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78 Cards in this Set

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Purpose/ Location of HMP Shunt
To generate important intermediates not produced in other pathways:
Pentose phosphates, necessary for the synthesis of the nucleic acids found in DNA and RNA
Reduced NADPH, used for important metabolic functions including:
the biosynthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol, and sterols
the maintenance of reducing substrates in red blood cells necessary to ensure the functional integrity of the cells (reduce glutathione/ GSH, in red blood cells)
and drug metabolism
Active in the LIVER, mammary glands, testes, adipose tissue
Why is the HMP shunt a link with fat metabolism?
Fatty acid synthesis
Makes NADPHs, used as a reducing agent (hydrogen doner) in multiple parts of fatty acid synthesis
Also used to make cholesterol and other sterols
In Glycolysis how are substrate cycle enzymes regulated?
Glucokinase (Liver)/ Hexokinase (muscle)
When ↑ glucose
Turned on by: insulin
Turned off by glucagon

Turned on by: AMP, insulin
Turned off by: ATP, Citrate, H+, glucagon

Pyruvate Kinase
Turned on by fructose, 1,6 biphosphate, insulin
Turned off by: ATP, alanine, glucagon, epinephrine (liver only)
In Gluconeogenesis how are substrate cycel enzymes regulated?
Glucose 6 – phosphatase
Turned on by: glucagon
Turned off by: insulin

Fructose 1,6 biphosphatase
Turned on by: glucagon
Turned off by AMP

Pyruvate carboxylase & PEPCK
Turned on by: glucagon
Turned off by: insulin
Why might Fructose cause elevated lipid levels
Fructose enters glycolysis after PFK, the key regulatory enzyme, encouraging the continued production of energy even when plenty is available.
Glycogenolysis/glycogenesis: How are these regulated by hormones?
Insulin (insulin receptors in muscle/liver)

Glucagon (glucagon receptors in liver only

Epinephrine (adrenergic receptors (B-type) in the musle)
Glycogenolysis/glycogenesis: What are the two key enzymes?
Glycogen synthase
Glycogen phosphorylase (breaking glycogen down)
Describe the glucagon/epinephrine cascade
Glucagon(liver)/Epinepherine(B-receptor in muscle and liver)

+ adenylate cylase, ATP, ↑ cAMP via G protein

+ protein kinase A
Cascade of P (Ca++ amplifies signal)

Important for muscle cells during contraction

Nerve impulse (depolarized membrane, Ca++ efflux from sarcoplasmic reticulum)
Role of cAMP in glycogenolysis/glycogenesis
Hormone-triggered cAMP cascade controls glycogen metabolism by reciprocally regulating glycogen synthesis and breakdown
What is the end result? (P state of enzymes) during glycogenolysis/glycogenesis
Glycogen phosphorylase is P and is active

Glycogen synthase is P and is not active
What is the significance of calcium in muscle?
Important for muscle cells during contraction
Describe the insulin cascade
Insulin binds to insulin receptor (2 a or 2 b subunits)

Insulin binding site on a subunits (conformational change)

B subunits have tyrosine kinase activity (phosphorylation = active)

Auto-P of tyrosine residues of B subunits

Activate various signal transduction systems = glucose gets in
What is the end result (P state of enzymes)
Tyrosine residue is phosphorylated

Insulin destroys cAMP = ↓ kinases (stops phosphorylating) = ↓ glycogenolysis
In general – how do hormones influence the carbohydrate pathways?
1. + glycolysis (muscle)
2. + glycogenesis

1. + glycogenolysis (liver)
2. + gluconeogenesis
3. – glycolysis

1. + glycogenolysis (muscle)

Released under stress/starvation/exercise/diabetes
1. ↑ AA catabolism
2. + gluconeogenesis
What is the fate of lactate during/after activity?
During exercise
1. Consumed by the same tissue and never reaches the blood
2. At 60% V02 max or more spills into blood

After exercise
1. Goes to the heart and burned for ATP

2. Goes to the liver and is converted to glucose in Cori Cycle
Main gist of the Cori Cycle
Lactate goes to the liver and is converted to glucose through gluconeogenesis
What is glycemic index (GI) and how is it measured?
Blood glucose response of available carbohydrate in food relative to the effect of an equal amount of glucose (50 G)

