう]
(n) three-phase alternating current
三蔵 [さんぞう]
(n) three branches of Buddhist sutras
三尊仏 [さんぞんぶつ]
(n) image of the three honorable (honourable) ones
三体 [さんたい]
(n) the three character styles: square and semicursive and grass
三代 [さんだい]
(n) three generations
三大国 [さんだいこく]
(n) the Big Three (countries)
三大節 [さんだいせつ]
(n) the three big national holidays
三大都市 [さんだいとし]
(n) the three largest cities
三嘆 [さんたん]
(n,vs) praise
三段構え [さんだんかまえ]
(n) triple
三段構え [さんだんがまえ]
(n) triple
三段跳 [さんだんとび]
(n) hop, step and jump
三段跳び [さんだんとび]
(n) hop, step and jump
三段目 [さんだんめ]
(n) third lowest division in sumo
三段目格 [さんだんめかく]
(n) referee officiating the third lowest sumo division
三段論法 [さんだんろんぽう]
(n) syllogism
三男 [さんなん]
(n) three men
三知土 [たたき]
(n) concrete floor
三柱の神 [みはしらのかみ]
(n) three gods
三直 [さんちょく]
(n) out on a third-base liner
三途の川 [さんずのかわ]
(n) the River Styx
三度 [さんど]
(n) three times
三度の和音 [さんどのわおん]
(n) common chord
三冬 [さんとう]
(n) three winter months
三等 [さんとう]
(n) third class
三等軍曹 [さんとうぐんそう]
(n) sergeant
三等賞 [さんとうしょう]
(n) third prize
三等親 [さんとうしん]
(n) third degree of kinship
三等星 [さんとうせい]
(n) third magnitude star
三等分 [さんとうぶん]
(n,vs) trisect
三頭筋 [さんとうきん]
(n) triceps
三頭政治 [さんとうせいじ]
(n) triumvirate
三徳 [さんとく]
(n) three primary virtues: valour, wisdom and benevolence (valor)
三徳包丁 [さんとくほうちょう]
(n) type of kitchen knife
三日 [みっか]
(n) three days
三日間 [みっかかん]
(n) three days
三日月 [みかずき]
(ik) (n) new moon
三日月 [みかづき]
(n) new moon
三日月形 [みかづきけい]
(adj-no) crescent shape
三日月眉 [みかづきまゆ]
(n) arched eyebrows
三日三晩 [みっかみばん]
(exp) 3 days and 3 nights
三日三夜 [みっかみよ]
(exp) 3 days and 3 nights
三日天下 [みっかてんか]
(n) short-lived rule
三日天下 [みっかでんか]
(n) short-lived rule
三日坊主 [みっかぼうず]
(n) one who can stick to nothing
三日路 [みっかじ]
(n) three-day journey
三年 [さんねん]
(n) three years
三拝 [さんぱい]
(n,vs) worshipping three times
三拝九拝 [さんぱいきゅうはい]
(int,n) kowtowing
三杯酢 [さんばいず]
(n) mixture of vinegar, soy sauce, and sugar
三倍 [さんばい]
(n) three-fold
三拍子 [さんびょうし]
(n) triple time (music)
三半規管 [さんはんきかん]
(n) semicircular canals
三斑鶉 [みふうずら]
(n) button quail
三板 [さんぱん]
(n) sampan
三番 [さんばん]
(n) third
三番稽古 [さんばんげいこ]
(n) a row of training matches with the same opponent (sumo)
三番鶏 [さんばんどり]
(n) third cockcrowing
三番出世 [さんばんしゅっせ]
(n) newly recruited sumo wrestlers in the third round of presentation after mae-zumo
三番勝負 [さんばんしょうぶ]
(n) three-game match
三番鳥 [さんばんどり]
(n) third cockcrowing
三菱 [みつびし]
(n) Mitsubishi (company)
三筆 [さんぴつ]
(n) three famous ancient calligraphers: Emperor Saga and Tachibana (no) Hayanari and Kooboo Daishi
三百 [さんびゃく]
(n) 300
三百諸侯 [さんびゃくしょこう]
(n) all the daimyos
三百代言 [さんびゃくだいげん]
(n) pettifogging lawyer
三府 [さんぷ]
(n) the Three Urban Prefectures
三部 [さんぶ]
(n) three parts
三部合唱 [さんぶがっしょう]
(n) 3 part chorus
三部合奏 [さんぶがっそう]
(n) instrumental trio
三部作 [さんぶさく]
(n) trilogy
三封 [さんぷう]
(n) forced out on third
三幅対 [さんぷくつい]
(n) set of three
三分 [さんぶん]
(n,vs) trisection
三分 [さんぷん]
(n) three minutes
三分の一 [さんぶんのいち]
(n) one third
三分搗 [さんぶつき]
(n) 30% polished rice
三文 [さんもん]
(n) cheapness
三文々士 [さんもんぶんし]
(n) hack writer
三文小説 [さんもんしょうせつ]
(n) dime novel
三文判 [さんもんばん]
(n) ready-made seal
三文文士 [さんもんぶんし]
(n) hack writer
三文役者 [さんもんやくしゃ]
(n) third-rate actor
三鞭酒 [しゃんぺん]
(n) champagne
三宝 [さんぼう]
(n) 3 treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, sutras and priesthood
三宝 [さんぽう]
(n) 3 treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, sutras and priesthood
三方 [さんぼう]
(n) three sides
三方 [さんぽう]
(n) three sides
三本 [さんぼん]
(adj) three (long cylindrical things)
三本勝負 [さんぼんしょうぶ]
(n) a set of three bouts
三本足 [さんぼんあし]
(n) three legs (two legs and a cane)
三本締め [さんぼんじめ]
(n) hand-clapping patter (at start of party)
三本立て映画 [さんぼんたてえいが]
(n) triple feature (movie)
三昧 [さんまい]
(n) self-effacement
三枚 [さんまい]
(n) comedy
三枚目 [さんまいめ]
(n) comedian
三幕物 [さんまくもの]
(n) three-act play
三味 [さみ]
(n) three-stringed guitar
三味線 [さみせん]
(n) three-stringed Japanese guitar
三味線 [しゃみせん]
(n) three-stringed Japanese guitar
三味線の駒 [しゃみせんのこま]
(n) bridge of shamisen
三味線弾 [さみせんひき]
(n) samisen player
三味線弾 [しゃみせんひき]
(n) samisen player
三味線弾き [さみせんひき]
(n) samisen player
三味線弾き [しゃみせんひき]
(n) samisen player
三民主義 [さんみんしゅぎ]
(n) (Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People
三眠蚕 [さんみんかいこ]
(n) three-molt silkworm
三無主義 [さんむしゅぎ]
(n) the "three no principle" of no drive (indolence), no interest (indifference), and no sense of responsibility (irresponsibility), the term describing the temperament of the Japanese youth of the 1970s
三面 [さんめん]
(n) three sides
三面記事 [さんめんきじ]
(n) human-interest article
三面鏡 [さんめんきょう]
(n) three-sided mirror
三面六臂 [さんめんろっぴ]
(n) rush of business
三毛 [みけ]
(n) tortoise-shell (pattern)
三毛作 [さんもうさく]
(n) three crops a year
三毛猫 [みけねこ]
(n) tortoise-shell cat
三門 [さんもん]
(n) large triple gate to temple
三役 [さんやく]
(n) three highest ranks (wrestling, unions, etc)
三役格 [さんやくかく]
(n) sumo referee officiating bouts of san'yaku ranked wrestlers
三役揃い踏み [さんやくそろいぶみ]
(n) ritual stomping in unison on the final day of sumo tournament
三洋 [さんよう]
(n) Sanyo (company)
三葉虫 [さんようちゅう]
(n) trilobite
三流 [さんりゅう]
(n) 3rd rate
三稜鏡 [さんりょうきょう]
(n) prism
三輪 [さんりん]
(n) three wheels
三輪車 [さんりんしゃ]
