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5000 Cards in this Set

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原稿稼ぎ [げんこうかせぎ]
(n) living on one's writing
原稿紙 [げんこうし]
(n) manuscript paper
原稿用紙 [げんこうようし]
(n) Japanese writing paper
原稿料 [げんこうりょう]
(n) payment for a manuscript
原鉱 [げんこう]
(n) (raw) ore
原告 [げんこく]
(n) plaintiff
原告対被告 [げんこくたいひこく]
(n) plaintiff versus defendant
原裁判 [げんさいばん]
(n) original judgment
原裁判所 [げんさいばんしょ]
(n) original court
原材料 [げんざいりょう]
(n) raw materials
原罪 [げんざい]
(n) original sin
原作 [げんさく]
(n) original work
原作者 [げんさくしゃ]
(n) the original author (of a translated work)
原産 [げんさん]
(n) place of origin
原産地 [げんさんち]
(n) place of origin
原産物 [げんさんぶつ]
(n) primary product
原始 [げんし]
(n) origin
原始教会 [げんしきょうかい]
(n) the early church
原始時代 [げんしじだい]
(n) primitive times
原始人 [げんしじん]
(n) primitive man
原始的 [げんしてき]
(adj-na) primitive
原始動物 [げんしどうぶつ]
(n) protozoa
原始林 [げんしりん]
(n) primeval forest
原子 [げんし]
(n) atom
原子雲 [げんしうん]
(n) atomic cloud
原子価 [げんしか]
(n) valence
原子核 [げんしかく]
(n,adj-no) nucleus (atomic)
原子時代 [げんしじだい]
(n) atomic age
原子症 [げんししょう]
(n) symptoms of atomic illness
原子説 [げんしせつ]
(n) atomic theory
原子戦 [げんしせん]
(n) atomic war
原子戦争 [げんしせんそう]
(n) atomic war
原子弾頭 [げんしだんとう]
(n) atomic warhead
原子破壊機 [げんしはかいき]
(n) cyclotron
原子爆弾 [げんしばくだん]
(n) atomic bomb
原子爆発 [げんしばくはつ]
(n) atomic explosion
原子病 [げんしびょう]
(n) radiation sickness
原子物理学 [げんしぶつりがく]
(n) atomic physics
原子物理学の父 [げんしぶつりがくのちち]
(n) father of atomic physics
原子物理学者 [げんしぶつりがくしゃ]
(n) nuclear physicist
原子兵器 [げんしへいき]
(n) atomic weapons
原子砲 [げんしほう]
(n) atomic cannon
原子量 [げんしりょう]
(n) atomic weight
原子力 [げんしりょく]
(n) atomic energy
原子力安全・保安院 [げんしりょくあんぜんほあんいん]
(n) Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency
原子力安全委員会 [げんしりょくあんぜんいいんかい]
(n) Nuclear Safety Commission
原子力安全保安院 [げんしりょくあんぜんほあんいん]
(n) Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency
原子力委員会 [げんしりょくいいんかい]
(n) Atomic Energy Commission (US)
原子力学 [げんしりきがく]
(n) atomic mechanics
原子力時代 [げんしりょくじだい]
(n) atomic age
原子力船 [げんしりょくせん]
(n) nuclear(-powered) ship (vessel)
原子力発電 [げんしりょくはつでん]
(n) nuclear power generation (of electricity)
原子力発電所 [げんしりょくはつでんしょ]
(n) nuclear power plant
原子炉 [げんしろ]
(n) atomic reactor
原子論 [げんしろん]
(n) atomic theory
原糸 [げんし]
(n) thread for weaving
原紙 [げんし]
(n) stencil
原詩 [げんし]
(n) original poem
原資 [げんし]
(n) capital
原種 [げんしゅ]
(n) pure breed
原酒 [げんしゅ]
(n) unprocessed sake
原住民 [げんじゅうみん]
(n) native people
原初 [げんしょ]
(n) origin(al)
原書 [げんしょ]
(n) original document
原状 [げんじょう]
(n) original state
原色 [げんしょく]
(n) primary colour
原色写真版 [げんしょくしゃしんばん]
(n) tricolor printing
原色版 [げんしょくばん]
(n) tricolor printing
原審 [げんしん]
(n) original sentence
原振クロック [げんしんクロック]
(n) master clock
原振動 [げんしんどう]
(n) fundamental vibration
原人 [げんじん]
(n) primitive man
原図 [げんず]
(n) original drawing
原水爆 [げんすいばく]
(n) atom and hydrogen bomb
原寸 [げんすん]
(n) actual size
原寸大 [げんすんだい]
(n) actual size
原成岩 [げんせいがん]
(n) primary rocks
原成岩石 [げんせいがんせき]
(n) primary rocks
原生 [げんせい]
(n) spontaneous generation
原生動物 [げんせいどうぶつ]
(n) protozoan
原生保護 [げんせいほご]
(n) wilderness preservation
原生林 [げんせいりん]
(n) primeval forest
原石 [げんせき]
(n) (raw) ore
原籍 [げんせき]
(n) original domicile
原籍地 [げんせきち]
(n) (one's) domicile
原潜 [げんせん]
(n) nuclear submarine
原繊維 [げんせんい]
(n) raw fibers
原素 [げんそ]
(n) chemical element
原像 [げんぞう]
(n) original statue
原則 [げんそく]
(n) principle
原則として [げんそくとして]
(adv) as a general rule
原則的 [げんそくてき]
(adj-na) general
原隊 [げんたい]
(n) one's home unit
原題 [げんだい]
(n) original title
原茸 [はらたけ]
(n) common mushroom
原注 [げんちゅう]
(n) the original notes
原虫 [げんちゅう]
(n) protozoan
原註 [げんちゅう]
(n) the original notes
原著 [げんちょ]
(n) the original work
原著者 [げんちょしゃ]
(n) author
原典 [げんてん]
(n) original (text)
原点 [げんてん]
(n) origin (coordinates)
原糖 [げんとう]
(n) unrefined sugar
原頭 [げんとう]
(n) the field
原動 [げんどう]
(n) motive
原動機 [げんどうき]
(n) motor
原動機付自転車 [げんどうきつきじでんしゃ]
(n) motorized bicycle
原動力 [げんどうりょく]
(n) motive power
原爆 [げんばく]
(n) (abbr) atomic bomb
原爆犠牲者 [げんばくぎせいしゃ]
(n) atomic bomb victim
原爆症 [げんばくしょう]
(n) symptoms of atomic illness
原発 [げんぱつ]
(n) nuclear power plant
原判決 [げんはんけつ]
(n) original decision
原板 [げんばん]
(n) negative (of a picture)
原板 [げんぱん]
(n) negative (of a picture)
原版 [げんばん]
(n) typesetting plates (books)
原版 [げんぱん]
(n) typesetting plates (books)
原盤 [げんばん]
(n) original recording
原被 [げんぴ]
(n) plaintiff and defendant
原票 [げんぴょう]
(n) stub (of a checkbook, chequebook)
原品 [げんぴん]
(n) the original article
原付き [げんつき]
(n) scooter
原物 [げんぶつ]
(n) the original
原文 [げんぶん]
(n) the text
原簿 [げんぼ]
(n) ledger
原本 [げんぽん]
(n) the original
原末 [げんまつ]
(n) (abbr) base powder
原民 [げんみん]
(n) aborigines
原綿 [げんめん]
(n) raw cotton
原毛 [げんもう]
(n) raw wool
原木 [げんぼく]
(n) pulpwood
原野 [げんや]
(n) waste land
原野商法 [げんやしょうほう]
(n) the selling of waste land (worthless property) by unscrupulous real-estate developers
原薬 [げんやく]
(n) (bulk) drug substance
原油 [げんゆ]
(n) crude oil
原油価格 [げんゆかかく]
(n) crude oil price
原油供給 [げんゆきょうきゅう]
(n) oil supply
原油生産 [げんゆせいさん]
(n) oil production
原油流出 [げんゆりゅうしゅつ]
(n) (crude) oil spill
原由 [げんゆう]
(n) reason
原理 [げんり]
(n) principle
原理とパラメータのアプローチ [げんりとパラメータのアプローチ]
(n) principles and parameters approach
原理主義 [げんりしゅぎ]
(n) fundamentalism
原理主義者 [げんりしゅぎしゃ]
(n) fundamentalist
原料 [げんりょう]
(n) raw materials
原料粉末 [げんりょうふんまつ]
(n) base powder
原論 [げんろん]
(n) theory
厳い [いかつい]
(adj) grim
厳か [おごそか]
(adj-na,n) austere
厳かな儀式 [おごそかなぎしき]
(n) solemn ceremony
厳しい [きびしい]
(adj) (1) severe
厳しい暑さ [きびしいあつさ]
(n) intense heat
厳しい批評 [きびしいひひょう]
(n) severe criticism
厳しさ [きびしさ]
(n) severity
厳つい [いかつい]
(adj) grim
厳として [げんとして]
(adv,exp) strictly
厳に [げんに]
(adv,vs) strictly
厳めしい [いかめしい]
(adj) (1) severe
厳めしい顔付き [いかめしいかおつき]
(n) grave (stern) look
厳科 [げんか]
(n) severe punishment
厳戒 [げんかい]
(n,vs) strict guard
厳格 [げんかく]
(adj-na,n) severe
厳寒 [げんかん]
(n) intense cold
厳寒の候 [げんかんのこう]
(n) the coldest season (weather)
厳禁 [げんきん]
(n,vs) strict prohibition
厳君 [げんくん]
(n) your honored father
厳訓 [げんくん]
(n) strict instruction
厳刑 [げんけい]
(n) severe punishment
厳酷 [げんこく]
(adj-na,n) severity
厳旨 [げんし]
(n) strict order
厳守 [げんしゅ]
(n,vs) strict observance
厳重 [げんじゅう]
(adj-na,n) strict
厳粛 [げんしゅく]
(adj-na,n) gravity
厳暑 [げんしょ]
(n) extreme heat
厳正 [げんせい]
(adj-na,n) strictness
厳正科学 [げんせいかがく]
(n) exact science
厳正中立 [げんせいちゅうりつ]
(adj-na,n) strict neutrality
厳選 [げんせん]
(n,vs) careful selection
厳然 [げんぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) grave
厳存 [げんそん]
(n,vs) real existence
厳達 [げんたつ]
(n,vs) strict order
厳探 [げんたん]
(n,vs) strict search
厳談 [げんだん]
(n,vs) strong protest
厳冬 [げんとう]
(n) severe winter
厳冬期 [げんとうき]
(n) coldest period
厳罰 [げんばつ]
(n) severe punishment
厳秘 [げんぴ]
(n) strict secret
厳美渓 [げんびけい]
(n) Genbi Gorge (Ichinoseki-shi, Iwate-ken)
厳父 [げんぷ]
(n) your honored father
厳封 [げんぷう]
(n,vs) sealing hermetically
厳密 [げんみつ]
(adj-na,n) strict
厳密にいえば [げんみつにいえば]
(n) strictly speaking
厳密解 [げんみつかい]
(n) exact solution (mathematics, physics)
厳命 [げんめい]
(n,vs) strict order
厳容 [げんよう]
(n) stern expression
厳律 [げんりつ]
(n) strict law
厳逹 [げんたつ]
(oK) (n,vs) strict order
幻 [まぼろし]
(n) phantom
幻を追う [まぼろしをおう]
(exp) to pursue phantoms
幻影 [げんえい]
(n) phantom
幻怪 [げんかい]
(adj-na,n) strange or mysterious and troubling
幻覚 [げんかく]
(n) hallucination
幻覚キノコ [げんかくキノコ]
(n) hallucinogenic mushroom
幻覚剤 [げんかくざい]
(n) hallucinogen
幻覚症 [げんかくしょう]
(n) hallucinosis
幻覚症状 [げんかくしょうじょう]
(n) hallucination
幻姿 [げんし]
(n) apparition
幻肢 [げんし]
(n) phantom limb
幻視 [げんし]
(n) visual hallucination
幻術 [げんじゅつ]
(n) magic
幻想 [げんそう]
(n) illusions
幻想曲 [げんそうきょく]
(n) fantasy
幻想劇 [げんそうげき]
(n) non-realistic drama
幻像 [げんぞう]
(n) phantom
幻聴 [げんちょう]
(n) auditory hallucination
幻灯 [げんとう]
(n) magic lantern
幻燈 [げんとう]
(n) slide projector
幻夢 [げんむ]
(n) dreams
幻滅 [げんめつ]
(n,vs) disillusionment
幻妖 [げんよう]
(n,vs) (1) confusing people
幻惑 [げんわく]
(n,vs) fascination
弦 [げん]
(n) (1) bow string
弦 [つる]
(n) (1) bow string
弦音 [つるおと]
(n) sound of vibrating bowstring
弦歌 [げんか]
(n,vs) singing
弦楽 [げんがく]
(n) music for strings
弦楽器 [げんがっき]
(n) stringed instruments
弦楽五重奏曲 [げんがくごじゅうそうきょく]
(n) string quintet
弦楽四重奏 [げんがくしじゅうそう]
(n) string quartet
弦楽四重奏曲 [げんがくしじゅうそうきょく]
(n) string quartet
弦楽四重奏団 [げんがくしじゅうそうだん]
(n) string quartet
弦鋸 [つるのこ]
(n) traditional Japanese woodworking saw
弦月 [げんげつ]
(n) crescent moon
弦材 [げんざい]
(n) civil engineering chord member
弦理論 [げんりろん]
(n) string theory (physics)
減 [げん]
(suf) reduction
減じる [げんじる]
(v5r) to subtract
減ずる [げんずる]
(vz) to decrease
減たる [げんたる]
(adj-t,adv-to) strict
減らす [へらす]
(v5s,vt) to abate
減らず口 [へらずぐち]
(n) impudent talk
減り [へり]
(n) decrease
減り込む [めりこむ]
(v5m) to sink into
減り張り [めりはり]
(n) modulation (of voice)
減る [へる]
(v5r,vi) to decrease (in size or number)
減るもんじゃない [へるもんじゃない]
(exp) it's no big deal
減圧 [げんあつ]
(n,vs) decompression
減員 [げんいん]
(n,vs) reduction of staff
減益 [げんえき]
(n,vs) decrease in profits
減塩 [げんえん]
(n) reduction of salt
減塩食 [げんえんしょく]
(n) a low-salt diet
減価 [げんか]
(n) price reduction
減価償却 [げんかしょうきゃく]
(n) depreciation
減額 [げんがく]
(n,vs) abatement
減給 [げんきゅう]
(n,vs) pay cut
減刑 [げんけい]
(n,vs) reduction of penalty
減号 [げんごう]
(n) minus sign
減債 [げんさい]
(n,vs) partial payment of a debt
減債基金 [げんさいききん]
(n) amortization fund
減作 [げんさく]
(n) poor crop
減殺 [げんさい]
(n,vs) lessening
減産 [げんさん]
(n,vs) reduction in production
減算 [げんざん]
(n,vs) subtraction
減資 [げんし]
(n,vs) reduction of capital
減収 [げんしゅう]
(n,vs) fall
減少 [げんしょう]
(n,vs) decrease
減色 [げんしょく]
(n) reduced colours
減食 [げんしょく]
(n,vs) diet
減水 [げんすい]
(n,vs) subsiding of water
減衰 [げんすい]
(n,vs) attenuation
減衰器 [げんすいき]
(n) attenuator
減衰率 [げんすいりつ]
(n) attenuation (factor, rate)
減数 [げんすう]
(n,vs) (1) decreasing in number
減税 [げんぜい]
(n,vs) tax reduction
減速 [げんそく]
(n,vs) deceleration
減速材 [げんそくざい]
(n) moderator
減速装置 [げんそくそうち]
(n) reduction gear
減損 [げんそん]
(n,vs) decrease
減損会計 [げんそんかいけい]
(n) asset-impairment accounting
減退 [げんたい]
(n,vs) decline
減段 [げんたん]
(n,vs) reduction (of crop size)
減点 [げんてん]
(n,vs) subtract
減点主義 [げんてんしゅぎ]
(n) demerit (points-off) system
減等 [げんとう]
(n) demotion
減配 [げんぱい]
(n,vs) reduction in a dividend
減反 [げんたん]
(n,vs) reduction (of crop size)
減反政策 [げんたんせいさく]
(n) policy of reducing acreage (under cultivation)
減俸 [げんぽう]
(n,vs) salary reduction
減法 [げんぽう]
(n) subtraction
減摩 [げんま]
(n,vs) reduction in friction
減磨 [げんま]
(n,vs) reduction in friction
減免 [げんめん]
(n,vs) reduction and exemption
減耗 [げんこう]
(n,vs) natural decrease
減耗 [げんもう]
(n,vs) natural decrease
減量 [げんりょう]
(n,vs) loss in quantity
減量経営 [げんりょうけいえい]
(n) streamlined management
源 [げん]
(n,suf) source
源 [みなもと]
(n) source
源氏 [げんじ]
(n) (1) Genji (the character in the Genji Monogatari)
源氏の後 [げんじのあと]
(n) descendant of the Genji family
源氏物語 [げんじものがたり]
(n) the Tale of the Genji
源泉 [げんせん]
(n) source
源泉課税 [げんせんかぜい]
(n) tax withholding at the source
源泉所得税 [げんせんしょとくぜい]
(n) income tax withheld at the source
源泉徴収 [げんせんちょうしゅう]
(n) tax withholding at the source
源平 [げんぺい]
(n) Genji and Heike clans
源流 [げんりゅう]
(n) current-limiting
玄翁 [げんのう]
(n) bushhammer
玄黄 [げんこう]
(n) (rare) black and yellow silk (offered to gods)
玄関 [げんかん]
(n) entranceway
玄関先 [げんかんさき]
(n) entrance
玄関番 [げんかんばん]
(n) doorkeeper
玄関払い [げんかんばらい]
(n) refusing to see a visitor
玄昌石 [げんしょうせき]
(n) type of slate (from Miyagi pref.)
玄人 [くろうと]
(n) (1) expert
玄人気質 [くろうとかたぎ]
(n) professionalism
玄人筋 [くろうとすじ]
(n) professionals
玄孫 [げんそん]
(n) great-great-grandchild
玄冬 [けんとう]
(n) winter
玄冬 [げんとう]
(n) winter
玄麦 [げんばく]
(n) unpolished wheat or barley
玄武岩 [げんぶがん]
(n) basalt
玄米 [げんまい]
(n) unpolished rice
玄米茶 [げんまいちゃ]
(n) tea (with roasted rice)
玄圃梨 [けんぽなし]
(n) Japanese raisin tree
玄妙 [げんみょう]
(adj-na,n) abstruse
現 [うつつ]
(n) reality
現 [げん]
(pref) present
現す [あらわす]
(v5s) to show
現ずる [げんずる]
(vz) to appear
現つ [うつつ]
(n) reality
現つを抜かす [うつつをぬかす]
(exp) to be infatuated
現に [げんに]
(adv) actually
現れ [あらわれ]
(n) embodiment
現れる [あらわれる]
(v1) (1) to appear
現わす [あらわす]
(io) (v5s) to show
現われ [あらわれ]
(n) embodiment
現われる [あらわれる]
(v1) (1) to appear
現われ出る [あらわれでる]
(v1) to appear
現員 [げんいん]
(n) present members
現下 [げんか]
(n) the present time
現価 [げんか]
(n) current price
現況 [げんきょう]
(n) present condition
現業 [げんぎょう]
(n) outdoor (work)
現業員 [げんぎょういん]
(n) a field worker
現金 [げんきん]
(adj-na,n) cash
現金引き出し [げんきんひきだし]
(n) cash withdrawal
現金及び預金 [げんきんおよびよきん]
(n) cash on hand and in banks
現金自動支払機 [げんきんじどうしはらいき]
(n) cash dispenser
現金自動預け払い機 [げんきんじどうあずけばらいき]
(n) automatic teller machine
現金自動預金支払機 [げんきんじどうよきんしはらいき]
(n) automatic teller machine (ATM)
現金取引市場 [げんきんとりひきいちば]
(n) spot market
現金収入 [げんきんしゅうにゅう]
(n) (having) a cash income
現金書留 [げんきんかきとめ]
(n) registered mail
現金正価 [げんきんせいか]
(n) cash price
現金注入 [げんきんちゅうにゅう]
(n) cash infusion
現金投資 [げんきんとうし]
(n) cash investment
現金買い [げんきんがい]
(n) cash purchases
現金売り [げんきんうり]
(n) cash sales
現金払い [げんきんばらい]
(n) paying cash
現金問屋 [げんきんどんや]
(n) cash-basis wholesaler
現行 [げんこう]
(n) present
現行犯 [げんこうはん]
(n) flagrante delicto
現行犯で [げんこうはんで]
(exp) red-handed
現行法 [げんこうほう]
(n) existing law(s)
現行法規 [げんこうほうき]
(n) existing laws
現高 [げんだか]
(n) the present amount
現今 [げんこん]
(n) the present (day or age)
現在 [げんざい]
(n-adv,n-t) present day
現在のところ [げんざいのところ]
(n) at the present time
現在完了 [げんざいかんりょう]
(n) (ling) present perfect tense
現在完了時 [げんざいかんりょうじ]
(n) present perfect tense
現在高 [げんざいだか]
(n) amount on hand
現在地 [げんざいち]
(n) present location
現時代 [げんじだい]
(n) the present era
現時点 [げんじてん]
(n) present point (i.e. in history)
現時点においては [げんじてんにおいては]
(n) at the present time
現実 [げんじつ]
(n) reality
現実化 [げんじつか]
(n,vs) realization
現実感 [げんじつかん]
(n) sense of reality
現実主義 [げんじつしゅぎ]
(n) realism
現実主義者 [げんじつしゅぎしゃ]
(n) a realist
現実性 [げんじつせい]
(n) realistic
現実的 [げんじつてき]
(adj-na) realism
現実認識 [げんじつにんしき]
(n) accepting (acknowledging) the reality
現実離れ [げんじつばなれ]
(n,vs) unreality
現実路線 [げんじつろせん]
(n) (following) a pragmatic (policy) line (approach)
現尺 [げんしゃく]
(n) full size
現住所 [げんじゅうしょ]
(n) (present) address
現出 [げんしゅつ]
(n,vs) appearance
現象 [げんしょう]
(n) phenomenon
現象界 [げんしょうかい]
(n) the phenomenal world
現象学 [げんしょうがく]
(n) phenomenology
現象論 [げんしょうろん]
(n) phenomenology (physics)
現場 [げんじょう]
(n) actual spot
現場 [げんば]
(n) actual spot
現場監督 [げんばかんとく]
(n) field overseer
現場検証 [げんばけんしょう]
(n) on-the-site inspection
現場主義 [げんばしゅぎ]
(n) a bottom-up approach to management
現場中継 [げんばちゅうけい]
(n) on-the-spot broadcast
現状 [げんじょう]
(n) present condition
現状維持 [げんじょういじ]
(n) maintenance of the status quo
現状打破 [げんじょうだは]
(n) abandonment of the status quo
現状把握 [げんじょうはあく]
(n) grasping the present situation
現状否定 [げんじょうひてい]
(n) refusal to accept the present situation
現職 [げんしょく]
(n) present condition
現職大統領 [げんしょくだいとうりょう]
(n) incumbent president
現数 [げんすう]
(n) present number
現世 [うつしよ]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) present world
現世 [げんせ]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) present world
現世 [げんせい]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) present world
現世 [げんぜ]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) present world
現世利益 [げんせりやく]
(n) spiritual (material) benefit gained in this world through observance of the Buddhist teachings
現世利益 [げんぜりやく]
(n) spiritual (material) benefit gained in this world through observance of the Buddhist teachings
現勢 [げんせい]
(n) current state
現生 [げんなま]
(n) real money
現生生物学 [げんせいせいぶつがく]
(n) neontology
現先 [げんさき]
(n) repurchase (esp. bonds, debt, etc.)
現先取引 [げんさきとりひき]
(n) transaction with repurchase agreement
現前 [げんぜん]
(n,vs) before one's eyes
現送 [げんそう]
(n,vs) sending or transporting cash
現像 [げんぞう]
(n,vs) developing (film)
現像液 [げんぞうえき]
(n) developing solution
現存 [げんそん]
(n,vs) living
現存 [げんぞん]
(n,vs) living
現体制を覆す [げんたいせいをくつがえす]
(exp) to overthrow the present regime
現代 [げんだい]
(adj-no,n-adv,n) nowadays
現代医療 [げんだいいりょう]
(n) modern medicine
現代英語 [げんだいえいご]
(n) current (present-day) English
現代化 [げんだいか]
(n,vs) modernization
現代科学 [げんだいかがく]
(n) present-day science
現代劇 [げんだいげき]
(n) contemporary drama
現代語 [げんだいご]
(n) a modern language
現代史 [げんだいし]
(n) contemporary history
現代詩 [げんだいし]
(n) modern poetry
現代新書 [げんだいしんしょ]
(n) a series of paperbacks published since 1964 by Kodansha
現代人 [げんだいじん]
(n) modern person (people)
現代的 [げんだいてき]
(adj-na) modernistic
現代版 [げんだいばん]
(n) modern version (e.g., of Italian Renaissance architecture)
現代文明 [げんだいぶんめい]
(n) modern civilization
現段階 [げんだんかい]
(n) (1) present stage
現地 [げんち]
(n) actual place
現地時間 [げんちじかん]
(n) local time
現地人 [げんちじん]
(n) native
現地生産 [げんちせいさん]
(n) local production
現地駐在員 [げんちちゅうざいいん]
(n) local resident
現地調査 [げんちちょうさ]
(n) field survey
現地調達 [げんちちょうたつ]
(n,vs) local procurement
現地報告 [げんちほうこく]
(n) on-the-spot report
現地法人 [げんちほうじん]
(n) local subsidiary
現調 [げんちょう]
(n,vs) (abbr) local procurement
現内閣 [げんないかく]
(n) present cabinet
現任 [げんにん]
(n) present post
現品 [げんぴん]
(n) the actual article
現物 [げんぶつ]
(n) stocks
現物給与 [げんぶつきゅうよ]
(n) salary paid in kind
現物相場 [げんぶつそうば]
(n) spot quotations
現役 [げんえき]
(n) active duty
現有 [げんゆう]
(n,adj-no) present
現有勢力 [げんゆうせいりょく]
(n) effective strength
現用 [げんよう]
(n) currently used
絃 [いと]
(n) string
絃歌 [げんか]
(n) singing and (string) music
絃楽 [げんがく]
(n) string music
絃楽器 [げんがっき]
(n) stringed instruments
絃声 [げんせい]
(n) sound of the strings
絃線 [げんせん]
(n) catgut
舷窓 [げんそう]
(n) porthole
舷側 [げんそく]
(n) ship's side
舷梯 [げんてい]
(n) gangway (ladder)
舷灯 [げんとう]
(n) running lights
舷頭 [げんとう]
(n) gunwale
舷門 [げんもん]
(n) gangway
言 [げん]
(n) word
言々 [げんげん]
(n) every word
言々句々 [げんげんくく]
(n) every single word and phrase
言いかえる [いいかえる]
(v1) to say in other words
言いかける [いいかける]
(v1) to begin speaking
言いきかせる [いいきかせる]
(v1) to tell someone to do something
言いそびれる [いいそびれる]
(v1) to fail to mention something or tell somebody something
言いたす [いいたす]
(v5s) to say something additional
言いつけ [いいつけ]
(n) (1) order
言いつける [いいつける]
(v1) to tell
言いづらい [いいづらい]
(adj) difficult to speak about
言いながら [いいながら]
(exp) with these words
言いなり [いいなり]
(n) doing as one is told
言いなりに [いいなりに]
(adv) exactly as said
言い違い [いいちがい]
(n) slip of the tongue
言い違える [いいちがえる]
(v1) to say by mistake
言い過ぎ [いいすぎ]
(n) exaggeration
言い過ぎる [いいすぎる]
(v1) to talk or say too much
言い過ごす [いいすごす]
(v5s) to talk or say too much
言い回し [いいまわし]
(n) expression
言い改める [いいあらためる]
(v1) to correct oneself
言い開き [いいひらき]
(n) explanation
言い開く [いいひらく]
(v5k) to justify
言い掛かり [いいがかり]
(n) false accusation
言い掛けて止める [いいかけてやめる]
(v1) to stop in the middle of a sentence
言い掛ける [いいかける]
(v1) to begin speaking
言い換え [いいかえ]
(n,vs) putting in other words
言い換える [いいかえる]
(v1) to say in other words
言い丸める [いいまるめる]
(v1) to do sweet-talk
言い含める [いいふくめる]
(v1) to give detailed instructions
言い寄る [いいよる]
(v5r) to court
言い及ぶ [いいおよぶ]
(v5b) to refer to
言い継ぐ [いいつぐ]
(v5g) to transmit by word of mouth
言い兼ねる [いいかねる]
(v1) to find it hard to say
言い捲る [いいまくる]
(v5r) to talk volubly
言い遣る [いいやる]
(v5r) to send word
言い現す [いいあらわす]
(v5s) to express (in words)
言い古した言葉 [いいふるしたことば]
(n) hackneyed saying
言い古す [いいふるす]
(v5s) to say repeatedly or proverbially
言い誤る [いいあやまる]
(v5r) to say by mistake
言い交す [いいかわす]
(v5s) to have a chat with
言い交わす [いいかわす]
(v5s) to exchange words or promises
言い甲斐 [いいがい]
(n) worth mentioning
言い合い [いいあい]
(n) quarrel
言い合う [いいあう]
(v5u) to quarrel
言い合わせる [いいあわせる]
(v1) to agree in advance
言い込める [いいこめる]
(v1) to talk down
言い散らす [いいちらす]
(v5s) to spread (a report)
言い残す [いいのこす]
(v5s) to leave word with (a person)
言い止す [いいさす]
(v5s) to break off (in middle of sentence)
言い捨てる [いいすてる]
(v1) to say (something) over one's shoulder
言い種 [いいぐさ]
(n) one's words or remarks
言い終わる [いいおわる]
(v5r) to finish speaking
言い習わし [いいならわし]
(n) idiom
言い習わす [いいならわす]
(v5s) to be handed down
言い渋る [いいしぶる]
(v5r) to hesitate to say
言い出しっぺ [いいだしっぺ]
(n) the one who brought it up
言い出しっ屁 [いいだしっぺ]
(n) the one who brought it up
言い出す [いいだす]
(v5s) to start talking
言い条 [いいじょう]
(n) an excuse
言い触らす [いいふらす]
(v5s) to spread a rumor
言い振り [いいぶり]
(n) manner of speaking
言い辛い [いいづらい]
(adj) difficult to speak about
言い尽くす [いいつくす]
(v5s) to tell all
言い成り [いいなり]
(n) doing as one is told
言い成り放題 [いいなりほうだい]
(adj-na) completely submissive to another person
言い切る [いいきる]
(v5r) to declare
言い繕う [いいつくろう]
(v5u) to gloss over
言い争い [いいあらそい]
(n) a quarrel
言い争う [いいあらそう]
(v5u) to quarrel
言い草 [いいぐさ]
(n) remarks
言い送る [いいおくる]
(v5r) to send a message
言い足す [いいたす]
(v5s) to say something additional
言い損なう [いいそこなう]
(v5u) to say by mistake
言い替え [いいかえ]
(n,vs) putting in other words
言い替える [いいかえる]
(v1) to say in other words
言い替えるなら [いいかえるなら]
(exp) if we put this another way
言い値 [いいね]
(n) the asking price
言い知れぬ [いいしれぬ]
(adj-pn) indescribable
言い置く [いいおく]
(v5k) to leave word
言い張る [いいはる]
(v5r) to insist
言い直す [いいなおす]
(v5s) to correct oneself
言い通す [いいとおす]
(v5s) to persist in saying
言い添える [いいそえる]
(v1) to add (to what was said before)
言い伝え [いいつたえ]
(n) tradition
言い伝える [いいつたえる]
(v1) to send word
言い渡し [いいわたし]
(n) sentence
言い渡す [いいわたす]
(v5s) to announce
言い当てる [いいあてる]
(v1) to guess right
言い逃れ [いいのがれ]
(n) evasion
言い逃れる [いいのがれる]
(v1) to explain away
言い難い [いいがたい]
(adj) hard to say
言い難い [いいにくい]
(adj) hard to say
言い破る [いいやぶる]
(v5r) to argue down
言い抜け [いいぬけ]
(n) evasion
言い抜ける [いいぬける]
(v1) to explain away
言い表す [いいあらわす]
(v5s) to express (in words)
言い表わす [いいあらわす]
(v5s) to express (in words)
言い付かる [いいつかる]
(v5r) to be ordered
言い付け [いいつけ]
(n) (1) order
言い付ける [いいつける]
(v1) to tell
言い負かす [いいまかす]
(v5s) to talk (a person) down
言い伏せる [いいふせる]
(v1) to argue down
言い分 [いいぶん]
(n) one's say
言い分け [いいわけ]
(n,vs) (1) excuse
言い紛らす [いいまぎらす]
(v5s) to equivocate
言い聞かす [いいきかす]
(v5s) to tell someone to do something
