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46 Cards in this Set

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– decisions made by individuals, business firms, industries, and governments on a daily basis.
– deals with the broader issues of a nation; economic growth is a macroeconomic issue; aggregate
– a social cost; the exhaust out of a vehicle.
Opportunity Cost
– 1st priority and 2nd is what you give up to meet 1st
Positive v. Normative
Positive (what is) vs. Normative (what should be)
Efficient market place
– where the marginal benefit intersects the marginal cost; we will not purchase something unless the benefit outweighs the cost.
3 things to know about economics
What - are we doing it for
Whom - are we doing it for
How - are we doing it; production
Negative Externality
- Private benefit is greater than social benefit ; drug house in neighborhood analogy
Positive Exteranilty
- Social benefit is greater that private benefit
Equity v. Efficiency
-Eq. = fairness
-Eff. = How well resources are used and allocated; given the most output for given inputs
Ceteris Paribus
– holding equal value on all items; holding all items constant in order to make a purchase decision
Production Process
– turning resources into products and services that people want; the entire resource
4 parts os Production Process
- Entrepreneurship
- is how you manage your resources
- Capital
– all manufactured products used to produce other goods; specialized labor – personnel and equipment; analogy of putting a chain on a 15 speed bike … you need the right tool
- Labor
– both the mental and physical talents of people
- Land
– land in the usual sense; also, other natural resources used in production
Allocated efficiency
– the best result is based on the environment.
Technological efficiency
– using any combination as long as you use all your resources.
Marginal benefit ...
is the same as demand
- Demand Curve
– as $$$ rises, demand drops; characteristic is that the curve goes to the right and down.
Determinants of Demand
-Taste and preferences
-Prices of related goods
-Future prices
o Inferior goods
– goods related to demand declining and income increasing.
 Shifts to the left for superior goods if demand is going down
 Shifts to the right if demand is going down
o Normal good
– goods directly related, positively, to your income
- Future prices
– when a consumer expects a price increase they go all out and stock up
- As price increases, the quantity of supply increases or opposite; they (price and quantity) have to be moving in the same direction.
Determinants of Supply
- Expectation
- Price of other commodities
- Production of technology
- Cost of resources
- Taxes and Subsidies
- Cost of resources
- the more the cost of input the higher the price the less the supply.
- Production of technology
– how much output can be produced from given quantities.
- Price of other commodities
– if the price goes up your purchasing power goes up as long as you have stock in that product.
- Expectation
– the effects of future expectations effects the purchasing habits; price goes up tomorrow we buy heavy today.
- Shortage
– P is below equilibrium and Q demands exceeds Q supplied. Price ceiling leads to shortages; Katrina/ apt. analogy.
- Surplus
– P is over market equilibrium and Q supplied exceeds Q demanded. Price floor leads to a surplus; job analogy.
Consumer/ Producer Surplus
Consumer is always trying to push the P down and producer is always trying to push the P up; this is equilibrium.
Public Goods
is non-rival and non-excludable
- Private goods
– are excludable and rival, things no one can use at the same time. Red Bull analogy. While excluding this you take away from everyone else.
Free Riders
– people who don’t “pay their share” and use the same services.
Common Properties
– property that is shared; Edward’s Aquifer, stove, fridge, etc.
Adverse Selection
–producers trying to find the lowest risk
Moral Hazard
– tendency to take more risks if you had insurance
Asymmetric information
– one party having more info than the other; car losing value as it drives off the lot analogy
- Private cost
– things we use inside our use; gas, chips, drink
- Social cost
– things that society pays for; pollution Moral Hazard
3 goals of Macroec
- Low unemployment
- Low or stable inflation
- Economic growth
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
– sum of all final goods and services produced domestically within a given time period; 4 components.
- Full employment equilibrium
– it is at the natural rate of unemployment which fluctuates between 4-6%.