(n) three wheeled vehicle (tricycle, motorcycle, etc)
三塁 [さんるい]
(n) third base
三塁で刺される [さんるいでさされる]
(v1) to be put (thrown) out at third base
三塁手 [さんるいしゅ]
(n) third baseman
三塁線 [さんるいせん]
(n) third-base line
三塁打 [さんるいだ]
(n) three-base hit
三連 [さんれん]
(n) three-stranded
三連勝 [さんれんしょう]
(n) three wins in a row
三連符 [さんれんぷ]
(n) triplet
三論 [さんろん]
(n) Buddhist sect originating in the seventh century
三和音 [さんわおん]
(n) triad
三椏 [みつまた]
(n) paper bush
三竦み [さんすくみ]
(n) three-way deadlock
傘 [かさ]
(n) umbrella
傘を差す [かさをさす]
(exp) to hold an umbrella
傘屋 [かさや]
(n) umbrella shop
傘下 [さんか]
(n) affiliated with
傘形碍子 [かさがたがいし]
(n) umbrella insulator
傘形器官 [さんけいきかん]
(n) bot umbraculum
傘紙 [かさがみ]
(n) oiled umbrella paper
傘歯車 [かさはぐるま]
(n) bevel gear
傘持ち [かさもち]
(n) umbrella carrier
傘寿 [さんじゅ]
(n) 80th birthday
傘地 [かさじ]
(n) umbrella cloth
傘伐林 [さんばつりん]
(n) shelterwood forest
傘立て [かさたて]
(n) umbrella stand
参 [さん]
(n) three (used in legal documents)
参った [まいった]
(exp) (uk) I'm beaten
参らせる [まいらせる]
(v1) to beat
参る [まいる]
(v5r) (1) (hum) to go
参院 [さんいん]
(n) (abbr) House of Councillors
参院選 [さんいんせん]
(n) (abbr) House of Councillors election
参加 [さんか]
(n,vs) participation
参加意識 [さんかいしき]
(n) sense of participation
参加希望者 [さんかきぼうしゃ]
(n) those interested in participating
参加国 [さんかこく]
(n) participating nation
参加者 [さんかしゃ]
(n) participant
参加費 [さんかひ]
(n) entrance fee
参画 [さんかく]
(n,vs) taking part in planning
参賀 [さんが]
(n,vs) congratulatory palace visit
参賀者 [さんがしゃ]
(n) congratulatory visitors
参賀帳 [さんがちょう]
(n) congratulatory visitor's book
参会 [さんかい]
(n,vs) attendance (at a meeting)
参会者 [さんかいしゃ]
(n) attendance
参観 [さんかん]
(n,vs) visit
参観人 [さんかんにん]
(n) visitor
参議 [さんぎ]
(n,vs) councillor
参議院 [さんぎいん]
(n) House of Councillors
参議院議員 [さんぎいんぎいん]
(n) member of the House of Councillors
参議院選挙 [さんぎいんせんきょ]
(n) House of Councillors election
参宮 [さんぐう]
(n,vs) visit to the Ise Shrine
参勤交替 [さんきんこうたい]
(n) official attendance service (by a daimyo in the Edo era)
参勤交代 [さんきんこうたい]
(n) daimyo's alternating Edo residence
参詣 [さんけい]
(n,vs) temple or shrine visit
参詣人 [さんけいにん]
(n) worshiper
参向 [さんこう]
(n,vs) proceeding to
参考 [さんこう]
(n,vs) reference
参考資料 [さんこうしりょう]
(n) reference data
参考書 [さんこうしょ]
(n) reference book
参考書目 [さんこうしょもく]
(n) bibliography
参考人 [さんこうにん]
(n) a person given as a reference
参考図書 [さんこうとしょ]
(n) reference book (work)
参考図書館 [さんこうとしょかん]
(n) reference library
参考品 [さんこうひん]
(n) reference materials
参考文献 [さんこうぶんけん]
(n) bibliography
参差 [しんし]
(adj-t,adv-to) of uneven heights or lengths
参事 [さんじ]
(n) secretary
参事会 [さんじかい]
(n) a council
参事官 [さんじかん]
(n) councillor
参酌 [さんしゃく]
(n,vs) comparison and choosing the good
参集 [さんしゅう]
(n,vs) assembling (of people)
参照 [さんしょう]
(n,vs) reference
参照渡し [さんしょうわたし]
(n) (comp) call by reference (computer)
参照文献 [さんしょうぶんけん]
(n) reference document
参上 [さんじょう]
(n,vs) calling on
参政 [さんせい]
(n) participation in government
参政官 [さんせいかん]
(n) parliamentary under-secretary
参政権 [さんせいけん]
(n) suffrage
参戦 [さんせん]
(n,vs) participation in a war
参禅 [さんぜん]
(n,vs) Zen meditation
参着 [さんちゃく]
(n,vs) arrival
参朝 [さんちょう]
(n,vs) visiting the palace
参殿 [さんでん]
(n,vs) palace visit
参堂 [さんどう]
(n,vs) visiting a home or a shrine
参道 [さんどう]
(n) road approaching a shrine
参内 [さんだい]
(n,vs) palace visit
参入 [さんにゅう]
(n,vs) coming
参拝 [さんぱい]
(n,vs) worship
参謀 [さんぼう]
(n) staff officer
参謀長 [さんぼうちょう]
(n) chief of staff
参謀本部 [さんぼうほんぶ]
(n) General Staff Headquarters
参与 [さんよ]
(n,vs) participation
参与官 [さんよかん]
(n) parliamentary councillor
参与者 [さんよしゃ]
(n) participant
参洛 [さんらく]
(n) going to the capital
参列 [さんれつ]
(n,vs) attendance
参列者 [さんれつしゃ]
(n) attendant
参籠 [さんろう]
(n,vs) retirement (to a temple of shrine) for prayer
山 [やま]
(n) (1) mountain
山々 [やまやま]
(adv,n) very much
山っ気 [やまっけ]
(n) speculative spirit
山の気 [やまのき]
(n) mountain air
山の幸 [やまのさち]
(n) mountain vegetables
山の手 [やまのて]
(n) hilly (residential) section of a city
山の端 [やまのは]
(n) edge (brow) of mountain
山の頂 [やまのいただき]
(n) mountain top
山の背 [やまのせ]
(n) ridge (of a mountain)
山を越す [やまをこす]
(exp) to surmount a difficulty
山葵 [わさび]
(n) (uk) Japanese horseradish
山葵漬け [わさびづけ]
(n) pickled Japanese horseradish
山葵田 [わさびでん]
(n) wetland wasabi terrace
山芋 [やまいも]
(n) yam
山陰 [さんいん]
(n) shelter of the mountains
山陰 [やまかげ]
(n) shelter of the mountains
山姥 [やまうば]
(n) mountain witch
山姥 [やまんば]
(n) mountain witch
山越え [やまごえ]
(n,vs) crossing a mountain
山越し [やまごし]
(n,vs) wind blowing down, coming over a mountain
山越しをする [やまごしをする]
(exp) to cross a mountain
山沿い [やまぞい]
(n) along a mountain
山沿いの地方 [やまぞいのちほう]
(n) mountainous region
山猿 [やまざる]
(n) monkey
山奥 [やまおく]
(n) mountain recesses
山下公園 [やましたこうえん]
(n) park in Yokohama
山家 [さんか]
(n) mountain villa
山家 [やまが]
(n) mountain villa
山河 [さんが]
(n) mountains and rivers
山火事 [やまかじ]
(n) bushfire
山稼ぎ [やまかせぎ]
(n) making a living in the mountains
山塊 [さんかい]
(n) mountain mass
山懐 [やまふところ]
(n) heart of a mountain
山海 [さんかい]
(n) mountains and seas
山開き [やまびらき]
(n) start of the mountain-climbing season
山岳 [さんがく]
(n) mountains
山岳重畳 [さんがくちょうじょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) mountains rising one above another
山岳地帯 [さんがくちたい]
(n) mountain district
山岳病 [さんがくびょう]
(n) altitude sickness