言い聞かせる [いいきかせる]
(v1) to tell someone to do something
言い返す [いいかえす]
(v5s) to repeat
言い募る [いいつのる]
(v5r) to argue vehemently
言い暮らす [いいくらす]
(v5s) to pass the time talking
言い包める [いいくるめる]
(v1) to explain away (e.g., unpleasant evidence)
言い放つ [いいはなつ]
(v5t) to declare
言い方 [いいかた]
(n) speaking style
言い忘れる [いいわすれる]
(v1) to forget to mention or say
言い訳 [いいわけ]
(n,vs) (1) excuse
言い訳が立たない [いいわけがたたない]
(adj) admit no excuse
言い様 [いいよう]
(n) manner of speaking
言い淀む [いいよどむ]
(v5m) to hesitate to say
言い落す [いいおとす]
(v5s) to omit
言い立てる [いいたてる]
(v1) to state
言い漏らす [いいもらす]
(v5s) to forget to mention
言い做す [いいなす]
(v5s) to speak as though something were actually the case
言い囃す [いいはやす]
(v5s) to praise
言い籠める [いいこめる]
(v1) to talk down
言う [いう]
(v5u) to say
言う [ゆう]
(v5u) to say
言うことを聞く [いうことをきく]
(exp) to do what one is told to
言うに言われぬ [いうにいわれぬ]
(n) beyond expression
言うまでもない [いうまでもない]
(adj,exp) it goes without saying
言うまでもなく [いうまでもなく]
(exp) obviously
言う事 [いうこと]
(n) instructions
言う迄もない [いうまでもない]
(adj,exp) it goes without saying
言う迄も無い [いうまでもない]
(adj,exp) it goes without saying
言たって [いったって]
(exp) even if I told you
言っとくけど [いっとくけど]
(exp) for your information
言っぱ [いっぱ]
(exp) this means
言づける [ことづける]
(v1) to send word
言の葉 [ことのは]
(n) literary word
言わずもがな [いわずもがな]
(exp) (it) goes without saying
言わず語らず [いわずかたらず]
(n) to be tacit
言わぬが花 [いわぬがはな]
(exp,n) some things are better left unsaid
言わば [いわば]
(adv) so to speak
言わんばかり [いわんばかり]
(adv) as if to say
言わんや [いわんや]
(exp) much more
言わ猿 [いわざる]
(n) say-not monkey
言を守る [げんをまもる]
(exp) to keep one's word
言違い [いいちがい]
(n) slip of the tongue
言違える [いいちがえる]
(v1) to say by mistake
言下 [げんか]
(n) promptly
言過ぎ [いいすぎ]
(n) exaggeration
言過ぎる [いいすぎる]
(v1) to talk or say too much
言過ごす [いいすごす]
(v5s) to talk or say too much
言回し [いいまわし]
(n) expression
言改める [いいあらためる]
(v1) to correct oneself
言海 [げんかい]
(n) wordbook
言開き [いいひらき]
(n) explanation
言開く [いいひらく]
(v5k) to justify
言外 [げんがい]
(n) unexpressed
言掛かり [いいがかり]
(n) false accusation
言掛けて止める [いいかけてやめる]
(v1) to stop in the middle of a sentence
言掛ける [いいかける]
(v1) to begin speaking
言換え [いいかえ]
(n,vs) putting in other words
言換える [いいかえる]
(v1) to say in other words
言丸める [いいまるめる]
(v1) to do sweet-talk
言含める [いいふくめる]
(v1) to give detailed instructions
言寄る [いいよる]
(v5r) to court
言及 [げんきゅう]
(n,vs) reference
言及ぶ [いいおよぶ]
(v5b) to refer to
言挙げ [ことあげ]
(n,vs) a mention
言継ぐ [いいつぐ]
(v5g) to transmit by word of mouth
言兼ねる [いいかねる]
(v1) to find it hard to say
言捲る [いいまくる]
(v5r) to talk volubly
言遣る [いいやる]
(v5r) to send word
言言 [げんげん]
(n) every word
言言句句 [げんげんくく]
(n) every single word and phrase
言古した言葉 [いいふるしたことば]
(n) hackneyed saying
言古す [いいふるす]
(v5s) to say repeatedly or proverbially
言語 [げんご]
(n) language
言語運用 [げんごうんよう]
(n) performance
言語学 [げんごがく]
(n) linguistics
言語学者 [げんごがくしゃ]
(n) linguist
言語学的観念論 [げんごがくてきかんねんろん]
(n) linguistic conceptualism
言語学的実在論 [げんごがくてきじつざいろん]
(n) linguistic realism
言語機能 [げんごきのう]
(n) language faculty
言語教育 [げんごきょういく]
(n) language education
言語障害 [げんごしょうがい]
(n) speech impediment
言語心理学 [げんごしんりがく]
(n) psycholinguistics
言語知識 [げんごちしき]
(n) knowledge of language
言語地理 [げんごちり]
(n) linguistic geography
言語地理学 [げんごちりがく]
(n) linguistic geography
言語中枢 [げんごちゅうすう]
(n) speech center
言語道断 [ごんごどうだん]
(adj-na,n) outrageous
言語特有 [げんごとくゆう]
(n) language specific
言語能力 [げんごのうりょく]
(n) competence
言語療法 [げんごりょうほう]
(n) speech therapy
言誤る [いいあやまる]
(v5r) to say by mistake
言交す [いいかわす]
(v5s) to have a chat with
言交わす [いいかわす]
(v5s) to exchange words or promises
言甲斐 [いいがい]
(n) worth mentioning
言行 [げんこう]
(n) speech and behaviour (behavior)
言行一致 [げんこういっち]
(n) acting up to one's words
言行録 [げんこうろく]
(n) record of a person's words and deeds
言行齟齬 [げんこうそご]
(n) inconsistency of speech and action
言合い [いいあい]
(n) quarrel
言合う [いいあう]
(v5u) to quarrel
言合わせる [いいあわせる]
(v1) to agree in advance
言込める [いいこめる]
(v1) to talk down
言散らす [いいちらす]
(v5s) to spread (a report)
言残す [いいのこす]
(v5s) to leave word with (a person)
言止す [いいさす]
(v5s) to break off (in middle of sentence)
言辞 [げんじ]
(n) language
言質 [げんしつ]
(n) commitment
言質 [げんち]
(n) commitment
言捨てる [いいすてる]
(v1) to say (something) over one's shoulder
言種 [いいぐさ]
(n) one's words or remarks
言終わる [いいおわる]
(v5r) to finish speaking
言習わす [いいならわす]
(v5s) to be handed down
言渋る [いいしぶる]
(v5r) to hesitate to say
言祝ぐ [ことほぐ]
(v5g) to congratulate
言出す [いいだす]
(v5s) to start talking
言上 [ごんじょう]
(n,vs) telling
言条 [いいじょう]
(n) an excuse
言触らす [いいふらす]
(v5s) to spread a rumor
言振り [いいぶり]
(n) manner of speaking
言辛い [いいづらい]
(adj) difficult to speak about
言尽くす [いいつくす]
(v5s) to tell all
言成り [いいなり]
(n) doing as one is told
言責 [げんせき]
(n) responsibility for one's words
言切る [いいきる]
(v5r) to declare
言説 [げんせつ]
(n,vs) remark
言繕う [いいつくろう]
(v5u) to gloss over
言争い [いいあらそい]
(n) a quarrel
言争う [いいあらそう]
(v5u) to quarrel
言草 [いいぐさ]
(n) remarks
言送る [いいおくる]
(v5r) to send a message
言足す [いいたす]
(v5s) to say something additional
言損なう [いいそこなう]
(v5u) to say by mistake
言替え [いいかえ]
(n,vs) putting in other words
言替える [いいかえる]
(v1) to say in other words
言替えるなら [いいかえるなら]
(exp) if we put this another way
言値 [いいね]
(n) the asking price
言知れぬ [いいしれぬ]
(adj-pn) indescribable
言置く [いいおく]
(v5k) to leave word
言張る [いいはる]
(v5r) to insist
言直す [いいなおす]
(v5s) to correct oneself
言通す [いいとおす]
(v5s) to persist in saying
言添える [いいそえる]
(v1) to add (to what was said before)
言伝 [ことづて]
(n) (oral) message
言伝え [いいつたえ]
(n) tradition
言伝える [いいつたえる]
(v1) to send word
言伝て [ことづて]
(n) (oral) message
言渡し [いいわたし]
(n) sentence
言渡す [いいわたす]
(v5s) to announce
言当てる [いいあてる]
(v1) to guess right
言逃れ [いいのがれ]
(n) evasion
言逃れる [いいのがれる]
(v1) to explain away
言動 [げんどう]
(n) speech and conduct
言難い [いいがたい]
(adj) hard to say
言難い [いいにくい]
(adj) hard to say
言破る [いいやぶる]
(v5r) to argue down
言抜け [いいぬけ]
(n) evasion
言抜ける [いいぬける]
(v1) to explain away
言表す [いいあらわす]
(v5s) to express (in words)
言付かる [いいつかる]
(v5r) to be ordered
言付かる [ことづかる]
(v5r) to be entrusted with
言付け [いいつけ]
(n) (1) order
言付け [ことづけ]
(n,vs) (verbal) message
言付ける [いいつける]
(v1) to tell
言付ける [ことづける]
(v1) to send word
言負かす [いいまかす]
(v5s) to talk (a person) down
言伏せる [いいふせる]
(v1) to argue down
言分 [いいぶん]
(n) one's say
言分け [いいわけ]
(n,vs) (1) excuse
言紛らす [いいまぎらす]
(v5s) to equivocate
言文一致 [げんぶんいっち]
(n) unification of the written and spoken forms of a language
言聞かす [いいきかす]
(v5s) to tell someone to do something
言聞かせる [いいきかせる]
(v1) to tell someone to do something
言返す [いいかえす]
(v5s) to repeat
言募る [いいつのる]
(v5r) to argue vehemently
言暮らす [いいくらす]
(v5s) to pass the time talking
言包める [いいくるめる]
(v1) to explain away (e.g., unpleasant evidence)
言放つ [いいはなつ]
(v5t) to declare
言方 [いいかた]
(n) speaking style
言忘れる [いいわすれる]
(v1) to forget to mention or say
言明 [げんめい]
(n,vs) declaration
言訳 [いいわけ]
(n,vs) (1) excuse
言訳が立たない [いいわけがたたない]
(adj) admit no excuse
言様 [いいよう]
(n) manner of speaking
言葉 [ことば]
(n) word(s)
言葉から実行に移る [ことばからじっこうにうつる]
(v5r) to change words into actions
言葉に甘える [ことばにあまえる]
(exp) to accept an offer
言葉に詰まる [ことばにつまる]
(exp) to be at a loss for words
言葉に表せない [ことばにあらわせない]
(adj) ineffable
言葉の綾 [ことばのあや]
(n) figure of speech
言葉の壁 [ことばのかべ]
(n) language barrier
言葉を継ぐ [ことばをつぐ]
(exp) to continue (to say)
言葉を交える [ことばをまじえる]
(exp) to exchange words
言葉を濁す [ことばをにごす]
(exp) to not commit oneself
言葉遣い [ことばづかい]
(n) speech
言葉質 [ことばじち]
(n) a promise or pledge
言葉書き [ことばがき]
(n) foreword to a collection of poems
言葉尻 [ことばじり]
(n) word ending
言葉尻を捉える [ことばじりをとらえる]
(exp) to cavil at a person's words
言葉付き [ことばつき]
(n) wording
言淀む [いいよどむ]
(v5m) to hesitate to say
言落す [いいおとす]
(v5s) to omit
言立てる [いいたてる]
(v1) to state
言霊 [ことだま]
(n) soul or power of language
言漏らす [いいもらす]
(v5s) to forget to mention
言論 [げんろん]
(n) (one's) speech
言論の自由 [げんろんのじゆう]
(n) free speech
言論を封殺する [げんろんをふうさつする]
(exp) to suppress the freedom of speech
言論機関 [げんろんきかん]
(n) organ of public opinion
言做す [いいなす]
(v5s) to speak as though something were actually the case
言囃す [いいはやす]
(v5s) to praise
言籠める [いいこめる]
(v1) to talk down
諺 [ことわざ]
(n) proverb
諺文 [おんもん]
(n) (old name for) Hangul
限り [かぎり]
(n-adv,n) limit(s)
限りない [かぎりない]
(adj) eternal
限り無い [かぎりない]
(adj) eternal
限り無く [かぎりなく]
(adv) without end
限り有る [かぎりある]
(exp) finite
限る [かぎる]
(v5r) to restrict
限界 [げんかい]
(n) limit
限界顕微鏡 [げんかいけんびきょう]
(n) high magnification microscope
限界効用 [げんかいこうよう]
(n) marginal utility
限界状況 [げんかいじょうきょう]
(n) critical situation
限界点 [げんかいてん]
(n) coordinating point
限外 [げんがい]
(n) excess
限局性回腸炎 [げんきょくせいかいちょうえん]
(n) Crohn's disease
限定 [げんてい]
(n,vs) limit
限定詞 [げんていし]
(n) determiner
限定戦争 [げんていせんそう]
(n) limited war
限定的 [げんていてき]
(adj-na) limiting
限定版 [げんていばん]
(n) limited edition
限度 [げんど]
(n) limit
限度を超える [げんどをこえる]
(exp) to go beyond the limit
限度額 [げんどがく]
(n) credit limit (on a credit card)
限目 [げんめ]
(n) period of time (abbr. of jigenme)
乎 [か]
(n) question mark
乎古止点 [おことてん]
(n) marks to aid in reading Chinese classics
乎古止点 [をことてん]
(n) marks to aid in reading Chinese classics
乎己止点 [おことてん]
(n) marks to aid in reading Chinese classics
乎己止点 [をことてん]
(n) marks to aid in reading Chinese classics
個 [こ]
(n,suf) (1) counter for articles and mil. units
個々 [ここ]
(n) individual
個々に [ここに]
(adv) individually
個々人 [ここじん]
(n) an individual
個々別別 [ここべつべつ]
(n) each one separately
個と全 [ことぜん]
(exp) individual and the whole
個個 [ここ]
(n) individual
個個に [ここに]
(adv) individually
個個人 [ここじん]
(n) an individual
個個別別 [ここべつべつ]
(n) each one separately
個室 [こしつ]
(n) private room
個所 [かしょ]
(n) passage
個条 [かじょう]
(n) article
個条書き [かじょうがき]
(n) itemized form
個人 [こじん]
(n,adj-no) individual
個人タクシー [こじんタクシー]
(n) privately owned taxi
個人ローン [こじんローン]
(n) personal loan
個人教授 [こじんきょうじゅ]
(n) private instruction
個人経営 [こじんけいえい]
(n) private management
個人個人 [こじんこじん]
(n) individual
個人誤差 [こじんごさ]
(n) personal equation
個人広告 [こじんこうこく]
(n) personals
個人攻撃 [こじんこうげき]
(n) personal attack or denunciation
個人差 [こじんさ]
(n) individual differences
個人指導 [こじんしどう]
(n) personal guidance
個人資産 [こじんしさん]
(n) personal asset
個人主義 [こじんしゅぎ]
(n) individualism
個人主義者 [こじんしゅぎしゃ]
(n) individualist
個人消費 [こじんしょうひ]
(n) consumer spending
個人情報 [こじんじょうほう]
(n) personal information
個人情報盗み [こじんじょうほうぬすみ]
(n) identity theft
個人性 [こじんせい]
(n) individuality
個人戦 [こじんせん]
(n) individual match
個人退職金積立計画 [こじんたいしょくきんつみたてけいかく]
(n) retirement plan
個人退職口座 [こじんたいしょくこうざ]
(n) individual retirement account (IRA)
個人的 [こじんてき]
(adj-na) individualistic
個人的に知る [こじんてきにしる]
(exp) to know personally
個人的意見 [こじんてきいけん]
(n) personal opinion
個人展 [こじんてん]
(n) one-man exhibition
個人投資 [こじんとうし]
(n) private investment
個人投資家 [こじんとうしか]
(n) individual investor
個人別総当り [こじんべつそうあたり]
(n) hypothetical rule allowing match-ups between sumo wrestlers regardless of their stable affiliation
個人名 [こじんめい]
(n) personal name
個人優勝制度 [こじんゆうしょうせいど]
(n) individual championship system (sumo)
個人用 [こじんよう]
(n) for personal use
個数 [こすう]
(n) number of articles
個性 [こせい]
(n) individuality
個性的 [こせいてき]
(adj-na) personal
個体 [こたい]
(n) an individual
個体群 [こたいぐん]
(n) population
個体差 [こたいさ]
(n) individual difference
個体発生 [こたいはっせい]
(n) ontogeny
個体発生論 [こたいはっせいろん]
(n) ontogeny
個展 [こてん]
(n) personal exhibition
個別 [こべつ]
(n,adj-no) particular case
個別化 [こべつか]
(n) individualization
個別的に [こべつてきに]
(adv) individually
個別販売 [こべつはんばい]
(n) door-to-door selling
古 [いにしえ]
(n) antiquity
古 [こ]
(n-pref) old
古 [ふる]
(n) used
古い [ふるい]
(adj) old (not person)
古え [いにしえ]
(n) antiquity
古きよき日々 [ふるきよきにちにち]
(exp) the good old days
古き良き時代 [ふるきよきじだい]
(exp) the good old days
古き良き日々 [ふるきよきにちにち]
(exp) the good old days
古く [ふるく]
(adv,n) anciently
古く見せる [ふるくみせる]
(v1) to impart an ancient appearance
古す [ふるす]
(v5s) to wear out
古びる [ふるびる]
(v1) to look old
古び衰える [ふるびおとろえる]
(v1) to waste away
古ぼける [ふるぼける]
(v1) (uk) to look old
古めかしい [ふるめかしい]
(adj) old-fashioned
古意 [こい]
(n) ancient ways
古井戸 [ふるいど]
(n) old unused well
古印紙 [こいんし]
(n) used stamps
古印紙 [ふるいんし]
(n) used stamps
古往今来 [こおうこんらい]
(adv,n) in all ages
古音 [こおん]
(n) old (pre-Wu dynasty) character pronunciation
古家 [ふるいえ]
(n) old house
古歌 [こか]
(n) old song
古歌 [ふるうた]
(n) old song
古河 [ふるかわ]
(n) old river
古画 [こが]
(n) ancient painting
古雅 [こが]
(adj-na,n) classical elegance
古格 [こかく]
(n) convention
古学 [こがく]
(n) classical studies
古楽 [こがく]
(n) ancient (early) music
古株 [ふるかぶ]
(n) old-timer
古顔 [ふるがお]
(n) familiar face
古器 [こき]
(n) an antique
古希 [こき]
(n) age seventy
古稀 [こき]
(n) age seventy
古記 [こき]
(n) ancient records
古儀 [こぎ]
(n) ancient rites
古義 [こぎ]
(n) old meaning
古強者 [ふるつわもの]
(n) (1) old soldier
古曲 [こきょく]
(n) old music
古金 [ふるがね]
(n) scrap iron
古句 [こく]
(n) ancient expression
古靴 [ふるぐつ]
(n) old shoes
古訓 [こくん]
(n) ancient instruction
古血 [ふるち]
(n) impure blood
古賢 [こけん]
(n) ancient sage
古言 [こげん]
(n) obsolete word
古諺 [こげん]
(n) obsolete word
古狐 [ふるきつね]
(n) old fox
古狐 [ふるぎつね]
(n) old fox
古語 [こご]
(n) obsolete word
古豪 [こごう]
(n) veteran
古惚ける [ふるぼける]
(v1) (uk) to look old
古今 [ここん]
(n) ancient and modern times
古今東西 [ここんとうざい]
(n) all times and places
古今独歩 [ここんどっぽ]
(exp) unsurpassed in history
古今無双 [ここんむそう]
(exp) unparalleled in history
古今無類 [ここんむるい]
(n) best ever
古参 [こさん]
(n) seniority
古参者 [こさんしゃ]
(n) senior
古史 [こし]
(n) ancient history
古紙 [こし]
(n) used paper
古詩 [こし]
(n) ancient poems
古事 [こじ]
(n) ancient events
古事記 [こじき]
(n) Japan's Ancient Chronicle
古事記伝 [こじきでん]
(n) commentary on Kojiki (Ancient Chronicles)
古事来歴 [こじらいれき]
(iK) (n) origin and history
古字 [こじ]
(n) ancient writing
古寺 [こじ]
(n) old temple
古寺 [ふるでら]
(n) old temple
古自動車 [ふるじどうしゃ]
(n) used car
古式 [こしき]
(n) old style
古写本 [こしゃほん]
(n) old manuscript
古社寺 [こしゃじ]
(n) old shrines and temples
古手 [ふるて]
(n) disused article
古酒 [こしゅ]
(n) well-cured sake
古酒 [ふるざけ]
(n) well-cured sake
古臭い [ふるくさい]
(adj) stale
古書 [こしょ]
(n) old book
古書市 [こしょいち]
(n) secondhand book fair
古書展 [こしょてん]
(n) exhibition of rare (old, antiquarian) books
古傷 [ふるきず]
(n) old wound
古称 [こしょう]
(n) old name
古城 [こじょう]
(n) old castle
古色 [こしょく]
(n) faded color
古色蒼然 [こしょくそうぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) antique-looking
古新聞 [ふるしんぶん]
(n) old newspapers
古人 [こじん]
(n) ancient people
古制 [こせい]
(n) ancient establishment
古生界 [こせいかい]
(n) Paleozoic group
古生代 [こせいだい]
(n) Paleozoic era
古生物 [こせいぶつ]
(n) extinct plants and animals
古生物学 [こせいぶつがく]
(n) paleontology
古生物学者 [こせいぶつがくしゃ]
(n) paleontologist
古聖 [こせい]
(n) ancient sage
古昔 [こせき]
(n) ancient times
古跡 [こせき]
(n) historic ruins
古跡 [ふるあと]
(n) historic ruins
古蹟 [こせき]
(n) historic ruins
古切れ [ふるぎれ]
(n) old cloth
古拙 [こせつ]
(adj-na,n) artless but attractive in a quaint sense
古説 [こせつ]
(n) ancient belief
古川 [ふるかわ]
(n) old river
古戦場 [こせんじょう]
(n) ancient battlefield
古銭 [こせん]
(n) old coin
古銭学 [こせんがく]
(n) numismatics
古銭学者 [こせんがくしゃ]
(n) numismatist
古創 [ふるきず]
(n) old wound
古巣 [ふるす]
(n) old haunts
古草 [ふるくさ]
(n) last year's grass
古俗 [こぞく]
(n) old custom
古体 [こたい]
(n) old custom
古代 [こだい]
(adj-na,n-adv,n-t) ancient times
古代エジプト [こだいエジプト]
(n) ancient Egypt
古代オリンピック [こだいオリンピック]
(n) ancient Olympics
古代語 [こだいご]
(n) ancient language
古代史 [こだいし]
(n) ancient history
古代紫 [こだいむらさき]
(n) reddish-purple
古代人 [こだいじん]
(n) the ancients
古代文明 [こだいぶんめい]
(n) ancient civilization
古代裂れ [こだいぎれ]
(n) ancient cloth fragment
古狸 [ふるだぬき]
(n) old badger
古池 [ふるいけ]
(n) old pool
古茶 [こちゃ]
(n) last year's tea
古着 [ふるぎ]
(n) old clothes
古注 [こちゅう]
(n) commentaries of the ancients
古註 [こちゅう]
(n) commentaries of the ancients
古漬け [ふるづけ]
(n) well-pickled (vegetables, etc.)
古鉄 [ふるがね]
(n) scrap iron
古鉄 [ふるてつ]
(n) scrap iron
古典 [こてん]
(n) old book
古典音楽 [こてんおんがく]
(n) classical music
古典学 [こてんがく]
(n) the classics
古典学者 [こてんがくしゃ]
(n) classicist
古典芸能 [こてんげいのう]
(n) classical theatre
古典語 [こてんご]
(n) classical or dead languages
古典時代 [こてんじだい]
(n) the classical period
古典主義 [こてんしゅぎ]
(n) classicism
古典主義者 [こてんしゅぎしゃ]
(n) classicist
古典的 [こてんてき]
(adj-na) classical
古典派 [こてんは]
(n) classical school
古典文学 [こてんぶんがく]
(n) classical literature
古伝 [こでん]
(n) legend
古伝説 [こでんせつ]
(n) old tradition
古渡り [こわたり]
(n) old imported article
古都 [こと]
(n) ancient city
古刀 [ことう]
(n) old sword
古道 [こどう]
(n) old road
古道具 [こどうぐ]
(n) old furniture
古道具 [ふるどうぐ]
(n) old furniture
古道具屋 [ふるどうぐや]
(n) secondhand store
古馴染み [ふるなじみ]
(n) old friend
古版 [こはん]
(n) old edition
古版本 [こはんぼん]
(n) old edition
古筆 [こひつ]
(n) old writing
古筆家 [こひつか]
(n) expert in old writing
古廟 [こびょう]
(n) old shrine
古武士 [こぶし]
(n) (1) feudal warrior
古武士 [ふるつわもの]
(n) (1) old soldier
古武士然 [こぶしぜん]
(n) having something of the old-time samurai about one
古武道 [こぶどう]
(n) (1) (MA) Kobudo
古風 [こふう]
(adj-na,n) old customs
古服 [ふるふく]
(n) old clothes
古物 [こぶつ]
(n) antique
古物 [ふるもの]
(n) antique
古物商 [こぶつしょう]
(n) curio or secondhand dealer
古物商人 [こぶつしょうにん]
(n) antiques dealer
古墳 [こふん]
(n) ancient (mound) tomb
古墳時代 [こふんじだい]
(n) Tumulus period (of Japanese history)
古文 [こぶん]
(n) ancient writing
古文 [こもん]
(n) ancient writing
古文学 [こぶんがく]
(n) paleography
古文書 [こぶんしょ]
(n) ancient documents
古文書 [こもんじょ]
(n) ancient documents
古兵 [こへい]
(n) (1) old soldier
古兵 [ふるつわもの]
(n) (1) old soldier
古米 [こまい]
(n) old rice
古方 [こほう]
(n) old method
古法 [こほう]
(n) old method
古墨 [こぼく]
(n) old ink stick
古本 [こほん]
(n) (1) secondhand book
古本 [ふるほん]
(n) (1) secondhand book
古本 [ふるぼん]
(n) (1) secondhand book
古本屋 [ふるほんや]
(n) second hand bookstore (bookshop)
古木 [こぼく]
(n) old tree
古来 [こらい]
(adj-no,adv,n) from time immemorial
古里 [ふるさと]
(n) home town
古流 [こりゅう]
(n) old manners
古例 [これい]
(n) old precedent
古老 [ころう]
(n) old people
古刹 [こさつ]
(n) ancient temple
古址 [こし]
(n) historic ruins
古潭 [こたん]
(n) (uk) village (Ainu term)
古疵 [ふるきず]
(n) old wound
古祠 [こし]
(n) old small shrine
古趾 [こし]
(n) historic ruins
呼ばれる [よばれる]
(v1) (1) to be treated to something
呼ばわり [よばわり]
(n,vs) call
呼びかけ [よびかけ]
(n) call
呼びかける [よびかける]
(v1) to call out to
呼びつける [よびつける]
(v1) to summon
呼びにやる [よびにやる]
(v5r) to send for (doctor, etc.)
呼びに遣る [よびにやる]
(v5r) to send for (doctor, etc.)
呼び塩 [よびじお]
(n) desalting (drawing salt) from salted food
呼び屋 [よびや]
(n) promoter
呼び回る [よびまわる]
(v5r) to call out (for someone)
呼び覚ます [よびさます]
(v5s) to wake up
呼び掛け [よびかけ]
(n) call
呼び掛ける [よびかける]
(v1) to call out to
呼び慣れる [よびなれる]
(v1) to be used to calling (someone by a certain name)
呼び寄せる [よびよせる]
(v1) to call
呼び起こす [よびおこす]
(v5s) to call (to mind)
呼び迎える [よびむかえる]
(v1) to send for
呼び交わす [よびかわす]
(v5s) to call each other's names
呼び込み [よびこみ]
(n) tout
呼び込む [よびこむ]
(v5m) to call in
呼び子 [よびこ]
(n) whistle
呼び止める [よびとめる]
(v1) to challenge
呼び捨て [よびすて]
(n) addressing someone by last name only
呼び集める [よびあつめる]
(v1) to call together
呼び出し [よびだし]
(n,vs) (1) call
呼び出し状 [よびだしじょう]
(n) summons
呼び出し電話 [よびだしでんわ]
(n) telephone number at which person without a phone can be reached
呼び出す [よびだす]
(v5s) (1) to summon
呼び上げる [よびあげる]
(v1) to call out
呼び水 [よびみず]
(n) pump-priming
呼び水式経済政策 [よびみずしきけいざいせいさく]
(n) pump priming
呼び声 [よびごえ]
(n) call
呼び値 [よびね]
(n) nominal price
呼び入れる [よびいれる]
(v1) to call in
呼び売り [よびうり]
(n) peddling
呼び付ける [よびつける]
(v1) to summon
呼び物 [よびもの]
(n) special attraction
呼び返す [よびかえす]
(v5s) to call back
呼び方 [よびかた]
(exp) way of calling
呼び名 [よびな]
(n) given name
呼び戻す [よびもどす]
(v5s) to call back
呼び立てる [よびたてる]
(v1) to call out
呼び留める [よびとめる]
(v1) to challenge
呼び鈴 [よびりん]
(n) bell
呼ぶ [よぶ]
(v5b) to call out
呼応 [こおう]
(n,vs) hailing each other
呼応して [こおうして]
(exp) in response
呼気 [こき]
(n) exhalation
呼吸 [こきゅう]
(n,vs) (1) breath
呼吸を合わせる [こきゅうをあわせる]
(exp) to synchronise the breathing with the opponent prior to the start of sumo match
呼吸運動 [こきゅううんどう]
(n) respiratory movement
呼吸器 [こきゅうき]
(n) respiratory organs
呼吸器系 [こきゅうきけい]
(n) respiratory system
呼吸器疾患 [こきゅうきしっかん]
(n) respiratory illness
呼吸困難 [こきゅうこんなん]
(n) labored breathing
呼吸中枢 [こきゅうちゅうすう]
(n) respiratory center
呼吸不全 [こきゅうふぜん]
(n) respiratory failure
呼吸法 [こきゅうほう]
(n) (gen) (MA) breathing techniques
呼号 [こごう]
(n,vs) crying out
呼子 [よびこ]
(n) whistle
呼出 [よびだし]
(n,vs) (1) call
呼出し [よびだし]
(n,vs) (1) call
呼称 [こしょう]
(n,vs) calling out
呼水 [よびみず]
(n) pump-priming
呼名 [よびな]
(n) given name
固い [かたい]
(adj) stubborn
固いカラー [かたいカラー]
(n) stiff collar
固い握り [かたいにぎり]
(n) tight grip
固い結び目 [かたいむすびめ]
(n) tight knot
固い約束 [かたいやくそく]
(n) solemn promise
固い話 [かたいはなし]
(n) serious topic (of conversation)
固くなる [かたくなる]
(v5r) to become stiff
固く戒める [かたくいましめる]
(v1) to admonish sternly
固く契った恋人 [かたくちぎったこいびと]
(n) plighted lovers
固く固まる [かたくかたまる]
(v5r) to form a hard mass
固く自説を執る [かたくじせつをとる]
(exp) to persist in one's views
固さ [かたさ]
(n) firmness
固し [かたし]
(adj) (arch) difficult
固まり [かたまり]
(n) bundle
固まる [かたまる]
(v5r,vi) to harden
固め [かため]
(adj-na,n) hardening
固める [かためる]
(v1,vt) to harden
固化 [こか]
(n,vs) solidification
固苦しい [かたくるしい]
(adj) formal
固苦しい [かたぐるしい]
(adj) formal
固形 [こけい]
(n) solid (body)
固形燃料 [こけいねんりょう]
(n) solid fuel
固形物 [こけいぶつ]
(n) a solid body
固持 [こじ]
(n,vs) insistence (positive nuance)
固辞 [こじ]
(n,vs) decline positively
固執 [こしつ]
(n,vs) adherence (negative nuance)
固執 [こしゅう]
(n,vs) adherence (negative nuance)
固守 [こしゅ]
(n,vs) clinging
固焼き [かたやき]
(adj-no) hard-baked
固太り [かたぶとり]
(adj-na,n) solidly built person
固唾 [かたず]
(n) one's breath at times of tension
固唾をのむ [かたずをのむ]
(exp) (uk) to hold one's breath
固唾を飲む [かたずをのむ]
(exp) (uk) to hold one's breath
固体 [こたい]
(n,adj-no) solid (body)
固体燃料 [こたいねんりょう]
(n) solid fuel
固体物理学 [こたいぶつりがく]
(n) solid state physics
固着 [こちゃく]
(n,vs) adherence to
固着観念 [こちゃくかんねん]
(n) a fixation
固定 [こてい]
(n,vs) fixation
固定された [こていされた]
(adv) stationary
固定観念 [こていかんねん]
(n) stereotype
固定給 [こていきゅう]
(n) regular pay
固定金利 [こていきんり]
(n) fixed interest rate
固定子 [こていし]
(n) stator (elec.)