Group of at least 10 subjects do two tests
1. Subjects are fasting
2. Test 1: 50 g card load of glucose
3. Test 2: 50 g carb load of test food
4. Blood is sampled (finger-prink or venous) at baseline and at 15-30 minute intervals for two hours
5. Typically 0min, 15 in, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min, and 2 hour intervals
6. A blood sugar response curve is constructed called area under the curve (AUC), AUC reflects the total rise in blood sugar levels after eating the test food
7. GI rating (%) = (AUC for the test food / AUC for glucose) x 100
8. Average of the GI rating from all ten subjects is published as the GI of that food
Give a few examples of high, moderate, low GI foods
i. High:
1. Gatorade
2. Jelly beans
3. Coco Puffs
4. White rice
5. Dates
ii. Moderate:
1. White bread
2. Sweet potato
3. Grapes
4. Raisins
iii. Low
1. Wheat bread
2. Carrots
3. Banana
4. Yams
5. Rye bread
Describe factors that influence GI
i. Gastric emptying
ii. Disruption digestion
iii. Amount of carb
iv. Ripeness of fruit
v. Nature of simple sugars (sucrose, fructose, lactose, glucose)
vi. Physical form of food: whole apple vs. apple juice
vii. Nature of starch: amylose, amylopectin, resistant starch
What is glycemic load (GL)?
i. The average GI of carbohydrate foods consumed and the total carbohydrate intake over a specific time period
ii. GL = GI x CHO g per serving
1. Ex. White bread
2. GI = 73
3. CHO per serving = 14
4. GL = 14 x .73 = 10
What is meal/dietary GI and how it is estimated?
i. Add up all the GL from each food
ii. Divide by total # CHOg
iii. Multiply by 100
iv. Ex: White Bread and cinnamon suger
v. White bread GL = .73 x 14g = 10
vi. 2 TB sugar = .68 x 10 = 7
vii. Total CHO = 24
viii. Total GL = 17
ix. (17/24)100 = 70
x. The GI for the meal is 70
Describe some of the limitations of the GI
i. Total AUC vs AUC with fasting level as baseline
ii. Is 2 hours sufficient for all foods/meals?
iii. Is it reproducible in individuals? Variability?
iv. Most Glycemic indices are from the average of 10 subjects
v. Assume Glycemic response = Insulin response when only 25% of variation in insulin response is explained by glucose response
In brief, what is the relative glycemic impact? (RGI)
i. The relative tendency of a given amount of food consumed in a single intake, such as serving, to induce a postprandial Glycemic response
ii. Determine amount of glucose reference required to give the same Glycemic response as a relevant amount of food (Equiglycemic) instead fo Equicarbohydrate
Why might it be a better measure?
i. It manipulates the amount of food to give the same Glycemic response as 50g of glucose
ii. Easier to explain
iii. Gives a good visual (glucose tubes)
iv. Allows people to compare foods based on Glycemic response (impact)
v. Glycemic impact, defined as "the weight of glucose that would induce a glycemic response equivalent to that induced by a given amount of food" expresses relative glycemic potential in grams of glycemic glucose equivalents (GGEs) per specified amount of food.
vi. Therefore, GGE behaves as a food component, and (relative) glycemic impact (RGI) is the GGE intake responsible for a glycemic response.
vii. RGI differs from glycemic index (GI) because it refers to food and depends on food intake, whereas GI refers to carbohydrate and is a unitless index value unresponsive to food intake.
viii. Glycemic load (GL) is the theoretical cumulative exposure to glycemia over a period of time and is derived from GI as GI x carbohydrate intake. Contracted to a single intake of food, GL approximates RGI but cannot be accurately expressed in terms of glucose equivalents, because GI is measured by using equal carbohydrate intakes with usually unequal responses.
ix. RGI, on the other hand, is based on relative food and reference quantities required to give equal glycemic responses and so is accurately expressed as GGE.
x. The properties of GGE allow it to be used as a virtual food component in food labeling and in food-composition databases linked to nutrition management systems to represent the glycemic impact of foods alongside nutrient intakes. GGE can also indicate carbohydrate quality when used to compare foods in equal carbohydrate food groupings.
How does DRI define Total Fiber and its components?
i. (2002) Total fiber: the sum of dietary fiber and functional fiber
ii. Dietary fiber: consists of nondigestible carbohydrates and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants
iii. Functional fiber: consists of isolated (synthestic or natural) nondigestible carbohydrates that have beneficial physiological effects in humans
How much fiber is currently being recommended for adults?
i. Males: 38g/d
ii. Females: 25g
iii. Based on heart disease reduction or 14g/1,000 kcals
What are the physical properties of non-viscous/non-fermentable(insoluble)?
i. Highly resistant to digestion by bacteria
ii. ↑ fecal volume/bulk
iii. ↑ luminal diameter of colon
iv. ↓ intraluminal pressure
v. Reduces colonic transit time
vi. Most hemicelluloses, cellulose, lignins, functional fiber
chemical composition of cellulose
Important component of plant cell wall
Linear polymer of glucoses held together by B-1,4 bonds
Forms ribbon like structure
H-bonding between adjacent chains imparts a 3-D microfibril structure
Ex. Bran, root veggies, cabbage, apple skins, nuts