山岳部 [さんがくぶ]
(n) mountaineering club
山掛け [やまかけ]
(n) foods topped with grated yam
山勘 [やまかん]
(adj-na,n) guesswork
山間 [さんかん]
(n) among the mountains
山間 [やまあい]
(n) ravine
山間部 [さんかんぶ]
(n) mountainous region
山気 [さんき]
(n) mountain air
山気 [やまき]
(n) speculative spirit
山気 [やまぎ]
(n) speculative spirit
山気 [やまけ]
(n) speculative spirit
山峡 [さんきょう]
(n) gorge
山峡 [やまかい]
(n) gorge
山桑 [やまぐわ]
(n) mulberry
山形 [やまがた]
(n) mountain-shaped
山形県 [やまがたけん]
(n) Yamagata prefecture (Touhoku area)
山径 [さんけい]
(n) mountain path
山稽古 [やまげいこ]
(n) outdoor sumo practice (practise)
山系 [さんけい]
(n) mountain range
山鯨 [やまくじら]
(n) wild boar
山犬 [やまいぬ]
(n) (1) Japanese wolf (yamainu, jamainu) (Canis lupus hodophilax)
山元 [やまもと]
(n) owner of a mountain
山口県 [やまぐちけん]
(n) Yamaguchi prefecture (Chuugoku area)
山荒 [やまあらし]
(n) porcupine
山荒らし [やまあらし]
(n) porcupine
山高きを以て [やまたかきをもって]
(exp) because the mountain is high
山高帽子 [やまたかぼうし]
(n) derby
山国 [やまぐに]
(n) mountainous country
山査子 [さんざし]
(n) hawthorn
山塞 [さんさい]
(n) mountain stronghold
山砦 [さんさい]
(n) mountain stronghold
山菜 [さんさい]
(n) edible wild plants
山菜を採る [さんさいをとる]
(exp) to gather edible wild plants
山際 [やまぎわ]
(n) mountain ridge
山桜 [やまざくら]
(n) wild cherry tree or blossoms
山山 [やまやま]
(adv,n) very much
山師 [やまし]
(n) (1) speculator
山紫水明 [さんしすいめい]
(n) scenic beauty
山寺 [やまでら]
(n) mountain temple
山漆 [やまうるし]
(n) Japanese sumac
山車 [だし]
(n) (uk) festival car (float)
山守 [やまもり]
(n) guardian of a mountain
山手 [やまて]
(n) hilly (residential) section of a city
山狩り [やまがり]
(n) a mountain hunt
山出し [やまだし]
(n) bumpkin
山女 [やまめ]
(n) a kind of trout
山小屋 [やまごや]
(n) mountain hut
山焼き [やまやき]
(n) burning a mountain (by design)
山焼け [やまやけ]
(n) mountain fire
山上 [さんじょう]
(n) mountain top
山上の垂訓 [さんじょうのすいくん]
(n) the Sermon on the Mount
山城 [やましろ]
(n) mountain castle
山城 [やまじろ]
(n) mountain castle
山場 [やまば]
(n) climax
山人 [やまびと]
(n) mountain folk
山吹 [やまぶき]
(n) (1) variety of yellow rose
山吹色 [やまぶきいろ]
(n) bright golden yellow
山水 [さんすい]
(n) landscape
山水を写した絵 [さんすいをうつしたえ]
(exp) picture representing a landscape
山水画 [さんすいが]
(n) landscape picture
山水閣 [さんすいかく]
(n) Sansuikaku (restaurant name)
山水荘 [さんすいそう]
(n) The Sansui Inn
山水楼 [さんすいろう]
(n) Sansuiro (name of an exclusive restaurant)
山雀 [やまがら]
(n) titmouse
山裾 [やますそ]
(n) foot or base of a mountain
山成す [やまなす]
(n) a mountain of
山盛り [やまもり]
(n) a heap
山積 [さんせき]
(n,vs) lying in piles
山積み [やまづみ]
(n,vs) huge mound
山川 [さんせん]
(n) mountains and rivers
山川 [やまかわ]
(n) mountains and rivers
山川 [やまがわ]
(n) mountain rivers
山川草木 [さんせんそうもく]
(n) nature
山川万里 [さんせんばんり]
(n) being far away across mountains and rivers
山荘 [さんそう]
(n) mountain villa
山側 [やまがわ]
(n) mountain-side
山賊 [さんぞく]
(n) bandit
山村 [さんそん]
(n) mountain village
山男 [やまおとこ]
(n) giant
山地 [さんち]
(n) mountainous district
山地 [やまち]
(n) mountainous district
山茶花 [さざんか]
(n) sasanqua (camellia)
山中 [さんちゅう]
(n) among the mountains
山頂 [さんちょう]
(n) summit (e.g., mountain)
山頂を極める [さんちょうをきわめる]
(exp) to reach the summit
山鳥 [やまどり]
(n) mountain bird
山津波 [やまつなみ]
(n) landslide
山程 [やまほど]
(adv,n) a heap
山顛 [さんてん]
(n) top of a mountain
山伝い [やまづたい]
(n) (passing along) from mountain to mountain
山登り [やまのぼり]
(n) mountain climbing
山刀 [やまがたな]
(n) woodman's hatchet
山桃 [やまもも]
(n) asian bog myrtle
山棟蛇 [やまかがし]
(n) variety of poisonous snake
山童 [やまわろ]
(n) one-eyed mountain spirit
山道 [さんどう]
(n) mountain road
山道 [せんどう]
(n) mountain road
山道 [やまみち]
(n) mountain road
山道に掛かる [やまみちにかかる]
(exp) to come to a mountain path
山猫 [やまねこ]
(n) wildcat
山猫座 [やまねこざ]
(n) (constellation) Lynx
山猫戦術 [やまねこせんじゅつ]
(n) wildcat tactics
山猫争議 [やまねこそうぎ]
(n) wildcat strike
山背 [やませ]
(n) cold wind descending from the mountains
山肌 [やまはだ]
(n) mountain's surface
山鳩 [やまばと]
(n) turtledove
山番 [やまばん]
(n) mountain guardian
山彦 [やまびこ]
(n) echo (as in mountain echo)
山姫 [やまひめ]
(n) mountain goddess
山百合 [やまゆり]
(n) golden-rayed lily
山膚 [やまはだ]
(n) mountain's surface
山葡萄 [やまぶどう]
(n) wild grapes
山風 [さんぷう]
(n) mountain wind
山風 [やまかぜ]
(n) mountain wind
山伏 [やまぶし]
(n) mountain priest
山腹 [さんぷく]
(n) hillside
山分け [やまわけ]
(n,vs) equal split
山並み [やまなみ]
(n) range of mountains
山辺 [やまべ]
(n) mountain
山歩き [やまあるき]
(n,vs) mountain-walking
山崩れ [やまくずれ]
(n,vs) landslide
山法師 [やまぼうし]
(n) cornus kousa
山砲 [さんぽう]
(n) mountain gun
山鉾 [やまぼこ]
(n) festival float mounted with a decorative halberd
山脈 [さんみゃく]
(n) mountain range
山脈 [やまなみ]
(n) mountain range
山霧 [やまぎり]
(n) mountain fog
山鳴らし [やまならし]
(n) Japanese aspen
山鳴り [やまなり]
(n) rumbling of a mountain
山門 [さんもん]
(n) temple gate
山野 [さんや]
(n) hills and fields
山容 [さんよう]
(n) in the shape or form of a mountain
山容水態 [さんようすいたい]
(n) scenic beauty of mountains and streams
山羊 [やぎ]
(n) goat
山羊ミルク [やぎミルク]
(n) goat's milk
山羊座 [やぎざ]
(n) (constellation) Capricorn
山羊髭 [やぎひげ]
(n) goatee
山陽 [さんよう]
(n) south side of a mountain
山嵐 [やまあらし]
(n) mountain storm
山梨県 [やまにしけん]
(n) Yamanishi prefecture (Chuubu area)
山里 [やまざと]
(n) mountain hamlet (village)
山稜 [さんりょう]
(n) mountain ridge
山陵 [さんりょう]
(n) mountains and hills
山林 [さんりん]
(n) mountain forest
山林学 [さんりんがく]
(n) forestry
山嶺 [さんれい]
(n) mountaintop
山霊 [さんれい]
(n) a mountain's guardian deity
山路 [やまじ]
(n) mountain path
山麓 [さんろく]