固定資産 [こていしさん]
(n) fixed assets
固定長 [こていちょう]
(n,adj-no) fixed length (e.g., block)
固定長ブロック [こていちょうブロック]
(n) fixed length block
固定費 [こていひ]
(n) fixed cost
固定票 [こていひょう]
(n) solid (an assured, a safe) vote
固定負債 [こていふさい]
(n) fixed liabilities
固有 [こゆう]
(adj-na,n,pref) characteristic
固有値 [こゆうち]
(n) eigenvalue
固有名詞 [こゆうめいし]
(n) proper noun
固溶体 [こようたい]
(n) solid solution
固練り [かたねり]
(n) stiff consistency
固練りコンクリート [かたねりコンクリート]
(n) stiff-consistency concrete
固茹で [かたゆで]
(exp) hard-boiled
固茹で卵 [かたゆでたまご]
(n) hard-boiled egg
固陋 [ころう]
(adj-na,n) stubbornly sticking to old ways
固陋頑迷 [ころうがんめい]
(n,adj-na) obstinate
姑 [しゅうとめ]
(n) mother-in-law
姑息 [こそく]
(adj-na,n) makeshift
孤 [みなしご]
(n) orphan
孤影 [こえい]
(n) lonely figure
孤影悄然 [こえいしょうぜん]
(adj-na) lonely figure
孤客 [こかく]
(n) lone traveller
孤軍 [こぐん]
(n) lone (isolated) force
孤軍奮闘 [こぐんふんとう]
(n,vs) fighting alone
孤高 [ここう]
(adj-na,n) isolation
孤児 [こじ]
(n) orphan
孤児 [みなしご]
(n) orphan
孤児院 [こじいん]
(n) orphanage
孤愁 [こしゅう]
(n) lonely contemplation
孤舟 [こしゅう]
(n) solitary boat
孤城 [こじょう]
(n) solitary (isolated) castle
孤城落日 [こじょうらくじつ]
(n) feeling (looking) lone and helpless
孤島 [ことう]
(n) solitary island
孤灯 [ことう]
(n) solitary light
孤独 [こどく]
(adj-na,n) isolation
孤帆 [こはん]
(n) solitary sailboat
孤立 [こりつ]
(n,vs) isolation
孤立の姿 [こりつのすがた]
(n) state of isolation
孤立化 [こりつか]
(n,vs) isolation
孤立語 [こりつご]
(n) isolated language
孤立主義 [こりつしゅぎ]
(n) isolationism
孤立無援 [こりつむえん]
(n) being isolated and helpless
己 [うぬ]
(n) (vulg) you
己 [おのれ]
(int,n) oneself
己 [き]
(n) 6th in rank
己 [つちのと]
(n) 6th in rank
己に克つ [おのれにかつ]
(exp) to control oneself
己の分を尽くす [おのれのぶんをつくす]
(exp) to do one's part (duty)
己を捨てる [おのれをすてる]
(exp) to rise above oneself
己巳 [きし]
(n) sixth of the sexagenary cycle
己様 [おれさま]
(n) I, myself (pompously)
庫入れ [くらいれ]
(n,vs) warehousing
庫裏 [くり]
(n) monastery kitchen
弧 [こ]
(n) arc
弧を描く [こをえがく]
(exp) to describe an arc
弧影悄然 [こえいしょうぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) lonely and crestfallen
弧形 [こけい]
(n) arc
弧光 [ここう]
(n) arc light
弧高 [ここう]
(n) superiority
弧城落月 [こじょうらくげつ]
(n) feeling apprehensive
弧状 [こじょう]
(n,adj-no) in form of arch
弧線 [こせん]
(n) arc (of a circle)
弧度 [こど]
(n) degree of curvature
弧灯 [ことう]
(n) arc lamp
戸 [こ]
(n) counter for houses
戸 [と]
(n) door (Japanese-style)
戸々 [ここ]
(n) each house
戸々 [ここう]
(n) houses and inhabitants
戸の陰に隠れる [とのかげにかくれる]
(exp) to hide behind a door
戸の桟を外す [とのさんをはずす]
(exp) to unbolt the door
戸を開ける [とをあける]
(exp) to open the door
戸を破る [とをやぶる]
(exp) to break a door
戸を立てる [とをたてる]
(exp) to shut a door
戸外 [こがい]
(n,adj-no) open-air
戸外撮影 [こがいさつえい]
(n) taking pictures outdoors
戸戸 [ここ]
(n) each house
戸戸 [ここう]
(n) houses and inhabitants
戸口 [ここう]
(n) houses and inhabitants
戸口 [とぐち]
(n) door
戸車 [とぐるま]
(n) door wheel
戸主 [こしゅ]
(n) head of a household
戸主権 [こしゅけん]
(n) rights accruing to the head of a household (according to laws now obsolete)
戸障子 [としょうじ]
(n) doors and shoji (sliding doors with paper panes)
戸数 [こすう]
(n) number of households (houses)
戸籍 [こせき]
(n) census
戸籍係 [こせきがかり]
(n) family registration official
戸籍抄本 [こせきしょうほん]
(n) official copy of part of family register
戸籍調べ [こせきしらべ]
(n) census-taking
戸籍謄本 [こせきとうほん]
(n) official copy of the family register
戸籍法 [こせきほう]
(n) Family Registration Law
戸袋 [とぶくろ]
(n) box (built-in) for containing shutters
戸棚 [とだな]
(n) cupboard
戸締まり [とじまり]
(n) closing up
戸締り [とじまり]
(n) closing up
戸板 [といた]
(n) wooden door (shutter) to carry things
戸別 [こべつ]
(n) each house
戸別訪問 [こべつほうもん]
(n,vs) door-to-door visit
戸毎 [こごと]
(n-t) from door to door
戸惑い [とまどい]
(n,vs) being at sea
戸惑う [とまどう]
(v5u) to be bewildered
故 [こ]
(pref) the late (deceased)
故 [ゆえ]
(n-adv,n) reason
故に [ゆえに]
(conj) (uk) therefore
故意 [こい]
(n) intention
故旧 [こきゅう]
(n) old acquaintance
故郷 [こきょう]
(n) home town
故郷 [ふるさと]
(n) home town
故郷を慕う [こきょうをしたう]
(exp) to pine for home
故国 [ここく]
(n) one's native land
故殺 [こさつ]
(n,vs) manslaughter
故山 [こざん]
(n) one's native place
故紙 [こし]
(n) used paper
故事 [こじ]
(n) origin
故事成語 [こじせいご]
(n) historical events and historical words
故事来歴 [こじらいれき]
(n) origin and history
故実 [こじつ]
(n) ancient practices or customs (practises)
故主 [こしゅ]
(n) one's former master
故障 [こしょう]
(n,vs) break-down
故障車 [こしょうしゃ]
(n) broken-down (disabled) car
故人 [こじん]
(n) the deceased
故人を偲ぶ [こじんをしのぶ]
(exp) to think of the dead
故知 [こち]
(n) the wisdom of the ancients
故智 [こち]
(n) the wisdom of the ancients
故買 [こばい]
(n,vs) buying stolen goods
故買者 [こばいしゃ]
(n) a fence
故有って [ゆえあって]
(exp) for a certain reason
故老 [ころう]
(n) old people
故址 [こし]
(n) historic ruins
枯らす [からす]
(v5s) to let dry
枯れた演技 [かれたえんぎ]
(n) well-seasoned acting
枯れる [かれる]
(v1) to wither (plant)
枯れ山水 [かれさんすい]
(n) traditional (Chinese or Japanese) dry landscape garden
枯れ枝 [かれえだ]
(n) dead branch
枯れ草 [かれくさ]
(n) dead or dry grass
枯れ木 [かれき]
(n) dead tree
枯れ野 [かれの]
(n) desolate field
枯れ葉 [かれは]
(n) dead leaf
枯渇 [こかつ]
(n,vs) drying up
枯枝 [かれえだ]
(n) dead (withered) branch (twig)
枯死 [こし]
(n,vs) withering
枯燥 [こそう]
(n,vs) drying up
枯草 [かれくさ]
(n) dead (withered) grass
枯草熱 [こそうねつ]
(n) hay fever
枯淡 [こたん]
(adj-na,n) elegant simplicity
枯木 [かれき]
(n) dead tree
枯野 [かれの]
(n) desolate field
枯葉 [かれは]
(n) dead leaf
枯葉剤 [かれはざい]
(n) defoliant
湖 [みずうみ]
(n) lake
湖岸 [こがん]
(n) lakeshore
湖沼 [こしょう]
(n) lakes and marshes
湖上 [こじょう]
(n) on the lake
湖心 [こしん]
(n) center of a lake
湖水 [こすい]
(n) lake
湖底 [こてい]
(n) bottom of a lake
湖畔 [こはん]
(n) lake shore
湖面 [こめん]
(n) lake surface
狐 [きつね]
(n) fox
狐に化かされる [きつねにばかされる]
(exp) to be deceived by a fox
狐の嫁入り [きつねのよめいり]
(n) rain shower while the sun shines
狐の面 [きつねのめん]
(n) mask of the fox
狐を落とす [きつねをおとす]
(exp) to exorcise a fox spirit (from a person)
狐猿 [きつねざる]
(n) lemur
狐火 [きつねび]
(n) St. Elmo's fire
狐格子 [きつねごうし]
(n) lattice work
狐疑 [こぎ]
(n,vs) indecision
狐疑逡巡 [こぎしゅんじゅん]
(exp) being in doubt and unable to decide
狐色 [きつねいろ]
(n) light brown
狐狸 [こり]
(n) foxes and badgers
狐狸妖怪 [こりようかい]
(n) foxes and badgers (which used to be believed to bewitch humans) and all sorts of bogies
狐付き [きつねつき]
(n) spirit possession
狐憑き [きつねつき]
(n) spirit possession
狐饂飩 [きつねうどん]
(n) udon with deep-fried tofu
糊 [のり]
(n) paste
糊空木 [のりうつぎ]
(n) peegee hydrangea
糊口 [ここう]
(n) bare livelihood
糊精 [こせい]
(n) dextrin(e)
糊代 [のりしろ]
(n) overlap width
糊塗 [こと]
(n,vs) covering up
糊付きテープ [のりつきテープ]
(n) adhesive tape
糊付きレッテル [のりつきレッテル]
(n) sticky label
糊付き封筒 [のりつきふうとう]
(n) adhesive envelope
糊付け [のりづけ]
(n,vs) starch (e.g., clothes)
袴 [はかま]
(n) man's formal divided skirt
袴着 [はかまぎ]
(n) ceremony fitting child with a hakama
股 [また]
(n) groin
股 [もも]
(n) thigh
股にかける [またにかける]
(exp) to travel all over
股に掛ける [またにかける]
(exp) to travel all over
股引 [ももひき]
(n) close fitting trousers
股引き [ももひき]
(n) close fitting trousers
股下 [またした]
(n) length of the legs
股火 [またび]
(n) warming one's crotch by standing over a hibachi
股割り [またわり]
(n) extreme leg-stretching exercise to increase flexibility of the crotch (sumo)
股間 [こかん]
(n) nether region
股間節 [こかんせつ]
(iK) (n) hip joint
股関節 [こかんせつ]
(n) hip joint
股肱 [ここう]
(n) one's right-hand man
股座 [またぐら]
(n) crotch
股座膏薬 [またぐらこうやく]
(n) double-dealer
股座膏薬 [またぐらごうやく]
(n) double-dealer
股摺れ [またずれ]
(n) sore crotch
股肉 [ももにく]
(n) ground round
股木 [またぎ]
(n) forked tree
股旅 [またたび]
(n) wandering life of a gambler
胡瓜 [きゅうり]
(n) (uk) cucumber
胡弓 [こきゅう]
(n) Chinese fiddle
胡国 [ここく]
(n) (ancient) North China barbarian nations
胡坐 [あぐら]
(n) sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
胡坐をかく [あぐらをかく]
(exp) (1) to sit cross-legged
胡座 [あぐら]
(n) sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
胡座をかく [あぐらをかく]
(exp) (1) to sit cross-legged
胡散臭い [うさんくさい]
(adj) suspicious looking
胡床 [あぐら]
(n) sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
胡床をかく [あぐらをかく]
(exp) (1) to sit cross-legged
胡蝶 [こちょう]
(n) butterfly
胡桃 [くるみ]
(n) walnut
胡桃割り [くるみわり]
(n) nutcracker
胡麻 [ごま]
(n) (uk) sesame (seeds)
胡麻すり [ごますり]
(n) sycophant
胡麻塩 [ごましお]
(n) sesame and salt
胡麻塩頭 [ごましおあたま]
(n) salt and pepper hair
胡麻垂れ [ごまだれ]
(n) sesame sauce
胡麻磨り [ごますり]
(n) sycophant
胡麻木 [ごまき]
(n) viburnum sieboldii
胡麻木 [ごまぎ]
(n) viburnum sieboldii
胡麻油 [ごまあぶら]
(n) sesame oil
胡麻擂 [ごますり]
(oK) (n) sycophant
胡乱 [うろん]
(adj-na,n) suspicious looking
胡椒 [こしょう]
(n) pepper
胡椒入れ [こしょういれ]
(n) pepper shaker
胡頽子 [ぐみ]
(n) goumi
虎 [とら]
(n) tiger (feline, Panthera tigris)
虎の巻 [とらのまき]
(n) crib notes
虎の子 [とらのこ]
(n) tiger cub
虎の尾を踏む [とらのおをふむ]
(exp) to take great risks
虎を野に放つ [とらをやにはなつ]
(exp) to let loose a tiger in the field
虎燕拳 [こえんけん]
(n) (MA) Tiger Swallow Fist
虎河豚 [とらふぐ]
(n) tiger globefish (poisonous fish, Takifugu rubripes)
虎刈り [とらがり]
(n) close-cropped (head)
虎巻 [とらかん]
(n) crib notes
虎魚 [おこぜ]
(n) stingfish
虎穴 [こけつ]
(n) tiger's den
虎口 [ここう]
(n) tiger's den
虎視眈々 [こしたんたん]
(adj-na,n) watching vigilantly for an opportunity to prey upon
虎視眈眈 [こしたんたん]
(adj-na,n) watching vigilantly for an opportunity to prey upon
虎狩り [とらがり]
(n) tiger hunt
虎猫 [とらねこ]
(n) ocelot (feline, Felis pardalis)
虎斑 [とらふ]
(n) tiger's stripes
虎髭 [とらひげ]
(n) bristly beard or mustache
虎落 [もがり]
(n) bamboo fence
虎落笛 [もがりぶえ]
(n) winter wind whistling through a bamboo fence
虎狼 [ころう]
(n) wild beasts
虎鬚 [とらひげ]
(n) bristly beard or mustache
虎鶫 [とらつぐみ]
(n) golden mountain thrush
誇らしい [ほこらしい]
(adj) proud
誇らしげ [ほこらしげ]
(adv) proudly
誇り [ほこり]
(n) pride
誇り顔 [ほこりがお]
(n) triumphant look
誇り高い [ほこりたかい]
(adj) proud
誇る [ほこる]
(v5r) to boast of
誇示 [こじ]
(n,vs) ostentation
誇称 [こしょう]
(n,vs) boasting
誇色 [こしょく]
(n) proud countenance
誇大 [こだい]
(adj-na,n) exaggeration
誇大広告 [こだいこうこく]
(n) extravagant advertisement
誇大妄想 [こだいもうそう]
(n) megalomania
誇大妄想狂 [こだいもうそうきょう]
(n) megalomania
誇張 [こちょう]
(n,vs) exaggeration
誇張法 [こちょうほう]
(n) hyperbole
跨がる [またがる]
(v5r) (1) to extend over or into
跨ぎ [またぎ]
(n) step or stride (over something)
跨ぐ [またぐ]
(v5g) to straddle
跨る [またがる]
(v5r) (1) to extend over or into
跨線橋 [こせんきょう]
(n) overpass
雇 [やとい]
(n) employee
雇い [やとい]
(n) employee
雇い口 [やといぐち]
(n) job
雇い主 [やといぬし]
(n) employer
雇い人 [やといにん]
(n) employee
雇い入れる [やといいれる]
(v1) to employ
雇う [やとう]
(v5u) to employ
雇員 [こいん]
(n) assistant
雇主 [こしゅ]
(n) employer
雇主 [やといぬし]
(n) employer
雇人 [やといにん]
(n) employee
雇傭 [こよう]
(n,vs) employment (long term)
雇傭者 [こようしゃ]
(n) (1) employee
雇用 [こよう]
(n,vs) employment (long term)
雇用契約 [こようけいやく]
(n) contract of employment
雇用者 [こようしゃ]
(n) (1) employee
雇用主 [こようぬし]
(n) employer
雇用情勢 [こようじょうせい]
(n) employment situation
雇用創出 [こようそうしゅつ]
(n) job creation
雇用調整 [こようちょうせい]
(n) employment adjustment
雇用凍結 [こようとうけつ]
(n) hiring freeze
雇用保険 [こようほけん]
(n) unemployment insurance
顧みて他を言う [かえりみてたをいう]
(exp) to give an evasive answer
顧みる [かえりみる]
(v1) to look back
顧客 [こかく]
(n) customer
顧客 [こきゃく]
(n) customer
顧客ニーズ [こかくニーズ]
(n) customer needs
顧客ベース [こかくベース]
(n) customer base
顧客満足度 [こきゃくまんぞくど]
(n) customer satisfaction
顧問 [こもん]
(n) adviser
顧問団 [こもんだん]
(n) advisory body
顧問弁護士 [こもんべんごし]
(n) legal adviser
顧慮 [こりょ]
(n,vs) concern
鼓 [つづみ]
(n) hand drum
鼓弓 [こきゅう]
(n) fiddle
鼓室 [こしつ]
(n) eardrum
鼓手 [こしゅ]
(n) drummer
鼓手長 [こしゅちょう]
(n) drum major
鼓吹 [こすい]
(n,vs) inspiration
鼓吹者 [こすいしゃ]
(n) advocate
鼓腸 [こちょう]
(n) flatulence
鼓笛 [こてき]
(n) drum and fife
鼓笛隊 [こてきたい]
(n) drum and fife band
鼓動 [こどう]
(n,vs) beat
鼓童 [こどう]
(n) Kodou (wadaiko drumming group from Sado Island)
鼓舞 [こぶ]
(n,vs) inspiration
鼓舞激励 [こぶげきれい]
(n) encouragement
鼓腹 [こふく]
(n,vs) happiness
鼓腹撃壌 [こふくげきじょう]
(n,vs) (people) sing the praises (enjoy the blessings) of peace
鼓膜 [こまく]
(n) eardrum
五 [ご]
(num) five
五つ [いつつ]
(n) five
五つ子 [いつつご]
(n) quintuplets
五悪 [ごあく]
(n) the five sins in Buddhism (murder, theft, adultery, falsehood and drink)
五位鷺 [ごいさぎ]
(n) night heron
五音々階 [ごおんおんかい]
(n) pentatonic scale
五音音階 [ごおんおんかい]
(n) pentatonic scale
五戒 [ごかい]
(n) the five commandments: murder, lust, theft, lying and intemperance
五角形 [ごかくけい]
(n) pentagon
五角形 [ごかっけい]
(n) pentagon
五官 [ごかん]
(n) the five sense organs
五感 [ごかん]
(n) the five senses
五畿内 [ごきない]
(n) the Five Home Provinces
五形拳 [ごけいけん]
(n) (MA) Wu Xing Fist
五経 [ごきょう]
(n) the Five Classics texts of Confucianism
五桁 [ごけた]
(n) five-digit number
五月 [ごがつ]
(n-adv) May
五月 [さつき]
(n) (obs) fifth month of the lunar calendar
五月の節句 [ごがつのせっく]
(n) Boy's Festival
五月闇 [さつきやみ]
(n) dark night in the rainy season
五月雨 [さつきあめ]
(n) early-summer rain
五月雨 [さみだれ]
(n) early-summer rain
五月雨式 [さみだれしき]
(n) intermittent (off and on) manner
五月祭 [ごがつさい]
(n) May Day
五月人形 [ごがつにんぎょう]
(n) Boys' May Festival dolls
五月晴れ [さつきばれ]
(n) early-summer fine weather (during rainy season)
五月蝿い [うるさい]
(ateji) (adj) (1) noisy
五月病 [ごがつびょう]
(n) blues experienced by college freshmen or workplace recruits shortly after beginning school or work
五月幟 [ごがつのぼり]
(n) Boys' Festival paper-carp streamers
五月幟 [さつきのぼり]
(n) Boys' Festival paper-carp streamers
五月蠅い [うるさい]
(ateji) (adj) (1) noisy
五絃 [ごげん]
(n) five strings
五言絶句 [ごごんぜっく]
(n) poem of four lines, each of five (Chinese) characters
五言律詩 [ごごんりっし]
(n) poem of eight lines, each of five (Chinese) characters
五更 [ごこう]
(n) the five night watches
五行 [ごぎょう]
(n) the five elements (wood, fire, water, earth and metal)
五穀 [ごこく]
(n) the 5 grains (wheat, rice, beans, millet (awa and kibi))
五穀豊穣 [ごこくほうじょう]
(n) bumper (abundant) crop
五彩 [ごさい]
(n) the five colours: green, yellow, red, white and black
五指 [ごし]
(n) the five fingers
五車星 [ごしゃせい]
(n) (obsc) Auriga
五種競技 [ごしゅきょうぎ]
(n) pentathlon
五十 [ごじゅう]
(n) fifty
五十音 [ごじゅうおん]
(n) the Japanese syllabary
五十音順 [ごじゅうおんじゅん]
(n) the syllabary order
五十音図 [ごじゅうおんず]
(n) the Japanese syllabary table
五十肩 [ごじゅうかた]
(n) stiff shoulders (owing to age)
五十三次 [ごじゅうさんつぎ]
(n) the 53 Toukaidou stages
五十知命 [ごじゅうちめい]
(exp) At age fifty, one comes to know the will of Heaven. (Confucius)
五十年祭 [ごじゅうねんさい]
(n) jubilee
五十歩百歩 [ごじっぽひゃっぽ]
(exp,n) six of one and a half dozen of the other
五十歩百歩 [ごじゅっぽひゃっぽ]
(exp,n) six of one and a half dozen of the other
五十路 [いそじ]
(n) 50 years
五重 [いつえ]
(n) five-storied
五重 [ごじゅう]
(n) five-storied
五重の塔 [ごじゅうのとう]
(n) five-storied pagoda
五重唱 [ごじゅうしょう]
(n) vocal quintet
五重奏 [ごじゅうそう]
(n) instrumental quintet
五重塔 [ごじゅうのとう]
(n) five-storied pagoda
五旬節 [ごじゅんせつ]
(n) pentecost
五書 [ごしょ]
(n) Pentateuch
五女 [ごじょ]
(n) fifth daughter
五常 [ごじょう]
(n) the five cardinal Confucian virtues (justice, politeness, wisdom, fidelity and benevolence)
五情 [ごじょう]
(n) the five passions (anger, joy, hatred, desire and grief)
五色 [ごしき]
(n) variegated colors
五色 [ごしょく]
(n) variegated colors
五色揚げ [ごしきあげ]
(n) variety of deep-fried vegetables
五人組 [ごにんぐみ]
(n) five-family unit
五人囃子 [ごにんばやし]
(n) five court-musician dolls at the Girl's Festival (in March)
五寸くぎ [ごすんくぎ]
(n) long nail
五寸釘 [ごすんくぎ]
(n) long nail
五節 [ごせつ]
(n) the five festivals (Jan 7th, March 3rd, May 5th, July 7th and Sep 9th)
五節句 [ごせっく]
(n) the five festivals (Jan 7th, March 3rd, May 5th, July 7th and Sep 9th)
五線 [ごせん]
(n) staff (music)
五線紙 [ごせんし]
(n) music paper
五線譜 [ごせんふ]
(n) (music) score
五臓 [ごぞう]
(n) the five viscera (liver, lungs, heart, kidney and spleen)
五臓六腑 [ごぞうろっぷ]
(n) the internal organs
五体 [ごたい]
(n) the whole body
五体満足 [ごたいまんぞく]
(n,adj-na) with no physical defects
五大湖 [ごだいこ]
(n) the Great Lakes
五大国 [ごだいこく]
(n) the Five Powers
五大州 [ごだいしゅう]
(n) the Five Continents
五大洲 [ごだいしゅう]
(n) the Five Continents
五大洋 [ごだいよう]
(n) the Five Oceans
五段 [ごだん]
(n) (1) Japanese verb type
五段動詞 [ごだんどうし]
(n) godan verb
五男 [ごなん]
(n) fifth son
五斗米 [ごとべい]
(n) small salary
五徳 [ごとく]
(n) the five virtues
五日 [いつか]
(n) five days
五倍 [ごばい]
(n) five times
五倍子 [ごばいし]
(n) gallnut
五倍子 [ごふし]
(n) gallnut
五倍子 [ふし]
(gikun) (n) gallnut
五風十雨 [ごふうじゅうう]
(n) seasonable rains and winds
五分 [ごふん]
(n-t) five minutes
五分 [ごぶ]
(n-adv,n) (1) half
五分 [ごぶん]
(n,vs) division into 5 parts
五分の一 [ごぶんのいち]
(n) one fifth part
五分刈り [ごぶがり]
(n) close haircut
五分五分 [ごぶごぶ]
(n) evenly matches
五分咲き [ごぶざき]
(n) half-florescent
五分試し [ごぶだめし]
(n) killing by inches
五辺形 [ごへんけい]
(n) pentagon
五本 [ごほん]
(adj) five (long cylindrical things)
五明後日 [ごあさって]
(n-adv,n-t) four days from now (five days in some places)
五面体 [ごめんたい]
(n,adj-no) pentahedron
五目 [ごもく]
(n) mixture
五目飯 [ごもくめし]
(n) dish of rice, fish and vegetables
五目並べ [ごもくならべ]
(n) gobang (game played on go board involving lining up stones)
五目鮨 [ごもくずし]
(n) rice mixed with vegetables and delicacies
五里霧中 [ごりむちゅう]
(n) totally at a loss
五稜郭 [ごりょうかく]
(n) five-sided fortification
五稜堡 [ごりょうほ]
(n) (1) five-sided fort
五倫 [ごりん]
(n) the five Confucian filial-piety relationships
五倫の道 [ごりんのみち]
(n) the five Confucian filial-piety relationships
五輪 [ごりん]
(n) the Olympics
五輪のマーク [ごりんのマーク]
(n) five-ring Olympic emblem
五輪の塔 [ごりんのとう]
(n) five-story pagoda
五輪会議 [ごりんかいぎ]
(n) olympic congress
五輪旗 [ごりんき]
(n) Olympic Flag
五輪聖火 [ごりんせいか]
(n) Olympic Torch
五輪大会 [ごりんたいかい]
(n) Olympic Games
五芒 [ごぼう]
(n) pentagram
互い [たがい]
(n) mutual
互いに [たがいに]
(adv) mutually
互い違い [たがいちがい]
(adj-na,n) alternate
互い違いに [たがいちがいに]
(adv) alternate
互に [かたみに]
(adv) mutually
互角 [ごかく]
(adj-na,n) equality
互換 [ごかん]
(n,vs) transposition
互換性 [ごかんせい]
(n) compatibility
互恵 [ごけい]
(n) reciprocity
互恵関税 [ごけいかんぜい]
(n) reciprocal duties or tariffs
互恵条約 [ごけいじょうやく]
(n) a reciprocal treaty
互恵貿易 [ごけいぼうえき]
(n) reciprocal trade
互市 [ごし]
(n) trade
互助 [ごじょ]
(n) mutual aid
互助会 [ごじょかい]
(n) benefit society
互助的 [ごじょてき]
(adj-na) friendly
互譲 [ごじょう]
(n) conciliation
互譲的 [ごじょうてき]
(adj-na) conciliatory
互選 [ごせん]
(n,vs) mutual election
互用 [ごよう]
(n) using together
伍 [ご]
(n,vs) five (used in legal documents)
伍する [ごする]
(vs-s) to rank with (among)
伍つ [いつつ]
(n) (obs) five
伍を重ねる [ごをかさねる]
(exp) to double the ranks
伍長 [ごちょう]
(n) corporal
午 [うま]
(n) seventh sign of Chinese zodiac (The Horse, 11a.m.-1p.m., south, May)
午過ぎ [ひるすぎ]
(n) after noon
午後 [ごご]
(n-adv,n-t) afternoon
午後中 [ごごじゅう]
(n) throughout the afternoon
午后 [ごご]
(oK) (n-adv,n-t) afternoon
午刻 [ごこく]
(n) noon
午餐 [ごさん]
(n,vs) lunch
午餐会 [ごさんかい]
(n) luncheon party
午睡 [ごすい]
(n,vs) nap
午前 [ごぜん]
(n-adv,n-t) morning
午前中 [ごぜんちゅう]
(n) this morning
午前様 [ごぜんさま]
(exp,n) person who stays out all night
午年 [うまどし]
(n) year of the horse
午砲 [ごほう]
(n) noon gun
呉 [ご]
(n) giving
呉れて遣る [くれてやる]
(v5r) (uk) to give
呉れる [くれる]
(v1) (uk) to give
呉れ呉れも [くれぐれも]
(adv) (uk) repeatedly
呉れ手 [くれて]
(n) donor
呉越 [ごえつ]
(n) Go-Etsu
呉越同舟 [ごえつどうしゅう]
(n) bitter enemies (placed by fate) in the same boat
呉音 [ごおん]
(n) Wu-dynasty reading of Chinese characters
呉須 [ごす]
(n) gosu porcelain
呉服 [ごふく]
(n) draperies
呉服屋 [ごふくや]
(n) draper
呉服商 [ごふくしょう]
(n) dry-goods dealer
呉服店 [ごふくてん]
(n) dry-goods store
呉服物 [ごふくもの]
(n) piece
吾 [われ]
(n) me
吾が [わが]
(adj-pn,n) my
吾が輩 [わがはい]
(n) (1) (arch) I, me, myself (masc) (nuance of arrogance)
吾れ [われ]
(io) (n) me
吾子 [あこ]
(n) my child
吾子 [わぎもこ]
(n) my wife
吾人 [ごじん]
(n) we
吾等 [われら]
(n) we
吾輩 [わがはい]
(n) (1) (arch) I, me, myself (masc) (nuance of arrogance)
吾妹 [わぎも]
(n) my wife
吾木香 [われもこう]
(n) burnet
吾唯足知 [われただたるをしる]
(exp) I am content with what I am (have)
娯楽 [ごらく]
(n,vs) pleasure
娯楽街 [ごらくがい]
(n) amusement quarter
娯楽施設 [ごらくしせつ]
(n) amusement (recreational) facilities
娯楽室 [ごらくしつ]
(n) recreation room
娯楽場 [ごらくじょう]
(n) amusement spot
娯楽番組 [ごらくばんぐみ]
(n) amusement program
後 [あと]
(adj-no,n-adv,n) after
後 [うしろ]
(io) (n) back
後 [のち]
(n,adj-no) afterwards
後々 [あとあと]
(n-adv,n-t) distant future
後々 [のちのち]
(n-adv,n-t) distant future
後々に [あとあとに]
(adv) made later
後から後から [あとからあとから]
(exp) one after another
後ずさり [あとずさり]
(n,vs) stepping back
後ずさる [あとずさる]
(v5r) to draw back
後で [あとで]
(adv) (uk) afterwards
後に倒れる [うしろにたおれる]
(exp) to fall backward
後の祭 [あとのまつり]
(n) Too late!
後の祭り [あとのまつり]
(n) Too late!
後の世 [のちのよ]
(n) after ages
後の方 [あとのほう]
(adj-no) later
後へ引く [あとへひく]
(v5k) to retreat
後へ退く [あとへひく]
(v5k) to retreat
後らせる [おくらせる]
(v1) to put something off
後れ [おくれ]
(n) backwardness
後れる [おくれる]
(v1) to be late
後れを取る [おくれをとる]
(exp) to fall behind
後れ馳せ [おくればせ]
(n) late in arriving
後れ毛 [おくれげ]
(n) straggling hair
後ろ [うしろ]
(n) back
後ろから [うしろから]
(exp) from behind
後ろめたい [うしろめたい]
(adj) guilty
後ろめたく思う [うしろめたくおもう]
(exp) to have a guilty conscience
後ろ暗い [うしろぐらい]
(adj) shady
後ろ暗い事 [うしろぐらいこと]
(n) shady (questionable) matters
後ろ向き [うしろむき]
(n) back facing
後ろ合せ [うしろあわせ]
(adv) back to back
後ろ合わせ [うしろあわせ]
(adv) back to back
後ろ姿 [うしろすがた]
(n) retreating figure
後ろ指 [うしろゆび]
(n) being talked about or backbitten
後ろ手 [うしろで]
(n) with hands (tied) behind one's back
後ろ楯 [うしろだて]
(n) backing
後ろ盾 [うしろだて]
(n) supporter
後ろ身頃 [うしろみごろ]
(n) back part of a kimono
後ろ前 [うしろまえ]
(n) backwards
後ろ足 [うしろあし]
(n) hind foot
後ろ鉢巻 [うしろはちまき]
(n) hachimaki tied in the back
後ろ髪 [うしろがみ]
(n) hair in back
後ろ明き [うしろあき]
(n,adj-no) clothing with the opening at the back
後ろ様に倒れる [うしろざまにたおれる]
(exp) to fall backward
後を濁す [あとをにごす]
(exp) to leave a bad impression behind
後を弔う [あとをとむらう]
(exp) to perform religious rites for the repose of a soul
後を付ける [あとをつける]
(exp) to tag along
後を慕って [あとをしたって]
(exp) following (a person to a place)
後遺症 [こういしょう]
(n) prognostic symptoms
後一歩 [あといっぽ]
(adv,adj-na) one more
後逸 [こういつ]
(n,vs) letting (a ball) pass
後引き上戸 [あとひきじょうご]
(n) insatiable drinker
後胤 [こういん]
(n) descendant
後衛 [こうえい]
(n) rear guard
後援 [こうえん]
(n,vs) support
後援会 [こうえんかい]
(n) support group
後援者 [こうえんしゃ]
(n) supporter
後押し [あとおし]
(n,vs) pushing
後家 [ごけ]
(n) widow
後架 [こうか]
(n) toilet
後回し [あとまわし]
(n) putting off
後悔 [こうかい]
(n,vs) regret
後学 [こうがく]
(n) younger scholar
後株 [あとかぶ]
(n) company name with the words "kabushiki kaisha" at the end
後釜 [あとがま]
(n) successor
後釜にすえる [あとがまにすえる]
(exp) to install (a person) in (someone's) place
後釜に座る [あとがまにすわる]
(exp) to take someone's place
後釜に据える [あとがまにすえる]
(exp) to install (a person) in (someone's) place
後患 [こうかん]
(n) future trouble
後期 [こうき]
(n) latter period
後期印象派 [こうきいんしょうは]
(n) Post-impressionism
後記 [こうき]
(n,vs) postscript
後技 [うしろわざ]
(n) (MA) Aikido rear defence (defense)
後詰め [ごづめ]
(n) rear guard
後脚 [あとあし]
(n) hind (rear) legs
後宮 [こうきゅう]
(n) inner palace (reserved for women)
後金 [あときん]
(n) rest of the payment
後屈 [こうくつ]
(n,vs) retroflexion
後軍 [こうぐん]
(n) rear guard
後景 [こうけい]
(n) background
後継 [こうけい]
(n) successor
後継者 [こうけいしゃ]
(n) successor
後件 [こうけん]
(n) consequent
後見 [こうけん]
(n,vs) guardianship
後見人 [こうけんにん]
(n) guardian
後顧 [こうこ]
(n) looking back
後顧の憂い [こうこのうれい]
(n) anxiety (about the future)
後後 [あとあと]
(n-adv,n-t) distant future
後後 [のちのち]
(n-adv,n-t) distant future
後後に [あとあとに]
(adv) made later
後光 [ごこう]
(n) halo
後口 [あとくち]
(n) (1) aftertaste
後向き [うしろむき]
(n) back facing
後攻 [こうこう]
(n,vs) (baseball) taking the field first, thus batting second
後攻め [あとぜめ]
(n) taking to the field first (baseball)
後甲板 [こうかんぱん]
(n) afterdeck
後項 [こうこう]
(n) following or later or last clause or article, etc.
後刻 [ごこく]
(n-adv,n-t) afterwards
後込み [しりごみ]
(n,vs) recoil
後昆 [こうこん]
(n) grandchildren
後妻 [ごさい]
(n) second wife
後作 [あとさく]
(n) second crop
後産 [あとざん]
(n) placenta
後産 [のちざん]
(n) placenta
後仕舞 [あとじまい]
(n) settlement
後嗣 [こうし]
(n) heir
後始末 [あとしまつ]
(n,vs) settlement (of affairs)
後指 [うしろゆび]
(n) being talked about or backbitten
後肢 [こうし]
(n) hind leg(s)
後事 [こうじ]
(n) future affairs
後室 [こうしつ]
(n) dowager
後者 [こうしゃ]
(n) the latter
後車 [こうしゃ]
(n) rear car
後手 [ごて]
(n) (1) losing the initiative (in Go)
後手後手 [ごてごて]
(n) ending up behind with everything
後手必敗 [ごてひっぱい]
(exp) Defeat is inevitable for one who goes second
後出 [こうしゅつ]
(n,vs) later
後述 [こうじゅつ]
(n,vs) later mention
後述のように [こうじゅつのように]
(adv) as described below
後述の場合を除き [こうじゅつのばあいをのぞき]
(exp) except as noted below
後書 [あとがき]
(n) afterword
後書き [あとがき]
(n) afterword
後場 [ごば]
(n) afternoon session (market)
後進 [こうしん]
(n) (1) one's junior
後進国 [こうしんこく]
(n) undeveloped country
後人 [こうじん]
(n) posterity
後塵 [こうじん]
(n) second fiddle
後陣 [こうじん]
(n) rear guard
後世 [こうせい]
(n-adv,n) posterity
後生 [こうせい]
(n) younger people
後生 [ごしょう]
(n) afterlife
後生だから [ごしょうだから]
(exp) for mercy's sake
後生一生 [ごしょういっしょう]
(n) extremely important or once in a lifetime (request)
後生一生の頼み [ごしょういっしょうのたのみ]
(exp) extremely important or once in a lifetime request
後生可畏 [こうせいかい]
(exp) The young should be regarded with respect
後生大事 [ごしょうだいじ]
(n) with religious zeal
後先 [あとさき]
(n) front and rear
後送 [こうそう]
(n,vs) sending back or sending later
後足 [あとあし]
(n) hind (rear) legs
後続 [こうぞく]
(n,adj-no) succeeding
後退 [こうたい]
(n,vs) retreat
後退り [あとずさり]
(n,vs) stepping back
後退る [あとずさる]
(v5r) to retreat
後退文字 [こうたいもじ]
(n) backspace character (BS)
後代 [こうだい]
(n) posterity
後端 [こうたん]
(n) (tail) end
後段 [こうだん]
(n) latter or second part
後知恵 [あとぢえ]
(n) hindsight
後置 [こうち]
(n,vs) back-end
後置詞 [こうちし]
(n) postposition
後鳥羽院 [ごとばいん]
(n) ex-Emperor Gotoba
後追い [あとおい]
(n) following someone
後追い自殺 [あとおいじさつ]
(n,vs) following someone's example, and committing suicide
後追い心中 [あとおいしんじゅう]
(n) suicide immediately after the death of one's spouse or lover
後程 [のちほど]
(adv,n) later on
後天 [こうてん]
(n) a posteriori
後天性 [こうてんせい]
(n) acquired
後天性免疫不全症候群 [こうてんせいめんえきふぜんしょうこうぐん]
(n) acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
後天的 [こうてんてき]
(adj-na,n) a posteriori
後添い [のちぞい]
(n) one's second wife
後頭部 [こうとうぶ]
(n) back of head
後難 [こうなん]
(n) future problems
後日 [ごじつ]
(n-adv,n-t) in the future
後日 [ごにち]
(n-adv,n-t) in the future
後日に譲る [ごじつにゆずる]
(exp) to keep (the matter) for another occasion
後日談 [ごじつだん]
(n) sequel
後任 [こうにん]
(n) successor
後年 [こうねん]
(n-adv,n-t) future years
後背地 [こうはいち]
(n) hinterland
後輩 [こうはい]
(n) junior (at work or school)
後配株 [こうはいかぶ]
(n) deferred stock
後発 [こうはつ]
(n,vs) starting late
後発々展途上国 [こうはつはってんとじょうこく]
(n) least developed among developing nations
後発発展途上国 [こうはつはってんとじょうこく]
(n) least developed among developing nations
後発品 [こうはつひん]
(n) generic (drug)
後半 [こうはん]
(n-adv,n) second half
後半期 [こうはんき]
(n) second half (e.g., of a year)
後半生 [こうはんせい]
(n) latter half of one's life
後半戦 [こうはんせん]
(n) second half
後備 [こうび]
(n) rear guard
後尾 [こうび]
(n) the rear
後付け [あとづけ]
(n) appendix
後腐れ [あとくされ]
(n) future trouble
後部 [こうぶ]
(n) rear
後部座席 [こうぶざせき]
(n) rear (back) seat
後腹 [あとばら]
(n) afterpains
後払い [あとばらい]
(n,vs) deferred payment
後片付け [あとかたづけ]
(n,vs) tidying up
後篇 [こうへん]
(n) latter part or volume
後編 [こうへん]
(n) latter part
後便 [こうびん]
(n) later mail
後報 [こうほう]
(n) later or latest report
後方 [こうほう]
(n) behind
後方支援 [こうほうしえん]
(n) logistical support
後方地域 [こうほうちいき]
(n) rear area
後方地域警備 [こうほうちいきけいび]
(n) rear area security
後方連絡線 [こうほうれんらくせん]
(n) lines of communication
後味 [あとあじ]
(n) aftertaste
後戻り [あともどり]
(n,vs) backtrack
後門 [こうもん]
(n) back gate
後厄 [あとやく]
(n) the year following an inauspicious year
後葉 [こうよう]
(n) posterity
後略 [こうりゃく]
(n,vs) omitting the rest
後流 [こうりゅう]
(n) slipstream
後輪 [あとわ]
(n) rear wheel
後輪 [こうりん]
(n) rear wheel
後列 [こうれつ]
(n) rear
後裔 [こうえい]
(n) descendant
御 [ご]
(pref) honourable
御の字 [おんのじ]
(n) most satisfactory
御ませ [おませ]
(adj-na) (uk) precocious
御握り [おにぎり]
(n) rice ball (often triangular, sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori)
御安いごよう [おやすいごよう]
(n) easy task
御偉方 [おえらがた]
(n) superiors
御意 [ぎょい]
(conj,int,n) your will
御意見を伺う [ごいけんをうかがう]
(exp) to ask the opinion of (a superior)
御為ごかし [おためごかし]
(n) self-aggrandizement under pretense of aiding another (aggrandisement, pretence)
御衣 [ぎょい]
(n) imperial garments
御医者さん [おいしゃさん]
(n) doctor (polite)
御一新 [ごいっしん]
(n) the (Meiji) restoration
御蔭 [おかげ]
(n) (your) backing
御蔭で [おかげで]
(exp) thanks to you
御蔭様 [おかげさま]
(n) (your) backing
御蔭様で [おかげさまで]
(exp) Thanks to god
御陰 [おかげ]
(n) (your) backing
御宇 [ぎょう]
(n) Imperial reign
御影 [ごえい]
(n) picture or royalty or noble
御影 [みかげ]
(n) divine spirit
御影石 [みかげいし]
(n) granite
御詠 [ぎょえい]
(n) poem written by the Emperor or a member of the imperial family
御詠歌 [ごえいか]
(n) song in praise of the Buddha
御宴 [ぎょえん]
(n) a court banquet
御苑 [ぎょえん]
(n) imperial garden
御下がり [おさがり]
(n) food offering to the gods
御下問 [ごかもん]
(n) a question from the emperor
御化け [おばけ]
(n) goblin
御伽 [おとぎ]
(n) attending (upon)
御伽の国 [おとぎのくに]
(n) a fairyland or never-never land
御伽草子 [おとぎぞうし]
(n) fairy-tale book
御伽話 [おとぎばなし]
(n) fairy-tale
御家芸 [おいえげい]
(n) one's specialty
御家人 [ごけにん]
(n) lower-ranking vassal in the Kamakura and Edo periods
御家騒動 [おいえそうどう]
(n) family trouble (quarrel)
御暇 [おいとま]
(adj-na,n) (1) free time
御歌会始 [おうたかいはじめ]
(n) annual New Year's poetry reading (held at the Imperial Court)
御河童 [おかっぱ]
(n) (uk) bobbed hair
御花畑 [おはなばたけ]
(n) field of alpine flowers
御菓子 [おかし]
(n) confections
御芽出度い [おめでたい]
(n) (uk) happy event
御開き [おひらき]
(n) breakup of a wedding
御殻 [おから]
(n) residue left after making tofu
御株 [おかぶ]
(n) one's forte
御釜 [おかま]
(uk) (n) (sl) gay person
御冠 [おかんむり]
(n) extreme anger
御寒い [おさむい]
(adj) poor
御眼鏡 [おめがね]
(n) (your) judgment
御顔 [おかお]
(n) your (honorable) face (honourable)
御願いします [おねがいします]
(exp) (hon) please
御希望の向きは [ごきぼうのむきは]
(n) those who want it
御機嫌 [ごきげん]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) pleasant
御機嫌よう [ごきげんよう]
(int) How do you do?