chemical composition of hemicellulose
Component of the plant cell wall
Heterogenous polysaccharide
Backbone: Linear polymer of xylose/glucose
Side-chains: xylose, arabinose, galactose, mannose + other sugards
Forms monolayer over cellulose microfibrils Ex. Bran, whole grains, nuts
chemical composition Lignin
A non-CHO
Polymer of phenols
Attaches to other noncellulose polysaccharides in the plant cell wall
Ex. Edible seeds, carrots, wheat
What are the physical propertied of viscous/fermentable fibers (soluble)?
Enhanced satiety
Slows gastric emptying
Delay and interfere with absorption
Delays nutrient absorption
Lowers serum cholesterol
Fermentable by bacteris in loer GI: CO2, H2, methane, SCFAs
What are some of the other fibers?
i. Resistant starches
ii. Fructans
What are Functional Fibers? Give a few examples
a. Fibers added in food manufacturing
b. Cellulose, Pectin, lignin, gums, B-glucans, fructans, chitlin & chitosan, polydextrose & polyols, psyllium, resistant dextrins, resistant starches
What are prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics
a. Prebiotics: nondigestible food ingredients that may beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and or the activity of a limited number of bacteria in the colong. Thus to be effective, prebiotics must escape digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract and be used by a limited number of the microorganisms comprising the colonic microflora
b. Probiotics: live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. Resistant to gastric acid, pancreatic enzymes, etc.
c. Synbiotics: when prebiotic and probiotics are mixed together
What gastrointestinal disorders are associated with fiber?
i. Duodenal ulcers
ii. Constipation
iii. Diverticular disease
iv. Transit time/laxation
v. ↓ intraluminal pressure
How does fiber lower risk of heart disease?
i. Soluble fibers displace saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet
ii. Food sources rich in soluble fiber also good sources of tocotrienols/plant sterols
iii. Bind bile and increase bile excretion
iv. Bind bile and decrease micelle formation- interfere with bile/cholesterol absorption
v. SCFA production: proprionate inhibits cholesterol synthesis in liver
vi. Ratio of bile acids produced inhibits cholesterol/fat synthesis in the liver
How does fiber attenuate blood glucose levels? Other links with diabetes.
Slows digestion of CHOs
What about the link with colon cancer? (possible mechanisms of action) (why is existing data weak?)
i. Decreased exposure time to carcinogens
ii. Increase fecal bulk (dilute carcinogens)
iii. ↓ ratio of secondary bile which are carcinogenic
iv. Production of SCFAs induces cell apoptosis in human cancer cells
v. Epidemiological studies show some effect, but not all
What are the benefits of whole grains?
i. Antioxidants
ii. Antinutrients (tannins, saponins)
iii. Hormonally active components (phytosterols)
iv. Non-nutrient components
v. Unusual fatty acids
vi. Traditional nutrients
Breanna’s study on HEI and preschoolers: What was the purpose of this study?
i. To assess the diet quality of Greek preschoolers and the potential role of several sociodemographic factors leading to it
Breanna’s study on HEI and preschoolers: In general, what 10 components make up the HEI?
i. Grains
ii. Vegetables
iii. Fruits
iv. Milk
v. Meat
vi. Total Fat
vii. Saturated Fat
viii. Cholesterol
ix. Sodium
x. Variety
Breanna’s study on HEI and preschoolers: Most of these preschoolers had poor diets (HEI scores <50), what diet components needed improvement?
low veg
high sat fat
low PA
Breanna’s study on HEI and preschoolers: What factors were associated with HEI scores (table 5)?
i. Sex
ii. Age
iii. Place of living
iv. Maternal education status
v. Employment status
Breanna’s study on HEI and preschoolers: Results
e. Results: The majority of greek preschoolers had poor diets. Low HEI scores were associated with low levels of PA, low Veg intake, high sat fat intakes, lower maternal educational level and unemployment status
Nicole’s study on Elderly Diet Index (EDI): What were the objectives of this study?
i. To develop an index that assesses the degree of adherence to nutritional recommendations for older adults
ii. Investigate it’s association with risk factors related to cardiovascular disease
Nicole’s study on Elderly Diet Index (EDI): In general, 10 components make up the EDI?
i. Cereals
ii. Meat and meat products
iii. Vegetables
iv. Fruits
v. Legumes
vi. Fish and seafood
vii. Dairy products
viii. Bread
ix. Alcohol
x. Olive oil
Nicole’s study on Elderly Diet Index (EDI): What CVD risk factors did the EDI correlated with?
i. Obesity
ii. Hypertension
iii. Hypercholesterolemia
iv. Diabetes Mellitus
Nicole’s study on Elderly Diet Index (EDI): In general, with every 1 unit change in EDI score what was the change in risk in CVD risk factors?
i. For every 1 unit increase in the diet score was associated with almost 10% lower odds of being obese, HTN, or having at least one CVD risk factor
Nicole’s study on Elderly Diet Index (EDI): In general, what are the strengths/limitations of scores?
Easily used for evaluating diet quality in elderly
Can be used for prevention of CVD daily
Easily understood and goal oriented to patients
Wide-range scoring system instead of binary (better accuracy)