(n) foot or base of a mountain
山嶽 [さんがく]
(n) mountains
山巓 [さんてん]
(n) mountaintop
山梔子 [くちなし]
(n) gardenia
山椒 [さんしょう]
(n) Japanese pepper (tree) (Xanthoxylum piperitum)
山椒魚 [さんしょううお]
(n) salamander
山楡 [おひょう]
(n) cut leaved elm
山寨 [さんさい]
(n) mountain stronghold
山窩 [さんか]
(n) mountain nomads
山籠り [やまごもり]
(n,vs) secluding oneself in the mountains
山襞 [やまひだ]
(n) folds of a mountain
山躑躅 [やまつつじ]
(n) variety of mountain plant belonging to the azalea family
山辣韮 [やまらっきょう]
(n) Japanese onion (edible plant, Allium thunbergii)
山颪 [やまおろし]
(n) wind blowing down from a mountain
山鶉 [やまうずら]
(n) partridge
惨い [むごい]
(adj) cruel
惨たる光景 [さんたるこうけい]
(n) disastrous scene
惨め [みじめ]
(adj-na) miserable
惨禍 [さんか]
(n) calamity
惨害 [さんがい]
(n) heavy damage
惨劇 [さんげき]
(n) tragedy
惨酷 [ざんこく]
(adj-na,n) atrocity
惨殺 [ざんさつ]
(n,vs) slaughter
惨殺者 [ざんさつしゃ]
(n) brutal murderer
惨死 [ざんし]
(n,vs) tragic death
惨死体 [ざんしたい]
(n) corpse of a person who has met a violent death
惨事 [さんじ]
(n) disaster
惨状 [さんじょう]
(n) disastrous scene
惨状を極める [さんじょうをきわめる]
(exp) to present a very terrible (miserable) sight
惨敗 [さんぱい]
(n,vs) ignominious defeat
惨敗 [ざんぱい]
(n,vs) ignominious defeat
惨落 [さんらく]
(n,vs) slump
惨烈 [さんれつ]
(adj-na,n) horrible
惨憺 [さんたん]
(adj-t,adv-to) miserable
惨澹 [さんたん]
(n) wretched
撒き餌 [まきえ]
(n,vs) scattered animal feed
撒き散らす [まきちらす]
(v5s) to scatter
撒き菱 [まきびし]
(n) caltrop (spiked device scattered to maim infantry and horses)
撒く [まく]
(v5k) to scatter
撒水 [さっすい]
(n,vs) sprinkling water
撒水 [さんすい]
(n,vs) sprinkling water
撒菱 [まきびし]
(n) caltrop (spiked device scattered to maim infantry and horses)
撒布 [さっぷ]
(n,vs) dissemination
撒布 [さんぷ]
(n,vs) dissemination
撒布剤 [さっぷざい]
(n) dusting powder
散々 [さんざん]
(adj-na,adv,n) severely
散ける [ばらける]
(v1) to unravel
散らかす [ちらかす]
(v5s) to scatter around
散らかった紙屑 [ちらかったかみくず]
(n) scattered (littered) paper scraps
散らかる [ちらかる]
(v5r) to be in disorder
散らし [ちらし]
(n) (1) scattering
散らし寿司 [ちらしずし]
(n) (gen) (food) sushi rice in a bowl with scattered topping
散らし書き [ちらしがき]
(n) writing in an irregular hand
散らし鮨 [ちらしずし]
(n) (gen) (food) sushi rice in a bowl with scattered topping
散らす [ちらす]
(v5s) to scatter
散らばら [ちらばら]
(adj-na) here and there
散らばる [ちらばる]
(v5r) to be scattered about
散りばめる [ちりばめる]
(v1) (uk) to inlay
散り散り [ちりぢり]
(adj-na,n) scattered
散り残る [ちりのこる]
(v5r) to be left blooming
散り敷く [ちりしく]
(v5k) to lie scattered or strewn about
散り乱れる [ちりみだれる]
(v1) to be or lay scattered
散り嵌める [ちりばめる]
(v1) (uk) to inlay
散る [ちる]
(v5r) to fall
散る落葉 [ちるおちば]
(n) falling leaves
散逸 [さんいつ]
(n,vs) being scattered and ultimately lost
散華 [さんげ]
(n,vs) falling as flowers do
散会 [さんかい]
(n,vs) adjournment
散開 [さんかい]
(n,vs) deployment
散見 [さんけん]
(n,vs) being seen here and there
散光 [さんこう]
(n) scattered light
散光星雲 [さんこうせいうん]
(n) diffuse nebula
散骨 [さんこつ]
(n,vs) scattering of ashes (cremated remains)
散骨希望 [さんこつきぼう]
(n) the wish to have one's ashes scattered
散剤 [さんざい]
(n) powdered medicine
散在 [さんざい]
(n,vs) straggling
散財 [さんざい]
(n,vs) expense
散策 [さんさく]
(n,vs) walking
散散 [さんざん]
(adj-na,adv,n) severely
散蒔く [ばらまく]
(v5k) (uk) to disseminate
散水 [さんすい]
(n,vs) sprinkle water over
散水車 [さんすいしゃ]
(n) sprinkler truck
散切り [ざんぎり]
(n) cutting short
散切り頭 [ざんぎりあたま]
(n) cropped head
散弾 [さんだん]
(n) (gun) shot
散弾銃 [さんだんじゅう]
(n) shotgun
散播き政治 [ばらまきせいじ]
(n) money politics
散播く [ばらまく]
(v5k) (uk) to disseminate
散発 [さんぱつ]
(n,vs) sporadic
散発的 [さんぱつてき]
(adj-na) sporadic
散髪 [さんぱつ]
(n,vs) hair-cutting
散髪屋 [さんぱつや]
(n) barber
散票 [さんぴょう]
(n) scattered votes
散布 [さっぷ]
(n,vs) dissemination
散布 [さんぷ]
(n,vs) dissemination
散布図 [さんぷず]
(n) scattergram
散文 [さんぶん]
(n) prose
散文詩 [さんぶんし]
(n) prose poem
散文的 [さんぶんてき]
(adj-na) prosaic
散兵 [さんぺい]
(n) skirmisher
散兵線 [さんぺいせん]
(n) front line of (trenches for) deployed soldiers
散歩 [さんぽ]
(n,vs) walk
散歩道 [さんぽみち]
(n) promenade
散歩旁 [さんぽかたがた]
(n) while taking a walk
散漫 [さんまん]
(adj-na,n) vague
散薬 [さんやく]
(n) powdered medicine
散乱 [さんらん]
(n,vs) dispersion
散佚 [さんいつ]
(n,vs) being scattered and ultimately lost
桟を打ちつける [さんをうちつける]
(exp) to nail a crosspiece (to)
桟を打ち付ける [さんをうちつける]
(exp) to nail a crosspiece (to)
桟橋 [さんきょう]
(n) wharf
桟橋 [さんばし]
(n) wharf
桟梯子 [さんばしご]
(n) gangway ladder
桟道 [さんどう]
(n) plank road
桟俵 [さんだわら]
(n) straw lid covering either end of a rice container
桟敷 [さじき]
(n) reviewing stand
燦々 [さんさん]
(adj-t,adv-to) brilliant
燦燦 [さんさん]
(adj-t,adv-to) brilliant
燦然 [さんぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) brilliance
燦爛 [さんらん]
(adj-t,adv-to) brilliant
珊瑚 [さんご]
(n) coral
珊瑚海 [さんごかい]
(n) Coral Sea
珊瑚礁 [さんごしょう]
(n) coral reef
産 [うぶ]
(adj-no) innocent
産まず女 [うまずめ]
(n) barren (sterile) woman
産み [うみ]
(n) production
産みつける [うみつける]
(v1) to lay
産み月 [うみづき]
(n) final month of pregnancy
産み出す [うみだす]
(v5s) (1) to bring forth
産み付ける [うみつける]
(v1) to lay
産み落とす [うみおとす]
(v5s) to give birth to
産む [うむ]
(v5m) to give birth
産を成す [さんをなす]
(exp) to amass a fortune
産院 [さんいん]
(n) maternity hospital
産屋 [うぶや]
(n) maternity room
産科 [さんか]
(n) obstetrics
産科医 [さんかい]
(n) obstetrician
産科学 [さんかがく]
(adj-na) obstetrics
産額 [さんがく]
(n) (amount of) production
産気 [さんけ]
(n) labor pains
産気付く [さんけづく]
(v5k) to go into labor
産休 [さんきゅう]
(n) (abbr) maternity leave