御機嫌斜めだ [ごきげんななめだ]
(n) be in a bad temper
御機嫌麗しい [ごきげんうるわしい]
(adj) be in good humor (humour)
御帰り [おかえり]
(n) return
御帰りなさい [おかえりなさい]
(exp) welcome home
御気に入り [おきにいり]
(n) favorite
御客さん [おきゃくさん]
(n) guest
御客様 [おきゃくさま]
(n) (honoured, honored) guest
御休み [おやすみ]
(n) (1) holiday
御休みなさい [おやすみなさい]
(exp) good night
御宮参り [おみやまいり]
(n) shrine visit
御供 [おとも]
(n,vs) attendant
御供え [おそなえ]
(n) an offering
御侠 [おきゃん]
(n) pert girl
御協力 [ごきょうりょく]
(n,vs) cooperation
御局 [おつぼね]
(n) (arch) dignified lady-in-waiting who had her own private chamber or office at court or in the shogun's castle
御玉 [おたま]
(n) egg
御玉杓子 [おたまじゃくし]
(n) (1) tadpole
御勤め品 [おつとめひん]
(n) article offered at a bargain price
御近付き [おちかづき]
(n) making someone's acquaintance
御金 [おかね]
(n) money
御苦労 [ごくろう]
(adj-na,int,n) (hon) trouble (I have put you through)
御苦労さん [ごくろうさん]
(exp) I appreciate your efforts
御苦労様 [ごくろうさま]
(adj-na,exp) thank you very much for your ..
御兄さん [おにいさん]
(n) (hon) older brother
御兄ちゃん [おにいちゃん]
(n) cute form of "older brother"
御兄弟 [ごきょうだい]
(n) (hon) siblings
御慶 [ぎょけい]
(n) (New Year's) greetings
御見えになる [おみえになる]
(exp) (hon) to arrive
御見舞 [おみまい]
(n) calling on someone who is ill
御見舞い [おみまい]
(n) calling on someone who is ill
御言 [みこと]
(n) the spoken words of the emperor or a noble
御言葉 [おことば]
(exp) availing myself of your kind offer
御呼ばれ [およばれ]
(n) being invited
御互い [おたがい]
(n) mutual
御互い様 [おたがいさま]
(adj-na,n) we are of equal status in this regard
御御御付 [おみおつけ]
(n) miso soup
御御御付け [おみおつけ]
(n) miso soup
御御足 [おみあし]
(n) (polite term for) another's foot or leg
御御様 [おごうさま]
(n) (term of respect for) another's wife or daughter
御好み焼き [おこのみやき]
(n) savoury pancake with various ingredients
御幸 [ぎょうき]
(n,vs) imperial outing or visit
御幸 [ごうき]
(n,vs) imperial outing or visit
御幸 [ごこう]
(n,vs) imperial outing or visit
御幸 [みゆき]
(n,vs) imperial outing or visit
御広目 [おひろめ]
(n,vs) debut
御構い [おかまい]
(n) entertainment
御構いなく [おかまいなく]
(exp) (pol) please don't fuss over me
御構いなし [おかまいなし]
(adj-na,n) being unmindful
御絞り [おしぼり]
(n) wet towel (supplied at table)
御降誕 [ごこうたん]
(n,vs) birth (regal)
御高い [おたかい]
(adj) haughty
御高祖頭巾 [おこそずきん]
(n) kerchief worn by women in former times in Japan in cold weather, covering the whole head (except eyes)
御告 [おつげ]
(n) oracle
御国自慢 [おくにじまん]
(n) boasting of one's hometown
御沙汰 [ごさた]
(n) (imperial) words
御座います [ございます]
(exp) to be (polite)
御座なり [おざなり]
(adj-na) perfunctory
御座る [ござる]
(v5aru) (pol) to be
御座居る [ございる]
(v1) to be (very pol.)
御座所 [ござしょ]
(n) a throne
御座成り [おざなり]
(adj-na,n) perfunctory
御歳暮 [おせいぼ]
(n) end of the year
御祭り騒ぎ [おまつりさわぎ]
(n) festival merrymaking
御菜 [おかず]
(n) (1) (uk) accompaniment for rice dishes
御札 [おふだ]
(n) a charm
御雑煮 [おぞうに]
(n) New Year dish
御三家 [ごさんけ]
(n) (1) three branch Tokugawa families
御参り [おまいり]
(n,vs) worship
御山の大将 [おやまのたいしょう]
(n) king of the castle
御仕置き [おしおき]
(n,vs) punishment
御仕着せ [おしきせ]
(n) uniforms supplied to employees
御仕舞い [おしまい]
(n) the end
御姉さん [おねえさん]
(n) (hon) older sister
御子 [みこ]
(n) child of the emperor
御璽 [ぎょじ]
(n) imperial seal
御自身 [ごじしん]
(n) himself
御辞儀 [おじぎ]
(n,vs) bow
御社 [おんしゃ]
(n) (hon) your company (polite)
御者 [ぎょしゃ]
(n) coachman
御邪魔します [おじゃまします]
(exp) excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you
御邪魔虫 [おじゃまむし]
(n) someone who gets in the way without serving any useful purpose
御酌 [おしゃく]
(n,vs) (apprentice) geisha
御釈迦 [おしゃか]
(n) poorly made or ruined articles
御主 [おぬし]
(n) you
御主人 [ごしゅじん]
(n) (hon) your husband
御守り [おまもり]
(n) (1) charm
御守り [おもり]
(n) (1) charm
御手の物 [おてのもの]
(n) one's specialty
御手許金 [おてもときん]
(n) the privy purse
御手柔らか [おてやわらか]
(adv) gently
御手上げ [おてあげ]
(n) all over
御手盛り [おてもり]
(n) making arbitrary decisions which benefit oneself
御手洗 [みたらし]
(n) font of purifying water placed at the entrance of a shrine
御手洗い [おてあらい]
(n) toilet
御手伝い [おてつだい]
(n,vs) maid
御手付き [おてつき]
(n) touching a wrong card
御朱印 [ごしゅいん]
(n) letter bearing the shogun's scarlet seal
御朱印船 [ごしゅいんせん]
(n) shogun-authorized trading vessel (authorised)
御酒 [みき]
(n) sacred wine or sake
御愁傷様でございます [ごしゅうしょうさまでございます]
(exp) condolences
御祝い [おいわい]
(n) congratulation
御出で [おいで]
(n) to come here (from old Japanese)
御出でになる [おいでになる]
(v5r) (hon) (uk) to be
御出まし [おでまし]
(n) appearance
御出座し [おでまし]
(n) appearance
御巡りさん [おまわりさん]
(n) policeman (friendly term)
御所 [ごしょ]
(n) old imperial palace
御所車 [ごしょぐるま]
(n) an ox-drawn coach
御召し [おめし]
(n) summons
御召し物 [おめしもの]
(n) clothing
御召列車 [おめしれっしゃ]
(n) Imperial train
御奨め [おすすめ]
(n) recommendation
御焦げ [おこげ]
(n) burnt rice
御笑い [おわらい]
(n) comical (story, song)
御上 [おかみ]
(n) government
御嬢さん [おじょうさん]
(n) (1) (hon) daughter
御嬢様 [おじょうさま]
(n) (term of respect for) another's daughter
御飾り [おかざり]
(n) decorations
御色直し [おいろなおし]
(n,vs) changing ones dress (e.g. at the wedding reception)
御食い初め [おくいぞめ]
(n) weaning ceremony
御食事処 [おしょくじどころ]
(n) (Japanese) restaurant
御寝小 [おねしょう]
(n,vs) bed-wetting
御心 [みこころ]
(n) respectful term for another's spirit
御心配なく [ごしんぱいなく]
(exp) don't worry
御新香 [おしんこ]
(n) pickles
御新造 [ごしんぞ]
(n) wife (esp. of a prominent, recently married man)
御新造 [ごしんぞう]
(n) wife (esp. of a prominent, recently married man)
御真影 [ごしんえい]
(n) an imperial portrait
御神火 [ごじんか]
(n) deified volcano or volcanic eruption
御神酒 [おみき]
(n) sacred wine or sake
御神体 [ごしんたい]
(n) shintai
御神渡り [おみわたり]
(n) cracks that form in the ice on Lake Suwa
御神輿 [おみこし]
(n) portable shrine
御神籤 [おみくじ]
(n) written oracle
御身 [おんみ]
(n) (polite term for) the body
御仁 [ごじん]
(n) personage
御水取り [おみずとり]
(n) water-drawing ceremony (Toudaiji)
御数 [おかず]
(n) (1) (uk) accompaniment for rice dishes
御裾分け [おすそわけ]
(n,vs) sharing
御澄まし [おすまし]
(adj-na,n) a prim and proper girl
御世 [みよ]
(n) imperial reign
御世辞 [おせじ]
(n) flattery
御世話になる [おせわになる]
(exp) to be indebted
御成功 [ごせいこう]
(n) your success
御生憎様 [おあいにくさま]
(adj-na,int,n) that's too bad (ironical)
御声掛かり [おこえがかり]
(n) a recommendation
御製 [ぎょせい]
(n) poem or song written by the emperor
御節介 [おせっかい]
(adj-na,n) meddling
御節料理 [おせちりょうり]
(n) food served during the New Year's Holidays
御先 [おさき]
(n) going before
御先棒 [おさきぼう]
(n) a person whose services are at the disposal of another
御前 [おまえ]
(n) (1) (fam) you (sing)
御前 [ごぜん]
(n) Your Excellency
御前さん [おまえさん]
(n) (1) you
御前を退く [ごぜんをのく]
(exp) to withdraw from the presence (of the Emperor)
御前会議 [ごぜんかいぎ]
(n) Imperial Council
御前掛かり [ごぜんがかり]
(n) ring entering ceremony in presence of the emperor or crown prince (sumo)
御前試合 [ごぜんじあい]
(n) game (contest) held in the presence of a lord (daimyo, shogun)
御膳立て [おぜんだて]
(n,vs) setting the table
御祖師様 [おそしさま]
(n) the Founder of the (our) sect (used especially in the Nichiren sect of Buddhism, referring to Nichiren)
御祖父さん [おじいさん]
(n) grandfather
御祖母さん [おばあさん]
(n) grandmother
御粗末 [おそまつ]
(adj-na) poor
御早う [おはよう]
(int,n) (abbr) Good morning
御曹司 [おんぞうし]
(n) son of a distinguished family
御曹子 [おんぞうし]
(n) son of a distinguished family
御足労 [ごそくろう]
(n) (polite term for) inviting another to one's home
御存じ [ごぞんじ]
(n) knowing
御存じの方 [ごぞんじのかた]
(n) your acquaintance
御存知 [ごぞんじ]
(n) knowing
御孫さん [おまごさん]
(n) (hon) grandchild
御多分 [ごたぶん]
(n) common
御多忙中 [ごたぼうちゅう]
(exp) in the midst of your work
御陀仏 [おだぶつ]
(n) dying
御待 [おまち]
(n,n-suf) waiting
御待ち遠様 [おまちどおさま]
(exp) I'm sorry to have kept you waiting
御待ち兼ね [おまちかね]
(n,adj-no) long-waited-for
御袋 [おふくろ]
(n) (col) one's mother
御代 [みよ]
(n) imperial reign
御代り [おかわり]
(n) second helping
御代わり [おかわり]
(n) second helping
御台 [みだい]
(n) wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman
御大 [おんたい]
(n) boss
御大層 [ごたいそう]
(adj-na,n) exaggerated story
御題 [ぎょだい]
(n) theme chosen for an imperial poetry contest
御題目 [おだいもく]
(n) a Nichiren prayer
御宅 [おたく]
(n) (pol) your house
御託 [ごたく]
(n) tedious talk
御達し [おたっし]
(n) notice or order handed down from above
御誕生日おめでとうございます [おたんじょうびおめでとうございます]
(exp) Happy Birthday
御弾き [おはじき]
(n) marbles
御断わり [おことわり]
(n) declining
御知らせ [おしらせ]
(n) notice
御馳走 [ごちそう]
(n,vs) feast
御馳走様 [ごちそうさま]
(int) feast
御馳走様でした [ごちそうさまでした]
(exp) said after meals
御茶 [おちゃ]
(n) tea (green)
御茶の子 [おちゃのこ]
(n) a cinch
御茶請け [おちゃうけ]
(n) tea-cake
御中 [おんちゅう]
(n) and Company
御中元 [おちゅうげん]
(n) Bon Festival gifts
御昼 [おひる]
(n-adv,n) lunch
御注意 [ごちゅうい]
(exp) be careful!
御猪口 [おちょこ]
(n) (1) (uk) small cup
御調子者 [おちょうしもの]
(n) flip
御通し [おとおし]
(n) appetizer
御釣り [おつり]
(n) change (money)
御定まり [おさだまり]
(n) usual
御庭番衆 [おにわばんしゅう]
(n) Oniwaban
御摘まみ [おつまみ]
(n) snacks to go with alcohol
御摘み [おつまみ]
(n) snacks to go with alcohol
御天気 [おてんき]
(n) (1) temper
御天気屋 [おてんきや]
(n) moody person
御天道様 [おてんとさま]
(n) the sun
御転婆 [おてんば]
(adj-na,n) tomboy (nl: ontembaar)
御殿 [ごてん]
(n) palace
御殿女中 [ごてんじょちゅう]
(n) waiting woman in a shogun or daimyo's palace
御都合主義 [ごつごうしゅぎ]
(n) opportunism
御都合主義者 [ごつごうしゅぎしゃ]
(n) opportunist
御当地相撲 [ごとうちずもう]
(n) local sumo wrestler
御凸 [おでこ]
(n) brow
御馴染み [おなじみ]
(adj-no) familiar
御難 [ごなん]
(adj-na,n) misfortune
御日様 [おひさま]
(n) the sun
御年玉 [おとしだま]
(n) New Year's present
御念 [ごねん]
(n) worry
御捻り [おひねり]
(n) wrapped offering (of money)
御破算 [ごはさん]
(n) starting afresh
御婆さん [おばあさん]
(n) grandmother
御八つ [おやつ]
(n) (1) (uk) between meal snack
御飯 [ごはん]
(n) rice (cooked)
御飯時 [ごはんどき]
(n) mealtime
御飯蒸し [ごはんむし]
(n) a rice steamer
御披露目 [おひろめ]
(n,vs) debut
御疲れ様 [おつかれさま]
(exp) (1) thank you
御百度 [おひゃくど]
(n) hundred times worship, e.g., walking back and forth a hundred times before a shrine offering a prayer each time
御不浄 [ごふじょう]
(n) a toilet
御付き [おつき]
(n) retainer
御府内 [ごふない]
(n) within the town limits of Edo
御父さん [おとうさん]
(n) (hon) father
御負け [おまけ]
(n,vs) (1) a discount
御負けに [おまけに]
(conj,exp) to make matters worse
御腹 [おなか]
(n) stomach
御腹が空いた [おなかがすいた]
(exp) hungry
御払い箱 [おはらいばこ]
(n) discarding
御払い物 [おはらいもの]
(n) goods to offer the junk dealer
御物 [ぎょぶつ]
(n) Imperial treasures
御幣 [ごへい]
(n) staff with plaited paper streamers used in Shinto
御幣担ぎ [ごへいかつぎ]
(n) superstition
御平に [おたいらに]
(adv) making oneself comfortable
御返し [おかえし]
(n,vs) return gift
御鞭撻 [ごべんたつ]
(n,vs) encouragement
御母さん [おかあさん]
(n) (hon) mother
御母様 [おかあさま]
(n) (hon) mother
御方 [おかた]
(n) this lady or gentleman
御方 [みかた]
(n,vs) friend
御法度 [ごはっと]
(n) contraband
御坊 [ごぼう]
(n) Reverend (used to priest, monk, etc.)
御坊さん [おぼうさん]
(n) Buddhist priest
御坊っちゃん [おぼっちゃん]
(n) (hon) son
御墨付き [おすみつき]
(n) certificate
御本尊 [ごほんぞん]
(n) the principal object of worship (at a shrine)
御盆 [おぼん]
(n) Bon Festival
御味御汁 [おみおつけ]
(n) miso soup
御味御付 [おみおつけ]
(n) miso soup
御無沙汰 [ごぶさた]
(n,vs) not writing or contacting for a while
御無理御尤も [ごむりごもっとも]
(exp) you are unquestionably right
御名 [ぎょめい]
(n) name of the emperor
御名 [みな]
(n) name of the Lord (esp. in Christian contexts)
御名御璽 [ぎょめいぎょじ]
(n) the imperial or privy seal
御迷惑 [ごめいわく]
(n) trouble
御免 [ごめん]
(int,n) (uk) your pardon
御免ください [ごめんください]
(exp) May I come in?
御免なさい [ごめんなさい]
(exp) I beg your pardon
御免下さい [ごめんください]
(exp) May I come in?
御免被る [ごめんこうむる]
(v5r) to be excused from
御面相 [ごめんそう]
(n) frightful face
御目玉 [おめだま]
(n) a scolding
御目見得 [おめみえ]
(n,vs) (1) (the privilege to have) an audience (with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.)
御目見得 [おめめえ]
(n) (the privilege to have) an audience (with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.)
御目出度い [おめでたい]
(n) (uk) happy event
御目出度う [おめでとう]
(ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!
御目出糖 [おめでとう]
(uK) (n) Japanese sweets made with glutinous rice and azuki bean paste
御尤も [ごもっとも]
(adj-na) You are quite right
御門 [みかど]
(n) (1) emperor (of Japan)
御門違い [おかどちがい]
(exp) barking up the wrong tree
御爺さん [おじいさん]
(n) grandfather
御役御免 [おやくごめん]
(n) dismissal
御役所仕事 [おやくしょしごと]
(n) bureaucratic routine
御遊 [ぎょゆう]
(n) music playing in imperial court
御輿 [みこし]
(n) portable shrine (carried in festivals)
御用 [ごよう]
(n) your order
御用の方 [ごようのかた]
(n) customer
御用学者 [ごようがくしゃ]
(n) a scholar beholden to the government
御用始め [ごようはじめ]
(n) re-opening of offices in new year
御用商人 [ごようしょうにん]
(n) a purveyor to the government
御用新聞 [ごようしんぶん]
(n) a government newspaper or organ
御用組合 [ごようくみあい]
(n) a company union
御用達 [ごようたし]
(n) purveyor to the government
御用達 [ごようたつ]
(n) purveyor to the government
御用達 [ごようだち]
(n) purveyor to the government
御用達 [ごようだつ]
(n) purveyor to the government
御用邸 [ごようてい]
(n) imperial villa
御用納め [ごようおさめ]
(n) year-end office closing
御用繁多 [ごようはんた]
(n,adj-na) being busy with many things
御用聞き [ごようきき]
(n) (1) tradesmen doing the rounds taking orders
御来光 [ごらいこう]
(n) the rising sun
御覧 [ごらん]
(int,n) (hon) look
御覧なさい [ごらんなさい]
(exp) (please) look
御覧下さい [ごらんください]
(exp) (hon) (uk) please look at it
御利益 [ごりやく]
(n) grace of God
御立ち [おたち]
(n) polite term for calling, departing and staying where one is
御了承 [ごりょうしょう]
(n,vs) acknowledgement
御両親 [ごりょうしん]
(n) your (honorable, honourable) parents
御寮人 [ごりょうにん]
(n) mistress
御料 [ごりょう]
(n) imperial property
御料地 [ごりょうち]
(n) imperial estate
御陵 [ごりょう]
(n) imperial tomb
御涙頂戴 [おなみだちょうだい]
(n,adj-no) tearjerker
御令嬢 [ごれいじょう]
(n) daughter
御礼 [おれい]
(n) thanking
御礼参り [おれいまいり]
(n) visiting a shrine or temple to give thanks
御礼奉公 [おれいぼうこう]
(n) free service after one has finished one's apprenticeship
御零れ [おこぼれ]
(n) leavings
御霊 [みたま]
(n) spirit of a deceased person
御霊屋 [みたまや]
(n) mausoleum
御霊前 [ごれいぜん]
(n) "before the spirit of the deceased" (written on the condolence-money envelope)
御霊代 [みたましろ]
(n) something worshiped as a symbol for the spirit of the dead
御歴々 [おれきれき]
(n) dignitaries
御歴歴 [おれきれき]
(n) dignitaries
御簾 [みす]
(n) a bamboo blind
御連絡 [ごれんらく]
(n,vs) (hon) getting in touch
御碗 [おわん]
(n) bowl in which miso-shiru is served
御櫃 [おひつ]
(n) (uk) round, wooden container for cooked rice
御洒落 [おしゃれ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) smartly dressed
御浚い [おさらい]
(n) review
御祓い [おはらい]
(n) exorcism (Shinti rite)
御秡い [おはらい]
(iK) (n) exorcism (Shinti rite)
御襁褓 [おむつ]
(n) diaper
御襁褓気触れ [おむつかぶれ]
(n) diaper rash
悟り [さとり]
(n) comprehension
悟りが早い [さとりがはやい]
(n) being quick to understand
悟る [さとる]
(v5r) to attain enlightenment
悟性 [ごせい]
(n) wisdom
悟道 [ごどう]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) (the path of spiritual) enlightenment
悟入 [ごにゅう]
(n,vs) (gen) (Buddh) entering enlightenment
悟了 [ごりょう]
(n,vs) complete comprehension
梧桐 [あおぎり]
(n) sultan's parasol tree
梧桐 [ごとう]
(n) phoenix tree
碁 [ご]
(n) Go (board game of capturing territory)
碁を打つ [ごをうつ]
(exp) to play (a game of) go
碁会所 [ごかいしょ]
(n) commercial go-playing parlour (parlor)
碁会所 [ごかいじょ]
(n) commercial go-playing parlour (parlor)
碁笥 [ごけ]
(n) go-stone container
碁席 [ごせき]
(n) go club
碁石 [ごいし]
(n) Go piece(s)
碁打ち [ごうち]
(n) go player
碁盤 [ごばん]
(n) Go board
碁盤の目 [ごばんのめ]
(n) intersection on a Go board
碁盤割り [ごばんわり]
(n) partitioned into squares
碁盤縞 [ごばんじま]
(n,adj-no) check
語 [かたり]
(n) talking
語 [ご]
(n,n-suf) language
語の意味 [ごのいみ]
(n) meaning of a word
語らい [かたらい]
(n) talk
語らう [かたらう]
(v5u) to talk
語らうに友無く [かたらうにともなく]
(exp) with no friend to talk to
語り [かたり]
(n) talking
語りかける [かたりかける]
(v1) to make a speech
語り掛ける [かたりかける]
(v1) to make a speech
語り継ぐ [かたりつぐ]
(v5g) to transmit
語り口 [かたりくち]
(n) way of reciting
語り合う [かたりあう]
(v5u) to talk together
語り手 [かたりて]
(n) speaker
語り種 [かたりぐさ]
(n) story
語り草 [かたりぐさ]
(n) story
語り伝える [かたりつたえる]
(v1) to hand down
語り部 [かたりべ]
(n) (professional) storyteller
語り物 [かたりもの]
(n) a narrative
語り明かす [かたりあかす]
(v5s) to talk all the night
語る [かたる]
(v5r) to talk
語を強める [ごをつよめる]
(exp) to put stress on a word
語を結ぶ [ごをむすぶ]
(exp) to conclude one's speech
語意 [ごい]
(n) meaning of a word
語音 [ごおん]
(n) the sound of a word
語格 [ごかく]
(n) usage
語学 [ごがく]
(n) language study
語学の才 [ごがくのさい]
(n) talent for languages
語学の力 [ごがくのちから]
(n) one's linguistic ability
語学者 [ごがくしゃ]
(n) a linguist
語学力 [ごがくりょく]
(n) language ability
語幹 [ごかん]
(n) stem
語感 [ごかん]
(n) sense of language
語気 [ごき]
(n) tone
語気を弱める [ごきをよわめる]
(exp) to soften one's voice
語義 [ごぎ]
(n) meaning of a word
語句 [ごく]
(n) words
語形 [ごけい]
(n) word form
語形変化 [ごけいへんか]
(n) inflection of words, e.g., declension of nouns and conjugation of verbs
語原 [ごげん]
(iK) (n) word root
語源 [ごげん]
(n) word root
語源学 [ごげんがく]
(n) etymology
語根 [ごこん]
(n) root (origin) of a word
語誌 [ごし]
(n) the evolution of the usage of a word
語釈 [ごしゃく]
(n) interpretation of a word
語順 [ごじゅん]
(n) word order
語数 [ごすう]
(n) number of words
語勢 [ごせい]
(n) stress
語族 [ごぞく]
(n) family of languages
語調 [ごちょう]
(n) tone (of voice)
語長 [ごちょう]
(n) word-length
語頭 [ごとう]
(n) first part of a word
語尾 [ごび]
(n) (inflected) end of a word
語尾変化 [ごびへんか]
(n) inflection
語部 [かたりべ]
(n) (professional) storyteller
語弊 [ごへい]
(n) faulty expression
語法 [ごほう]
(n) diction
語末 [ごまつ]
(n) end of a word
語脈 [ごみゃく]
(n) word linkage
語類 [ごるい]
(n) parts of speech
語例 [ごれい]
(n) example of a word or phrase
語呂 [ごろ]
(n) sound (of a sentence)
語呂合せ [ごろあわせ]
(n) rhyming game
語呂合わせ [ごろあわせ]
(n) rhyming game
語路 [ごろ]
(n) sound (of a sentence)
語路合せ [ごろあわせ]
(n) rhyming game
語路合わせ [ごろあわせ]
(n) rhyming game
語録 [ごろく]
(n) analects
語彙 [ごい]
(n) vocabulary
語彙機能文法 [ごいきのうぶんぽう]
(n) lexical-functional grammar
語彙規則 [ごいきそく]
(n) lexical rule
語彙的 [ごいてき]
(adj-na) lexical
語彙的コントロールの原理 [ごいてきコントロールのげんり]
(n) principle of lexical control
語彙力 [ごいりょく]
(n) (the extent of) one's vocabulary
誤 [ご]
(n,pref) mis-
誤ち [あやまち]
(n) fault
誤って [あやまって]
(exp) in error
誤り [あやまり]
(n) error
誤りに陥る [あやまりにおちいる]
(exp) to fall into error
誤りを直す [あやまりをなおす]
(exp) to correct an error
誤りを認める [あやまりをみとめる]
(exp) to admit to a mistake
誤る [あやまる]
(v5r) to make a mistake
誤解 [ごかい]
(n,vs) misunderstanding
誤記 [ごき]
(n,vs) writing error
誤差 [ごさ]
(n) measurement error
誤作動 [ごさどう]
(n,vs) malfunction
誤算 [ごさん]
(n,vs) miscalculation
誤字 [ごじ]
(n) misprint
誤写 [ごしゃ]
(n,vs) error in copying
誤射 [ごしゃ]
(n,vs) accidental shooting
誤植 [ごしょく]
(n) misprint
誤信 [ごしん]
(n,vs) fallacy
誤審 [ごしん]
(n,vs) misjudgment
誤診 [ごしん]
(n,vs) wrong diagnosis
誤挿入 [ごそうにゅう]
(n) incorrect insertion (of equipment, unit, part)
誤脱 [ごだつ]
(n) errors and omissions
誤伝 [ごでん]
(n) misinformation
誤投下 [ごとうか]
(n) accidental bombing
誤答 [ごとう]
(n,vs) mistaken answer or response
誤動作 [ごどうさ]
(n,vs) malfunction
誤読 [ごどく]
(n,vs) misreading
誤認 [ごにん]
(n,vs) misrecognition
誤配 [ごはい]
(n,vs) misdelivery
誤爆 [ごばく]
(n,vs) bombing (shelling) the wrong target
誤判 [ごはん]
(n) misjudgement
誤謬 [ごびゅう]
(n,vs) mistake
誤聞 [ごぶん]
(n,vs) misunderstanding
誤変換 [ごへんかん]
(n) misconversion
誤報 [ごほう]
(n,vs) misinformation
誤魔化し [ごまかし]
(n) (uk) hanky-panky
誤魔化す [ごまかす]
(v5s) to deceive
誤訳 [ごやく]
(n,vs) mistranslation
誤用 [ごよう]
(n,vs) abuse
護衛 [ごえい]
(n,vs) guard
護衛を付ける [ごえいをつける]
(exp) to provide (a person) with a bodyguard
護衛艦 [ごえいかん]
(n) escort vessel
護衛兵 [ごえいへい]
(n) body guard
護岸 [ごがん]
(n) river dike
護岸工事 [ごがんこうじ]
(n) levee protection works
護憲 [ごけん]
(n) protecting the constitution
護憲運動 [ごけんうんどう]
(n) movement to defend the Constitution
護国 [ごこく]
(n) defense of one's country
護国神社 [ごこくじんじゃ]
(n) shrine honoring war dead
護持 [ごじ]
(n,vs) defend and maintain
護身 [ごしん]
(n) self-protection
護身の術 [ごしんのじゅつ]
(n) art of self-defense
護身術 [ごしんじゅつ]
(n) art of self-defense
護送 [ごそう]
(n,vs) escort (e.g., under guard)
護送車 [ごそうしゃ]
(n) paddy wagon
護送船 [ごそうせん]
(n) ship's convoy
護送船団 [ごそうせんだん]
(n) (armed) convoy
護符 [ごふ]
(n) talisman
護法 [ごほう]
(n) defense of the constitution or religious doctrines (defence)
護摩 [ごま]
(n) Buddhist rite of cedar-stick burning
護摩の灰 [ごまのはい]
(n) thief posing as fellow traveller (traveler)
護謨 [ごむ]
(n) gum
乞い [こい]
(n) request
乞い取る [こいとる]
(v5r) to ask for and receive
乞う [こう]
(v5u-s) to ask
乞高評 [こうこうひょう]
(n) with the author's compliments
乞食 [こじき]
(n,vs) beggar
乞食 [こつじき]
(n,vs) beggar
乞食に金を恵む [こじきにかねをめぐむ]
(exp) to give money to a beggar
乞食に金を呉れてやる [こじきにかねをくれてやる]
(exp) to give money to a beggar
乞食根性 [こじきこんじょう]
(n) mercenary spirit
乞食坊主 [こじきぼうず]
(n) (a derogatory term for) Buddhist monk
乞食坊主 [こつじきぼうず]
(n) (a derogatory term for) Buddhist monk
乞婿 [こいむこ]
(n) bridegroom who is loved by his bride
乞丐 [こつがい]
(n) beggar
鯉 [こい]
(n) carp
鯉のぼり [こいのぼり]
(n) carp streamer
鯉口 [こいぐち]
(n) mouth of a (sword) sheath
鯉幟 [こいのぼり]
(n) carp streamer
交々 [こもごも]
(adv) alternately
交う [かう]
(v5u) to take turns
交える [まじえる]
(v1) (1) to mix
交ざる [まざる]
(v5r,vi) to be mixed
交じり [まじり]
(n,n-suf) mixed
交じる [まじる]
(v5r,vi) to be mixed
交す [かわす]
(v5s) to exchange (messages)
交ぜる [まぜる]
(v1) to mix
交ぜ合せる [まぜあわせる]
(v1) to mix
交ぜ織り [まぜおり]
(n) mixed weave
交り番こに [かわりばんこに]
(adv) alternately
交り番に [かわりばんに]
(adv) alternately
交る [まじる]
(io) (v5r,vi) to be mixed
交わす [かわす]
(v5s) to exchange (messages)
交わり [まじわり]
(n) acquaintance
交わる [まじわる]
(v5r) to cross
交易 [こうえき]
(n,vs) trade
交易会 [こうえきかい]
(n) trade fair
交角 [こうかく]
(n) angle of intersection
交感 [こうかん]
(n,vs) rapport
交感神経 [こうかんしんけい]
(n) sympathetic nerves
交換 [こうかん]
(n,vs) exchange
交換円 [こうかんえん]
(n) convertible yen
交換学生 [こうかんがくせい]
(n) exchange student
交換器 [こうかんき]
(n) (telephone) switchboard
交換機能 [こうかんきのう]
(n) exchange function
交換教授 [こうかんきょうじゅ]
(n) exchange professor
交換局 [こうかんきょく]
(n) (telephone) exchange
交換手 [こうかんしゅ]
(n) operator (e.g., telephone)
交換所 [こうかんじょ]
(n) clearing house
交換嬢 [こうかんじょう]
(n) telephone operator
交換条件 [こうかんじょうけん]
(n) bargaining point
交換船 [こうかんせん]
(n) repatriation ship
交換台 [こうかんだい]
(n) (telephone) switchboard
交換品 [こうかんひん]
(n) thing bartered
交換法則 [こうかんほうそく]
(n) commutative law
交換貿易制 [こうかんぼうえきせい]
(n) barter system
交換留学 [こうかんりゅうがく]
(n) (student) exchange
交款 [こうかん]
(oK) (n,vs) exchange of courtesies (cordialities)
交歓 [こうかん]
(n,vs) exchange of courtesies (cordialities)
交歓会 [こうかんかい]
(n) reception
交宜 [こうぎ]
(n) friendship
交誼 [こうぎ]
(n) friendship
交響 [こうきょう]
(n,vs) reverberation
交響楽 [こうきょうがく]
(n) symphony (orchestra)
交響楽団 [こうきょうがくだん]
(n) symphony (orchestra)
交響曲 [こうきょうきょく]
(n) symphony
交響詩 [こうきょうし]
(n) symphonic poem
交互 [こうご]
(n,adj-no) mutual
交互作用 [こうごさよう]
(n) (mutual) interaction
交交 [こもごも]
(adv) alternately
交合 [こうごう]
(n,vs) sexual union
交叉 [こうさ]
(n,vs) crossing
交叉点 [こうさてん]
(n) crossing
交差 [こうさ]
(n,vs) crossing
交差対称性 [こうさたいしょうせい]
(n) crossing symmetry (physics)
交差点 [こうさてん]
(n) crossing
交際 [こうさい]
(n,vs) company
交際を嫌う [こうさいをきらう]
(exp) to shun society
交際下手 [こうさいべた]
(n,adj-na) bad at socializing
交際家 [こうさいか]
(n) sociable person
交際嫌い [こうさいぎらい]
(adj) unsociable
交際好き [こうさいずき]
(adj-na) sociable
交際国 [こうさいこく]
(n) friendly powers
交際社会 [こうさいしゃかい]
(n) society
交際上 [こうさいじょう]
(n) as a matter of social courtesy
交際上手 [こうさいじょうず]
(n,adj-na) good at socializing
交際場裏 [こうさいじょうり]
(n) society
交際場裡 [こうさいじょうり]
(n) social circles
交際範囲 [こうさいはんい]
(n) circle of acquaintance
交際費 [こうさいひ]
(n) entertainment expenses
交際法 [こうさいほう]
(n) etiquette
交錯 [こうさく]
(n,vs) mixture
交錯した [こうさくした]
(adj) entangled
交渉 [こうしょう]
(n,vs) (1) negotiations
交渉委員 [こうしょういいん]
(n) negotiating committeemen
交渉員 [こうしょういん]
(n) negotiators
交渉人 [こうしょうじん]
(n) negotiator
交情 [こうじょう]
(n) intimacy
交譲 [こうじょう]
(n) concession
交織 [こうしょく]
(n) mixed weave
交信 [こうしん]
(n,vs) telecommunications
交声曲 [こうせいきょく]
(n) cantata
交接 [こうせつ]
(n,vs) sexual intercourse
交戦 [こうせん]
(n,vs) war
交戦権 [こうせんけん]
(n) right of belligerency
交戦国 [こうせんこく]
(n) belligerents
交戦地帯 [こうせんちたい]
(n) battle zone
交替 [こうたい]
(n,vs) alternation
交代 [こうたい]
(n,vs) alternation
交代で [こうたいで]
(exp) alternately
交代員 [こうたいいん]
(n) shift (of workmen)
交代作業 [こうたいさぎょう]
(n) working in shifts
交代制 [こうたいせい]
(n) shift system
交代操業 [こうたいそうぎょう]
(n) working in shifts
交代投手 [こうたいとうしゅ]
(n) relief pitcher
交通 [こうつう]
(n,vs) communication
交通の便 [こうつうのべん]
(n) transportation facilities
交通安全 [こうつうあんぜん]
(n) traffic safety
交通違反 [こうつういはん]
(n) traffic violation
交通遺児 [こうつういじ]
(n) child orphaned from a traffic accident
交通運輸業 [こうつううんゆぎょう]
(n) transportation business
交通禍 [こうつうか]
(n) traffic disaster
交通機関 [こうつうきかん]
(n) transportation facilities
交通規則 [こうつうきそく]
(n) traffic rules
交通公社 [こうつうこうしゃ]
(n) (Japan) Travel Bureau
交通事故 [こうつうじこ]
(n) traffic accident
交通遮断 [こうつうしゃだん]
(n) blockage
交通弱者 [こうつうじゃくしゃ]
(n) (1) vulnerable road users
交通渋滞 [こうつうじゅうたい]
(n) traffic congestion
交通巡査 [こうつうじゅんさ]
(n) traffic officer
交通信号 [こうつうしんごう]
(n) traffic signal
交通整理 [こうつうせいり]
(n) traffic control
交通地獄 [こうつうじごく]
(n) traffic hell, traffic congestion
交通道徳 [こうつうどうとく]
(n) traffic ethics
交通費 [こうつうひ]
(n) traveling expenses
交通妨害 [こうつうぼうがい]
(n) traffic obstruction
交通網 [こうつうもう]
(n) traffic network
交通問題 [こうつうもんだい]
(n) traffic problem
交通量 [こうつうりょう]
(n) traffic
交通路 [こうつうろ]
(n) traffic route
交点 [こうてん]
(n) point of intersection
交読 [こうどく]
(n,vs) reading responsively
交読文 [こうどくぶん]
(n) responsive readings
交配 [こうはい]
(n,vs) mating
交配種 [こうはいしゅ]
(n) a crossbreed
交番 [こうばん]
(n,vs) police box
交尾 [こうび]
(n,vs) copulation (in animals)
交尾む [つるむ]
(v5m) to copulate (animals)
交尾期 [こうびき]
(n) mating season
交付 [こうふ]
(n,vs) delivering
交付金 [こうふきん]
(n) subsidy
交付者 [こうふしゃ]
(n) deliverer
交附 [こうふ]
(n,vs) delivery
交友 [こうゆう]
(n) friend
交友関係 [こうゆうかんけい]
(n) one's associate
交遊 [こうゆう]
(n,vs) friend
交絡 [こうらく]
(n) interrelationship
交流 [こうりゅう]
(n,vs) alternating current
交流会 [こうりゅうかい]
(n) (cultural) exchange meeting
交流人事 [こうりゅうじんじ]
(n) personnel shuffle
交流発電機 [こうりゅうはつでんき]
(n) an AC generator
交霊 [こうれい]
(n) communication with the dead
交霊術 [こうれいじゅつ]
(n) spiritism
交媾 [こうこう]
(n,vs) sexual union
交詢 [こうじゅん]
(n) promotion of social intercourse
交驩 [こうかん]
(n,vs) exchange of courtesies (cordialities)
侯 [こう]
(n,n-suf) marquis
侯国 [こうこく]
(n) principality
侯爵 [こうしゃく]
(n) marquis
侯爵夫人 [こうしゃくふじん]
(n) marchioness
侯伯 [こうはく]
(n) nobles
候 [こう]
(n) season
候 [そうろう]
(n) classical verbal ending equivalent to colloquial -masu
候間 [そうろうあいだ]
(exp) as ..