Components contribute equally to the calculation of the total score- not all food groups impact health the same
Done in a cross sectional design- may not be valid
Jenny’s study on diet sugar, GI and adiposity/insulin in Latino Youth: What was the aim of this study?
a. To determine which aspects of dietary CHO (sugar), fiber, Glycemic index or Glycemic load are associated with adiposity and insulin dynamics in overweight Latino children
Jenny’s study on diet sugar, GI and adiposity/insulin in Latino Youth: Who were the subjects?
a. 8-13 yrs
b. BMI > 85 precentile for age and sex
c. Latino ancestry
d. Hx of type 2 diates in > 1 relative
Jenny’s study on diet sugar, GI and adiposity/insulin in Latino Youth: What do figures 1 and 2 show?
a. Subject characteristics
i. Sex, age, tanner stage, BMI, BMI z scores, total fat in kg, total lean tissue mass in kg, fasting glucose, 2-h glucose, insulin sensitivity, acute insulin response, disposition index
b. Dietary variables
i. Energy
ii. Fat
iii. CHO
iv. Protein
v. Total sugars
vi. Added sugars
vii. Dietary Fiber
viii. Glycemic index
ix. Glycemic load
Jenny’s study on diet sugar, GI and adiposity/insulin in Latino Youth: What % of total variation in fat mass and insulin sensitivity was associated with dietary sugar?
a. 2.4% variance in total body fat mass
b. 5.6% variance in SI
Jenny’s study on diet sugar, GI and adiposity/insulin in Latino Youth: How do the authors explain the results – why was only sugar associated?
a. With adjustments total dietary sugar was the only dietary variable significantly correlated with adiposity variables and insulin dynamics
b. Total sugar was positively correlated with BMI
c. Total sugar was positively correlated with total fat mass
d. Total sugar was inversely correlated with insulin sensitivity and disposition index
Leslie’s study on diet and HbA1C: What was the objective of this study?
a. Determine whether diet composition was associated with subsequent glycated hemoglobin concentrations during intensive therapy for type 1 diabetes
Leslie’s study on diet and HbA1C: Who were the subjects?
a. Male and female
b. 13-39yrs
c. From DCCT study
Leslie’s study on diet and HbA1C: What dietary factors were associated with higher HBA1C values (table 2)?
a. Total fat
b. Saturated fat
c. Monounsaturated fat
d. Insulin dose
Leslie’s study on diet and HbA1C: What are the main findings from Table 2?
a. Saturated, monounsaturated, total fat and total insulin dose were directly associated with HbA1c
b. CHO inversely associated with HbA1c
Leslie’s study on diet and HbA1C: What did the authors conclude?
Diets higher in fat and saturated fats and lower in CHO were associated with worse glycemic control
Marsha’s study on whole grains, refined grains and cereal fiber and risk factors of disease: What was the objective of the study?
Examine associations between whole grains, refined grains and cereal fiber and selected disease risk factors
Marsha’s study on whole grains, refined grains and cereal fiber and risk factors of disease: Who were the subjects?
a. 1958: White men
b. 1978: women and minorities
c. 27-88 years
Marsha’s study on whole grains, refined grains and cereal fiber and risk factors of disease: What were the main findings from tables 3/4?
a. As WG & CG intake increased:
i. BMI, weight, waist circumference decreased
ii. Total and LDL cholesterol decreased
iii. Postprandial glucose decreased
iv. HDL decreased with increased whole grains