産業 [さんぎょう]
(n) industry
産業スパイ [さんぎょうスパイ]
(n) industrial espionage
産業界 [さんぎょうかい]
(n) the industrial world
産業革命 [さんぎょうかくめい]
(n) the Industrial Revolution
産業機械 [さんぎょうきかい]
(n) industrial machinery
産業構造 [さんぎょうこうぞう]
(n) industrial structure
産業再生 [さんぎょうさいせい]
(n) industrial revival or recovery
産業再生機構 [さんぎょうさいせいきこう]
(n) Industrial Revitalization Corporation (IRC) (Revitalisation)
産業資本 [さんぎょうしほん]
(n) industrial capital
産業社会 [さんぎょうしゃかい]
(n) industrial society
産業組合 [さんぎょうくみあい]
(n) industrial association
産業廃棄物 [さんぎょうはいきぶつ]
(n) industrial waste(s)
産業別組合 [さんぎょうべつくみあい]
(n) industrial union (one relating to a specific industry or occupation)
産業予備軍 [さんぎょうよびぐん]
(n) the ranks of the unemployed
産業連関分析 [さんぎょうれんかんぶんせき]
(n) interindustry relations analysis
産金 [さんきん]
(n) gold mining
産軍複合体 [さんぐんふくごうたい]
(n) military-industrial complex
産経新聞 [さんけいしんぶん]
(n) Sankei newspaper
産後 [さんご]
(n-adv,n-t) postpartum
産児 [さんじ]
(n) newborn baby
産児制限 [さんじせいげん]
(n) birth control
産室 [さんしつ]
(n) maternity room
産出 [さんしゅつ]
(n,vs) yield
産出高 [さんしゅつだか]
(n) (amount of) production or output
産出目標 [さんしゅつもくひょう]
(n) production target
産制 [さんせい]
(n) birth control
産声 [うぶごえ]
(n) baby's first cry
産前 [さんぜん]
(n) prior to childbirth
産地 [さんち]
(n) producing area
産着 [うぶぎ]
(n) baby clothes
産痛 [さんつう]
(n) labor pains
産土神 [うぶすながみ]
(n) guardian deity of one's birthplace
産湯 [うぶゆ]
(n) a baby's first bath
産道 [さんどう]
(n) birth canal
産婆 [さんば]
(n) midwife
産廃 [さんぱい]
(n) industrial waste
産品 [さんぴん]
(n) products
産婦 [さんぷ]
(n) pregnant woman
産婦人科 [さんふじんか]
(n) maternity and gynecology department
産婦人科医 [さんふじんかい]
(n) obstetrics and gynaecology
産物 [さんぶつ]
(n) product
産別 [さんべつ]
(n) (abbr) industrial union
産別会議 [さんべつかいぎ]
(n) Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) (Organisation)
産毛 [うぶげ]
(n) soft, downy hair (i.e. such as on one's cheek)
産油国 [さんゆこく]
(n) oil-producing countries (nations)
産卵 [さんらん]
(n,vs) egg-laying
産卵期 [さんらんき]
(n) breeding or spawning season
産卵口 [さんらんこう]
(adj-na) vulva
産卵場所 [さんらんばしょ]
(n) egg-laying site
産量 [さんりょう]
(n) output
産褥 [さんじょく]
(n) confinement (for childbirth)
産褥期 [さんじょくき]
(n) (post-partum) confinement
産褥熱 [さんじょくねつ]
(n) puerperal fever
算を置く [さんをおく]
(exp) to calculate
算式 [さんしき]
(n) mathematical formula
算出 [さんしゅつ]
(n,vs) calculation
算術 [さんじゅつ]
(n) arithmetic
算術級数 [さんじゅつきゅうすう]
(n) arithmetical progression
算術計算 [さんじゅつけいさん]
(n,vs) arithmetical computation
算術平均 [さんじゅつへいきん]
(n) arithmetical mean
算数 [さんすう]
(n) arithmetic
算体 [さんたい]
(n) (gen) (comp) (computer) object
算段 [さんだん]
(n,vs) contriving
算定 [さんてい]
(n,vs) calculation
算程 [さんてい]
(n) (gen) (comp) (computer) process
算入 [さんにゅう]
(n,vs) factoring in
算盤 [そろばん]
(n) abacus
算盤勘定 [そろばんかんじょう]
(n) counting on the abacus
算盤高い [そろばんだかい]
(adj) calculating
算譜 [さんぷ]
(n) (gen) (comp) (computer) program
算法 [さんぽう]
(n) arithmetic
算木 [さんぎ]
(n) sticks used for calculations
算用 [さんよう]
(n,vs) computation
算用数字 [さんようすうじ]
(n) Arabic numeral
蚕 [かいこ]
(n) silkworm
蚕業 [さんぎょう]
(n) sericulture
蚕具 [さんぐ]
(n) sericultural equipment
蚕座 [さんざ]
(n) silkworm basket
蚕糸 [さんし]
(n) silk thread
蚕糸業 [さんしぎょう]
(n) sericulture industry
蚕糸試験所 [さんししけんじょ]
(n) silk experiment station
蚕紙 [さんし]
(n) silkworm-egg paper
蚕児 [さんじ]
(n) silkworm
蚕室 [さんしつ]
(n) silkworm-raising room
蚕種 [さんしゅ]
(n) silkworm-egg card
蚕食 [さんしょく]
(n,vs) encroachment
蚕豆 [そらまめ]
(n) broad bean
蚕卵 [さんらん]
(n) silkworm egg
蚕卵紙 [さんらんし]
(n) silkworm-egg paper
讃える [たたえる]
(v1) to extol
讃歌 [さんか]
(n) song of praise
讃賞 [さんしょう]
(n,vs) praise
讃美 [さんび]
(n,vs) praise
讃美歌 [さんびか]
(n) hymn
賛 [さん]
(n) legend
賛意 [さんい]
(n) approval
賛歌 [さんか]
(n) praise
賛辞 [さんじ]
(n) eulogy
賛助 [さんじょ]
(n,vs) support
賛助会員 [さんじょかいいん]
(n) supporting member
賛成 [さんせい]
(n,vs) approval
賛成者 [さんせいしゃ]
(n) supporter
賛嘆 [さんたん]
(n,vs) praise
賛同 [さんどう]
(n,vs) approval
賛否 [さんぴ]
(n) yes and no
賛否同票 [さんぴどうひょう]
(n) tie vote
賛否両論 [さんぴりょうろん]
(n) the pros and cons
賛美 [さんび]
(n,vs) praise
賛美歌 [さんびか]
(n) hymn
酸 [さん]
(n) acid
酸い [すい]
(adj) sour
酸っぱい [すっぱい]
(adj) sour
酸とアルカリ [さんとアルカリ]
(n) acid and alkali
酸化 [さんか]
(n,vs) oxidation
酸化還元反応 [さんかかんげんはんのう]
(n) an oxidation-reduction reaction
酸化炭素 [さんかたんそ]
(n) carbon monoxide
酸化鉄 [さんかてつ]
(n) iron oxide
酸化物 [さんかぶつ]
(n) oxide
酸化防止剤 [さんかぼうしざい]
(n) antioxidant
酸塊 [すぐり]
(n) gooseberry (plant)
酸基 [さんき]
(n) acid radical
酸欠 [さんけつ]
(n) lack of oxygen
酸血症 [さんけっしょう]
(n) acidosis
酸性 [さんせい]
(n) acidity
酸性雨 [さんせいう]
(n) acid rain
酸性岩 [さんせいがん]
(n) acidic rock
酸性酸化物 [さんせいさんかぶつ]
(n) acidic oxide
酸性紙 [さんせいし]
(n) acidic paper
酸性食品 [さんせいしょくひん]
(n) acid(ic) foods
酸性土 [さんせいど]
(n) acid soil
酸性土壌 [さんせいどじょう]
(n) acid soil
酸性白土 [さんせいはくど]
(n) (Japanese) acid clay
酸性反応 [さんせいはんのう]
(n) acid reaction
酸性肥料 [さんせいひりょう]
(n) acid fertilizer
酸素 [さんそ]
(n) oxygen
酸素吸入 [さんそきゅうにゅう]
(n) oxygen inhalation
酸素供給 [さんそきょうきゅう]
(n) oxygen supply
酸中毒 [さんちゅうどく]
(n) acid poisoning
酸度 [さんど]
(n) acidity
酸桃 [すもも]
(n) (Japanese) plum
酸敗 [さんぱい]
(n,vs) acidification
酸鼻 [さんび]
(adj-na,n) appalling
酸味 [さんみ]
(n) sourness
酸模 [すかんぽ]
(n) garden (cock) sorrel
酸類 [さんるい]
(n) acids
酸漿 [ほおずき]
(n) ground cherry
斬りつける [きりつける]
(v1) to cut at
斬り掛かる [きりかかる]
(v5r) to assault with a sword
斬り合う [きりあう]
(v5u) to fight with swords