候孝賢 [ほうしゃうしぇん]
(n) Taiwanese film director
候哉 [そうろうや]
(exp) I wonder if ..
候所 [そうろうところ]
(exp) .. but
候調 [そうろうちょう]
(n) epistolary style
候鳥 [こうちょう]
(n) bird of passage
候文 [そうろうぶん]
(n) epistolary style
候補 [こうほ]
(n) candidacy
候補者 [こうほしゃ]
(n) candidate
候補者を立てる [こうほしゃをたてる]
(exp) to put up a candidate
候補生 [こうほせい]
(n) cadet
候補地 [こうほち]
(n) proposed site
候由 [そうろうよし]
(exp) I hear that ..
倖 [こう]
(n) happiness
倖せ [しあわせ]
(oK) (adj-na,n) happiness
倖臣 [こうしん]
(n) favorite courtier
光 [ひかり]
(n) light
光が透るカーテン [ひかりがとおるカーテン]
(n) curtain pervious to light
光に満ちた空 [ひかりにみちたそら]
(n) sky suffused with light
光の速さ [ひかりのはやさ]
(n) the speed of light
光り輝く [ひかりかがやく]
(v5k) to shine
光り物 [ひかりもの]
(n) (1) luminous body like a shooting star
光る [ひかる]
(v5r) to shine
光を通す [ひかりをとおす]
(exp) to be pervious to light
光を透す [ひかりをとおす]
(exp) to be pervious to light
光ディスク [ひかりディスク]
(n) optical disk
光ファイバ [ひかりファイバ]
(n) optical fiber
光ファイバー [ひかりファイバー]
(n) optical fiber
光ファイバーケーブル [ひかりファイバーケーブル]
(n) fiber-optic cable
光陰 [こういん]
(n) time
光陰極 [こういんきょく]
(n) photocathode
光陰矢のごとし [こういんやのごとし]
(exp) time flies like an arrow
光栄 [こうえい]
(adj-na,n) honour
光炎 [こうえん]
(n) flame
光焔 [こうえん]
(n) light and flame
光化学 [こうかがく]
(n) photochemistry
光化学汚染 [こうかがくおせん]
(n) photochemical pollution
光化学反応 [こうかがくはんのう]
(n) photochemical reaction
光解離 [ひかりかいり]
(n) photodissociation
光覚 [こうかく]
(n) optic or photic sense
光学 [こうがく]
(n) optics
光学機械 [こうがくきかい]
(n) an optical instrument
光学顕微鏡 [こうがくけんびきょう]
(n) optical microscope
光学繊維 [こうがくせんい]
(n) fiber optics
光学文字 [こうがくもじ]
(n) optical character
光冠 [こうかん]
(n) corona
光環 [こうかん]
(n) corona
光機 [こうき]
(n) (abbr) optical instrument
光輝 [こうき]
(n) brightness
光輝有る [こうきある]
(exp) brilliant
光共振器 [こうきょうしんき]
(n) optical resonator
光景 [こうけい]
(n) scene
光源 [こうげん]
(n) light source
光行差 [こうこうさ]
(n) (astronomical) aberration
光合成 [こうごうせい]
(n) photosynthesis
光彩 [こうさい]
(n) brilliance
光彩陸離 [こうさいりくり]
(adj-t,adv-to) dazzling
光子 [こうし]
(n) photon
光磁気 [ひかりじき]
(n) magneto-optical
光軸 [こうじく]
(n) optical axis
光照 [こうしょう]
(n) shining
光瀬龍 [みつせりゅう]
(n) name of a SF novelist
光線 [こうせん]
(n) beam
光線を遮る [こうせんをさえぎる]
(exp) to intercept the light
光線銃 [こうせんじゅう]
(n) a ray gun
光線療法 [こうせんりょうほう]
(n) phototherapy
光造形 [ひかりぞうけい]
(n) rapid prototyping (machine)
光束 [こうそく]
(n) luminous flux
光速 [こうそく]
(n) speed of light
光速度 [こうそくど]
(n) the speed of light
光体 [こうたい]
(n) a luminous body
光沢 [こうたく]
(n) brilliance
光沢の有る青 [こうたくのあるあお]
(n) peacock blue
光通信 [ひかりつうしん]
(n) light-wave communication
光通信技術 [ひかりつうしんぎじゅつ]
(n) photonic technology
光点 [こうてん]
(n) a luminous point
光電 [こうでん]
(adj-na) photoelectric
光電管 [こうでんかん]
(n) photoelectric tube
光電子 [こうでんし]
(n) photoelectron
光電池 [こうでんち]
(n) photocell
光度 [こうど]
(n) intensity of light
光度計 [こうどけい]
(n) photometer
光頭 [こうとう]
(n) bald-headed
光熱 [こうねつ]
(n) light and heat
光熱水 [こうねつすい]
(n) light, heating and water (utilities)
光熱水費 [こうねつすいひ]
(n) light, heating and water utility costs
光熱費 [こうねつひ]
(n) cost of fuel and light
光年 [こうねん]
(n) light year
光波 [こうは]
(n) light waves
光背 [こうはい]
(n) halo
光物 [ひかりもの]
(n) (1) luminous body like a shooting star
光文社 [こうぶんしゃ]
(n) Koubunsha (publisher)
光明 [こうみょう]
(n) glory
光来 [こうらい]
(n) your visit (presence)
光量 [こうりょう]
(n) radiation intensity
光量子 [こうりょうし]
(n) light quantum
光力 [こうりょく]
(n) the intensity or illuminating power of light
光輪 [こうりん]
(n) halo
光芒 [こうぼう]
(n) beam of light
光蘚 [ひかりごけ]
(n) luminous moss
公 [おおやけ]
(n) official
公 [きみ]
(n,suf) prince
公 [こう]
(n,suf) prince
公安 [こうあん]
(n) public safety
公安委員会 [こうあんいいんかい]
(n) public safety commission
公安官 [こうあんかん]
(n) railway police
公安審査委員会 [こうあんしんさいいんかい]
(n) Public Security Examination Commission
公安調査庁 [こうあんちょうさちょう]
(n) (Japanese) Public Security Investigation Agency
公案 [こうあん]
(n) kouan
公印 [こういん]
(n) official seal
公営 [こうえい]
(n) public management
公営企業 [こうえいきぎょう]
(n) public enterprise
公営住宅 [こうえいじゅうたく]
(n) public housing
公営保険 [こうえいほけん]
(n) public insurance
公益 [こうえき]
(n) public
公益を図る [こうえきをはかる]
(exp) to labor for the public good (labour)
公益事業 [こうえきじぎょう]
(n) public utilities
公益質屋 [こうえきしちや]
(n) public pawn shop
公益法人 [こうえきほうじん]
(n) (1) public-service corporation
公益優先 [こうえきゆうせん]
(n) public interest first
公園 [こうえん]
(n) (public) park
公園デビユー [こうえんデビユー]
(n) bringing one's child to the local park to play for the first time (trans: park debut)
公演 [こうえん]
(n,vs) (1) public performance
公家 [くげ]
(n) Imperial Court
公暇 [こうか]
(n) leave of absence
公課 [こうか]
(n) public imposts
公会 [こうかい]
(n) public meeting
公会堂 [こうかいどう]
(n) town hall
公会問答 [こうかいもんどう]
(n) catechism
公海 [こうかい]
(n) high seas
公海上 [こうかいじょう]
(n) on the high seas
公開 [こうかい]
(n,vs) presenting to the public
公開の席 [こうかいのせき]
(n) in public
公開外交 [こうかいがいこう]
(n) open diplomacy
公開期間 [こうかいきかん]
(n) open period
公開講座 [こうかいこうざ]
(n) extension lectures
公開裁判 [こうかいさいばん]
(n) open court
公開市場政策 [こうかいしじょうせいさく]
(n) open market policy
公開市場操作 [こうかいしじょうそうさ]
(n) open market operation
公開状 [こうかいじょう]
(n) open letter
公開図書館 [こうかいとしょかん]
(n) public library
公開捜査 [こうかいそうさ]
(n) open criminal investigation
公開討論会 [こうかいとうろんかい]
(n) open forum
公開入札 [こうかいにゅうさつ]
(n) open bid or tender
公開練習 [こうかいれんしゅう]
(n) public workout
公開録音 [こうかいろくおん]
(n) public recording
公害 [こうがい]
(n) public nuisance
公害罪 [こうがいざい]
(n) (act or crime of) pollution
公害対策 [こうがいたいさく]
(n) anti-pollution measures
公害対策基本法 [こうがいたいさくきほんほう]
(n) (Japanese) Environmental Pollution Prevention Act
公害等調整委員会 [こうがいとうちょうせいいいんかい]
(n) Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission
公害病 [こうがいびょう]
(n) pollution-caused illness
公害病患者 [こうがいびょうかんじゃ]
(n) victim of a pollution-caused illness
公害問題 [こうがいもんだい]
(n) pollution problem or issue
公刊 [こうかん]
(n,vs) publication
公館 [こうかん]
(n) official residence
公企業 [こうきぎょう]
(n) public corporation
公器 [こうき]
(n) public institution
公儀 [こうぎ]
(n,adj-no) imperial court
公義 [こうぎ]
(n) justice
公議 [こうぎ]
(n,vs) just view
公休 [こうきゅう]
(n) legal holiday
公休日 [こうきゅうび]
(n) legal holiday
公許 [こうきょ]
(n) official government permission
公魚 [わかさぎ]
(n) pond smelt
公共 [こうきょう]
(n,adj-no) public
公共企業体 [こうきょうきぎょうたい]
(n) public or government corporation
公共債 [こうきょうさい]
(n) government bond
公共財 [こうきょうざい]
(n) public or collective goods
公共施設 [こうきょうしせつ]
(n) public facilities
公共事業 [こうきょうじぎょう]
(n) public utilities
公共事業費 [こうきょうじぎょうひ]
(n) public-works spending
公共職業安定所 [こうきょうしょくぎょうあんていじょ]
(n) public employment exchange
公共心 [こうきょうしん]
(n) public spirit
公共図書館 [こうきょうとしょかん]
(n) public library
公共性 [こうきょうせい]
(n) commonality
公共組合 [こうきょうくみあい]
(n) public partnership
公共団体 [こうきょうだんたい]
(n) public organization
公共投資 [こうきょうとうし]
(n) public investment
公共物 [こうきょうぶつ]
(n) public property
公共物汚損 [こうきょうぶつおそん]
(n) vandalism
公共放送 [こうきょうほうそう]
(n) public broadcasting (e.g., NHK, BBC)
公共料金 [こうきょうりょうきん]
(n) public utilities charge
公卿 [くぎょう]
(n) Imperial Court
公卿 [くげ]
(n) Imperial Court
公教 [こうきょう]
(n) (Roman) Catholicism
公教会 [こうきょうかい]
(n) (Roman) Catholic Church
公教要理 [こうきょうようり]
(n) Catholic catechism
公金 [こうきん]
(n) public funds
公金横領 [こうきんおうりょう]
(n) misappropriation of public funds
公権 [こうけん]
(n) civil rights
公権的解釈 [こうけんてきかいしゃく]
(n) official interpretation or construction (e.g., of a law)
公権力 [こうけんりょく]
(n) public power
公言 [こうげん]
(n,vs) declaration
公庫 [こうこ]
(n) finance corporation
公侯 [こうこう]
(n) princes and marquises
公告 [こうこく]
(n,vs) public announcement
公国 [こうこく]
(n) dukedom
公差 [こうさ]
(n) common difference (in math.)
公債 [こうさい]
(n) public debt
公債市場 [こうさいいちば]
(n) bond market
公栽 [こうさい]
(n) judicial decision
公算 [こうさん]
(n) probability
公使 [こうし]
(n) minister (of legation)
公使館 [こうしかん]
(n) legation
公使館員 [こうしかんいん]
(n) legation
公司 [こうし]
(n) company
公子 [こうし]
(n) young nobleman
公私 [こうし]
(n) public and private
公私混同 [こうしこんどう]
(n,vs) intermingling of public policy with private interest
公試 [こうし]
(n) national examinations
公事 [くじ]
(n) political operations
公事 [こうじ]
(n) government business
公示 [こうし]
(n,vs) edict
公示 [こうじ]
(n,vs) edict
公示価格 [こうじかかく]
(n) declared value
公示地価 [こうじちか]
(n) assessed value of land
公式 [こうしき]
(adj-na,n) formula
公式試合 [こうしきしあい]
(n) championship match
公式試合 [こうしきじあい]
(n) championship match
公式主義 [こうしきしゅぎ]
(n) formalism
公式戦 [こうしきせん]
(n) regular game
公式発表 [こうしきはっぴょう]
(n) official announcement
公式訪問 [こうしきほうもん]
(n) official visit
公舎 [こうしゃ]
(n) official residence
公社 [こうしゃ]
(n) public corporation
公社債 [こうしゃさい]
(n) public bonds
公爵 [こうしゃく]
(n) prince
公爵夫人 [こうしゃくふじん]
(n) princess
公取委 [こうとりい]
(n) (abbr) Fair Trade Commission
公衆 [こうしゅう]
(n) the public
公衆ブース [こうしゅうブース]
(n) public booth
公衆衛生 [こうしゅうえいせい]
(n) sanitation
公衆送信権 [こうしゅうそうしんけん]
(n) public transmission rights (e.g., putting copyrightable material on the WWW or an FTP server)
公衆伝動 [こうしゅうでんどう]
(n) public evangelism
公衆電話 [こうしゅうでんわ]
(n) public telephone
公衆道徳 [こうしゅうどうとく]
(n) public morals
公衆便所 [こうしゅうべんじょ]
(n) public lavatory
公衆網 [こうしゅうもう]
(n) public network
公衆浴場 [こうしゅうよくじょう]
(n) public bathhouse
公住 [こうじゅう]
(n) apartment house built by the Japan Housing Corporation
公述 [こうじゅつ]
(n,vs) speaking at a public hearing
公準 [こうじゅん]
(n) postulate (in math.)
公署 [こうしょ]
(n) government office
公助 [こうじょ]
(n) rescue and assistance (by public bodies), e.g., in time of disaster
公序 [こうじょ]
(n) public order
公序良俗 [こうじょりょうぞく]
(n) public order and morals
公傷 [こうしょう]
(n) occupational injury
公傷制度 [こうしょうせいど]
(n) permission for sumo wrestler who was injured in an official tournament to be absent in the next one
公娼 [こうしょう]
(n) licensed prostitution
公娼全廃 [こうしょうぜんぱい]
(n) abolition of licensed prostitution
公称 [こうしょう]
(n,vs) public name
公称資本 [こうしょうしほん]
(n) authorized capital
公称資本金 [こうしょうしほんきん]
(n) nominal capital
公称馬力 [こうしょうばりき]
(n) nominal horsepower
公証 [こうしょう]
(n) authentication
公証人 [こうしょうにん]
(n) notary public
公証人役場 [こうしょうにんやくば]
(n) notary office
公証役場 [こうしょうやくば]
(n) notary public's office
公証料 [こうしょうりょう]
(n) notary charges or fees
公職 [こうしょく]
(n) public office
公職選挙法 [こうしょくせんきょほう]
(n) Public Officers Election Act
公職追放 [こうしょくついほう]
(n) purge of public officials
公人 [こうじん]
(n) public character
公図 [こうず]
(n) cadastral map
公正 [こうせい]
(adj-na,n) justice
公正取引委員会 [こうせいとりひきいいんかい]
(n) Fair Trade Commission
公正証書 [こうせいしょうしょ]
(n) notarized document
公正無私 [こうせいむし]
(n,adj-na) fair and impartial
公生涯 [こうしょうがい]
(n) public life
公生活 [こうせいかつ]
(n) public life
公設 [こうせつ]
(n) public (institution)
公設市場 [こうせついちば]
(n) public market
公設秘書 [こうせつひしょ]
(n) government-paid secretary
公選 [こうせん]
(n,vs) public election
公選制 [こうせんせい]
(n) popular election system
公然 [こうぜん]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) open (e.g., secret)
公然の秘密 [こうぜんのひみつ]
(n) open secret
公租 [こうそ]
(n) public tax
公租公課 [こうそこうか]
(n) taxes and public dues
公訴 [こうそ]
(n,vs) accusation
公葬 [こうそう]
(n) public funeral
公孫樹 [いちょう]
(n) ginkgo
公達 [きんだち]
(n) kings
公達 [こうたつ]
(n) official announcement
公団 [こうだん]
(n) public corporation
公団住宅 [こうだんじゅうたく]
(n) public housing
公知 [こうち]
(n) well-known
公庁 [こうちょう]
(n) offices of a public or governmental organization (organisation)
公聴会 [こうちょうかい]
(n) public hearing
公定 [こうてい]
(n,vs) official (rate)
公定価 [こうていか]
(n) ceiling or fixed price
公定価格 [こうていかかく]
(n) ceiling or fixed price
公定割引率 [こうていわりびきりつ]
(n) official discount rate
公定相場 [こうていそうば]
(n) ceiling price
公定地価 [こうていちか]
(n) assessed value of land
公定歩合 [こうていぶあい]
(n) official discount (bank) rate
公庭 [こうてい]
(n) place of ceremony
公邸 [こうてい]
(n) official residence
公敵 [こうてき]
(n) public enemy
公敵一号 [こうてきいちごう]
(n) public enemy No. 1
公的 [こうてき]
(adj-na,n) public
公的医療機関 [こうてきいりょうきかん]
(n) public medical institution
公的債務 [こうてきさいむ]
(n) sovereign debt
公的資金 [こうてきしきん]
(n) public funds
公的年金 [こうてきねんきん]
(n) public pension
公的不法妨害 [こうてきふほうぼうがい]
(n) public nuisance
公的扶助 [こうてきふじょ]
(n) public assistance
公転 [こうてん]
(n,vs) revolution (of heavens)
公転周期 [こうてんしゅうき]
(n) solar revolution
公転速度 [こうてんそくど]
(n) orbital speed
公田 [くでん]
(n) (historical) paddy administered directly by a ruler
公田 [こうでん]
(n) (historical) paddy administered directly by a ruler
公電 [こうでん]
(n) official telegram
公党 [こうとう]
(n) political party
公道 [こうどう]
(n) public road
公徳 [こうとく]
(n) civic virtues
公徳心 [こうとくしん]
(n) public spirit
公認 [こうにん]
(n,vs) official recognition
公認卸売業者 [こうにんおろしうりぎょうしゃ]
(n) authorized distributor
公認会計士 [こうにんかいけいし]
(n) certified public accountant
公認記録 [こうにんきろく]
(n) official record
公認候補 [こうにんこうほ]
(n) official candidate
公認候補者 [こうにんこうほしゃ]
(n) official candidate
公倍数 [こうばいすう]
(n) common multiple
公売 [こうばい]
(n,vs) public sale
公判 [こうはん]
(n) public hearing
公判調査 [こうはんちょうさ]
(n) trial record
公判廷 [こうはんてい]
(n) court
公費 [こうひ]
(n) public expenditure
公表 [こうひょう]
(n,vs) official announcement
公評 [こうひょう]
(n) popular opinion
公布 [こうふ]
(n,vs) official proclamation
公武 [こうぶ]
(n) nobles and soldiers
公武合体 [こうぶがったい]
(n) shogunate marital union with the Imperial Family
公武合体論 [こうぶがったいろん]
(n) (late Edo-period) idea of uniting the court and the shogunate
公分母 [こうぶんぼ]
(n) common denominator
公憤 [こうふん]
(n) public indignation
公文 [こうぶん]
(n) official document
公文所 [くもんじょ]
(n) (historical) government office
公文書 [こうぶんしょ]
(n) official document
公平 [こうへい]
(adj-na,n) fairness
公平政策 [こうへいせいさく]
(n) Fair Deal
公平無私 [こうへいむし]
(adj-na,n) impartiality
公辺 [こうへん]
(n) public ceremonies
公募 [こうぼ]
(n,vs) public appeal (e.g., for contributions)
公募株 [こうぼかぶ]
(n) publicly subscribed shares or stock
公募債 [こうぼさい]
(n,vs) public issue
公報 [こうほう]
(n) official bulletin
公方 [くぼう]
(n) public affairs
公法 [こうほう]
(n) public law
公法人 [こうほうじん]
(n) juridical person
公僕 [こうぼく]
(n) public servant
公民 [こうみん]
(n) citizen
公民科 [こうみんか]
(n) civics
公民学 [こうみんがく]
(n) civics
公民学校 [こうみんがっこう]
(n) citizenship training school
公民館 [こうみんかん]
(n) public hall
公民教育 [こうみんきょういく]
(n) civic or citizenship education
公民権 [こうみんけん]
(n) civil rights
公民権法 [こうみんけんほう]
(n) (U.S.) Civil Rights Act
公民生活 [こうみんせいかつ]
(n) national life
公務 [こうむ]
(n) official business
公務員 [こうむいん]
(n) government worker
公務員管理職 [こうむいんかんりしょく]
(n) executive positions in the civil service
公務員試験 [こうむいんしけん]
(n) civil service examination
公務災害 [こうむさいがい]
(n) accidents in line of duty
公務執行妨害 [こうむしっこうぼうがい]
(n) interference with a public servant in the execution of his or her duties
公務疾病 [こうむしっぺい]
(n) sickness incurred in line of duty
公務中 [こうむちゅう]
(n-adv) on duty
公明 [こうめい]
(adj-na,n) fairness
公明正大 [こうめいせいだい]
(adj-na,n) fairness
公明党 [こうめいとう]
(n) Justice Party
公役 [こうえき]
(n) public service
公約 [こうやく]
(n,vs) public commitment or promise
公約数 [こうやくすう]
(n) common divisor
公有 [こうゆう]
(n) public ownership
公有財産 [こうゆうざいさん]
(n) public property
公有水面 [こうゆうすいめん]
(n) public waters
公有地 [こうゆうち]
(n) public land
公有物 [こうゆうぶつ]
(n) public property
公有林 [こうゆうりん]
(n) public forest
公用 [こうよう]
(n) government business
公用語 [こうようご]
(n) official language
公用車 [こうようしゃ]
(n) official vehicle
公用物 [こうようぶつ]
(n) public property
公用文 [こうようぶん]
(n) official terminology
公吏 [こうり]
(n) public official
公理 [こうり]
(n) axiom
公立 [こうりつ]
(n) public (institution)
公立学校 [こうりつがっこう]
(n) public school
公領 [こうりょう]
(n) duchy
公路 [こうろ]
(n) public road
公論 [こうろん]
(n) public opinion
功を争う [こうをあらそう]
(exp) to contend for distinction
功過 [こうか]
(n) merits and demerits
功業 [こうぎょう]
(n) exploit
功罪 [こうざい]
(n) both good and bad
功臣 [こうしん]
(n) meritorious retainer
功績 [こうせき]
(n) achievements
功徳 [くどく]
(n) pious act
功夫 [カンフー]
(n) (MA) (uk) Kung-Fu (zh: go'ngfu)
功名 [こうみょう]
(n) great achievement
功名心 [こうみょうしん]
(n) ambition
功利 [こうり]
(n) utility
功利主義 [こうりしゅぎ]
(n) utilitarianism
功利主義者 [こうりしゅぎしゃ]
(n) a utilitarian
功利的 [こうりてき]
(adj-na,n) utilitarian
功力 [くりき]
(n) merits (influence) of one's pious acts or religious practice (practise)
功力 [こうりき]
(n) spiritual power resulting from Buddhist discipline
功労 [こうろう]
(n) meritorious deed
功労金 [こうろうきん]
(n) merit bonus
功労者 [こうろうしゃ]
(n) person who has rendered distinguished service
効 [こう]
(n) efficacy
効が有る [こうがある]
(exp) to be beneficial to
効き [きき]
(n) effectiveness (esp. of drugs)
効き目 [ききめ]
(n) effect
効く [きく]
(v5k) to be effective
効果 [こうか]
(n,adj-no) effect
効果が上がる [こうかがあがる]
(exp) to bear fruit
効果音 [こうかおん]
(n) sound effect(s)
効果的 [こうかてき]
(adj-na) effective
効果覿面 [こうかてきめん]
(n) bring an immediate result on
効験 [こうけん]
(n) efficacy
効能 [こうのう]
(n) effect
効能書き [こうのうがき]
(n) statement of the efficacy of a medicine
効目 [ききめ]
(n) effect
効用 [こうよう]
(n) use
効率 [こうりつ]
(n) efficiency
効率化 [こうりつか]
(n) making efficient
効率向上 [こうりつこうじょう]
(n) improvement in efficiency
効率的 [こうりつてき]
(adj-na) efficient
効力 [こうりょく]
(n) effect
勾 [こう]
(n) being bent
勾引 [こういん]
(n,vs) arrest
勾引し [かどわかし]
(n) kidnapper
勾引す [かどわかす]
(v5s) to kidnap
勾引状 [こういんじょう]
(n) summons
勾玉 [まがたま]
(n) (ancient) comma-shaped jewels
勾配 [こうばい]
(n) slope
勾留 [こうりゅう]
(n,vs) detention
厚 [あつ]
(suf) thickness
厚い [あつい]
(adj) cordial
厚い持てなし [あついもてなし]
(n) cordial reception
厚かましい [あつかましい]
(adj) impudent
厚く礼を述べる [あつくれいをのべる]
(exp) to thank (a person) heartily
厚さ [あつさ]
(n) thickness
厚ぼったい [あつぼったい]
(adj) very thick
厚み [あつみ]
(n) thickness
厚意 [こうい]
(n) kindness
厚臼 [あつうす]
(n) stone hand mill
厚恩 [こうおん]
(n) great favor
厚化粧 [あつげしょう]
(n,vs) thick or heavy make-up
厚顔 [こうがん]
(adj-na,n) impudence
厚顔無恥 [こうがんむち]
(adj-na,n) shameless
厚誼 [こうぎ]
(n) your kindness
厚遇 [こうぐう]
(n,vs) cordial welcome
厚志 [こうし]
(n) kind intention
厚紙 [あつがみ]
(n) cardboard
厚手 [あつで]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) thick (paper, etc.)
