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59 Cards in this Set

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Connective tissue in which fat is stored
adipose tissue
Layer of nonliving material that anchors epithelial tissue to underlying connective tissue.
basement membrane
Fluid circulated by the heart through a closed system of vessels
Connective tissue having protein fibers and a hard matrix of inorganic salts notably calcium salts.
Striated, involuntary muscle tissue found only in the heart.
cardiace muscle
Connective tissue in which the cells lie within lacunae embedded in a flexible, proteinaceous matrix.
White fiber in the matrix of connective tissue, givining flexibility and strength
collagen fiber
Type of epithelial tissue with cylindrical cells.
columnar epithelium
Type of bone that contains osteons consisting of concentric layers of matrix and osteocytes in lacunae.
compact bone
Type of animal tissue that binds structures together, provides support and protection, fills spaces, stores fat, and forms blood cells; adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood are types of connective tissue.
connective tissue
Type of epithelial tissue with cube-shaped cells.
cuboidal epithelium
Type of connective tissue containing many collagen fibers packed together; found in tendons and ligaments, for example.
dense fibrous connective tissue
In mammals, thick layer of the skin underlying the epidermis.
Type of cartilage composed of elastic fibers, allowing greater flexibility.
elastic cartilage
Yellow fiber in the matrix of connective tissue, providing flexibility.
elastic fiber
Ductless organ that secretes hormones into the bloodstream.
endocrine gland
In mammals, the outer, protective layer of the skin; in plants, tissue that covers roots, leaves, and stems of nonwoody organisms.
Tissue that lines hollow organs and covers surfaces.
epithelial tissue
Gland that secretes its product to an epithelial surface directly or through ducts.
exocrine gland
Connective tissue cell that synthesizes fibers and ground substance.
Cartilage with a matrix of strong collagenous fibers.
Epithelial cell or group of epithelial cells that are specialized to secrete a substance.
Tubelike depression in the skin in which a hair develops.
hair follicle
Maintenance of normal internal conditions in a cell or an organism by means of self regulating mechanisms.
Cartilage whose cells lie in lacunae separated by a white transluscent matrix containing very fine collagen fibers.
hyaline cartilage
Region that holds adjacent muscle cells together; disks appear as dense bands at right angles to the muscle striations.
intercalated disk
Small pit or hollow cavity, as in bone or cartilage, where a cell or cells are located.
Tough cord or band of dense fibrous tissue that binds bone to bone at a joint.
Tissue composed mainly of thousands of fibroblasts widely separated by a matrix containing collagen and elastic fibers.
loose fibrous connective tissue
Fluid, derived from tissue fluid, that is carried in lymphatic vessels.
Specialized cell in the epidermis that produces melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color.
Type of animal tissue composed of fibes that shorten and lengthen to produce movements.
muscular (contractile) tissue
Flattened epithelial tissue from the stratum lucidum of the skin; located on the tips of fingers and toes.
Mechanism of homeostatic response by which the output of a system suppresses or inhibits activity of the system.
negative feedback
Bundle of long axons outside the central nervous system.
Tissue that contains nerve cells (neurons), which conduct impulses, and neuroglia, which support, protect, and provide nutrients to neurons.
nervous tissue
Nonconducting nerve cells that are intimately associated with neurons and function in a supportive capacity.
Nerve cell that characteristically has three parts: dendrites, cell body, and an axon.
Gland on the skin, associated with hair follicle, that secretes sebum, sebaceous gland.
oil gland
Combination of two or more different tissues performing a common function.
Group of related organs working together.
organ system
Disease-causing agent such as viruses, parasitic bacteria, fungi, and animals.
Component of blood that is necessary to blood clotting.
Mechanism of homeostatic response in which the output of the system intensifies and increases the activity of the system.
positive feedback
Erythrocyte; contains hemoglobin and carries oxygen from the lungs or gills to the tissues in vertebrates.
red blood cell
Very thin collagen fibes in the matrix of connective tissue, highly branched and forming delicate supporting networks.
reticular fiber
Striated, voluntary muscle tissue that comprises skeletal muscles; also called striated muscle.
skeletal muscle
Outer covering of the body; can be called the integumentary system because it contains organs such as sense organs.
Nonstriated, involuntary muscles found in the walls of internal organs.
smooth (visceral) muscle
Type of bone that has an irregular, meshlike arrangement of thin plates of bone.
spongy bone
Type of epithelial tissue that contains flat cells.
squamous epithelium
Having bands; in cardiac and skeletal muscle, alternating light and dark bands produced by the distribution of contractile proteins.
A sheet that lies just beneath the skin and consists of loose connective and adipose tissue.
subcutaneous layer
Sking gland that secretes a fluid substance for evaporate cooling; sudoriferous gland.
sweat gland
Strap of fibrous connective tissue that connect skeletal muscle to bone.
Group of similar cells combined to perform a common function.
Fluid that surrouds the body's cells; consists of dissolved substances that leave the blood capillaries by filtration and diffusion.
tissue fluid
Fat-soluble compound; deficiency tends to cause rickets in children.
viatmin D
Leukocyte, of which there are several types, each having a specific function in protecting the body from invasion by foreign substances and organisms.
white blood cell