斬り死に [きりじに]
(n,vs) fighting to the death (with swords)
斬り付ける [きりつける]
(v1) to cut at
斬る [きる]
(oK) (v5r) to behead
斬罪 [ざんざい]
(n) (execution by) decapitation
斬殺 [ざんさつ]
(n,vs) putting to the sword
斬首 [ざんしゅ]
(n,vs) decapitated head
斬新 [ざんしん]
(adj-na,n) novel
斬新奇抜 [ざんしんきばつ]
(n) novel
斬鉄剣 [ざんてつけん]
(n) sword that cuts iron
斬馬刀 [ざんばとう]
(n) (MA) zanbato
暫く [しばらく]
(adv,int) little while
暫くすると [しばらくすると]
(exp) a short time later
暫し [しばし]
(adv) (uk) for a short while
暫時 [ざんじ]
(adv,n) short while
暫定 [ざんてい]
(n,pref) tentative
暫定案 [ざんていあん]
(n) provisional plan
暫定協定 [ざんていきょうてい]
(n) provisional agreement
暫定政府 [ざんていせいふ]
(n) interim government
暫定措置 [ざんていそち]
(n) temporary step
暫定的 [ざんていてき]
(adj-na) temporary
暫定内閣 [ざんていないかく]
(n) caretaker government
暫定予算 [ざんていよさん]
(n) provisional budget
残す [のこす]
(v5s) to leave (behind, over)
残った [のこった]
(int) not yet
残った分 [のこったぶん]
(n) amount left over
残らず [のこらず]
(adv) all
残り [のこり]
(n,adj-no) remnant
残り火 [のこりび]
(n) embers
残り香 [のこりが]
(n) lingering scent (of, from)
残り惜しい [のこりおしい]
(adj) regrettable
残り物 [のこりもの]
(n) leftovers
残る [のこる]
(v5r) to remain
残影 [ざんえい]
(n) traces
残花 [ざんか]
(n) (last) flower remaining in bloom
残骸 [ざんがい]
(n) ruins
残額 [ざんがく]
(n) remaining amount
残基 [ざんき]
(n) residue
残菊 [ざんぎく]
(n) late chrysanthemums
残虐 [ざんぎゃく]
(adj-na,n) cruelty
残虐非道 [ざんぎゃくひどう]
(n,adj-na) inhumanity
残虐無道 [ざんぎゃくむどう]
(n,adj-na) inhumanity
残響 [ざんきょう]
(n) reverberation
残業 [ざんぎょう]
(n,vs) overtime (work)
残業手当 [ざんぎょうてあて]
(n) overtime pay
残金 [ざんきん]
(n) remaining money
残月 [ざんげつ]
(n) moon visible in the morning
残光 [ざんこう]
(n) afterglow
残香 [ざんこう]
(n) lingering scent
残高 [ざんだか]
(n) (bank) balance
残酷 [ざんこく]
(adj-na,n) cruelty
残酷非道 [ざんこくひどう]
(n,adj-na) inhumanity
残痕 [ざんこん]
(n) vestige
残在 [ざんぞん]
(n,vs) survival
残暑 [ざんしょ]
(n) lingering summer heat
残暑見舞い [ざんしょみまい]
(n) late-summer greeting card
残照 [ざんしょう]
(n) afterglow
残心 [ざんしん]
(n) follow-through (e.g., in archery)
残生 [ざんせい]
(n) the remainder of one's life
残雪 [ざんせつ]
(n) remaining snow
残像 [ざんぞう]
(n) afterimage
残存 [ざんそん]
(n,vs) remain
残存 [ざんぞん]
(n,vs) remain
残存者 [ざんそんしゃ]
(n) survivor
残存者 [ざんぞんしゃ]
(n) survivor
残存日数 [ざんそんにっすう]
(n) days remaining
残置 [ざんち]
(n,vs) left behind (for later use)
残柱 [ざんちゅう]
(n) pillar
残敵 [ざんてき]
(n) remnants of an enemy army
残党 [ざんとう]
(n) remnants (of a defeated political party)
残忍 [ざんにん]
(adj-na,n) cruelty
残忍酷薄 [ざんにんこくはく]
(n,adj-na) cruel
残忍性 [ざんにんせい]
(n) brutal (nature)
残忍非情 [ざんにんひじょう]
(n,adj-na) utterly callous
残忍非道 [ざんにんひどう]
(n,adj-na) cruel and inhuman
残忍冷酷 [ざんにんれいこく]
(n,adj-na) atrocious and cold-blooded
残念 [ざんねん]
(adj-na,n) deplorable
残念である [ざんねんである]
(v5r) to be sorry
残念ながら [ざんねんながら]
(exp) I'm afraid to say
残念な事に [ざんねんなことに]
(exp) unfortunately
残念至極 [ざんねんしごく]
(n,adj-na) deep regret
残念賞 [ざんねんしょう]
(n) consolation or booby prize
残念無念 [ざんねんむねん]
(n,adj-na) deep regret
残飯 [ざんぱん]
(n) food scraps
残品 [ざんぴん]
(n) remaining stock
残品整理 [ざんぴんせいり]
(n) clearance sale
残部 [ざんぶ]
(n) remainder
残物 [ざんぶつ]
(n) remnant
残兵 [ざんぺい]
(n) remnants of a defeated army
残片 [ざんぺん]
(n) fragment
残務 [ざんむ]
(n) remaining business
残務整理 [ざんむせいり]
(n) liquidation (of a company)
残余 [ざんよ]
(n) remainder
残余額 [ざんよがく]
(n) the balance
残留 [ざんりゅう]
(n,vs) (1) residual
残留性有機汚染物質 [ざんりゅうせいゆうきおせんぶっしつ]
(n) persistent organic pollutant (POP)
残塁 [ざんるい]
(n,vs) remnant fort
残滓 [ざんさい]
(n) remains
残滓 [ざんし]
(n) remains
仕 [し]
(n) official
仕える [つかえる]
(v1) to serve
仕え女 [つかえめ]
(n) maidservant
仕え奉る [つかえまつる]
(v5r) (pol) to serve
仕かける [しかける]
(v1) to commence
仕る [つかまつる]
(v5r) (pol) to serve
仕を致す [しをいたす]
(exp) to resign
仕掛 [しかけ]
(n) device
仕掛かり [しかかり]
(n) commencement
仕掛かる [しかかる]
(v5r) (1) to start something
仕掛け [しかけ]
(n) device
仕掛ける [しかける]
(v1) to commence
仕掛け花火 [しかけはなび]
(n) fireworks piece
仕掛け人 [しかけにん]
(n) instigator
仕掛る [しかかる]
(v5r) (1) to start something
仕掛地雷 [しかけじらい]
(n) booby trap
仕官 [しかん]
(n,vs) government service
仕儀 [しぎ]
(n) situation
仕業 [しわざ]
(n) act
仕形 [しかた]
(n) way
仕兼ねない [しかねない]
(adj) capable of anything
仕兼ねる [しかねる]
(v1) to be unable to do
仕懸かる [しかかる]
(v5r) (1) to start something
仕懸る [しかかる]
(v5r) (1) to start something
仕口 [しくち]
(n) method
仕向け [しむけ]
(n) delivery
仕向ける [しむける]
(v1) to induce
仕向る [しむける]
(v1) to induce
仕合わせ [しあわせ]
(adj-na,n) happiness
仕合わせ者 [しあわせもの]
(n) fortunate person
仕込 [しこみ]
(n) training
仕込み [しこみ]
(n) training
仕込み桶 [しこみおけ]
(n) vat for making rice wine
仕込み杖 [しこみづえ]
(n) sword cane
仕込む [しこむ]
(v5m) to train
仕済ます [しすます]
(v5s) to succeed as planned
仕始める [しはじめる]
(v1) to begin
仕事 [しごと]
(n,adj-no) work
仕事で忙しい [しごとでいそがしい]
(exp) be busy with one's work
仕事に掛かり切りになる [しごとにかかりきりになる]
(exp) to give one's whole time to the job
仕事に掛かる [しごとにかかる]
(exp) to get to work
仕事に堪える [しごとにたえる]
(exp) to be fit for work
仕事に勤しむ [しごとにいそしむ]
(exp) to be assiduous in one's business
仕事の鬼 [しごとのおに]
(n) work fiend
仕事を済ます [しごとをすます]
(exp) to finish one's work
仕事を止める [しごとをやめる]
(exp) to stop (leave off) work
仕事を上げる [しごとをあげる]
(exp) to finish the work
仕事一筋 [しごとひとすじ]
(n) living only for one's work
仕事師 [しごとし]
(n) workman
仕事場 [しごとば]
(n) place where one works
仕事人間 [しごとにんげん]
(n) fiend for work
仕事台 [しごとだい]
(n) workbench
仕事着 [しごとぎ]
(n) work clothes
仕事中 [しごとちゅう]