厚焼き [あつやき]
(n) thickly sliced food
厚情 [こうじょう]
(n) kindness
厚生 [こうせい]
(n) public welfare
厚生施設 [こうせいしせつ]
(n) welfare facilities
厚生省 [こうせいしょう]
(n) Ministry of Health and Welfare
厚生大臣 [こうせいだいじん]
(n) Minister of Health and Welfare
厚生年金 [こうせいねんきん]
(n) welfare pension
厚生年金保険 [こうせいねんきんほけん]
(n) welfare annuity insurance
厚生労働省 [こうせいろうどうしょう]
(n) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
厚切り [あつぎり]
(n) thick slice
厚相 [こうしょう]
(n) Welfare Minister
厚地 [あつじ]
(n) thick cloth
厚着 [あつぎ]
(n,vs) wearing thick clothes
厚底 [あつぞこ]
(n) thick-soled footwear, popular in the late 1990s
厚薄 [こうはく]
(n) thickness
厚板 [あついた]
(n) plank
厚皮 [あつかわ]
(adj-na,n) thick hide
厚味 [あつみ]
(n) thickness
厚揚げ [あつあげ]
(n) thick fried tofu
厚利 [こうり]
(n) large profits
厚礼 [こうれい]
(n) heartfelt thanks
厚労省 [こうろうしょう]
(n) (abbr) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
口 [くち]
(n) mouth
口々 [くちぐち]
(n) each entrance
口々に [くちぐちに]
(adv) severally
口あんぐり [くちあんぐり]
(n) dumbfounded
口うるさい [くちうるさい]
(adj) nagging
口から漏れる [くちからもれる]
(exp) to pass from one's lips
口がうまい [くちがうまい]
(adj) honeymouthed
口がない [くちがない]
(adj) being unable to find a job
口が悪い [くちがわるい]
(adj) sarcastic
口が滑る [くちがすべる]
(exp) to make a slip of the tongue
口が軽い [くちがかるい]
(adj) having a loose tongue
口が巧い [くちがうまい]
(adj) honeymouthed
口が重い [くちがおもい]
(adj) incommunicative
口が上手い [くちがうまい]
(adj) honeymouthed
口が多い [くちがおおい]
(adj) having a large family to support
口が肥える [くちがこえる]
(exp) to be used to eating the best
口が無い [くちがない]
(adj) being unable to find a job
口が辷る [くちがすべる]
(exp) to make a slip of the tongue
口げんか [くちげんか]
(n,vs) quarrel
口ごもる [くちごもる]
(v5r) to hesitate to say
口さがない [くちさがない]
(adj) gossipy
口ずから [くちずから]
(adv) personally
口ずさむ [くちずさむ]
(v5m) to hum something
口だし [くちだし]
(n,vs) interference
口づけ [くちづけ]
(n,vs) kiss
口づける [くちづける]
(v1) to kiss
口に [くちに]
(adv) eating
口にする [くちにする]
(exp) to taste
口にのぼる [くちにのぼる]
(exp) to become the subject of rumours or conversations
口に合う [くちにあう]
(exp) to be palatable
口に上る [くちにのぼる]
(exp) to become the subject of rumours or conversations
口の小さい [くちのちいさい]
(n) small mouthed
口の端 [くちのは]
(n) gossip
口ぶり [くちぶり]
(n) way of speaking
口やかましい [くちやかましい]
(adj) nagging
口をかける [くちをかける]
(exp) to apply for (a job)
口をつける [くちをつける]
(v1) to taste
口を掛ける [くちをかける]
(exp) to apply for (a job)
口を割る [くちをわる]
(exp) to confess
口を窮めて誉める [くちをきわめてほめる]
(exp) to be lavish in another's praise
口を挟む [くちをはさむ]
(exp) to cut into (a conversation)
口を極めて誉める [くちをきわめてほめる]
(exp) to be lavish in another's praise
口を出す [くちをだす]
(exp) to interrupt a conversation
口を拭う [くちをぬぐう]
(exp) to wipe one's mouth
口を慎む [くちをつつしむ]
(exp) to be careful in speech
口を揃えて [くちをそろえて]
(exp) (to complain) unanimously
口を入れる [くちをいれる]
(v1) to throw in a suggestion
口を付ける [くちをつける]
(v1) to taste
口コミ [くちコミ]
(n) word of mouth
口パク [くちパク]
(n) lip-synch
口移し [くちうつし]
(n) mouth-to-mouth feeding
口演 [こうえん]
(n,vs) oral presentation
口炎 [こうえん]
(n) mouth ulcer
口汚い [くちぎたない]
(adj) foul-mouthed
口汚し [くちよごし]
(n) tantalizing sample (of food)
口下手 [くちべた]
(adj-na,n) defective speech
口可笑 [くちおかし]
(n) witty talking
口火 [くちび]
(n) fuse
口火を切る [くちびをきる]
(exp) to start a conversation
口過ぎ [くちすぎ]
(n) livelihood
口解け [くちどけ]
(n) (uk) melt-in-the-mouth
口回し [くちまわし]
(n) an expression
口絵 [くちえ]
(n) frontispiece
口開け [くちあけ]
(n) opening
口外 [こうがい]
(n,vs) disclosure
口蓋 [こうがい]
(n) palate
口蓋音 [こうがいおん]
(n) a palatal
口蓋垂 [こうがいすい]
(n) uvula
口蓋裂 [こうがいれつ]
(n) cleft palate
口角 [こうかく]
(n) corners of the mouth
口角力 [くちづもう]
(n) war of words
口慣らし [くちならし]
(n,vs) accustoming oneself to a certain taste
口奇麗 [くちぎれい]
(adj-na,n) speaking elegantly
口寄せ [くちよせ]
(n,vs) spiritualism
口気 [こうき]
(n) bad breath
口許 [くちもと]
(n) the mouth
口供 [こうきょう]
(n,vs) affidavit
口供書 [こうきょうしょ]
(n) affidavit
口巾ったい [くちはばったい]
(n) acting smart
口琴 [こうきん]
(n) mouth harp
口琴 [びやぼん]
(n) type of mouth harp
口金 [くちがね]
(n) (metal) cap
口吟 [こうぎん]
(n,vs) humming to oneself
口吟む [くちずさむ]
(v5m) to hum
口径 [こうけい]
(n) aperture
口軽 [くちがる]
(adj-na,n) loose-lipped
口喧しい [くちやかましい]
(adj) nagging
口喧嘩 [くちけんか]
(n,vs) quarrel
口喧嘩 [くちげんか]
(n,vs) quarrel
口堅い [くちがたい]
(adj) discreet
口元 [くちもと]
(n) the mouth
口減らし [くちべらし]
(n) reducing the mouths to feed
口言葉 [くちことば]
(n) words in common use
口固め [くちがため]
(n,vs) verbal promise
口語 [こうご]
(n) colloquial language
口語英語 [こうごえいご]
(n) spoken English
口語体 [こうごたい]
(n) colloquial style
口語文 [こうごぶん]
(n) colloquial language or sentence
口語訳 [こうごやく]
(n) colloquial translation
口口 [くちぐち]
(n) each entrance
口口に [くちぐちに]
(adv) severally
口巧者 [くちごうしゃ]
(adj-na,n) smooth-spoken
口紅 [くちべに]
(n) lipstick
口腔 [こうくう]
(n) mouth cavity
口腔 [こうこう]
(n) mouth cavity
口腔外科 [こうくうげか]
(n) dental surgery
口腔外科 [こうこうげか]
(n) dental surgery
口腔癌 [こうこうがん]
(n) oral cancer
口荒 [くちあら]
(adj-na,n) rough speaking
口荒く [くちあらく]
(adv) violently
口号む [くちずさむ]
(v5m) to hum
口座 [こうざ]
(n) account (e.g., bank)
口座係 [こうざかかり]
(n) teller (in bank)
口塞ぎ [くちふさぎ]
(n) prohibition of speaking
口才 [こうさい]
(adj-na,n) clever speech
口三味線 [くちざみせん]
(n) humming a samisen tune
口三味線 [くちじゃみせん]
(n) humming a samisen tune
口止め [くちどめ]
(n,vs) forbidding to speak
口止め料 [くちどめりょう]
(n) hush money
口耳 [こうじ]
(n) mouth and ear
口耳の学 [こうじのがく]
(n) shallow learning
口実 [こうじつ]
(n) excuse
口写し [くちうつし]
(n) repeat mindlessly
口車 [くちぐるま]
(n) cajolery
口寂しい [くちさびしい]
(adj) longing to have or put something in one's mouth
口取り [くちとり]
(n) (1) leading a horse, cow, etc.
口受 [くじゅ]
(n) listening to someone talking
口授 [くうじゅ]
(n,vs) oral instruction or teaching or method
口授 [くじゅ]
(n,vs) oral instruction or teaching or method
口授 [こうじゅ]
(n,vs) oral instruction or teaching or method
口臭 [こうしゅう]
(n) bad breath
口重 [くちおも]
(adj-na,n) slow of speech
口重い [くちおもい]
(adj) slow of speech
口出し [くちだし]
(n,vs) interference
口述 [こうじゅつ]
(n,vs) verbal statement
口述権 [こうじゅつけん]
(n) public recitation right (e.g., reciting a poem in a bookstore)
口述試験 [こうじゅつしけん]
(n) oral examination
口述書 [こうじゅつしょ]
(n) affidavit
口述筆記 [こうじゅつひっき]
(n,vs) dictation
口書き [くちがき]
(n,vs) writing with the brush in the mouth
口小言 [くちこごと]
(n) scolding
口承 [こうしょう]
(n,vs) passing on by word of mouth
口上 [こうじょう]
(n) vocal message
口上手 [くちじょうず]
(adj-na,n) smooth-speaking
口上書 [こうじょうがき]
(n) verbal note (notes verbale)
口上書 [こうじょうしょ]
(n) verbal note (notes verbale)
口上書き [こうじょうがき]
(n) verbal note (notes verbale)
口拭き [くちふき]
(n) napkin
口触り [くちざわり]
(n) (food that meets one's) taste
口唇 [こうしん]
(n) lips
口唇期 [こうしんき]
(n) the oral phase (of development)
口唇裂 [こうしんれつ]
(n) harelip
口振り [くちぶり]
(n) way of speaking
口真似 [くちまね]
(n,vs) mimicry
口数 [くちかず]
(n) number of dependents (words, shares, accounts)
口数 [くちすう]
(n) number of dependents (words, shares, accounts)
口数 [こうすう]
(n) number of people, items, etc.
口数が少い [くちかずがすくない]
(n) taciturn
口性ない [くちさがない]
(adj) gossipy
口性無い [くちさがない]
(adj) gossipy
口惜しい [くちおしい]
(adj) regrettable
口惜しい [くやしい]
(adj) regrettable
口切り [くちきり]
(n) start broaching (a subject)
口説 [くぜつ]
(n) lover's tiff
口説き文句 [くどきもんく]
(exp) (loving) words
口説き落とす [くどきおとす]
(v5s) to persuade
口説く [くどく]
(v5k) to seduce
口舌 [くぜつ]
(n) talking recklessly
口舌 [こうぜつ]
(n) talking recklessly
口先 [くちさき]
(n) lips
口占 [くちうら]
(n) gathering from another's words
口宣 [こうせん]
(n) oral statement
口銭 [こうせん]
(n) commission
口前 [くちまえ]
(n) way of speaking
口早 [くちばや]
(adj-na,n) rapid talking
口争い [くちあらそい]
(n,vs) quarreling
口装 [こうそう]
(n) muzzle loading gun
口走る [くちばしる]
(v5r) to speak
口達者 [くちだっしゃ]
(adj-na,n) eloquence
口茶 [くちじゃ]
(n) adding more tea
口中 [こうちゅう]
(n) interior of the mouth
口忠実 [くちまめ]
(adj-na,n) talkative
口調 [くちょう]
(n) tone
口直し [くちなおし]
(n) removing a bad taste
口笛 [くちぶえ]
(n) whistle
口笛を吹く [くちぶえをふく]
(exp) to whistle
口添え [くちぞえ]
(n,vs) recommendation
口伝 [くでん]
(n) oral tradition
口伝 [こうでん]
(n) oral tradition
口伝え [くちづたえ]
(n) oral tradition
口伝て [くちづて]
(n) oral tradition
口当たり [くちあたり]
(n) (1) taste
口答 [こうとう]
(n) oral answer
口答え [くちごたえ]
(n,vs) retort
口答試問 [こうとうしもん]
(n) oral examination
口頭 [こうとう]
(n) oral
口頭試問 [こうとうしもん]
(n) oral examination
口頭審理 [こうとうしんり]
(n) oral proceedings
口頭弁論 [こうとうべんろん]
(n) oral proceedings
口内 [こうない]
(n) oral
口内炎 [こうないえん]
(n) mouth ulcer
口内性交 [こうないせいこう]
(n) (X) oral sex
口馴らし [くちならし]
(n,vs) accustoming oneself to a certain taste
口入れ [くちいれ]
(n,vs) acting as go-between
口入れ屋 [くちいれや]
(n) employment agency
口任せ [くちまかせ]
(n) random talk
口拍子 [くちびょうし]
(n) counting time orally
口八丁 [くちはっちょう]
(n) voluble
口抜き [くちぬき]
(n) corkscrew
口煩い [くちうるさい]
(adj) nagging
口煩さい [くちうるさい]
(adj) nagging
口碑 [こうひ]
(n) oral tradition
口髭 [くちひげ]
(n) moustache
口不調法 [くちぶちょうほう]
(adj-na,n) poor talker
口付き [くちつき]
(n) (1) (in the shape of a) mouth
口付き [くちづき]
(n) (1) (in the shape of a) mouth
口付き煙草 [くちづきたばこ]
(n) cigarette with a mouthpiece
口付け [くちづけ]
(n,vs) kiss
口付ける [くちづける]
(v1) to kiss
口幅ったい [くちはばったい]
(adj) bragging
口腹 [こうふく]
(n) (1) appetite
口分け [くちわけ]
(n) assortment
口吻 [こうふん]
(n) way of speaking
口癖 [くちぐせ]
(n) way of saying
口辺 [こうへん]
(n) around one's lips
口辺に [こうへんに]
(adv) around the mouth
口辺単純疱疹 [こうへんたんじゅんほうしん]
(n) cold sore
口返答 [くちへんとう]
(n,vs) talking back
口弁 [こうべん]
(n) eloquence
口味 [こうみ]
(n) taste
口無し [くちなし]
(n) (1) something unspoken
口明け [くちあけ]
(n) start
口約 [こうやく]
(n,vs) verbal promise
口約束 [くちやくそく]
(n,vs) verbal promise
口遊む [くちずさむ]
(v5m) to hum
口利き [くちきき]
(n) eloquent person
口裏 [くちうら]
(n) determining a speaker's true or hidden meaning
口凌ぎ [くちしのぎ]
(n) living from hand to mouth
口糧 [こうりょう]
(n) rations
口輪 [くちわ]
(n) muzzle
口篭る [くちごもる]
(v5r) to hesitate to say
口論 [こうろん]
(n,vs) dispute
口話法 [こうわほう]
(n) lipreading
口脇 [くちわき]
(n) edges of the mouth
口籠る [くちごもる]
(v5r) to hesitate to say
口誦 [こうしょう]
(n,vs) recitation
向い [むかい]
(io) (n,adj-no) facing
向い合う [むかいあう]
(io) (v5u) to be opposite
向い側 [むかいがわ]
(io) (n) opposite side
向い波 [むかいなみ]
(n) head sea
向い風 [むかいかぜ]
(n) head wind
向う [むかう]
(io) (v5u) (1) to face
向う見ず [むこうみず]
(adj-na,n) recklessness
向う側 [むこうがわ]
(n) other side
向かい [むかい]
(n,adj-no) facing
向かい火 [むかいび]
(n) backfire (to defend against forest fires)
向かい合う [むかいあう]
(v5u) to be opposite
向かい合わせ [むかいあわせ]
(n) face-to-face
向かい合わせる [むかいあわせる]
(v1) to face
向かい側 [むかいがわ]
(n) opposite side
向かい波 [むかいなみ]
(n) head sea
向かい風 [むかいかぜ]
(n) head wind
向かう [むかう]
(v5u) (1) to face
向かって左 [むかってひだり]
(n) on the left as one faces (it)
向かっ腹 [むかっぱら]
(n) anger
向き [むき]
(adj-na,n,n-suf) direction
向きに成って怒る [むきになっておこる]
(exp) to flare up
向き向き [むきむき]
(n) suitability
向き合う [むきあう]
(v5u) to be opposite
向き直る [むきなおる]
(v5r) to turn round
向き不向きが有る [むきふむきがある]
(exp) to have one's own field of work
向き付けに [むきつけに]
(adv) to one's face
向く [むく]
(v5k) (1) to face
向け [むけ]
(n-suf) intended for ..
向ける [むける]
(v1) to turn towards
向け替える [むけかえる]
(v1) to change direction
向け直す [むけなおす]
(v5s,vt) to change direction
向け直る [むけなおる]
(v5r,vi) to change direction
向こう [むこう]
(n) beyond
向こうから来る [むこうからくる]
(vk) to come from the opposite direction
向こうで暮らす [むこうでくらす]
(v5s) to live overseas
向こうに回して [むこうにまわして]
(exp) in opposition to
向こうに着いたら [むこうについたら]
(n) when you get to the destination
向こうを張る [むこうをはる]
(exp) to vie with one's opponent
向こう意気 [むこういき]
(n) aggressive
向こう岸 [むこうぎし]
(n) the opposite bank
向こう気 [むこうき]
(n) aggressive
向こう見ず [むこうみず]
(adj-na,n) recklessness
向こう三軒 [むこうさんげん]
(n) one's next three neighbors
向こう傷 [むこうきず]
(n) scar on one's forehead
向こう正面 [むこうしょうめん]
(n) seat facing south side of sumo ring
向こう側 [むこうがわ]
(n) other side
向こう鉢巻 [むこうはちまき]
(n) folded or rolled head towel
向こう鉢巻き [むこうはちまき]
(n) folded or rolled head towel
向こう疵 [むこうきず]
(n) frontal wound
向こう脛 [むこうずね]
(n) shin
向学心 [こうがくしん]
(n) love of learning
向寒 [こうかん]
(n) facing the winter
向後 [こうご]
(n-adv,n-t) hereafter
向光性 [こうこうせい]
(n) heliotropism
向暑 [こうしょ]
(n) facing the heat
向上 [こうじょう]
(n,vs) elevation
向上心 [こうじょうしん]
(n) ambition
向上進化 [こうじょうしんか]
(n) anagenesis
向心力 [こうしんりょく]
(n) centripetal force
向性 [こうせい]
(n) tropism
向精神薬 [こうせいしんやく]
(n) psychotropic drug
向地性 [こうちせい]
(n) the nature of plants to grow down and root
向日葵 [ひまわり]
(gikun) (n) sunflower
向日性 [こうじつせい]
(n) disposition (in flowers) to turn toward the sun
向日性 [こうにちせい]
(n) disposition (in flowers) to turn toward the sun
向背 [こうはい]
(n) one's attitude
向米 [こうべい]
(n) pro-American
向米的 [こうべいてき]
(adj-na) pro-American
后 [きさき]
(n) empress
后宮 [こうきゅう]
(n) harem
后妃 [こうひ]
(n) queen
喉 [のど]
(n) (uk) throat
喉 [のんど]
(n) (uk) throat
喉が渇く [のどがかわく]
(exp) to be thirsty
喉ちんこ [のどちんこ]
(n) uvula
喉に刺さった骨 [のどにささったほね]
(n) bone stuck in one's throat
喉の痛み [のどのいたみ]
(exp) sore throat
喉を潤す [のどをうるおす]
(exp) to appease one's thirst
喉越し [のどごし]
(n) feeling of a drink going down one's throat
喉越しがよい [のどごしがよい]
(exp) going down smoothly
喉元 [のどもと]
(n) throat
喉自慢 [のどじまん]
(n) proud of one's voice
喉笛 [のどぶえ]
(n) windpipe
喉頭 [こうとう]
(adj-na,n) larynx
喉頭炎 [こうとうえん]
(n) laryngitis
喉頭癌 [こうとうがん]
(n) cancer of the larynx
喉仏 [のどぼとけ]
(n) Adam's apple
喉輪 [のどわ]
(n) (sumo) thrust at the opponent's throat
坑外 [こうがい]
(n) out of the pit
坑口 [こうこう]
(n) pithead
坑儒 [こうじゅ]
(n) burying Confucian scholars alive
坑底 [こうてい]
(n) mine-pit bottom
坑道 [こうどう]
(n) tunnel
坑内 [こうない]
(n) within a pit or (mine) shaft
坑内事故 [こうないじこ]
(n) mine accident
坑夫 [こうふ]
(n) miner
坑木 [こうぼく]
(n) mine timbers
垢 [あか]
(n) dirt
垢染みる [あかじみる]
(v5r) to become grimy or dirty
垢抜け [あかぬけ]
(n,vs) refinement
垢抜ける [あかぬける]
(v1) to refine
垢離 [こり]
(n) purification
好々爺 [こうこうや]
(n) good-natured old man
好い [いい]
(adj) (uk) good
好い [よい]
(adj) (uk) good
好い加減 [いいかげん]
(adj-na,adv,exp,n) (1) proper
好い加減にする [いいかげんにする]
(exp) to put an end to something
好い顔 [いいかお]
(n) big-shot
好い気 [いいき]
(adj-na,n) easygoing
好い気味 [いいきみ]
(adj-na) serves one right
好い子 [いいこ]
(n) good child
好い人 [いいひと]
(n) good-natured person
好い仲 [いいなか]
(n) love for one another
好い年 [いいとし]
(n) old enough
好き [すき]
(adj-na,n) liking
好きずき [すきずき]
(n) matter of taste
好きだ [すきだ]
(n) be fond of
好き嫌い [すききらい]
(n) likes and dislikes
好き好き [すきずき]
(n) matter of taste
好き好む [すきこのむ]
(v5m) to do something by choice
好き者 [すきもの]
(n) (vulg) dilettante
好き勝手 [すきかって]
(adj-na) doing whatever one pleases
好き放題 [すきほうだい]
(adj-na,n) doing as one pleases
好く [すく]
(v5k) to like
好ましい [このましい]
(adj) nice
好み [このみ]
(n) liking
好みにより [このみにより]
(n) depending on one's preference
好む [このむ]
(v5m) to like
好んで [このんで]
(n) by (from) choice
好ゲーム [こうゲーム]
(n) excellent effort in a losing cause (baseball)
好プレー [こうプレー]
(n) good play or effort (baseball)
好悪 [こうお]
(n) likes and dislikes
好意 [こうい]
(n) good will
好意的 [こういてき]
(adj-na) favorable
好一対 [こういっつい]
(adj-na,n) well-matched
好印象 [こういんしょう]
(n) good impression
好運 [こううん]
(adj-na,n) good luck
好餌 [こうじ]
(n) bait
好影響 [こうえいきょう]
(n) favorable influence
好演 [こうえん]
(n,vs) good performance
好塩菌 [こうえんきん]
(n) halobacteria
好下物 [こうかぶつ]
(n) favorite snack to have with drinks
好角家 [こうかくか]
(n) sumo fan
好学 [こうがく]
(n) love of learning
好感 [こうかん]
(n) good feeling
好漢 [こうかん]
(n) fine fellow
好奇 [こうき]
(n) inquisitiveness
好奇心 [こうきしん]
(n) curiosity
好期 [こうき]
(n) ideal time
好機 [こうき]
(n) good opportunity
好機を逃す [こうきをのがす]
(exp) to let an opportunity slip
好機到来 [こうきとうらい]
(n) advent of a golden opportunity
好気 [こうき]
(n) easygoing
好気性細菌 [こうきせいさいきん]
(n) aerobic bacteria
好気性生物 [こうきせいせいぶつ]
(adj-na,n) aerobe
好宜 [こうぎ]
(n) warm friendship
好誼 [こうぎ]
(n) warm friendship
好球 [こうきゅう]
(n) good pitch
好況 [こうきょう]
(n) prosperous conditions
好景気 [こうけいき]
(n) good times
好結果 [こうけっか]
(n) good results or outcome
好個 [こうこ]
(n) excellent
好古 [こうこ]
(n) love of antiquities
好好爺 [こうこうや]
(n) good-natured old man
好材料 [こうざいりょう]
(n) good material or data
好事 [こうじ]
(n) fortune
好事 [こうず]
(n) fortune
好事家 [こうずか]
(n) dilettante
好事多魔 [こうじたま]
(exp) Happy events are often accompanied by difficulties
好事魔多し [こうじまおおし]
(exp) Lights are usually followed by shadows
好取組 [こうとりくみ]
(n) good game or match
好守 [こうしゅ]
(n,vs) good fielding (baseball)
好手 [こうしゅ]
(n) expert
好尚 [こうしょう]
(n) taste
好条件 [こうじょうけん]
(n) favourable terms
好色 [こうしょく]
(adj-na,n) lust
好色っ漢 [こうしょっかん]
(n) lecher
好色家 [こうしょくか]
(n) lustful person
好色漢 [こうしょくかん]
(n) lecher
好色者 [こうしょくしゃ]
(n) luster
好色文学 [こうしょくぶんがく]
(n) erotic or pornographic literature
好色本 [こうしょくぼん]
(n) erotic or pornographic book
好人物 [こうじんぶつ]
(n) good-natured person
好成績 [こうせいせき]
(n) good results
好戦 [こうせん]
(n) belligerence
好戦国 [こうせんこく]
(n) warlike nation
好戦的 [こうせんてき]
(adj-na) belligerent
好選手 [こうせんしゅ]
(n) strong or skillful person
好走 [こうそう]
(n,vs) good running
好打 [こうだ]
(n,vs) (baseball) good hit
好打者 [こうだしゃ]
(n) good batter
好男子 [こうだんし]
(n) handsome man
好調 [こうちょう]
(adj-na,n) favourable
好敵手 [こうてきしゅ]
(n) worthy rival or opponent
好適 [こうてき]
(adj-na,n) ideal
好天 [こうてん]
(n) fine weather
好天気 [こうてんき]
(adj-na,n) fine weather
好転 [こうてん]
(n,vs) changing for the better
好都合 [こうつごう]
(adj-na,n) convenient
好投 [こうとう]
(n,vs) good (nice) pitching
好配 [こうはい]
(n) good spouse
好評 [こうひょう]
(n) popularity
好評嘖々 [こうひょうさくさく]
(adj-t,adv-to) enjoying great popularity
好評嘖嘖 [こうひょうさくさく]
(adj-t,adv-to) enjoying great popularity
好物 [こうぶつ]
(n) favorite dish
好望 [こうぼう]
(n) promising future
好例 [こうれい]
(n) good example
孔 [あな]
(n,n-suf) hole
孔を穿つ [こうをうがつ]
(exp) to pierce a hole
孔子 [こうし]
(n) Confucius
孔雀 [くじゃく]
(n) peacock
孔雀石 [くじゃくせき]
(n) malachite
孔雀妙王 [くじゃくみょうおう]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) Mayuri Vidya-raja
孔版 [こうはん]
(n) mimeograph
孔版印刷 [こうはんいんさつ]
(n) stencil printing
孔孟 [こうもう]
(n) Confucius and Mencius
孔孟の教え [こうもうのおしえ]
(n) the teachings of Confucius and Mencius
孔門 [こうもん]
(n) disciple of Confucius
孝 [こう]
(n) filial piety
孝敬 [こうけい]
(n) filial piety
孝経 [こうきょう]
(n) the Book of Filial Piety
孝行 [こうこう]
(adj-na,n) filial piety
孝子 [こうし]
(n) filial child
孝順 [こうじゅん]
(adj-na,n) obedience
孝女 [こうじょ]
(n) filial daughter
孝心 [こうしん]
(n) filial devotion
孝弟 [こうてい]
(n) filial piety
孝悌 [こうてい]
(n) filial piety
孝道 [こうどう]
(n) filial piety
孝養 [こうよう]
(n,vs) discharge of filial duties
宏遠 [こうえん]
(adj-na,n) vast and far-reaching
宏壮 [こうそう]
(adj-na) grand
宏大 [こうだい]
(adj-na) huge
宏弁 [こうべん]
(n) (rare) fluency
工 [たくみ]
(n,adj-na) (1) workman
工々四 [くんくんしい]
(n) type of Ryuukyuu stringed instrument music
工員 [こういん]
(n) factory worker
工員寮 [こういんりょう]
(n) dormitory for factory workers
工科 [こうか]
(n) engineering course
工科大学 [こうかだいがく]
(n) engineering college
工学 [こうがく]
(n) engineering
工学科 [こうがくか]
(n) engineering department
工学士 [こうがくし]
(n) Bachelor of Engineering
工学者 [こうがくしゃ]
(n) engineer
工学修士 [こうがくしゅうし]
(n) Master of Engineering
工学博士 [こうがくはかせ]
(n) Doctor of Engineering
工学博士 [こうがくはくし]
(n) Doctor of Engineering
工学部 [こうがくぶ]
(n) department (or school) of technology, engineering or science
工業 [こうぎょう]
(n) (manufacturing) industry
工業を興す [こうぎょうをおこす]
(exp) to promote industry
工業意匠 [こうぎょういしょう]
(n) industrial design
工業化 [こうぎょうか]
(n) industrialization
工業化学 [こうぎょうかがく]
(n) industrial chemistry
工業界 [こうぎょうかい]
(n) the industrial world
工業規格 [こうぎょうきかく]
(n) industrial standard
工業技術 [こうぎょうぎじゅつ]
(n) industrial technology
工業港 [こうぎょうこう]
(n) industrial port
工業高等専門学校 [こうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう]
(n) technical junior college
工業国 [こうぎょうこく]
(n) industrialized nation
工業主導型経済 [こうぎょうしゅどうがたけいざい]
(n) industrial-led economy
工業所有権 [こうぎょうしょゆうけん]
(n) (rights to) industrial property
工業製品 [こうぎょうせいひん]
(n) industrial goods
工業先進国 [こうぎょうせんしんこく]
(n) industrialized countries
工業大学 [こうぎょうだいがく]
(n) technical college or institute
工業団地 [こうぎょうだんち]
(n) industrial park
工業地区 [こうぎょうちく]
(n) industrial zone
工業地帯 [こうぎょうちたい]
(n) industrial area
工業都市 [こうぎょうとし]
(n) industrial (manufacturing, factory) town or city
工業用 [こうぎょうよう]
(n) for industrial use
工業用水 [こうぎょうようすい]
(n) industrial water
工具 [こうぐ]
(n) tool
工具入 [こうぐいれ]
(n) toolbox
工芸 [こうげい]
(n) industrial arts
工芸美術 [こうげいびじゅつ]
(n) applied fine arts
工芸品 [こうげいひん]
(n) handicraft
工工四 [くんくんしい]
(n) type of Ryuukyuu stringed instrument music
工合 [ぐあい]
(n) condition
工作 [こうさく]
(n,vs) work
工作員 [こうさくいん]
(n) craftsman
工作機械 [こうさくきかい]
(n) machine tools
工作室 [こうさくしつ]
(n) workshop
工作品 [こうさくひん]
(n) manufactured article
工作物 [こうさくぶつ]
(n) manufactured articles
工事 [こうじ]
(n,vs) construction work
工事を進める [こうじをすすめる]
(exp) to hasten (speed up) the works
工事現場 [こうじげんば]
(n) construction site
工事中 [こうじちゅう]
(n) under construction
工事費 [こうじひ]
(n) construction costs
工手 [こうしゅ]
(n) person engaged in public engineering works
工匠 [こうしょう]
(n) artisan
工廠 [こうしょう]
(n) arsenal
工場 [こうじょう]
(n) factory
工場 [こうば]
(n) factory
工場を設ける [こうじょうをもうける]
(exp) to set up a factory
工場実習 [こうじょうじっしゅう]
(n) coop
工場主 [こうじょうしゅ]
(n) factory owner
工場地帯 [こうじょうちたい]
(n) factory or industrial district or area
工場長 [こうじょうちょう]
(n) factory (works) manager
工人 [こうじん]
(n) workman
工数 [こうすう]
(n) production costs
工船 [こうせん]
(n) factory boat (ship)
工大 [こうだい]
(n) technical college
工賃 [こうちん]
(n) wages
工程 [こうてい]
(n) manufacturing process
工程線 [こうていせん]
(n) production line
工博 [こうはく]
(n) Doctor of Engineering
工費 [こうひ]
(n) construction cost
工夫 [くふう]
(n,vs) device
工夫 [こうふ]
(n) labourer
工兵 [こうへい]
(n) engineer
工法 [こうほう]
(n) method of construction
工房 [こうぼう]
(n) workshop
工務 [こうむ]
(n) engineering
工務店 [こうむてん]
(n) engineering firm
工面 [くめん]
(n,vs) contrivance
工率 [こうりつ]
(n) rate of production
巧い [うまい]
(adj) skillful
巧い絵 [うまいえ]
(n) excellent picture (painting)
巧い訳 [うまいやく]
(n) good translation
巧と拙 [こうとせつ]
(n) skillfulness and clumsiness
巧まぬ技巧 [たくまぬぎこう]
(n) artless art
巧み [たくみ]
(adj-na,n) skill
巧みな手段 [たくみなしゅだん]
(n) clever trick
巧みに操る [たくみにあやつる]
(exp) to maneuver
巧む [たくむ]
(v5r) to devise
巧を誇る [こうをほこる]
(exp) to be of excellent workmanship
巧技 [こうぎ]
(n) skill
巧言 [こうげん]
(n) flattery
巧言令色 [こうげんれいしょく]
(n) flattery
巧者 [こうしゃ]
(adj-na,n) cleverness
巧手 [こうしゅ]
(n) skill
巧拙 [こうせつ]
(n) tact
巧走 [こうそう]
(n,vs) good running
巧知 [こうち]
(n) skill
巧遅 [こうち]
(n) slow and elaborate
巧遅拙速 [こうちせっそく]
(n) better being rough and ready than slow and elaborate
巧妙 [こうみょう]
(adj-na,n) ingenious
巧緻 [こうち]
(adj-na,n) elaborate
巷 [ちまた]
(n) busy place
巷間 [こうかん]
(n) on the street
巷説 [こうせつ]
(n) gossip
巷談 [こうだん]
(n) rumour
幸 [さち]
(n) happiness
幸ある [さちある]
(exp) fortunate
幸あれ [さちあれ]
(exp) good luck!
幸あれと祈る [さちあれといのる]
(exp) to wish someone luck
幸い [さいわい]
(adj-na,adv,n) happiness
幸いあれ [さいわいあれ]
(exp) Be happy!
幸い茸 [さいわいたけ]
(n) (obsc) happy mushroom
幸か不幸か [こうかふこうか]
(exp) luckily or unluckily
幸せ [しあわせ]
(adj-na,n) happiness
幸運 [こううん]
(adj-na,n) good luck
幸運児 [こううんじ]
(n) lucky person
幸甚 [こうじん]
(adj-na,n) pleased
幸甚である [こうじんである]
(v5r) to deem a favor
幸先 [さいさき]
(n) omen
幸福 [こうふく]
(adj-na,n) happiness
幸福に浸る [こうふくにひたる]
(exp) to swim in bliss
幸福を求めて [こうふくをもとめて]
(exp) in search (pursuit) of happiness
幸福感 [こうふくかん]
(n) feeling of happiness
幸便 [こうびん]
(n) favorable chance
幸有る [さちある]
(exp) fortunate
幸有れ [さちあれ]
(exp) good luck!