Marsha’s study on whole grains, refined grains and cereal fiber and risk factors of disease: What does figure 1 show?
a. Participants who ate more WGs and CG: older women, lower weight/BMI, had a positive association with vitamin use and did not smoke
b. Participants who ate more refined grains were younger and inversely associated with being female, positively associated with PA and being a college graduate
Marsha’s study on whole grains, refined grains and cereal fiber and risk factors of disease: What can we say about whole grains/cereal fiber?
a. Weight, BMI, waist circumference inversely associated
b. Total and LDL cholesterol inversely associated
c. 2-H glucose inversely associated
Priya’s study of Prebiotics: What was the purpose of this study?
a. To investigate the effect on an infant milk formula with 6g/L scGOS and lcFOS on the development of the fecal sIgA response and on the composition of the intestinal microbiota in 215 healthy infants during the first 26 weeks of life
Priya’s study of Prebiotics: What prebiotic was used?
Short chain galacto-oligosaccharides and long chain fructo-oligosaccharides
Priya’s study of Prebiotics: How long was study?
a. 6 month intervention period
Priya’s study of Prebiotics: What were the main findings and their meaning?
a. An infant milk formula with 6g prebiotic in a ratio of 9:1 resulted in higher concentrations of fecal sIgA, suggesting a positive effect on mucosal immunity
b. Prebiotic formula fed infants had a lower % of E.coli and Clostridium than the control group
c. In the whole group, prebiotic formula fed infants had higher % of bifidobacteria than the control group
Letisia’s study on Diet and type 2 diabetes: What was the purpose of this study?
Test the effect of low GI diet on glycemic control and CVD risk factors in men and postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes
Letisia’s study on Diet and type 2 diabetes: What were the 2 diet groups?
a. Low GI diet
i. Quinoa, flaxseed, pumpernickel bread, oatmeals, oat bran, lentils, beans, 5 veg/ 3 temperate fruit (apples, pears, peaches)
b. High-Cereal fiber diet
i. Whole wheat, brown rice, 5 veg/3 tropical fruit
Letisia’s study on Diet and type 2 diabetes: Make note of the distribution of kcals, fiber, and dietary GI in the low GI group.
a. Carbs = 42% Kcals
b. Total Kcals: 1706
c. Fiber: 18.7g
d. GI: 69.6
Letisia’s study on Diet and type 2 diabetes: How long was the study?
24 wks
Letisia’s study on Diet and type 2 diabetes: What were the major findings?
a. Low GI diet = moderate decrease in HbA1c
b. Moderate decrease in BW
c. Moderate increase in HDL-C compared with a modest drop in HDL-C for high CF group
Courtney’s study on the CCD study: What was the purpose of this study?
a. Compare the effects of alternating the glycemic index or amount of CHO in subjects with T2DM
b. Effects on HbA1c, plasma glucose, lipids, CRP
Courtney’s study on the CCD study: What were the 3 diet groups studied?
a. High GI: ↑CHO & ↑GI
b. Low GI: ↑CHO & ↓GI
c. Low-CHO: ↓CHO & ↑MUFA
Courtney’s study on the CCD study: Make note of the distribution of kcals, fiber, and dietary GI in the low GI group.
a. Low GI: CHO 20-25% of kcals
b. GI: 55.1
Courtney’s study on the CCD study:How long was this study?
a. 1 yr
Courtney’s study on the CCD study: What were the major findings?
a. Lower CRP in Low GI group
b. No change in HbA1c
c. Lower OGTT in Low GI group
d. Initial decline, then steady rise in FPG that exceeded baseline