(n) in the midst of work
仕事日 [しごとび]
(n) work day
仕事箱 [しごとばこ]
(n) workbox
仕事部屋 [しごとべや]
(n) workroom
仕事柄 [しごとがら]
(n) for work
仕事量 [しごとりょう]
(n) (one's) workload
仕手 [して]
(n) protagonist
仕手株 [してかぶ]
(n) speculative stock
仕手戦 [してせん]
(n) large-scale speculative go-around
仕種 [しぐさ]
(n) action
仕出かす [しでかす]
(v5s) (uk) to perpetrate
仕出し [しだし]
(n) catering
仕出し屋 [しだしや]
(n) caterer
仕出す [しだす]
(v5s) to begin to do
仕出来す [しでかす]
(v5s) (uk) to perpetrate
仕上 [しあげ]
(n) end
仕上がり [しあがり]
(n) finish
仕上がる [しあがる]
(v5r,vi) to be finished
仕上げ [しあげ]
(n) end
仕上げる [しあげる]
(v1,vt) to finish up
仕上げ工 [しあげこう]
(n) finisher
仕上げ払い [しあげばらい]
(n) piecework pay
仕上工 [しあげこう]
(n) finishing workman
仕遂げる [しとげる]
(v1) to accomplish
仕切り [しきり]
(n) partition
仕切り書 [しきりしょ]
(n) consolidated monthly invoice
仕切り線 [しきりせん]
(n) starting lines in the sumo ring
仕切り値段 [しきりねだん]
(n) invoice price
仕切り売買 [しきりばいばい]
(n) transactions on dealer's terms
仕切る [しきる]
(v5r) to partition
仕切れない [しきれない]
(adj) impossible to do
仕切書 [しきりしょ]
(n) consolidated monthly invoice
仕組 [しくみ]
(n,vs) (1) structure
仕組み [しくみ]
(n,vs) (1) structure
仕組む [しくむ]
(v5m) to devise
仕草 [しぐさ]
(n) action
仕送り [しおくり]
(n,vs) allowance
仕損じる [しそんじる]
(v1) to blunder
仕損ずる [しそんずる]
(vz) to blunder
仕損なう [しそこなう]
(v5u) to blunder
仕打ち [しうち]
(n) treatment
仕替える [しかえる]
(v1) to do over
仕置 [しおき]
(n,vs) execution
仕置き [しおき]
(n,vs) execution
仕置者 [しおきもの]
(n) criminal
仕置場 [しおきば]
(n) execution ground
仕着 [しきせ]
(n) livery
仕直す [しなおす]
(v5s) to do over
仕度 [したく]
(n,vs) preparations
仕馴れる [しなれる]
(v1) to be used to doing
仕入れ [しいれ]
(n) stocking
仕入れる [しいれる]
(v1) to lay in stock
仕入れ価格 [しいれかかく]
(n) cost price
仕入れ高 [しいれだか]
(n) quantity or value of goods laid in
仕入れ先 [しいれさき]
(n) supplier
仕入れ値 [しいれね]
(n) cost price
仕入れ物 [しいれもの]
(n) stock of goods received
仕入高 [しいれだか]
(n) quantity or value of goods laid in
仕納め [しおさめ]
(n) finishing up
仕付け [しつけ]
(n) rice planting
仕付ける [しつける]
(v1) to be used to a job
仕付け糸 [しつけいと]
(n) tacking
仕舞 [しまい]
(n) (1) end
仕舞 [じまい]
(n) (1) end
仕舞い [しまい]
(n) (1) end
仕舞い [じまい]
(n) (1) end
仕舞い込む [しまいこむ]
(v5m) to put away
仕舞う [しまう]
(v5u) (uk) to finish
仕舞屋 [しもたや]
(n) store that has been gone out of business
仕舞物 [しまいもの]
(n) goods left unsold
仕分け [しわけ]
(n,vs) assortment journalizing (in bookkeeping)
仕分ける [しわける]
(v1) to assort
仕返し [しかえし]
(n,vs) being even with
仕放題 [しほうだい]
(adj-na,n) having one's own way
仕方 [しかた]
(n) way
仕方がない [しかたがない]
(adj,exp) it can't be helped
仕方が無い [しかたがない]
(adj,exp) it can't be helped
仕方ない [しかたない]
(adj) it can't be helped
仕方なく [しかたなく]
(adv) helplessly
仕方のない [しかたのない]
(exp) it can't be helped
仕方の無い [しかたのない]
(exp) it can't be helped
仕方無い [しかたない]
(adj) it can't be helped
仕方無く [しかたなく]
(adv) helplessly
仕方無しに [しかたなしに]
(adv) helplessly
仕方話 [しかたばなし]
(n) talking with gestures
仕訳 [しわけ]
(n,vs) assortment journalizing (in bookkeeping)
仕訳ける [しわける]
(v1) to assort
仕訳書 [しわけしょ]
(n) specifications
仕訳帳 [しわけちょう]
(n) book-keeping journal
仕訳表 [しわけひょう]
(n) journal (accounts)
仕様 [しよう]
(n) way
仕様がない [しょうがない]
(ik) (exp) (uk) it can't be helped
仕様がない [しようがない]
(exp) (uk) it can't be helped
仕様が無い [しょうがない]
(ik) (exp) (uk) it can't be helped
仕様が無い [しようがない]
(exp) (uk) it can't be helped
仕様のない [しようのない]
(adj) hopeless
仕様の無い [しようのない]
(adj) hopeless
仕様書 [しようしょ]
(n) specification document
仕様書き [しようがき]
(n) specification documents
仕来たり [しきたり]
(n) custom
仕来り [しきたり]
(n) custom
仕立て [したて]
(n) tailoring
仕立てる [したてる]
(v1) to tailor
仕立て屋 [したてや]
(n) tailor
仕立て下ろし [したておろし]
(n) brand new (clothes)
仕立て上がり [したてあがり]
(n) brand new
仕立て上げる [したてあげる]
(v1) to be made out to be
仕立て直し [したてなおし]
(n) making over (clothing)
仕立て物 [したてもの]
(n) sewing
仕立て方 [したてかた]
(n) style of clothes
仕立券 [したてけん]
(n) free dressmaking ticket (with a purchase of cloth)
仕立物 [したてもの]
(n) sewing
仕留める [しとめる]
(v1) to bring down (a bird)
仕拵え [しこしらえ]
(n) preparation
仕樣 [しよう]
(oK) (n) way
仔 [し]
(n) (animal) offspring
仔牛 [こうし]
(n) calf
仔犬 [こいぬ]
(n) puppy
仔細 [しさい]
(n) reasons
仔虫 [しちゅう]
(n) larva
仔豚 [こぶた]
(n) piglet
仔猫 [こねこ]
(n) kitten
仔羊 [こひつじ]
(n) lamb
伺い [うかがい]
(n) inquiry
伺いを立てる [うかがいをたてる]
(exp) to ask for someone's opinion
伺い済み [うかがいずみ]
(n) instructions received
伺い事 [うかがいごと]
(n) inquiry
伺い探る [うかがいさぐる]
(iK) (v5r) to spy out
伺う [うかがう]
(v5u,vi,vt) (hum) to visit
伺候 [しこう]
(n,vs) waiting upon (someone)
使い [つかい]
(n,vs) errand
使いかって [つかいかって]
(exp) ease of use
使いこなす [つかいこなす]
(v5s) to handle (men)
使いっぱしり [つかいっぱしり]
(n) a person who is made to do things or go get things for someone else
使いに遣る [つかいにやる]
(exp) to send a person on an errand
使いやすい [つかいやすい]
(adj) (uk) easy to use
使いをやる [つかいをやる]
(exp) to send a messenger
使い易い [つかいやすい]
(adj) (uk) easy to use
使い果たす [つかいはたす]
(v5s) to use up
使い過ぎ [つかいすぎ]
(n) overuse
使い過ぎる [つかいすぎる]
(v1) to use excessively
使い慣らす [つかいならす]
(v5s) to accustom oneself to using
使い慣れる [つかいなれる]
(v1) to get accustomed to using
使い古す [つかいふるす]
(v5s) to wear out (something)
使い込み [つかいこみ]
(n,vs) embezzlement
使い込む [つかいこむ]
(v5m) to embezzle
使い頃 [つかいごろ]
(n) handy
使い残し [つかいのこし]
(n) remnant
使い残り [つかいのこり]
(n) remnant
使い捨 [つかいすて]
(n) throwaway
使い捨て [つかいすて]
(n) throwaway
使い手 [つかいて]
(n) user
使い熟す [つかいこなす]
(v5s) to handle
使い出 [つかいで]
(n) lasting quality