広々 [ひろびろ]
(adj-na,adv,n) extensive
広々とした [ひろびろとした]
(adj) open
広い [ひろい]
(adj) spacious
広い額 [ひろいひたい]
(n) high brow
広い支持 [ひろいしじ]
(n) broad support
広がった枝 [ひろがったえだ]
(n) spreading branches
広がり [ひろがり]
(n) spread
広がる [ひろがる]
(v5r) to spread (out)
広く [ひろく]
(adv) widely
広く用いる [ひろくもちいる]
(exp) to be in wide use
広げた腕 [ひろげたうで]
(n) outstretched arms
広げる [ひろげる]
(v1) to spread
広さ [ひろさ]
(n) extent
広まり [ひろまり]
(n) spread
広まる [ひろまる]
(v5r) to spread
広める [ひろめる]
(v1) to broaden
広域 [こういき]
(n) wide area
広縁 [ひろえん]
(n) broad or spacious veranda
広遠 [こうえん]
(adj-na,n) vast and far-reaching
広角 [こうかく]
(n) wide-angle
広間 [ひろま]
(n) hall
広軌 [こうき]
(n) broad gauge
広義 [こうぎ]
(n) wide sense
広狭 [こうきょう]
(n) width
広原 [こうげん]
(n) wide plain or field
広言 [こうげん]
(n,vs) boasting
広口 [ひろくち]
(n) a wide mouth
広口瓶 [ひろくちびん]
(n) jar
広広 [ひろびろ]
(adj-na,adv,n) extensive
広広とした [ひろびろとした]
(adj) open
広告 [こうこく]
(n,vs) advertisement
広告スペース [こうこくスペース]
(n) advertising space
広告業 [こうこくぎょう]
(n) the advertising industry
広告効果 [こうこくこうか]
(n) effect or effectiveness of advertising
広告市場 [こうこくいちば]
(n) advertising market
広告社 [こうこくしゃ]
(n) advertising agency
広告主 [こうこくぬし]
(n) advertising sponsor
広告収入 [こうこくしゅうにゅう]
(n) advertising revenue
広告代理店 [こうこくだいりてん]
(n) advertising firm
広告塔 [こうこくとう]
(n) billboard
広告媒体 [こうこくばいたい]
(n) advertising media
広告板 [こうこくばん]
(n) billboard
広告費 [こうこくひ]
(n) advertising expenses
広告欄 [こうこくらん]
(n) advertising section
広告料 [こうこくりょう]
(n) advertising rates
広辞苑 [こうじえん]
(n) Koujien (famous Japanese Dictionary)
広州 [こうしゅう]
(n) Guangzhou (China)
広小路 [ひろこうじ]
(n) a (wide) main street
広場 [ひろば]
(n) plaza
広場恐怖症 [ひろばきょうふしょう]
(n) agoraphobia
広壮 [こうそう]
(adj-na) grand
広袖 [ひろそで]
(n) a wide sleeve
広大 [こうだい]
(adj-na) huge
広大無辺 [こうだいむへん]
(adj-na,n) boundless
広島県 [ひろしまけん]
(n) Hiroshima prefecture (Chuugoku area)
広東 [かんとん]
(n) Canton (China)
広東語 [かんとんご]
(n) Cantonese
広漠 [こうばく]
(adj-t,adv-to) vast
広汎 [こうはん]
(adj-na) wide
広範 [こうはん]
(adj-na) wide
広範囲 [こうはんい]
(adj-na,n) extensive
広範多岐 [こうはんたき]
(n,adj-na) extensive and wide-ranging
広幅 [ひろはば]
(n) double width cloth or fabric
広報 [こうほう]
(n) PR
広報課 [こうほうか]
(n) public relations department (section, office)
広報活動 [こうほうかつどう]
(n) publicity (information) activities
広報官 [こうほうかん]
(n) public relations office
広報誌 [こうほうし]
(n) PR brochure
広報情報 [こうほうじょうほう]
(n) public relations information
広報部 [こうほうぶ]
(n) public relations section or department
広野 [こうや]
(n) (a) plain
広葉樹 [こうようじゅ]
(n) broadleaf tree
広量 [こうりょう]
(adj-na,n) generosity
広闊 [こうかつ]
(adj-na,n) spacious
庚 [かのえ]
(n) 7th in rank
庚 [こう]
(n) 7th in rank
庚申 [こうしん]
(n) 57th of the sexagenary cycle
康寧 [こうねい]
(n) (rare) tranquility
康煕字典 [こうきじてん]
(n) The Chinese kangxi zidian dictionary of 1716, which established the 214 radicals
弘い [ひろい]
(adj) spacious
弘遠 [こうえん]
(adj-na,n) vast and far-reaching
弘済会 [こうさいかい]
(n) benefit association
弘仁格 [こうにんきゃく]
(n) Ordinance of the Konin Era
弘誓 [ぐぜい]
(n) Buddha's great vows
弘大 [こうだい]
(adj-na) huge
弘報 [こうほう]
(n) PR
弘法 [ぐほう]
(n,vs) spreading Buddhist teachings
恒温 [こうおん]
(n) constant temperature
恒温器 [こうおんき]
(n) incubator
恒温動物 [こうおんどうぶつ]
(n) homeotherm
恒河沙 [こうがしゃ]
(n) 10^52
恒河沙 [ごうがしゃ]
(n) 10^52
恒久 [こうきゅう]
(n) permanent
恒久化 [こうきゅうか]
(n,vs) making permanent
恒久性 [こうきゅうせい]
(n) permanance
恒久的 [こうきゅうてき]
(adj-na) permanent
恒久不変 [こうきゅうふへん]
(n) permanent and immutable
恒産 [こうさん]
(n) fixed or real property
恒常 [こうじょう]
(n) constancy
恒常性 [こうじょうせい]
(n) constancy
恒常的 [こうじょうてき]
(adj-na) constant
恒心 [こうしん]
(n) steadiness
恒数 [こうすう]
(n) a constant (e.g., in science)
恒性 [こうせい]
(n) constancy
恒星 [こうせい]
(n) fixed star
恒星年 [こうせいねん]
(n) a sidereal year
恒等式 [こうとうしき]
(n) (gen) (math) identity
恒例 [こうれい]
(n) established practice
慌しい [あわただしい]
(adj) busy
慌ただしい [あわただしい]
(adj) busy
慌ただしい一生 [あわただしいいっしょう]
(n) fleeting life
慌てて [あわてて]
(exp) in hot haste
慌てふためく [あわてふためく]
(v5k) to get into a panic
慌てる [あわてる]
(v1) to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised)
慌て者 [あわてもの]
(n) scatterbrain
抗 [こう]
(pref) anti-
抗う [あらがう]
(v5u) (1) to dispute
抗うつ [こううつ]
(n) antidepressant
抗うつ剤 [こううつざい]
(n) antidepressant
抗けいれん薬 [こうけいれんやく]
(n) anticonvulsant
抗ヒスタミン剤 [こうヒスタミンざい]
(n) antihistamine
抗ヒスタミン薬 [こうヒスタミンやく]
(n) antihistamine
抗癌剤 [こうがんざい]
(n) anticancer drug
抗議 [こうぎ]
(n,vs) protest
抗議活動 [こうぎかつどう]
(n) protest action
抗議文 [こうぎぶん]
(n) written protest
抗拒 [こうきょ]
(n,vs) resistance
抗凝固 [こうぎょうこ]
(adj-na) anticoagulation
抗菌 [こうきん]
(adj-na,n) antibacterial
抗菌性 [こうきんせい]
(n) antibacterial
抗原 [こうげん]
(n) antigen
抗言 [こうげん]
(n,vs) protest
抗告 [こうこく]
(n,vs) appeal
抗酸菌 [こうさんきん]
(n) acid-fast bacterium
抗真菌 [こうしんきん]
(n) antifungal
抗生剤 [こうせいざい]
(n) antibiotic
抗生物質 [こうせいぶっしつ]
(n) antibiotics
抗精神病薬 [こうせいしんびょうやく]
(n) antipsychotic
抗戦 [こうせん]
(n,vs) resistance
抗争 [こうそう]
(n,vs) dispute
抗体 [こうたい]
(n) antibody
抗毒素 [こうどくそ]
(n) an antitoxin
抗独 [こうどく]
(adj-no) anti-German
抗日 [こうにち]
(n) anti-Japanese
抗弁 [こうべん]
(n,vs) protest
抗鬱 [こううつ]
(n) antidepressant
抗鬱剤 [こううつざい]
(n) antidepressant
抗痙攣薬 [こうけいれんやく]
(n) anticonvulsant
拘う [かかずらう]
(v5u) (1) (uk) to be mixed up with
拘らう [かかずらう]
(v5u) (1) (uk) to be mixed up with
拘らず [かかわらず]
(exp) (arch) in spite of
拘る [かかわる]
(v5r) to concern oneself in
拘わる [かかわる]
(v5r) to concern oneself in
拘引 [こういん]
(n,vs) arrest
拘引状 [こういんじょう]
(n) summons
拘禁 [こうきん]
(n,vs) intern
拘束 [こうそく]
(n,vs) restriction
拘束圧 [こうそくあつ]
(n) confining pressure
拘束時間 [こうそくじかん]
(n) total hours spent working
拘束名簿式比例代表制 [こうそくめいぼしきひれいだいひょうせい]
(n) proportional representation system
拘束力 [こうそくりょく]
(n) binding force
拘置 [こうち]
(n,vs) detention
拘置所 [こうちしょ]
(n) prison
拘泥 [こうでい]
(n,vs) adherence to
拘留 [こうりゅう]
(n,vs) detention
控え [ひかえ]
(n) note
控えの間 [ひかえのま]
(n) anteroom
控えの力士 [ひかえのりきし]
(n) sumo wrestler waiting at the ringside
控える [ひかえる]
(v1) to draw in
控えを取る [ひかえをとる]
(exp) to take a copy of
控え見本 [ひかえみほん]
(n) duplicate sample
控え室 [ひかえしつ]
(n) waiting room
控え書き [ひかえがき]
(n) memo
控え選手 [ひかえせんしゅ]
(n) substitute player
控え帳 [ひかえちょう]
(n) notebook
控え布団 [ひかえぶとん]
(n) waiting wrestler's sitting cushion (sumo)
控え目 [ひかえめ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) moderate
控え力士 [ひかえりきし]
(n) sumo wrestler waiting his turn by the ring
控室 [ひかえしつ]
(n) waiting room
控除 [こうじょ]
(n,vs) subtraction
控除額 [こうじょがく]
(n) amount deducted (from)
控訴 [こうそ]
(n,vs) (legal) appeal
控訴院 [こうそいん]
(n) appelate court
控訴期間 [こうそきかん]
(n) term in which an appeal may be filed
控訴棄却 [こうそききゃく]
(n) dismissal of an intermediate appeal
控訴権 [こうそけん]
(n) right of appeal
控訴裁判所 [こうそさいばんしょ]
(n) appeals court
控訴状 [こうそじょう]
(n) petition of appeal
控訴審 [こうそしん]
(n) appeal trial
控訴人 [こうそにん]
(n) appellant
控訴理由 [こうそりゆう]
(n) grounds for an appeal
控布団 [ひかえぶとん]
(n) waiting wrestler's sitting cushion (sumo)
控力士 [ひかえりきし]
(n) sumo wrestler waiting his turn by the ring
攻め [せめ]
(n) attack
攻めあぐねる [せめあぐねる]
(v1) to be at a loss how to continue
攻める [せめる]
(v1) to attack
攻め苛む [せめさいなむ]
(v5m) to torture
攻め寄せる [せめよせる]
(v1) to make an onslaught (on)
攻め倦ねる [せめあぐねる]
(v1) to be at a loss how to continue
攻め倦む [せめあぐむ]
(v5m) to lose the attacking initiative
攻め口 [せめくち]
(n) method of attack
攻め口 [せめぐち]
(n) method of attack
攻め込む [せめこむ]
(v5m) to invade
攻め手 [せめて]
(n) offense
攻め上る [せめのぼる]
(v5r) to march on the capital
攻め太鼓 [せめだいこ]
(n) drum used in ancient warfare to signal an attack
攻め道具 [せめどうぐ]
(n) offensive weapons
攻め入る [せめいる]
(v5r) to invade
攻め抜く [せめぬく]
(v5k) persistent attacking
攻め滅ぼす [せめほろぼす]
(v5s) to attack and overthrow
攻め落とす [せめおとす]
(v5s) to assault
攻め立てる [せめたてる]
(v1) to make an incessant onslaught
攻囲 [こうい]
(n,vs) siege
攻殻機動隊 [こうかくきどうたい]
(n) Ghost In The Shell (famous anime)
攻学 [こうがく]
(n) dedication to study or research
攻究 [こうきゅう]
(n,vs) study
攻撃 [こうげき]
(n,vs) attack
攻撃の衝に当たる [こうげきのしょうにあたる]
(exp) to bear the brunt of an attack
攻撃ヘリコプター [こうげきヘリコプター]
(n) attack helicopter
攻撃開始線 [こうげきかいしせん]
(n) line of departure
攻撃軍 [こうげきぐん]
(n) attacking force
攻撃型潜水艦 [こうげきがたせんすいかん]
(n) attack submarine
攻撃成果評価 [こうげきせいかひょうか]
(n) damage assessment
攻撃精神 [こうげきせいしん]
(n) aggressiveness
攻撃側 [こうげきがわ]
(n) offensive camp
攻撃態勢 [こうげきたいせい]
(n) attack preparedness
攻撃隊 [こうげきたい]
(n) attack forces
攻撃隊形 [こうげきたいけい]
(n) attacking formation
攻撃的 [こうげきてき]
(adj-na) offensive
攻撃部隊 [こうげきぶたい]
(n) attacking forces
攻撃方向 [こうげきほうこう]
(n) attacking direction
攻撃力 [こうげきりょく]
(n) offensive ability
攻守 [こうしゅ]
(n) offense and defense
攻守同盟 [こうしゅどうめい]
(n) offensive and defensive alliance
攻城 [こうじょう]
(n,vs) siege
攻勢 [こうせい]
(n) offensive (movement)
攻勢防御 [こうせいぼうぎょ]
(n) attack as a form of defense
攻防 [こうぼう]
(n) offense and defense
攻防戦 [こうぼうせん]
(n) battle
攻略 [こうりゃく]
(n,vs) capture
昂進 [こうしん]
(n,vs) rising
昂然 [こうぜん]
(adj-t,adv-to) elated
昂騰 [こうとう]
(n,vs) sudden price jump
昂奮 [こうふん]
(n,vs) excitement
昂揚 [こうよう]
(n,vs) enhancement
晃々 [こうこう]
(adj-t,adv-to) brilliant
晃晃 [こうこう]
(adj-t,adv-to) brilliant
晃曜 [こうよう]
(n) dazzling brightness
晃朗 [こうろう]
(adj-t,adv-to) bright and brilliant
更々 [さらさら]
(adv) (not) at all
更々ない [さらさらない]
(adj) not in the least
更かす [ふかす]
(v5s) to sit up late
更ける [ふける]
(v1) to get late
更なり [さらなり]
(n) of course
更なる [さらなる]
(adj) even more
更に [さらに]
(adv,conj) (uk) furthermore
更に一歩を進める [さらにいっぽをすすめる]
(exp) to go a step further
更位 [こうい]
(n) second accession of the same emperor
更衣 [こうい]
(n,vs) (1) seasonal change of clothing
更衣 [ころもがえ]
(n,vs) (1) seasonal change of clothing
更衣室 [こういしつ]
(n) locker room
更改 [こうかい]
(n,vs) renewal
更更 [さらさら]
(adv) (not) at all
更更ない [さらさらない]
(adj) not in the least
更始 [こうし]
(n,vs) renewal
更始一新 [こうしいっしん]
(n,vs) undergo a complete change
更紗 [さらさ]
(pt:) (n) cotton print (pt: saraca)
更紗灯台 [さらさどうだん]
(n) redvein enkianthus
更新 [こうしん]
(n,vs) renewal
更正 [こうせい]
(n,vs) correction
更正施設 [こうせいしせつ]
(n) correctional facility
更生 [こうせい]
(n,vs) rehabilitation
更生会社 [こうせいがいしゃ]
(n) company needing reorganization (reorganisation)
更生期 [こうせいき]
(n) change of life
更生施設 [こうせいしせつ]
(n) rehabilitation facilities
更生品 [こうせいひん]
(n) recycled goods
更代 [こうたい]
(n,vs) exchange (something)
更地 [さらち]
(n) empty lot
更訂 [こうてい]
(n,vs) revision
更迭 [こうてつ]
(n,vs) change
更年期 [こうねんき]
(n) menopause
更年期障害 [こうねんきしょうがい]
(n) menopausal disorders
杭 [くい]
(n) stake
杭周面摩擦力 [くいしゅうめんまさつりょく]
(n) pile shaft friction
杭打設 [くいうちせつ]
(n) pile-driving
校 [こう]
(n,n-suf) -school
校を重ねる [こうをかさねる]
(exp) to proofread again and again
校医 [こうい]
(n) school doctor
校閲 [こうえつ]
(n,vs) revision
校閲係 [こうえつがかり]
(n) proofreader
校閲者 [こうえつしゃ]
(n) reviewer
校歌 [こうか]
(n) school song
校外 [こうがい]
(n) off-campus
校旗 [こうき]
(n) school flag
校紀 [こうき]
(n) school discipline
校規 [こうき]
(n) school regulations
校具 [こうぐ]
(n) school gear
校訓 [こうくん]
(n) school precepts
校合 [きょうごう]
(n,vs) collation
校合 [こうごう]
(n,vs) collation
校舎 [こうしゃ]
(n) school building
校主 [こうしゅ]
(n) proprietor of a school
校章 [こうしょう]
(n) school badge
校正 [こうせい]
(n,vs) (1) proofreading
校正係 [こうせいがかり]
(n) proofreader
校正刷 [こうせいずり]
(n) galley proofs
校正刷り [こうせいずり]
(n) galley proofs
校倉 [あぜくら]
(n) ancient log storehouse
校倉造り [あぜくらづくり]
(n) ancient architectural style utilizing intercrossed triangle logs
校葬 [こうそう]
(n) school funeral
校則 [こうそく]
(n) school regulations
校注 [こうちゅう]
(n) collation editing
校註 [こうちゅう]
(n) collation editing
校長 [こうちょう]
(n) principal
校長室 [こうちょうしつ]
(n) principal's office
校定 [こうてい]
(n,vs) revision
校庭 [こうてい]
(n) campus
校訂 [こうてい]
(n,vs) revision
校内 [こうない]
(n) within a school
校風 [こうふう]
(n) school tradition
校服 [こうふく]
(n) school uniform
校僕 [こうぼく]
(n) student studying and working at the school
校本 [こうほん]
(n) annotated textbook
校務 [こうむ]
(n) school duties or affairs
校門 [こうもん]
(n) school gate
校友 [こうゆう]
(n) schoolmate
校友会 [こうゆうかい]
(n) alumni association
校了 [こうりょう]
(n,vs) proofreading completed
梗概 [こうがい]
(n) outline
梗塞 [こうそく]
(n,vs) stoppage
構いません [かまいません]
(exp) it doesn't matter
構い手 [かまいて]
(n) companion
構う [かまう]
(v5u) to mind
構え [かまえ]
(n) posture
構える [かまえる]
(v1) to set up
構わない [かまわない]
(adj) be indifferent (to)
構外 [こうがい]
(n) off grounds
構図 [こうず]
(n) composition
構成 [こうせい]
(n,vs) organization
構成員 [こうせいいん]
(n) members
構成可能 [こうせいかのう]
(n) configurable
構成子 [こうせいし]
(n) component
構成主義 [こうせいしゅぎ]
(n) constructivism
構成素構造 [こうせいそこうぞう]
(n) constituent structure
構成素統御 [こうせいそとうぎょ]
(n) constituent command
構成単位 [こうせいたんい]
(n) element
構成比 [こうせいひ]
(n) component (distribution) ratio
構成分子 [こうせいぶんし]
(n) components
構成要素 [こうせいようそ]
(n) (gen) (comp) components
構想 [こうそう]
(n,vs) plan
構造 [こうぞう]
(n) structure
構造遺伝子 [こうぞういでんし]
(n) structural gene
構造汚職 [こうぞうおしょく]
(n) structural corruption
構造化問い合わせ言語 [こうぞうかといあわせげんご]
(n) structured query language (SQL)
構造改革 [こうぞうかいかく]
(n) restructuring
構造改革論 [こうぞうかいかくろん]
(n) structural reform theory
構造記述 [こうぞうきじゅつ]
(n) structural description
構造言語学 [こうぞうげんごがく]
(n) structural linguistics
構造式 [こうぞうしき]
(n) structural formula
構造主義 [こうぞうしゅぎ]
(n) structuralism
構造体 [こうぞうたい]
(n) structure
構造不況 [こうぞうふきょう]
(n) structural recession
構造変化 [こうぞうへんか]
(n) structural change
構造保持 [こうぞうほじ]
(n) structure preserving
構体 [こうたい]
(n) body structure
構築 [こうちく]
(n,vs) construction
構築物 [こうちくぶつ]
(n) structure
構内 [こうない]
(n,adj-no) premises
構文 [こうぶん]
(n) syntax
構文法 [こうぶんぽう]
(n) syntax
構文木 [こうぶんもく]
(n) syntax tree
江 [え]
(n) inlet
江河 [こうが]
(n) Yangtze and Yellow rivers
江戸 [えど]
(n) old name of Tokyo
江戸っ子 [えどっこ]
(n) true Tokyoite
江戸時代 [えどじだい]
(n) Edo period (1603-1868 CE)
江戸川 [えどがわ]
(n) Edo River
江戸前 [えどまえ]
(n) Tokyo style
江戸前寿司 [えどまえずし]
(n) (gen) (food) type of nigirizushi
江湖 [こうこ]
(n) the public
江湖 [ごうこ]
(n) Zen disciples
江山 [こうざん]
(n) rivers and mountains
江上 [こうじょう]
(n) (on the) bank of a large river
江川る [えがわる]
(v5r) to (try to) act like a big-shot
江村 [こうそん]
(n) village along a (large) river
洪水 [こうずい]
(n) flood
洪積 [こうせき]
(n) diluvial epoch (geol.)
洪積世 [こうせきせい]
(n) diluvial epoch
洪積層 [こうせきそう]
(n) diluvial formation (geol.)
洪大 [こうだい]
(adj-na,n) great
浩然 [こうぜん]
(n,adj-t,adv-to) (1) broadminded
浩瀚 [こうかん]
(adj-na,n) bulky
港 [みなと]
(n) harbour
港に泊まる [みなとにとまる]
(exp) to stay at anchor
港外 [こうがい]
(n) outside a port or harbor (harbour)
港区 [みなとく]
(n) Harbour Ward (e.g. in Tokyo)
港口 [こうこう]
(n) harbor entrance
港祭り [みなとまつり]
(n) port festival
港図 [こうず]
(n) map of a harbor (harbour)
港町 [みなとまち]
(n) port city
港内 [こうない]
(n) inside the harbour
港湾 [こうわん]
(n) harbours
港湾運送業 [こうわんうんそうぎょう]
(n) port transport industry
港湾運送事業 [こうわんうんそうじぎょう]
(n) port transport industry
港湾局 [こうわんきょく]
(n) Port and Harbor Authority
港湾税 [こうわんぜい]
(n) harbor duties
港湾当局 [こうわんとうきょく]
(n) port authorities
港湾労働者 [こうわんろうどうしゃ]
(n) longshoreman
溝 [こう]
(n) (obsc) 10^32
溝 [どぶ]
(n) ditch
溝 [みぞ]
(n) ditch
溝が有る [みぞがある]
(exp) to be estranged
溝レール [みぞレール]
(n) grooved rail
溝渠 [こうきょ]
(n) ditch
溝掘り機 [みぞほりき]
(n) ditching machine
溝形鋼 [みぞがたこう]
(n) channel (type of section steel)
溝水 [どぶみず]
(n) ditch water
溝川 [どぶがわ]
(n) ditch with running water
溝鼠 [どぶねずみ]
(n) (1) brown rat
溝泥 [どぶどろ]
(n) ditch mud
溝板 [どぶいた]
(n) boards covering a ditch
甲 [きのえ]
(n) 1st in rank
甲 [こう]
(n) 1st in rank
甲と乙 [こうとおつ]
(n) the former and the latter
甲烏賊 [こういか]
(n) squid
甲乙 [こうおつ]
(n) (1) A and B
甲乙丙 [こうおつへい]
(n) ABC
甲乙丙丁 [こうおつへいてい]
(n) A, B, C and D
甲蟹 [かぶとがに]
(n) horseshoe crab
甲殻 [こうかく]
(n) carapace
甲殻綱 [こうかくこう]
(n) Crustacea
甲殻類 [こうかくるい]
(n) crustacean
甲掛け [こうがけ]
(n) gauntlet
甲高 [こうだか]
(adj-na,n) high-pitched
甲高い [かんだかい]
(adj) high-pitched
甲骨文 [こうこつぶん]
(n) ancient inscriptions of Chinese characters on oracle bones and carapaces
甲骨文字 [こうこつもじ]
(n) ancient inscriptions of Chinese characters on oracle bones and carapaces
甲子 [かっし]
(n) first of the sexagenary cycle
甲種 [こうしゅ]
(n) A-grade
甲巡 [こうじゅん]
(n) armored cruiser
甲所 [かんどころ]
(n) finger board (of a musical instrument)
甲状腺 [こうじょうせん]
(n) thyroid gland
甲状腺炎 [こうじょうせんえん]
(n) thyroiditis
甲声 [かんごえ]
(n) sharp high voice
甲走った [こんばしった]
(adj) shrill
甲走る [かんばしる]
(v5r) to make a shrill sound
甲卒 [こうそつ]
(n) armored warrior
甲虫 [かぶとむし]
(n) beetle
甲虫 [こうちゅう]
(n) beetle
甲鉄 [こうてつ]
(n) armor
甲鉄艦 [こうてつかん]
(n) armored ship
甲鉄板 [こうてつばん]
(n) armor plate
甲板 [かんぱん]
(n) (ship) deck
甲板 [こうはん]
(n) (ship) deck
甲板員 [かんぱんいん]
(n) deck hand
甲板員 [こうはんいん]
(n) deck hand
甲板渡し [かんぱんわたし]
(n) free on board
甲斐 [かい]
(n) effect
甲斐がない [たよりがない]
(adj) useless
甲斐が無い [たよりがない]
(adj) useless
甲斐が有る [かいがある]
(exp) effective
甲斐甲斐しい [かいがいしい]
(adj) gallant
甲斐性 [かいしょう]
(n) resourcefulness
甲斐無し [かいなし]
(adj) worthless
甲兵 [こうへい]
(n) arms
甲夜 [こうや]
(n) 8 p.m.
甲羅 [こうら]
(n) shell
甲羅干し [こうらぼし]
(n) (lying on one's belly and) basking in the sun
甲論乙駁 [こうろんおつばく]
(n,vs) arguments pro and con
甲冑 [かっちゅう]
(n) armor and helmet (armour)
甲冑師 [かっちゅうし]
(n) armorer
甲胄 [かっちゅう]
(n) armor and helmet (armour)
甲鈑 [こうはん]
(n) steel sheet
甲鈑 [こうばん]
(n) steel sheet
皇位 [こうい]
(n) imperial throne
皇胤 [こういん]
(n) (arch) Imperial descendant (posterity)
皇紀 [こうき]
(n) Imperial era
皇紀年度 [こうきねんど]
(n) numbering of years since Jimmu
皇宮 [こうぐう]
(n) the Imperial Palace
皇宮警察 [こうぐうけいさつ]
(n) the Imperial Guards
皇居 [こうきょ]
(n) Imperial Palace
皇軍 [こうぐん]
(n) (Japanese) Imperial Army
皇后 [こうごう]
(n) (Japanese) empress
皇后陛下 [こうごうへいか]
(n) her majesty the Empress
皇考 [こうこう]
(n) the (deceased) father of the current emperor
皇国 [こうこく]
(n) Japan
皇嗣 [こうし]
(n) Crown Prince
皇子 [おうじ]
(n) imperial prince
皇室 [こうしつ]
(n) Imperial household
皇室の血を引いている [こうしつのちをひいている]
(exp) to be descended from the Imperial House
皇室典範 [こうしつてんぱん]
(n) the Imperial Household Law
皇室費 [こうしつひ]
(n) the Imperial Household expenses
皇宗 [こうそう]
(n) imperial ancestors
皇女 [おうじょ]
(n) imperial princess
皇女 [こうじょ]
(n) imperial princess
皇祖 [こうそ]
(n) (divine, historical or legendary) founder of an empire
皇族 [こうぞく]
(n) imperial family
皇孫 [こうそん]
(n) imperial grandchild or descendant
皇太后 [こうたいこう]
(n) Queen Mother
皇太后 [こうたいごう]
(n) Queen Mother
皇太子 [こうたいし]
(n) crown prince
皇太子殿下 [こうたいしでんか]
(n) the Crown Prince
皇太子妃 [こうたいしひ]
(n) crown princess
皇帝 [こうてい]
(n) emperor
皇帝の嗣 [こうていのし]
(n) Emperor's heir
皇典 [こうてん]
(n) Japanese classics
皇天 [こうてん]
(n) providence
皇統 [こうとう]
(n) the imperial line
皇統譜 [こうとうふ]
(n) Imperial family record
皇道 [こうどう]
(n) the benevolent Imperial rule
皇妃 [こうひ]
(n) empress
皇民党 [こうみんとう]
(n) Imperialist Party
皇陵 [こうりょう]
(n) imperial mausoleum
皇霊殿 [こうれいでん]
(n) shrine of imperial ancestors
硬い [かたい]
(adj) solid
硬い石 [かたいいし]
(n) hard stone
硬い表情 [かたいひょうじょう]
(n) stiff expression
硬い文章 [かたいぶんしょう]
(n) stiff style
硬さ [かたさ]
(n) firmness
硬し [かたし]
(adj) (arch) difficult
硬の芯 [こうのしん]
(n) hard pencil lead
硬化 [こうか]
(n,vs) hardening
硬化症 [こうかしょう]
(n) sclerosis
硬化油 [こうかゆ]
(n) hydrogenated oil
硬貨 [こうか]
(n) coin
硬球 [こうきゅう]
(n) hard ball
硬玉 [こうぎょく]
(n) jadeite
硬口蓋 [こうこうがい]
(n) hard palate
硬骨 [こうこつ]
(adj-na,n,adj-no) hard bone
硬骨漢 [こうこつかん]
(n) man of principle
硬骨魚 [こうこつぎょ]
(n) teleost
硬式 [こうしき]
(n) hardball (tennis, baseball)
硬式テニス [こうしきテニス]
(n) tennis (played with the standard ball, as distinct from tennis played with a softer ball)
硬質 [こうしつ]
(n) hardness
硬質陶器 [こうしつとうき]
(n) ironstone china
硬水 [こうすい]
(n) hard water
硬性 [こうせい]
(n) hardness
硬調 [こうちょう]
(n) hard tone
硬直 [こうちょく]
(n) rigor
硬度 [こうど]
(n) hardness
硬軟 [こうなん]
(n) hardness
硬軟両派 [こうなんりょうは]
(n) stalwart and insurgent factions
硬派 [こうは]
(n,adj-na) tough elements
硬筆 [こうひつ]
(n) pen or pencil
硬変 [こうへん]
(n,vs) cirrhosis
稿 [こう]
(n) manuscript
稿を改める [こうをあらためる]
(exp) to rewrite a manuscript
稿人 [こうじん]
(n) straw figure
稿本 [こうほん]
(n) manuscript
稿料 [こうりょう]
(n) advance for manuscript
糠 [ぬか]
(n) rice-bran
糠雨 [ぬかあめ]
(n) a drizzle
糠蝦 [あみ]
(n) (gen) (food) opossum shrimp
糠喜び [ぬかよろこび]
(n,vs) premature joy
糠味噌 [ぬかみそ]
(n) salted rice-bran paste for pickling
糠味噌臭い [ぬかみそくさい]
(adj) overly concerned with domestic affairs
糠味噌漬け [ぬかみそづけ]
(n) vegetables pickled in salted rice-bran paste
糠油 [ぬかあぶら]
(n) rice-bran oil
紅 [くれない]
(n) deep red
紅 [べに]
(n) deep red
紅ずわい蟹 [べにずわいがに]
(n) red tanner crab
紅一点 [こういってん]
(n) the lone woman (e.g., bright flower) in a group
紅衛兵 [こうえいへい]
(n) (Chinese) Red Guards
紅炎 [こうえん]
(n) red flame
紅猿子 [べにましこ]
(n) long-tailed rose finch
紅花 [べにばな]
(n) safflower
紅海 [こうかい]
(n) Red Sea
紅殻 [べにがら]
(n) red ocher
紅冠鳥 [こうかんちょう]
(n) cardinal (bird) (Cardinalis cardinalis)
紅顔 [こうがん]
(n) rosy cheeks
紅顔可憐 [こうがんかれん]
(n,adj-na) youthful and endearing
紅旗 [こうき]
(n) Red Flag
紅玉 [こうぎょく]
(n) ruby
紅差し指 [べにさしゆび]
(n) ring finger
紅鮭 [べにざけ]
(n) sockeye salmon
紅色 [こうしょく]
(n) red (color, colour)
紅色 [べにいろ]
(n) red (color, colour)
紅唇 [こうしん]
(n) red lips
紅塵 [こうじん]
(n) cloud of dust
紅雀 [べにすずめ]
(n) strawberry finch
紅生姜 [べにしょうが]
(n) red pickled ginger
紅組 [あかぐみ]
(n) red team
紅藻 [こうそう]
(n) red algae
紅茶 [こうちゃ]
(n) black tea
紅潮 [こうちょう]
(n,vs) flush
紅灯 [こうとう]
(n) red light
紅灯緑酒 [こうとうりょくしゅ]
(n) (nights of) fun, food, and drink
紅梅 [こうばい]
(n) red-blossomed plum tree
紅白 [こうはく]
(n) red and white
紅白歌合戦 [こうはくうたがっせん]
(n) annual singing contest held on New Year's Eve
紅白試合 [こうはくじあい]
(n) contest between two groups
紅白粉 [べにおしろい]
(n) makeup
紅斑 [こうはん]
(n) red spots
紅粉 [こうふん]
(n) powdered rouge
紅粉 [べにこ]
(n) powdered rouge
紅鱒 [べにます]
(n) sockeye salmon
紅毛 [こうもう]
(n) red hair
紅毛夷 [こうもうい]
(n) late Edo-period pejorative for the Dutch
紅毛人 [こうもうじん]
(n) foreigner
紅毛碧眼 [こうもうへきがん]
(n) red-haired and blue-eyed (person)
紅葉 [こうよう]
(n,vs) (1) autumn colours
紅葉 [もみじ]
(n) (1) (Japanese) maple
紅葉狩り [もみじがり]
(n) autumn-leaf viewing
紅葉葉楓 [もみじばふう]
(n) sweetgum
紅涙 [こうるい]
(n) feminine tears
紅蓮 [ぐれん]
(n) crimson
絞まる [しまる]
(v5r) to be strangled
絞める [しめる]
(v1) to strangle
絞め殺す [しめころす]
(v5s) to strangle to death
絞り [しぼり]
(n) iris (camera, eye)
絞り込む [しぼりこむ]
(v5m) (1) to squeeze
絞り取る [しぼりとる]
(v5r) to squeeze or wring out from
絞り出す [しぼりだす]
(v5s) to squeeze or wring out
絞り上げる [しぼりあげる]
(v1) (1) to squeeze (to the utmost)
絞り染め [しぼりぞめ]
(n) tie-dye
絞る [しぼる]
(v5r) to press
絞刑 [こうけい]
(n) death by hanging
絞刑吏 [こうけいり]
(n) hangman
絞罪 [こうざい]
(n) execution by hanging
絞殺 [こうさつ]
(n,vs) hanging
絞首 [こうしゅ]
(n,vs) hanging
絞首刑 [こうしゅけい]
(n) death by hanging
絞首台 [こうしゅだい]
(n) gallows
綱 [つな]
(n) (1) rope
綱を張る [つなをはる]
(exp) to be a grand champion
綱引き [つなひき]
(n) (1) tug of war
綱曳き [つなひき]
(n) (1) tug of war
綱紀 [こうき]
(ateji) (n,vs) law and order
綱紀粛正 [こうきしゅくせい]
(n) eliminating corruption among government officials
綱紀紊乱 [こうきびんらん]
(n) laxity in official discipline
綱具 [つなぐ]
(n) rigging
綱取り [つなとり]
(n) candidate for Yokozuna rank in sumo
綱手 [つなで]
(n) mooring rope
綱常 [こうじょう]
(n) code of morals
綱打ち式 [つなうちしき]
(n) ceremony of tsuna-making (sumo)
綱締め [つなしめ]
(n) putting on the tsuna (sumo)
綱渡り [つなわたり]
(n,vs) tightrope walking
綱目 [こうもく]
(n) main point and details
綱要 [こうよう]
(n) elements
綱領 [こうりょう]
(n) general plan
耕し得る土地 [たがやしうるとち]
(n) arable land
耕す [たがやす]
(v5s) to till
耕運機 [こううんき]
(n) cultivator
耕具 [こうぐ]
(n) farm tools
耕作 [こうさく]
(n,vs) cultivation
耕作者 [こうさくしゃ]
(n) cultivator
耕作地 [こうさくち]
(n) cultivated land
耕作物 [こうさくぶつ]
(n) farm produce
耕種 [こうしゅ]
(n) tilling and sowing
耕地 [こうち]
(n) arable land
耕地整理 [こうちせいり]
(n) redeployment of arable land
耕土 [こうど]
(n) arable soil
耕耘機 [こううんき]
(n) cultivator
考え [かんがえ]
(n) thinking
考えあぐねる [かんがえあぐねる]
(v1) to be at a loss
考えつく [かんがえつく]
(v5k) to think of
考えてみれば [かんがえてみれば]
(n) if you think about it
考えの浅い人 [かんがえのあさいひと]
(n) shallow-brained person
考えられない [かんがえられない]
(adj) unimaginable
考える [かんがえる]
(v1) to consider
考える事 [かんがえること]
(n) what one thinks
考えを伝える [かんがえをつたえる]
(exp) to convey one's thoughts
考え違い [かんがえちがい]
(n) mistaken idea
考え過ぎ [かんがえすぎ]
(n) thinking too much
考え過ぎる [かんがえすぎる]
(v5r) to think too much
考え倦ねる [かんがえあぐねる]
(v1) to be at a loss
考え込む [かんがえこむ]
(v5m) to ponder
考え事 [かんがえごと]
(n) (deep) thinking
考え出す [かんがえだす]
(v5s) to think out
考え深い [かんがえぶかい]
(adj) thoughtful
考え直して [かんがえなおして]
(n) On second thoughts ..
考え直す [かんがえなおす]
(v5s) to reconsider
考え抜く [かんがえぬく]
(v5k) to think thoroughly
考え付く [かんがえつく]
(v5k) to think of
考え物 [かんがえもの]
(n) puzzle
考え方 [かんがえかた]
(n) way of thinking
考え様 [かんがえよう]
(n) way of thinking
考案 [こうあん]
(n,vs) plan
考課 [こうか]
(n) evaluation
考課表 [こうかひょう]
(n) personnel record
考究 [こうきゅう]
(n,vs) investigation
考現学 [こうげんがく]
(n) study of modern societies
考古学 [こうこがく]
(n,adj-no) archaeology
考古学者 [こうこがくしゃ]
(n) archeologist
考査 [こうさ]
(n,vs) examination
考察 [こうさつ]
(n,vs) consideration
考証 [こうしょう]
(n,vs) (historical) investigation
考証学 [こうしょうがく]
(n) (in Chinese history) study of ancient texts
考慮 [こうりょ]
(n,vs) consideration
考量 [こうりょう]
(n,vs) consideration
肯く [うなずく]
(v5k) (uk) to nod
肯定 [こうてい]
(n,vs) positive
肯定応答 [こうていおうとう]
(n) acknowledge (ACK)
肯定的 [こうていてき]
(adj-na) affirmative
肯定文 [こうていぶん]
(n) affirmative sentence
肯綮 [こうけい]
(n) the essential point
肱 [ひじ]
(n) (uk) elbow
肱かけ椅子 [ひじかけいす]
(n) (1) armchair
肱掛椅子 [ひじかけいす]
(n) (1) armchair
腔 [こう]
(n) body cavity
腔腸動物 [こうちょうどうぶつ]
(n) coelenterate
膏 [あぶら]
(n) fat
膏汗 [あぶらあせ]
(n) cold sweat
膏血 [こうけつ]
(n) (hard-earned rewards of) sweat and blood
膏薬 [こうやく]
(n) plaster
膏肓 [こうこう]
(n) incurable disease
膏肓 [こうもう]
(n) incurable disease
航宇 [こうう]
(n) (abbr) aerospace
航海 [こうかい]
(n,vs) sail
航海士 [こうかいし]
(n) mate
航海術 [こうかいじゅつ]
(n) seamanship
航海日誌 [こうかいにっし]
(n) ship's log
航空 [こうくう]
(n) aviation
航空宇宙技術研究所 [こうくううちゅうぎじゅつけんきゅうじょ]
(n) NAL
航空宇宙工業 [こうくううちゅうこうぎょう]
(n) aerospace industry
航空宇宙産業 [こうくううちゅうさんぎょう]
(n) aerospace industry
航空運賃 [こうくううんちん]
(n) airfare
航空会社 [こうくうがいしゃ]
(n) airline company
航空学 [こうくうがく]
(n) aeronautics
航空管理 [こうくうかんり]
(n) air traffic control
航空基地 [こうくうきち]
(n) air base
航空機 [こうくうき]
(n) aircraft
航空券 [こうくうけん]
(n) air ticket
航空交通管制 [こうくうこうつうかんせい]
(n) air traffic control
航空攻撃 [こうくうこうげき]
(n) air strike
航空自衛隊 [こうくうじえいたい]
(n) Air Self-Defense Force (Defence)
航空写真 [こうくうしゃしん]
(n) aerial photograph
航空書簡 [こうくうしょかん]
(n) aerogramme
航空隊 [こうくうたい]
(n) flying corps
航空燃料 [こうくうねんりょう]
(n) aviation fuel
航空病 [こうくうびょう]
(n) airsickness
航空便 [こうくうびん]
(n) (abbr) air mail
航空母艦 [こうくうぼかん]
(n) aircraft carrier
航空優勢 [こうくうゆうせい]
(n) air superiority
航空郵便 [こうくうゆうびん]
(n) airmail
航空路 [こうくうろ]
(n) air route
航行 [こうこう]
(n,vs) cruise
航跡 [こうせき]
(n) wake (of boat)
航走 [こうそう]
(n,vs) sailing
航続 [こうぞく]
(n,vs) cruising
航続距離 [こうぞくきょり]
(n) cruising range
航続時間 [こうぞくじかん]
(n) duration of a cruise (flight)
航続力 [こうぞくりょく]
(n) cruising capacity
航宙 [こうちゅう]
(n) space flight
航程 [こうてい]
(n) run (of a ship)
航法 [こうほう]
(n) sailing
航路 [こうろ]
(n) course
航路標識 [こうろひょうしき]
(n) beacon
荒々しい [あらあらしい]
(adj) desolate
荒い [あらい]
(adj) rough
荒い波 [あらいなみ]
(n) wild (raging) waves
荒くれ [あらくれ]
(n) rough fellow
荒くれ者 [あらくれもの]
(n) ruffian
荒げる [あらげる]
(v1) to raise (e.g., voice)
荒ごなし [あらごなし]
(n,vs) (1) crushing up
荒す [あらす]
(io) (v5s) (1) to lay waste
荒っぽい [あらっぽい]
(adj) rough
荒む [すさむ]
(v5m) to grow wild
荒らげる [あららげる]
(v1) to raise (e.g., voice)
荒らし回る [あらしまわる]
(v5r) to break into (houses here and there)
荒らす [あらす]
(v5s) (1) to lay waste
荒れ [あれ]
(n) stormy weather
荒れた手 [あれたて]
(n) rough (chapped) hands
荒れる [あれる]
(v1) to be stormy
荒れ果てる [あれはてる]
(v1) to fall into ruin
荒れ球 [あれだま]
(n) wild ball (usually a pitcher with poor control) (baseball)
荒れ狂う [あれくるう]
(v5u) to rage
荒れ狂う風 [あれくるうかぜ]
(n) raving wind
荒れ性 [あれしょう]
(n) dry or chapped skin
荒れ地 [あれち]
(n) devastated or waste land
荒れ地を拓く [あれちをひらく]
(exp) to open up unbroken land
荒れ肌 [あれはだ]
(n) rough skin
荒れ放題 [あれほうだい]
(adj-na,n) gone to ruin
荒れ模様 [あれもよう]
(adj-na) stormy
荒れ野 [あれの]
(n) wasteland
荒んだ心 [すさんだこころ]
(n) dissolute mind
荒夷 [あらえびす]
(n) (in Japanese history) crude warrior from the eastern parts of the country
荒磯 [あらいそ]
(n) reefy coast
荒淫 [こういん]
(n) sexual indulgence
荒隠元 [さやいんげん]
(n) French beans
荒屋 [あばらや]
(n) dilapidated (tumbledown) house
荒家 [あばらや]
(n) dilapidated (tumbledown) house
荒果てる [あれはてる]
(v1) to fall into ruin
荒稼ぎ [あらかせぎ]
(n,vs) making a killing
荒海 [あらうみ]
(n) rough sea
荒巻 [あらまき]
(n) salted salmon
荒肝 [あらぎも]
(n) guts
荒技 [あらわざ]
(n) rough method or job
荒業 [あらわざ]
(n) physical labor
荒駒 [あらごま]
(n) wild or untamed horse
荒原 [こうげん]
(n) wilderness
荒荒しい [あらあらしい]
(adj) desolate
荒行 [あらぎょう]
(n) asceticism
荒削り [あらけずり]
(adj-na,n) still in the process of being formed
荒仕事 [あらしごと]
(n) rough work
荒事 [あらごと]
(n) (theatrical) fighting scene
荒事師 [あらごとし]
(n) actor who specializes in ruffian roles (specialises)
荒城 [こうじょう]
(n) ruined castle
荒神 [こうじん]
(n) god of a cooking stove
荒誕 [こうたん]
(adj-na,n) exaggerated beyond recognition
荒天 [こうてん]
(n) stormy weather
荒土 [こうど]
(n) wasteland
荒唐無稽 [こうとうむけい]
(adj-na,n) absurdity
荒縄 [あらなわ]
(n) straw rope
荒波 [あらなみ]
(n) stormy seas
荒馬 [あらうま]
(n) wild or untamed horse
荒廃 [こうはい]
(n,vs) ruin
荒武者 [あらむしゃ]
(n) daredevil
荒蕪地 [こうぶち]
(n) wild land
荒物 [あらもの]
(n) sundries
荒物屋 [あらものや]
(n) variety store
荒壁 [あらかべ]
(n) rough-coated wall
荒法師 [あらほうし]
(n) ferocious (armed) monk
荒木 [あらき]
(n) logs in bark
荒野 [あらの]
(n) wasteland
荒野 [あれの]
(n) wasteland
荒野 [こうや]
(n) wasteland
荒利益 [あらりえき]
(n) gross profit
荒立つ [あらだつ]
(v5t) to be(come) rough or aggravated or worse
荒立てる [あらだてる]
(v1) to aggravate
荒涼 [こうりょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) desolate
荒涼落莫 [こうりょうらくばく]
(adj-t,adv-to) scene looking desolate and forlorn
荒療治 [あらりょうじ]
(n,vs) drastic measure or treatment
荒寥 [こうりょう]
(adj-t,adv-to) desolate
行 [ぎょう]
(n) (1) line
行い [おこない]
(io) (n) deed
行う [おこなう]
(v5u) to perform
行かずに済む [いかずにすむ]
(exp) to need not go
行き [いき]
(n) going
行き [ゆき]
(n) going
行きあたりばったり [いきあたりばったり]
(adj-no) random
行きあたりばったり [ゆきあたりばったり]
(n) haphazard
行きずり [ゆきずり]
(n,adj-no) passing
行きたくない [いきたくない]
(adj) do not want to go
行きたく無い [いきたくない]
(adj) do not want to go
行きつけ [いきつけ]
(adj-no) favorite
行きつ戻りつ [ゆきつもどりつ]
(exp,n) to go up and down or back and forth
行き違い [いきちがい]
(n) misunderstanding
行き違い [ゆきちがい]
(n) misunderstanding
行き違う [いきちがう]
(v5u) (1) to cross (each other)
行き違う [ゆきちがう]
(v5u) (1) to cross (each other)
行き過ぎ [いきすぎ]
(n) going to far
行き過ぎ [ゆきすぎ]
(n) going to far
行き過ぎの嫌いが有る [ゆきすぎのきらいがある]
(exp) to tend to go too far
行き過ぎる [いきすぎる]
(v1) to go too far
行き会う [いきあう]
(v5u) to meet somebody by chance
行き掛かり [いきがかり]
(n) (by force of) circumstances
行き掛かり [ゆきがかり]
(n) (by force of) circumstances
行き掛け [いきがけ]
(n) on one's way
行き掛け [ゆきがけ]
(n) on one's way
行き掛り [いきがかり]
(n) (by force of) circumstances
行き掛り [ゆきがかり]
(n) (by force of) circumstances
行き帰り [いきかえり]
(adv) while going and returning (e.g., work, school)
行き帰り [ゆきかえり]
(n) going and returning
行き詰まり [いきづまり]
(n) deadlock
行き詰まり [ゆきづまり]
(n) deadlock
行き詰まる [いきづまる]
(v5r) to reach the limits
行き詰り [いきづまり]
(n) deadlock
行き詰り [ゆきづまり]
(n) deadlock
行き給え [いきたまえ]
(n) Please go
行き交う [いきかう]
(v5u) to come and go
行き交う [ゆきかう]
(v5u) to come and go
行き合わせる [いきあわせる]
(v1) to happen to meet
行き始める [いきはじめる]
(v1) to get going
行き止まり [いきどまり]
(n) dead end
行き止まり [ゆきどまり]
(n) dead end
行き所 [いきどころ]
(n) place to go
行き所 [ゆきどころ]
(n) place to go
行き場 [ゆきば]
(n) place to go
行き摺り [ゆきずり]
(n,adj-no) passing
行き成り [いきなり]
(adv) (uk) abruptly
行き先 [いきさき]
(n) (1) destination
行き先 [ゆきさき]
(n) (1) destination
行き着く [いきつく]
(v5k) to arrive at
行き着く [ゆきつく]
(v5k) to arrive at
行き渡る [いきわたる]
(v5r) to diffuse
行き渡る [ゆきわたる]
(v5r) to diffuse
行き度い [いきたい]
(n) want to go
行き倒れ [いきだおれ]
(n) person collapsed and dying (dead) in the street
行き倒れ [ゆきだおれ]
(n) person collapsed and dying (dead) in the street
行き当たりばったり [いきあたりばったり]
(adj-no) random
行き当たりばったり [ゆきあたりばったり]
(n) haphazard
行き当たる [いきあたる]
(v5r) to hit
行き当たる [ゆきあたる]
(v5r) to hit
行き届く [いきとどく]
(v5k) to be scrupulous
行き届く [ゆきとどく]
(v5k) to be scrupulous
行き悩む [ゆきなやむ]
(v5m) to reach an impasse or deadlock
行き付け [いきつけ]
(adj-no) favourite
行き付け [ゆきつけ]
(adj-no) favourite
行き付けの場所 [いきつけのばしょ]
(n) one's favorite place
行き暮れる [ゆきくれる]
(v1) to be overtaken by darkness
行き方 [いきかた]
(n) way of doing
行き方 [ゆきかた]
(n) way of doing
行き戻り [ゆきもどり]
(n) going and returning
行き来 [いきき]
(n,vs) (1) coming and going
行き来 [ゆきき]
(n,vs) (1) coming and going
行く [いく]
(v5k-s) to go
行く [ゆく]
(v5k-s) to go
行く行く [ゆくゆく]
(adv) on the way
行く手 [ゆくて]
(n) one's way
行く春 [ゆくはる]
(n) the fading of spring
行く積もりだ [いくつもりだ]
(n) intend to go
行く先 [ゆくさき]
(n-adv,n-t) one's destination
行く末 [ゆくすえ]
(n-adv,n-t) (1) fate
行く様に勧める [いくようにすすめる]
(exp) to encourage someone to go
行ける [いける]
(v1) to be good at
行ったり来たり [いったりきたり]
(n,vs) going to and fro
行って来ます [いってきます]
(exp) (uk) I'm off
行つけの床屋 [ゆきつけのとこや]
(n) my usual barber shop
行ない [おこない]
(n) deed
行なう [おこなう]
(v5u) to perform
行なわれる [おこなわれる]
(v1) to be done
行の先頭 [ぎょうのせんとう]
(n) beginning of line
行の末尾 [ぎょうのまつび]
(n) end of line
行われる [おこなわれる]
(v1) to be done
行を改める [ぎょうをあらためる]
(exp) to start a new paragraph
行ベクトル [ぎょうベクトル]
(n) row vector
行為 [こうい]
(n) act
行為者 [こういしゃ]
(n) doer
行員 [こういん]
(n) bank clerk
行雲流水 [こううんりゅうすい]
(n) (metaphorically) floating with the tide
行火 [あんか]
(n) bed warmer
行革 [ぎょうかく]
(n) (abbr) administrative reform
行楽 [こうらく]
(n) outing
行楽客 [こうらくきゃく]
(n) tourist
行楽地 [こうらくち]
(n) tourist resort
行楽日和 [こうらくびより]
(n) ideal weather for an outing
行官庁 [ぎょうかんちょう]
(n) Administrative Management Agency
行間 [ぎょうかん]
(n) line-spacing in text
行間を詰める [ぎょうかんをつめる]
(exp) to crowd the lines
行儀 [ぎょうぎ]
(n) manners
行儀を直す [ぎょうぎをなおす]
(exp) to mend one's manners
行儀見習 [ぎょうぎみならい]
(n) learning good manners through apprenticeship (to an upper-class family)
行儀作法 [ぎょうぎさほう]
(n) etiquette
行詰り [いきづまり]
(n) deadlock
行詰り [ゆきづまり]
(n) deadlock
行脚 [あんぎゃ]
(n,vs) pilgrimage
行宮 [あんぐう]
(n) temporary lodging built to accommodate an Imperial visit
行金 [こうきん]
(n) bank money
行軍 [こうぐん]
(n,vs) march
行啓 [ぎょうけい]
(n,vs) attendance (of the Empress)
行幸 [ぎょうこう]
(n,vs) Imperial visit
行幸 [みゆき]
(n,vs) Imperial visit
行在所 [あんざいしょ]
(n) temporary lodging built to accommodate an Imperial visit
行使 [こうし]
(n,vs) use
行司 [ぎょうじ]
(n) sumo referee
行司溜 [ぎょうじだまり]
(n) sumo referee's waiting place
行司溜り [ぎょうじだまり]
(n) sumo referee's waiting place
行事 [ぎょうじ]
(n) event
行者 [ぎょうじゃ]
(n) ascetic
行者大蒜 [ぎょうじゃにんにく]
(n) Alpine leek (edible plant, Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum)
行殊 [ぎょうじょ]
(n) event
行住坐臥 [ぎょうじゅうざが]
(n) daily life
行住座臥 [ぎょうじゅうざが]
(n) daily life
行所 [いきどころ]
(n) place to go
行所 [ゆきどころ]
(n) place to go
行書 [ぎょうしょ]
(n) semicursive style (of kanji)
行商 [ぎょうしょう]
(n,vs) monger
行商稼業 [ぎょうしょうかぎょう]
(n) the peddling trade
行商人 [ぎょうしょうにん]
(n) peddler
行賞 [こうしょう]
(n) conferring of an award
行状 [ぎょうじょう]
(n) behavior
行進 [こうしん]
(n,vs) march
行進曲 [こうしんきょく]
(n) a march
行人 [こうじん]
(n) passer-by
行水 [ぎょうずい]
(n,vs) bathing or cleaning oneself
行数 [ぎょうすう]
(n) number of lines
行成 [いきなり]
(adv) (uk) abruptly
行政 [ぎょうせい]
(n) administration
行政改革 [ぎょうせいかいかく]
(n) administrative reform
行政学 [ぎょうせいがく]
(n) public administration
行政官 [ぎょうせいかん]
(n) executive officer
行政管理庁 [ぎょうせいかんりちょう]
(n) Administrative Management Agency
行政機関 [ぎょうせいきかん]
(n) administrative organ
行政区 [ぎょうせいく]
(n) administrative district
行政区画 [ぎょうせいくかく]
(n) administrative district
行政権 [ぎょうせいけん]
(n) executive power
行政指導 [ぎょうせいしどう]
(n) administrative guidance
行政紙削減法 [ぎょうせいしさくげんほう]
(n) Government Paperwork Elimination Act (USA)
行政手腕 [ぎょうせいしゅわん]
(n) skill at administration
行政処分 [ぎょうせいしょぶん]
(n) administrative measures (disposition)
行政書士 [ぎょうせいしょし]
(n) notary public
行政訴訟 [ぎょうせいそしょう]
(n) administrative litigation (action)
行政府 [ぎょうせいふ]
(n) the government
行政法 [ぎょうせいほう]
(n) administrative law
行政命令 [ぎょうせいめいれい]
(n) administrative or executive order
行跡 [ぎょうせき]
(n) behavior
行体 [ぎょうたい]
(n) semicursive characters
行中 [ぎょうちゅう]
(n) in the middle of a line
行程 [こうてい]
(n) distance
行渡る [いきわたる]
(v5r) to diffuse
行渡る [ゆきわたる]
(v5r) to diffuse
行灯 [あんどん]
(n) paper-enclosed lantern
行頭 [ぎょうとう]
(n) BOL
行動 [こうどう]
(n,vs) action
行動科学 [こうどうかがく]
(n) behavioral science
行動学 [こうどうがく]
(n) praxiology
行動計画 [こうどうけいかく]
(n) plan of action
行動原理 [こうどうげんり]
(n) behavioral principle
行動主義 [こうどうしゅぎ]
(n) behaviorism
行動主義心理学 [こうどうしゅぎしんりがく]
(n) behavioral psychology
行動障害 [こうどうしょうがい]
(n) behavioral disorder
行動地帯 [こうどうちたい]
(n) zone of action
行動発起時刻 [こうどうはっきじこく]
(n) h-hour
行動半径 [こうどうはんけい]
(n) radius of action
行動変容 [こうどうへんよう]
(n) behavior modification
行動方針 [こうどうほうしん]
(n) course of action
行動命令 [こうどうめいれい]
(n) operation order
行動療法 [こうどうりょうほう]
(n) behavioral therapy
行年 [ぎょうねん]
(n) age at one's death
行年 [こうねん]
(n) age at one's death
行文 [こうぶん]
(n) writing (style)
行平鍋 [ゆきひらなべ]
(n) glazed earthenware casserole dish
行方 [ゆくえ]
(n) one's whereabouts
行方不明 [ゆくえふめい]
(n) missing
行方不明者 [ゆくえふめいしゃ]
(n) missing person
行末 [ぎょうまつ]
(n-adv,n-t) (1) fate
行末 [ゆくすえ]
(n-adv,n-t) (1) fate
行務 [こうむ]
(n) bank business
行来 [いきき]
(n,vs) (1) coming and going
行来 [ゆきき]
(n,vs) (1) coming and going
行李 [こうり]
(n) portmanteau
行旅 [こうりょ]
(n,vs) (1) traveling
行列 [ぎょうれつ]
(n,vs) (1) line
行列式 [ぎょうれつしき]
(n) determinant
行路 [こうろ]
(n) one's course or path or road
行路病者 [こうろびょうしゃ]
(n) person fallen sick by the wayside
衡器 [こうき]
(n) scale
衡平 [こうへい]
(n) balance
講じる [こうじる]
(v1) (1) to take measures
講ずる [こうずる]
(vz) (1) to take measures
講演 [こうえん]
(n,vs) lecture
講演会 [こうえんかい]
(n) lecture
講演者 [こうえんしゃ]
(n) lecturer
講演料 [こうえんりょう]
(n) lecture's fee
講義 [こうぎ]
(n,vs) lecture
講義録 [こうぎろく]
(n) lecture transcript
講究 [こうきゅう]
(n,vs) research
講座 [こうざ]
(n) lectureship
講師 [こうし]
(n) lecturer
講社 [こうしゃ]
(n) religious association
講釈 [こうしゃく]
(n,vs) lecture
講釈師 [こうしゃくし]
(n) professional storyteller
講習 [こうしゅう]
(n,vs) short course
講習会 [こうしゅうかい]
(n) class
講習会場 [こうしゅうかいじょう]
(n) training center
講述 [こうじゅつ]
(n) university lecture
講書 [こうしょ]
(n,vs) interpretation of a book
講説 [こうせつ]
(n,vs) explanation (by lecture)
講壇 [こうだん]
(n) lecture platform
講談 [こうだん]
(n) story-telling
講談師 [こうだんし]
(n) professional storyteller
講談社 [こうだんしゃ]
(n) Koudansha (publisher)
講中 [こうじゅう]
(n) religious association
講堂 [こうどう]
(n) auditorium
講読 [こうどく]
(n,vs) reading
講評 [こうひょう]
(n,vs) criticize
講武 [こうぶ]
(n) military training
講和 [こうわ]
(n,vs) peace
講和会議 [こうわかいぎ]
(n) peace conference
講和条約 [こうわじょうやく]
(n) peace treaty
講話 [こうわ]
(n,vs) lecture
貢ぎ [みつぎ]
(n) tribute
貢ぎ物 [みつぎもの]
(n) tribute
貢ぐ [みつぐ]
(v5g) to support
貢献 [こうけん]
(n,vs) contribution
貢租 [こうそ]
(n) annual tax
貢賦 [こうふ]
(n) tribute and taxation
貢物 [みつぎもの]
(n) tribute
購う [あがなう]
(v5u) to compensate
購求 [こうきゅう]
(n,vs) purchase
購書 [こうしょ]
(n) purchased books
購読 [こうどく]
(n,vs) subscription (e.g., magazine)
購読者 [こうどくしゃ]
(n) subscriber
購読料 [こうどくりょう]
(n) subscription charge
購入 [こうにゅう]
(n,vs) purchase
購入者 [こうにゅうしゃ]
(n) purchaser
購入先 [こうにゅうさき]
(n) retailer
購入注文 [こうにゅうちゅうもん]
(n) purchase order
購買 [こうばい]
(n,vs) purchase
購買者 [こうばいしゃ]
(n) buyer
購買習慣 [こうばいしゅうかん]
(n) buying habit
購買組合 [こうばいくみあい]
(n) cooperative society
購買部 [こうばいぶ]
(n) store
購買力 [こうばいりょく]
(n) buying power
郊外 [こうがい]
(n) suburb
郊外電車 [こうがいでんしゃ]
(n) suburban train
郊野 [こうの]
(n) suburban fields
郊野 [こうや]
(n) suburban fields
酵素 [こうそ]
(n) enzyme
酵素学 [こうそがく]
(n) enzymology
酵母 [こうぼ]
(n) yeast
酵母菌 [こうぼきん]
(n) yeast fungus
鉱化 [こうか]
(n,vs) mineralize
鉱害 [こうがい]
(n) pollution or environmental damage due to mining
鉱業 [こうぎょう]
(n) mining industry
鉱区 [こうく]
(n) mining area
鉱坑 [こうこう]
(n) shaft
鉱工業生産指数 [こうこうぎょうせいさんしすう]
(n) industrial production index (IPI)
鉱山 [こうざん]
(n) mine (ore)
鉱山技師 [こうざんぎし]
(n) mining engineer
鉱山業 [こうざんぎょう]
(n) mining industry
鉱産物 [こうさんぶつ]
(n) mineral product
鉱質 [こうしつ]
(n) mineral
鉱床 [こうしょう]
(n) ore deposit
鉱水 [こうすい]
(n) mineral water
鉱石 [こうせき]
(n) ore
鉱泉 [こうせん]
(n) well
鉱層 [こうそう]
(n) ore bed
鉱柱 [こうちゅう]
(n) rib
鉱毒 [こうどく]
(n) mine pollution
鉱夫 [こうふ]
(n) miner
鉱物 [こうぶつ]
(n) mineral
鉱物学 [こうぶつがく]
(n) mineralogy
鉱物資源 [こうぶつしげん]
(n) mineral resources
鉱物質 [こうぶつしつ]
(n) mineral matter
鉱物油 [こうぶつゆ]
(n) mineral oil
鉱脈 [こうみゃく]
(n) reef
鉱油 [こうゆ]
(n) mineral oil
鉱滓 [こうさい]
(n) slag
鉱滓 [こうし]
(n) slag
鋼 [はがね]
(n) steel
鋼管 [こうかん]
(n) steel pipe
鋼玉 [こうぎょく]
(n) corundum
鋼材 [こうざい]
(n) steel material
鋼索 [こうさく]
(n) cable
鋼索鉄道 [こうさくてつどう]
(n) funicular (railway)
鋼色 [はがねいろ]
(n) steel blue
鋼製 [こうせい]
(n) made of steel
鋼線 [こうせん]
(n) steel wire
鋼鉄 [こうてつ]
(n) steel
鋼鉄板 [こうてつばん]
(n) steel plate
鋼板 [こうはん]
(n) steel sheet
鋼板 [こうばん]
(n) steel sheet
降す [くだす]
(v5s) to lower
降っても照っても [ふってもてっても]
(n) rain or shine
降って湧く [ふってわく]
(v5k) to happen suddenly
降らす [ふらす]
(v5s) to send (rain)
降り [ふり]
(n) rainfall
降りかかる [ふりかかる]
(v5r) (1) to fall onto
降りしきる [ふりしきる]
(v5r) to rain incessantly
降りだす [ふりだす]
(v5s) to begin to rain
降りる [おりる]
(v1) to alight (e.g., from bus)
降り掛かる [ふりかかる]
(v5r) (1) to fall onto
降り懸かる [ふりかかる]
(v5r) (1) to fall onto
降り口 [おりくち]
(n) (an) exit
降り口 [おりぐち]
(n) (an) exit
降り込む [ふりこむ]
(v5m) to rain upon
降り込める [ふりこめる]
(v1) to rain (or snow), keeping people indoors
降り始める [ふりはじめる]
(v1) to begin to fall
降り止む [ふりやむ]
(v5m) to stop raining or snowing
降り出す [ふりだす]
(v5s) to begin to rain
降り積もる [ふりつもる]
(v5r) to lie thick
降り続く [ふりつづく]
(v5k) to continue to rain or snow
降り注ぐ [ふりそそぐ]
(v5g) to rain incessantly
降り敷く [ふりしく]
(v5k) to be covered with
降り募る [ふりつのる]
(v5r) to rain harder
降り立つ [おりたつ]
(v5t) (1) to go down and stand
降り籠める [ふりこめる]
(v1) to rain (or snow), keeping people indoors
降る [くだる]
(v5r) to get down
降る [ふる]
(v5r) to precipitate
降ろす [おろす]
(v5s) (1) to take down (e.g., flag)
降圧剤 [こうあつざい]
(n) drug to lower blood pressure
降圧変圧器 [こうあつへんあつき]
(n) step-down transformer
降雨 [こうう]
(n) rainfall
降雨量 [こううりょう]
(n) amount of rainfall
降雨林 [こううりん]
(n) rainforest
降下 [こうか]
(n,vs) fall
降嫁 [こうか]
(n,vs) marriage of an Imperial princess to a subject
降格 [こうかく]
(n,vs) demotion
降格人事 [こうかくじんじ]
(n) demotion
降給 [こうきゅう]
(n,vs) reduction in pay
降三世妙王 [ごうざんぜみょうおう]
(n) (gen) (Buddh) Trailokyavijaya Vidya-raja
降参 [こうさん]
(n,vs) giving in to
降車 [こうしゃ]
(n,vs) alighting
降車口 [こうしゃぐち]
(adj-na,n) exit
降順 [こうじゅん]
(adj-na,n) descending-order
降職 [こうしょく]
(n,vs) degradation
降神 [こうしん]
(n) spiritualism
降神術 [こうしんじゅつ]
(n) spiritualism
降水 [こうすい]
(n) rainfall
降水量 [こうすいりょう]
(n) precipitation
降雪 [こうせつ]
(n,vs) snowfall
降雪量 [こうせつりょう]
(n) amount of snowfall
降霜 [こうそう]
(n) (fall of) frost
降誕 [こうたん]
(n,vs) birth (regal)
降壇 [こうだん]
(n,vs) leaving the platform
降等 [こうとう]
(n,vs) demotion
降任 [こうにん]
(n,vs) demotion
降板 [こうばん]
(n,vs) leave the mound (baseball)
降伏 [こうふく]
(n,vs) capitulation
降服 [こうふく]
(n,vs) capitulation
降魔 [ごうま]
(n) conquering the devil
降魔術 [こうまじゅつ]
(n) demon invocation
降臨 [こうりん]
(n,vs) advent
降雹 [こうひょう]
(n) hailstorm
項 [うなじ]
(n) nape
項 [こう]
(n,pref) item
項に分かつ [こうにわかつ]
(exp) to paragraph
項位置 [こういち]
(n) argument position
項書換え [こうかきかえ]
(n) term rewriting
項垂れる [うなだれる]
(v1) to hang one's head
項番 [こうばん]
(n) item number
項目 [こうもく]
(n) item
項目ヘルプ [こうもくヘルプ]
(n) contextual help
項目別に分ける [こうもくべつにわける]
(exp) to classify by subject
項領 [こうりょう]
(n) collar
香 [きょう]
(n) (abbr) lance (shogi)
香 [こう]
(n) incense
香々 [こうこう]
(n) pickled vegetables
香しい [かぐわしい]
(adj) (uk) sweet-smelling
香の物 [こうのもの]
(n) pickled vegetables
香ばしい [かんばしい]
(adj) sweet
香ばしい [こうばしい]
(adj) sweet
香り [かおり]
(n) aroma
香る [かおる]
(v5r) to smell sweet
香を焚く [こうをたく]
(exp) to cense
香を聞く [こうをきく]
(exp) to smell incense
香煙 [こうえん]
(n) incense smoke
香華 [こうげ]
(n) flowers and incense
香気 [こうき]
(n) fragrance
香魚 [あゆ]
(n) sweetfish (freshwater trout)
香具 [こうぐ]
(n) perfumes
香具師 [こうぐし]
(n) master perfume maker
香具師 [やし]
(n) showman
香港 [ほんこん]
(n) Hong Kong
香港返還 [ほんこんへんかん]
(n) return of Hong Kong (to mainland China)
香香 [こうこう]
(n) pickled vegetables
香合 [こうごう]
(n) incense container
香合わせ [こうあわせ]
(n) incense-smelling game
香菜 [こうさい]
(n) coriander
香車 [きょうしゃ]
(n) spear (shogi)
香辛料 [こうしんりょう]
(n) spices
香水 [こうすい]
(n) perfume
香水瓶 [こうすいびん]
(n) bottle of perfume (scent)
香川県 [かがわけん]
(n) Kagawa prefecture (Shikoku)
香草 [こうそう]
(n) spice used for cooking
香典 [こうでん]
(n) condolence gift
香典返し [こうでんがえし]
(n) present given in return for funeral offering
香道 [こうどう]
(n) traditional incense-smelling game
香箱 [こうばこ]
(n) incense box
香味 [こうみ]
(n) spice
香味料 [こうみりょう]
(n) spice
香味料入れ [こうみりょういれ]
(n) spice rack
香木 [こうぼく]
(n) fragrant wood
香油 [こうゆ]
(n) pomade
香料 [こうりょう]
(n) flavoring
香炉 [こうろ]
(n) censer
香露 [こうろ]
(n) Kouro (brand of sake)
香奠 [こうでん]
(n) condolence gift
香盒 [こうごう]
(n) incense container
高 [たか]
(n) quantity
高々 [たかだか]
(adv) very high
高々指 [たかたかゆび]
(n) middle finger
高々度 [こうこうど]
(n) high altitude
高々度飛行 [こうこうどひこう]
(n) high-altitude flying
高い [たかい]
(adj) (1) high
高い濃度 [たかいのうど]
(n) high concentration
高が [たかが]
(adv) (uk) it's only .. (something)
高が知れている [たかがしれている]
(exp) to not amount to much
高さ [たかさ]
(n) height
高さを揃える [たかさをそろえる]
(exp) to make all of uniform height
高じる [こうじる]
(v5r) to grow in intensity
高ぶる [たかぶる]
(v5r) to be highly strung
高まり [たかまり]
(n) rise
高まる [たかまる]
(v5r) to rise
高み [たかみ]
(n) height
高める [たかめる]
(v1) to raise
高より低へ [こうよりていへ]
(n) from high to low
高らか [たからか]
(adj-na,n) loud
高を括る [たかをくくる]
(exp) to underrate
高圧 [こうあつ]
(n) high voltage
高圧縮 [こうあっしゅく]
(n) high compression
高圧線 [こうあつせん]
(n) high-voltage wire
高圧的 [こうあつてき]
(adj-na) high-handed
高圧電線 [こうあつでんせん]
(n) high-voltage line
高圧電流 [こうあつでんりゅう]
(n) high-tension current
高位 [こうい]
(adj-na,n) (1) dignity