使い出が有る [つかいでがある]
(exp) to bear long use
使い出す [つかいだす]
(v5s) to start using
使い処 [つかいどころ]
(n) use
使い所 [つかいどころ]
(n) use
使い勝手 [つかいかって]
(exp) ease of use
使い勝手 [つかいがって]
(exp) ease of use
使い尽くす [つかいつくす]
(v5s) to use up
使い切る [つかいきる]
(v5r) to use up
使い先 [つかいさき]
(n) the place where one is sent on an errand
使い走り [つかいはしり]
(n,vs) running errands
使い走り [つかいばしり]
(n,vs) running errands
使い賃 [つかいちん]
(n) messenger tip or charge
使い道 [つかいみち]
(n) use
使い物 [つかいもの]
(n) present
使い物にならない [つかいものにならない]
(adj) be no use
使い分け [つかいわけ]
(n,vs) proper use
使い分ける [つかいわける]
(v1) to use properly
使い歩き [つかいあるき]
(n) running errands
使い方 [つかいかた]
(n) way to use something
使い様 [つかいよう]
(n) how to use
使い立て [つかいだて]
(n,vs) causing you trouble
使い料 [つかいりょう]
(n) use
使う [つかう]
(v5u) to use
使える [つかえる]
(v1) to be useful
使む [しむ]
(n) old causative verbal ending
使わす [つかわす]
(v5s) to send
使者 [ししゃ]
(n) messenger
使者を遣わす [ししゃをつかわす]
(exp) to dispatch a messenger
使臣 [ししん]
(n) envoy
使節 [しせつ]
(n) envoy
使節団 [しせつだん]
(n) mission
使丁 [してい]
(n) servant
使徒 [しと]
(n) apostle
使徒継承 [しとけいしょう]
(n) apostolic succession
使徒行伝 [しとぎょうでん]
(n) Acts of the Apostles
使徒書 [しとしょ]
(n) the Epistles (of the New Testament)
使徒書簡 [しとしょかん]
(n) the Epistles (of the New Testament)
使徒承伝 [しとしょうでん]
(n) apostolic succession
使徒信経 [しとしんきょう]
(n) Apostle's Creed
使徒信条 [しとしんじょう]
(n) Apostle's Creed
使徒達 [しとたち]
(n) the Apostles
使途 [しと]
(n) purpose for which money is spent
使途不明金 [しとふめいきん]
(n) unaccounted-for expenditures
使命 [しめい]
(n) mission
使命を果たす [しめいをはたす]
(exp) to carry out one's mission
使命を帯びる [しめいをおびる]
(exp) to be charged with a mission
使命意識 [しめいいしき]
(n) sense of (one's) mission
使命者 [しめいしゃ]
(n) messenger
使役 [しえき]
(n,vs) employing
使役動詞 [しえきどうし]
(n) causative verb
使用 [しよう]
(n,vs) use
使用価値 [しようかち]
(n) utility value
使用可能 [しようかのう]
(n,adj-na) available
使用許可 [しようきょか]
(n) license
使用禁止 [しようきんし]
(n) unavailable
使用権 [しようけん]
(n) use
使用済み [しようずみ]
(n) second-hand
使用済みの切手 [しようずみのきって]
(n) used stamps
使用済み核燃料 [しようずみかくねんりょう]
(n) spent nuclear fuel
使用者 [しようしゃ]
(n) (1) user
使用人 [しようにん]
(n) employee
使用方 [しようほう]
(n) method of use
使用方法 [しようほうほう]
(n) usage rules
使用法 [しようほう]
(n) usage method
使用料 [しようりょう]
(n) rent
使用量 [しようりょう]
(n) amount used
使用例 [しようれい]
(n) examples showing the use (of a word)
使嗾 [しそう]
(n,vs) instigation
使聘 [しへい]
(n) exchange of diplomatic representatives
刺 [いら]
(n) thorn
刺 [し]
(n) calling card
刺 [とげ]
(n) thorn
刺々 [いらいら]
(oK) (adv,n,vs) (uk) getting nervous
刺々しい [とげとげしい]
(adj) sharp
刺さる [ささる]
(v5r) to stick
刺される [さされる]
(v1) to be stabbed
刺し [さし]
(n) sharpened tube for testing rice in bags
刺し違える [さしちがえる]
(v1) to misplace
刺し貫く [さしつらぬく]
(v5k) to pierce
刺し殺す [さしころす]
(v5s) to stab to death
刺し子 [さしこ]
(n) quilting
刺し傷 [さしきず]
(n) a stab
刺し身 [さしみ]
(n) sliced raw fish
刺し通す [さしとおす]
(v5s) to stab
刺し縫い [さしぬい]
(n) quilting
刺し網 [さしあみ]
(n) gill net
刺す [さす]
(v5s) to pierce
刺の有る言葉 [とげのあることば]
(n) stinging (barbed) words
刺を通じる [しをつうじる]
(exp) to present one's card
刺を抜く [とげをぬく]
(exp) to pull out a thorn
刺客 [しかく]
(n) assassin
刺客 [しきゃく]
(n) assassin
刺魚 [とげうお]
(n) stickleback (fish)
刺戟 [しげき]
(n,vs) stimulus
刺戟剤 [しげきざい]
(n) stimulant
刺戟性 [しげきせい]
(n) stimulative
刺戟的 [しげきてき]
(adj-na) stimulating
刺戟物 [しげきぶつ]
(n) stimulus
刺激 [しげき]
(n,vs) stimulus
刺激の貧困 [しげきのひんこん]
(n) poverty of stimulus
刺激剤 [しげきざい]
(n) stimulant
刺激臭 [しげきしゅう]
(n) irritant odor
刺激性 [しげきせい]
(n) stimulative
刺激的 [しげきてき]
(adj-na) stimulating
刺激物 [しげきぶつ]
(n) stimulus
刺股 [さすまた]
(n) (MA) two-pronged weapon for catching a criminal
刺叉 [さすまた]
(n) (MA) two-pronged weapon for catching a criminal
刺殺 [しさつ]
(n,vs) (1) stabbing to death
刺刺 [いらいら]
(oK) (adv,n,vs) (uk) getting nervous
刺刺しい [とげとげしい]
(adj) sharp
刺子 [さしこ]
(n) quilting
刺繍 [ししゅう]
(n,vs) embroidery
刺繍糸 [ししゅういと]
(n) embroidery thread
刺傷 [ししょう]
(n,vs) stab
刺衝 [ししょう]
(n,vs) stabbing
刺状突起 [しじょうとっき]
(n) prickle (of plants)
刺身 [さしみ]
(n) sliced raw fish
刺身の盛り合わせ [さしみのもりあわせ]
(n) plate of assorted sashimi
刺身を作る [さしみをつくる]
(exp) to slice (raw fish)
刺身包丁 [さしみぼうちょう]
(n) fish-slicing knife
刺青 [いれずみ]
(n,vs) tattoo
刺青 [しせい]
(n,vs) tattoo
刺草 [いらくさ]
(n) nettle
刺抜き [とげぬき]
(n) tweezers
刺絡 [しらく]
(n) bloodletting
司る [つかさどる]
(v5r) to rule
司会 [しかい]
(n,vs) chairmanship
司会者 [しかいしゃ]
(n) chairman
司教 [しきょう]
(n) bishop
司教区 [しきょうく]
(n) diocese
司教権座 [しきょうけんざ]
(n) the episcopal seat
司祭 [しさい]
(n) (Catholic) priest
司書 [ししょ]
(n) librarian
司直 [しちょく]
(n) judge
司法 [しほう]
(n) administration of justice
司法解剖 [しほうかいぼう]
(n) legally-ordered autopsy
司法改革 [しほうかいかく]
(n) judicial reform
司法官 [しほうかん]
(n) officer of the court
司法権 [しほうけん]
(n) jurisdiction
司法研修所 [しほうけんしゅうじょ]
(n) Judicial Research and Training Institute
司法裁判 [しほうさいばん]
(n) judicial trial
司法試験 [しほうしけん]
(n) bar examination
司法試験管理委員会 [しほうしけんかんりいいんかい]
(n) National Bar Examination Administration Commission
司法取引 [しほうとりひき]
(n) plea bargaining
司法書士 [しほうしょし]
(n) judicial clerk
司法審査 [しほうしんさ]
(n) judicial review
司法制度 [しほうせいど]
(n) justice system
司法大臣 [しほうだいじん]
(n) Minister of Justice
司令 [しれい]
(n,vs) command
司令官 [しれいかん]
(n) commandant
司令室 [しれいしつ]
(n) control room
司令長官 [しれいちょうかん]
(n) Commander-in-Chief
司令塔 [しれいとう]
(n) control tower
司令部 [しれいぶ]
(n) headquarters